[HN Gopher] TikTok wants to keep tracking iPhone users with stat...
       TikTok wants to keep tracking iPhone users with state-backed
       Author : a-human
       Score  : 324 points
       Date   : 2021-03-16 14:24 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arstechnica.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arstechnica.com)
       | hackererror404 wrote:
       | The writing on the wall has been clear for years... China won't
       | play nice. It's far past time Apple and every other serious tech
       | player gets the heck out of China.
         | freebuju wrote:
         | For Apple that would be akin to committing suicide
       | yorwba wrote:
       | I wonder how that fits with the Ministry of Industry and
       | Information Technology's recent notice to 136 companies to stop
       | their excessive collection of user data by March 17 or cease
       | operation:
       | https://www.miit.gov.cn/xwdt/gxdt/sjdt/art/2021/art_7e5c3fa7...
       | Maybe the kind of collection CAID enables is considered
       | acceptable? Or it's just a case of different departments planning
       | past each other.
       | hackererror404 wrote:
       | The writing on the wall has been clear for years. Apple and every
       | other tech company that cares at all about privacy (should be any
       | tech company) needs to get the heck out of China... We
       | desperately need supply chain diversity.
       | egypturnash wrote:
       | So basically TikTok is saying "please take us off the app store"
       | except the hard way. Apple still hasn't budged on Epic trying to
       | get rid of their cut on all Fortnite Fun-Buxxx sales through iOS,
       | what makes TikTok think announcing they are going to blatantly
       | violate the spirit, and possibly the letter, of Apple's no-
       | tracking rules isn't gonna result in their app getting pulled?
       | I guess maybe they're hoping for a decision in the Apple-Epic
       | trial that leaves Apple hurting? Looks like the trial's coming in
       | May. And maybe Facebook's suing them over being forced to reveal
       | how much tracking they do, too.
         | vlovich123 wrote:
         | Well, having serious support in China (including from the CCCP)
         | is one way. Epic wouldn't matter here since China is an
         | extremely important market for Apple.
           | hackererror404 wrote:
           | not just an important market, an integral part of their
           | supply chain. Without China, Apple wouldn't be able to make a
           | single product as it stands today. China has all the power in
           | that relationship.
             | gridder wrote:
             | Well said, this should be told more often.
           | franklampard wrote:
           | ccccp
             | nativeimigrant wrote:
             | ccccccccp
       | newbie578 wrote:
       | Would love to see Tim Apple address this issue, since he so loves
       | privacy and the rules when Facebook and Epic are concerned..
       | Majestic121 wrote:
       | "Three people with knowledge of briefings between Apple and
       | developers also said the Cupertino, California-based company
       | would be wary of taking strong action, despite a clear violation
       | of its stated rules, if CAID has the support of China's tech
       | giants as well as its government agencies."
       | That's chilling.
       | I tend to have a good opinion of Apple regarding privacy
       | protection, even though I'm not an Apple user, but if even them
       | bow down like this, I'm not sure which company would have the
       | backbone to stand up to the CCP.
         | JumpCrisscross wrote:
         | This hasn't played out yet. I'm curious who put this into
         | multiple news streams this week. Apple doesn't want to
         | unilaterally block TikTok for using a state-backed solution.
         | But if Washington requires it to -\\_(tsu)_/-.
         | ActorNightly wrote:
         | >I tend to have a good opinion of Apple regarding privacy
         | protection
         | The Apple privacy push is for Apple protecting your data from
         | 3d parties. Apple still collects plenty of information by
         | itself.
         | From a consumer standpoint, there should be no difference if
         | you care about privacy.
         | If you really want control over your data, you need a rooted
         | Android phone running a custom rom with no Google apps, and use
         | something like Firefox Focus for web interfaces to all the apps
         | that you use.
         | kop316 wrote:
         | > I tend to have a good opinion of Apple regarding privacy
         | protection.
         | From my understanding:
         | https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/icloud/en/gcbd...
         | https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208351
         | If you are in mainland china, a state owned telco owns the keys
         | and the data stored in iCloud, so you really don't have any
         | privacy with Apple if you are in China. It more or less ruins
         | my opinion of Apple's stance of privacy.
         | akmarinov wrote:
         | There's about 85.3 billion reasons a year for them to not stand
         | up to the CCP and in the end Apple's interest in privacy is
         | mostly a tool to differentiate its offerings from the
         | competition so they can sell people stuff.
           | imglorp wrote:
           | It's a $2.2 trillion dollar company with $200 billion in
           | cash. They can easily afford to do the right thing. If they
           | offered a private device and said to all governments "take it
           | or leave it" then those governments would answer only to
           | their people if they banned the device.
           | Of course, name one public corporation that would leave a
           | little cash on the table, ever, to do the right thing.
             | themacguffinman wrote:
             | Google completely pulled out of China and practically all
             | their products are banned & blocked in China as a result.
             | Although considering most people don't even mention it and
             | are happy to excuse companies like Apple, it's more of an
             | example of how utterly meaningless it is for a company to
             | do something like this. I'm sure Google, Apple, and their
             | competitors will never repeat this mistake again.
             | kingaillas wrote:
             | I think China has some extra leverage to deploy here: China
             | can respond "We leave it. Oh, one more thing: our domestic
             | market is off limits to you. Pray we don't alter the deal
             | further by kicking your manufacturing out too."
               | mrweasel wrote:
               | Kicking out Apple manufactoring won't happen, because
               | it's actually dangerous to Chinese manufactoring. Apple
               | is currently one of the only companies who could deal
               | with being banned in China. It won't be cheap or easy,
               | but Apple could move manufactoring. They already have a
               | deal with an Indian company who makes older iPhones for
               | the indian market.
               | Apple is also one of the few companies who can either
               | absorb the additional cost or even pass it on to
               | customers.
               | But IF Apple was to move manufactoring it would set a
               | dangerous precedence for other companies and potentially
               | start a supply chain completely outside China.
               | michaelt wrote:
               | _> Kicking out Apple manufactoring won't happen [...] it
               | would set a dangerous precedence_
               | Ah, but if you don't care about setting a public example,
               | you can punish them in more subtle ways.
               | The traditional trick in corrupt countries is to have a
               | bunch rules that aren't enforced and everyone breaks all
               | the time - then if the leaders decide they don't like you
               | they just start enforcing the rules on you.
               | A corrupt regime would simply announce they were shocked
               | - shocked! - to find parts of Apple's Chinese supply
               | chain had low environmental standards.
               | tumetab1 wrote:
               | You're assuming the shareholders would support such
               | decision.
               | Keep in mind there's a legal mandate for public traded
               | companies to increase share holders value. It's grey-ish
               | legal requirement but I don't think the executive
               | management wants to risk the legal consequences of doing
               | the right thing.
               | Edit: it's shareholders and not stakeholders that matter.
               | mensetmanusman wrote:
               | You can make an argument that it increases shareholder
               | value long term because if China increases human rights,
               | it increases the shareholder value of the world in
               | monetary terms because people will be better off.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | > Keep in mind there's a legal mandate for public traded
               | companies to increase share holders value. It's grey-ish
               | legal requirement but I don't think the executive
               | management wants to risk the legal consequences of doing
               | the right thing.
               | What are the legal consequences? I keep reading about
               | these mysterious laws that require management to maximize
               | shareholder value or profits or whatnot, but I've never
               | heard of a court punishing management for not doing so
               | (never mind the fact that it's impossible to define and
               | prove per legal standards).
               | mrweasel wrote:
               | If Apple was kicked out of China, leaving them with no
               | Chinese manufacturing... ? In that case the shareholders
               | have no option, it's either that or sell no new devices.
               | If you mean that the shareholders would rather please the
               | Chinese government, rather than risk getting kicked out
               | of China, then yes, I think Apple would go a long way to
               | not piss off China.
             | Cederfjard wrote:
             | Exactly. Whether a major corporation technically could do
             | "the right thing" at the expense of their own bottom line
             | is a moot point, and it'd take a fundamental shift in our
             | society for that to change. Rather, getting them to act in
             | a way that's beneficial to as many people as possible is a
             | matter of economic incentives and regulation.
         | tediousdemise wrote:
         | China is their bottom line when it comes to fab. If China kicks
         | Apple out, we can expect 50k dollar iPhones soon thereafter.
         | It's sad that China has outcompeted the western world, but it
         | makes sense when you consider the fact that they engage in
         | human rights abuses to do so.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _If China kicks Apple out, we can expect 50k dollar iPhones
           | soon thereafter_
           | Do you really believe that people in India spend $50,000 on
           | the iPhones that are made in India, or are you just being
           | hyperbolic?
             | tediousdemise wrote:
             | It's just my pessimism about greedy American companies, who
             | pass all costs onto the consumer without remorse.
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | That's called business. Entity A provides a product or
               | service to entity B. The price entity B pays Entity A is
               | greater than the price entity A pays to create the
               | product or service.
               | The alternative is Entity A being a charity.
           | notyourwork wrote:
           | I'm not sure its outcompeted in the traditional sense if
           | production doesn't follow environmental standards and
           | pollutes the world. We love to buy cheap stuff because once
           | it ships over the pacific the pollution isn't our problem. At
           | some point we will pay for cheap electronics from the asian
           | world.
           | CerealFounder wrote:
           | Say it with me. You cant be a mature service economy AND an
           | ultra cheap manufacturing economy. It's not said, its far
           | more lucrative to to be the former than the latter. This is
           | just an odd consequence that their investments are so
           | concentrated in a single place. and that place is peak
           | antithetical to fair economic fights.
             | aroman wrote:
             | > Say it with me. You cant be a mature service economy AND
             | an ultra cheap manufacturing economy.
             | What immutable law prevents this from being true?
         | powerapple wrote:
         | I don't think Apple should care about CAA. It is a private
         | organization, although it may have ways to lobby the
         | government, it is far from CCP's business. Of course, it has
         | all the big companies' support, it might be a problem for
         | Apple.
         | Also I don't think Apple's policy would be a big problem for
         | CAID. After all, you just need to ask your user's permission
         | when loading your game, I am sure people will just click yes.
         | If they don't, they are not your target user anyway.
         | I hope Apple hold a strong stance on this. Previous Tencent
         | refused to pay Apple 30% of payment made to authors on WeChat,
         | they resolved it by Apple backing down by not asking for the
         | cut for those payments. It was a big story for a while. Apple's
         | decision would be based on market.
       | nerdjon wrote:
       | I am concerned about the claims that Apple will turn a blind eye
       | to this, I hope it does not get wide usage.
       | On a side note... it is stories like this that really make me
       | hate being in the tech industry (yes I know that is a very large
       | net to cast) sometimes.
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | I sympathize with that sentiment. One of the few things I can
         | tell myself is my role isn't involved in this side of things.
         | The only thing that has helped from getting totally
         | disillusioned is having hobbies that are not tech related.
       | soheil wrote:
       | This is a story because it's fashionable to hate on China. This
       | has been going on in the US for years already. Using terms like
       | CAID without an explanation to what it is makes the reader scared
       | that China has somehow been able to infiltrate iOS to track
       | users, this is bad journalism. CAID is a simple advertising id
       | used across apps, there is no hacking of iOS or an incredible
       | technical prowess on the the side of China that we should all be
       | afraid of, etc.
       | The term "state-backed" in the title should be removed, HN is not
       | a political battleground.
         | loveistheanswer wrote:
         | >there is no hacking of iOS or an incredible technical prowess
         | on the the side of China that we should all be afraid of, etc.
         | Claiming China (or the US, UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.) does
         | not have incredible technical prowess and hacking abilities is
         | silly. Though if you're simply claiming this specific example
         | is not evidence of that prowess, I'd agree. I also agree that
         | US companies are doing very similar types of cyber stalking,
         | but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it when we find
         | other countries such as China doing it
         | publicola1990 wrote:
         | Indeed is Instagram or Snapchat doing possibly something
         | similar?
         | jug wrote:
         | Good. So it sounds like it's no big deal if Apple blocks TikTok
         | until the circumvention of App Store policy is resolved then.
       | tediousdemise wrote:
       | As much as I like Apple products, it looks like the privacy buck
       | stops at China.
       | The western world needs to desperately work on making their
       | supply chains independent of the CCP, lest they'd like their
       | supply chains to be poisoned at some point in the future.
       | I'm a big fan of Purism and everything that they are doing. I
       | hope their software and hardware matures with the same level of
       | polish we've come to know and expect from Apple products, and
       | will be an early investor if they ever decide to IPO.
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | This is what made me stop using Apple products altogether.
         | Their privacy and security bit is all smoke and mirrors, and
         | I'd much rather just directly understand what my privacy model
         | looks like instead of trying to surmise what's going on through
         | the other side of the frosted glass. Their compliance with
         | China's Uighur roundup is despicable, and I don't trust them in
         | the slightest to defend tech in the long-term. They're out to
         | make money, which is why they're the most profitable business
         | in the world.
           | lotsofpulp wrote:
           | > They're out to make money, which is why they're the most
           | profitable business in the world.
           | Everyone I know is out to make money. Apple is the most
           | profitable because they're selling something with high demand
           | that people are willing and able to pay for.
         | gfiorav wrote:
         | You'll see how the west is going to "rebrand" globalization
         | from the "world savior" to "a dependency issue". We're going
         | back.
         | Everyone thought that as new countries got richer, they would
         | follow in the steps of western values (democracy, free markets,
         | etc.). Yet, all we really achieved is to fund the CCP. And now
         | they're not letting investors get their money out and they're
         | putting military bases where they swore they would never.
         | Great.
         | Of course, the world is more "equal" in general, but not in the
         | concrete edge cases. For already developed countries, it's a
         | nightmare that destroyed the industry and the middle class. For
         | developing countries, it's a nightmare where a powerful few
         | (CCP) have more resources than ever to suppress their people
         | and relinquish power.
         | The only way forward is back. Let's keep the diversity and the
         | share of information and progress. Let's reverse the economic
         | dependency hell we've cornered ourselves into.
         | P.D: I have nothing but sympathy for the Chinese people. I
         | admire their resolve and creativity. I hate the CCP and how
         | people all over the world have come to relativize even our core
         | values as a society (democracy, freedom of speech, etc). We're
         | really close to a middle-ages screw up if we don't remember
         | what we stand for.
           | api wrote:
           | > Everyone thought that as new countries got richer, they
           | would follow in the steps of western values (democracy, free
           | markets, etc.).
           | This is the key idea that has failed: the idea that
           | prosperity equals or leads to social liberalism and human
           | rights, or that the two are interdependent.
           | This idea appears to be wrong, having been disproven by
           | China.
           | Totalitarianism and prosperity can co-exist just fine.
           | Totalitarianism and capitalism can even co-exist to a degree,
           | with the totalitarian tendency to kneecap the extremely
           | wealthy being outweighed by the totalitarian ability to
           | forcibly suppress workers' rights movements and pushes for
           | higher wages. Totalitarians can also backstop the economy,
           | stepping in in the event of a crash and forcing number to go
           | up by edict. That benefits the investor class at the expense
           | of the working class by effectively writing down wages and
           | inflating assets.
           | This means utilitarian arguments for freedom and human rights
           | fail. That's a big deal and undermines at least a half
           | century of libertarian and neoliberal talking points. It
           | means human rights must be argued for on purely spiritual,
           | moral/ethical, or hedonic grounds, not utilitarian grounds.
           | I think the collapse of this key idea is as much a driver of
           | the global push-back against globalism as working class
           | economic concerns and cultural xenophobia, if not more. Human
           | beings are philosophical beings and coherent narratives and
           | ideas matter to us. When China showed that you could have
           | totalitarianism and prosperity, the bottom fell out of the
           | argument for the whole project.
             | gfiorav wrote:
             | Yes, pretty much agree. I'll say that in the end people
             | want their freedom.
             | I didn't believe this until the lockdown. Being told what
             | to do is something that makes you instantly appreciate
             | freedom.
             | There will always be revolt, given enough time. CCP have
             | outdone themselves in that department though. They've
             | learnt from USSR and Cuba.
             | In USSR/Cuba people know. They talk to outsiders and
             | realize the don't live like they're better. China has
             | learnt and told their citizens that they're bullied
             | everywhere so the CCP was made to protect them. Genius
             | really.
               | api wrote:
               | The CCP is also building a surveillance state that may
               | allow them to preemptively shut down any dissent before
               | it gains any traction and do so in real time. Unlike most
               | Western states there isn't even a pretense of legal or
               | constitutional restraint. They can surveil with total
               | impunity and more importantly _use that data with total
               | impunity_. Western governments are at least constrained
               | on the second part if not the first.
               | That is fucking scary. We have invented a set of
               | technologies that could be used to create an un-
               | overthrowable dictatorship and permanently enslave the
               | human race... to get people to click ads.
               | tjs8rj wrote:
               | Do people want their freedom? For many people even today
               | there's a strong desire for comfort, familiarity, duty,
               | etc over freedom. We aren't allowed to urinate in public,
               | even if we are careful to avoid making a mess, a health
               | hazard, or to flash anyone - because we've deemed that
               | freedom not worth the costs to comfort in walking your
               | streets without people peeing in public. You can't own
               | military grade artillery anymore, you can't curse on the
               | radio, you can't work as a child, you can't purchase
               | cigarettes under 18, you can't even legally drive or even
               | prove your capable of driving safely before 16 (much less
               | vote). There's plenty of freedoms we forgo for some
               | degree of security and comfort, and we wanted a different
               | balance of freedom, security, and comfort just a few
               | years ago, or decades ago, and we'll likely want a
               | different balance in 10 more years. Plenty of people in
               | 2020 were totally fine with fines and enforced curfews in
               | light of protests, riots, and pandemic. Freedom doesn't
               | seem like a true north for humans
           | tartoran wrote:
           | It's a bit late for that. Not sure if it is too late though.
           | Without changing a few essential philosophies such as
           | consumerism the whole world is dependent on China's
           | manufacture strength. Without scooping heavily into the
           | resouces of the top 1% who benefited most from globalization
           | this whole thing is also impossible to achieve. Without
           | taxing the corporations a higher rate the middleclass won't
           | be able to recover. I don't see anything being done about
           | this.
             | gfiorav wrote:
             | Oh, it's super late! In the short term, China will
             | definitely be the largest economy (it's just about
             | demographics + GDP).
             | The only thing that could challenge that is:
             | 1) World war (please no)
             | 2) China is chopped up (but that's why they crack down on
             | Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc)
             | So I think we might see another rebranding about what it
             | means to be the n1 economy. Or they might come up with a
             | new metric hehe.
             | The fact of the matter is that China's rule won't last long
             | because:
             | 1) It's governed by a bunch of hand picked corrupt and
             | ignorant bunch called the CCP (although they've done
             | propaganda and brainwashing far better than the USSR, I'll
             | give them that)
             | 2) There's a demographic bomb incoming for China (not
             | enough children).
               | tartoran wrote:
               | How about the top down governing approach that works in
               | some situations and is a disaster in others? Currently
               | favorable but times change.
               | Second, we should not hope that an opponent does worse
               | than us to make us look better but we should simply
               | better ourselves in the first place. Currently I'm seeing
               | only decline and disunity in the western civilization,
               | very short term thinking and lack of vision, but I'm
               | aware that's just a phase that is possible to flip
               | anytime.
         | jonathannat wrote:
         | For those who wants to stop supporting China, don't lose hope.
         | Supply chains are migrating, due to tariffs, sanctions, and
         | hatred towards CCP. Don't let naysayers who may have a vested
         | interest in China talk you down. Just keep checking where the
         | product you are buying is coming from.
         | - check https://chinalawblog.com and you will see that
         | companies are indeed moving out of China at a quick pace. In
         | fact, the site advocates that you do not think of China as the
         | default manufacturing...
         | - most citizens in other countries hates China now.
         | https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/10/06/unfavorable-
         | vi.... this dictates shifting consumer behavior (more and more
         | people will choose items made not in China). US citizens has a
         | 20% favorable view of China.
         | https://thehill.com/homenews/news/543354-view-of-china-as-gr...
         | - No one wants to go to China right now. If you want to go, you
         | are subjected to an anal swab covid test, mandatory spyware on
         | your phone, plus visa incentive that requires you to use their
         | state covid vaccine (50% efficacy!). Not to mention foreigner
         | kidnappings and disbar from leaving the country. No company in
         | their right mind would send their staff to China to increase
         | footprint there
         | - from footwear
         | https://footwearnews.com/2021/business/trade/us-footwear-
         | imp..., to furniture
         | https://www.furnituretoday.com/opinion/sourcing-strategies/b...
         | to electronics https://www.wsj.com/articles/samsungs-shift-
         | away-from-china-..., there's a steady pace of companies (big
         | and small) moving out of china
         | [deleted]
         | topspin wrote:
         | > The western world needs to desperately work on making their
         | supply chains independent of the CCP
         | The western world can't. The world is only so big and the
         | remaining sites of refuge for cheap, exploitable labor and
         | Potemkin regulatory regimes are few. Almost any alternative
         | place you might cite is either already beholden to China (the
         | viable parts of Africa) or too unstable (due to endemic
         | corruption, external threats, etc.) to risk.
         | Insourcing is obviously out of the question; the wealthy
         | Western establishment is violently intolerant of industrial
         | expansion.
           | jonathannat wrote:
           | > The western world can't.
           | I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but supply
           | chains have been moving to
           | Vietnam/Malaysia/Indonesia/India/Mexico for the last few
           | years, and the trend is only increasing.
           | There's literally a growing military alliance (US, India,
           | Australia, Japan) against China right now. Also not to
           | mention other countries (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, US)
           | actively incentivizing their companies to onshore or move out
           | of China. And because South China Sea is crucial to the
           | growth of SE Asian economies, now France/UK/Germany along
           | with Japan/US have warships sailing there to stop China's
           | expansion.
           | So yes, the western world can.
             | fossuser wrote:
             | Agreed - I suspect Apple (and others) are doing this as
             | fast as they can to de-risk.
             | They can't blow up their existing relationships in the mean
             | time, but they _can_ blow them up once they have another
             | option in place. At the very least, they 'll have more
             | leverage in negotiation.
             | nomel wrote:
             | It appears that Apple is part of that trend:
             | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-foxconn-vietnam-apple-
             | exc...
               | jonathannat wrote:
               | Incomplete list of companies moving out of China.
               | Adidas & Lacoste: https://www.glossy.co/fashion/lacoste-
               | and-adidas-pledge-to-c...
               | Nike: https://www.gq.com/story/nike-adidas-shifting-
               | production-asi...
               | Hasbro: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/23/hasbro-to-cut-
               | china-producti...
               | Samsung: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-samsung-elec-
               | china/samsun...
               | GoPro: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/10/gopro-is-moving-
               | camera-produ...
               | LG Electronics: http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/artic
               | leView.html?idxno=5...
               | Sharp: https://9to5mac.com/2019/08/02/out-of-china/
               | Hyundai: https://tfipost.com/2020/04/big-hyundai-steel-
               | and-several-ot...
               | Nintendo: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/gaming/2019
               | /07/09/ninten...
           | lotsofpulp wrote:
           | > Insourcing is obviously out of the question; the wealthy
           | Western establishment is violently intolerant of industrial
           | expansion.
           | As far as I can tell, it's simply more expensive to insource,
           | taking into account wages, labor regulations, and
           | environmental regulations. If and when other countries catch
           | up to the production costs in the US, then there won't be a
           | reason to ship things halfway around the world.
             | pydry wrote:
             | It's frequently not cheaper and occasionally more
             | expensive. One reason it is popular is that it gives the
             | managers who oversee it a lot more power and control:
             | https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/05/more-on-the-myth-
             | of-...
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Managers can't force people to buy products based on how
               | they like power and control. They either deliver an
               | acceptable price to value ratio, or people buy something
               | else.
               | I couldn't figure out what point the article you linked
               | to was trying to make, but the fact that pretty much
               | everything you buy is not stamped with "Made in USA"
               | means that the cost to make it in the US was higher than
               | elsewhere, and presumably people would choose to not buy
               | it.
               | It wasn't because there was a manager's convention and
               | they all agreed to send the work abroad so they could
               | have more power and control. It's because if they didn't,
               | their competitor would have, and Walmart would have
               | chosen to put that cheaper product on their shelves
               | rather than yours.
               | pydry wrote:
               | Products low on the value chain that are unskilled-labor
               | intensive are almost universally cheaper abroad. It
               | wouldn't make economic sense to make t shirts in the US
               | unless consumers paid a premium.
               | Products high up on the value chain - the kind you don't
               | dress up in your best slacks to go and buy at Walmart are
               | a different story, however.
               | I can count several software projects that were
               | outsourced off the top of my head that were ostensibly
               | done for cost savings purposes and were utter disasters.
               | These disasters are routinely covered up and bullshitted,
               | too.
               | This has at the same time not dampened the appetite for
               | outsourcing software much. Coordination (i.e. management)
               | costs are higher. Consulting companies can bill millions
               | for these projects.
               | This is the point the article was making - pretty
               | cogently.
               | It's less of a smoke-filled room conspiracy and more of a
               | mundane "conspiracy" to shape the supply/demand curve.
             | mdpopescu wrote:
             | Or, if the parent is correct, the rest of the world will
             | never catch up - because the US will keep adding
             | regulations to keep itself more expensive.
           | CountSessine wrote:
           | Yes - because manufacturing in the West is ultimately self-
           | defeating. Success breeds complacency and labor unrest. This
           | isn't just a China-thing (I have no idea what your Potemkin
           | regulation is or why you would mix those metaphors).
           | When Westerners see an absurdly profitable company, they
           | think, "why aren't they paying their employees more??!" and
           | start a union to parasitize earnings.
           | When Asians (including the Japanese and Koreans) see an
           | absurdly profitably company, they think, "why are they able
           | to charge such high prices???!" and they kneecap the
           | company's ability to exploit their market.
           | It's an important difference for manufacturing physical
           | things and it's why the West loses out to Asia in
           | manufacturing outside cutting-edge tech. It's defective
           | wetware in our heads and how we think about wealth and
           | creating value, so don't expect manufacturing supply chains
           | to return to Western countries any time soon.
             | tw04 wrote:
             | >When Westerners see an absurdly profitable company, they
             | think, "why aren't they paying their employees more??!" and
             | start a union to parasitize earnings.
             | Saying that employees expecting a livable wage is
             | "parasitizing earnings" is a pretty outrageous claim.
             | >It's an important difference for manufacturing physical
             | things and it's why the West loses out to Asia in
             | manufacturing outside cutting-edge tech.
             | The West lost out to Asia because their standard of living
             | was so much lower that it was basically slave labor for a
             | decade. You apparently have missed out on the repeated
             | protests at factories across China with their workers
             | demanding better working conditions and wages.
             | Expecting to be able to be able to do something more than
             | just not starve to death isn't a western ideal, it's a
             | human ideal. When the company you work for is printing
             | money and you're living in poverty, something eventually
             | gives. As has happened at literally every point in human
             | history to date. Sometimes through violence, sometimes
             | through government intervention. But the "unwashed masses"
             | won't stay ignorant forever.
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | _Saying that employees expecting a livable wage is
               | "parasitizing earnings" is a pretty outrageous claim._
               | More defective programming in the wetware. Why is pay the
               | only part of the equation? When Japan realized that their
               | housing market was undermining living standards in the
               | late 90's, they cracked down on NIMBYism and took housing
               | and land zoning authority away from cities. The housing
               | market almost immediately corrected itself and housing
               | prices in suburban Tokyo have been in free-fall ever
               | since. You can get a 2000sqft family home for the
               | equivalent of about 200k just 30 minutes outside downtown
               | Tokyo today. We don't do that because... why?
               |  _The West lost out to Asia because..._
               | Again, more defective wetware. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan
               | - these are democratic states with a high standard of
               | living that have been able to control costs in ways that
               | the West hasn't. More people are homeless in the US per
               | capita than any of those countries and it has everything
               | to do with defective programming and talk of "liveable
               | wages". Of course everyone needs to be able to afford to
               | live. But your own mistaken assumptions are emblematic of
               | the political and social dysfunction of the West. Until
               | we address that, no - those supply chains won't be
               | returning.
               | sudosysgen wrote:
               | We're not dropping prices in NA in good part because our
               | governments are dysfunctional and don't want to
               | intervene, and because large landowners see such
               | interventions as contrary to their benefit.
               | And besides, relaxing zoning is far from enough - you
               | need to build vast and performant public transit systems,
               | and in the case of Tokyo you need to make housing a
               | depreciating asset.
               | South Korea was not a democratic state during most of its
               | crucial growth period either - it was only after a
               | revolution in the 80s, and even then democracy is a very
               | gracious word for a country that was literally ruled by a
               | cult for half a decade.
               | Taiwan also was in quasi-dictatorial KMT rule for most of
               | its rise, and Japan to this day on the national level is
               | basically ruled by the LDP in perpetuity.
               | But crucially, Japan, SK and Taiwan aren't where the kind
               | of production China does happens. They are just as
               | economically beholden to China as we are, sometimes
               | moreso.
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | _We 're not dropping prices in NA in good part because
               | our governments are dysfunctional and don't want to
               | intervene, and because large landowners see such
               | interventions as contrary to their benefit. And besides,
               | relaxing zoning is far from enough - you need to build
               | vast and performant public transit systems, and in the
               | case of Tokyo you need to make housing a depreciating
               | asset._
               | Yes - and as I said, this is the defective programming in
               | minds of Westerners. The government does what we tell
               | them to do and most people want this. It's everywhere -
               | it's the entitlement to a suburban home and the
               | subordination of all other interests, even the concept of
               | personal property, in service to this. The fact that the
               | media doesn't discuss these things in spite of the fact
               | that smart people like Warren and others write about it
               | is evidence of the bad programming.
               |  _South Korea was not a democratic state during most of
               | its crucial growth period either - it was only after a
               | revolution in the 80s, and even then democracy is a very
               | gracious word for a country that was literally ruled by a
               | cult for half a decade.
               | Taiwan also was in quasi-dictatorial KMT rule for most of
               | its rise, and Japan to this day on the national level is
               | basically ruled by the LDP in perpetuity._
               | Is it your contention that these countries aren't
               | democratic and prosperous today? Is that your claim? Is
               | your claim that their citizens live in near slavery, as
               | the previous poster's was?
               |  _But crucially, Japan, SK and Taiwan aren 't where the
               | kind of production China does happens. They are just as
               | economically beholden to China as we are, sometimes
               | moreso._
               | The company that I worked at previously had to assess
               | manufacturing alternatives to China in the wake of
               | Trump's tariffs. Most of the parts on the BOM could
               | reasonably be sourced by other Asian countries like those
               | three at a small premium. US manufacturers either weren't
               | available or were completely priced out. If the West
               | could even just get their manufacturing costs in parity
               | with those three - TW, SK, and JP - that in itself would
               | be huge progress.
               | sudosysgen wrote:
               | Japan, SK, and Taiwan, were not democratic when they were
               | manufacturing behemoths, yes.
               | For reference, the US has roughly twice the manufacturing
               | output of Japan.
               | The idea that manufacturing boomed there because the
               | workers were almost slaves is fairly accurate.
               | [deleted]
               | jquery wrote:
               | You're making a lot of bold claims. It would be nice if
               | you justified at least one of them before chaining them
               | together to reach a pre-ordained conclusion.
               | MiguelX413 wrote:
               | Nice name
               | tw04 wrote:
               | >More defective programming in the wetware. Why is pay
               | the only part of the equation? When Japan realized that
               | their housing market was undermining living standards in
               | the late 90's, they cracked down on NIMBYism and took
               | housing and land zoning authority away from cities. The
               | housing market almost immediately corrected itself and
               | housing prices in suburban Tokyo have been in free-fall
               | ever since. You can get a 2000sqft family home for the
               | equivalent of about 200k just 30 minutes outside downtown
               | Tokyo today. We don't do that because... why?
               | The world does exist outside of Silicon Valley. I can get
               | exactly what you're describing in over half of this
               | country, pick your state including the entirety of the
               | midwest.
               | >Again, more defective wetware. Japan, South Korea,
               | Taiwan - these are democratic states with a high standard
               | of living that have been able to control costs in ways
               | that the West hasn't. More people are homeless in the US
               | per capita than any of those countries and it has
               | everything to do with defective programming and talk of
               | "liveable wages". Of course everyone needs to be able to
               | afford to live. But your own mistaken assumptions are
               | emblematic of the political and social dysfunction of the
               | West. Until we address that, no - those supply chains
               | won't be returning.
               | The median income in South Korea is $3,000 less than the
               | US. And they have universal healthcare.
               | Someone's wetware is defective, it isn't mine. You might
               | want to do some research before showing up with that kind
               | of condescending attitude.
               | https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-
               | rankings/median-in...
               | elmomle wrote:
               | >The world does exist outside of Silicon Valley. I can
               | get exactly what you're describing in over half of this
               | country, pick your state including the entirety of the
               | midwest.
               | This is equivalent to saying sky-high housing prices in
               | Tokyo didn't need fixing, since folks could always just
               | live in Hokkaido--a pragmatic absurdity.
               | A city is a giant organism that needs people to play a
               | variety of roles in order to thrive. All those people
               | deserve (and arguably, for the health of the city, need)
               | to be able to earn enough to live with some dignity. If
               | only the wealthy can afford decent housing near a city,
               | that city is no longer a functional community--it's a
               | NIMBY bubble that creates a feedback loop of
               | socioeconomic disparity.
               | tw04 wrote:
               | >This is equivalent to saying sky-high housing prices in
               | Tokyo didn't need fixing, since folks could always just
               | live in Hokkaido--a pragmatic absurdity.
               | It isn't even remotely the equivalent of saying that. The
               | land mass of Japan is a fraction of the US, and the jobs
               | are highly concentrated in their large cities. The US, as
               | a whole, is nothing like that.
               | Regardless, it was a pointless argument for him to make
               | in the first place, he was just moving goal posts by
               | trying to equate calling employees parasites to San
               | Francisco zoning laws. There was absolutely no point
               | going down that path other than to distract from his
               | original (disgusting) statement and implying that somehow
               | people wanting more than minimum wage should really be
               | blaming the Mayor of San Francisco for high housing
               | prices. Which again... is completely irrelevant to the
               | vast majority of the population of the US.
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | _It isn 't even remotely the equivalent of saying that.
               | The land mass of Japan is a fraction of the US, and the
               | jobs are highly concentrated in their large cities. The
               | US, as a whole, is nothing like that._
               | Most US industrial production is concentrated in about 5
               | regions. The US isn't _that_ different.
               |  _Regardless, it was a pointless argument for him to make
               | in the first place, he was just moving goal posts by
               | trying to equate calling employees parasites to San
               | Francisco zoning laws_
               | Nonsense. Housing costs are the great misery-multiplier
               | in the West and it isn't specific to SF. Look at Berlin
               | or London or Paris or Toronto. Everywhere the dysfunction
               | is the same and everywhere the working poor live with
               | crushing housing insecurity, in spite of living in
               | thriving job markets. With reasonable urban housing
               | prices and rent most of the people in the "working poor"
               | would advance to middle-class status and a lot of the
               | inequality issues we have would be tractable. Instead, we
               | just keep ignoring pricing theory and we just keep
               | dumping more wealth into supply-constrained markets and
               | we just keep wondering why these problems don't get any
               | better.
               |  _There was absolutely no point going down that path
               | other than to distract from his original (disgusting)
               | statement and implying that somehow people wanting more
               | than minimum wage_
               | Ptooey! Pardon me, but I had to spit out all of the words
               | you're stuffing in my mouth. I said nothing about minimum
               | wage. You did. This is the same neurotic defective
               | programming I'm talking about. The projection of intent
               | in your response is what's disgusting.
               |  _Which again... is completely irrelevant to the vast
               | majority of the population of the US._
               | Go look up what a lower-middle class family needs to pay
               | for rent in suburbs in Atlanta or Austin or other cities
               | with good job opportunities.
             | elteto wrote:
             | > ... start a union to parasitize earnings.
             | Yes, those pesky employees should just STFU and be thankful
             | for the scraps.
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | Again - the fact that you can't see both sides of the
               | equation is why we don't make things anymore.
               | majormajor wrote:
               | Terms like "parasitize earnings" don't sound like seeing
               | both sides of the equation. Why's your anger and blame
               | focused _there_ for not seeing both sides?
               | The people who outsourced things weren't simply trying to
               | reduce gains made by unions, they were looking at price
               | differences that could not exist in the US due to cost
               | and standard of living. They certainly weren't looking at
               | both sides of this in terms of long term effect either!
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | _Terms like "parasitize earnings" don't sound like seeing
               | both sides of the equation_
               | I don't want employees to get those earnings. I don't
               | want investors or shareholders to get them either. I want
               | consumers to get lower prices.
               |  _they were looking at price differences that could not
               | exist in the US due to cost and standard of living_
               | Again, what does that mean, "standard of living"? That we
               | indulge industrial labor monopolies and pay more for
               | manufactured goods than we need or want to like the 60's?
               | How do you feel about paying $5000 for that computer? Or
               | that we reward landlords and enrich landowners for
               | participating in the creation of dysfunctional
               | regulations?
               | I agree - Western industrialists have been able to play
               | both sides of the equation - outsourcing production to
               | places where industrial cost-control is effective and
               | selling in to markets where there's a large upper-middle
               | class of well-compensated credentialed professionals like
               | us and entitled land-owners.
               | But I don't think that the solution is to give more power
               | to industrial labor unions. My own pet solution is German
               | worker councils - if only because they empower workers
               | and make managers and industrialists accountable to
               | employee needs, but at the same time can't coordinate
               | labor demands across an industry. Managers can't ignore
               | employee welfare but also employees can't gang up on
               | consumers. But no one else wants this - industrialists
               | hate the idea of inviting unions in to C-level planning
               | and unions at their core want labor monopolies.
               | majormajor wrote:
               | > Again, what does that mean, "standard of living"? That
               | we indulge industrial labor monopolies and pay more for
               | manufactured goods than we need or want to like the 60's?
               | How do you feel about paying $5000 for that computer? Or
               | that we reward landlords and enrich landowners for
               | participating in the creation of dysfunctional
               | regulations?
               | It means something very plain: nobody in the US would
               | have accepted those wages to prevent profit-based
               | outsourcing. So it wasn't a question of union parasites
               | forcing people overseas, it just was something that would
               | not have worked, structurally.
               | Consumers getting lower prices forever and ever is a
               | single-dimension focus, like you otherwise seem to be
               | decrying, since you're not answering any of the other
               | questions there about how to prevent profiteering or
               | powerful wealthy people from playing both sides. You're
               | looking at just one side but proclaiming it as a secret
               | insight that is the only way to move forward. I don't
               | think worker councils would've done anything to let US
               | production and labor prices compete with offshore labor
               | prices in the past 50 years... if you can make t-shirts
               | cheaper by stripping those labor costs to the bone, but
               | the cost of everything else those workers need is
               | untouched, how will it fix it?
             | freeflight wrote:
             | _> Yes - because manufacturing in the West is ultimately
             | self-defeating._
             | It's much more to do with the steadily increasing
             | complexity of products due to humanity having become very
             | much a global species with heavy interdependence.
             | Look around the room you are sitting in: There will be
             | items in it manufactured all over the world, from
             | components also coming from all over the world.
             | That's not only how we manage to make these things so
             | affordable, that's how we got them at this scale and
             | complexity in the very first place.
             | The idea that a single country could emulate that, in
             | complete isolation, is bluntly said childish. Isolationism
             | like that doesn't lead to progress or innovation, it leads
             | to North Korea style impoverished hermit kingdoms.
             | It's mind-boggling how few people seem to understand this
             | reality in the year 2021, we are so interconnected that we
             | can instantly communicate with somebody on the other side
             | of the planet by just pulling a small device out of our
             | pocket, it's considered the most normal thing in the world.
             | Instead we get shortsighted and small-minded nationalist
             | blowback in the form of Brexit and "America first!"
             | politics.
             | Even with the EU showing that economic cooperation and
             | integration is one of the best and most constructive ways
             | to ensure peace, stability and prosperity, particularly vs
             | the alternative of alienation and vilification of whole
             | nation states and their people as "enemies" that need to be
             | fought in every way possible.
               | crmd wrote:
               | >> Yes - because manufacturing in the West is ultimately
               | self-defeating.
               | > The idea that a single country could emulate that, in
               | complete isolation, is bluntly said childish.
               | Who is this "single country" straw man you are referring
               | to? The western world is comprised of 50+ nations with
               | over $40 trillion in GDP.
               | freeflight wrote:
               | And these 50+ nations have their very own industries that
               | grew out of a demand for them to the scale of the demand
               | for them with interdependence reaching all the way into
               | Chinese tech manufacturing.
               | If you retool all of that to suddenly do something else,
               | than you will be missing something else.
               | Because it's not like these 50+ nations with over $40
               | trillion in GDP are just sitting there and wondering what
               | to do with all of that productivity, they are already
               | plenty busy doing those things that got them all that
               | GDP, the things they are good at.
               | That's why it's not really a "straw man", as the original
               | argument implies globalized supply chains that emerged
               | out of a given supply&demand could be artificially
               | transplanted and rebuild in "the West", however that's
               | even defined, to somehow reverse the reality of
               | globalization.
               | topspin wrote:
               | > That's why it's not really a "straw man",
               | Except that it is a straw man. This "childish" nation
               | that seeks to thrive with no foreign trade ("in complete
               | isolation") is a fiction inside your head that you're
               | sharing as a target for your argument. It doesn't exist
               | except as a straw man.
             | topspin wrote:
             | > I have no idea what your Potemkin regulation is
             | Nations such as China erect fig leaf regulatory regimes
             | that are both ineffective and corrupt and are designed to
             | attract Western capital that are avoiding the regulatory
             | burdens (environmental regulation, labor regulation, etc.)
             | in Western nations. These are Potemkin structures in that
             | they offer plausibly deniable cover to the Western
             | establishment for the purposes of trade agreements and
             | other international instruments.
             | coliveira wrote:
             | You're right, except that it is not unionized workers
             | parasitizing profits (unions are decreasing in numbers
             | everywhere), it is shareholders parasitizing companies to
             | extract whatever value they can. This is the big
             | difference. In Asia, shareholders don't have the power to
             | parasitize profits, and they allow ample competition
             | between manufacturers. See, for example, the absurd
             | situation of Apple. Americans think it is nice to have a
             | single company nearly monopolizing device production, as if
             | it were their right. In Asia people would have already
             | started hundreds of companies to fight their monopolistic
             | advantage (as they currently have in China).
         | jeofken wrote:
         | The pine phone is afaik built around a pretty off-the-shelves
         | system-on-a-chip and made in China, exported with a Hong Kong
         | company. Sadly a SOC far from what you'd get in a smartphone by
         | Samsung or Apple, as they can swing with much larger wallets.
         | If anyone knows the specific SOC version I'd appreciate the
         | product ID
         | Shadonototro wrote:
         | china, usa, i see no differences
         | different words, but same techniques
         | hertzrat wrote:
         | The article doesn't really talk about supply chain constraints.
         | It talks more about the threat of losing market access
         | coliveira wrote:
         | Americans need to realize that, outside the US, nobody really
         | cares anymore about the trope "China is tracking mobile apps".
         | The reason is that everyone knows that US agencies are already
         | doing this (remember Snowden?). So non-US customers feel that
         | is just fine for competition if other countries can provide
         | them with technology, even with the downside of the sporadic
         | spying thing. It basically is better to have competition than
         | being in the hands of a single superpower which, as Donald
         | Trump has shown, can easily become out of control.
         | By the way, nothing was better for China than the big show
         | provided by Trump and his minions in the US during the last
         | four years. It showed that nobody can trust 100% on the US to
         | uphold democratic values.
         | schiang wrote:
         | China doesn't just provide supply chain anymore. They are also
         | a huge market now because of its growing middle class. China
         | has money to spend and US companies need to tap into that
         | market.
           | phone8675309 wrote:
           | They're also now the market that all movies must target in
           | order to be successful.
             | reaperducer wrote:
             | _They 're also now the market that all movies must target
             | in order to be successful._
             | It depends on your definition of "successful."
             | You can have a successful movie and not distribute it in
             | China. It won't make the absolute maximum number of dollars
             | possible on planet Earth, but it can still be a successful
             | movie.
               | phone8675309 wrote:
               | > You can have a successful movie and not distribute it
               | in China. It won't make the absolute maximum number of
               | dollars possible on planet Earth, but it can still be a
               | successful movie.
               | The business success or failure of a movie is entirely
               | determined by how much money it makes. To maximize that
               | success (or even to be considered a success), you must
               | publish in China.
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | _The business success or failure of a movie is entirely
               | determined by how much money it makes_
               | Even without your movement of goalposts, a movie can
               | still be successful without being in China.
               | The most successful movies in history were released, and
               | massively profitable, before China's market opened to the
               | rest of the world.
               |  _To maximize that success (or even to be considered a
               | success), you must publish in China._
               | This is simply false. There are plenty of successful
               | businesses, movies, video games, and other enterprises
               | that never touch China. I hate to break it to you, but
               | China is a non-factor for the vast majority of businesses
               | on the planet.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _China has money to spend and US companies need to tap into
           | that market._
           | "Choose to" tap into that market. No company "needs" to be in
           | China.
           | Just like there are thousands of companies in Europe that do
           | not do business in the United States, and thousands of
           | companies in Brazil that do not do business in Russia.
             | lotsofpulp wrote:
             | It is conceivable in a winner take all business, or a top 2
             | take all business, you either tap into the world's largest
             | market or you don't survive.
             | For example, Apple being able to lock up all the supply of
             | higher end chips and smaller companies not being able to
             | compete.
               | Clubber wrote:
               | >It is conceivable in a winner take all business, or a
               | top 2 take all business, you either tap into the world's
               | largest market or you don't survive.
               | The US is the world's largest market, by a lot.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_consumer_ma
               | rke...
               | lotsofpulp wrote:
               | Yes, I meant the world's top markets. Especially one
               | that's up and coming.
               | [deleted]
             | coliveira wrote:
             | And how big are these European or Brazilian companies?
             | That's all fine if the US wants to become a 3rd tier
             | economy. But if the country wants to expand, it has to
             | trade with China.
             | dalbasal wrote:
             | You're getting kind of semantic. Theoretically, No company
             | "needs" to be in business at all.
             | If Chinese consumer market growth continues as it has been,
             | it may the biggest market for Apple. Hard to be the largest
             | luxury goods company in the world without the largest
             | luxury goods market...
             | OP is right. This gives China influence. Supply chain
             | influence is a minor thing, relative to " _I 'm your
             | biggest customer_" influence.
               | jimkleiber wrote:
               | Why I don't like the "needs to" framing, especially as it
               | comes to business decisions, is that I think it takes the
               | agency out of the process. Too many of my friends and
               | family seem to assume that just because there are
               | customers willing to pay or cheaper labor, a company must
               | automatically do a certain thing unless the government
               | makes a law to prevent them from doing it.
               | I guess that's why I like the "chooses to" framing
               | because it highlights that leaders of companies can
               | choose to not pursue markets or go with higher priced
               | suppliers if they can make the argument as to how it
               | might help them in the long term.
               | Edit: typo
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | IDK if the philosophy of it matters all that much. Apple
               | is, likely, going to grow in China. We don't have to
               | solve the "agency question" to know this.
               | That said, I think there is a decent amount of
               | determinism at play here. It's like the "why are all
               | politicians such politicians?" problem. The companies
               | with an interest in entering the Chinese market will,
               | mostly, do it. It's predictable. Predictable isn't
               | determinism, but it's en route.
               | For a more poetic take, I'll paraphrase leonard cohen on
               | "do you believe in free will?":
               |  _I think free will exists, but I think it 's over-rated.
               | Mostly, we act because we are compelled to._
               | kukx wrote:
               | Well, let's merge both narrations: they need to, if they
               | choose to pursue the leadership in the global market ;)
               | bjelkeman-again wrote:
               | at the detriment of human rights and the environment.
               | A lot of investors and pension funds are starting to add
               | more criteria to their investments than just a profit.
               | fauigerzigerk wrote:
               | How do you avoid a situation where companies making
               | ethical choices are bought or outspent by companies (or
               | in fact by shareholders) that got rich by exploiting
               | every profitable opportunity that is legally available to
               | them, including unethical ones?
               | From the point of view of any particular company the
               | choice you're talking about may well exist, especially
               | where the company is founder-led. But that doesn't mean
               | the outcome you're hoping for can be achieved on a purely
               | voluntary basis.
               | It may work in exceptional cases though, Apple being one
               | of them.
               | WillPostForFood wrote:
               | It is a pretty powerful combo: controlling supply and
               | demand.
               | faeyanpiraat wrote:
               | I would consider businesses providing for our basic human
               | needs (eg food) to be needed to be in business.
             | birdsbirdsbirds wrote:
             | They can choose for a year or two, but they will lose on
             | scale. Apple can pull off their own processor because they
             | are big enough. If companies don't sell in China, only
             | Chinese companies are big enough to have fancy new
             | components and production processes.
             | adrr wrote:
             | China consumer market is bigger than than the US. It will
             | be for public companies to justify they they won't sell in
             | China to their stockholders outside of IP theft and PR
             | issues.
           | ng12 wrote:
           | Is there a good reason why we shouldn't sanction China like
           | we do Russia, NK, and Iran? There's plenty of money to be
           | made in those countries too.
             | SiempreViernes wrote:
             | There are US sanctions on China.
             | There is however a huge problem with sanctions: you need to
             | have a _realistic_ plan for what you want to accomplish
             | with your sanctions, or else it does little more than
             | adding some friction to trade.
             | That means that if you want to actually change the
             | behaviour of a nation using sanctions, you need to have
             | modest goals, an acceptance of compromise, and a readiness
             | to let the other side come out looking like a respectable
             | partner. These are basically things the US cannot muster in
             | the relationship with Iran and North Korea, and the
             | American violation of the JCPOA has significantly eroded US
             | ability to persuade other countries to impose their own
             | sanction.
             | For China and Russia, the US alone cannot impose any
             | important amount of sanctions and have them be upheld by
             | third parties, the USA trying to block all imports from
             | China would just mean the rest of the world needs to switch
             | to using Yuan or Euros because that volume of trade simply
             | cannot be replaced.
             | mullingitover wrote:
             | > There's plenty of money to be made in those countries
             | too.
             | Russia GDP: ~1.7 trillion
             | Iran GDP: ~0.45 trillion
             | North Korea GDP: ~0.028 trillion
             | Meanwhile, China GDP: ~14.34 trillion
             | macintux wrote:
             | One reason, good or not depending on your views, is that
             | China's GDP is 10x Russia's, 20x Iran's, and 1000x North
             | Korea's (and I have to suspect that's generous towards NK).
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nom
             | i...
             | jonathannat wrote:
             | US has started to, with sanctions on xinjiang related
             | companies, with sanctions on chinese officials over hong
             | kong.
             | It's just a matter of time before more sanctions arrive.
             | Because dictatorships are short-sighted and incapable of
             | change. So let's say China tries to prod Taiwan with some
             | military approach and fails. Or escalation of border war
             | with India or Vietnam or Japan. Or increasing purchases or
             | Iranian goods.
             | When there's a mini-war started by China in Asia, you will
             | see a full worldwide sanction on China.
           | gfiorav wrote:
           | Yes. Never forget how the US seemingly thought that its
           | companies, unchecked, would defend the national interests. We
           | should all learn from this.
           | JustSomeNobody wrote:
           | Apple has a $2T market cap. Do they truly "need" China? I
           | know, I know, they have a responsibility to their
           | shareholders, blah blah. But Two Trillion Dollars.
             | aembleton wrote:
             | They'll be worth a lot less than $2T if they exit from
             | China.
             | [deleted]
             | schiang wrote:
             | How do you think they got to $2T market cap in the first
             | place?
       | williesleg wrote:
       | China is my hero! Go China! Why have Just Apple tracking us?
       | drngxn wrote:
       | Can someone explain technically how CAID works? Or point me to
       | some articles/documentation?
       | russli1993 wrote:
       | 1. People outside doesn't understand how Chinese government
       | works. This CAID is a project by advertising association, yes it
       | is state backed. But these associations in China are commercial
       | only and looks out to commercial interests.
       | In western public opinion, "state-backed" has negative
       | connotations and government is a necessary evil. But in Chinese
       | political philosophy that is not the case. Government has a
       | positive role. Government can unite groups, form common interest,
       | work across conflicting interests to create a win-win situation
       | for everyone. In China, in a lot of situations people actual seek
       | leadership from the government to create standards or common
       | approaches. A lot of the industrial policies documents people
       | outside have a problem with are actually demanded by private
       | parties, and government is just answering their demands.
       | In this case it looks like the industry is driven by commercial
       | interests to develop this technical solution. If the Chinese
       | government wants to impose this kind of tracking to track
       | people's activities online, it will need to use its executive
       | power. And that involves the following steps: 1. Chinese central
       | government announces direction to create this kind of tracking
       | system. 2. Departments in state counsel start draft <<Guan Li
       | Tiao Li >> and releases it public solicitation 3. <<Guan Li Tiao
       | Li >> goes into effect 4. national people's congress drafting and
       | passing laws. All of these will involve public disclosure. But
       | there is no sign of any of this from the government.
       | People can debate whether the tracking involved here is okay or
       | not. But there is no sign here saying the government is designing
       | this and mandating it in order to track people.
       | Also Apple could try to close the "loophole" used here. Maybe the
       | Chinese advertising industry will get pissed and demand the
       | government to do something. But I doubt any legal actions will be
       | taken. First, legally Apple doesn't break any Chinese laws.
       | Second, Chinese government needs to be law abiding and rule based
       | to attract foreign investments, which is crucial to the economy.
       | 2. This article is accusing Tiktok of implementing this. But this
       | is a project under discussion within China, likely only to be
       | used within China, and Bytedance's apps in China, like douyin.
       | Tiktok and Douyin are separate apps, run by separate management.
       | TikTok by TikTok US, while Bytedance China runs all Chinese
       | related business. The parent Bytedance is incorporated in Cayman
       | islands. Hence Chinese laws do not apply to the parent and TikTok
       | US. TikTok US is ought to follow US laws, customs, expectations
       | and values. Of course its fine to pressure TikTok and Bytedance
       | to not implement this in China as well. But this article's tone
       | is implying Chinese government controls these entities and trying
       | to track people everywhere. That is simply not true. The
       | government 1) is not pushing to do so 2) doesn't have the means
       | to do it. Even if Chinese government is tries to force Bytedance
       | to share tiktok data, Bytedance can refuse, what can it do? It
       | could only arrest Bytedance management or fine the company. Is
       | there any of that happening? I am seeing a lot of anti-china ccp
       | videos on TikTok. Just because the company is founded by a
       | Chinese person doesn't mean it will be political and abide by the
       | rules in china.
       | 11thEarlOfMar wrote:
       | It's additionally concerning that the US has little exposure to
       | China-sourced data. This imbalance where the CCP knows far more
       | about the average American than the US knows about the average
       | Chinese person is deeply concerning. The more that is known, the
       | larger the training data set, the more people can be influenced
       | in ways that suit an openly hostile[0] government.
       | [0] https://www.state.gov/wp-
       | content/uploads/2020/11/20-02832-El...
       | danShumway wrote:
       | So, what is CAID? How does it work?
       | Is it a composite fingerprint based on how the device works, or
       | an alternate ID that Apple isn't restricting yet? Would be nice
       | to get some details about what exactly TikTok plans to do beyond
       | "they found a way to get around it".
       | Or is that information just not available yet? I can't find
       | anything online detailing what the attack is.
         | seniorgarcia wrote:
         | I don't think there are any details on the implementation out
         | yet.
         | Judging by this article https://www.sohu.com/a/415394669_344262
         | (in Chinese) the company behind CAID is https://www.reyun.com/.
         | Pretty hard to find info on them and their product in englisch
         | though. The only quick result I got was this:
         | https://bloomgamer.com/2020/10/reyun-data-completed-its-c-ro...
           | DLay wrote:
           | CAID spec:
           | https://web.archive.org/web/20210316035745/docs.trackingio.c.
           | ..
         | anon9001 wrote:
         | It appears to be like branch.io, firebase, or the facebook SDK
         | but for Chinese ad companies.
         | Here's a breakdown the changes in iOS 14 that likely caused
         | this:
         | * https://blog.branch.io/attribution-ios-14-survive-if-you-
         | mis...
         | * https://blog.branch.io/attribution-ios-14-cannot-wait-any-
         | lo...
       | mokash wrote:
       | I will repost a comment I made about Apple and China in another
       | post like 1.5 years ago:
       | "Apple are beholden to China. Sure, China is a huge market for
       | them but I think the bigger issue is manufacturing: if they piss
       | China off they won't have anything to sell, anywhere! I'm sure
       | Apple execs know this and I hope they're quickly planning to
       | reduce, if not remove this dependency."
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | And how has that planning been going in those 18 months?
           | iainmerrick wrote:
           | Presumably that is something Apple will keep a closely-
           | guarded secret, even more so than usual.
           | jhayward wrote:
           | https://www.gsmarena.com/apple_to_move_production_from_china.
           | ..
           | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-foxconn-vietnam-apple-
           | exc...
             | mgreg wrote:
             | Apple will soon start flagship iPhone 12 production on
             | Indian soil for local customers, the company said on
             | Tuesday
             | Apple supplier Wistron recently began trial production of
             | the iPhone 12 at a new facility near Bengaluru, with full
             | production set to begin soon. The iPhone 12 will be the
             | seventh iPhone model to be manufactured in India, but the
             | first high-end device to do so.
             | https://www.macrumors.com/2021/03/09/apple-
             | iphone-12-product...
         | poisonborz wrote:
         | It's not that simple. China doing such a drastic step would
         | make every industry flee instantly. Lots of companies already
         | do transfer tasks to India and Vietnam, Apple included.
       | outside1234 wrote:
       | Maybe it wasn't such a bad Trump idea to just shut this thing
       | down.
       | outside1234 wrote:
       | Apple needs Biden to step in and threaten to shut down Tiktok
       | again if they go ahead with this. Hell, maybe he should just shut
       | it down preemptively in the US and the EU should sue them over
       | GDPR to make sure China gets the point.
       | It is totally asymmetric for Apple to try to take on China in
       | this and given their dependence on China for manufacturing (which
       | I hope they are reconsidering now) they really can't afford to
       | take them on.
       | Redoubts wrote:
       | I guess this explains their wild support response when I had
       | trouble logging in with Apple SSO in their app
       | https://imgur.com/a/Qbz7LwQ
       | [deleted]
       | ashneo76 wrote:
       | Get. Out. of. china. Or be ruled by the authoritarianism of the
       | CCP
         | Daho0n wrote:
         | Stop. Buying. Stuff. Made. In. China.
         | Or does it not apply when it inconvenience you?
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _Stop. Buying. Stuff. Made. In. China._
           | Easy to say when you're bloviating on the internet. Hard to
           | do in real life. I know, because I try.
           | I end up buying a good amount of vintage stuff to keep from
           | supporting China. But there are a lot of things that aren't
           | available at any price where I live that aren't made in
           | China.
           | I went through this a couple of years ago looking for a
           | toaster. The only non-Chinese option available where I live
           | was $900.
             | imglorp wrote:
             | Maybe that toaster is a good metaphor. Lots of people are
             | willing to buy domestic if it's quality and costs a little
             | more. It's not inconceivable to make a US$100 toaster
             | outside of Asia.
           | babycake wrote:
           | > Stop. Buying. Stuff. Made. In. China.
           | This isn't possible to follow on the individual level, even
           | if you wanted to. Those 'Made in America' labels on product
           | boxes aren't even accurate either, the parts can be built in
           | China but assembled here, and still have that american label
           | attached.
             | spijdar wrote:
             | Yeah, trying to avoid buying things with any components or
             | work, or even most of the components from China is
             | basically impossible.
             | Still, it is sometimes possible to find alternatives that
             | put proportionally more work and production into products
             | outside China. I try to buy these things when I can, even
             | when inevitably the materials or components come from
             | China. Better than all the dollars going there, I figure...
             | no-dr-onboard wrote:
             | Not sure why purism is implied in the answer here. If
             | anything, sentiments like these are akin to "reducing your
             | carbon footprint" by taking more "environmentally conscious
             | measures". Same language, same sentiment. While no one can
             | reduce their carbon footprint to 0 for an extended period
             | of time, the act of _trying_ to can prove real results when
             | performed en masse.
             | kar5pt wrote:
             | I think that was his point.
         | curiousgal wrote:
         | Feeling depressed? Just. be. happy.
         | disgu wrote:
         | Have you missed the last decade where companies from all around
         | the globe do this exact thing all the time because gathering
         | your information is their business?
         | Google and Facebook get caught doing it constantly. Just this
         | week a lawsuit against Google was given the green light for
         | gathering data when they were not supposed to. And isn't
         | Facebook currently trying to illegally merge WhatsApp and
         | Facebook data? Didn't the last US president complain about the
         | EU stepping in to protect their citizens about this? Don't
         | pretend this is some "evil China" problem.
           | dannyr wrote:
           | While I'm not a fan of the data gathering done by Google and
           | Facebook, the magnitude of tracking done by China are far,
           | far greater.
             | disgu wrote:
             | That's according to "I know China evil" or is this based on
             | anything? We know that China was playing catch-up when
             | Snowden leaked his stuff so they might have caught up. Can
             | you link the corresponding leaks? I'd love to read some of
             | the Chinese ones because the most recent big things I could
             | find were Snowden leaks.
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | Playing the Snowden card doesn't invalidate what China is
               | doing.
               | What the U.S. was doing was bad. What China is doing is
               | also bad. They can both be bad.
               | okprod wrote:
               | Yea but OP's statement that we're all responding to is
               | "Get. Out. of. china. Or be ruled by the authoritarianism
               | of the CCP"
               | dannyr wrote:
               | I have read a number of news articles and the book "We
               | Have Been Harmonized" https://bookshop.org/books/we-have-
               | been-harmonized-life-in-c...
               | Is this enough for me to say "I Know China evil"?
             | josh2600 wrote:
             | Do you have any metrics or other proof to verify this
             | statement?
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | Does pretty much every major newspaper around the world
               | count?
               | dannyr wrote:
               | I read this book:
               | We Have Been Harmonized: Life in China's Surveillance
               | State - Kai Strittmatter (Author)
               | https://bookshop.org/books/we-have-been-harmonized-life-
               | in-c...
               | "China's new drive for repression is being underpinned by
               | unpre-cedented advances in technology: facial and voice
               | recognition, GPS tracking, supercomputer databases,
               | intercepted cell phone conver-sations, the monitoring of
               | app use, and millions of high-resolution security cameras
               | make it nearly impossible for a Chinese citizen to hide
               | anything from authorities. Commercial transactions,
               | including food deliveries and online purchases, are fed
               | into vast databases, along with everything from biometric
               | information to social media activities to methods of
               | birth control. Cameras (so advanced that they can locate
               | a single person within a stadium crowd of 60,000) scan
               | for faces and walking patterns to track each individual's
               | movement."
       | yumraj wrote:
       | China blocked Signal.
       | Is there a legal reason why US cannot block TikTok and other
       | Chinese apps?
       | anon9001 wrote:
       | Technically, what's going on here?
       | "CAID" isn't a public iOS technology, and the article doesn't say
       | what it means.
       | Some googling returns: https://mmachina.cn/wp-
       | content/uploads/2021/02/MMA%E4%B8%AD%...
       | Apparently it means "CAA Advertising Id", where "CAA" appears to
       | be the "Creative Artists Agency", some sort of Chinese
       | advertising group. (edit: wrong organization, it's actually
       | "Chinese Anonymization ID", not a group. the group behind it is
       | https://trackingio.com/)
       | Searching "CAA Advertising Id" yields more Chinese PDFs.
       | From what I can tell here, "CAID" is a partnership between
       | Chinese industry and Chinese government to track users across
       | apps for better tracking.
       | The issue here does not seem to be that they've bypassed a
       | technical restriction, but that the developers of major apps are
       | using a shared identifier that Apple doesn't like.
       | In the US, the analogy would be if apps had tracking SDKs in
       | them, that fingerprinted users across apps, in order to better
       | target them for advertisements, and then the US government can
       | pick up that data and do whatever they'd like with it.
       | The strange part to me, is that this actually _is_ the situation
       | today in the US.
       | I don't want to shill for China, but why is this a story? This
       | has been a US industry since at least Doubleclick was invented.
       | edit:
       | It's a story because they're using the iOS keychain API to
       | persist and share the tracking identifier. As far as I know, this
       | is a new technique in the wild, but has been theoretically
       | possible since iOS launched. It's only now being seen as
       | necessary because of the iOS14 privacy changes.
       | It's curious that American ad companies seem to understand
       | Apple's intent and are opting not to risk their business by
       | expanding their SDKs to use keychain sharing techniques, even
       | though they're surely aware you can do this. Chinese ad companies
       | seem ok with risking their clients apps being banned on the app
       | store.
       | Apple can mitigate this by giving users control of the data and
       | sharing related to keychain services.
         | some1else wrote:
         | This reminds me of how Linkedin and many others used to upload
         | entire phonebooks to unecrypted endpoints, making it simple for
         | US agencies to analyze social networks of foreigners with
         | impunity.
           | GrayShade wrote:
           | Did they really stop doing that?
             | some1else wrote:
             | Ha, good question. Generally, everyone switched to HTTPS.
             | But that doesn't protect against situations like with
             | Yahoo, where the agencies were tapped-in after the SSL
             | termination. I guess it's not a stretch to assume it's
             | still going on.
         | Jonanin wrote:
         | The story is that major Chinese companies and the state are
         | working together to develop an alternative to Apple's IDFA.
         | While aggressively pushing back against companies in the U.S.
         | tracking users, Apple seemingly doesn't mind having a double
         | standard for China.
           | freeflight wrote:
           | Is that really the story? When the USG requires Apple to
           | access something on the basis of legal intercept then Apple
           | will comply, as they did with the FBI and that mass shooter
           | guy: Apple granted the FBI access to the iCloud account, the
           | FBI botched it and then wanted access to the data on the
           | physical phone, which Apple couldn't provide due to not
           | knowing the encryption key.
           | The only other "big stance on privacy" that Apple has is
           | that, unlike their main competitor Google, they are not an
           | advertisement business. So they have no real financial
           | motivation to add tracking to their devices and software vs a
           | Google were advertisement and user tracking are pretty big
           | pillars of their financial income.
           | Infrastructure like that is trivial to hijack for
           | surveillance once in place, which privacy wise makes Google
           | devices and software by default the worse choice unless using
           | specifically cleaned and hardened custom roms.
           | So while these two issues are related, legal intercept and
           | privacy, they are not as easily conflated as you make it
           | sound when you claim Apple is having "double standards" when
           | they really are not "double standards" but simply abiding by
           | local laws and regulations.
           | CountSessine wrote:
           | It's a bigger choice than that for them, or for anyone. If
           | the government requires pervasive tracking, it's either allow
           | it or stop selling phones in China, the world's biggest
           | market for cell phones. And given that economies of scale
           | matter (for things like swallowing flat rate development
           | costs for those nice SOCs they design), it's hard to say
           | goodbye to half your market.
           | Samsung certainly won't take a principled stand on this and
           | stop allowing app tracking. And in a competitive market,
           | deciding to not sell cell phones in China means less
           | development capital for designing the next generation of
           | hardware. They'll start circling the drain and wind up like
           | Motorola or HTC.
           | I'm not saying that they shouldn't be consistent - just that
           | choosing to not sell in China will mean losing everything
           | outside of China eventually.
           | rootusrootus wrote:
           | > Apple seemingly doesn't mind having a double standard for
           | China.
           | That seems to be the case with many businesses. Nobody wants
           | to lose that entire market just to stand on principle.
             | gridder wrote:
             | China is also the place where most of Apple products are
             | produced, this matters a lot as well...
             | Larrikin wrote:
             | Google did and didn't stop existing as a company
               | rootusrootus wrote:
               | Google opted out of the Chinese market because it
               | violated their principles? They didn't try to make a
               | censored Chinese version of Google?
               | summerlight wrote:
               | A part of Google tried to do so and the majority of its
               | employee (enough to scare its senior executives) fiercely
               | rejected that attempt, so it gets overturned.
               | carmen_sandiego wrote:
               | Is that true? A _majority_ of Google employees protested
               | Dragonfly? Last I heard there was a petition with just
               | ~1% of them on it.
         | reaperducer wrote:
         | _In the US, the analogy would be if apps had tracking SDKs in
         | them, that fingerprinted users across apps, in order to better
         | target them for advertisements, and then the US government can
         | pick up that data and do whatever they 'd like with it._
         | I've never really thought about it before, but it would be
         | pretty easy for a three-letter agency to set up an online
         | advertising company for this purpose.
         | They start their own airlines (Air America, JANET, etc.), so
         | starting an adtech company should be a walk in the park.
           | [deleted]
           | RandomSpanish wrote:
           | There are some precedents, such as:
           | https://www.vice.com/en/article/epdkze/muslim-apps-
           | location-...
           | CountSessine wrote:
           | But they don't even need to do that - they just approach an
           | existing adtech company with a FISA warrant and get their
           | data. If they started their own adtech company, eventually
           | they would be out-ed and exposed. But with a FISA warrant,
           | it's mostly business-as-usual for everyone.
             | freeflight wrote:
             | _> But they don 't even need to do that - they just
             | approach an existing adtech company with a FISA warrant and
             | get their data._
             | Depending on who they approach, they won't even need a FISA
             | warrant because in the US information voluntarily given to
             | third parties has "no reasonable expectation of privacy"
             | [0]
             | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_doctrine
           | sangnoir wrote:
           | > I've never really thought about it before, but it would be
           | pretty easy for a three-letter agency to set up an online
           | advertising company for this purpose.
           | There's no need to set one up when you can break into
           | many/all the existing advertising companies; remember "SSL
           | added and removed here :^)" written on an NSA slide,
           | referring to Google's clear-text internal data-center
           | traffic? Also, the NSA spent a fuck-ton of money on compute
           | to factor enough primes to trivially break 20-40%[1] of SSL
           | traffic of the day...in real time.
           | 1. This was about 6 years ago, I can't remember exact
           | percentage, but it was definitely at least 20%, IIRC, the
           | attack was on the key-exchange step
         | DLay wrote:
         | Here is the CAID spec:
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20210316035745/docs.trackingio.c...
           | anon9001 wrote:
           | That's very helpful and adds a lot of clarity.
           | You can tell from the code that the "exploit" here is abusing
           | keychain sharing.
           | iOS has a feature where you can pack a surprising amount of
           | generic data into keychain storage, intended for passwords or
           | auth credentials.
           | iOS also lets app developers opt-in to shared credential
           | storage, so that if you have multiple apps, the user only
           | needs to login once. Here's a blog post on how to do it:
           | https://evgenii.com/blog/sharing-keychain-in-ios/
           | A little-known quirk of the iOS keychain is that it persists
           | across app installs. This is useful because if multiple apps
           | share credentials in the keychain, you don't want
           | uninstalling one app to log you out of other apps.
           | If an American company tried this (looking at you Branch.io),
           | would it be banned by Apple? Maybe? That seems to be the
           | controversy here.
           | Perhaps Apple needs to rethink its keychain sharing API and
           | make the user opt-in to credential sharing.
           | Also a keychain management tool would be nice, so users can
           | see what data apps are permanently storing on their devices
           | (even if the app is uninstalled).
             | tinus_hn wrote:
             | Credential sharing only works between apps registered to
             | the same developer. So no, this does not allow an tracking
             | ID usable by all apps.
             | And remember, any trick abused to create tracking IDs
             | stands the risk of being detected and blocked by Apple in
             | the next iOS update. It has been announced, it has
             | happened, it will keep happening.
               | anon9001 wrote:
               | > Credential sharing only works between apps registered
               | to the same developer.
               | That's right, but it does allow persisting an id through
               | reinstalls of the same app, and sharing that id between
               | apps of the same developer.
               | > So no, this does not allow an tracking ID usable by all
               | apps.
               | It effectively does though. For example, imagine a mobile
               | game company with 10 games. With this technique, you can
               | track that user across app re-installs in each of those
               | games.
               | Now imagine another game company doing the same trick. If
               | both companies send up their independent tracking IDs to
               | a central server along with any other info they can get
               | about the user (email, screen name, IP, whatever), then
               | you can strongly correlate users across multiple tracking
               | IDs. The user has no way to reset these IDs even if they
               | delete and reinstall the apps using them.
               | lilyball wrote:
               | Apple tried removing the keychain persisting in an iOS
               | beta a while back and there was a big outcry from
               | developers as it broke their ability to detect and ban
               | users across app reinstalls. Apple reverted that and
               | responded by adding a new feature where developers could
               | permanently track 2 boolean values for a device (per app)
               | but I don't know who has bothered to switch to that
               | mechanism.
         | freebuju wrote:
         | From what I understand, this CAID will be an effective
         | replacement of Apple's IDFA. It will allow partner advertising
         | groups to tag iPhone users directly without relying on any of
         | Apple's identifiers.
         | pityJuke wrote:
         | > Creative Artists Agency
         | This is wrong. Creative Artists Agency is a talent agency,
         | based in the US, with the same abbreviation.
           | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-03-16 23:02 UTC)