[HN Gopher] Hassle-Free Database Migrations with Prisma Migrate
       Hassle-Free Database Migrations with Prisma Migrate
       Author : sorenbs
       Score  : 42 points
       Date   : 2021-03-16 18:00 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.prisma.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.prisma.io)
       | bionhoward wrote:
       | Definitely got me interested, and I know I ought to just use
       | Postgres, but I'm really keen to use openCypher. Would it be
       | possible to hook prisma up to graph dbs?
       | (bion)-[:loves]->(graphs)
         | jph wrote:
         | Postgres has a graph extension work in progress, that may
         | interest you: https://age.incubator.apache.org/
         | "AGE is an acronym for A Graph Extension... The goal of the
         | project is to create single storage that can handle both
         | relational and graph model data so that users can use standard
         | ANSI SQL along with openCypher, the Graph query language."
       | IceDane wrote:
       | I just recently started using Prisma for a work project and so
       | far I am very pleasantly surprised. I don't think I'll ever want
       | to use something like TypeORM or similar again.
       | We also used their Nexus library to set up a graphql server, and
       | that also worked pretty well. There is a library which bridges
       | the gap between prisma and nexus, making it super easy to set up
       | CRUD operations, but it seems we started using prisma right in
       | the middle of them totally revamping that library.
       | The fact that the prisma developers are aware of technical debt
       | to the point that they are able and willing to totally ice a
       | project in order to redesign it properly is also something I
       | like, because sometimes that is really what you need to do, but
       | most aren't willing to do. Naturally, this can cause some
       | friction, but I work in an industry where I regularly have to
       | work with horrible libraries and software written by developers
       | that don't care and just keep on piling up crap on top of their
       | already huge pile of crap.
       | Congrats and thanks for all the hard work.
       | blacktriangle wrote:
       | Migrations as a service? I feel like I'm going crazy here. It's
       | like we're moving to microservices for not just deployment but
       | our development, but its even worse because now not only does
       | everything have to cross network boundaries, it crosses corporate
       | boundaries. How does anybody expect to write software that lasts
       | when your whole app is dependent on 15 different service
       | providers not selling out and screwing you over to get their VC
       | payday?
         | linkdd wrote:
         | More like "Database as a service with integrated tooling for
         | migrations".
         | Prisma (and Prisma Migrate) can be self hosted, so no corporate
         | boundaries needs to be crossed.
         | They can run on the same host as your application, so the only
         | overhead is on the loopback interface (localhost).
         | The SaaS solutions for a young business who does not have the
         | time/skill/resources to deploy/maintain the infrastructure are
         | great.
         | You should always consider the pros/cons before choosing
         | between a managed or self-hosted solution. And once you scale,
         | you can always go for the self-hosted solution.
           | nikolasburk wrote:
           | > Prisma (and Prisma Migrate) can be self hosted, so no
           | corporate boundaries needs to be crossed.
           | Just to clarify: Prisma is an open-source ORM [1] that's
           | available via an npm package, so there really isn't a
           | component that needs to be "hosted" here. (You might be
           | referring to Prisma 1 which came with its own DB proxy server
           | that was run via Docker, but Prisma 2 [2] doesn't have this
           | Docker container any more and is "just" an npm library).
           | [1] https://github.com/prisma/prisma
           | [2] https://www.prisma.io/blog/announcing-
           | prisma-2-n0v98rzc8br1
             | linkdd wrote:
             | Yes I was referring to Prisma 1, never looked in details to
             | Prisma 2 because we moved to Hasura before Prisma 2 got
             | released.
             | I loved Prisma 1, and probably would love Prisma 2 too, but
             | Hasura was enabling us to query already existing databases
             | without rewriting the schema (and having to maintain it),
             | which was a necessity at the time.
               | nikolasburk wrote:
               | Ah I see, that makes a lot of sense, thanks for
               | clarifying :) Prisma 2 actually is quite different
               | compared to Prisma 1 as there's no native GraphQL layer
               | any more and it's now pretty much "just an ORM".
         | nikolasburk wrote:
         | Nikolas from the Prisma team here. Could you elaborate what you
         | mean with "as a service" in this context exactly?
         | Prisma Migrate is entirely open source and works via a CLI. My
         | understanding of "X as a service" typically includes some web
         | service layer which is why I have a hard time following what
         | you mean with your comment exactly.
       | t0mbstone wrote:
       | I have yet to see a database migration system as elegant and easy
       | to use as the one that comes with Rails.
       | Check out: https://github.com/thuss/standalone-migrations
       | marcc wrote:
       | Congrats on releasing this. I'm a big believer in declarative
       | schema management. Migrate looks great, and I like how it allows
       | autopilot, but that workflow step to inspect the generated
       | migration AND to alter it, if it's incorrect or sub-optimal. This
       | looks like a great tool.
       | We've been working on a similar tool that we've since donated to
       | the CNCF and is now a Sandbox project (https://schemahero.io)
       | that uses YAML to define a schema, and it's controlled by a
       | Kubernetes operator. We realized that version control for the
       | schema is great, and then you get GitOps integration so you can
       | easily deploy and rollback. One of the compelling values of YAML
       | for us was a) Kubernetes, so it's a default and b) Open Policy
       | Agent can start to introduce a policies.
       | Prsima Migrate looks great. I think we'll see more tools like
       | this as folks want to version control and implement policies and
       | store metadata around their schemas to tightly couple the
       | deployment to the app version.
         | sorenbs wrote:
         | Thank you!
         | SchemaHero looks super interesting. I'll check with the team to
         | make sure they take a look. Introducing a Kubernetes operator
         | is pretty ambitious.
       | revskill wrote:
       | Database schema is not actually the most important thing i need
       | to be a productive programmer.
       | What i need more is a smart ORM which gives me tool to calculate
       | dependent fields based on other fields changes, then
       | automatically store it on a field. Secondly, it should provide
       | smart many2many relationship with smart caching techniques.
       | Those are features that prevents me to continue with RoR.
         | sorenbs wrote:
         | Hi there,
         | I think Prisma might cover "smart many2many relationships".
         | What exactly do you mean by smart caching techniques? Prisma is
         | applying the dataloader pattern from GraphQL automatically
         | under the hood, which we find to be a much easier thing to
         | reason about compared to all the complexity of multi-tiered
         | caching in Hibernate.
         | The dependent field requirement is super interesting, and
         | something we will tackle in the future based on Change Data
         | Capture. With Prisma you will be able to write a simple
         | declarative data transformation, and the system will
         | automatically keep the field up-to-date, even if the database
         | is changed by another application, or manually by a user.
         | Hope that makes sense? :-)
         | [deleted]
         | jolmg wrote:
         | > What i need more is a smart ORM which gives me tool to
         | calculate dependent fields based on other fields changes, then
         | automatically store it on a field.
         | Is the ORM really the layer where you want those features?
         | Because at the RDBMS layer you have views, materialized views,
         | and triggers for that.
         | If you really want this at the ORM level, you can do it in RoR
         | with e.g. model callbacks or custom attribute writers.
         | > Secondly, it should provide smart many2many relationship with
         | smart caching techniques. Those are features that prevents me
         | to continue with RoR.
         | RoR's many2many associations already do caching, though.
         | I don't see what you're lacking with RoR on either point.
       | linkdd wrote:
       | What I need from migrations is collaboration.
       | When I make a schema migration locally and push it to the
       | repository, then 3 other PRs with their own migrations are being
       | merged before mine, it is very likely that my local database will
       | be in the wrong state.
       | Correct me if I'm wrong, but using an ORM (be it Django, Prisma,
       | liquibase, ...) to handle your migrations will only generate the
       | SQL queries for you, it won't handle "migration history merges"
       | which is what you'll most likely need.
       | Your schema may be versioned in your repository, but not your
       | data.
       | Therefore, you still need to coordinate your developers when
       | database change are needed. And you'll most likely need to rm -rf
       | your database locally and recreate it.
       | Unfortunately, that is not an easy problem to solve. Fortunately,
       | this should not be a problem on production environments (where
       | their history is more linear).
       | I'd be curious of any work on that subject.
         | csncsu wrote:
         | EF 6 had an interesting take on this problem. If two migrations
         | had the same parent (aka we both branched and added a
         | migration), whoever merged second would have to generate a
         | "merge" migration to resolve the conflict. It wasn't the most
         | elegant solution, or even a solution period, but it made the
         | problem explicit. This happened because the full schema model
         | was serialized and encoded into the migration journal table.
           | linkdd wrote:
           | This is the actual model of git.
           | You try to push on a remote after somebody else, you have to
           | create a merge commit.
           | But it would be nice to have a rebase to keep linearity in
           | your history.
         | sorenbs wrote:
         | The Prisma Migrate team is thinking about these issues. I'll
         | let them elaborate when they wake up tomorrow :-)
         | We are taking inspiration from this great writeup on how Github
         | has implemented a workflow that enable their developers to
         | collaborate on Schema Migrations at scale:
         | https://github.blog/2020-02-14-automating-mysql-schema-migra...
         | tomhoule wrote:
         | (prisma migrate team member here)
         | The development flow in migrate (the `migrate dev`) command is
         | quite pedantic: it will check things like migrations missing
         | from your migrations folder but already applied to the dev
         | database, or migrations that were modified since they were
         | applied (via a checksum) and guide you towards resolving the
         | problem. That can happen because of merges, but even more
         | commonly when you are just switching branches locally, or
         | editing migrations.
         | We're also looking into ways to integrate with your CI and
         | review process to provide more insight, for example when your
         | branch gets stale and you need to "rebase" your migrations on
         | the migrations from the main branch. It's something we are
         | actively exploring, and we're more than happy to get your
         | feedback and ideas on github/slack :)
         | My personal view is that _some level_ of consciousness of the
         | migration process (schema and data) will always be required
         | from developers on large enough projects. What we can do is
         | build tools that help people getting their migrations right,
         | but it can't be completely automated. There's a lot more to do,
         | now that we have a stable, production ready foundation.
           | linkdd wrote:
           | Thank you for your clarification.
           | I like to think about a single migration being a function and
           | a migration history multiple functions being composed.
           | Category theory's main subject (I think) is composition and a
           | lot of good ideas can be taken from there (see this paper:
           | "Functorial Data Migration"[1]).
           | There is an obvious relationship between a schema and the
           | data, and a migration operates on both. The schema might be
           | versioned, but unless you use a Schema-less database (ie:
           | MongoDB) and handle the data versioning application side,
           | your data is not.
           | Any document/graph-based database can avoid this problem by
           | assigning a version to your documents (like apiVersion+kind
           | in Kubernetes), then the application should know how to
           | process each version of the data.
           | In an SQL database, it would require different tables which
           | complexify the data model.
           | IMHO, in every case, you need to handle some of the logic
           | application side or maintain an history of your data (bye-bye
           | storage space?).
           | [1] - http://math.mit.edu/~dspivak/informatics/CD-FDM.pdf
       | EmilStenstrom wrote:
       | This looks similar to Django's migration system. There you change
       | your model, and issue a "makemigrations"-command. Django then
       | automatically generates python code that you run to change your
       | database to sync with your model. You can commit that file and
       | get it under version control. It has support for history merges
       | so that it works collaboratively.
       | More details here:
       | https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/migrations/
       (page generated 2021-03-16 23:02 UTC)