[HN Gopher] A working D compiler on OpenBSD
       A working D compiler on OpenBSD
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2021-03-20 05:31 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (briancallahan.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (briancallahan.net)
       | yrgulation wrote:
       | I'm sorry I can't help but comment how awesome DLang is. Please
       | promote this more on here. Wish I had the time to write open
       | source projects around it, as I simply love this language. I'll
       | reiterate it would benefit from a nice set of webassembly
       | packages - the syntax is easy to pick up for anyone familiar with
       | web languages, and it feels natural that DLang could dominate
       | wasm libraries.
         | bachmeier wrote:
         | Just FYI, this is being worked on:
         | https://github.com/skoppe/spasm
         | https://forum.dlang.org/thread/jggmwuavbkxarzhpvtto@forum.dl...
           | destructionator wrote:
           | and my approach is to do a minimal custom lib
           | http://dpldocs.info/this-week-
           | in-d/Blog.Posted_2020_08_10.ht...
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | Well done, Dr. Callahan!
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | The one reason I've not done anything with OpenBSD is the lack of
       | a D compiler. Maybe now I'll give OpenBSD a try.
         | fao_ wrote:
         | what im really hoping for is extended attributes support again.
         | i use them for a file tagging system i made
         | (https://gitlab.com/finnoleary/koios) and dont really want to
         | be on a computer without that
       | teleforce wrote:
       | From the article, it's interesting to note that D utilizes
       | Thread-Local Storage (TLS) by default and that OpenBSD does not
       | has support for the feature [1].
       | [1]https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/the-linux-
       | programming/9...
         | p0nce wrote:
         | Note that you can use D without TLS on scenarii that don't
         | support it. TLS is a need of (parts of) the D runtime, which
         | you can avoid if need be. This is painful, yet doable.
           | WalterBright wrote:
           | The older D compilers would emulate TLS for platforms that
           | didn't support it, like the older Mac OS. That code is still
           | in there somewhere.
       | 10x-dev wrote:
       | D is just a wonderful language, with a super fast compiler and
       | amazing feature set.
       | I only wish it had better debugging support.
         | ku-man wrote:
         | I only wish D didn't fuck up so bad its chances of growth in
         | the early 2000's.
       (page generated 2021-03-21 23:01 UTC)