[HN Gopher] Firefox 87 trims HTTP Referrers by default to protec...
       Firefox 87 trims HTTP Referrers by default to protect user privacy
       Author : twapi
       Score  : 848 points
       Date   : 2021-03-22 12:07 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.mozilla.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.mozilla.org)
       | nofinator wrote:
       | This made me wonder how to do it now, in Firefox 86. I found this
       | helpful page: https://askubuntu.com/questions/797135/how-to-
       | disable-http-r...
       | TL;DR about:config --> Network.http.sendRefererHeader --> change
       | value from 2 to 0
         | jefftk wrote:
         | That fully removes the header, instead of stripping it down to
         | just the origin as they're going to be doing.
           | floatboth wrote:
           | network.http.referer.defaultPolicy is the correct one
         | [deleted]
       | tomaszs wrote:
       | I don't understand what Mozilla does to Firefox anymore. What
       | does it mean a page "can" leak private data?
       | Is there any story about anyone affected by the issue? Does this
       | issue even exist?
       | It is just breaking another piece of the open web.
       | It just seems like Mozilla not only surrendered in gaining
       | browser market but also actively acts against open web.
       | I thought website creators and website users should be in charge
       | of what they want to do. But it seems no. Now Mozilla decides
       | what web standards can be broken.
       | I'd maybe applaud changes by Mozilla, but with all of these
       | efforts it is not aimed in gaining more users. Firefox does not
       | gain users with such actions. It does not make any sense what is
       | the aim of Mozilla anymore with Firefox.
         | Ayesh wrote:
         | > Is there any story about anyone affected by the issue? Does
         | this issue even exist
         | Yes. Yes it does.
         | Imagine, a web site that has a query parameter with a secret
         | (password reset pages, email unsubscribe, custom feeds, etc).
         | Any images or other assets used in the page will receive the
         | full URL as the referrer, so they can see those secrets.
         | GitHub fixed this very issue a few years ago. They have a
         | feature to get custom RSS feeds for user activity. There is a
         | secret worry parameter in the URL, and any third party images
         | were receiving that full URL.
         | Referrer-Policy header is already supported in many browsers.
           | fvv wrote:
           | If it's a page that contain or receive secret should be using
           | https where referrer is already stripped off
             | jefftk wrote:
             | Firefox was using no-referrer-when-downgrade, which only
             | strips refers when navigating from HTTPS to HTTP.
             | They are switching to strict-origin-when-cross-origin,
             | which cuts the referrer down to just the origin when
             | navigating to a different origin.
           | tomaszs wrote:
           | So where is a real life example?
         | iso1631 wrote:
         | RFC-1945: Because the source of a link may be private
         | information or may reveal an otherwise private information
         | source, it is strongly recommended that the user be able to
         | select whether or not the Referer field is sent. For example, a
         | browser client could have a toggle switch for browsing
         | openly/anonymously, which would respectively enable/disable the
         | sending of Referer and From information.
         | So not sending referrer has always been fine, and I suspect
         | that firefox will have an option to enable the sending
         | somewhere in it.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Normal people are going to switch browser instead of trying
           | to find the said option, because Firefox is "broken".
             | Mordisquitos wrote:
             | Normal websites are going to be unaffected in terms of
             | user-facing functionality, regardless of whether they use
             | the data gathered from HTTP Referer internally. On the
             | other hand, badly designed websites that do depend on the
             | HTTP Referer to provide functional user experience are
             | going to lose their users in favour of normal websites,
             | because _they_ are  "broken"--and always have been.
             | wccrawford wrote:
             | I would say that most "normal people" don't even know the
             | browser sends a referrer header, and it doesn't actually do
             | anything for them.
             | This is useful for site owners, and they have little
             | control over what browser their users use.
             | And as someone else already pointed out, the other big
             | browser (Chrome) has already done this.
             | fogihujy wrote:
             | Why would this break anything? Which sites would break just
             | because the referrer policy default setting changed? And
             | why wouldn't sites have fixed that before, since Chrome
             | pushed the same change last year?
             | RHSeeger wrote:
             | Switch to what, exactly? Chrome already does this,
             | according to another poster.
         | darkwater wrote:
         | According to Wikipedia [1] the "Referer" (sic) HTTP header is
         | an _optional_ one so I don 't see how they are breaking the
         | open web by sending less data in it under some circumstances.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer
         | selykg wrote:
         | If the referrer header contains the full URL from which the
         | user came from it could contain something the user deems
         | private.
         | Imagine that the URL contains a search string that contains
         | something the user might deem private, or the article is about
         | something a state may deem to be illegal, etc.
         | This may not be PII but it could be deemed private by the user.
         | The user should be in control of what information could be
         | given to a website. Imagine a scenario where a person is a
         | member of a group that is looking for equal rights in a country
         | that is very much opposed to this. The group uses a tool that
         | happens to make it clear who this group is. The group then
         | links to an article about their cause or similar. Now that
         | country could potentially link things together and demand
         | information about everyone in that group.
         | It's amazing how little bits of information about you can get
         | you in hot water.
         | This is a good move imo, and I'm glad that Mozilla is trying to
         | plug these types of things. It's better for everyone.
         | As an aside, moving to a privacy oriented browser could very
         | well get Firefox more users. Just like Apple's play to being a
         | private and secure mobile OS is getting them users.
           | tomaszs wrote:
           | So where is the example?
             | selykg wrote:
             | I think you've been given plenty.
             | You should try to come into these conversations with a lot
             | less attitude. Perhaps I'm reading your tone wrong, and if
             | I am I'm sorry about that.
             | I always come into these discussions assuming I'm not the
             | smartest person in the room because that means I have more
             | to learn. Maybe give that a try?
         | [deleted]
       | jakub_g wrote:
       | As a user I love stricter privacy. As a developer working for a
       | platform company whose content (video) is embedded by thousands
       | of websites, I hate this particular change:
       | - more difficult to analyze weird / fraudulent embedders
       | - more difficult to debug issues ("what's the sample URL to
       | repro? no sample URL in logs, only top-level of the domain, but I
       | don't find our embed anywhere -\\_(tsu)_/-")
       | Funny thing: you can't just tell your embedding partners to
       | change the embed code and use `referrerpolicy=...` on the iframe,
       | to expose the full URL, because it's not GDPR-compliant
       | apparently. So you need user's consent first. But how do you
       | obtain user's consent before you render HTML on the server? :)
       | ("GDPR wall" is not compliant either)
       | Life sucks, I guess. But it's for greater good, and I guess the
       | companies will somehow survive.
       | [deleted]
       | Black101 wrote:
       | It's about time...
       | gianfrid wrote:
       | Nice, I'm using SmartReferer (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-
       | US/firefox/addon/smart-referer...), I'm always happy to drop an
       | extension when Mozilla natively implements the same feature
         | ChrisGranger wrote:
         | Smart Referer is even stricter than this new policy if you
         | don't use the recommended 'Lax' setting. It will block referers
         | even on the same domain but to different subdomains, if you
         | want it to.
       | bitmapbrother wrote:
       | Kind of amusing that Chrome did it first (and the Firefox
       | implementation was likely copied), yet Firefox gets the fanfare.
       | Just an observation.
       | codegeek wrote:
       | So if someone does want to use http referrer for any reason (e.g.
       | only load a certain asset if coming from internal URL/specific
       | referrer), what needs to be done ?
         | jefftk wrote:
         | Checking for a specific internal URL will still work: they're
         | changing the default cross-origin behavior.
       | surajs wrote:
       | your privacy will become the joke
       | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
       | Will Firefox trim their own header additions when searching?
       | e.g. here's the page that Firefox generates when I try to search
       | "Dragon Quest XI" in a Private Window on Amazon via the address
       | bar:
       | https://www.amazon.com/s?k=dragon+quest+xi&link_code=qs&sour...
       | Note the 'mozilla-20' tag at the end.
         | inigoesdr wrote:
         | That's not the same as the referrer header; it's mostly
         | invisible to the end user without inspecting the raw request
         | data.
         | SquareWheel wrote:
         | That's an affiliate link. It seems then Mozilla is injecting
         | affiliate codes on Amazon searches.
       | idclip wrote:
       | Wish i was able enough to help Web servers cull http and be https
       | per default rather than offer complex alternatives that are often
       | hard and multi step to implement.
       | ing33k wrote:
       | any chance that a few CORS implementations will break due to this
       | ?
         | capableweb wrote:
         | No.... ? Not as far as I could gather. Why would CORS break
         | because of this change? AFAIK, CORS has nothing with the
         | referrer header.
           | gruez wrote:
           | he's probably talking about referrer checks which are used as
           | a mitigation against csrf
         | gruez wrote:
         | It only trims path and query information so it should be fine
         | unless the site is overzealous and checks those.
       | e12e wrote:
       | I think there'd be a bit less panic in the comments if the
       | title/headline reflected that the change (as I understand it)
       | applies cross-origin and cross-scheme (http > tls). So if you're
       | preventing hot-linking of assets, this should not affect you (or;
       | you have some control over it via policy):
       | > this new stricter referrer policy will not only trim
       | information for requests going from HTTPS to HTTP, but will also
       | trim path and query information for all cross-origin requests.
       | Seems like a fairly balanced way to protect privacy along with
       | preserving utility?
       | NelsonMinar wrote:
       | And so the dream of bidirectional hyperlinks finally dies. Turns
       | out not only do we not need them, in most cases you really don't
       | want them.
         | superkuh wrote:
         | Yes. This makes surfing the web harder and will result in more
         | centralization within proprietary walled gardens instead of
         | federation via protocol mechanisms.
       | myfonj wrote:
       | Oh, I'll really miss occasionally peeking at AWStats and
       | discovering weird pages pointing at my weird pages :(
       | This subtle aspect of web had been always strangely appealing for
       | me: people leaving trails in access logs and building real
       | "footpaths" network of synapses between HTML _documents_ , across
       | origins. Sad to watch it dying, however beneficial and
       | understandable it is.
       | I feel it didn't have to be this way: maybe if GET wasn't so
       | widely misused recently and generally everybody knew what to
       | _not_ put in URL and acted accordingly, we could have preserved
       | such nice things.
         | stevenicr wrote:
         | Similar here, and as I have written recently:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26532433
         | I feel that this could easily be a user toggle-able option near
         | the url bar - and that people could choose to send referrer and
         | search parameters to sites they like - and I could understand
         | certain medical terms and what-not maybe people wanting to keep
         | more hidden.
         | I'm all for the browser taking control of this and giving the
         | users options - love to be able to have the web site detect
         | this and add a box saying 'hey would you mind sharing referral
         | and or search term with us"
         | It really helps when trying to figure out if you should be
         | adding more content for 'term-mainly-X-demo' might be searching
         | or for sure should be adding more content for other terms
         | people are definitely searching for.
         | I would imagine that many people would like to hide referrer
         | for fbook, most of my sites I would think people would be
         | willing to help with providing such info.
         | as far as webmastering and stats to try to help visitors - it
         | appears google is keeping more and more data to themselves, and
         | now firefox is making it less transparent too.
         | I see there is a link to the referrer policy for your site, but
         | nothing about begging the user to include the info when
         | visiting - oh well.
         | awstats and similar have helped troubleshoot and helped expand
         | many sites for many years and now another nudge to install
         | third party slow-ware google-stats.. I just, sigh.
           | behnamoh wrote:
           | > I feel that this could easily be a user toggle-able option
           | near the url bar...
           | No ordinary user wants to deal with that much complexity.
             | skinkestek wrote:
             | But why have we decided lately to fall for the tyranny of
             | what "ordinary users" want?
             | Why can't we have a full featured Firefox hidden behind a
             | setting, so this mythical "ordinary user" can have a dumbed
             | down interface and the rest of us can have a real browser?
               | antonvs wrote:
               | > But why have we decided lately to fall for the tyranny
               | of what "ordinary users" want?
               | For the same reason bank robbers rob banks. That's where
               | the money is. The source of the funding that pays for
               | development of these tools is driving this.
               | I'm not defending that situation, that's just the way it
               | is. "Hackers" working on what they find technically
               | elegant and useful are not driving these sorts of
               | changes.
               | [deleted]
               | behnamoh wrote:
               | "mythical" ordinary user? Have you been living in the
               | world recently?
           | stjohnswarts wrote:
           | It's not really important enough to be a visible element on
           | the bar. It would be a good compromise to bury an opt-in
           | somewhere in settings though. Firefox is doing the right
           | thing here by making it default and uncomplicated.
         | simias wrote:
         | You'll still get the source domain name, you just won't be able
         | to see the full path. Of course how useful it is will depend on
         | the source website, if it's "news.ycombinator.com" it won't be
         | too difficult to find the post, if it's "facebook.com" it'll be
         | a tad more complicated.
         | leephillips wrote:
         | Totally agree. As almost no one uses anything like webmentions,
         | this was the way to discover who was linking to your site. (And
         | because the Google link tool didn't seem to return much actual
         | information.)
           | myfonj wrote:
           | From a glance at MDN [1] and specs [3] it seems at least we
           | can still opt-in our sites to suggest visitors user agent to
           | pass full referrer address along outgoing links; there seems
           | to be three ways to do so:                   # 1. Apache conf
           | Header set Referrer-Policy "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
           | <!-- 2. meta HTML head with same effect [2] -->         <meta
           | name="referrer" content="no-referrer-when-downgrade">
           | <!-- 3.  HTML anchor attribute -->         <a
           | href="https://..." referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-
           | downgrade">
           | This will pass full path and query when navigating between
           | HTTPS to foreign origin. I guess it will be lost in http: to
           | https: redirects. `unsafe-url` value would do it even for
           | HTTP.
           | (Funny all three have different spelling, and that in effect
           | they direct value of a single HTTP header with inherently
           | erroneous spelling.)
           | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Re... [2] my guess using `<meta
           | http-equiv="Referrer-Policy" content="no-referrer-when-
           | downgrade">` should do the same, but is not explicitly
           | mentioned anywhere. [3] https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-
           | referrer-policy/
             | simias wrote:
             | Note that it only works if it's set on the _source_ page,
             | for obvious reasons. So if you set these headers on your
             | page the browser will send the referrer when browsing away
             | from your page, but not when your page is the target.
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | Bring it back! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26401955
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | Absolutely, I loved seeing spikes in my traffic and going to
         | the reddit/HN thread that caused it. I guess you still can
         | manually figure it out using a search engine maybe, but like
         | you said the smaller weird ones will go under the cover
         | probably.
           | kevincox wrote:
           | Exactly. I am torn on this feature. On one hand this is the
           | correct default for privacy, there are a number of websites
           | with somewhat sensitive information in the URL. But relying
           | on a search engine or webmaster tools to crawl the entire web
           | to see where your traffic is coming from is a real shame.
           | Especially because it will have an inevitable delay.
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | It is a fun feature, but privacy generally trumps such
             | things since they are constantly being used by various
             | entities for bad purposes.
             | gscott wrote:
             | The next step is not knowing where your visitors are coming
             | from and having to only buy google ads rather then creating
             | affiliate relationships. It is too bad FireFox is playing
             | into this, it is not helping anyone's privacy. It only
             | lines Google's pockets.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Using and needing the exact url to form an affiliate
               | relationship sounds like a very rare situation.
               | And I don't know how you can say it doesn't help privacy
               | with a straight face.
               | fragileone wrote:
               | Affiliates can still use things like personalised
               | discount codes, script-based tracking, etc. There's still
               | numerous ways for affiliates to exist.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | Why? What happened here is a change to the default value when
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Re...
         | value if it's left unspecified. Set it to what you want, and
         | this change doesn't affect you?
           | zerocrates wrote:
           | It's the policies of the external sites that matter to the
           | parent poster, not their own.
         | TriNetra wrote:
         | yes, for content-only sites it makes perfect sense. For sites
         | hosting private data requiring login, (especially if there's
         | some sensitive information in the URL) it poses a risk.
         | forgotmypw17 wrote:
         | Yeah, the big sites will still get to see the data though, so
         | if you just become an employee, you can probably still get it.
       | collsni wrote:
       | I have sending the referrer header for years in firefox, if a
       | site doesn't accept it I just go somewhere else.
       | qertoip wrote:
       | Good.
       | dbg31415 wrote:
       | Does Firefox 87 still make my MBP a toaster when I turn on a Zoom
       | call through Firefox?
       | Power usage for same streaming video call on Safari vs. Firefox.
       | https://i.imgur.com/I7T19d0.png
         | hu3 wrote:
         | Does that still apply for M1?
           | dbg31415 wrote:
           | No, Intel-based.
             | hu3 wrote:
             | I know. I meant to ask if Firefox on M1 has the same
             | behavior.
             | I guess I'll ask a colleague at work.
       | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
       | And just a reminder that it's always a good idea to set Referrer-
       | Policy regardless on sites you own.
         | arbuge wrote:
         | It's good advice, but bizarrely some browsers ignore Referrer-
         | Policy, even when it requests "no-referrer", which basically
         | _increases_ the privacy level to the maximum possible - beyond
         | for example the origin-only settings which the browser defaults
         | are now tending towards (such as with this Firefox update).
         | In my testing, all recent versions of Safari on iOS were the
         | worst offenders here. I talked more about this here:
         | https://twitter.com/arbuge/status/1354805900268105743
         | You would think that Safari would jump at the chance to show no
         | referrer, given Apple's attempts to position themselves as
         | champions of user privacy, but for some reason the opposite is
         | in fact true.
           | jwilk wrote:
           | What does ITP stand for?
             | arbuge wrote:
             | Intelligent Tracking Prevention.
       | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
       | I never send a referer header. This has zero effect on my "user
       | experience".
       | aimor wrote:
       | I'm surprised it took this long, and it's still not completely
       | gone. I've never understood the history of why http referer
       | exists (original intent) or why the user would benefit from
       | sharing it.
         | jameshart wrote:
         | The original HTTP specification really didn't think of the web
         | as an adversarial environment. The RFC that specified the
         | 'referer' header [1] described it as having the following
         | purpose:                   [Referer]... allows the client to
         | specify, for         the server's benefit, the address (URI) of
         | the resource from which         the Request-URI was obtained.
         | This allows a server to generate lists         of back-links to
         | resources for interest, logging, optimized caching,
         | etc. It also allows obsolete or mistyped links to be traced for
         | maintenance.
         | The idea of how a user benefits from sharing it was that it
         | would help the webmasters upon whom they were reliant to do a
         | better job of curating their websites. It clearly expects a
         | benevolent relationship between the owner of the linked site,
         | the host of the link, and the user. Idealistic, sure, but
         | understandable in a collaborative, academic context.
         | [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1945#section-10.13
       | Scoundreller wrote:
       | Google largely killed this when they moved to https by default,
       | but I missed reviewing what search terms visitors used to visit
       | my site and then creating content to answer their actual
       | questions, instead of guessing.
       | But the web was a much smaller place/time back then.
       | Oh, and seeing people search for my uncommon name...
       | edent wrote:
       | Here's a practical reason for doing this.
       | https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2018/01/mailchimp-leaks-your-email-...
       | A few years ago, I discovered that referrers from MailChimp let
       | you unsubscribe people from lists, and see their email addresses.
       | avsteele wrote:
       | Doesn't this just push people to more tracking cookies? How are
       | sites supposed to know what sources are driving their traffic?
       | Whether visitors are coming via email campaigns, google, etc?
         | contravariant wrote:
         | A popular approach seems to be to use customized URLs. Which is
         | of course always an option, though ClearURLs takes care of a
         | few common options.
         | Besides it's up to a user whether they want to tell you where
         | they came from, you aren't _supposed_ to know anything, you are
         | _allowed_ to.
           | jbverschoor wrote:
           | Back in the days, there'd be a jsessionid in the url :-)
           | andrewaylett wrote:
           | Thanks for the pointer -- not come across Clear URLs before.
           | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/clearurls/ in
           | case anyone else has also not seen it.
         | nkrisc wrote:
         | As a visitor to your web site: not my problem and you've no
         | right to know anyway what I visited before coming to your site.
         | That fact that you can still see the referring domain is still
         | too much, in my opinion.
           | gxnxcxcx wrote:
           | In Firefox, "network.http.referer.spoofSource = true" takes
           | care of that last bit. The only thing it breaks for me is
           | codepen.io, which fortunately I don't use.
         | viraptor wrote:
         | UTM tags mostly https://www.intownwebdesign.com/google/google-
         | analytics-utm-...
         | gspr wrote:
         | > How are sites supposed to know what sources are driving their
         | traffic? Whether visitors are coming via email campaigns,
         | google, etc?
         | Kindly, and non-intrusively, ask them? You know, just like in
         | other aspects of life?
         | Symbiote wrote:
         | Why should they know this? I am keen that they _don 't_ know
         | this.
         | If I walk into a shop, the shopkeeper doesn't know if something
         | in the window caught my eye, if my friend recommended the
         | helpful staff, if I saw the advert they placed on a billboard,
         | or if I just came in because it's raining.
           | pbhjpbhj wrote:
           | We run a micro-business and we ask people how they heard of
           | us (and use offer codes, but that was mentioned).
           | People are usually happy to tell us; but then we only use
           | that information to run our business better, we don't sell
           | it.
           | Another technique is referral bonus, "recommend a friend"
           | type offers.
           | slater wrote:
           | "the shopkeeper doesn't know if something in the window
           | caught my eye"
           | Except that's already here, or in the making, i.e. with those
           | advertising eye-tracking stories that make the rounds every 6
           | months or so.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _If I walk into a shop, the shopkeeper doesn 't know if
           | something in the window caught my eye, if my friend
           | recommended the helpful staff, if I saw the advert they
           | placed on a billboard, or if I just came in because it's
           | raining._
           | But the shopkeeper knows if you came in through the street
           | entrance (maybe saw the window display), through the mall
           | entrance (maybe saw the sandwich board), or through the
           | communicating door to the next shop (maybe saw the
           | merchandise).
             | antonvs wrote:
             | Only true for a small shop where the shopkeeper can see all
             | entrances and is able to pay attention to that enough of
             | the time.
             | Otherwise you need video cameras and AI... or perhaps spray
             | every incoming customer with a source-identifying powder or
             | smell - hmm, maybe that explains Abercrombie & Fitch!
           | nickjj wrote:
           | > If I walk into a shop, the shopkeeper doesn't know if
           | something in the window caught my eye, if my friend
           | recommended the helpful staff, if I saw the advert they
           | placed on a billboard, or if I just came in because it's
           | raining.
           | A lot of places will attach unique discount codes to
           | advertisements to get an idea on where you came from.
           | For example, on a TV commercial it might say use promo code
           | COOL123 to save 10% or if you saw that billboard it might say
           | to use NICE123 instead. Then there's radio, newspapers and so
           | on each with their own unique code that offer the same 10%
           | discount.
           | And since a discount is applied chances are you'll use it
           | because not too many folks would purposely avoid the discount
           | to hide where you discovered the shopkeeper from.
           | You often see this being done online too, but there's also
           | things like UTM tags or unique URLs that let you do the same
           | thing without discount codes. It's not to make more money as
           | a shopkeeper (avoiding the discount), it's just easier to set
           | up. Using a UTM tag is a matter of creating a link with a few
           | query parameters. Creating a specific discount code or a
           | unique URL for a specific promotion takes a bit of extra leg
           | work.
           | I'm not sure where I stand on the movement to remove all
           | forms of referral tracking. Both referral headers and UTM
           | tags can be spoofed or removed through extensions so using
           | them as any type of source of truth was a bad idea anyways.
           | However, as someone who sells digital products I like knowing
           | which specific video or blog post helped someone discover
           | some of my paid content. But at the same time, the end game
           | is really "is the needle moving forward?" so the specifics
           | kind of don't matter. But in the short term while you're
           | figuring things out, the extra info does help you focus on
           | where to spend your time. Not just for more profit, but to
           | provide better and more free content because it's what folks
           | want.
             | zentiggr wrote:
             | As a user with a certain combination of medical and other
             | life issues, I'm neutral on the use of varied discount
             | codes, as it's not personally identifying, just gives you
             | the seller an idea of which media is a good buy. Ok, no
             | worries.
             | Bur given the unique personal searches/browsing I could
             | have just been doing, I sure the heck don't want my recent
             | activity advertised to the next site I go to. Happy as a
             | clam to shut down all the Referrer uses, even whatever
             | login flows that might have to re-engineer themselves.
         | Deukhoofd wrote:
         | You can still see what site the referrer came from, just not
         | the path + query string behind it.
         | puszczyk wrote:
         | How does this work in real life? How does say Tesco can find
         | out if I'm shopping there because of a billboard ad, or because
         | it's conveniently located on my commute? How do they measure
         | their ad campaign effectiveness?
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | Facial recognition in stores, your credit card, or your
           | loyalty card tie your purchase to an ID, which then can be
           | back-tied to all the Internet surveillance in your browser
           | and on your phone, to attribute purchases to ads viewed on-
           | line. It's a bit tougher with attributing real-life billboard
           | ads.
         | kevincox wrote:
         | I think the major problem here is that this information was
         | sent *by default* and many websites didn't realize that
         | outbound links where sharing the source URL. This could result
         | in an exploitable security issue.
         | Now the website has to do something explicit to share
         | information (beyond the hostname) to outbound cross-origin
         | outbound links. It is much more likely that the website will
         | pay attention to what information they are sharing in this
         | case.
         | ldjb wrote:
         | Firefox still sends the origin (the domain name and subdomain)
         | of the referring page, so you can still see the website the
         | user is coming from.
         | Google has had a dereferral process in place for many years
         | anyway, which prevents you from seeing the specific search
         | engine results page the user is coming from. So this really
         | doesn't change anything for those websites such as Google that
         | already had these security features in place.
           | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
           | > Google has had a dereferral process in place for many years
           | anyway, which prevents you from seeing the specific search
           | engine results page the user is coming from.
           | Is this really a security feature though? Or is it Google
           | keeping the important information for themselves?
             | SXX wrote:
             | It's certainly has nothing to do with security. It's
             | Google's way to force you to use Google Analytics if you
             | want to track said informarion.
               | tannhaeuser wrote:
               | Also, it prevents you from exfiltrating Google's ML model
               | for search and build up your own.
               | lmkg wrote:
               | Google Analytics does _not_ give you additional keyword
               | information.
               | If you want keyword information from Google search
               | results, the best way to get it is actually buying ads
               | for those keywords. And in fact some marketers allocate
               | ad budget to keywords they already rank for, specifically
               | for that purpose.
               | shostack wrote:
               | But to the grandparent's point, GA used to give you a ton
               | more organic info at the keyword level. It is part of
               | what drove the seo industry. The only way to get an
               | abstract view of that keyword volume now, including on
               | your brand terms, is to buy ads and run the organic
               | reports.
       | sneak wrote:
       | I hope they do User-Agent next.
         | oneeyedpigeon wrote:
         | At least that might stop Twitter refusing to serve User-Agents
         | it doesn't recognise.
           | sneak wrote:
           | How long until we see a CFAA prosecution based solely on
           | providing a UA in the request that you're not "supposed" to
           | use?
           | floatboth wrote:
           | There was a brief period of time last year when Twitch
           | streams broke for me, turns out because my UA includes
           | "FreeBSD" instead of an OS they know about. Eventually this
           | was fixed.
         | omoikane wrote:
         | Coincidentally, Mozilla's site is one that consistently blocks
         | my user-agent (Lynx).
         | jefftk wrote:
         | They've indicated they may:
         | https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/202#is...
         | Commenting in support of Chrome's proposal to freeze the user
         | agent and provide UACH instead.
           | sneak wrote:
           | UACH is worse than a header.
           | The server shouldn't get information about the client.
           | Unsurprisingly, UACH is spearheaded by an ad tracking company
           | that benefits from a moat caused by minimally viable/workable
           | browsers costing millions of dollars and dozens of developers
           | to implement.
             | SquareWheel wrote:
             | > UACH is worse than a header.
             | It's not. The header gives up all information by default.
             | UA-CH works by request-only, and allows the browser to
             | determine how much to send. This is easily controlled via
             | native settings or browser extensions.
             | The API also requires a secure connection, and specifically
             | forces the server to admit to any fingerprinting (or
             | legitimate use-case of data otherwise).
       | deepstack wrote:
       | Good for firefox. although I can see how this may break vimeo
       | kind of service that only allow embedding video from certain web
       | site.
         | simias wrote:
         | They still send the domain name on cross-origin requests, so
         | the type of filtering Vimeo does will be unaffected as far as I
         | can tell.
         | It's only when the target website needs the full source URL
         | (with path and GET parameters) that you may encounter issues.
       | eitland wrote:
       | For anyone who wonders how http referer could ever be a good idea
       | consider the following:
       | I remember when my dad studied to become a teacher. As one of
       | their assignments they had to create a webside. As someone who
       | had recently given up farming I think he wrote about farm animals
       | and linked to some other pages about small scale poultry and
       | similar topics.
       | One day he got a mail from the "webmaster" of one of the sites he
       | linked to that he would have to update his links soon. I remember
       | being really surprised that someone knew my dad had linked to
       | them.
       | Being only 16 or 17 or something I only knew simple html, basic
       | and vb but I knew that html links were one way.
       | I don't think I realized until later what had really happened:
       | this person had looked at their server logs to see where their
       | customers came from, looked up the page and found the email
       | address.
       | Of course this also highlights why the referer is so problematic.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | > _One day he got a mail from the "webmaster" of one of the
         | sites he linked to that he would have to update his links soon.
         | I remember being really surprised that someone knew my dad had
         | linked to them._
         | These days 100% of such emails I receive are from spammers
         | trying to steal some google juice.
         | antonvs wrote:
         | You'll still be able to see which site visitors came from, just
         | not the specific page.
       | ape4 wrote:
       | I've noticed recently the <Back button is sometimes disabled in
       | Firefox. Related?
         | chrisjc wrote:
         | Not sure if it's related, but the
         | > Back button is sometimes disabled in Firefox
         | for me when I click on a Medium (or similar) link. However I
         | think this is related to containers. It's really annoying, but
         | I'd rather just avoid Medium that abandon Firefox.
       | bouncycastle wrote:
       | The HTTP referer (a misspelling of referrer) was broken for a
       | while, ever since spammers figured out they can abuse it.
       | hannob wrote:
       | Just a FYI because some people are complaining that Mozilla is
       | doing something evil or will break all of the web or something.
       | Chrome made the same change a while back:
       | https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/07/referrer-p...
       | So if this breaks something people probably already noticed. And
       | Mozilla is merely aligning with the browser with the largest
       | market share on this. (Also everyone who wants something
       | different for their sites, it's configurable:
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Re... )
         | smileybarry wrote:
         | Ah, that explains why the old "come from Google" trick for
         | bypassing paywalls stopped working a while ago.
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | Your FYI is also useful for the contrapositive of that feeling,
         | which we often see on HN: "Look how Firefox is leading privacy
         | improvements and how much more privacy forward it is than
         | Chrome".
           | michaelt wrote:
           | You see, when Firefox improves privacy it's for the good of
           | users, but when Chrome improves privacy it's because Google
           | can track you just fine despite the change and they want to
           | give competing ad networks a kicking.
           | /s ?
             | ViViDboarder wrote:
             | I mean, that can be true, no? Google does have many ways of
             | tracking you and blocking others from doing it while still
             | doing it themselves certainly helps them maintain their
             | moat.
               | Groxx wrote:
               | AMP is a pretty good example of this. Good for Google,
               | reduces tracking (by anyone but Google), bad for everyone
               | else.
             | tasogare wrote:
             | Both browsers are funded mainly by the same source, so in
             | the end changes in any of them is Google's move anyway.
             | [deleted]
             | GeekyBear wrote:
             | >You see, when Firefox improves privacy it's for the good
             | of users, but when Chrome improves privacy it's because
             | Google can track you just fine despite the change and they
             | want to give competing ad networks a kicking.
             | /s ?
             | Given that Firefox improving privacy generally doesn't draw
             | antitrust scrutiny, where is the problem with that
             | statement?
             | >The questions from Justice Department investigators have
             | touched on how Chrome policies, including those related to
             | cookies, affect the ad and news industries, four people
             | said.
             | Investigators are asking whether Google is using Chrome,
             | which has 60% global market share, to reduce competition by
             | preventing rival ad companies from tracking users through
             | cookies while leaving loopholes for it to gather data with
             | cookies, analytics tools and other sources, the sources
             | added.
             | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tech-antitrust-google-
             | exc...
             | If Google were truly improving privacy, one would expect
             | their changes to decrease their own ability to track users,
             | not just their competitors.
           | jonas21 wrote:
           | It's also useful for recognizing how preconceived notions and
           | biases influence upvoting behavior and by extension what
           | gains visibility on the front page, further reinforcing those
           | biases.
           | At the time I'm writing this, there are 740 upvotes and 187
           | comments on this story vs. 12 upvotes and 0 comments for the
           | top submission when Chrome made the same change [1]. Without
           | the FYI, I would have assumed this was Firefox leading the
           | way in privacy because I was simply unaware that Chrome had
           | done it.
           | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24008516
           | lucideer wrote:
           | True, but this case contains a little more complexity.
           | Namely:
           | 1. Chrome, as the dominant browser, drives developer
           | behaviour (devs need to change their websites when Chrome
           | breaks compat). Firefox doesn't have this luxury, so some
           | features like this must necessarily be lead by Chrome in the
           | monopolistic browser world we live in.
           | 2. Referers allow _websites_ to individually track users
           | better, which is bad for user privacy if you are concerned
           | about entities such as Facebook, etc. tracking you. However,
           | those entities are Google 's competitors; for Google, Chrome
           | does the tracking, so they have no need of the Referer.
           | Removing it is "good" for user privacy w.r.t. Google's
           | competitors, and simultaneously good for Google
           | (disadvantaging such competitors).
             | behnamoh wrote:
             | Your answer takes Google's POV into account (the "why"),
             | but the GP was mentioning the end result of firms'
             | intentions (the "what"). In other words, it doesn't matter
             | why google needs to or wants to implement some features.
             | What matters is that those features are implemented in
             | Chrome and yet they don't get praised on HN. But if Mozilla
             | adds the same features, HN folks go crazy about it.
             | I'm a happy Firefox user too, but I don't want to believe
             | that Firefox is the only browser that cares about user
             | privacy.
               | lucideer wrote:
               | > _I don 't want to believe that Firefox is the only
               | browser that cares about user privacy._
               | I don't either, but I don't believe HN users praising
               | Chrome is going to help with that situation...
               | ysavir wrote:
               | I think the parent comment's point is that Firefox is
               | worth celebrating because they're making this (and other
               | changes) with no ulterior motive other than championing
               | user privacy. But with Chrome, the user privacy
               | improvement is a biproduct of Google making profit-
               | oriented decisions, and not the focal point of their
               | change.
               | I'll happily celebrate Google making a privacy-oriented
               | change that's actually intended and not a bi-product, but
               | this isn't such a case.
             | pkaye wrote:
             | > Removing it is "good" for user privacy w.r.t. Google's
             | competitors, and simultaneously good for Google
             | (disadvantaging such competitors).
             | And how does Mozilla make money?
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Google paying it.
               | Out of Chrome and Firefox, one is one big level of
               | indirection further away from Google's influence than the
               | other.
               | derefr wrote:
               | No. Mozilla Corp is a separate entity from the Mozilla
               | Foundation, and Google pays Mozilla Corp. (The
               | arrangement with Google is exactly _why_ Mozilla Corp is
               | a distinct thing from the Mozilla Foundation: it means
               | profits to Mozilla Corp can 't influence the Mozilla
               | Foundation.)
               | Mozilla Foundation is purely a donation-fed nonprofit,
               | and most things you associate with "Mozilla" are made by
               | the Mozilla Foundation. In fact, even Firefox itself --
               | the open source project -- is made by the Mozilla
               | Foundation.
               | Mozilla Corp is just a company that employs engineers to
               | work on Firefox. (I.e. their job is to be ordinary FOSS
               | contributors to the project.) Those engineers might have
               | a profit motive to do things Mozilla Corp
               | investors/shareholders like, but that's fine, because
               | those engineers mostly aren't part of the Firefox
               | steering committee. The Firefox steering committee (along
               | with all other Mozilla projects) is composed of people
               | who are employed by the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation;
               | and/or FOSS people external to Mozilla as a whole.
               | (ETA: fixed the names. I originally called Mozilla Corp
               | "Firefox Corp" -- and it really basically is, as Mozilla
               | Corp doesn't employ people to work on anything other than
               | Firefox. IMHO "Firefox Corp" would be a strictly-better
               | name for it.)
               | sm4rk0 wrote:
               | You're close, but there's no "Firefox Corp".
               | From Wikipedia: "Mozilla [...] is a free software
               | community founded in 1998 by members of Netscape. [...]
               | The community is supported institutionally by the not-
               | for-profit Mozilla Foundation and its tax-paying
               | subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation."
               | stonogo wrote:
               | A distinction without a difference, since the same people
               | lead both organizations.
               | godelski wrote:
               | Through royalties and donations[0]. You say this like
               | something nefarious is going on. But also consider that
               | Mozilla has a net income of 90 million/yr[1]. The income
               | levels between these two companies are extremely
               | different and thus they can operate in different ways and
               | under different conditions and saying "how does x make
               | money" and not taking this into account is just a bad
               | question. Their goal isn't to be Google and to be a
               | trillion dollar company.
               | [0] https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/04131
               | 5/how-m...
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Corporation
             | 3grdlurker wrote:
             | It seems that the solution to the "complex" scenario you're
             | describing is simple: use Firefox instead of Chrome.
               | toxik wrote:
               | It's only simple in the sense that it takes few words to
               | say, but then world peace is also simple: just stop
               | having wars.
             | ehsankia wrote:
             | > for Google, Chrome does the tracking, so they have no
             | need of the Referer.
             | Source?
               | [deleted]
               | [deleted]
           | IAmNotAFix wrote:
           | Google consistenly tries to make it harder for their
           | competitors to grab user data.
           | m463 wrote:
           | But doesn't chrome have baked-in identification?
           | (not that firefox doesn't have lots of phone-home behavior
           | you can't turn off like
           | firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com)
             | behnamoh wrote:
             | Exactly. In FF, one of the first things I always do is turn
             | off "Firefox Data Collection and Use" in the Settings.
         | Ajedi32 wrote:
         | Yeah, I was gonna say; isn't this part of the spec? Seems like
         | it is; at least in the latest editor's draft:
         | https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-referrer-policy/#default-ref...
         | xPaw wrote:
         | That doesn't appear to be accurate in Chrome, in 89 I am
         | getting no-referrer-when-downgrade.
         | For example, I clicked a link on old reddit and saw the full
         | referer being sent to another origin.
         | merb wrote:
         | why tf should removing Referer break sites? who uses Referer?!
         | the only thing that Referer brought were privacy leaks.
           | Isthatablackgsd wrote:
           | Some sites use referrer as their "cookie session". One site
           | use Cloudflare Anti-DDOS referrer as their cookie. Removing
           | that referrer will cause the browser to infinity loop in CF
           | Anti-DDOS because the site is expecting that referrer before
           | entering the site.
           | I hate sharing Amazon shopping links because Amazon packs
           | much referrer as possible in the link. Amazon uses the
           | referrer to track who am I sharing to and use it for data for
           | them to sells.
             | lupire wrote:
             | Are you conflating Referer with URL parameters? (Amazon
             | calls them "ref tags" (referrer tags) but that's not HTTP
             | Referer. It's not even possible to do what you are
             | imagining with HTTP Referer, since Referer is only inside a
             | browser session, not across from you to your friend.
               | Isthatablackgsd wrote:
               | Dang it, I didn't realize it was specific to HTTP. Thank
               | you for pointing it out, all I see referrers (I somehow
               | blank on HTTP) and I thought it was about the referrer
               | tags.
           | asveikau wrote:
           | Isn't it also sort of useful information for site owners even
           | if they are not maliciously slurping your private
           | information?
           | For example you might not know that important site X linked
           | to you and is driving Y% of your audience. You are not
           | necessarily interested in the individuals following the links
           | when you discover that.
             | antonvs wrote:
             | This change only trims the referrer string, it doesn't
             | remove the origin domain info. You can still tell that
             | "important site X linked to you and is driving Y% of your
             | audience." You just wouldn't be able to get any more
             | granular than that.
           | hk1337 wrote:
           | The first thing I thought of was when you go to a URL but it
           | requires a login so it redirects you to the login page but
           | then redirects you back to your original page after you
           | login. Pretty sure it's easily remedied without referer but
           | that was the first thing I thought about.
             | bdcravens wrote:
             | If the login is on the same site, this change won't affect
             | that, as this change only applies to cross-original
             | requests.
             | merb wrote:
             | that is a security issue on it's own. you should never have
             | an openredirect bug, that's why openid servers need to
             | store redirect uris somewhere and validate them.
           | lgeorget wrote:
           | We use them to prevent other websites to hotlink our dynamic
           | map tiles. Not a big protection of course but useful anyway.
           | smt88 wrote:
           | Referer is an important way to maintain the security of an
           | OAuth flow.
           | I don't know how commonly it would break that flow, but it
           | certainly could depending on implementation details that are
           | not narrowly prescribed by the OAuth2 spec.
             | merb wrote:
             | no referer is an important way to screw your security in an
             | oauth2 flow. with oauth2 a correct configuration would be
             | Referrer-Policy: no-referrer and enforcing a secure state
             | param and csrf.
           | amaccuish wrote:
           | Loads of cashback systems use it. You get directed to
           | Lieferando or whatever and the "click" is registered using
           | the referrer.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _who uses Referer?!_
           | How can you tell it's Monday morning on HN?
           | Someone starts pontificating, "I don't use this, so there is
           | no conceivable reason that anyone else on the planet should
           | ever need this ever!"
           | See also: Half of StackOverflow questions.
             | merb wrote:
             | well you can turn the header off pretty easily and you
             | won't see many sites are breaking (alexa top 100), of
             | course some wierd sites think it's important to use it, but
             | because of the madness of referer there are so many things
             | that will leak your privacy extremly, it came to the point
             | that it's necessary to have extensions to remove the header
             | or at least inject noreferer into a tags.
             | nicbou wrote:
             | Well, who does?
               | RinTohsaka wrote:
               | pcpartpicker does
             | yellowapple wrote:
             | And likewise, the _other_ sign it 's Monday morning is when
             | someone starts pontificating "this exists for some reason,
             | so there must be someone using it for non-malicious
             | purposes".
             | Which very well might be true, but that was exactly the
             | question: who?
           | npteljes wrote:
           | I recently had to enable it for some login to work,
           | unfortunately can't remember which website.
             | roywiggins wrote:
             | I've had to enable it for Atlassian's login to work.
           | prussian wrote:
           | I turned it off once and the most common breakages were
           | usually authentication that involves some kind of OpenID
           | delegation.
             | hirsin wrote:
             | Yeah, we (Azure AD) got a couple of "login is broken"
             | escalations when Chrome made this change. A couple vendors
             | use it to validate a request is coming from the upstream
             | IDP, to block drive by attacks I assume.
           | simias wrote:
           | Some websites would whitelist referrers to prevent hotlinking
           | resources from other websites (incurring potentially high
           | bandwidth costs).
           | But overall I'm all for getting rid of it. It's a remnant of
           | the early web that doesn't make a lot of sense these days,
           | and creates more problems than it solves.
           | EDIT: Although I just realized that strict-origin-when-cross-
           | origin (the new policy) would still let the hotlinking
           | detection use case work, since you typically only need domain
           | information for that. I initially thought that they would use
           | same-origin or something like that. It'll teach me to comment
           | before I read the linked story.
             | calvinmorrison wrote:
             | VictorOps uses referrers as a "security measure" on login.
             | So I just have a separate profile of firefox without my
             | antireferrer addon
               | ignoramous wrote:
               | > _VictorOps uses referrers as a "security measure" on
               | login._
               | Using the referrer header as a security and privacy
               | measure is prevalent among service providers. Vimeo even
               | hilariously charges for this feature which is trivially
               | bypassed; and I'd reckon their paying customers aren't
               | even aware of it: https://vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-
               | us/articles/224819527-Changi...
               | Talk about smoke and mirrors.
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | Maybe they advertise it as a security feature but it's
               | still a good way to prevent unauthorized hotlinking that
               | burns your vimeo bandwidth, costing you money (assuming
               | it does indeed prevent random websites from embedding
               | your videos).
               | monkeybutton wrote:
               | This reminds me of some vague memories of a time long ago
               | where some websites had a secure login page that asks for
               | a username&pw but every other page after just checked the
               | referall header. It wasn't a very secure system and
               | people shared the header values needed to bypass logging
               | in.
               | antonvs wrote:
               | That's basically a degenerate form of capability-based
               | security. Sharing the referrer header is delegating
               | access rights. Of course, that's not actually a property
               | you want in this case.
               | fluidcruft wrote:
               | I've started to see quite a bit of that on websites
               | dealing with transfer of medical data. I figured it was
               | probably some sort of an effort to handicap MITM
               | potential of impostor websites that were trying to steal
               | credentials. My theory is that it might be some sort of a
               | tripwire for the website to detect fishiness and lock the
               | account.
             | guywhocodes wrote:
             | Twitter does this and more
               | spicybright wrote:
               | I can't think of a single use case where a user would
               | want a target site to know where they came from. Put that
               | in the URL or something less nefarious if you want to
               | communicate state.
               | Jenk wrote:
               | Twitter have started doing this via their embed
               | widgets/scripts.
               | kbelder wrote:
               | I want some news sites to think I came from Google,
               | because they will give up whole articles that are
               | otherwise paywall-blocked. It's a dark SEO trick.
           | jakub_g wrote:
           | Some ad networks use(d to use) referers for brand safety when
           | resource serving an ad is embedded iframe. For example if the
           | parent URL contains "osama-bin-laden-killed", don't display
           | ad about nice family moments together (or anything else,
           | likely)
             | ttt0 wrote:
             | Or keep track of your internet history to have a more
             | accurate profile of you. This is not a good thing and it's
             | precisely why it's a privacy leak.
           | mauvehaus wrote:
           | I believe jwz rather famously does. Let's see:
           | https://www.jwz.org/blog/2021/03/cursed-keyboard-image/
             | Macha wrote:
             | His use only needs the domain, so should be unaffected?
             | That said, something from my browser, probably ETP strict
             | mode, appears to be stripping out the referrer entirely
             | already anyway.
             | pbhjpbhj wrote:
             | I'm not following that on the assumption is he the guy that
             | shows HN users the goatse image?
             | If so then please mark your link up as NSFW/NSFL.
               | mauvehaus wrote:
               | Not goatse, and I wouldn't consider it to be NSFW, but
               | some folks might. Apologies for not marking it; I've
               | missed the edit window.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | It's not goatse, but it is NSFW.
           | smcl wrote:
           | jwz has got a rather ... interesting use case for it relating
           | to HN
             | bartvk wrote:
             | And slashdot before that.
               | smcl wrote:
               | Ah jwz did this for /. too? If he did then it seems like
               | he has switched it off, because I cannot reproduce it
               | bartvk wrote:
               | I just tried to find references to it, but couldn't. I'm
               | wondering if my memory is broken. Slashdot is _old_
               | though, we used to get worked up about bugs in X11
               | screensavers, and GNAA trollers.
           | eli wrote:
           | It was a somewhat common "security" feature to check referer,
           | especially in the days before you could rely on CSP.
         | superkuh wrote:
         | This doesn't change my opinion. This is like saying, "The
         | soviet union gulags their people too and did it first. It's
         | fine."
         | Whataboutism re: corporate control of web standards.
         | unnouinceput wrote:
         | That's probably because if you run Chrome, you're already
         | Google's executable on your system. I mean they can track you
         | using gazillion of other, more precise meanings and this is
         | something they shut it to keep the pie for themselves. I do not
         | use Chrome anymore, switched to Firefox a year and a half ago -
         | best decision ever.
         | ethbr0 wrote:
         | Good for both Firefox and Chrome.
         | Does this mean Gmail can stop rewriting links in emails
         | (ostensibly to derefer)?
           | [deleted]
           | kevincox wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure they could have done this years ago as most
           | browsers supported setting the policy explicitly for years.
           | This only changes the default policy.
           | The only reason I can see Google still doing rewriting is to
           | protect very old browsers and laziness.
           | Larrikin wrote:
           | Are there any extensions that can rewrite these in the
           | meantime?
             | smichel17 wrote:
             | Not using gmail works
           | lupire wrote:
           | Presumably no because they also probably use it for analytics
           | and/or security (blocking malware URLs)
             | Arnavion wrote:
             | Indeed. If not sending referer was the only reason, gmail
             | would never have needed to rewrite the link since it
             | could've just used `rel=noreferrer` on the original anchor
             | tags instead.
         | glsdfgkjsklfj wrote:
         | Heh. chrome undone this change at least 3 times in the past,
         | that I counted. Remember that cross-domain referrer is
         | essential to Google business (getting money from sending people
         | from search ads)
         | There used to be a user visible option in the very early days
         | that allowed to not send, not send cross-domain or send only
         | origin for cross domain. A google domain username removed it
         | when "moving some items into advanced menu". Then someone added
         | it as a hidden setting in chromium. Another google domain
         | username removed it again in an urelated change. Then someone
         | added it back to the command line, and I know because i tested
         | it. A few years later, no more command line setting. I still
         | could build chrome with a flag that enabled it. but building
         | chrome is a full time job. meh.
         | So funny that now they are "trendsetters" of adding this option
         | back.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | I didn't realize this, thanks for pointing it out.
         | I thought, wait, but how is this feature in my own app still
         | working with chrome then! Aha, Chrome only trims referrer for
         | cross-origin requests.
         | Is FF the same?
         | Looks like... yes! "...will also trim path and query
         | information for all cross-origin requests."
       | beagle3 wrote:
       | That reminds me that in 1999, looking through the referrer logs,
       | I realized that if the link came in from an Outlook email,
       | Outlook+IE would report the subject of the referring email as the
       | referrer (iirc with user name, something like
       | "mailbox://user@site/subject-of-the-email").
       | So we started looking for those more seriously in my company, and
       | got quite a bit of interesting Intel from potential investors,
       | competitors we knew about, and some we weren't even aware of.
       | It was just the subject and user, but was often surprisingly
       | informative.
         | pbhjpbhj wrote:
         | Do you, or anyone, have [links to] more information about
         | exactly what Outlook does when requesting a tracking pixel to
         | display in an email.
         | I can't sniff it (Wireshark) as I don't have that sort of
         | access to a network with Outlook on. I've googled but didn't
         | find anything useful.
           | beagle3 wrote:
           | It was surely fixed in Outlook 2007, perhaps even 2003 and
           | maybe even 2000.
       | professor_v wrote:
       | I just realized the 'Referer' header is actually a misspelling in
       | the http protocol.
         | SilasX wrote:
         | And I made up the HTTP status code "397 Tolerating" so that if
         | you spell it "Referrer", browsers can correct you while still
         | giving you the response you wanted :-p (see section 3 example):
         | https://pastebin.com/TPj9RwuZ
         | themoose8 wrote:
         | Yup, here's an article you may enjoy
         | https://httptoolkit.tech/blog/http-wtf/ and related HN
         | discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26343577
       | TriNetra wrote:
       | We chose not to add referrer to ASPSecurityKit main site [0].
       | It's a static content site and I think it'd be useful to let
       | other sites know which page (docs/guides/blog) on our site got
       | them a visitor because the content is public anyway. We've
       | applied it on the dashboard though, this same origin-when-cross-
       | origin policy.
       | 0: https://ASPSecurityKit.net
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | That's going to break lots of older sites using Referrer for navi
       | state. These will now either have to use query params, cookies,
       | or JS instead. Not to mention easy affiliation links.
       | Mauricebranagh wrote:
       | Isn't this going to break campaign tracking for Adwords etc.
       | Not exactly what the actual risk is to privacy here does seem
       | there is a lot of bandwagon jumping going on - a bit like "Elf &
       | Safety" or the Data protection act is trotted out when an
       | organisation wants an excuse not to do something.
         | ratww wrote:
         | Referrers can leak information about which pages the user was
         | navigating before, which linked websites have no business of
         | knowing.
         | If you want to do tracking and have control over both pages,
         | just use a different URL, a query string, or something like
         | that.
       | ExcavateGrandMa wrote:
       | curiously it always protected user privacy through ages :D
       | but which end of the use :D
       (page generated 2021-03-22 23:00 UTC)