[HN Gopher] The S in IoT is for Security
       The S in IoT is for Security
       Author : rauhl
       Score  : 468 points
       Date   : 2021-03-22 12:43 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (puri.sm)
 (TXT) w3m dump (puri.sm)
       | edf13 wrote:
       | Isn't this just a vailed SEO/Content filled blog post/Ad for
       | puri.sm?
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | I don't see a veil on a blog post where the author's name and
         | CEO position in the company is the first thing you see.
         | Sure you can argue Purism won't exactly publish something that
         | doesn't agree with their marketing, but at the same time I
         | prefer seeing a blog post than some other product page on here.
         | And they're not the only one, in fact right now the very top
         | post on HN is a blog entry by Mozilla about a new feature in
         | their product.
       | KETpXDDzR wrote:
       | My way to deal with IoT devices: A virtual "guest" WiFi w/ AP
       | isolation using DD-WRT. Devices in there can access the Internet.
       | That's it. They can't see other devices in my local networks.
       | That makes me sleep better.
       | soheil wrote:
       | There doesn't have to be an S in it to be secured since the T is
       | for Trustworthiness.
         | hnedeotes wrote:
         | and the three "asses" in that stand for simply super secure.
           | soheil wrote:
           | I'm one person shouldn't that be singular?
       | z3ncyberpunk wrote:
       | Poignant way show show how there is no security in IoT
       | mixedmath wrote:
       | I think I'm missing a few major points. I wonder if someone here
       | might be able to clarify.
       | 1. The real meat of this "pwning" was (it seems) a google search
       | to identify the WEB API endpoint. Then it turns out that sending
       | POST requests to this endpoint can turn the light on/off, change
       | its temperature, and change its brightness.
       | 2. In order to turn a light on/off using the "found" api, it is
       | first necessary to connect to the lamp's network. So if I were
       | doing this on my own linux machine, which cannot as far as I can
       | tell connect to multiple wireless networks at the same time, my
       | script to change the settings on the light would include
       | disconnecting from my true wifi network, connecting to the lamp's
       | network, sending the signal to the lamp, disconnecting from the
       | lamp, and then reconnecting to my own network. Is that right? Is
       | this what the bash scripts and apps mentioned in the post are
       | doing?
       | 3. If I lived in the apartment above the OP's (say), and I were
       | malicious, I could even now _also_ access the lamps ' networks
       | and, say, set their values to be whatever I wanted. And there is
       | simply no way of stopping this (S in IoT, after all).
         | Spivak wrote:
         | Yeah this is so far from pwning that it's hilarious to be
         | presented as such. This is literally authorized access. He
         | built an integration for his smart bulbs the same way Google
         | Home or HomeKit would access it but with some weird Wi-Fi
         | paranoia that actually made him less secure.
         | The security model of pretty much all smart lighting "if you
         | can reach me on the network you're trusted" just like the
         | security of light switches "if you can reach the switch you can
         | flip it."
           | spongechameleon wrote:
           | I mean the alternative was installing the propietary app so I
           | would say this is still a big win. But also yes, any wifi
           | capable device in your home with no authorization is clearly
           | a disaster waiting to happen.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | I don't disagree that it's a huge improvement over some
             | proprietary app but I still don't think "using the light's
             | API as designed" counts as pwning it.
             | It's the same API that openHAB or Home Assistant would
             | consume to control it.
         | shp0ngle wrote:
         | Yeah this article is mostly ranting disguised as something more
           | adolph wrote:
           | I thought it was mostly sales for "for PureOS and the Librem
           | 5" on "my Librem 5 phone as well as Librem Mini desktop" to
           | do something an alias to curl performs perfectly fine.
         | sdlion wrote:
         | One way to solve 3 and maybe 2 would be adding to the ecuation
         | an ESP32/8266 and use it as an access point for the lamps. Then
         | you might create any physical controls for the lamps or with
         | some network magic add it to your infrastructure through a
         | segmented network. I'm not sure if this can be done with an ESP
         | alone (hence "network magic") or you could just use a second
         | ESP connected to your private network and passthrough your
         | commands via a serial port to the Lamp's ESP AP.
         | ESP32's are fairly cheap, easy to use and can even be
         | programmed through micropython.
         | porbelm wrote:
         | This is pretty much how I read it, but I thought maybe it's
         | worse: I would bet that when you connect to the lamp's network
         | _and set it up to connect to your network as you should_ the
         | lamp 's internal WiFi ceases to broadcast, and you'd need the
         | reset switch to enable setup again.
         | What this guy seems to have found out is possibly (and how, I
         | don't know--the article is horribly lacking in detail) that the
         | lamp accepts API calls /when it is in hotspot mode for setup/
         | as well as in HAZ_EXT_CONNECSHUN=1 mode
         | So what I think is that /anyone/ close to the lamp can send the
         | API calls and affect it. Because the lamp is in perpetual setup
         | mode with its unsecured hotspot active...
         | "A browser hitting that returned a page to connect the lamp to
         | local WiFi. That is a no-go, so maybe there is a web API..." he
         | said
         | the dumbass
         | e: Sorry, I misread your post on the lamp network part. I'll
         | leave this here but now you know I spotted it. My apologies.
       | gautamcgoel wrote:
       | Took me a moment to get the joke, pretty clever title.
       | drivinmecrazy wrote:
       | Can you believe Generac standby generators need you to download
       | an app and receive an activation code which no doubt you key into
       | the generator before it will work. I nearly got caught out with
       | this when we were looking to replace our cottage genny. We don't
       | have internet access how stupid a concept is this. Thankfully I
       | found out before completing the purchase so I bought a different
       | brand but I'm with this guy all the way. I'm not connecting my
       | lightbulbs, toaster or intelligent microflushing loo to anything
       | internet just to use the product.
       | beckingz wrote:
       | Good overview of how to hack a specific internet connected lamp
       | to avoid installing the manufacturer's app.
       | 1cvmask wrote:
       | This is a great article explaining the need for open standards
       | and non-proprietary approaches to IoT just like we have in the
       | digital world. Vendor lock-in is a real issue for security and
       | non-dependancy as well.
       | flyinghamster wrote:
       | Another problem: Even when the device is working as it should,
       | there needs to be a "lock" mode that says, "don't download new
       | firmware." Nothing like having your smoothly-functioning lighting
       | setup FUBARed by an unnecessary and buggy firmware update -
       | especially if you're far away from home when it happens.
         | astrea wrote:
         | What about the inverse where it was shipped with buggy software
         | or one with a massive security hole that now can't be patched
         | because it is "locked"?
           | grenoire wrote:
           | What if we built simpler systems that are less prone to
           | security issues, without the cpre assumption that we can
           | 'just patch it up' whenever after it's shipped off?
             | astrea wrote:
             | What if we were born without the need to consume or
             | generate matter? I think it's easy to generate idealistic
             | scenarios, but not so easy to implement them in reality.
             | There's a couple counter-pressures to your question. The
             | first being that the average consumer has come to expect
             | and demand a higher level of functionality out of even
             | simple devices. The next is that there's no monetary
             | incentive in creating the perfect system from the start,
             | especially when you can just use premade things. Finally,
             | hackers (whether they be nation-state actors or your
             | neighbor's bored teenager) are CONSTANTLY on the prowl for
             | vulnerabilities in all things connected to the internet.
             | With that in mind, it's not quite as easy to develop the
             | perfect, unhackable system.
       | sebastien_b wrote:
       | Pretty sure that title was coined by Steve Gibson on his Security
       | Now! podcast[1] (at least that's where I've first/only heard it).
       | [1]https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-586.htm
         | monocasa wrote:
         | I've heard/said it before that point.
         | driverdan wrote:
         | That style joke predates IoT. "The [letter] in [acronym that
         | doesn't contain letter] stands for [punchline]"
         | ullevaal wrote:
         | > Pretty sure that title was coined by Steve Gibson on his
         | Security Now! podcast
         | In your source he explicitly says he does not know who the
         | originator is.
         | > I don't know who the originator was because I saw it coming
         | from several different sources over the past week. But I just
         | love this. I mean, I liked the acronym IDIOT, I-D-I-O-T, which
         | of course stands for I Don't Internet of Things. But I think
         | even better is this slogan: "The 'S' in IOT Is for Security."
           | sebastien_b wrote:
           | Good point - I missed that.
       | lrvick wrote:
       | This is why I just flash ESPHome firmware on all all the IoT
       | stuff I buy to make them useful, trusted, and easily updated
       | elements of my home.
       | I even run tuya-convert to switch over my dozens of light bulbs.
       | Anything that can't run open firmware I control doesn't get to
       | live on my internal LAN.
       | formercoder wrote:
       | I'd encourage anyone who enjoys these projects to check out Home
       | Assistant. It's an incredible open source project with support
       | for countless devices.
       | alpaca128 wrote:
       | The U in Smart (devices) stands for user-friendly.
       | We need an app to control a stupid lamp but at the same time are
       | expected to buy a "smart home" system so that we don't have to
       | pull the phone out of the pocket. Originally smartwatches were
       | marketed for the same purpose, but I guess now there's also the
       | severe risk of having both hands unavailable at the moment so we
       | need to be able to delay the system update via voice command. Of
       | course with tracking so they can "improve the user experience",
       | and the occasional personalised ad.
       | Meanwhile I'm wondering how people got convinced this is better
       | than just pressing a physical button, but then I remember even
       | $500+ appliances nowadays are built with such cheap buttons that
       | after a few years I'm forced to learn where to smack the fist on
       | the front cover so they work again for a few minutes.
         | melomal wrote:
         | > I'm wondering how people got convinced
         | FOMO and PR. I have friends that have plenty of money and read
         | the latest reviews/gadget magazines. They assume whatever is in
         | the recommended area you should be buying it or your neighbours
         | will have it first.
       | outadoc wrote:
       | If you want to, you can turn it into a Home Assistant plugin (or
       | even add it to the core). It's a great project that aims to
       | provide this kind of interface for all kinds of "smart" devices
       | in a user-friendly way.
       | https://github.com/home-assistant/
         | hirundo wrote:
         | I have found Home Assistant to be very user unfriendly and
         | difficult to use. I have about $1000 in switches that are among
         | the most popular Z-Wave devices on the market that I have not
         | been able to get working, as well as other devices. I'm
         | admittedly clueless with hardware, but I build software for a
         | living. The few things that do work required hours of
         | spelunking on forums into incomprehensible details of
         | configuration. It's not a system I'd recommend to a typical
         | consumer.
           | BrandoElFollito wrote:
           | HA is not the easiest system to get into, but once you are
           | there is is fantastic.
           | It is a state machine that I also use for some other
           | software, not to mention that it has tons of integrations.
           | I use Zigbee and it took me 10 minutes to have it
           | successfully running (via MQTT autodiscovery, or via the ZHE
           | module (which I tested byt keep with MQTT)).
           | It certianly is not something would suggest to my parents,
           | but someone who is technical (especially with software, and
           | especially-especially with Python) it is not difficult.
           | The main issue is how the docs are organized, it takes quite
           | sometime to understand the way the whole thig works. After
           | that it is downhill.
           | Finally there is a strong move to the UI where many things
           | become click-n-go.
           | connorproctor wrote:
           | How long ago did you try it?
           | I had a similar experience with Home Assistant a couple years
           | ago, but they've made a ton of progress on UX recently. I
           | still wouldn't recommend for a typical consumer, but should
           | be easy for someone building their own apps.
             | outadoc wrote:
             | Agreed! It was really terrible, it's much better now - at
             | least you don't need to fiddle with YAML anymore for _most_
             | things. There 's still a ways to go, but for the audience
             | reading this, it should be accessible.
             | hirundo wrote:
             | Maybe two and half years. I'll give it another try, thanks.
       | xyzzy21 wrote:
       | As in the S is missing! :-)
         | thitcanh wrote:
         | thatsthejoke.jpg
       | steve_gh wrote:
       | IoT runs across a range of use cases and connections. There is a
       | lot of emphasis on WiFi IoT applications, but this makes things
       | hard in other places.
       | I'm working on various IoT sensor products that require a
       | cellular connection - NB-IoT is preferred for this use case due
       | to the good penetration characteristics. But the problem is that
       | UDP is recommended as the NB-IoT transport layer due to the
       | problem with TCP ack timeouts due to NB-IoT latency. That means
       | that you are practically reduced to MQTT-SN as a data protocol,
       | which in turn means you lose TLS.
       | There are partial solutions - we whitelist our MQTT data sources
       | (i.e. only the Cellular provider's NB-IoT gateway), and we can
       | verify and whitelist the IDs of all connected devices). But it is
       | a partial and imperfect solution.
       | Security is hard...
       | ridaj wrote:
       | Good point by the author, but iiuc neighbors can just walk up and
       | control the lamp too if operating on the lamp's presumably open
       | wifi?
       | Missing from the home IoT security works is a decentralized auth
       | infrastructure story. I don't fully subscribe to the notion that
       | people do this because they want to monetize... That may be the
       | case sometimes but here I tend to believe you get to this kind of
       | solution if you want something that is usable by average
       | consumers and has some form of auth.
       | cute_boi wrote:
       | and P in IOT is for privacy lol.
       | blablabla123 wrote:
       | Software needs to be updated though, certificates need to be
       | checked and all that. That's only possible with Internet - unless
       | you run your own CA, Package Mirror on the local network. That
       | said, there is also a trade off between having a having ports
       | open for REST vs. having a gateway (whether that's on the local
       | network or on the Internet). Also it's probably a difference
       | whether one plans to update the installed system every now and
       | then or whether that should be fully automated...
         | denysvitali wrote:
         | This is true, but honestly I have almost never seen an IoT
         | device getting updated for security reasons - instead they seem
         | to update things OTA to just add more crap to it.
         | In any case, a CA lasts ~20-30 years. Hopefully the IoT device
         | will be dead by then
       | KETpXDDzR wrote:
       | One can't spell "idiot" without "i", "o", "t".
       | wojciii wrote:
       | Ok.. so he needs to scan for an unique AP first and then send the
       | command to the device on this network. Is the phone capable being
       | connected to multiple 2.4 networks or does controlling the light
       | mean having to first scan and the connect to a network? This
       | approach sounds slooow.
       | mafro wrote:
       | I imagine it's mentioned elsewhere in this commentary, but the
       | key point I think this chap missed was not connecting to a wifi
       | network under his control.
       | "A browser hitting that returned a page to connect the lamp to
       | local WiFi. That is a no-go ..."
       | You can buy prosumer routers nowadays for $99 USD which enable
       | one to setup different subnets and VLANS such that a device is
       | accessible on the network but unable to access the internet.
       | I'm not afraid of IoT like some other tinfoil types commenting
       | here - just make sure they can't call home (I'm looking at you
       | Samsung TV)
       | danhor wrote:
       | Many of these WiFi-LED lamps contain esp8266 devices, which have
       | a lot of open source alternative firmware available, like
       | esphome[0] or tasmota[1]. You can reflash them by opening them &
       | connecting a cheap (1$) usb-to-tty adapter.
       | If that isn't an option (for reasons like not wanting to
       | permanently damage them or being afraid of electrical shocks) a
       | lot of them come with tuya firmware, which you can (still) often
       | exploit and convert with TUYA-CONVERT [2].
       | I found the Tasmota Device Templates Repository[3] to be a really
       | valuable resource, although I've been using zigbee devices for
       | lightbulbs.
       | [0]https://esphome.io/
       | [1]https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota
       | [2]https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert
       | [3]https://templates.blakadder.com/index.html
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | Shameless plug: We are working on the solution! Our motto is
       | actually "Put the S into IoT" :D by working with security
       | researchers on an automated tool which can scan and find
       | vulnerabilities in all kinds of IoT firmwares. Check it out:
       | https://www.iot-inspector.com/
       | Our old UI is "not very nice", but we already have a GraphQL API
       | and pretty UI very soon.
       | If you are a security researcher or IoT shop, you should contact
       | us!
       | _joel wrote:
       | Is there a curated list of IoT devices from a security
       | perspective? Like is the firmware flashable with open code, how
       | chatty is the device/callhome, update frequency (if any) etc?
       | schnable wrote:
       | > A brief search returned the web API URL path that returns a
       | JSON structure
       | A brief search of what?
         | johanbcn wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm wondering the same, since he refused to use the app
         | at all, so no sniffing packets either.
         | durnygbur wrote:
         | of lamp endpoints I presume!
         | codazoda wrote:
         | Yeah, I assumed he was vague here because hacking your own
         | device, or writing about how to hack it, might be against the
         | law in some jurisdictions.
         | sigmonsays wrote:
         | i took it as a google search, which made me laugh at how much I
         | read before i got to the point. I enjoyed reading this post
         | actually but there is very little meat to what actually
         | happened.
           | crescentfresh wrote:
           | Agreed, talking about how he discovered this API is what I
           | would have wanted to read. He said the only opened port was
           | 8xxx and it was a dead-end, so what port was this API running
           | on then? How did he discover it without sniffing packets from
           | the app? various, etc
             | bellyfullofbac wrote:
             | And if the browser "404'd", that means there's actually a
             | web server listening (different to connection refused/timed
             | out error messages). So was it a 404 or something else but
             | you don't understand HTTP so you just called it 404?
             | From the writing my impression is this is a guy flexing his
             | "I know tech" muscles. Calling it "pwn"? Talking about his
             | Librem phone/desktop? Well done 1337 hacker! /s
               | adolph wrote:
               | Put signature and stated use case appears to match the
               | Elgato Key Lights API.
               | https://www.elgato.com/en/key-light
               | https://www.npmjs.com/package/elgato-light-api
       | djcooley wrote:
       | Chipset developers like Silicon Labs* are developing very
       | advanced but approachable security capabilities into their latest
       | products (secure boot, secure debug, physical protection (DPA
       | countermeasure, anti-tamper), key management, key storage, crypto
       | engine, etc.)*.
       | The tools are there now to address this, and this should go a
       | long way toward actually securing the application, the data, the
       | IP, and overall simplify lifecycle management.
       | * - disclaimer, I am an employee * -
       | https://www.silabs.com/security
         | tpolzer wrote:
         | The issue here isn't hardware capabilities, it's that vendors
         | like to make their gadgets centrally connected for convenience
         | and analytics and then on top often don't care about hygiene
         | (e.g. no crypto at all).
         | temac wrote:
         | Would it only allow for the lamp to be "secure" in the sense
         | that the owner would not be able to take back control anymore?
         | If that's the case, that's a "solution" worse than the problem,
         | that's even unethical as hell given this will short/medium term
         | accelerate the ecological nightmare.
         | ls65536 wrote:
         | Unfortunately I've often found these capabilities end up being
         | used against users as much as, if not vastly more than, they
         | are used in their favour.
         | For example, secure boot and anti-tamper measures are often
         | used to lock out users from being able to examine or modify
         | equipment and software for their own benefit. Sure, these
         | measures can be argued as ways to "protect" the user from
         | themselves (preventing inadvertent/unsupported changes of
         | hardware causing malfunction, or preventing the installation of
         | malware, and so on), but to rob the users of their agency to
         | decide what's best for themselves in these circumstances is
         | fundamentally disrespectful.
         | Nonetheless, I hope your employer is in a position to be part
         | of a movement to buck the trend here, but based on what I've
         | seen in the industry over the years, I've learned to be very
         | skeptical whenever I hear of such "security" capabilities being
         | thrown around as universally beneficial for everyone.
         | TheRealDunkirk wrote:
         | I don't care how "secure" one can make an internet-connected
         | lamp. I don't want or need a lamp to connect to the internet to
         | change its operating conditions. The problem is that we, as a
         | society, are being so suckered by cheap consumer devices that
         | it's becoming difficult to even FIND NON-connected devices in
         | some categories. Like the lamp in the article, I'm willing to
         | bet that he looked for something with purely physical controls,
         | and couldn't find one in a comparable price point. I honestly
         | don't get it. I can't fathom what some company could possibly
         | be doing with my usage data from some internet-connected LAMP,
         | or why they would go about designing all the infrastructure to
         | make it work. It would be orders of magnitude more easy to just
         | put some buttons on the side of the unit. At this point, I
         | guess someone out there thinks, "Oh, neat!" but this sort of
         | situation is paving the way for it to be impossible to buy ANY
         | consumer electronic device that doesn't phone home in the very
         | near future.
       | godot wrote:
       | Just out of curiosity, if that web API request is made while
       | connected to the lamp via its WiFi access point, I am guessing
       | that means whenever they wanted to control the lamp using this
       | custom app, they'd have to make their phone disconnect from the
       | main WiFi, reconnect to lamp WiFi, do actions, then reconnect
       | back to main WiFi (I suppose that could all be automated within
       | the custom app) Wish the lamp would just put that control as a
       | knob on the lamp..
       | DarkCrusader2 wrote:
       | One thing I haven't seen mention much with these "smart" devices
       | is how inconvenient lack of physical buttons is. Instead of just
       | reaching over and adjust the volume/brightness whatever, I now
       | have to unlock the phone, find the app and do some gestures to
       | achieve same results, all of which now requires some mental
       | bandwidth for these banal tasks.
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | I have a few 'smart' things in my house. One is my living room
         | mood lights, but that's a combination of a simple RF plug relay
         | switch on the one hand, and an ikea (also RF?) spot system, no
         | internet required.
         | The other thing is my thermostat, where it's mainly convenience
         | to control it remotely via my phone. I'm not comfortable with
         | it, it has a dongle directly in my router giving the company
         | behind it access to it and its data. I mean the charts are
         | convenient, but I think the whole thing could be made offline
         | as well. Anyway, that one has a simple screen (LED light
         | matrix?) and touch buttons so anyone can adjust the temperature
         | until the next time block, making just the unit without the app
         | as useful as the old dial thermostat it replaced.
         | Final 'smart' thing I have is my wifi router, which I can
         | manage via my phone; a big improvement over the old
         | router/modem which had a very 2000's looking web interface.
         | mason55 wrote:
         | That's just bad smart home planning. Any smart home device
         | should work on top of existing physical control. Don't buy
         | smart bulbs that require you to use your phone or voice to
         | control them. Instead, buy smart switches that work just like
         | normal wall switches but also give you smart home/automation
         | possibilities (and work perfectly fine for guests or if the
         | whole smart home system is down).
         | Don't buy some garage opener that requires internet access to
         | control your garage, hook a smart relay into the existing
         | garage opener.
         | Make sure there's a physical remote for your TV or sound system
         | in addition to phone control. You can buy third party remotes
         | just for this purpose.
         | Etc., etc., etc.
         | Pretty much any smart home project can be done in a way that
         | keeps all physical control in place. Yes, it costs a little
         | more and requires a little more work, but it's the only
         | reasonable solution.
           | gpanders wrote:
           | This is exactly right. If you set out with some requirements
           | such as 1) everything must be able to still work without
           | internet access and 2) it must be simple enough that my
           | mom/grandma/whatever can still use it, then you can still
           | benefit from the convenience of these devices without all the
           | downsides.
           | This is what I do. I insist that any "smart" whatever be
           | strictly additive; that is, it must only _add_ functionality
           | but not remove anything. I will never buy a product that
           | can't be controlled physically or that requires Internet
           | access. The net result is pretty great!
             | mason55 wrote:
             | Yup. With this approach the only thing that goes wrong is
             | you start to rely on some of the automations and it's a bit
             | annoying if one stops working for some reason.
           | rootusrootus wrote:
           | 100% agree, this is how I approach all of my home automation
           | toys. Periodically I disconnect my HA server and then the
           | Internet connection just to verify that the fallback position
           | for my house that everything still works manually just like
           | you expect.
           | 8note wrote:
           | This looks very dependent on whether you're renting or
           | owning.
           | If I'm renting a place, swapping out the light bulbs is
           | feasible, swapping out the light switches is not
             | mason55 wrote:
             | Sure, lots of reasons you can't create the most very
             | optimal experience. But even if you can't swap out the
             | switches in your rental there are other options if you keep
             | "physical first" in mind. There are even smart switches
             | made to stick over a regular light switch so you can keep
             | people from turning it off (and this deactivating the smart
             | bulb) and still have a physical switch, but it's actually
             | controlling a smart light.
             | Starting with a hard requirement of physical control still
             | leaves lots of things on the table.
         | hunter2_ wrote:
         | When your hands are occupied by cooking or some such, it's nice
         | to bark orders at a voice assistant for timers, lighting
         | adjustments, adding to the shopping list, etc.
           | _Microft wrote:
           | I think the parent commenter was not annoyed by the fact that
           | they _could use an app_ but that they _have to_.
             | mattwad wrote:
             | He's got a point. My smart lights are the only reason I
             | even own a Google Home assistant. The rest of the features
             | are not very important to me.
         | _peeley wrote:
         | I don't really mind having less buttons to accidentally push on
         | my phone or other devices that go in my pocket, but I can't
         | stand this when it comes to car dashboard interfaces.
         | Thankfully I still drive a car from before this trend but in
         | newer cars where e.g. changing the radio station requires
         | fiddling with a touch screen. With physical buttons or knobs I
         | can do this almost unconsciously, but with a touch screen I
         | have to take my eyes off the road to even see what I'm poking
         | on the screen.
         | With this kind of stuff, it always makes me wonder why it's
         | there in the first place. Surely there's not much demand for
         | touch screens in cars, and it must be more expensive to produce
         | than analog buttons and knobs. Why has it become so ubiquitous?
         | ktpsns wrote:
         | I absolutely second this. "IoT" is a keyword to furnish up
         | cheap hardware where the price of physical switches would have
         | harmed the profit margin too much. This is not really ironic:
         | Physical switches (with a price of probably 0,2 USD per
         | component) are more expensive then SoC having Wifi implemented.
         | Also it's cheaper to hire software-only developers to do as
         | little hardware engineering as possible. It's all about cutting
         | the price per unit down.
         | soheil wrote:
         | It probably costs more to add physical knobs/switches. They
         | will end up taking more space/require more material to
         | manufacture than the IoT device itself.
         | cube2222 wrote:
         | This problem will depend on the vendors you buy your products
         | from.
         | Having a few brands of smart home devices which are all
         | compatible with homekit, I just swipe down on my lockscreen and
         | have all of them as shortcuts in the single native interface or
         | use my watch to operate them with voice.
         | Android seems to have the Google Home app for this exact same
         | reason, but I have no idea how well that works.
       | mrb wrote:
       | Usually the factory default WiFi network that IoT devices create
       | during setup is open. No password required. It seems the author
       | left the device in that state when he reverse-engineered the API.
       | So anyone in the vicinity of the network can connect to his lamp
       | and control it. I wouldn't call this "secure."
       | DannyB2 wrote:
       | The SH in SHIoT is for Security Hardened IoT.
       | BrandoElFollito wrote:
       | Well, hacking such devices gets immediately easier when you can
       | google the API endpoint, and that endpoint is REST (or REST-
       | like).
       | I have a wifi radio (Ocean) and I tried several times to hack it
       | so that I can programmatically start and configure it but failed
       | every time because the whole system is completely closed and non
       | standard.
       | I would love to buy a radio that has an API (actually I would buy
       | three right away)
       | ShakataGaNai wrote:
       | Ah yes. Elgato Key Lights.
       | Let's be thankful that they are, in fact, using ESP32 for a
       | central control chip and use a very simple REST protocol. It
       | could be a lot worse, a lot more proprietary.
       | These are simple devices, but expensive as far as lights go. You
       | can very easily get dumb lights that have only physical controls.
       | For a lot cheaper too.
       | throw080700 wrote:
       | The open KNX Standard seems to be the answer to IoT's woes. But
       | nobody seems to have heard of it.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KNX_(standard)
       | This classic talk - Learn how to control every room at a luxury
       | hotel remotely (2015) [has eng subtitles]:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX-O4XuCW1Y
         | markild wrote:
         | Also Zigbee and Z-Wave.
           | throw080700 wrote:
           | Zigbee got problems with non-free licensing. Z-Wave seems
           | open, is it completely open?
             | pantalaimon wrote:
             | Zigbee is IEEE 802.15.4, you can also run 6LoWPAN on top
             | instead of the Zigbee stack.
             | danhor wrote:
             | Z-Wave is very closed, afaik only a few chips are available
             | and need to be licensed. Compared to that Zigbee seems to
             | be much more open.
               | throw080700 wrote:
               | Ok. The top thread of this HN post about Zigbee not being
               | that open:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21825822
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | The S in IoT should be for "Stop buying stupid disposable junk."
       | I can't listen to anyone complain about climate change while they
       | fill their homes with cheap consumer electronics from globalized
       | supply chains that spy on them.
       | I also can't imagine letting an internet connected anything in my
       | home, and I keep all internet electronics in one room. Sure,
       | other people can live in a surveillance zoo, but I prefer to keep
       | mine limited.
       | If it has a circuit, stow it.
         | kgin wrote:
         | Say what you will about Apple's Homekit but every Homekit
         | device can be set up with local-only control.
         | hackeraccount wrote:
         | Check out Home Assistant and mqtt. If motivated you can
         | actually go pretty far with just on-prem. If home automation
         | floats your boat that is. I'm thinking maybe it's not just the
         | surveillance part that you don't care for but that the whole
         | thing does nothing for you. Which is cool.
         | crazypython wrote:
         | I can't imagine letting non-free software- the proprietor can
         | modify it, but I can't, and under the control of someone else-
         | hexing a piece of property I have bought. It's my property, yet
         | it's cursed by the proprietor.
           | simias wrote:
           | I would be willing to compromise if at least there was a
           | widely adopted set of standard protocols that I could use to
           | interface these devices with my own favourite controller.
           | Instead it's a mish-mash of bespoke proprietary smartphone
           | apps that have terrible security and privacy practices.
           | pwinnski wrote:
           | The Venn diagram of IoT devices with reasonable default
           | security and IoT devices that are not proprietary does not
           | overlap at all.
           | Apple makes IoT devices with reasonable default security, but
           | they're also as proprietary as proprietary gets.
         | jrm4 wrote:
         | For better or worse -- "Buying stupid disposable junk" the
         | absolute central driving force and core of this economy and
         | perhaps our culture and society. I'm with you on the idea, but
         | there's a LOT of work to do...
         | pengaru wrote:
         | > I also can't imagine letting an internet connected anything
         | in my home, and I keep all internet electronics in one room.
         | Sure, other people can live in a surveillance zoo, but I prefer
         | to keep mine limited.
         | Out of curiosity, how often is your smartphone resting on a
         | surface within reach @home?
           | motohagiography wrote:
           | Alerts have been 95%+ off for years. Sometimes it's nearby,
           | but it doesn't go to the 2nd floor where bedrooms are. I
           | don't do social media or slack either.
           | It's just a way of living where you don't give other people a
           | free 24h real time option on your attention.
             | pengaru wrote:
             | Notifications/alerts have zero bearing on surveillance
             | capabilities.
               | motohagiography wrote:
               | Keeping your phone on you or at your side to respond to
               | notifications and alerts means you are generating
               | surveillance data the whole time via the accelerometer,
               | mic, camera lighting changes, reachable bluetooth
               | devices, signal changes, wifi availability, and every
               | other onboard sensor.
               | Having alerts off means you relate to the device
               | differently. Would be curious what you suppose I
               | misunderstand about surveillance and security though.
         | Dylan16807 wrote:
         | > The S in IoT should be for "Stop buying stupid disposable
         | junk."
         | The joke is that there is no S, which means you're saying we
         | _shouldn 't_ stop buying.
         | fortran77 wrote:
         | > I can't listen to anyone complain about climate change while
         | they fill their homes with cheap consumer electronics from
         | globalized supply chains that spy on them.
         | Your hearing must be better than mine! I didn't hear Todd
         | Weaver, the author of this blogpost, complain about climate
         | change.
         | viraptor wrote:
         | There's a lot of IoT stuff which doesn't reach out to the
         | internet. You can also reflash some commercial solutions with
         | open firmware. Also, there's quite a few local only solutions
         | using ZigBee / zwave that you can manage from Home Assistant.
           | prower wrote:
           | Or you could just flip the switch with your actual thumbs.
           | There's a discussion to be had to on placing every basic
           | action on our daily lives on a finicky smartphone.
             | wccrawford wrote:
             | There are lights in our home that are simply hard to get
             | to, especially in certain cirumstances. I could probably
             | rig up a physical switch with some extension cords
             | (potentially dangerous) or rewire the house (expensive and
             | messy) or I could use a wifi bulb or switch.
             | And once that was the case, it just made sense to have
             | others for convenience, too. For instance, we can turn off
             | almost every regularly-used light at the same time now when
             | we go to bed. The remaining ones are lights we only turn on
             | for a short time anyhow, so they don't get left on.
             | tehlike wrote:
             | Automation is what you are missing.
             | I love that my light turns on in the hallway when sun sets.
             | Or the lock locks/unlocks as I leave or approach the house.
             | Or that I can see my camera over vpn.
               | tails4e wrote:
               | I agree, but what I dont like is how to function a device
               | needs Internet connectivity. Our smart vaccum cannot work
               | with its app unless its connected to thr Internet. The
               | nice thing is we can see its progress on mobile data,
               | etc, but its a little ott for a 3rd party server to be
               | involved. I'd prefer it to be local only.
               | _carbyau_ wrote:
               | I don't know of an off-the-shelf one you could buy.
               | For the tinkerers, https://dontvacuum.me/ and
               | dustcloud/dustbuilder as search terms.
               | I have a roborock(Xiaomi sub-corporate brand) firmware
               | flashed to no longer need internet, hosts "the database"
               | on itself which is great for latency/responsiveness,
               | provides web page functionality so you can use it from
               | your phone, computer etc.
               | I quite like it.
               | prower wrote:
               | I totally understand it for security, as ironic as it is
               | (given the topic). For everything else though, I feel
               | like there's a "honeymoon" effect in place, where the
               | theoretical and immediate convenience overshadow the
               | implications.
               | To make a silly comparison, it's like buying digital
               | videogames on a console instead of their physical
               | versions, knowing you're trading immediate convenicence
               | while giving away control, ownership and future
               | availability.
               | I would have much less problems processing IoT if the "I"
               | was scrapped and optional by default.
               | I guess I have an hard time understanding people relying
               | on the internet at all.
               | mason55 wrote:
               | In addition to what the other reply said about going
               | local-only using Zwave/Zigbee, the other key is that home
               | automation should be "in addition to" not "instead of."
               | Want to control your lights remotely or automate them?
               | Use an in-wall smart switch. They still work as physical
               | switches even if all your automation/smart home stuff is
               | down. Guests don't need to know anything about the smart
               | home, they can just operate them like regular switches.
               | You get smarts "in addition to" the normal light
               | operation that everyone in the world understands.
               | Smart garage? Hook into a regular, tried and true garage
               | opener using some kind of remotely controllable relay.
               | The button on the wall still works, the opener in your
               | car still works, but you can have smarts in addition to
               | all that.
               | Replacing regular bulbs with smart bulbs and then
               | requiring a phone or internet connected voice device
               | "instead of" a normal wall switch is insanity.
               | tehlike wrote:
               | Correct. Most people like myself go with no cloud
               | versions of smart home gear. And use vpn to have a lot
               | more control.
               | A camera that works only locally (dafang hacks + wyze),
               | home assistant, zigbee/zwave for example.
               | jabroni_salad wrote:
               | That's definitely a popular stance in the community of
               | people who care enough to join the home automation and
               | general electronics community, but if 'most people' is a
               | factor, Amazon's best sellers are all "works with alexa"
               | and "no hub required", and all of those products will
               | surely die when their cloud tenancy is turned off.
               | titzer wrote:
               | Other people feel differently.
               | I personally hate living in a haunted world which is
               | filled with devices watching me, ready to pounce and fill
               | me with delight at their fulfilling my every desire. It's
               | absolute exhausting and downright terrifying when you
               | think through the hell some motivated hacker (or hater)
               | could subject you to.
               | Is it unthinkable that all this stuff will turn on you
               | one day? What if you become infamous for crossing the
               | wrong person and a viral video sends the firehouse of
               | political hatred from one group or another your way?
               | "Swatting" is a thing. Just wait until people start
               | hacking your house. They could burn it down while you are
               | away by just turning on your oven maybe!
               | Me? I'd like my bricks, locks, doors, lights, and life to
               | stay dumb.
               | TheCapn wrote:
               | I like not having to get up and walk across my house to
               | reset the internet because my ISPs modem is garbage and
               | locks up under heavy load.
               | I like being able to schedule my plant's grow lights to
               | get the appropriate amount of light regardless of season
               | and being able to keep that schedule even when i'm not
               | home
               | I like knowing that I left my garage door wide open as I
               | drove away because I forgot to look back over my shoulder
               | to see that the button in my car didn't get picked up.
               | I like being able to unlock the door for my neighbor to
               | let my dogs out if I end up stranded at work longer than
               | I had intended to when I left that morning.
               | I like that my garage camera turns on and takes shots of
               | whoever is entering though the door when its opened.
               | I like that my system texts me if a door/window is opened
               | after 10pm (if its me? no biggy. If its an intruder? BIG
               | HELP)
               | I like that these devices are on a segregated VLAN with
               | firewalling protecting my personal computers/NAS
               | ---
               | There's a lot of negativity to be said about smart
               | devices, but you can't focus solely on the negativity
               | while ignoring the advantages.
               | There's also a level of risk and comfort each individual
               | should be willing to set for themselves. I don't 100%
               | trust my garage automation, that's why I have monitored
               | security on my house. I'm not willing to automate devices
               | that can harm my house (oven as your example) but I _am_
               | willing to monitor their power state (is the oven on?)
               | This isn't all or nothing in the end.
               | whydoyoucare wrote:
               | Your dual-edged sword is a valid argument, but one can
               | only set the level of risk and comfort iff he/she is
               | aware of the risks in the first place. Look at how busy
               | the Best Buy "Geek Squad" is setting up TVs' and helping
               | new owners with use of their smart remote! :-)
               | barneygale wrote:
               | I'd go further: smart devices are largely a status
               | symbol. You're advertising to your guests that your
               | concerns are those of convenience and luxury, to the
               | point where you won't even use a light switch. That alone
               | is pretty gross before you add in the implicit support
               | for the megacorps.
               | tehlike wrote:
               | That's a little too cynical.
               | I use smart home stuff, because: 1. I use it as security
               | device (i have tons of zigbee sensors for motion, and
               | contact). 2. I forget about simple things, all the time.
               | I forget to lock my door, i forget to get my keys etc.
               | All of this is taken care for me in case i forget. I
               | haven't hooked up my garage door yet, but my kid (1 yo)
               | likes to find the remote and press it mindlessly, and i
               | really don't want to leave it open. 3. I like the
               | convenience in general.
               | If you come to my house, it's definitely not something
               | you'd say a "status symbol". It's only expensive because
               | it's in bay area, otherwise it's a mediocre house.
               | I have been a programmer for as long as i remember, and
               | these things excite me, that's another aspect.
               | yusefnapora wrote:
               | "Ghastly," continued Marvin, "it all is. Absolutely
               | ghastly. Just don't even talk about it. Look at this
               | door," he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits
               | cut into his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of
               | the sales brochure. "All the doors in this spaceship have
               | a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to
               | open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with
               | the knowledge of a job well done." - Douglas Adams, The
               | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
               | People just can't get enough of Alexa and her Genuine
               | People Personality!
               | kps wrote:
               | The door refused to open. It said, "Five cents, please."
               | He searched his pockets. No more coins; nothing. "I'll
               | pay you tomorrow," he told the door. Again he tried the
               | knob. Again it remained locked tight. "What I pay you,"
               | he informed it, "is in the nature of a gratuity; I don't
               | have to pay you."
               | "I think otherwise," the door said. "Look in the purchase
               | contract you signed when you bought this conapt."
               | In his desk drawer he found the contract; since signing
               | it he had found it necessary to refer to the document
               | many times. Sure enough; payment to his door for opening
               | and shutting constituted a mandatory fee. Not a tip.
               | "You discover I'm right," the door said. It sounded smug.
               | -- _Ubik_ , Philip K Dick, 1969
             | wl wrote:
             | There's value in automation across different devices. Just
             | a silly example: I've got a CO2 monitor in my office. If
             | the level goes above a certain threshold, it triggers a fan
             | and changes the color of an LED light strip to alert me.
               | filleokus wrote:
               | Slightly OT: But what sensor are you using? I've been on
               | the lookout for one for years but always decided they've
               | been too expensive. But now working from home I think
               | it's time to finally get one.
               | wl wrote:
               | I'm using the Kaiterra Laser Egg+ CO2.
               | jxcl wrote:
               | I was looking at this sensor available from Adafruit (and
               | others): https://www.adafruit.com/product/4867
               | Seems like a reasonable price for a true CO2 sensor.
               | smolder wrote:
               | Automation is great. What's nice is the thing you
               | described can also be implemented extremely cheaply
               | without any fancy logic or network connectivity, and then
               | it's just a Thing, not an IoT thing.
               | monsieurbanana wrote:
               | ... Are you really using iot for a co2 sensor of all
               | things? It's one thing if your smart toaster fails to
               | start when your car enters the garage, it's another when
               | a device to save your life decides to do an npm update at
               | the wrong time and you go to sleep. For good.
               | wbradmoore wrote:
               | are you thinking of CO?
               | adrianN wrote:
               | CO2 is pretty safe because your body has a built in
               | sensor.
               | Filligree wrote:
               | This is probably to keep CO2 below 500/600 ppm, not a
               | safety device.
               | wl wrote:
               | Sitting in an increasingly concentrated puddle of my own
               | CO2 when I close the door of my small home office is not
               | a life safety issue. It just seems to affect my cognitive
               | performance at some point. If there were CO2 tanks or
               | combustion in play, I'd be using a proper industrial CO2
               | alarm.
             | viraptor wrote:
             | There are some good use cases for connected devices. Some
             | are just gimmicks, but there's no point in being smug and
             | discounting all of them.
           | GuB-42 wrote:
           | You probably mean home automation. IoT is connected to the
           | internet by definition.
           | Home automation is a mess, IoT or not. There are standards
           | like KNX, but the problem is the same as it was 30 years ago
           | when the idea of home automation arose: manufacturers want
           | captive markets and can't agree on a single standard. As a
           | result, I can't buy any A/C unit, rolling shutter, light
           | fixture and thermostat and just connect them to my home
           | network, the selection of "smart" appliances is actually very
           | limited.
           | I mean, home installation is thought out on the scale of
           | decades, because renovation is a pain. People want something
           | simple and reliable, that is the reason why some taps,
           | switches, sockets, etc... are 10 times more expensive than
           | others while looking the same and people still buy them. It
           | is the complete opposite from what Silicon Valley is pushing.
             | Qwertious wrote:
             | >but the problem is the same as it was 30 years ago when
             | the idea of home automation arose: manufacturers want
             | captive markets and can't agree on a single standard.
             | I think the "solution" to this is some sort of open
             | hardware system, where instead of someone manufacturing and
             | selling for a profit, the design includes a standard set of
             | parts you order, and then there's a very simple assembly,
             | Ikea-style.
           | chrisBob wrote:
           | I think the I in IoT is really for Internet, so I am not sure
           | if it counts if it is local only.
             | NegativeLatency wrote:
             | Intranet?
               | Mordisquitos wrote:
               | Surely it would be Intranet _S_ of Things.
             | tehlike wrote:
             | Vpn
             | unethical_ban wrote:
             | Literally yes, but come on. "connected home" and IoT are so
             | close in use case, and _because_ most connected home things
             | are Internet-only, let's not pick at terminology too much.
             | I would love to have a connected home that did not require
             | _any_ external connectivity or web accounts. Why did I need
             | to login with my Google account and enable location
             | services to set up a Chromecast Audio?
               | 8note wrote:
               | I imagine it enables Google to enforce location based
               | licensing for where you can listen to certain songs at a
               | given price point.
               | Listening to a song in the forest is free, listening to
               | it in a bustling street costs 10C/ per play because
               | you're performing it to people walking by
         | baxtr wrote:
         | I use an old Philips TV from 10 yrs ago. It works fine, has
         | HDMI and all that. No WiFi and other shit of course.
         | I am totally worried about the day it will break down.
           | devoutsalsa wrote:
           | The thing that drives me bonkers about "smart" TVs is how
           | slow they can be. Cheap processor + lots of software to
           | compute = sluggish user experience. It's not not only is it
           | spying on me, it's letting me know that it cares more about
           | making me wait to spy on me before adjusting the frikkin'
           | volume.
             | gambiting wrote:
             | Like most other things, it's the good old "you get what you
             | pay for". I got the LG CX OLED few months ago and that
             | thing is lightning fast. Starts up nearly instantly, apps
             | switch without any delay....I have no problems with it
             | being "smart". Compared to my old Sony Bravia which
             | literally took a minute to even start up, urgh.
               | 8note wrote:
               | Now you have to pay more for features that used to come
               | standard, in addition to making tv ownership ad
               | supported.
               | Nobody had a lighting fast or slow RF remote, the volume
               | just went up and down when you clicked the button (after
               | getting it pointed in the right direction)
               | xvector wrote:
               | Really? That's strange, because I don't remember my old
               | TV supporting AirPlay. I also don't remember ever seeing
               | ads on my LG.
             | cute_boi wrote:
             | "Smart" is just a marketing buzzwords. These days due to
             | this smart tv thing I can't find any decent dumb TV.
             | Their is nothing smart in "Smart TV" they all should be
             | labeled "Scam TV".
               | meowster wrote:
               | Sceptre makes dumb 4K TVs up to 75".
           | sickofparadox wrote:
           | https://www.sceptre.com/ makes dumb, consumer TVs. As far as
           | I can tell they are basically the only brand doing it.
             | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
             | Are they _good_ , though? I, too, want a "dumb" TV, but I
             | still want high color accuracy, refresh rate, viewing
             | angles, etc. I don't necessarily want a Hotel/Office
             | Waiting Room TV.
             | Also, taking a look at the site, and not a single 4K UHD TV
             | is in stock at the moment. Yikes!
               | ed312 wrote:
               | Can't vouch for the TVs, but I owned one of their 1080P
               | monitors in the last 2000s/early 2010s. Upper-middle
               | quality, very basic OSD, great customer service. Used the
               | monitor for ~7 years before upgrading to a 4k, sold it
               | still working with original cables & box.
               | meowster wrote:
               | Walmart has better stock of Sceptre TVs last time I
               | checked. Unfortunately they only make dumb 4K TVs up to
               | 75"
               | (I was looking for 85", so I just unplugged the WiFi
               | module in the TV I bought before I turned it on the first
               | time.)
           | hackeraccount wrote:
           | This. All I want out of a T.V. is a dumb monitor. If I want
           | "smart" I'll just plug something in - that's why a TV has
           | HDMI ports. Instead you get something you can't replace,
           | can't fix and can't get rid of.
           | dmarlow wrote:
           | Same here. I have a plasma LG that I absolutely love. It has
           | an amazing picture, but it's heavier than wet sand.
           | My friend recently got a new TV and I was appalled at the
           | controls, picture (soap opera effect), "smart features" (how
           | it instantly goes into this app like experience that you
           | can't ever get out of). So many things bother me about modern
           | TVs. If my TV ever dies, I don't know what I'll do.
             | loloquwowndueo wrote:
             | Replace with a projector :) you don't watch OTA channels,
             | do you? So any other media source should be hookable to a
             | projector. Sure you need a dark room to watch stuff, but
             | that's a plus as it'll induce you to watch less tv ;)
             | Also - the soap opera thing can be turned off in decent
             | newer TVs and as discussed in other HN threads you can just
             | deny the TV an internet connection so it behaves dumbly.
             | You might still need to contend with clunky UI but really -
             | just select your video source and start watching, so the
             | pain is minimal.
               | throwaway889900 wrote:
               | I got myself a nice chunky laser projector with more than
               | enough lumen output to overpower the sun. In fact I loved
               | it so much I got a second one for basically the same
               | price. Sure it's not 4K, but I get the screen size.
               | dmarlow wrote:
               | I wouldn't be surprised that by the time I buy a
               | projector, they're all "smart".
               | Filligree wrote:
               | I replaced mine with a computer monitor. It's a bit more
               | expensive, but that's the price of not being spied on.
               | hatch_q wrote:
               | Soon all 'smart' TVs will just come with 5G connection.
               | Will make it much harder (if even possible) to deny them
               | internet connection.
           | fixIt83 wrote:
           | I bought a guitar, TV went unused, sold it, less gadget
           | worry. Bought more guitars!
           | I've dramatically slashed my personal gadget footprint.
           | Phone, watch cause I like the exercise data, a Linux box I
           | barely touch, old iPad for movies and video chat.
           | I pickup the guitar rather than sit at the TV or computer.
           | Learning an instrument connects both sides of the brain like
           | no other skills based activity.
           | No ads, acoustic road trips easy enough, no worry about
           | charging, smart speakers would hear some bad covers of Wonder
           | Wall.
           | It's a life changing experience.
           | So when the TV breaks, maybe consider replacing it with $500
           | digital piano to get weighted keys and decent built in sound
           | instead of paying for an ad distribution device.
             | w0mbat wrote:
             | What were you saying? I was busy upgrading the firmware on
             | my guitar amp.
               | 6510 wrote:
               | Is anyone doing a smart guitar with ads already?
               | adolph wrote:
               | Kinda, its an app that trains people to tune guitars in
               | different scenarios. The ads are mostly for pro versions
               | of itself, its sibling apps and a far field mike array
               | for adjusting tuning based on the room. The killer
               | feature is artificial intelligence that learns how the
               | person perceives sound and adjusts the tuning from
               | "technically correct" to "perceptually correct." It is
               | gamified with a blockchain verified leaderboard.
               | xmprt wrote:
               | I'm not sure if you're joking. This seems like a
               | reasonable feature to have but then you threw in
               | blockchain and now I'm not sure anymore.
               | adolph wrote:
               | Cheating devalues games. Ambiguity heightens absurdity.
               | Maybe I should have added that the IP has rock solid
               | patents, is open source* and the startup is still in
               | stealth while raising a series G.
               | * some restrictions apply, please agree to the terms of
               | service to allow super cookies and review that the
               | license SKU matching your service region to a stacked
               | arbitration regime established in the People's Democratic
               | Republic of Korea and Delaware
           | driverdan wrote:
           | Most TVs work fine without an internet connection. I recently
           | got a new Samsung TV. It really wanted an internet connection
           | but works just fine without it.
         | Robotbeat wrote:
         | Doubt that electronic gizmos have much to do with climate
         | change unless you're running kilowatts for Dogecoin mining or
         | whatever.
         | It's heating and cooling, transport, and food. Maybe cement as
         | well. If you buy a new conventional car, I have more to
         | question you on climate change over.
           | MikeKusold wrote:
           | Electronics require lots of metals that are sourced through
           | mining. Mining is an essential but dirty business that often
           | leaves pools of toxic heavy metal water behind. These pools
           | are damned up, but inevitably leak out into the surrounding
           | environment.
           | It's important that everyone Reduce, Reuse, Recycle properly
           | in order to reduce our impact to the environment.
             | Robotbeat wrote:
             | You know what requires a lot more metals? Cars and houses
             | and apartments and railroads and highways. When we're
             | trying to reduce our impact on the environment, we've got
             | to not waste time on the small fry while ignoring the
             | elephants. Problems should be attacked proportional to
             | their impact. Don't think that using metal straws but
             | driving a new gasoline powered SUV is making an
             | improvement.
               | stonesweep wrote:
               | > You know what requires a lot more metals?
               | I believe the argument is about the _refining_ process
               | and the chemical waste it creates, which is substantially
               | higher when trying to extract 99.99% pure copper, zinc,
               | gold, silver and other industrial elements which are
               | converted into electronics. I 'm a hobbyist fan of silver
               | and know just the basics - refining for 99.99% pure
               | silver looks like making crack to my eyes. :) Breaking
               | Bad level chemicals.
               | I'm to understand the act of creating and "washing"
               | circuit boards also uses a large amount of caustic
               | chemicals, as does the attempted recycling/recovery (to
               | basically eat away the coatings to expose the reclaimable
               | metals). Refining for purity has a high environmental
               | cost to get it from ore -> 99.99% and to reuse/recycle
               | it, I speculate much higher than iron ore (train tracks,
               | etc.) require/use.
               | Robotbeat wrote:
               | Interesting claim, but to justify a few milligrams of
               | metals is worse than literally tons of metal and cement
               | is going to require a quantitative argument.
               | 99.99%, even if you're right, only gets us to 10kg
               | equivalent if you start with 1 gram.
               | (And keep in mind that these processes to make bulk
               | materials themselves use alloying agents and specialty
               | materials in cutting heads, etc, to fabricate them.)
               | stonesweep wrote:
               | It requires tonnes of ore processed to produce ounces of
               | gold (I read roughly 13 tonnes on average, but it's
               | highly dependent on the quality of the deposit and
               | refinement difficulty), there are metrics and studies:
               | https://www.businessinsider.com/tons-of-rock-for-an-
               | ounce-of...
               | Edit as I'm curious myself, this study shows it's about
               | 150 tonnes of ore input for one ton of copper output
               | (with other minerals reclaimed during the process):
               | https://www.princeton.edu/~ota/disk2/1988/8808/880811.PDF
               | Robotbeat wrote:
               | Keep in mind your conventional car's catalytic converter
               | contains grams of platinum group metals, worth about
               | $1000 or so now ($3000 for older, larger catalytic
               | converters). Due in large part to the spike in rhodium
               | prices.
               | stonesweep wrote:
               | Platinum is extracted as a by-product of nickel and
               | copper mining (as are other elements) as it's primary
               | source, unlike gold and copper which are mined for their
               | element directly. Not arguing your point (45% of platinum
               | is used in auto) only that how we get Pt and Pd is
               | already in progress to get at the other elements like Cu,
               | Au and Ag.
               | Robotbeat wrote:
               | But IS it a mere byproduct? If it adds significant
               | revenue, it's no longer a mere byproduct but now part of
               | the business proposition of the mine. About $30 billion
               | of nickel is mined per year. About $8 billion in platinum
               | mined per year. 30 tons of rhodium are mined per year,
               | which at current >$900/gram prices, means the revenue
               | from rhodium is actually HIGHER than platinum and on par
               | with nickel.
               | So you could as well argue that nickel is a byproduct of
               | rhodium (and platinum group metal) production.
               | stonesweep wrote:
               | The USA mints alone use roughly 4,400 tonnes of nickel to
               | produce coins every year (one specific industry with one
               | type of output in one country). Around 133 tonnes of
               | platinum and 1,800 tonnes of gold are mined per year in
               | total for all use globally.
               | coldpie wrote:
               | We are now at the point where everything matters.
               | Industry is responsible for about 21% of GHG emissions
               | globally (more than transportation!)[1]. Reducing that by
               | using simpler technologies is a good thing to look into.
               | Do you really need to replace your perfectly functional
               | doorbell with a big pile of electronics? Probably not.
               | Would not driving to work every day make a bigger
               | contribution? Yes. Would not doing either be best? Yes.
               | [1] https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-
               | gas-emiss...
               | Robotbeat wrote:
               | Using an incandescent light bulb is not "better" than an
               | LED bulb, even though the latter is a "pile of
               | electronics" while an incandescent bulb is just a little
               | tungsten wire. So I really don't think this is a good
               | rule to follow. Simpler technologies are often far less
               | efficient and often have a far larger ecological impact.
               | LED bulbs are comically more efficient than incandescent
               | bulbs (by a factor of 5-10), which in turn are comically
               | more efficient (by 10-50 times) than like a candle or oil
               | lamp. "Simple" is actually a terrible heuristic for "low
               | ecological impact."
               | coldpie wrote:
               | Are you really making the claim that a simple doorbell
               | switch has higher environmental impact than a Ring
               | doorbell?
               | Robotbeat wrote:
               | It actually might. If the Ring doorbell allows you to
               | avoid opening your door just once or twice a week, the
               | energy savings could exceed the environmental footprint.
               | A Ring doorbell has a 22Wh battery that lasts about a
               | month or two per charge.
               | Having the door open for 10 seconds on a cold winter day
               | can easily waste that much energy. About 10kW of heat
               | loss for 10 seconds is 100kJ, higher than that 22Wh.
               | Likewise, the embodied energy of that 22Wh battery is
               | about 22MJ, and might dominate the embodied energy of the
               | Ring camera. So if it saves you from opening the door
               | 200-300 times in its lifetime, that might be enough to
               | pay for its own embodied emissions.
               | Plus not having to drive home to pick up a package, etc,
               | etc.
               | Plus think of other smart devices like smart thermostats
               | that might be part of the whole Ring system. Or perhaps
               | if the Ring device prevents destruction of part of your
               | home from theft.
               | I don't even own a Ring doorbell, but I can see how it
               | could actually help. Also, traditional doorbells aren't
               | that efficient. Especially if they have a little light.
               | Ring could also replace a window to see who is there,
               | which is a big source of heat leakage.
               | harpastum wrote:
               | The argument is that the "simpleness" of the doorbell
               | isn't a good heuristic for the amount of impact.
               | According to wikipedia [1], the transformer on a standard
               | doorbell can use 2-3 watts of power at all times. That's
               | 1400-2100 watt hours per month -- about _one hundred_
               | times as much as a ring doorbell uses (Less than 20 Wh
               | per month).
               | The cost and impact of the Ring includes more
               | manufacturing, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Ring
               | ended up having a larger environmental cost, but it's not
               | as clear cut as your incredulity makes it seem.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorbell
               | gaius_baltar wrote:
               | > According to wikipedia [1], the transformer on a
               | standard doorbell can use 2-3 watts of power at all
               | times. That's 1400-2100 watt hours per month -- about one
               | hundred times as much as a ring doorbell uses (Less than
               | 20 Wh per month).
               | Interesting thing to know because here in Brazil we don't
               | route PELV (Protected Extra-low Voltage) to the doorbell.
               | The external switch just carries the full voltage from
               | the mains (127 Vac or 220 Vac, according to the state).
               | Maybe it's not the safest design after all.
               | However this constant power usage can be safely removed
               | by using a non-rechargeable 12V battery that would power
               | a relay that will trigger the mains-powered bell when the
               | (purely mechanical) external switch is pressed. This
               | removes the constant power usage and such battery should
               | last for years with a typical usage scenario (less than
               | one second per push or so).
               | eldaisfish wrote:
               | >We are now at the point where everything matters
               | You are missing the point and mischaracterising the
               | problem. Resources are finite. Human attention spans are
               | limited. Emissions from ships in international waters are
               | an absolutely huge problem and addressing that will make
               | a huge impact on future climate.
               | Funny how no one mentions that but we are all focused on
               | paper straws and smart doorbells.
               | acka wrote:
               | It is all related, so everything taken together does
               | indeed matter. When we as consumers insist more on buying
               | locally produced, durable, interchangeable, replaceable,
               | repairable (!) components to build things we're actually
               | likely to use for a long time, we can stem the flow of
               | cargo ships and ditto planes shipping "stupid disposable
               | junk" halfway across the world, thereby limiting all the
               | pollution and waste of (fossil fueled) energy that goes
               | with it.
               | While we're at it, we should demand to put an end to the
               | senseless hoarding of patents and IP, in particular those
               | that hamper interoperability between components, and for
               | information on interfaces to be made public, so no more
               | proprietary connectors, protocols, APIs, no more
               | artificial restrictions on consumables such as printer
               | ink, etcetera.
               | midasuni wrote:
               | Local odeon stopped using plastic straws in their drinks.
               | Paper ones were awful. Bought some metal straws also
               | awful. Ended up taking 2x500ml bottles instead - far more
               | plastic than was used before.
               | Yeay?
               | sixstringtheory wrote:
               | Stop using straws... completely unnecessary.
               | Use a reusable water bottle. One can be had for the price
               | of those 2x500ml bottles.
               | midasuni wrote:
               | I don't want water.
               | Charge me for the plastic for the 6 straws a year I use,
               | which is far far less than the plastic others "waste".
               | Put a price in the pollution and let the market sort it
               | out
           | madpata wrote:
           | I'd just say that both contribute and stop this whataboutism.
           | matkoniecz wrote:
           | gizmos in total probably have some noticeable impact and
           | unlike heating or food are mostly useless/not needed/harmful.
             | Robotbeat wrote:
             | It's amazing how after 2020 work from home and school from
             | home orders, people still insist "gizmos" are mostly
             | useless.
           | dkersten wrote:
           | Using them maybe not, but producing them and then shipping
           | them across the globe? Also, as with all things, its not like
           | one iPhone in isolation is a problem, but millions, year
           | after year, that does add up.
           | Maybe that's still not much compared to other industries, but
           | in the context of the conversation here, its still something
           | that an individual who might complain about climate change
           | does have a little control over. I mean, if I complain, but
           | then don't change MY behaviour, even if that change wouldn't
           | by itself change anything, why should I expect companies to
           | change theirs?
         | ryandrake wrote:
         | I remember when the primary threat you considered when setting
         | up your firewall was hackers trying to infiltrate your network.
         | Increasingly I find myself using my firewall to sandbox devices
         | already on my LAN and preventing them from phoning home to
         | exfiltrate.
           | walton_simons wrote:
           | My thoughts exactly. And even this seems to be getting
           | harder. I keep reading about "smart" TVs which barely
           | function if they're not allowed to phone home, and IOT
           | devices which query their own hardcoded DNS servers, ignoring
           | whatever your DHCP server has told them to do.
           | I think it's only a matter of time before we start seeing
           | more and more of these things with built in cellular modems
           | which can't be disabled. Makes me want to start stockpiling
           | older technology in order to prepare for a time when every
           | single available lightbulb, washing machine, TV, or vacuum
           | cleaner has to be online all the time and controlled by some
           | privacy destroying app.
           | I'm only half joking when I say that I can imagine a future
           | where something purely mechanical is considered the height of
           | luxury. Look at this! A door lock with a metal key which
           | doesn't log and transmit the comings and goings of your
           | family and friends. Incredible! If only we could afford such
           | a thing, but there are only a few artisans left in the world
           | who can make them...
         | wiremine wrote:
         | > Stop buying stupid disposable junk.
         | I get the frustration, but this is a narrow perspective.
         | _Consumer_ IoT is still waiting for some good use cases. But
         | IoT touches a lot more industries than that: medical, earth
         | science, manufacturing, heavy industrial, logistics, energy...
         | they are all being improved with useful IoT solutions. And we
         | need solid security in all these areas, not just the home.
         | I'd also note that privacy and security, while related, are
         | separate issues. Most IoT solutions don't factor in either
         | concern well.
           | bsder wrote:
           | > And we need solid security in all these areas, not just the
           | home.
           | Who is _we_ who need solid security?
           | I haven't met them. They don't sign a check for security.
           | They don't do anything other than put "Security" on a
           | PowerPoint slide and forget about it.
           | We make our shipping IoT stuff secure because it's a point of
           | pride and point of competence. But we built the whole
           | architecture around that idea, and it _definitely_ slowed us
           | down at the start.
           | Until people start cutting checks for _actually secure_ IoT,
           | it 's going to remain a giant field of cow dung.
             | paranoidrobot wrote:
             | > Who is we who need solid security?
             | Anyone with a modern medical device is the 'we'.
             | My grandmother got a new pacemaker installed a while back.
             | She now has a device sitting beside her bed with a 4G modem
             | in it, that talks to her pacemaker at night and sends the
             | data back to some service, which in turn her Doctors can
             | access.
             | This is apparently the normal thing to do.
             | What level of security is there in either of those devices?
             | How do you ensure that there isn't open ports? Does it get
             | security updates pushed to it? (I wouldn't be money on
             | that)
             | How does one ensure that this can't send malicious commands
             | to the pacemaker?
             | This isn't just an issue with pacemakers, either - plenty
             | of other medical devices are coming with various wireless
             | chips in them.
             | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
             | They really do exist. Believe it or not, just last week I
             | had an actual meeting with an actual paying client who took
             | IoT security seriously because "we've got some hydraulics
             | on this machine that can cause real damage if someone hacks
             | into it."
             | Unfortunately, I think this is going to be the perspective
             | for a long time: if the customer sees real liability (read:
             | a lawsuit for physical damage) as a possibility, that's
             | probably going to be the only motivating factor to take
             | security seriously.
             | Whatever. One step at a time!
         | rglullis wrote:
         | One of my "please steal my idea" projects is to get any of
         | these Youtube personalities that are famous for commentary on
         | consumer tech (such as Linus from LTT, MKBHD, mrwhosetheboss)
         | and convince them to create a company that would mix together
         | something like drop.com with a "design studio" focused on
         | coming up with high-quality kits for consumer gadgets, with the
         | twist that every kit is open source and freely available.
         | Every month or so, they would make a video about the ongoing
         | projects and show what kind of features are already available.
         | Partner with manufacturer companies that can provide pre-
         | assembled systems. For those that don't care about the DIY
         | part, offer a subscription-based option where they can get
         | early review units, prioritize their change requests,
         | _troubleshoot_ support, personalization options, discounts for
         | bulk buys, etc.
         | The revenue from these subscriptions should be more than enough
         | to fund the team of open source developers/designers _and_ to
         | make up for the  "lost" revenue of a video made that is
         | sponsored by any of the big tech companies. The most
         | interesting though would be to see if this could lead to a
         | change in consumer demand: could an influencer changed the
         | public's perception of what is really "hot"? Would we start
         | seeing things like "/r/mechanicalkeyboards" for all sorts of
         | products like TV panels, wireless speakers, home automation
         | light systems, F/OSS-based smartphones?
           | mkoubaa wrote:
           | I had a similar idea where devices are all just a bunch of
           | input and output devices that declar themselves via zeroconf
           | on wifi/5G. And you can have a portal on your PC where you
           | choose which software to use one which device and control it
           | all from there.
         | adriancr wrote:
         | It's difficult to even find non-internet-vendor-locked in
         | sensors/controls/lights... (sensors/controls ideally running on
         | batteries with sane local network API)
         | So far I've been lucky with cheap zigbee devices but these seem
         | to be getting phased out in favor of locked in items...
         | and before people suggest - no, I don't have the willingness to
         | build/maintain my own devices with raspberry pis or ESP etc
           | dec0dedab0de wrote:
           | FYI Phillips hue is not vendor locked, and does not require
           | the internet. They're not cheap though.
             | iaml wrote:
             | Phillips hue does require the internet for setup.
               | babas wrote:
               | You can join Phillips hue units to your own zigbee
               | network without Internet or even the Phillips hue app.
               | Zigbee2mqtt and a cheap zigbee dongle is all you need
               | really. You could add home assistant for a better
               | interface but there is no need to involve Phillips or the
               | Internet. One of the huge advantages of zigbee imo.
           | noxToken wrote:
           | I hate that this dominates the conversation. I tried some
           | stuff with a pi once. It was a nightmare. I fidgeted around
           | with the installation, and after some slight hiccups, I
           | finally get to install the package for my security system.
           | Errors. A screen full of errors barfed everywhere. I look at
           | the repository for some basic debugging, and without some
           | serious dedicated time, I can't fix the issue.
           | This is why people don't want to fiddle with a Pi for these
           | things. Time is dedicated to get the system up, but you're
           | not given any kind of guarantee that it will work out of the
           | box.
             | bigiain wrote:
             | This is also the reason why some of us enjoy futzing with
             | Raspberry Pis (And a Arduinos and ESPs et al.)
             | But yeah, I understand your pain, and recognise that it's
             | not a hobby everybody wants...
             | xmprt wrote:
             | I feel like anytime a hobbyist says a Pi is the solution to
             | your IoT or cloud problem, it's because they enjoy fiddling
             | with the errors and getting it work. When it does, I'm sure
             | it's rewarding, but a lot of people have other hobbies that
             | they'd rather spend time on.
             | It's like telling someone who complains about video game
             | DLC to go skiing. Yes, you might enjoy skiing, but skiing
             | isn't a drop in replacement for the person complaining.
           | SavantIdiot wrote:
           | I just bought a Laird BLE temp sensor (BT510) and have
           | complete control over it. I can scan-response it with a
           | Raspberry Pi and get the temperature and display it on a
           | small LCD screen. The pi is also my home automation gateway
           | and it sends this (and other data) to my cloud so I can read
           | it from my personal website (which is password protected).
           | The BT510 It has crazy range and has only dropped 10mV
           | battery in 14 days.
           | It CAN be done, because sensor makers have no interest in
           | reporting home: costs are too high!
           | We need more open source projects to enable people to
           | automate their homes with a list of suppliers who provide
           | "dumb" edge node sensors.
           | Cu3PO42 wrote:
           | Ikea sells Zigbee bulbs and control devices as well as a
           | Zigbee bridge. Seeing how they joined the Zigbee alliance's
           | boards of directors I don't think they're going away. In my
           | experience they work fine and are reasonably priced.
           | They support HomeKit and while their own API technically
           | isn't open, it's documented and has libraries to interact
           | with it programmatically.
             | connor4312 wrote:
             | +1. I run entirely Zigbee devices in my home. They don't
             | have internet access and talk to the Home Assistant[1]
             | instance running on my home server.
             | The downside of Zigbee is that, as a user, there isn't a
             | strong ecosystem of DIY IoT solutions like there is with,
             | for example, the wifi-connected ESP8266/ESP32 chips. And,
             | of course, it requires a hub and some degree of knowledge
             | to set up.
             | At the moment I'm evaluating launching a small IoT
             | startup/side-business in an underserved market. As much as
             | I love Zigbee, these devices will probably end up being
             | wifi. I'm not an expert in the hardware side of things, and
             | the ability to pay <$1 for an ESP chip that does everything
             | I need off the shelf is great, and I don't want to create a
             | hub or require users to buy a (often $80+) hub just for my
             | set of (<=$5) devices.
             | Although it'll be wifi-based, I plan to make these
             | guarantees:
             | - The cloud service (supported by a small yearly
             | subscription) will stay online for at least 1 year after
             | the last device is sold.
             | - When the service is shut down, its software and hardware
             | will be released under an open source license.
             | - The subscription fee will never be increased faster than
             | inflation rate.
             | - 3rd party analytics software won't be used and data will
             | never be shared with 3rd parties (outside from Stripe
             | during checkout). In all cases a minimum amount of data
             | will be collected.
             | Maybe this'll make my product slightly less likely to
             | appear on the @internetofshit Twitter account[2].
             | 1. https://www.home-assistant.io/
             | 2. https://twitter.com/internetofshit
               | anaerobicover wrote:
               | > They don't have internet access
               | Do you mean they don't as a matter of manufacturing, or
               | that you have blocked them yourself? (I ask because I am
               | also interested in getting some lights, but would also
               | like them to be local-network-only.)
               | Cu3PO42 wrote:
               | Zigbee devices don't have internet access because they're
               | not on the network. Zigbee is a seperate wireless
               | protocol. Lights and switches implement a pairing step
               | which allows them to interact. If you would like to
               | control such devices from your PC, you'll need a device
               | with a Zigbee transceiver to talk to these devices.
               | Typically, manufacturers sell you a "bridge" or
               | "gateway", which is a networked device including such a
               | transceiver. You could isolate this single device from
               | accessing the internet or you could just not rely on any
               | closed option. You can buy a USB Zigbee transceiver for
               | 30 EUR and use it with your PC or a Raspberry Pi.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | I think Zigbee is what IoT _should_ be. It doesn 't
               | access the internet, it doesn't clutter the frequency
               | band like my 30 WiFi IoT devices, it doesn't need to be
               | in range (since other Zigbee devices can relay the
               | messages)... I'm going to buy some Zigbee devices from
               | IKEA just so I can play around with them.
               | It's a really nice standard, I hope it takes off.
               | Semaphor wrote:
               | > The downside of Zigbee is that, as a user, there isn't
               | a strong ecosystem of DIY IoT solutions like there is
               | with, for example, the wifi-connected ESP8266/ESP32
               | chips.
               | Luckily, as you probably know, you can connect all those
               | different protocols together with homeassistant. So you
               | can use pre-built solutions for some devices and DIY for
               | others and still easily connect them.
               | Cu3PO42 wrote:
               | I really don't know anything about the availability of
               | Zigbee chips for DIY projects, but I would just like to
               | say that I paid just 20 EUR for Ikea's gateway [0].
               | But if you do go Wi-Fi, why use a cloud service at all?
               | Is there a specific reason not to go with mDNS/DNS-SD and
               | handle everything on the local network?
               | [0] https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/tradfri-gateway-
               | weiss-40337806/
           | Macha wrote:
           | How hard have you looked for the lights? Or are you
           | specifically looking for the whole "customisable rgb lighting
           | with ecosystem with apps etc."
           | myself248 wrote:
           | I have a few friends running Shelly devices locally with
           | HomeAssistant and other agents. They can also do the cloud
           | thing (and are unfortunately named that), but the local-first
           | functions work. I don't know more, but the hass forums are a
           | good start.
           | yummypaint wrote:
           | Lack of maintenance is a good reason to use a
           | microcontroller. I can understand not wanting to deal with
           | the complexity of a pi and the associated software updates,
           | but if you just need to read a sensor or toggle a relay and
           | send a few packets you can write arduino code that is
           | effectively set and forget. Most importantly you can be
           | certain its behavior wont unexpectedly change because of some
           | remote update. It's easier now than it ever has been to get
           | started, things have improved alot in just the last 5 years
           | or so.
             | mkup wrote:
             | Yeah, the new microcontroller boards that have Arduino Uno
             | MCU (ATmega328P) and cheap Wi-Fi (ESP8266) bundled on a
             | single board and connected together via UART are really
             | great. I recently got a couple of these from AliExpress for
             | $12 including shipping (for experimenting with sensors),
             | and I noticed that they are really well supported by the
             | Arduino IDE and the open source community in general.
               | wiremine wrote:
               | I'd encourage you to check out the ESP-32. It's not that
               | much more money and supports more features (BLE, actual
               | hardware encryption, etc.)
           | pradn wrote:
           | Electronic lights seem like a small convenience for a high
           | price, not to mention how they require even more use of
           | smartphones and such.
             | thebean11 wrote:
             | Disagree, as a renter smart bulbs are by far the easiest
             | way to get dimmable lights in my apartment. Being able to
             | dim the lights in the evenings while I watch TV is amazing.
               | mixmastamyk wrote:
               | We simply switch to string lights and "bedtime bulb" in
               | the evenings, no dimming or internet needed.
               | (Although, I did install a dimmer into the dining room
               | wall switch, but it's worth it I think if you'll be there
               | at least a year.)
               | tekromancr wrote:
               | I would totally be down for that, but I don't have access
               | to the breaker box, and I don't feel like trying to
               | install anything into anything that has hot wires.
               | thebean11 wrote:
               | No internet needed for my setup either, local network
               | only.
               | AdmiralGinge wrote:
               | They don't need to be internet-connected though, there's
               | many "smart" LED bulbs that run off a traditional remote
               | control.
               | thebean11 wrote:
               | I don't want to add a remote control to my life, the
               | "smart" bulbs are better because I can control them with
               | my phone, watch, and any other devices I might get in the
               | future.
               | Not to mention, I have ~10 of these bulbs. Can't imagine
               | how a remote control would deal with that. They also
               | aren't connected to the internet, they are controlled by
               | a hub that only has local network access.
             | pimeys wrote:
             | We have automation to turn off all lights in the apartment
             | when nobody's home, which saves a lot of energy due to us
             | forgetting to turn of lights quite often otherwise. Also
             | adds nice things like turning on lights on movement in the
             | bathroom and kitchen, where you don't need to have lights
             | on all the time, turning on lights 45 minutes before sunset
             | if somebody's home and turning on lights in the hallway
             | when coming home if it's dark already.
             | I find all of this extremely convenient and ZigBee is a
             | great platform to do things like this.
               | tifadg1 wrote:
               | I don't know if I'm just that jaded, but it feels like
               | it's more trouble that just using a light switch and
               | getting in the habit of not leaving lights on.
               | emj wrote:
               | Depends on how many lights you have, and how often you
               | need to do it. I've installed extra wires from all light
               | buttons so one master switch per room, not as flexible
               | but same cost over 10 years. It saves me a ton grief
               | every night turning off all the lamps in the apartment,
               | some partners never learn that light switches can turn
               | something off. The monetary savings are not enough to
               | break even in 20 years, the time saved is priceless. ;-)
               | samatman wrote:
               | I get a lot of subjective value out of being able to
               | adjust colour temperature, brightness, and hue.
               | For instance, the last hour or two of the day, I have
               | lights in the bedroom and kitchen either dim red or off.
               | Being able to do the routine of "try to go to sleep,
               | fail, tell my watch to turn the lights red, get a glass
               | of water or a snack, turn lights off" is really nice.
               | Even dim white light would be like splashing cold water
               | on my face.
               | There are other ways to solve for this, approximately, I
               | guess. This is simple and works, though.
           | Diti wrote:
           | There is enough choice of MQTT-compatible devices, running
           | Tasmota or other (for example Shelly devices). No vendor
           | lock, open protocol, no single point of failure (well,
           | usually people only setup one MQTT broker, but it is possible
           | to publish-subscribe to several brokers at once).
           | yabudemada wrote:
           | I think this is common across all technological phases: wild
           | west implementations preceeds standardization.
         | soheil wrote:
         | I don't understand why hate like this gets so many upvotes. IoT
         | devices are in their infancy, it's not fair to constantly
         | berate their inadequacies instead of focusing on the
         | technological marvel that they are, what they can achieve and
         | how they can be made more whole. The resistance to change on HN
         | is real.
           | simias wrote:
           | Home automation is really not particularly novel. Quoting
           | Wikipedia:
           | >In 1975, the first general purpose home automation network
           | technology, X10, was developed. It is a communication
           | protocol for electronic devices. It primarily uses electric
           | power transmission wiring for signalling and control, where
           | the signals involve brief radio frequency bursts of digital
           | data, and remains the most widely available.[4] By 1978, X10
           | products included a 16 channel command console, a lamp
           | module, and an appliance module. Soon after came the wall
           | switch module and the first X10 timer.
           | Of course electronics have progressed immensely in 45 years,
           | so we can now do a lot more with a lot less.
           | I still feel like very little has change in practice though.
           | I find myself actively avoiding "smart" equipment, both
           | because it's overpriced and a bit of a pain to use in my
           | experience. They all have their own software stack, their own
           | apps (which are often cloud-based instead of running locally,
           | adding all sorts of privacy issues) etc...
           | On top of that you never know when the company is going to go
           | under or stop supporting your device, leaving you with a not-
           | so-smart device in the best case, or a useless plastic brick
           | in the worst.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Not only IoT devices aren't on their infancy, the device
           | makers keep using C to program them, and don't provide any
           | kind of updates on top of that.
             | f1refly wrote:
             | Can't wait for my javascript powered IoT kettle that has a
             | cpu more powerful than my laptop and includes 4gb of ram to
             | load half of npm into memory! The future looks ever so much
             | brighter!
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | I did not mention JavaScript, whose only worthy place is
               | the browser.
         | mtgx wrote:
         | Good luck buying a TV that isn't a "smart" (aka a really slow,
         | hackable, and generally quite dumb) TV.
         | mkoubaa wrote:
         | I'm with you but I made an exception for a baby monitor
         | ChuckMcM wrote:
         | I get the sentiment. That said, consider that "iOT" is
         | sometimes simply re-implementing something that used a
         | different moniker before. A printer that connects to Wifi to
         | print is "iOT" but the link is just replacing the bulky copper
         | printer cable (or the USB cable). Security cameras on WiFi
         | replace installing labor intensive (expensive) hard wires
         | between cameras and base station. It goes on and on. Basically
         | re-implementing the same things that have sold before but with
         | "improved" logistics that lower cost, add capabilities, or
         | both.
         | clajiness wrote:
         | You do know that you can prevent IOT devices from reaching the
         | internet, right? Our Wemo gear, cameras, etc, get blocked by my
         | firewall. Problem solved while still benefiting from their
         | convenience.
           | milankragujevic wrote:
           | I hope you do know that most consumers don't even have their
           | own router, let alone anything that can isolate devices or
           | block certain traffic.
           | extrememacaroni wrote:
           | What an amazing solution, so simple and accessible to the
           | average consumer. What's the next revelation, that you can
           | prevent the IOT devices from reaching the internet by reverse
           | engineering and rewriting their software?
             | greyw wrote:
             | An even easier and more accesible solution to move your
             | boot with a high enough acceleration towards the IoT device
             | thereby totally disabling the internet functionality!
             | Doesn't even need any technical skill.
               | JKCalhoun wrote:
               | I know you're being humorous but....
               | If only there were a big sign on every such device saying
               | "We are spying on you!".
               | Otherwise how is the average consumer to know which ones
               | to apply boot to?
               | (Also, the boot needs mass and velocity, acceleration is
               | orthogonal :-))
           | laurent92 wrote:
           | This is where Sigfox has a lot of added value: It is like a
           | simcard, but you only pay per million packages instead of per
           | SIM, and you save the trouble of customers trying to disable
           | your hardware. If you build electronic components and the TV
           | integrator doesn't want to bother providing ethernet to the
           | power unit, at least the power unit can self-report its
           | location to the grid.
             | TamHagmas wrote:
             | Interesting point. I have also been thinking about how
             | LPWANs could, in theory, be used to exfiltrate data from
             | consumer devices without anyone noticing. I mean, it would
             | be trivial to hide a tiny Sigfox / LoRa transmitter in
             | kitchen appliances, washing machines, televisions, cars or
             | whatever and claim that you need information like location
             | and how the devices are used for "market research".
             | It feels like it should be illegal, but I'm not sure if it
             | is or if there are loopholes. Do you, by chance, know of
             | any actual consumer products with covert Sigfox / LoRa
             | transmitters?
               | laurent92 wrote:
               | No I don't, I've just be loosely afraid of TVs with sim
               | cards, and since I discovered Sigfox I know that will
               | happen someday. Same as the MH370 (I think) which went
               | dark at transponder level but the engines continued to
               | return the technical data for 4hrs.
               | ville wrote:
               | Amazon has built a LoRa transmitter (Amazon Sidewalk) in
               | their Echo and Ring devices since 2017, it seems.
               | They're not hiding it though. It's marketed as something
               | you might want to keep enabled and "help your neighbors"
               | by sharing its location.
               | - "if your Echo device loses its wifi connection,
               | Sidewalk can simplify reconnecting to your router"
               | - "customer support can still troubleshoot problems even
               | if your devices lose their wifi connection"
               | - you "support community extended coverage benefits such
               | as locating pets"
         | coldtea wrote:
         | > _The S in IoT should be for "Stop buying stupid disposable
         | junk." I can't listen to anyone complain about climate change
         | while they fill their homes with cheap consumer electronics
         | from globalized supply chains that spy on them._
         | ...but you can order your IoT to "set a mood" from your phone
         | or speaker and have 5-6 lights in your house change color and
         | some Barry White to start playing like some cheesy 70s
         | playboy's penthhouse.
         | Who wants to go back to physically walking to close a light?
         | Walking? We've got expensive tredmills we've bought for that
         | purpose!
       | wolfi1 wrote:
       | somehow ironic that he uses flatpak for his "secure" app,
       | considering an article about flatpack security hit the HN
       | frontpage a few days ago
         | [deleted]
       | rolph wrote:
       | >>The S in IoT is for Security<<
       | I cant help noticing, the s in IoT comes last, after all other
       | things and is lower case, and not even important enough to appear
       | in the acronym /s
         | warmfuzzykitten wrote:
         | Um. There is no S in IoT. I think that's the joke.
       (page generated 2021-03-22 23:00 UTC)