[HN Gopher] Please don't upgrade Docker without asking first
       Please don't upgrade Docker without asking first
       Author : timmytokyo
       Score  : 122 points
       Date   : 2021-03-22 21:19 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | rubyist5eva wrote:
       | shenanigans like this is why I switched all my projects to use
       | Podman, docker is just trash software
       | rattray wrote:
       | Auto-updates _by default_ are great, but having no way to opt out
       | of auto-updates (or at least, an update to a given known-bad
       | version)? That 's pretty bad.
         | akvadrako wrote:
         | Agreed. For example iOS and stock Android, terrible designs.
           | anaerobicover wrote:
           | You can opt out of auto-update on iOS (for both individual
           | apps and the OS).
         | rightbyte wrote:
         | Why would you want auto-updates though. It just breaks your
         | stuff. Grandmas' or devs' alike. Noone benefits expect apps
         | with user hostile functions being pushed without a way to say
         | no.
         | Atleast when you get a prompt you know why stuff fails
         | afterward. Debugging silent auto update issues is a nightmare.
           | rattray wrote:
           | On average, updates make stuff better. Getting them
           | automatically and quickly is, on average, a good thing.
           | Only when that becomes untrue for a sustained period of time
           | should you turn off updates, but at that point, you're just
           | sticking to a single pinned version until you're able to
           | switch to a competitor.
           | Vendors who just keep pushing user-hostile shit should lose
           | customers, not (just) updaters.
             | rightbyte wrote:
             | Ye well I am fine with auto updates as long as it is
             | possible to disable (without hacks or esoteric config
             | settings in GUI apps). The convinence of having the
             | computer click "install latest version" in a prompt for you
             | is minimal.
             | I think it should be the user's choice. This trend in slow
             | rollouts to see what breaks and using users for beta
             | testing is annoying.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | I don't think what you're saying is necessarily true.
           | Browsers for example are very resilient at this point, and
           | seem to handle auto-updates just fine. Worst case scenario
           | you can use a different browser for a couple of hours. The
           | upside is that auto-updating works in most cases and users
           | hardly notice, while you're shipping security fixes straight
           | to them.
           | With developer tools it's different. Your tool stops working
           | and suddenly you cannot work. You often can't just change the
           | tool either, without having to rewrite stuff. For this, it's
           | necessary that versions stay the same until we're ready to
           | upgrade. Same goes for libraries you're using and so on.
           | TylerE wrote:
           | Seems like you've got a bit of reverse surviorship bias here.
           | You don't notice all the updates that are flawless.
           | thitcanh wrote:
           | Really? Autoupdates are why we don't have to code for Chrome
           | 12 today. Autoupdates are awesome, just not for business,
           | sometimes.
             | sjwright wrote:
             | Browsers have the benefit of _massive_ interest in their
             | beta releases. This substantially reduces the number of
             | breaking changes which make it into auto-updated versions.
             | Perhaps Docker could learn from this and only auto-update
             | to versions which have been used by a large audience for N
             | weeks with no regression reports.
       | DubiousPusher wrote:
       | Isn't the widely accepted solution to this to just have a limited
       | number of LTS versions?
         | umvi wrote:
         | Yeah, I like the way Ubuntu handles it. Basically, if you come
         | boo-hooing in Issues and you are using an ancient non-LTS
         | version, you'll be asked to install an LTS (or latest) version
         | first.
       | rattray wrote:
       | If I were to start a company tomorrow, what should I use instead
       | of Docker? Heroku and dev laptops' filesystems?
         | yepthatsreality wrote:
         | FreeBSD
           | rattray wrote:
           | With VM's for local development? What to use for ensuring the
           | right package versions are installed etc? Terraform?
             | bojo wrote:
             | I believe they were alluding to jails as the alternative
             | here.
       | gugagore wrote:
       | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/183#issuecomment-74...
       | > Blocking outgoing network connections to desktop.docker.com can
       | keep you on on the functional 3.0.1 by not allowing the auto-
       | upgrade to 'find' the broken 3.0.2 version, this can be used as a
       | temporary patch. You'd need somethling like Little Snitch to
       | achieve it, but at least you won't lose a Monday.
       | I use Little Snitch, usually on "Alert Mode", and I almost
       | breathe a sigh of relief whenever I block an automatic outgoing
       | connection to an upgrade server. It can be distracting and
       | annoying to block connections at a granularity to keep the
       | application working correctly, and sometimes I get a bit fed up
       | and just allow all connections, but usually temporarily. Since I
       | even want to be consulted for outgoing network connections, you
       | bet that I want to be consulted before a software upgrade!
       | brnt wrote:
       | Try podman, I really like it.
         | alibarber wrote:
         | I've also been using it and found it to be really good. Has
         | helped me understand much more about containers and I'm a fan
         | of its approach. Buildah is also a powerful tool.
         | kevinmgranger wrote:
         | How does that help users on macOS?
           | broknbottle wrote:
           | https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2020/02/12/podman-for-
           | mac...
           | SilverRed wrote:
           | Docker does not run on macos. It runs in a VM on mac. Podman
           | also runs in a vm on macos.
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | Last time I tried it, particularly using it for a Docker
         | Compose replacement, it certainly wasn't the drop-in
         | replacement that had feature parity with Docker that it was
         | promoted as.
       | lopatin wrote:
       | I'm astonished by the pushback from the Docker devs on this.
       | rflay, ThomasNegeli, and Nuru did heroic work by gently and
       | thoroughly explaining why mandatory, automatic updates are
       | unacceptable for a dev tool. I would not have been so patient.
       | The fact that they had to hold the maintainers hands through this
       | is disappointing. "it's a feature request not a bug" shows
       | Stephen did not even understand the problem he introduced. Either
       | that, or he didn't read all the comments before him.
         | phendrenad2 wrote:
         | This is how you get forked. They're risking the business on
         | some dumb dark pattern here.
       | aftbit wrote:
       | It looks like they've listened and decided to add a prompt before
       | updating:
       | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/183#issuecomment-79...
       | Personally I don't see why auto-update is the job of the
       | software... why not just use a system-wide package manager? I
       | suppose on Mac or Windows, that means using the Store, which
       | heavily restricts what software can do. How shortsighted...
         | wlesieutre wrote:
         | Outside the Store, most Mac software uses Sparkle for updates,
         | which gives you a nice UI with patchnotes and a choice to
         | update or not (or even opt-in to automatic updates if you're
         | feeling brave): https://sparkle-project.org/
         | gugagore wrote:
         | > why not just use a system-wide package manager?
         | Here's a question:
         | Even supposing all we had is e.g. Debian distros, why does
         | Docker Hub exist? Why not just host all the artifacts in some
         | repository and allow `apt-get install docker-image-$image-
         | name`?
         | Why do so many programming language ecosystems use their own
         | package management (Python's PyPi and pip, Rust's crates,
         | Node's NPM, ...)
         | I'm open to people's thoughts on the way in which this
         | following analogy doesn't hold. But I think the general (and
         | imo deeply unfortunate) answer is that the software can provide
         | a better experience if it handles these things like self-
         | updates, even if it shouldn't be its "job".
           | bojo wrote:
           | > Why do so many programming language ecosystems use their
           | own package management
           | Because then you have to support maintaining your ecosystem
           | in a dozen or more variations of OS ecosystems. Easier to
           | bring your dep manager to the OS than the other way around.
         | xxpor wrote:
         | >why not just use a system-wide package manager?
         | I mean lets not pretend that's a good choice for either devs or
         | users either. From the user side, you're a the mercy of how
         | fast your distro decides to package new versions. For most
         | things that's fine, but for your main product you might want
         | something newer. Of course devs can setup their own repos but
         | then the devs have to do additional packaging, host infra, etc.
         | From the dev side, getting packages accepted into various
         | distros can be a pain in the ass. Just look at the recent
         | blowup around the Python Cryptography package when they decided
         | to add Rust and Gentoo's complaints.
           | gugagore wrote:
           | Do you have a reference for your final example?
             | tim-- wrote:
             | I think the grandparent is referring to this?
             | https://lwn.net/Articles/845535/
         | kzrdude wrote:
         | Look over to the snap store on Ubuntu, and it's hard to stop
         | updates there too, they just update when they want.
       | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
       | alias docker=podman
       | olivierduval wrote:
       | What's surprising me most is how much the devs/IT guys are
       | considering that the computer of their users belong to them and
       | that they can choose to do whatever they want because they write
       | the software !!!!
       | How is the "auto-updater" different from any malware calling
       | remote website or mining bitcoins???? In both cases, the dev
       | decided what must happen with the users computer without its
       | consent !
       | Even Windows allow to disable updates...
       | slig wrote:
       | Has version 3 improved docker on macOS in any way?
         | purerandomness wrote:
         | No. We're still on the last stable version (
         | Every version after that either doesn't start [1] random
         | containers miraculously stop working. The 2.x version has your
         | CPU burning, but that seems to persist in 3.x [2] I stopped
         | trying after they pulled in the auto-upgrade feature. Our team
         | has no time playing bug-hunt easter egg at random times.
         | I honestly don't comprehend how this software gained such a
         | wide adoption on Macs. Docker on Linux works flawlessly
         | meanwhile.
         | [1] https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/5146 [2]
         | https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/5116
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | No, and it's very likely that Docker may never improve very
         | much on MacOS. There was already no shortage of trouble on x86
         | MacOS, I doubt the switch to ARM (and ostensibly, Big Sur) will
         | make things any easier.
       | devinrhode2 wrote:
       | I understand where the docker devs are coming from.
       | Is it possible to download docker source from github.com, git
       | checkout some version tag, build, and viola?
       | jlv2 wrote:
       | This response totally misses the point.
       | "Sorry about it, we rushed a bit the last update and introduce a
       | severe bug. I'll try to fix it today and if I cannot, rollback
       | last grpcfuse patches."
         | coldtea wrote:
         | They also explain why the think what they do is the way to go,
         | nonethless, in the very next paragraph.
         | elliotpage wrote:
         | An addendum by another developer later on doubly misses the
         | point:
         | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/183#issuecomment-75...
         | Zealotux wrote:
         | It feels like an habit of the Docker team, they always try to
         | defend their anti-user decisions with vague and uninspired
         | corporate bs. They're barely trying. Another classic:
         | https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/issues/6910
           | p1necone wrote:
           | Wowww: https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/issues/6910
           | #issue...
           | What the hell does "Docker's new direction to go back to its
           | roots and focus on developer tooling" even _mean_? Docker
           | _is_ developer tooling, that 's the whole product. That's not
           | "going back to your roots" that's just doing your damn job.
         | protomyth wrote:
         | Well, the _Also I 'm going to move this into the roadmap, as
         | it's a feature request not a bug._ is just as bad. If the
         | process broke my desktop then it is a bug.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Yes, it does. But your comment also misses the conclusion of
         | the discussion:
         | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/183#issuecomment-80...
         | In the end, seems they are changing course after listening to
         | user feedback. Clearly auto-updating works in some contexts,
         | but not in others, and now we can all learn from it :)
           | dvt wrote:
           | > Clearly auto-updating works in some contexts, but not in
           | others, and now we can all learn from it :)
           | I think the point was that we all knew auto-updating doesn't
           | make sense in the context of developer tools. I'd even argue
           | GitHub Desktop shouldn't be auto-updating. As a matter of
           | fact, VSCode doesn't, and my _compilers_ certainly don 't.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | Agree. "I was just following a successful model" is not the
             | right way to approach engineering, without understanding
             | the trade-offs and it seems that step was missed when
             | implementing it in the first place.
           | protomyth wrote:
           | Auto-updating does not work in any context because you can
           | seriously break the end users stuff with no recourse. It
           | needs to ask, always as you don't know what else is going on.
       | Animats wrote:
       | Resistance is futile. You will be upgraded.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | Companies are in a hard spot here.
         | Don't upgrade and you get blamed even if the software is very
         | out of date.
         | Upgrade automatically and other groups get mad.
         | Seems like you need to default to auto update but have an opt
         | out.
           | [deleted]
           | magicalhippo wrote:
           | > Seems like you need to default to auto update but have an
           | opt out.
           | We have that. Our software auto-updates, but when you start
           | our program you get a launcher where you can select one of
           | the last five minor versions for each available major
           | version.
           | Typically the next major version is made immediately
           | available and active in the test environment, while a "boss
           | user" gates them in prod.
           | When setting a new major version as active, the previous ones
           | are still available for a long time, along with any potential
           | new minor versions for those.
           | This has made our life so much easier, since any critical
           | issues can almost always be worked around by the user simply
           | launching a previous version, either minor or possibly major.
           | So we can be much more aggressive with pushing out changes,
           | which our customers also appreciate.
           | It's not perfect but works very well for us and our customers
           | seem happy.
           | It does require us being careful when making database schema
           | changes, or similar potentially breaking changes. But a lot
           | can be handled quite transparently in the database (using
           | views typically) or through code, and our database upgrade
           | tool can also migrate data as a last resort.
         | airhead969 wrote:
         | Join us or your API will stop functioning.
       | f430 wrote:
       | Question, why do we use Docker?
         | purerandomness wrote:
         | Vagrant could have easily won by supporting Linux containers,
         | and improving the developer experience.
         | yepthatsreality wrote:
         | Brand recognition created from saturation of bloggers writing
         | how-to guides about it.
       | jerhewet wrote:
       | Please don't upgrade ANYTHING without asking first.
       | I am _NOT_ your beta-tester.
         | coldtea wrote:
         | Well, big chance that you're not their paying customer
         | either...
         | bigiain wrote:
         | Ummm, I have some bad news for you...
         | (See also "other duties as required" in your job
         | description...)
         | jchonphoenix wrote:
         | Your response is dripping with entitlement.
         | You likely don't pay for Docker and do not provide any
         | beneficial relationship to Docker. Why should they be beholden
         | to your opinions? If they wanted to ship you buggy software,
         | that's within their right. You then have the option to decide
         | whether or not you want to use it. That's within your right.
           | king_magic wrote:
           | It feels like your response is dripping with a lack of
           | exposure to the kind of insane enterprise-wise nightmares
           | that auto-upgrades with breaking changes cause.
             | kazen44 wrote:
             | there is a reason many ops teams prefer to not run the
             | latest and greatests bleeding edge, no matter what features
             | they bring.
             | Breaking changes in some cases can be a real problem.
           | [deleted]
       | qeternity wrote:
       | Docker for Mac is a dumpster fire. We gave up on it a year ago.
       | There are loads of hot-reloading dev-stack-in-the-cloud solutions
       | nowadays that anyone who can avoid local Docker should.
       | More performant, better battery life and keeps your crotch from
       | igniting.
       | Swaglord333 wrote:
       | Amen
       | sdfhbdf wrote:
       | There should be (2020) added to the title
       | simias wrote:
       | >But the whole goal of auto-upgrading is to avoid the spread
       | versions, it's a mess to investigate when you have reports from 1
       | year old version, that's the main reason why we choose to do
       | that.
       | Why not just outright reject issues on outdated version of the
       | software? Decide that you won't support versions older than x and
       | roll with that. This way the users can consider that when they
       | weigh the risks of updating.
         | kazen44 wrote:
         | > Why not just outright reject issues on outdated version of
         | the software? Decide that you won't support versions older than
         | x and roll with that. This way the users can consider that when
         | they weigh the risks of updating.
         | i don' t understand why this is not something more companies
         | do.
         | Most operational systems (networking equipment, server
         | equipment etc) have release cycles, in which current version -2
         | is the usual schedule in regards to support.
         | Or just do it the way openBSD does it, and only support the
         | last two releases of the software.
       | throwaway823882 wrote:
       | "But the whole goal of auto-upgrading is to avoid the spread
       | versions,         it's a mess to investigate when you have
       | reports from 1 year old version,        that's the main reason
       | why we choose to do that."
       | I see this all the time, especially in open source products. A
       | vendor decides to screw over its users because the vendor wants
       | less work and doesn't feel like finding a better solution. And
       | they usually get away with it, because big open source projects
       | are incumbents that are very hard _not_ to use.
       | If you make a product, _please_ prioritize solving the user 's
       | problems and pain over your own. Not only is it the compassionate
       | and ethical thing to do, but it also helps engender goodwill for
       | your product. People often choose a product solely because of
       | their feelings for it (branding 101).
         | gugagore wrote:
         | You went from "open source products" to "open source projects"
         | , and I'm confused about your point. Is Docker an example of
         | both an open source project and product?
         | > If you make a product, please prioritize solving the user's
         | problems and pain over your own.
         | I'm not sure I understand the context under which you want this
         | prioritization. Just asking for clarification.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Ah, I understand the devs here, evergreening means you don't have
       | support spread. But it's a dev tool and pinning is a crucial
       | feature for devs.
       | Looks like a PM somewhere learned a crucial product lesson today.
       (page generated 2021-03-22 23:00 UTC)