[HN Gopher] TLS 1.0, 1.1 officially deprecated
       TLS 1.0, 1.1 officially deprecated
       Author : cmckn
       Score  : 220 points
       Date   : 2021-03-23 20:15 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (datatracker.ietf.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (datatracker.ietf.org)
       | diegocg wrote:
       | Maybe the IETF could set an example by using TLS 1.3
       | (Just a suggestion, but hey, at least they use DNSSEC)
         | some_furry wrote:
         | DNSSEC provides zero benefit to confidentiality. DNS over TLS
         | and DNS over HTTPS both do. Additionally, the TLS CA system
         | with Certificate Transparency and the HTTPS Everywhere addon is
         | better without DANE.
         | tptacek wrote:
         | They're some of the only people that use DNSSEC; DNSSEC is a
         | dead letter.
         | It's useful to compare the uptake of TLS 1.3 (quite widespread;
         | will within a few years be required for conformance; took just
         | a couple years) to that of DNSSEC (it's been decades).
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | That depends on the TLD. For the American TLDs (.com, .net,
           | etc.) you're right, there's barely any uptake. Several other
           | TLDs (.cz, .no, .nl, .se, for example) have over half of
           | their registered domains using DNSSEC. That's much more than
           | TLS before the Let's Encrypt move happened.
           | The problem is also with cloud providers. Amazon Route 53,
           | has only announced support a few months ago [1] even though
           | the standard has existed since before Route 53 came into
           | existence.
           | Perhaps it's time for browsers to consider DNSSEC to
           | determine the security of the website, similar to how TLS and
           | CORS have been added to protect web resources. The uptake
           | would improve quickly if people wouldn't be lazy or
           | lackluster about their DNS security.
           | [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-
           | new/2020/12/announcin...
             | growse wrote:
             | What threats does DNSSEC defend against?
             | How does it change the "security" of a site I might visit?
             | tptacek wrote:
             | Browsers implemented DNSSEC years ago, and then struck
             | their support. A lot of the things DNSSEC proponents
             | believe it's good at don't actually hold up in the real
             | world; for instance, you can't practically deploy DANE
             | without creating a scheme where the DNS simply becomes
             | another CA that has to be trusted alongside all the others,
             | and one you can't revoke when misissuance occurs.
             | It's funny to watch as the "serious" efforts to get some
             | semblance of DANE working all involve some variant of
             | stapling to bypass the actual DNS. DNSSEC is a weird,
             | clunky, 1990s PKI that has been trying desperately for
             | decades to find some reason to exist, even if that reason
             | has nothing to do with the DNS.
             | A thing to pay attention to with European DNSSEC adoption
             | is that it tends to happen at the registrar, automatically,
             | without customer opt-in. The registrar controls the
             | customer zone keys. That's security theater.
               | Denvercoder9 wrote:
               | > where the DNS simply becomes another CA that has to be
               | trusted alongside all the others
               | Isn't DNS already implicitly trusted?
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Not in the same way. Again: you can't revoke the DNS.
           | kazen44 wrote:
           | mind you DNSSEC is also far more complex then TLS. A
           | misconfigration of DNSSEC can result in your entire domain
           | not being responsive and thus have the risks in regards to
           | implementation are far higher.
           | I don't really think this should be a reason to NOT implement
           | DNSSEC, but it is still a reason many companies and
           | organisations see it as risky.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | There are a lot of reasons not to deploy DNSSEC. That it's
             | much more dangerous than TLS is just one of them. It would
             | be better for the Internet if we scrapped DNSSEC and
             | started from scratch with a service model that acknowledges
             | what the Internet of 2020 (or, if we can't be that
             | ambitious, 2005) actually looks like.
           | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
           | Yet it seems like DNSSEC is popular with DNS software
           | developers. IME, it's common to find support for it in DNS
           | software. Whereas, generally, developers of TCP server
           | software do not seem to be as enthusiastic about adding
           | TLS1.3 support. Perhaps not until they are required to do so.
           | Personally, I think the costs of DNSSEC outweigh the
           | benefits. I do not use shared DNS caches anyway.
         | ipsocannibal wrote:
         | According to [1] IPv6 is only at about 33% penetration and this
         | is for a backwards compatible 25 year old standard. In contrast
         | TLS 1.3 is supported by approx. 14% of websites in 2019 [2]. So
         | in comparison to IPv6, TLS 1.3 is being adopted quite rapidly.
         | 1. https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html
         | 2. https://hostingtribunal.com/blog/ssl-stats/
           | deathanatos wrote:
           | Because it requires only the ends to adopt, whereas IPv6
           | requires cooperation from e.g., my ISP.
       | lazyweb wrote:
       | On a related note, thinking of setting my personal site to TLS
       | 1.3 only. It's still allowing for TLS 1.2 with strong chipers,
       | but except for shutting out anyone using older smartphones or
       | operating systems, what's the harm? Could I fall out of favour
       | with Google & co due to compliance reasons?
       | Thinking of SSL scan tools like this one [1] which gave me an "F"
       | for how I configure my SSH servers, only allowing for very modern
       | ciphers and kex without backward compatibility.
       | [1] https://github.com/rbsec/sslscan
         | lenish wrote:
         | RFC7457[1] and Wikipedia[2] offer an overview of many of the
         | attacks on older versions of TLS. Some of those attacks have
         | been mitigated to varying extents in implementations of the
         | affected versions. TLSv1.3 is meant to resolve completely as
         | many of these issues as possible.
         | When using older protocol versions, it can be complicated to
         | validate that the TLS implementation you are using has the
         | necessary mitigations in place. It can be complicated to
         | correctly configure TLS to minimize the effects of known
         | attacks. Doing that properly requires a fair amount of
         | research, threat modelling, and risk assessment both for
         | yourself and on behalf of anyone accessing your website or
         | service.
         | IME, TLSv1.2 is still a big chunk of legitimate web traffic. It
         | has been steadily dropping since standardization, and TLSv1.3
         | is the majority by a wide margin from what I can see. I
         | wouldn't be surprised to see some websites and services still
         | needing to support it for a couple years more, at least,
         | depending on their target audience.
         | [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7457
         | [2]
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security#Attac...
         | shaicoleman wrote:
         | > thinking of setting my personal site to TLS 1.3 only
         | I wouldn't recommend doing that. You might end up blocking
         | using a proxy (e.g. for privacy reasons), people on corporate
         | networks, people in China [1], and many other non-traditional
         | browsers (e.g. for blind people, game consoles), users on older
         | versions of curl/wget/lynx, older mobile phones, etc.
         | TLS 1.2 when correctly configured is still perfectly fine. And
         | users with modern browsers will connect with TLS 1.3. TLS 1.3
         | also has protections against downgrade attacks.
         | Another good scanner for SSL is Qualys SSL Server Test [2].
         | Getting an A+ score there doesn't require disabling TLS 1.2
         | For secure configuration, you can use Mozilla SSL Configuration
         | Generator [3]
         | 1. https://www.zdnet.com/article/china-is-now-blocking-all-
         | encr...
         | 2. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/
         | 3. https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | > perfectly secure.
           | I think you're trying to use 'perfectly secure' here the way
           | one might say 'perfectly fine', which changes the reading a
           | lot from a first pass.
           | That said, I agree, there is a subset of TLS 1.2 that is
           | suitable.
             | shaicoleman wrote:
             | Agreed, updated that
         | oaiey wrote:
         | Is TLS 1.3 is not rolled out to Windows 10? It rolled out to
         | insider builds during last autumn but did it arrive already to
         | the masses
         | AdrianB1 wrote:
         | Based on the numbers in the other comments, you risk losing ~
         | 10% of the readers. It is up to you to decide if you want to do
         | it or not.
       | GeneticGenesis wrote:
       | I work in the video streaming industry, and we continue to
       | support TLS 1.1 extensively for a wide range of "smart" TVs and
       | set-top boxes, very frustrating, there was even a long period
       | where large CDNs were trying to shut down 1.1 and realised they'd
       | lose a lot of business in the streaming space if they did...
       | lyeager wrote:
       | Maybe now it's finally time for Discord to update their auto-
       | updater. Last I checked, you still have to enable TLS 1.1 to get
       | updates. https://twitter.com/discord/status/958508910536790016
         | ipsocannibal wrote:
         | According to [1] 68% of websites still support TLS 1.0 as of
         | 2019. Unfortunately, the pace of deprecation is slow.
         | 1. https://hostingtribunal.com/blog/ssl-stats/
           | JshWright wrote:
           | There is a difference between "supporting old TLS" and
           | "requiring old TLS". Neither are great, but one is terrible.
       | VoidWhisperer wrote:
       | Some interesting draft names there.. 'draft-moriarty-tls-
       | oldversions-diediedie'
         | gsmethells wrote:
         | Authors: Kathleen Moriarty, Stephen Farrell
         | It seems it's a last name of an author and not just the arch
         | nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. ;)
           | kibwen wrote:
           | And let's not overlook the uncredited contributions from
           | Dieter D. Dietrich.
             | LetsNotForget7 wrote:
             | Let's not forget Hiedler 0.1, never forget. Yeah TLS 1.2 is
             | deprecated, let's 1.3 my all co-doggs! TLS 1.2 is shit my
             | dudes. TLS 1.3 or bust.
       | ping_pong wrote:
       | "Deprecate" means "to discourage use of", and it doesn't mean "to
       | end support or to desupport". But it's the most misused word in
       | tech that I've seen in the past 25 years.
       | So I'm not actually sure if this RFC is using it in the correct
       | way, or the incorrect way.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | It's interesting that you're both literally incorrect from the
         | perspective of the English language, but also incorrect with
         | regards to the goal of the announcement. Kudos!
           | ping_pong wrote:
           | I'm literally correct. Look up "to deprecate" in the
           | dictionary. In APIs like Java it's clear that you can still
           | use the API, but its use is discouraged because it will soon
           | become unsupported.
           | A deprecated API is one that you are no longer recommended to
           | use, due to changes in the API. While deprecated classes,
           | methods, and fields are still implemented, they may be
           | removed in future implementations, so you should not use them
           | in new code, and if possible rewrite old code not to use
           | them.
           | https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/javad.
           | ..
             | staticassertion wrote:
             | Yeah, I mean, you look it up? lol someone even linked it
             | elsewhere.
             | And the article is about recommending against its use.
         | rwbhn wrote:
         | The intent seems clear, though: "TLS 1.0 MUST NOT be used" "TLS
         | 1.1 MUST NOT be used"
         | Bjartr wrote:
         | > Deprecation of these versions is intended to assist
         | developers as additional justification to no longer support
         | older (D)TLS versions and to migrate to a minimum of (D)TLS
         | 1.2.
         | Seems to me like this document is trying to be a tool for
         | developers to support telling decision makers that using those
         | versions is discouraged.
         | zokier wrote:
         | https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deprecate
         | > to withdraw official support for
         | bawolff wrote:
         | IETF is a standards body. It doesn't provide support for
         | implementations so im not sure how it could withdraw what it
         | doesn't provide in the first place.
         | Regardless i think you're splitting hairs in the definition.
       | jakub_g wrote:
       | If you're interested in real-world SSL/TLS stats (updated
       | monthly):
       | https://www.ssllabs.com/ssl-pulse/
       | Feb 2021 data:
       | - 99.3% sites support TLS 1.2 (or better)
       | - 42.9% sites support TLS 1.3
       | - 0.7% sites support only TLS 1.0
         | moviuro wrote:
         | And for the client-side: 90.29% support according to [0]
         | [0] https://caniuse.com/tls1-3
           | oaiey wrote:
           | When you are in a browser. API calls are not evergreen as
           | Browsers are.
       (page generated 2021-03-23 23:00 UTC)