[HN Gopher] Why I'm a sucker for pen and paper
       Why I'm a sucker for pen and paper
       Author : pgcm1
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2021-03-26 20:05 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (productivegrowth.substack.com)
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       | imwillofficial wrote:
       | I do the opposite of what this author does. Digital feels more at
       | home
       | whiddershins wrote:
       | _maybe_
       | It certainly seems plausible to me, in my personal experience,
       | but this article is talking about something that _may_ be true.
       | This is another headline that is planting an idea in casual
       | reader's heads without explicitly mentioning it is in large part
       | anecdotal and speculative.
       | john-tells-all wrote:
       | Agree. I just passed a certificate by writing down all my study
       | material for the past three weeks. It's a lot, but the _act of
       | writing things down_ really helps cement info into my brain.
       | mrtksn wrote:
       | I find that it also helps me get over things.
       | If there's something that I'm obsessing over or simply cannot get
       | off my mind, I can write it down and it will go away. Throwing
       | the piece of paper is optional.
       | I think writing puts some kind of structure to your mental model,
       | you process it at the time of writing and can move on to the next
       | thing while preserving the output of the processing. The output
       | tends to be some kind of map about where you can find it and
       | short description about the nature of the thing you write down.
       | It's almost as if you put the stuff of your "hot memory", the
       | memory that is about the main process you operate on, into your
       | visual memory.
       | For some reason, typing on a computer doesn't have the same
       | effect. It does have some effect but it's different.
       | JohnCohorn wrote:
       | Current generations may perform better in various ways while
       | handwriting because we grew up being forced to write by hand for
       | many years while we were developing in childhood. I wonder if
       | upcoming generations that grow up typing instead will perform the
       | same way, or if they'll do better taking typewritten notes.
       | dagmx wrote:
       | I have a really hard time writing down notes while things are
       | going on. I have very good memory but if I'm taking notes while
       | something is happening, I often don't remember anything other
       | than writing it down. If I don't take notes, my memory of events,
       | topics and discussions is often far better. Writing things down
       | post facto also does not help me much, other than I know where I
       | wrote it.
       | However I find the act of discussing a topic helps cement things.
       | For me, the engagement with a subject is what really helps me
       | remember things, and I suspect writing notes removes that.
       | anyfoo wrote:
       | In my case at least, I noticed that remembering things has a
       | strong "visual" component. I have nothing close to a photographic
       | memory (I wish), but for example in university, I often
       | remembered facts and formulas by also remembering where on a page
       | they were. I wouldn't quite "read it off" the page in my mind,
       | but just the visualization of the page helped getting to the
       | fact, in a "oh yeah, that's where that was written down" kind of
       | way.
       | Today, I write down the most important dates and facts on pieces
       | of paper or a little notebook, and just the strong, vivid, very
       | visual recollection of me writing it down (and where) helps
       | tremendously in remembering what was written down.
         | krrrh wrote:
         | In university I used to take notes with lots of arrows between
         | concepts, while constantly switching between coloured pens,
         | sometimes with an explicit system in mind and sometimes more
         | intuitively. I noticed that this also greatly aided my spatial
         | memory and recall.
       | wealthyyy wrote:
       | Memorizing is root of all evil. Understanding is more important.
       | briandoll wrote:
       | This is one of the reasons I've started to use the reMarkable
       | tablet for taking notes. Sometimes I don't even look at them
       | again, it's just a more efficient way to get the info into my
       | head.
       | I wrote more about my current workflow/stack here if anyone is
       | interested (w/ some reMarkable hacks):
       | https://briandoll.medium.com/personal-setup-for-getting-shit...
         | WalterBright wrote:
         | I take notes in a $.79 spiral paper notebook. When it fills up,
         | I just scan it and get another one.
           | SiVal wrote:
           | Can you recommend a quick, easy method for scanning all the
           | pages?
           | I like paper notebooks, too. Someday, I'd like to have an app
           | that would let me turn any ordinary stack of scratch paper or
           | notebook into a searchable PDF in under 5 minutes. I would
           | finish a notebook and just put my phone on a gooseneck stand
           | and turn the pages one at a time (not riffle) at one page per
           | second or two, and it would know when to take the photos,
           | which it would flatten, orient, and bind into a PDF of the
           | notebook. It would maintain my handwritten pages but add an
           | OCR'ed backstore of the text that could be used to create
           | something like a table of contents, an index, and a fulltext
           | search.
           | I imagine some portion of that is already available, and the
           | rest will be arriving anytime now.
             | WalterBright wrote:
             | > Can you recommend a quick, easy method for scanning all
             | the pages?
             | The trick is to use a hopper fed scanner that scans both
             | sides at the same time. Not a flat bed scanner.
             | I use an old Fujitsu fi-5120C scanner.
             | I haven't found an OCR yet that will decipher handwriting.
             | I would think that with all the advances in AI this would
             | be an easy problem.
             | bumbada wrote:
             | I use different methods, but the most important one is an
             | old Fujitsu Snapscan automatic feeder scanner that scans
             | pages by both sides at the same time.
             | I bought that in order to OCR books(destroying them cutting
             | them with a rotary disk saw) long time ago but I use it
             | today for digitalizing all my notes.
             | If you don't care about destroying your notebooks, it is
             | the best solution. I did that with my University notebooks
             | because I needed to access them in work after University
             | and travel a lot so I don't want the bulkiness of carrying
             | around 20 kilos.
             | No need to flatten, orient, color correct anything, tens of
             | pages per minute.
             | Because of the scanner for my own notes I use single sheets
             | of paper and high quality aluminum clipboards and Staedtler
             | 432 M color pens that last for more than a year or intense
             | work. Way cheaper than a tablet with stylus.
             | I digitalize old books today that need special care and
             | could not be destroyed, archival material like diaries from
             | wars. For that I use an array of cameras and a projector
             | and sophisticated software to flatten it. But that is
             | expensive and needs lots of work.
             | If you are interested on that, just google DIY book
             | scanner, but I recommend the automatic feeder scanner if
             | you can.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | Likewise, but I don't bother scanning it. I just throw it
           | away and get another one off the pile. If it's important I'll
           | transcribe it in the moment, but it's almost never that
           | important.
             | WalterBright wrote:
             | When I was in college, I'd write code in spiral notebooks
             | (didn't have screen editors then). It's amusing to me to
             | see those today.
           | jscipione wrote:
           | Single subject notebooks got me through college.
           | briandoll wrote:
           | Absolutely. I did the same for a long time. I work with a
           | bunch of companies every year, and having notes organized by
           | client has been really helpful. That and a nice workflow to
           | send notes/sketches/ideas from the notebook to a client via
           | email is pretty nice. But definitely not for everybody.
           | echelon wrote:
           | Scanning sounds like a pain.
           | eInk tablets are the future and confer all the advantages of
           | pen and paper. Perhaps they need to undergo a few more
           | generations of UI improvement, and the eInk company itself
           | needs to have its patents expire so the tech isn't held up,
           | but the experience is real. It's tactile, vibrant, and
           | smooth. Battery life is never an issue, even with wifi.
           | The advantages of having notes always with you and being able
           | to organize into folders and move sheets and figures around
           | beats paper a thousand times over. Highlighting a figure,
           | dragging it to a better spot, rotating it to an affine angle
           | to give it life, and then resizing it to double size is an
           | earth shattering experience.
           | Erasing, also, is finally a first class experience in a way
           | it can never be with paper. You can even re-sort lists of
           | items with ease.
           | I'll never go back to pen and paper.
             | ravi-delia wrote:
             | Erasing and dragging are enough to make my reMarkable worth
             | it, but for random brainstorming I need real notebooks that
             | I actually keep on hand. Never been sure why, something
             | about having to physically locate my writing somewhere is
             | huge for me.
               | imroot wrote:
               | I carry both a reMarkable and a Rocketbook with me -- the
               | e-ink tablet makes taking notes super easy, but, the
               | rocketbook is great for sketching and coming up with arch
               | drawings and the like.
               | I can quickly turn the RocketBook sketches into pdfs and
               | send them to the reMarkable for further processing...but,
               | I love the flexibility between the two, and honestly, the
               | reMarkable fits in the pocket off my RocketBook...so it's
               | not difficult to carry both.
               | The more that I use reMarkable, the more I fall in love
               | with it, but, I wish I could find a way to make my own
               | templates.
               | amingilani wrote:
               | Did a search for Rocketbook and found this. Just wanted
               | to plug it in here, not paid or anything.
               | I'm taking a college cryptography class, and I started by
               | maintaining notes with LaTeX in Markdown. It didn't help
               | much. The moment I started using a Rocketbook was when I
               | would _get_ things. I 've reused my book about 5 times
               | now in conjunction with work and other classes. I'm on my
               | sixth cycle and love it!
             | WalterBright wrote:
             | If it works for you, great. I've looked at those, and was
             | put off by the price, poor contrast, no color, and
             | fragility of the machine.
             | If I need to take notes with me, I'll just snap a photo of
             | it with my phone.
             | My notebook pages are often stained with coffee, and maybe
             | a bit of jam and butter :-) I don't worry about spilling
             | coffee on it, setting a hot mug on it, setting something
             | heavy on it, throwing it in the back of my car. I don't
             | worry about cleaning it (I once ruined an ipod by trying to
             | clean goop off it with an alcohol swab).
             | Or maybe I'm just old and Led Zeppelin is still my favorite
             | band.
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | I found that out taking notes in college. It's pretty obvious :-)
       | ridaj wrote:
       | _Qui scribit bis legit_
       | samuell wrote:
       | One aspect the article doesn't mention is spatiality, and how
       | that aids memorizing.
       | As you might know one very common technique used by memorizing
       | masters is to place things you want to remember in some imagined
       | 3D world.
       | This effect is also something I've experienced strongly myself
       | when listening to audiobooks while running. I figured I can
       | actually remember the exact place along my running route in a
       | nearby forest that I was listening to a particular passage in the
       | book - and vice versa - going back in memory to a particular
       | location immediately makes me start hearing memories from the
       | book passages I listened to in that location!
       | I think this aspect is at play a lot with handwriting as well.
       | You are always writing in tangible places inside a notebook,
       | while when typing things on the computer there is less of an
       | immediate spatial location of each note. In any case that
       | location will both be mostly the same for all notes (you sitting
       | at the computer), and regarding any virtual spatiality of you
       | computer desktop system, that will have a less tangible
       | connection with your senses, (although any sense of spatiality
       | surely can help a bit).
         | bennysonething wrote:
         | I've been noticing this over last few years too. Replying a
         | podcast and I recall where I was at certain bits.
         | cameronh90 wrote:
         | During the pandemic, I have been listening to audiobooks while
         | I'm programming. I don't really listen to the content, it just
         | makes me feel less lonely.
         | But what I've found is that I end up associating code I'm
         | writing to the audiobook I'm listening to at the time. Later
         | on, when I work on that bit of code again, I replay the
         | audiobook I was listening to when I wrote it, and it helps me
         | remember how that code works.
         | tzs wrote:
         | I suspect that this effect has something to do with why I can
         | search a book faster for some non-indexed thing I've previously
         | read in it if it is a physical book than I can if it is an
         | ebook.
         | The physical book is 3D. As I progress through the book the
         | stack of pages on my left grows and the stack on my right
         | shrinks, giving a sense of moving through something physical.
         | And as I alternate pages I'm first looking to one side than the
         | other.
         | And so when I'm later wanting to look up something, my memory
         | of that thing has associated with it a memory of the feel of
         | the book at that point and what side I was looking at, and that
         | gives me a sense of where to start looking.
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | I find I can sometimes remember whether the content I'm after
           | was on the left or right page of the open book, which halves
           | the area to scan, but has no impact on the number of page-
           | turns needed.
           | [deleted]
         | fatnoah wrote:
         | Very interesting! In college, I strongly experienced the
         | phenomena of taking a test and not being able to remember the
         | exact content, but could accurately remember the layout of the
         | page that the data was on.
         | I also got into the habit of creating 1 or 2 page cheat sheets
         | for tests, whether I could use them in the test or not, and the
         | spatial organization of the data seemed to correlate very
         | directly with my ability to process and absorb the data.
           | bradstewart wrote:
           | Really interesting to hear others had this experience as
           | well. During tests, I would routinely see an image of sorts
           | of the page in my head, with the words or equations I needed
           | blurred out.
           | Now that I think about, no clue why I assumed that was unique
           | to me.
           | michaelrpeskin wrote:
           | Yes! Same thing for me. I'm a bit dyslexic so reading things
           | never goes well. But I could always remember where on the
           | page the equations were in the textbooks. So during a test,
           | I'd picture the equations and where they were and the write
           | them down so that I could use them.
           | samuell wrote:
           | Thanks! Interesting observation about the layout!
           | Indeed, I also feel my most effective notes are the ones
           | where I get a little creative with the layout, placing things
           | out thoughtfully.
           | (Also, going back and filling in with a lot of balloons with
           | thoughts afterwards etc, to make each page a little
           | customized).
           | CodeIsTheEnd wrote:
           | I had a similar experience in high school with Spanish
           | vocabulary tests. I could remember where the word was on the
           | page, but not the translation.
           | At the time I perceived using the location as a crutch, so I
           | made photocopies of the pages, cut them into the separate
           | columns, then taped them together to make one very long and
           | skinny list of words. I would then roll it up into a small
           | scroll, little bigger than a tube of chapstick. Maybe the
           | spatial location was a learning aid, and this actually made
           | it harder to learn words, but it did make it much easier to
           | discreetly study during other classes, so it was probably a
           | net win overall.
         | lifeisstillgood wrote:
         | One outcome of that is vicious hier(5) wars - everyone has a
         | particular hierarchy of folders that "makes obvious sense" to
         | them, mostly I suspect because of spatiality.
         | It would be like someone moving the rooms in your house.
         | beforeolives wrote:
         | > I figured I can actually remember the exact place along my
         | running route in a nearby forest that I was listening to a
         | particular passage in the book - and vice versa
         | I've experienced the same thing. I sometimes relisten to
         | podcasts and specific lines in the podcast bring back the place
         | where I was physically when I heard the line for the first
         | time. Like "Oh I was walking down this part of that street
         | around 7pm 2 years ago when I heard this for the first time". I
         | don't think that I have experienced it in reverse though.
           | caddemon wrote:
           | That's pretty cool actually, I don't visualize things much
           | and I've only experienced it in the reverse direction, and
           | another commenter above mentioned something similar. Do you
           | feel you are more likely to visualize or internally verbalize
           | things (or perhaps both are relatively balanced)?
             | beforeolives wrote:
             | I can't visualise at all and I don't know if that's
             | aphantasia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia) or
             | that I perceive things in the same way as most people but
             | we use different words to describe what is happening.
         | anyfoo wrote:
         | Spatiality, that's it. It really seems to make a tremendous
         | difference for me to know _where_ something is written down,
         | and sometimes even remembering doing it. I always felt that
         | doing it on a computer was indeed too abstract, losing that
         | spatiality.
         | I also agree with the audiobook thing. For example, I recently
         | thought back to a passage in an audiobook I enjoyed... and my
         | mind instantly visualized how I was standing in front of the
         | washing machine, doing laundry, while I listened to it.
         | A weird thing though is that some concepts and topics in my
         | mind bring up images of locations that have nothing to do with
         | the topic itself, and as far as I can tell don't match up in
         | time. For example, one recent rather abstract concept is
         | associated with the parking lot of my old school seen from a
         | certain angle--many many years earlier.
         | I imagine that in those cases I might have been thinking about
         | both the old school and the abstract concept at somewhat the
         | same time, and they got associated from then on.
           | slx26 wrote:
           | Though I think it's an even more general mechanism of
           | _association_. And places might also be easy to remember
           | because they also contain many elements we can associate. You
           | can call it the connectedness of a memory. You can also try
           | to repeatedly explain to others something you want to
           | remember or whatever.
             | samuell wrote:
             | Could be, but to me it seems our brains are optimized a lot
             | for operating in the spatio(temporal) world, and so spatial
             | connections in particular seem to fit the wiring of our
             | brains particularly well.
           | jfoutz wrote:
           | I wish I could find the reference, there's an old Roman
           | (Greek? likely older?) rhetorical trick to public speaking.
           | The speech flows as you invite people to your home, and walk
           | them through it. So, the front door is like the greeting,
           | welcoming guests into your home. The picture in the front
           | room is the first point, the couch is the next point. the
           | dining room table is the next point. etc.
           | practice the speech by looking at each item you select, and
           | mapping it to the point.
           | It's pretty amazing.
           | Everyone knows what their living space is like, and hopefully
           | it's a safe comfortable space. Anyone can talk for a long
           | time without notes. The memory of home is emotionally
           | calming. Inviting listeners in gives a warmth that's hard to
           | explain.
           | I mean, rehearsing helps a lot too, but mapping talking
           | points to objects in the home is an amazing trick.
             | wombatmobile wrote:
             | Documented in The Art of Memory by Frances Yates
             | https://books.google.com.au/books/about/The_Art_Of_Memory.h
             | t...
             | timcameron wrote:
             | I have heard the trick commonly referred to as 'memory
             | palace' or 'method of loci'.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci
           | heronalps wrote:
           | The seemingly "disconnection" between the concept and spatial
           | memory happens to me a lot either in day time or dream. Most
           | of the scenes occurred in my childhood, and I feel my
           | emotions, i.e. happiness, somber, anger, are associated with
           | them, which pop up when those feelings struck.
         | 1980phipsi wrote:
         | I have aphantasia (i.e. no visual imagination). It hadn't
         | occurred to me that people could use theirs to help them
         | memorize things...
           | tartoran wrote:
           | I think I have aphantasia to some degree and have experienced
           | what the OP is mentioning. Also handwriting is a good aid for
           | me to remember things, particularly if it is written by hand.
           | I don't need to review the notes but the act of putting it
           | down sticks a bit better. I will also have to add that my
           | memory is better at concepts and abstract things but not so
           | good at details.
             | caddemon wrote:
             | The handwriting thing makes sense, since I don't think
             | aphantasia necessarily affects motor memory.
             | Drawing/writing by hand could actually be more important
             | for people with aphantasia in that case, since it could
             | provide a motor memory that directly corresponds to
             | something visual.
             | Also I think at the core of the "visualizing things in
             | different parts of space" memory trick is just making good
             | associations. If you're much better at verbal/internal
             | monologue type of thinking you could still do something
             | pretty similar, by mapping the things to memorize into a
             | story.
             | Granted certain things are easier to map to a visual space
             | than to language, but that's true in the other direction
             | too. Anecdotally it takes a lot of effort for me to
             | visualize things and I barely do it naturally, but I seem
             | to have a much stronger internal monologue and a better
             | memory for things people say than most of my friends. I
             | wouldn't be surprised if poor visualizing abilities during
             | development could strengthen verbal reasoning a bit like
             | how blind people have other senses heightened.
             | I really hope research into aphantasia will become more
             | commonplace, but a lot of it is speculation for now
             | unfortunately.
           | hypersoar wrote:
           | I have very little visual imagination and have experienced
           | the audiobook/running thing a lot, but only in one direction.
           | Running by the same place will often make me think of
           | something I heard there, but thinking about something I heard
           | doesn't bring back the place.
           | JshWright wrote:
           | Yeah, I am familiar with this technique, and have tried using
           | it in the past (as my "spatial" memory is very good, despite
           | a total lack of visual imagination), but I've never been
           | successful.
             | caddemon wrote:
             | Interesting, how do you experience spatial memories? Is it
             | somehow encoded verbally, or via somatosensation? Or does
             | it feel completely subconscious, like a Pavlovian reaction?
             | Or something else?
             | I am bad at visualizing things from what I can subjectively
             | tell, but as far as memory is concerned it's mainly the
             | spatial memory tests where I perform poorly. So it's hard
             | for me to imagine what recalling spatial memories is like,
             | besides the assumption that people can probably visualize
             | them.
               | JshWright wrote:
               | It's kind of (but not exactly) like proprioception. Close
               | your eyes and hold your hand out. Even without visualing
               | (because we can't...), you know "where" it is. It feels a
               | lot like that. I just have a good sense of where things
               | are relative to me and each other.
       | sethammons wrote:
       | Key quote:
       | > This cognitive effort of condensing and translating into your
       | own words is what facilitates learning. Which is why you could
       | still do this with typing, but it's easy to avoid the cognitive
       | effort of translating and condensing (and we tend toward
       | cognitive laziness) and just type it verbatim because you can
       | keep up.
       | When I type notes (all the way back to college), it is in one
       | ear, out the other (onto the page). The act of physically writing
       | it down, and potentially a second pass to clean up the notes, is
       | almost all I ever need to get something into working memory. Back
       | in college, the third time I would look at my notes would be the
       | morning of the test where I would just glance through them.
       | Seeing the general shape of the text was often enough to trigger
       | the recall.
       | olivermarks wrote:
       | I find hand written lists are good for focusing, but if I'm in a
       | store hours later shopping for a group of disparate objects (10
       | ft ladder, size 5 2.5 inch screws, plant pot etc etc) I find a
       | digital list invaluable because I can remove the items I have got
       | so far leaving a shorter list. I've found that unless I strike
       | out items I somehow miss something on a long list. I know you can
       | do this with a pen too but I've gone from wunderlist to the
       | various google phone list tools and find them v useful
         | bradstewart wrote:
         | Yea I actually draw little squares next to my todo items, and
         | then fill them in when I complete the task. For some reason, I
         | find that way easier to parse than a bunch of scratched out
         | words.
         | I also do that in my engineering notebooks--it makes to-dos
         | stand out more from the rest of my notes.
           | olivermarks wrote:
           | Good idea, I'll remember that for the occasions when I do
           | have a pen & paper list!
       | Imnimo wrote:
       | >All of this makes me believe we need more time for our brains to
       | adapt to writing on glass, or technology needs to advance enough
       | so that writing on tablets feels like writing in a notebook.
       | This strikes me as implausible. Did the earliest paper-writers
       | (or parchment writers) not get the same benefit because their
       | brains were adapted for cuneiform on clay tablets?
       | doliveira wrote:
       | I don't even ever read back what I wrote. But I find I need to
       | write down something to actually remember it.
       | So it does fit with my experience.
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | Our biology teacher told us to not bring the text book. He wrote
       | and drew everything on the blackboard, and we had to copy it by
       | writing it down.
       | Never had to learn anythings, and I still remember 90% of it,
       | even visually.
       | Remember that the great ones wrote a lot.
       | tombert wrote:
       | Bit of a life-hack I picked up awhile ago is to "write the notes
       | by hand, then type them out later".
       | This has a few advantages. First, you basically get all the
       | benefits listed in this article. Second, you get the advantage of
       | repetition, and possibly correcting errors in your handwritten
       | notes. Last, you have pretty notes to read off of later if you
       | need to study for something, which is useful.
         | caddemon wrote:
         | Yeah I do this for anything that's both important and
         | complicated - it can be a slow process for me, but when typing
         | things up I'll usually end up further refining my thoughts and
         | coming up with new ideas, in addition to the benefits you
         | mentioned.
         | Although my handwriting is also hilariously bad, so it's kind
         | of necessary for anything I anticipate needing to closely
         | review in the future.
       | gentleman11 wrote:
       | I disagree. Writing is helpful for thinking things through, but
       | the writing itself doesn't do anything. I used to take a lot of
       | notes to remember things and it can just act as an excuse to not
       | think hard. It's the hard thought and periodic review that
       | cements things
         | anyfoo wrote:
         | As I elaborated in another comment, not just the act of writing
         | things down, but the actual very visual recollection of how I
         | wrote it down and where on the page I did helps a lot. I don't
         | know why it works that way, but it definitely does.
         | _rpd wrote:
         | Yeah, the title should be "Handwriting helps particular kinds
         | of people remember particular kinds of things"
           | anyfoo wrote:
           | There was a somewhat recent astonishing revelation that a lot
           | of people are apparently unable to visualize things in their
           | mind (which was interesting to both groups in different ways
           | respectively), so I bet that if you don't visualize things in
           | your mind, it won't help much with recollection.
             | caddemon wrote:
             | I think it could depend a lot on how strong the person's
             | other modalities of memory/imagination are. Some people
             | commenting above mentioned they have good spatial memory
             | despite poor ability to visualize, but others are bad at
             | both of those. I could imagine handwriting having big
             | benefits over typing for someone that has a strong
             | sensorimotor memory for example, even if they can't
             | visualize much.
             | Personally I don't have much visualization ability, and I
             | don't think note taking helps me at all in remembering
             | things that can be easily verbally encoded, for example a
             | history class. But taking notes in certain college math
             | courses seemed to make a big difference, even when I never
             | looked at them again.
             | I'm not sure whether it's directly a memory thing (perhaps
             | drawing stuff by hand could subconsciously affect recall),
             | or that I use my own shitty drawings as a weak substitute
             | for visualization thereby making it easier for me to
             | conceptualize highly spatial topics. But in any event I
             | think the subject matter could also be a mediating factor.
             | Tangentially related, but this is why I really appreciate
             | video recorded lectures, being able to pause for a few
             | minutes to work through or look up visual demonstrations is
             | so much more efficient than trying to go back and make
             | sense of everything afterwards.
             | ravi-delia wrote:
             | I think that Galton figured that one out at some point in
             | the 1800s, no? There's a huge amount of variation in how
             | precise your mind's eye is, from absolutely nothing to
             | vague impressions to photo-real images.
               | caddemon wrote:
               | IIRC it was dismissed by most people at the time though.
               | I've only started to hear it discussed by people in
               | psych/neuro academic departments in the last few years.
               | [deleted]
       | majormajor wrote:
       | I find typing perfectly adequate for _remembering_ things - in
       | school if I was copying out notes I did just as well typing as
       | handwritten, and could do it faster (and so get more repetition
       | in) on a computer. Both blew away just reading or listening
       | passively.
       | However, for brainstorming or planning, which is a lot of what
       | this article is talking about, the unbounded spatial component of
       | paper (or a drawing app with stylus) is much better for me than
       | the constrained nature of a word processor. Something like
       | graphviz isn't bad for certain types of things, but anything that
       | relies on mouse-based selection and dragging of things breaks my
       | flow in a way that jotting a new note off to the edge of an open
       | paper doesn't.
       | igammarays wrote:
       | The Brain That Changes Itself. Life changing book. One of the
       | surprising studies there shows how kids with all kinds of
       | learning disabilities can be radically transformed just by being
       | given cursive handwriting exercises. Brain development and
       | activation under handwriting is measurable, and very different
       | from typing or even printing.
         | krrrh wrote:
         | One thing that stuck with me from that book was the notion that
         | the fine motor control gained through the rote learning of
         | handwriting might carry over into verbal fluency. iirc it was a
         | speculative point in the book, and I wonder if that has been
         | any research into it since then. It partly inspired me to
         | relearn cursive as an adult using the Getty-Dubay italic.
         | https://handwritingsuccess.com/write-now/
       | pgcm1 wrote:
       | Subscribe here: ProductiveGrowth.substack.com
       | abduhl wrote:
       | I think this post just barely misses the main reason which, in my
       | opinion, makes writing a better medium for remembering. They
       | mention that typing is faster and easier than writing but I think
       | the real reason this impacts memory is because you have to reduce
       | things into their smallest form in order to keep up (with the
       | person speaking or your own thoughts). This act of condensing
       | makes you internalize the words into concepts, and concepts are
       | easier to recall.
       | dave_sid wrote:
       | I handwrite my todo list at the start of everyday and scribble
       | notes down when I'm in meetings and almost never look at them
       | again. It definitely helps solidify things in my head for
       | whatever reason. I'm not uptight or anything, it just seems to
       | help me.
         | alex_c wrote:
         | This is me. I've tried various note taking apps but I never
         | stick with them for more than a few days.
         | My notebook is everything. If I don't have it for any reason
         | (most often: it ran out and need to buy a new one) my
         | productivity actually takes a big hit. Basically: if I don't
         | write it down, I probably won't get it done.
       | pgcm1 wrote:
       | I never knew why I unconsciously chose analog over digital in
       | those cases, but it turns out there's a scientific explanation.
       | When we write, we make our brains go through an abstraction
       | process - separating something from a whole to analyze it by
       | itself.- According to neurologist Audrey Van Der Meer, "It seems
       | that keyboards and pens bring into play different underlying
       | neurological processes. This may not be surprising since
       | handwriting/drawing is a complex task that requires the
       | integration of various skills."
       | I wrote a full article about it in the link above.
         | com2kid wrote:
         | Every time this topic comes up, I am curious to see a cross-
         | generational study.
         | I'd also be interested in seeing the result of taking notes
         | with a less linear note taking tool, such as OneNote and its
         | infinite canvas, compared to pure linear note taking.
         | Now for most math classes, and other subjects that involve lots
         | of diagrams, hand writing (digital or analog) is better!
         | (Ignoring the people who are so good at LaTeX they can do
         | complex math equations)
         | IMHO the largest issue with modern teaching is the use of
         | slides. I was going to college just as the transition to
         | PowerPoint was happening, and wow was the degradation in
         | quality of teaching noticeable.
         | One of my profs, whose class I had a low opinion of, used
         | slides for all his lectures. One day the projector broke down
         | and he had to teach on the chalk board. It was amazing! The
         | quality of his lecture improved dramatically when he was able
         | to go back and make changes to past diagrams, or change
         | examples on the fly to dive deeper into something the students
         | had difficulty grasping.
         | The other problem with PowerPoint is that it goes by faster
         | than students can take notes! If the prof and the students are
         | both writing notes, they are on (mostly) equal ground, ignoring
         | that profs have decades of experience writing quickly.
           | krrrh wrote:
           | There was also the transitionary period where teachers and
           | profs would print slides onto transparencies and project
           | those onto a screen. The overhead projectors sometimes had a
           | roll of plastic that they could write on with a felt marker
           | either over the slides or as a blank canvas. A bit of
           | googling reveals that many primary schools still use these,
           | and not all have transitioned to "smart boards".
           | It was a good trade off, and it's kind of surprising that the
           | rise of tablets and styluses hasn't seen this hybrid model
           | return.
             | asdff wrote:
             | In the 2010s my organic chemistry professor would use one
             | of those projectors and a sheet of blank printer paper, and
             | would just write out chemical formulas all class. We
             | basically all took notes together along with the professor
             | each lecture, which was great because that meant he could
             | never speed up too much since he had to spend time writing
             | everything down, too. Then everything would go up online
             | afterwards if you needed to refer to the professors notes
             | from that day.
             | mikestew wrote:
             | It's been over 15 years since I was scribbling on
             | PowerPoint slides while my Tablet PC was hooked to the
             | projector. I'll ask my spouse if her MS Surface supports
             | such functionality, because I found it pretty darned handy
             | at the time.
             | I have little need for such a feature anymore, so I don't
             | know if an iPad Pro w/stylus can do that with Keynote (not
             | without looking it up).
           | BitwiseFool wrote:
           | My own experience in school lines up with what you described.
           | There's something about having to teach 'manually?' that
           | gives more energy to the lecture.
       | lightlyused wrote:
       | For me it does in a way, but I still need to read my notes while
       | the details are still fresh in my mind. The main reason is I'm a
       | sloppy writer and I might not be able to make out my mess if I
       | haven't reviewed it enough. Also, for small things like
       | passwords, saying them 10 times helps me get over 'what was that
       | again' hump.
       | metalliqaz wrote:
       | what the heck is "digital handwriting"?
         | reificator wrote:
         | Presumably using something like an active stylus on a tablet?
         | https://www.trustedreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2...
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