[HN Gopher] C# 9 top-level programs and target-typed expressions
       C# 9 top-level programs and target-typed expressions
       Author : benaadams
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2021-03-30 20:37 UTC (2 hours ago)
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       | danielovichdk wrote:
       | I have been programming with c# since 2000 i think. But I do not
       | like where the languages is going.
       | It is becoming way to loose in a sense and it seems that it wants
       | more than it should.
       | If you want to do functional programming, pick a fp language.
       | If you want to do dynamic typed programming pick a dp language.
       | Sure you can mix some things in, but c# is becoming way to
       | scattered imo. And it's not pretty i think.
         | thrower123 wrote:
         | I think I'm going to get diabetes from all the syntax sugar...
         | On the more substantive changes, it feels a little like the
         | language designers have been looting F#.
         | Combined with how fast Dotnet Core is moving and how many
         | breaking changes there are there, it does feel like things are
         | getting very fragmented.
         | Stasis isn't good either; just witness the decade or so of
         | stagnation after Java 1.6 as the Sun -> Oracle transition
         | happened. But you can go too far in the other direction.
           | emodendroket wrote:
           | I don't think they're just randomly throwing stuff at the
           | wall. These are all things they've been talking about for
           | years.
         | spaetzleesser wrote:
         | I think for a lot of devs having a multiparadigm language is
         | the only way to explore new things. For the stuff I am working
         | on it's not really feasible to add new languages but you can
         | add FP concepts slowly because C# supports it. That would also
         | explain the popularity of C++ because it allows gradual
         | transition.
         | sumnole wrote:
         | Personally, I enjoy C# becoming a multi-paradigms language like
         | Common Lisp. Multiple inheritance and a good macro system would
         | help close the gap. I don't need safety guards in my language,
         | I'm looking for the right options when I need them.
         | emodendroket wrote:
         | People have been saying this all the way back to when Linq came
         | out, and who could imagine C# without Linq today?
       | outside1234 wrote:
       | Who would have believed a decade ago that there would be a RedHat
       | developer blog entry on C# today?
       | If someone had told you that then you would have thought the
       | world would have collapsed in the meantime.
         | zwieback wrote:
         | Exactly my first thought. I remember my first steps with C# and
         | it felt very "MS version of Java" and I didn't expect how much
         | a) I would like it and b) how successfully it would spread to
         | other areas
       | whoisthemachine wrote:
       | To me, the benefit of "Target-typed new expressions" is more with
       | bringing consistency to class-scope member declarations and
       | method-scope member declarations, so these two can look the same,
       | and a programmer only has to read one way of declaring new
       | members in C#:                 public class MyClass {
       | private readonly MyDependency _myDependency = new();
       | public void MyMethodThatDoesWork() {            MyVariable
       | variable = new();        }       }
       | As opposed to the (now old, IMO) var syntax/Java-like syntax
       | mixture:                 public class MyClass {        private
       | readonly MyDependency _myDependency = new MyDependency();
       | public void MyMethodThatDoesWork() {            var variable =
       | new MyVariable();        }       }
       | Edited for HN formatting.
         | keithnz wrote:
         | I can't see var going anywhere, many times you aren't directly
         | creating a new object, but getting a generated object from
         | something ( like linq) which tends to have more complicated
         | type signatures.
           | whoisthemachine wrote:
           | Oh true, there are still use cases where it's valuable. `out
           | var ` also comes to mind.
           | Cshelton wrote:
           | I hate hate hate var.
           | Sure, in your own IDE, and reading the code you just wrote,
           | no problem. But when doing code reviews and jumping all over,
           | I want to see the type right there. Nothing more frustrating
           | than reviewing a PR with var's all over. This isn't even up
           | for debate anymore... No more var!
           | It is frustrating to still see var as the recommended way by
           | Microsoft... You can even put in a rule to format the
           | document and add explicit types as well on save. So
           | complicated type signatures for linq aren't a problem!
             | wvenable wrote:
             | Can't disagree more. var improves readability so much that
             | I can't imagine reviewing code anymore with unnecessary
             | type declarations everywhere.
           | nycdotnet wrote:
           | Agreed that `var` isn't going anywhere, but this feature's
           | best use case is with complex generics/enumerables and things
           | like anonymous tuple types. For example:                 //
           | old:       var x = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>
           | {         new KeyValuePair<string, int>("a", 1),         new
           | KeyValuePair<string, int>("b", 2)       };            // new
           | var x = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>       {
           | new("a", 1),         new("b", 2)       };
             | wk_end wrote:
             | Wow, when I (only a C# dabbler) read about this feature in
             | the article I thought it sounded incredibly silly, but this
             | really sells it. Was there really no better way to create
             | tuples before?
               | gnud wrote:
               | You could create tuples with `Tuple.Create("a", 1)` since
               | at least .NET 4, if not 3.
               | Since C# 7 you can also create tuples using just `("a",
               | 1)`. But tuples are not KeyValuePairs. So the new "new"
               | syntax will be very helpful in a lot of cases.
               | [deleted]
               | wvenable wrote:
               | C# (as of 7.0) has pretty nice tuple syntax that supports
               | all things you expect (deconstruction, etc):
               | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-
               | refe...
               | But the situation here is that the type KeyValuePair is
               | older than that and isn't a tuple.
       | goto11 wrote:
       | The article states that the benefit of target-typed new-
       | expressions is that "the type declarations are nicely aligned"
       | compared the use of "var".
       | I think a better justification is that fields and properties does
       | not support type inference, so this can avoid some redundant type
       | expressions for initializes, just like "var" can avoid redundant
       | type expressions for local variables.
       | Of course it would be more elegant if fields/properties supported
       | type inference like "var", but that is a can of worms since you
       | can have recursive dependencies.
       | belinder wrote:
       | Unfortunately the new tricks can't be used when the codebase is
       | still stuck on .net framework :(
         | shireboy wrote:
         | There are ways, but definitely can be hard to get unstuck from
         | framework. This came across my newsfeed this am:
         | https://www.telerik.com/blogs/jump-starting-migration-dotnet...
         | and also, the other day, dotnet rocks podcast had a guy on
         | talking about an upgrade tool. I think it was this one:
         | https://visualrecode.com/ He was also discussing the "Strangler
         | Pattern": https://akfpartners.com/growth-blog/strangler-
         | pattern-dos-an...
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | There are many paths out of hell. Check out the windows
         | compatibility pack for all things active directory, WCF &
         | System.Drawing:
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/porting/windows...
         | Winforms is probably a no-go on migration, but you should
         | definitely check out Blazor if you want to develop any new
         | business apps. We have constructed some incredibly complex
         | business dashboards using this framework and cant imagine how
         | some of this would even be possible if we had to move back to a
         | front-end client framework and invent a bunch of JSON APIs.
         | Also, the new Blazor Desktop stuff is _extremely_ exciting:
         | https://medium.com/young-coder/blazor-desktop-the-electron-f...
         | > The first difference is that the WebWindow container doesn't
         | use WebAssembly at all. Yes, you can run more or less the same
         | Blazor application in WebWindow as you would in a web page. But
         | when you use a web page, it's executed by a lightweight .NET
         | runtime that's powered by WebAssembly. When you use it in
         | WebWindow, it will use the cross-platform .NET runtime
         | directly.
         | There is a lot of really amazing stuff coming down the roadmap,
         | so I can easily advocate for enduring some degree of pain to
         | get on this wagon.
           | thrower123 wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure WinForms is being migrated. I've built dotnet
           | 5 WinForms apps, anyway. At least on Windows - I wouldn't bet
           | on a Linux Gtk/Qt port any time soon.
           | WPF is probably dead though.
             | my123 wrote:
             | WPF is not dead, it got open-sourced and was ported to .NET
             | Core 3.1 onwards.
         | nycdotnet wrote:
         | We use C# 9 in our WebForms monolith and it works fine. Just
         | add `<LangVersion>latest</LangVersion>` to your .csproj file.
         | (This assumes you're using recent Visual Studio version and use
         | a recent version of MSBuild as well)
         | lwansbrough wrote:
         | Allegedly there's an upgrade path from .NET 4.8 to .NET 5.
           | keithnz wrote:
           | if you have built anything on web forms, then you really have
           | no way forward other than rewriting all that. That alone will
           | keep many an enterprise locked on .NET Framework for quite
           | some time.
             | belinder wrote:
             | In our case not web forms but WCF
               | WorldMaker wrote:
               | You may want to keep an eye on CoreWCF:
               | https://github.com/CoreWCF/CoreWCF
               | Though as a heavy WCF user in the past, I'd suggest your
               | best bet is simply to throw out all your binding configs,
               | and build your own REST API or similar backend (gRPC
               | support in .NET 5+ is something often also recommended if
               | you want something more RPC-like and need/want a more
               | binary-serializer like approach, though in 2021 I'd just
               | use JSON and something REST-ish myself). The nice thing
               | about the Interface-driven "contract" approach should be
               | that implementing your own is just a matter of
               | implementing all your contract interfaces and injecting
               | the physical implementations yourself.
               | I realize that can be easier said than done as things
               | accidentally got coupled to very specific styles of
               | bindings over the years and not everyone followed best
               | practices and used the Async contracts so you have to
               | tear out a bunch of synchronous faking code and wire back
               | in Task<T>/ValueTask<T>. But generally, overall, the
               | process was implement the interfaces and remove the
               | "magic" in the process and I often found you end up with
               | something better anyway because it is simpler and prone
               | to less "magic" failures.
               | UweSchmidt wrote:
               | Could you expand a little on that? How exactly does an
               | REST API backed desktop/forms application look like in
               | 2021, and how is the decoupling accomplished?
               | Analemma_ wrote:
               | I second the other commenter suggesting you should try to
               | rip off the WCF bandaid and go to a RESTful API as soon
               | as you can. It sounds scary but after the one-time pain
               | of migration we've had way fewer "magic, black box"
               | errors that require insane investigations and hacks.
           | goto11 wrote:
           | The upgrade path is massive rewrites, something most business
           | are wary of. For good reasons.
           | MS really made a grave mistake by coupling the evolution of
           | the C# language to the .NET version. This means all projects
           | on the .NET framework is now also stuck with an obsolete
           | language version for no good reason.
           | It is becoming a a lot less fun to be a C# developer because
           | you more often will have to work with obsolete tools.
             | nikanj wrote:
             | Your programming language either dies young, or it lives
             | long enough to become the very legacy crud it sought to
             | replace.
             | wvenable wrote:
             | > MS really made a grave mistake by coupling the evolution
             | of the C# language to the .NET version.
             | For the most part that isn't true. You can use later C#
             | compilers with older frameworks. Some features do,
             | unavoidably, require framework support.
             | But that being said, the changes in C# aren't often that
             | radical that I feel particularly constrained by older
             | versions.
             | nycdotnet wrote:
             | At work we've been slowly pulling code out of our WebForms
             | monolith. That's still on .NET Framework, and will be
             | forever until we're done killing it, but we can use recent
             | VS and MSBuild with it and we use C# 9 as well. Business
             | code generally works copy and paste in .NET Core, so
             | there's a really good path to migrate to newer stuff,
             | especially with .Net Standard 2.0 being a thing.
             | gRPC is really fast and we have the WebForms monolith call
             | into .NET Core services now so we can improve the back-end
             | without dealing with so much ASPX crap.
           | aliswe wrote:
           | Not really
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | Not by default, no. These two specific tricks should work on
         | .NET Framework (some of the other tricks in C# after 7 or 8
         | require functionality that .NET Framework doesn't have,
         | though). You can ask VS to use the more recent C# compiler with
         | the LangVersion tag in the .csproj:
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-refe...
         | Obviously, it's not suggested doing that nor is entirely well
         | supported, but it is at least allowed.
         | Though if you are looking to use top-level programs you
         | probably are working in greenfields anyway that should just be
         | .NET 5+. It's not really a feature that makes a lot of sense
         | for existing codebases as it is more a teaching tool/"quick and
         | dirty command line app/script" tool.
       | ryandrake wrote:
       | Wow, a full-screen cookie pop-up with a "X" dismiss button in the
       | upper right corner that just causes the full-screen pop-up to re-
       | display. Can it get more obnoxious?
       | This is the second one on the HN front page today [1]. HN tries
       | to avoid paywalled articles, maybe we should also discourage
       | articles that start out by deliberately hiding the content.
       | 1: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26639722
       | binarynate wrote:
       | I think that C# is underrated. Although TypeScript is my default
       | language choice for most programming, C# / .NET is my choice for
       | cases where:
       | - high performance is important - or interop with native
       | libraries is required (because C#'s DllImport attribute makes
       | that super simple)
       | Another benefit is that C# is syntactically similar to TypeScript
       | (they were both designed by Anders Hejlsberg after all), so
       | switching between the two languages feels easy. Java and Go are
       | both similar to C# in terms of performance, but interfacing with
       | native code isn't as simple with those languages, and they're
       | also not as similar to TypeScript as C# is (especially Go, which
       | is quite different).
         | dataflow wrote:
         | A bit of a tangent but is it possible yet to compile C# to
         | native code _easily_ (like calling a normal compiler on the
         | command-line)? Last time I checked I needed to jump through a
         | bunch of hoops through Visual Studio, and create some XML or
         | other nonsense. I don 't get why they've made it so hard
         | compared to just compiling managed code.
           | DownGoat wrote:
           | It is super easy with dotnet core. The new CLI is pretty
           | simple, you use it as a package manager and compiler. Visual
           | Studio also uses the CLI to run and debug dotnet core
           | projects. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/
             | MikeTheGreat wrote:
             | Is it possible to create a single, stand-alone, self-
             | contained .exe? (I'm fine with only building for a single
             | platform - Mac/Win/Linux)
             | Needing to run my programs (which show up as .dll's) using
             | dotnet just feels weird (and it doesn't match my intuition
             | for 'how programs are run' in Windows cmd/etc).
             | I'd be fine with an .exe that's not self contained but at
             | least I run it like a 'normal' exe. :)
               | pjc50 wrote:
               | You have to set up "dotnet publish" for the project that
               | makes the executable.
               | It then makes a stub loader "your program.exe" which
               | looks and behaves normally. You can then make it "self
               | contained", which bundles the assemblies for you and
               | transparently unpacks them.
               | You can have different publish profiles for the different
               | targets.
               | smcl wrote:
               | Yes that is possible, you can produce an .exe which
               | contains your application's assemblies but relies on the
               | appropriate .NET runtime being present on the user's
               | computer. You can _also_ build a .exe which has the .NET
               | runtime bundled, but it can be quite big. I made a simple
               | program that wrote  "Hello World" to the console [1] and
               | it was between 46-78MB: https://blog.mclemon.org/no-this-
               | is-what-peak-hello-world-lo...
               | pjc50 wrote:
               | Yeah, it's not really a "real" native binary.
               | You can get it down to 8kb by jettisoning all comforts:
               | https://medium.com/@MStrehovsky/building-a-self-
               | contained-ga... but that's not exactly practical.
               | oblio wrote:
               | > Is it possible to create a single, stand-alone, self-
               | contained .exe?
               | Yes.
         | bob33212 wrote:
         | They were created by the same
         | person.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Hejlsberg All the
         | hate C# gets is because of balmer and gates, not for technical
         | reasons
         | zwieback wrote:
         | C# is my goto for Windows, for sure. Is the native interop good
         | in Linux as well? I've never even considered anything like
         | that, would probably gravitate to C++ since that's what I'm
         | familiar with but would seriously consider Go or Java in non-
         | Windows situations.
           | josteink wrote:
           | How do you think they built the Linux-version of the .NET
           | standard library? ;)
           | meibo wrote:
           | C# on Linux, as of the past 2 or 3 years, has been
           | consistently improving with great tooling, good interop, is
           | open source(MIT) and has the ability to package "native"
           | versions of your app that contain the runtime at negligible
           | space costs for distribution or deployment.
           | Give .NET 5 on Linux a try, you'll be surprised!
           | For me, the work this team has been doing is the example of
           | the positive "change" Microsoft has brought to the open
           | source space. A stellar language with great infrastructure.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | The native interop is the same. That is, if your DLL and .so
           | have the same function signatures, you can use the same
           | interop code unmodified between Linux and Windows. This is
           | really convenient.
           | (But watch out for bitness)
           | scott00 wrote:
           | Interop on Linux works well.
       | emodendroket wrote:
       | I'm not working with C# anymore but I'm really liking the
       | features they keep adding.
       (page generated 2021-03-30 23:00 UTC)