[HN Gopher] TLA+ Action Properties
       TLA+ Action Properties
       Author : ingve
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2021-03-31 16:28 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.hillelwayne.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.hillelwayne.com)
       | codingforprod wrote:
       | How should I get started with TLA+? I don't have any experience.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | hwayne's Learn TLA+ [0] is a very approachable introduction and
         | survey. Lamport's TLA+ course [1] is an excellent follow on
         | after going through Hillel's course. That link also includes
         | the book itself.
         | [0] https://learntla.com/introduction/
         | [1] https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/learning.html
           | gralx wrote:
           | I would add an excellent introduction by Scott Wlaschin on
           | YouTube called "Building confidence in concurrent code using
           | a model checker."[0]
           | Lamport's _Specifying Systems_ (2002, linked above) is a
           | great book. It covers ground quickly but has deep roots - you
           | can tell Lamport is an expert logician who engineered the
           | language carefully. I recommend you read the first two
           | chapters of that (free) book before you do anything else, but
           | you may feel like you 're wading through mud if you don't
           | start writing simple specs and watch his or other tutorials
           | by chapter 5. Most of his example specifications (Chapter 5,
           | Chapter 11) design a memory interface for a computer, and
           | they suppose you are familiar with basic computer
           | architecture. If not, you'll have to learn TLA+ while
           | learning how a memory interface works at the same time, which
           | takes dedication.
           | The appeal to me of TLA+ is using set theory and first-order
           | predicate logic to describe any system, from a poker game to
           | a shopping trip to a computer program - anything at all where
           | the next state depends on the history of the system after a
           | set of initial states. The TLA+ Toolbox IDE has a TLA+ model
           | checker called TLC that can test your logic, and that is
           | particularly useful for a complex concurrent or distributed
           | system if you ever design one.
           | [0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqwcz-Yt9gQ
       | ExcavateGrandMa wrote:
       | I wanna die... WTH this undigest stuff :D unmaintanable, awfully
       | gambler wrote:
       | [][x' > x]_x
       | TLA+ seems like an incredibly useful tool, but damn it could do
       | with a better syntax. Math notation is designed to be written on
       | paper and to handle extreme repetitiveness when you do proofs or
       | calculations. Both of those premises are largely irrelevant in
       | the domain TLA+ is intended for.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | That's what PlusCal seems to be there to help with. It will
         | generate statements like the above from a more Pascal-ish form.
         | hwayne wrote:
         | We're seeing more people create DSLs that compile to TLA+. For
         | example, salt lets you write TLA+ specs in Clojure:
         | https://github.com/Viasat/salt
           | michael_j_ward wrote:
           | wow, that feels extremely more approachable.
           | Are there downsides to using that?
             | hwayne wrote:
             | I've never used salt myself so couldn't tell you. From a
             | skim, it looks like they don't have module instantiation?
             | Depending on what you're doing that could be a limitation.
           | elcapitan wrote:
           | That's interesting, are there more examples of such
           | languages?
             | hwayne wrote:
             | The other one I know about is PGo, which is a bidirectional
             | go-pluscal compiler: https://github.com/UBC-NSS/pgo
         | pron wrote:
         | First, what you posted (and the article uses), is not really
         | TLA+ syntax, but its ASCII source; it's like publishing the
         | LaTeX source for your typeset maths. TLA+ syntax looks like
         | what you see here: https://pron.github.io/posts/tlaplus_part2
         | Some TLA+ bloggers publish the typesetting source rather than
         | actual pretty-printed TLA+; I'm not thrilled with that, but
         | there's a good, mundane, reason for doing it: there is no
         | convenient formatter for HTML yet, only PDF.
         | Second, TLA+ is very much designed for writing mathematical
         | specifications that are much smaller than most programs (a TLA+
         | specification with ~2000 lines of maths is _very_ big, while a
         | program with 2000 lines of code is quite small), that are then
         | read and contemplated _a lot_. Several hours of thought for
         | every line of maths is pretty normal for TLA+. Writing maths
         | [1] is absolutely not like programming, both for ergonomic and
         | workflow reasons (https://old.reddit.com/r/tlaplus/comments/edq
         | f6j/an_interest...) as well as semantic reasons (https://old.re
         | ddit.com/r/tlaplus/comments/enencr/yet_another...). Easily the
         | hardest thing in learning TLA+ (which is a tiny, and extremely
         | simple formal maths language) is understanding the difference
         | between programming and simple mathematics, and it takes work
         | to internalise that. The syntax, which is pretty much standard
         | mathematical notation, more or less, helps.
         | [1]: TLA+ is roughly the discrete analogue to ODEs describing a
         | continuous engineered system.
           | hwayne wrote:
           | It's still a barrier for beginners. I teach both TLA+ and
           | Alloy and people struggle with remembering TLA+ tokens much
           | more than they do with Alloy, which has synonyms for common
           | operators. You can write `implies` instead of `=>` if you
           | want, which makes the teaching experience much smoother. If I
           | could have students use `&&`, `||`, and `!` instead of [?]
           | [?] ! that'd cut out a lot of early friction.
           | This is also why I "pythonize" the TLA+ tokens during talks.
           | Trying to explain the math syntax gets in the way of
           | explaining the core ideas.
           | TTPrograms wrote:
           | Would it make sense for the TLA+ source to just be a subset
           | of LaTeX, then? At least some fraction of the potential
           | userbase is already familiar with that.
             | pron wrote:
             | It largely already is. E.g. you can write \forall rather
             | than \A, \lor instead of \/, \neg instead of ~, etc.. The
             | representation most people choose to write as their ASCII
             | typesetting source is just more ergonomic, as it's
             | specifically tailored for TLA+; conversely, there is a
             | LaTeX mode that renders TLA+.
             | Anyway, it's not what you're supposed to _read_. The vast
             | majority of TLA+ is readable to someone familiar with
             | ordinary mathematical notation within two to ten minutes of
             | training (if you know temporal logic, then almost all of
             | TLA+ is readable within minutes). See e.g. this complete
             | (and very sophisticated in its use of advanced TLA+)
             | specification, written at Arm, of CPU speculation side-
             | channels: http://www.procode.org/cachespec/ (direct link to
             | spec: http://www.procode.org/cachespec/CacheSpecv1.pdf).
             | The syntax is quite beautiful, and almost immediately
             | familiar to anyone who knows standard mathematical
             | notation.
               | hwayne wrote:
               | This messes me up when I'm writing actual LaTeX because I
               | keep writing `\A` instead of `\forall`
               | EDIT: Also that spec uses a lot of really interesting
               | techniques, such that doing a breakdown would be a good
               | Blub study. Off to the typewriter!
           | lakecresva wrote:
           | I think you'll be more successful as an advocate for TLA+ if
           | you just say "yeah, the syntax isn't for everyone", or "the
           | tooling has some issues" instead of writing long missives
           | about how syntax like `[][x' /= x => y' = x]_<<x, y>>` is
           | actually motivated by some deep mathematical insight, or
           | suggesting that the desire for an editing environment that
           | doesn't feel 20 years old stems from a failure to understand
           | the difference between specification and programming.
             | pron wrote:
             | It's not deep mathematical insight, just standard notation,
             | most of this syntax is ~100 years old and already familiar
             | to many; what you wrote is just the typesetting source for:
             | #[x' [?] x = y' = x]<[?],>  (unicode approximation), much
             | of which is immediately familiar to anyone who reads maths,
             | some of it is standard modal/temporal logic notation [1],
             | and the square brackets and subscript are, indeed a TLA-
             | specific operator; I think writing maths in a less familiar
             | notation would be less appealing and require more training
             | [2]. I did say that the tooling is missing an HTML
             | formatter, which is why some bloggers prefer posting the
             | source rather than the typeset maths. Still, the syntax --
             | standard mathematical notation -- isn't for everyone, just
             | as Python or Java syntax isn't for everyone, either, and
             | yeah, the tooling has some issues.
             | Also, yes, it is my opinion that if you focus on an editing
             | environment -- which I like, BTW -- for short mathematical
             | texts that you rarely actually edit compared to most other
             | kinds of texts, then you're missing something quite
             | fundamental about TLA+ (if you don't like the editor, pen
             | and paper is another nice editing environment for TLA+;
             | it's also a standard maths editing environment, but it
             | feels more than 20 years old).
             | But that's just my opinion, and you don't have to agree
             | with it one bit, just as I don't have to agree with yours.
             | I'm not the boss of TLA+, nor its official ambassador, just
             | someone who likes it, and you should form your own
             | opinions. You really shouldn't take what anyone else you
             | don't personally know says on the internet too seriously. I
             | do like TLA+ a lot, which is why I'm exited to talk about
             | it, but if you like it for completely different reasons or
             | even don't like it at all, that's perfectly fine, too. My
             | enjoyment of TLA+ or practical gain from it isn't harmed by
             | you not liking it. It is fun to talk about something you
             | like with others who like it, too, but if we all liked the
             | same things the world would be pretty boring. Many people
             | dislike the things I like, and sometimes I even like
             | arguing with them. But it's not my mission to get you to
             | like the same things I do.
             | [1]: That notation is due to
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._I._Lewis#Logic
             | [2]: E.g. TLA+ functions don't behave like programming
             | language subroutines; using the same syntax might be more
             | _familiar_ , but also more confusing because the text would
             | look the same but mean something different.
               | jacques_chester wrote:
               | > _much of which is immediately familiar to anyone who
               | reads maths_
               | Most programmers _don 't_ read math. A tool pitched to
               | programmers gains no advantage from being readable
               | primarily by mathematicians.
               | pron wrote:
               | But that tool is mathematics. As far as I know -- at
               | least, that's what things were like in my time in school
               | -- when programmers learn mathematics they use standard
               | notation, not their own. When they use the tool called
               | natural language to write documentation, they also use
               | standard notation, not their own, and when they study
               | diagrams they (at least I) prefer looking at a pictures
               | with lines rather than SVG source. I don't understand why
               | a tool that is used by programmers but is nothing at all
               | like a computer program should use computer program
               | notation, and I don't think programmers would prefer
               | reading mathematics differently from everyone else.
               | I believe the reason this comes up in the first place is
               | that people confuse TLA+'s mathematics with programming
               | (or else why would they even ask something so different
               | from programming to look like programming?). There are
               | specification languages that are, or look like,
               | programming languages; TLA+ came later and is
               | intentionally different -- what's different isn't just
               | the notation but the very meaning of the expressions you
               | write. Why is it different? Because mathematics is
               | simpler than even the most basic programming language --
               | which has such complex notions like a call stack or
               | evaluation order -- and therefore clearer, and clarity is
               | of the utmost importance in specification. I grew to
               | appreciate that a great deal, and I think that decision
               | makes TLA+ both clearer and more powerful than other
               | specification languages. But you are right -- familiarity
               | to programmers isn't one of it's strengths, but it has
               | many others that, in my opinion, more than make up for
               | that.
               | jacques_chester wrote:
               | So is it for programmers or is it for mathematicians?
             | hwayne wrote:
             | The syntax isn't for everyone and the tooling has some
             | issues.
               | lakecresva wrote:
               | Touche.
               | hwayne wrote:
               | One of the reasons I'm so bullish on TLA+ is that "the
               | tooling has some issues" is a _fixable_ problem, and the
               | bigger the community, the more likely it is to get fixed.
         | _alex_ wrote:
         | most of the time I need to read it, I use the PDF generation.
         | It turns all the ascii into math symbols. way easier to read
         | barakm wrote:
         | I've started working on doing TLA+-style models but using
         | Python as the language for doing so (disassembly and all) with
         | an easier to deploy model checker.
         | Super super early and I'm not quite yet ready to announce it,
         | so don't expect miracles (or post it everywhere) but if you're
         | reading this comment and want to see hacks in this space...
         | https://github.com/timewinder-dev/timewinder
       | pron wrote:
       | A very useful article for the non-noob learner of TLA+!
       | > This is the launching point into refinement, or using an entire
       | specification as the checked property of another spec.
       | We use the term "refinement" for those more special cases where
       | `A` and `B` are both canonical formulas (`Init [?] #[Next]_vars
       | [?] Fairness`), or, at least, both contain an initial state
       | predicate and at least one box-action clause, but when learning,
       | it's important to understand that there is nothing special about
       | refinement in TLA+ from a mathematical point-of-view. Every
       | formula in TLA+ describes a class of behaviours. The key general
       | point to learn is that TLA+ does not distinguish between
       | specifications and properties; they're just classes of behaviours
       | that we can call a "system property" or a "system specification"
       | based on how we psychologically think of it. The TLA+ formula `A
       | = B` means that `A`'s behaviours are contained in `B`'s, and can
       | be read as "specification A implements specification B" or
       | "specification A satisfies property B" or "property B is an
       | abstraction of property A" or "specification B is a
       | generalisation of property A." All of these are just words used
       | to describe the abstraction/refinement relation that's the very
       | core of TLA+. So this _is_ refinement, and `#[A]_vars` is an
       | entire TLA+ specification, as is `#P` (it is true that TLC cannot
       | check the specification `#(x [?] 1..3)` but it can check the
       | equivalent formula `x [?] 1..3 [?] #[x ' [?] 1..3]_x` but that
       | doesn't make the simpler formulation any less of a valid and
       | complete TLA+ specification of a system).
         | hwayne wrote:
         | It's worth noting that while it's not anything special from a
         | math point of view, there's a lot more technique involved in
         | specifying and verifying `ImplSpec => AbSpec`, which is why
         | it's considered a more advanced topic.
       (page generated 2021-03-31 23:01 UTC)