[HN Gopher] How to do things safely in Bash (2018)
       How to do things safely in Bash (2018)
       Author : soheilpro
       Score  : 103 points
       Date   : 2021-04-03 15:12 UTC (7 hours ago)
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       | belter wrote:
       | Every time I think of writing some Bash I spend some time here:
       | https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls and then ...I use
       | something else.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Embarrassingly, instead of fixing the code, I fix the data for
       | bash. I just make sure my input is well-formed haha. I don't
       | think I have any files or folders with spaces in them on my
       | computer.
       | It may not be the way but it is a way.
         | lpapez wrote:
         | I tend to do this as well.
         | This is the way.
       | maxrev17 wrote:
       | See the same debate ensue each time with bash - use python, they
       | shout. Perhaps the overriding factor here is familiarity? Past
       | looping and some basic flow control I'm guessing most people run
       | out of being comfortable in bash and can get things done quicker
       | in their fave Lang?
         | kaba0 wrote:
         | It's not about being comfortable, but about the million ways
         | your shell script will fail. A file has a space in the name?
         | Good chance your script failed. No file founs? Same. Multiple
         | files found after expansion? Same.
       | nunez wrote:
       | If you're gonna Bash, definitely use shellcheck for everything.
       | If you're writing Bash in vim, I'd highly recommend installing
       | Syntastic and enabling the checker below:
       | ``` let g:syntastic_sh_checkers = ["shellcheck", "-e", "SC1090"]
       | ```
       | geocrasher wrote:
       | I've been shell scripting intermittently for a long time and have
       | written some bash scripts that have seen a lot of use. This
       | document really showed me how bad some of my programming is. But
       | then again, the first thing I tell people when demonstrating one
       | of these programs: "I am not a programmer. I am a bash scripter.
       | And, a bad one." The stuff still works. But I would feel a lot
       | better if I were doing things the right way. I'll be reviewing
       | this next time I write a bigger s/program/script/
         | inetknght wrote:
         | Shellcheck helped me learn a lot about bash.
         | https://www.shellcheck.net/
       | antegamisou wrote:
       | Here's a great resource for proper Bash syntax
       | http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide
       | pwdisswordfish8 wrote:
       | I've recently taken to not bothering with shell scripts at all. I
       | just use Python instead. The type system, while it's by no means
       | state of the art, is still miles ahead of the stringly-typed
       | bash. The libraries are excellent; much can be done with the
       | standard library alone. The scripts are much faster (even though
       | the language isn't particularly tuned for performance), since I
       | don't need to spawn a subprocess for each little string
       | manipulation task. And if I ever need to 'shell out' to an
       | external process, there's always the subprocess module that is
       | much more robust than 'set -e' ever was.
       | Seriously, if you can avoid it, just don't write shell scripts at
       | all. Use a real programming language instead.
         | yeowMeng wrote:
         | > The [python] scripts are much faster...
         | Pipelines are performant; many algorithms can be expressed as
         | pipelines. Bash has many built-in string manipulation
         | mechanisms which do not require a sub shell.
         | Why do people who subscribe to the "avoid shell scripts at all
         | costs" ideology feel so passionately about prescribing to
         | others?
         | I like python, but if I am in a rush it's shell.
           | neolog wrote:
           | > Why do people who subscribe to the "avoid shell scripts at
           | all costs" ideology feel so passionately about prescribing to
           | others?
           | Are you asking why people make recommendations in general?
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Pipelines are a kernel feature that can be created on Python
           | too. You'll just need to abstract it in a function.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | 100% agree. This article should just be "rewrite your script in
         | Python". It's not the best scripting language ever, but it
         | works fairly well and it's about 100 times better than Bash.
         | lanstin wrote:
         | All the deployment things are just wrappers to shell commands
         | so if you want to help people debug user-data.sh, cron,
         | ansible, docker files, or puppet, you need to understand shell.
         | Also, it is better to have something in bash as code than not
         | have it be fully automated. I draw the line at arrays tho. If
         | you want arrays don't do bash. But if you want to just run a
         | bunch of commands on your compute, bash is there.
         | One thing I have started doing for stuff that need to go via
         | ssh is I just do a here doc for an embedded shell script that I
         | scp to the remote and then just use ssh to invoke it. The
         | quoting and pseudotty stuff just got to be too dumb to
         | understand.
         | Also, and maybe this is just for non-interactive scripts, I
         | find everything from writing them to using them is a lot easier
         | if you take pains to make them idempotent, so you can run them
         | one or 100 times with the same effect.
         | stormbrew wrote:
         | This, and I mean _very specifically_ this with python always as
         | the go-to replacement, comes up every single time anyone even
         | utters the words  "shell" or "bash" and every time all I can
         | think is that the people saying it aren't writing the same
         | kinds of shell scripts I ever see, use, or wind up writing.
         | And every time I've ever seen something that's allegedly "a
         | shell script replaced with a python script" it's way more
         | complicated than an equivalent shell script would have been.
         | I just wonder, really, what "a shell script" even is to you if
         | not something where you need to "shell out to external
         | processes"?
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > I just wonder, really, what "a shell script" even is to you
           | if not something where you need to "shell out to external
           | processes"?
           | A _replacement_ for a shell script may not itself be a shell
           | script.
           | A fairly typical python-as-shell-replacement I have that
           | (among other things) creates/manipulates test resources in
           | AWS corresponding to git feature branches, shells out _less_
           | than it would if it was a typical shell language (using boto3
           | rather than shelling to the AWS CLI, etc.) but still shells
           | out to git. But it would be _replacing_ a shell script even
           | if I had a git-repository-interaction library that eliminated
           | the need to shell out.
           | blabitty wrote:
           | I wonder too. Things like file and directory manipulations
           | are way more complicated in native Python and I find the
           | exceptions harder to troubleshoot than native commands. I'm
           | not even going to get into pythons version and dependency
           | hell, suffice it to say I have more confidence in a standard
           | version of bash and standard utilities generally being
           | present on a modern Linux system. What I've seen from
           | pythonistas as reasoning for this replacememt love is usually
           | one or a combination of a few things - a claimed write once
           | run anywhere ability that I think is generally fantasy, a
           | belief that Python is a "real" language and shell is not
           | which usually just means "I don't like shell or think it is
           | unfashionable", or a belief that Python code can be made more
           | reusable. The person in question almost always has a
           | background of feature developer that is now doing devops type
           | tasks.
           | All that said I like python and there are tasks I absolutely
           | prefer it for, usually anything to do with scraping some web
           | API that returns a complex piece of JSON or xml.
             | kubanczyk wrote:
             | Here is a novel idea.
             | I am allowed to call 'mv' or 'cp' binaries from bash.
             | I am also allowed to call 'mv' or 'cp' binaries from python
             | with subprocess!
             | (Edit: bad example binaries, 'df' or 'tar' would be
             | probably better.)
             | I must choose not to install bash libraries for a bash
             | script beyond builtins.
             | I can choose not to install python libraries beyond
             | builtins.
             | It becomes a really simple tradeoff.
             | Nobody forces you to step out of python's stdlib. No extra
             | dependencies. And you can still reap benefits of a proper
             | programming language.
               | fillest wrote:
               | It is OK to call whatever one needs actually - just
               | minimize the usage of Bash language features (Python
               | provides most of them). It is not complicated and
               | requires no dependencies, here's a self-contained helper:
               | https://gist.github.com/fillest/8d64f8fa0cdb1745bfc9c683c
               | f39...
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Hum, no those people are probably writing the same kind of
           | script you do. Their Python versions are indeed longer and
           | more verbose.
           | I always recommend Python anyway if you care about edge cases
           | (what is not always). That longer script handles them on the
           | obvious way, while the short and more readable shell script
           | does something absolutely crazy every time a detail is
           | different from planed. And if you try to correctly handle the
           | edge cases in Bash (you'll fail), you'll get something much
           | more complicated than the Python version anyway.
         | chubot wrote:
         | _Shouldn 't scripts over 100 lines be rewritten in Python or
         | Ruby?_
         | http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2021/01/why-a-new-shell.html#sh...
         | tl;dr I think the main skill that is missing is being able to
         | write a Python script that fits well within a shell script. The
         | shell script often invokes tools written in other languages
         | like C, Rust, JavaScript, etc. (most of which you didn't write)
         | Good book on this: https://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Programming-
         | Addison-Wesley-Profe...
         | Online for free: http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/
         | Supersaiyan_IV wrote:
         | At least shell follows POSIX standard which is more than one
         | can say about Python. Have witnessed self-proclaimed "shell
         | replacing" python scripts invoking commands, and never checking
         | the exit code. Debugging hell.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | Same. I feel like I spend 45 minutes every time I write a shell
         | script to determine simple things like "is this environment
         | variable set". Stack Overflow always has 100 answers on how to
         | do this, and every one has someone replying "well that doesn't
         | work if..."
         | In general, after 20 years of using Unix, I'm starting to sour
         | on the "everything is a string" and "streams are just newline
         | separated plain-text records". The shell is a pretty good REPL,
         | and glue like seq, find, xargs, grep, etc. are very good. But
         | honestly, I find myself reaching for purpose-built tools rather
         | than ad-hoc pipelines more and more. fdfind does more of what I
         | want on average than find; rg does more of what I want than
         | 'find | xargs grep'. I also find myself using more and more
         | structured data, and write more jq pipelines than I do bash
         | pipelines. Finally, I am getting more and more frustrated at
         | basic shell mechanics like history handling. I have 5 terminals
         | open on average, and I don't understand why C-r in one won't
         | find history in another (I know why, of course, but I don't
         | like it). I'm getting pretty close to just writing my own shell
         | and toolchain. I feel like if the Unix shell needed to be
         | fundamentally reimagined, someone would have already done it.
         | But they haven't. They just hacked Unicode and remote RPCs into
         | shell prompts so that pressing "enter" on an empty shell prompt
         | takes 25 seconds to run. I'm not sure why people are so focused
         | on the polish and not the core inadequacies, but they are, and
         | I feel like I'm going to have to fix that myself in the next
         | couple years...
           | chubot wrote:
           | Have you tried any of the shells here?
           | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Alternative-Shells
           | Discussed recently:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26121592
           | A lot of them are "fundamentally reimagining" shell --
           | actually I'd say MOST of them are; whether that's good or bad
           | depends on the user's POV.
           | Oil is reimagining shell, but also providing a graceful
           | upgrade path. Out of all the shells I'd say it's most focused
           | on the fundamental language and runtime, and less on the
           | interactive issues (right now).
       | jwilk wrote:
       | A portable way to test if the variable is set:
       | test -n "${VAR+x}"
       | arielb1 wrote:
       | When calling shell from bash (to use pipes etc.), I found it
       | useful to pass variables via the environment, like this:
       | def safe_call(command, **keywds):             return
       | subprocess.check_call(f'set -euo pipefail; {command}',
       | shell=True, env=keywds)              safe_call('command1 --
       | "$bar" | command2 --baz="$baz" | command3 > "$output_file"',
       | bar=bar, baz=baz, output_file=output_file)
         | arielb1 wrote:
         | The main difficulty I have with this method is that I don't
         | have an easy way to pass a Python array to bash as an array of
         | parameters.
       | xonix wrote:
       | I personally have found that AWK is a surprisingly good
       | alternative to shells for scripts bigger than average.
       | Why?
       | 1. Portability (AWK is a part of POSIX)
       | 2. Very clean syntax
       | 3. Powerful associative arrays
       | 4. Super-powerful string manipulations facilities
       | 5. Easy shell interoperability
       | As an example here is a simplistic build tool [1] I've developed
       | in AWK. As you can check [2] it runs unchanged under
       | Linux/macOS/Win (via Git Bash).
       | [1] https://github.com/xonixx/makesure/blob/main/makesure.awk
       | [2] https://github.com/xonixx/makesure/actions/runs/702594092
         | drran wrote:
         | AWK is good, but Perl is better. Perl is good, but Python is
         | cleaner. Python is good, but Go is better. Go is good, but Rust
         | is faster. Rust is good, but shell is simpler. Shell is good,
         | but AWK is better...
       | hutrdvnj wrote:
       | I think the best way to write things safely is to not write them
       | in Bash in the first place. Better pick a strongly typed language
       | of your choice.
         | macintux wrote:
         | How many strongly typed languages are:
         | + Installed everywhere
         | + Even within 20% as concise as bash
           | effie wrote:
           | Indeed. Python does not win over bash in either category, and
           | it is slower.
           | I wish there was a super-fast shell-like scripting language
           | everywhere that could serve as a general programming
           | language. Like Perl, but simpler rules and readable syntax.
           | But there is nothing. Who would have thought, I may have to
           | learn Perl eventually.
             | kaba0 wrote:
             | How is it slower/matter at all? Goddamn bash calls an
             | external process in if branches, so if a bash script is
             | enough for a given process, than running python inside a vm
             | inside a vm inside a vm will be still fast enough.
             | Scripting doesn't require performance.
             | drran wrote:
             | IMHO, we need more than one language in the shell: one to
             | orchestrate launching of applications, plumbing, and
             | processing of their inputs and outputs, another one for
             | computations with integers, floats, complex values, arrays,
             | matrices, another one for text processing and parsing,
             | another one for argument parsing and default values,
             | another one for error handling and recovery, another one
             | for pattern matching and state machines, another one for
             | object-oriented programming, another one for network
             | programming, another one for record-oriented programming,
             | another one for security and debugging, another one for
             | container management, another one for system manipulation,
             | upgrading, recovering, another one for documentation, and
             | so on, with advanced way to share variables and data
             | between these languages (environment variables on
             | steroids).
             | It's not possible to implement such monstrosity as one
             | simple, portable, small, fast, and secure binary.
           | [deleted]
       | gdavisson wrote:
       | I agree with almost everything in this guide, but it has a couple
       | of recommendations that create new problems (while solving
       | others):
       | The nullglob option ('shopt -s nullglob') makes things like 'for
       | f in _.txt ' work right when there are no matching files, but
       | make other commands like 'grep somepattern _.txt' change their
       | behavior in ways that can cause serious trouble. grep (and many
       | other commands), given no files as input, will read from standard
       | input (up to the EOF); if it's running interactively and input
       | hasn't been redirected, this causes the script to hang for no
       | discernible reason. If input _has_ been redirected, it steals
       | input that was presumably meant to be read by some other command.
       | In my opinion, the problems this causes are more serious than
       | what it solves.
       | The errexit option ('set -e' or 'shopt -s errexit') can both fail
       | to exit when you expect/want it to (several such situations are
       | described in the guide) and also exit when you don't expect/want
       | it to. The guide mentions suppressing unexpected exits with '||
       | true', but it's not always obvious when this is needed, and it's
       | not even consistent between versions of bash. There's a good
       | parable about this (and some examples) at
       | http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/105
       | I really don't like trying to predict and work around
       | unpredictable features like this; I'd much rather deal with
       | explicit error handling, like 'commandThatMightFail || { echo
       | "Aaaargh" >&2; exit 1; }'
       | dang wrote:
       | Discussed at the time:
       |  _Safe ways to do things in bash_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17057596 - May 2018 (240
       | comments)
       | alblue wrote:
       | If you're interested in writing safe shell scripts then check out
       | shellcheck:
       | https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
       | If you're interested I've written a git hook for it that runs a
       | check when you git commit:
       | https://github.com/alblue/scripts/blob/main/shellcheck-pre-c...
       | You should also check out her Google shell script style guide:
       | https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html
         | woudsma wrote:
         | Shellcheck and the VS Code Shellcheck extension[1] are really
         | good. I never write a bash script without it.
         | Built-in autofixes and direct links to extensive documentation
         | on each rule, with easy to grasp examples. It's just awesome.
         | [1]:
         | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=timonwon...
       | montroser wrote:
       | This all has its place, and I learned a good few things from the
       | article. But also, in many situations when you may not need to
       | deal with completely arbitrary input, it can be nice to shed all
       | of the "correct" syntax and just optimize for readability.
       | nas wrote:
       | The fact that you have to use quoting nearly everywhere is a
       | design flaw in the Borne shell. Some shells, like Plan 9's rc,
       | for example, don't expand after variable substantiation. They
       | have an operator to call if you want to explicitly force
       | expansion. That's so much cleaner and less error prone.
         | rustshellscript wrote:
         | zsh is also doing the variable substitution better than bash.
         | FYI, I just released rust_cmd_lib 1.0 recently, which can do
         | variable substitution without any quotes:
         | https://github.com/rust-shell-script/rust_cmd_lib
         | chubot wrote:
         | Oil is Bourne compatible, but has a mode to opt you into the
         | better behavior. Example:                   osh$ empty=''
         | osh$ x='name with spaces.mp3'
         | This is like Bourne shell:                   $ argv $empty $x
         | ['name', 'with', 'spaces.mp3']   # omit empty and split
         | $ argv "$empty" "$x"                ['', 'name with
         | spaces.mp3']     # unchanged
         | Opt into better behavior, also available with bin/oil:
         | $ shopt --set oil:basic              $ argv $empty $x
         | ['', 'name with spaces.mp3']  # no splitting/elision
         | If you want to omit empty strings, you can use the maybe()
         | function, which returns a 0 or 1 length array for SPLICING with
         | @:                   $ argv @maybe(empty) "$x"         ['name
         | with spaces.mp3']      # omitted empty string
         | Example of splicing arrays:                   $ array=("foo $x"
         | '1 2')              $ argv $empty @array         ['', 'foo name
         | with spaces.mp3', '1 2']
         | This is called "Simple Word Evaluation":
         | https://www.oilshell.org/release/latest/doc/simple-word-eval...
         | Feedback appreciated!
         | (Interestingly zsh also doesn't split words, but it silently
         | removes empty strings).
         | enriquto wrote:
         | > The fact that you have to use quoting nearly everywhere is a
         | design flaw in the Borne shell
         | I disagree. This can be considered a design flaw in other
         | places, like filesystems that allow filenames with spaces and
         | other idiotic complexity-inducing things.
       (page generated 2021-04-03 23:01 UTC)