[HN Gopher] How to bypass Cloudflare bot protection
       How to bypass Cloudflare bot protection
       Author : simonpure
       Score  : 342 points
       Date   : 2021-04-04 10:53 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jychp.medium.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jychp.medium.com)
       | luckylion wrote:
       | As mentioned in the article, it's easy to mitigate by not only
       | checking that the request is arriving at your endpoint from an
       | official CF IP, but to also check that it does not contain a CF-
       | Worker header (or contains one with your domain).
       | The limits on workers' sub requests (e.g. requests are done by
       | host name only, can't use IPs with a different host name) make it
       | somewhat cumbersome to set up reverse proxy workers (which was my
       | use case), but the tech itself is just great, works very reliably
       | and the delay, while noticeable, is tiny and never bothered us.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't type Cloudflare
       | reliably. Couldflare is an important part of my architecture.
       | Same with Cloudlfare. No CloudFalre or Cloudfalre yet but there's
       | still time ;-)
       | p2detar wrote:
       | Cool. I'd be interested in any hints about bypassing Akamai's
       | protection bot. They use some annoying js machinery to detect
       | browser sensors and stuff.
       | Stumbled on that some days ago. Quite annoying and there doesn't
       | seem to be a easy hack.
       | userbinator wrote:
       | More precisely, "bot and minority browser/system" protection...
       | when I come across a site that has it, I will just go somewhere
       | else, or use Google's cache if absolutely necessary.
       | minitech wrote:
       | This just sounds like a way to make a proxy with Cloudflare
       | workers, which aren't considered by Cloudflare's filters to be as
       | suspicious as Tor yet. You could do the same with any new
       | VPS/cloud function provider. Am I missing some actual bypass?
       | If the X-Forwarded-For value from the request is forwarded by
       | Cloudflare's proxies unaltered, giving special privileges to
       | Cloudflare workers, that's a problem, but it's not clear whether
       | "a site who display your headers" is protected by Cloudflare
       | _and_ displaying an unaltered X-Forwarded-For. I don't expect
       | Cloudflare to have made this oversight, and the e-mail response
       | from them matches: "All workers subrequests go through Cloudflare
       | again, and therefore you won't be able to bypass any restrictions
       | directly."
         | bassdropvroom wrote:
         | > You could do the same with any new VPS/cloud function
         | provider.
         | I'm not so sure this is true. Not long ago Cloudflare's CEO was
         | making fun of people trying (and failing) to bypass
         | Cloudflare's anti-bot measures. This allows to bypass this
         | because as far as Cloudflare is concerned, the requests are
         | coming from a trusted source. Setting up a proxy with a
         | provider that isn't Cloudflare, means the requests aren't
         | coming from a trusted source any more.
           | jsnell wrote:
           | > Cloudflare's CEO was making fun of people trying (and
           | failing) to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot measures
           | Do you happen to have a link?
             | bassdropvroom wrote:
             | https://mobile.twitter.com/eastdakota/status/12732778391026
             | 5...
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | The thing is that it isn't being seen as a trusted source.
           | The same global rate limits apply, and the `Cf-Connecting-Ip`
           | (which is the one you should use for security) request header
           | still can't be forged and is passed to the end website
           | correctly.
             | tyingq wrote:
             | I have seen workers code that appears to remove Cf-
             | Connecting-Ip prior to a fetch(), though no idea if that
             | works. Maybe it just gets replaced with the workers ip?
             | Like:                 router.route('/proxy/:url', '*',
             | async (event) => {
             | event.request.headers.delete('cf-connecting-ip');
             | event.request.headers.delete('x-real-ip');         return
             | await fetch(event.parameters.url,event.request);
             | Edit: Tried several variations of this. It doesn't work.
             | The cf-connecting-ip header is always in the fetch request
             | with the right data. It's a bit confusing because some of
             | the Cloudflare tools don't show you all the headers.
         | SergeAx wrote:
         | VPS providers are not free, and so is traffic produced by VPS.
         | On the other hand, 100k req/day is a generous limit, easily
         | expandable with additional accounts.
           | minitech wrote:
           | GitHub Actions and other CI, Heroku, AWS, GCP, Azure, Fly.io,
           | etc. have free tiers. This is another one of those that, when
           | misused enough, will develop a bad reputation too. (Except in
           | the case of Cloudflare workers to Cloudflare bot blocking,
           | they're in potentially an even better position to distinguish
           | legitimate traffic because they have information from both
           | ends.)
         | spzb wrote:
         | > Am I missing some actual bypass?
         | No, you're not. Which is why Cloudflare were correct to say
         | this isn't a security issue.
       | MaheshC wrote:
       | If somebody from cloudflare is readying this. This is great.
       | Please do not fix it, or if you do, provide a way for legitimate
       | limited bypassing when, for instance, using puppeteer from an AWS
       | instance.
       | SergeAx wrote:
       | > At this point you can request any site using Cloudflare
       | I don't see why I can't request any site on the internet
       | whatsoever, having legit Cloudflare IP address. Is there some
       | limitation of Cloudflare workers?
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | 1. They limit subrequests to 50 per workers request
         | 2. they have abuse alarms for obvious "spray requests by
         | utilizing Workers" behavior (although we don't know how well
         | these might work)
         | 2. The Cf-Connecting-Ip header is passed with the correct
         | originating request IP, so if a website at least partially
         | trusts CF (without directly using CF's proxy) they can match
         | based on this header if the REMOTE_ADDR is Cloudflare. They
         | could also block requests with the header Cf-Worker[0].
         | 3. You can't forge the HOST header on CF, so if a website does
         | use CF you can't bypass the actual CF proxy firewall by
         | fetching the IP and setting the HOST header yourself (you can
         | do it within your zone though)[1].
         | 0: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/is-the-cf-worker-
         | header-f...
         | 1: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/runtime-
         | apis/reque... (resolveOverride)
           | toredash wrote:
           | I believe you can with Enterprise plan, override the Host
           | header that is.
       | kentonv wrote:
       | Hi, I'm the tech lead of Cloudflare Workers.
       | This article contains several misunderstandings.
       | If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server to
       | respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify that
       | the "Host" header on any request actually matches their domain
       | name. If they do not verify the Host header, then anyone can sign
       | up for Cloudflare and simply configure their DNS to point to the
       | victim's origin IP address, and requests will be routed there --
       | but will have the attacker's domain in the Host header. Workers
       | is not needed for such an attack. This attack has always been
       | possible and is common to basically all CDNs. Fundamentally, the
       | CDN has no way of knowing if the origin server that a user has
       | configured really belongs to them -- the CDN can only _tell_ the
       | origin (via the Host header) what customer it _thinks_ it is
       | serving, and expect the origin not to accept requests that were
       | on behalf of a different customer.
       | Instead of IP-based authentication, we strongly recommend using
       | mTLS-based authenticated origin pulls (with a zone-specific key
       | pair) or Argo Tunnel, as these methods are much more secure.
       | As long as the origin server is verifying via one of the above
       | means (IP+host header, AOP, or Argo Tunnel) that the request was
       | processed by Cloudflare on behalf of the customer's zone, then
       | the attack described in the article doesn't accomplish anything.
       | If a Worker makes a request to a hostname that is on Cloudflare,
       | then all of the target host's Cloudflare security settings will
       | apply to that request the same as if the request came from an
       | external client.
       | Additionally, as mentioned in the article, any requests coming
       | from a Worker will have the CF-Worker header identifying the zone
       | which sent the request. If a customer suspects abusive requests
       | coming from Workers, they should report it to us.
       | ~~The article claims that the X-Forwarded-For header can be
       | forged, but this is not true if the target host is itself a
       | Cloudflare customer.~~
       | EDIT: What I said about X-Forwarded-For seems to be incorrect.
       | CF-Connecting-IP has always been the header we use to identify
       | the client IP, and it cannot be forged. X-Forwarded-For seems to
       | have more complicated and subtle behavior that I'm not familiar
       | with. I'm investigating.
         | aeyes wrote:
         | > If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server
         | to respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify
         | that the "Host" header on any request actually matches their
         | domain name.
         | The worker code sends the correct host name.
         | https://github.com/jychp/cloudflare-bypass/blob/dd7c1cfc2e6b...
           | kentonv wrote:
           | Right. If the hostname requested by the worker is a host that
           | is itself protected by Cloudflare, then all of that host's
           | usual security settings apply. Nothing is bypassed.
           | The author of the blog post seems to have been confused by
           | the fact that different behavior happens if the target host
           | is on Cloudflare vs. not on Cloudflare.
         | r1ch wrote:
         | > If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server
         | to respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify
         | that the "Host" header on any request actually matches their
         | domain name.
         | This could be improved considerably if Cloudflare removed
         | support for insecure TLS options. "Full" SSL bypasses
         | certificate hostname verification on the origin server which
         | could prevent such an attack at the TLS level. Every time I've
         | added a new zone to Cloudflare, Full or Flexible (ie, no SSL)
         | has been the default. The only safe option is Full (Strict) but
         | I'd bet good money that the majority of Cloudflare customers
         | aren't using that.
         | abiro wrote:
         | > If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server
         | to respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify
         | that the "Host" header on any request actually matches their
         | domain name.
         | Where is this documented?
           | toredash wrote:
           | I'm 100% sure it isn't. Cloudflare docs are not great, and as
           | a Enterprise customer I spend more time with support than
           | needed as a result.
         | MuffinFlavored wrote:
         | From the article:
         | > X-FORWARDED-FOR: (yes, we can override this header
         | with whatever we want !)
         | Why aren't you guys disallowing that field from having any
         | external value?
           | modoc wrote:
           | Because it's legitimate to have values before the request
           | gets to CloudFlare, for instance if it was routed out through
           | a corporate proxy, etc..
             | MuffinFlavored wrote:
             | Ouch. I wonder if it's time to cryptographically sign those
             | values or add a checksum or something.
               | acdha wrote:
               | Basically this is why you want to go full zero trust: if
               | you use mutual authentication over TLS, this becomes much
               | less of a concern since you're not trying to craft
               | policies based on IP addresses with multiple
               | intermediaries.
           | kentonv wrote:
           | So we're _supposed_ to be appending the client 's IP to
           | whatever the client sent for X-Forwarded-For, documented
           | here:
           | https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-
           | us/articles/200170986-H...
           | For better or worse, this is how X-Forwarded-For works, by
           | convention: each forwarder is supposed to append a value.
           | This means that, even in a correct implementation, an
           | attacker can specify an arbitrary prefix of values. The
           | consumer must be very careful about which part of the chain
           | they trust.
           | But the report here seems to be suggesting that we're
           | mishandling this appending in some cases. We're investigating
           | and if true will fix ASAP.
           | Because X-Forwarded-For is surprisingly complicated, we
           | recommend using CF-Connecting-IP instead. As the docs say:
           | "To restore original visitor IP addresses at your origin web
           | server, Cloudflare recommends your logs or applications look
           | at CF-Connecting-IP or True-Client-IP instead of X-Forwarded-
           | For since CF-Connecting-IP and True-Client-IP have a
           | consistent format containing only one IP."
         | orf wrote:
         | > If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server
         | to respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify
         | that the "Host" header on any request actually matches their
         | domain name.
         | Out of interest do you provide any automatic checks for this?
         | It seems like it would be trivial to add some kind of
         | verification step that simulates a request with a bogus host
         | header and checks the status code of the response.
           | kentonv wrote:
           | I don't think we do, but that's a good idea! I think it could
           | be automatic. We'd have to first detect that the origin
           | server appears to be blocking non-Cloudflare IPs, by seeing
           | if it responds to requests from some random non-CF IP
           | address. Then we'd verify that it refuses to respond to a
           | request for some dummy domain. If it serves the site's normal
           | content when the host name is from the wrong domain, then we
           | could alert the customer that they seem to have an insecure
           | configuration. I will suggest this internally...
             | orf wrote:
             | The "normal content" bit is possibly quite hard to detect.
             | You could do some kind of distance calculation between
             | "safe" responses and "unsafe responses", but it seems like
             | there would be a bunch of edge cases given the variety of
             | sites you host.
             | Anyway, thanks for hearing my suggestion!
               | kentonv wrote:
               | Yeah, I think I'd just look for HTTP status code.
           | r1ch wrote:
           | Assuming you're using HTTPS (and if not, why?!), this is
           | checked automatically as part of the TLS handshake. The only
           | downside is Cloudflare makes it easy to accidentally disable
           | this check as "Full SSL" bypasses certificate verification.
             | meowface wrote:
             | Yeah, I do feel like there should be more visible
             | encouragement to use "Full (Strict)" when someone adds a
             | new domain for the first time. Especially now that it's so
             | easy to provision free SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt
             | etc.
           | EB66 wrote:
           | What would CloudFlare automatically check the Host header
           | against? The Host header would be set to the attacker's
           | domain (which is in CloudFlare) and, per OP, CloudFlare does
           | not verify ownership of the origin server IP.
           | It would be a nice feature if CloudFlare customers could opt-
           | in for origin server IP verification. Once the origin IP is
           | verified, it would prevent other CloudFlare users from using
           | the IP as their own origin. However, I understand why
           | CloudFlare doesn't verify origin IPs -- it would require a
           | verification process that doesn't rely solely on uploading a
           | verification file to a web accessible directory. It'd be a
           | bit difficult to keep the verification process simple for
           | end-users if they aren't running a web server. Or maybe I'm
           | wrong and non-HTTP use cases don't need to be considered and
           | a verification file uploaded to a web accessible folder would
           | work fine.
             | EE84M3i wrote:
             | I could understand verifying domain names, but verifying IP
             | addresses seems like it would be an extremely complex
             | feature for very little benefit.
             | You'd have to have implement it in-line with the dns
             | resolution in the server before talking to the origin,
             | right? There's no other time you could reasonably do it
             | (DNS changes), and it would have to be checked on _all_
             | customers requests, not just the ones that opted into the
             | feature (because those other customers could be the
             | "attacker"!). Of course, you would cache it and use an
             | efficient lookup scheme, but in general cloud services
             | really don't like creating features that have non-localized
             | effects like this.
             | Not to mention this sounds like a support nightmare foot
             | gun for enterprise customers.
             | orf wrote:
             | Somewhere in the interface you'd have a button that when
             | pressed would send a request to the specified origin server
             | with a Host header set to "foobar.com". If the status code
             | is 200 you'd display a warning saying "perhaps you should
             | re-read our documentation about verifying host headers".
             | I can think of a whole bunch of corner cases to this, but
             | that's the general jist.
               | EB66 wrote:
               | But in order to safely enable that check for all requests
               | that go from CloudFlare to the origin IP, you would first
               | need to verify ownership of the origin IP.
               | You wouldn't want users who don't own the origin IP to be
               | able to turn on that sort of check and potentially cause
               | a service disruption. It could be the case that the
               | legitimate owner already has a Host header mismatch in
               | their HTTP requests/responses.
               | floatingatoll wrote:
               | Presenting a warning about possible misconfiguration to
               | the customer need not create a service disruption.
               | EB66 wrote:
               | We're talking about a situation where an attacker would
               | create the service disruption by enabling Host header
               | checks on an origin server that the attacker doesn't own.
               | So a warning wouldn't help because that warning would be
               | displayed to the attacker.
               | The logic is tricky, but in the end origin server
               | ownership verification is what's required to safely
               | support Host header checks.
               | floatingatoll wrote:
               | If the attacker is logged into the Cloudflare control
               | panel, where presumably the warning would be displayed --
               | where _else_ could it be displayed? certainly not on the
               | content served to end users -- then, yes, the attacker
               | could clear the warning. They could also change the
               | origin servers, or do countless other things to disrupt
               | service, that do not require modifying an origin server.
               | I consider that an acceptable failure case for the
               | warning.
               | I'm not arguing for or against ownership verification,
               | but there is opportunity to improve here that does not
               | depend on the question of ownership verification.
         | thesis wrote:
         | This seems like the same kind of reason we're not using
         | Cloudflare Access to protect some internal resources.
         | We'd love to use Argo Tunnel but unfortunately it breaks with
         | an OPTIONS request for us. We've tried opening tickets with
         | Cloudflare.
         | Craighead wrote:
         | Medium using Cloudflare with articles explaining how to abuse
         | Cloudflare is interesting. Hopefully now that the position is
         | tested, Cloudflare won't pressure medium to take down this
         | article, even if it does contain misrepresentations.
         | njbooher wrote:
         | Once upon a time: https://njbooher.github.io/blog/cloudflare-
         | workers-ip-spoofi...
           | kentonv wrote:
           | Yep, I worked on that one. Thank you for reporting it.
           | Ironically, the purported problem in this case is the
           | opposite: Because we _don 't_ attribute the request as coming
           | from the original client (in order to avoid the security
           | problem you reported), a client that has bad reputation
           | associated with their IP can proxy through a worker to hide
           | that. The answer is to assign reputation to the Worker
           | itself.
             | njbooher wrote:
             | Yeah, I don't envy you. Finding loopholes is more fun than
             | trying to account for everything upfront.
         | zamalek wrote:
         | > This attack has always been possible and is common to
         | basically all CDNs.
         | I strongly recommend you play around with Azure CDN, because
         | this is not entirely true.
         | meowface wrote:
         | >If a Cloudflare customer has configured their origin server to
         | respond only to Cloudflare IPs, then they MUST also verify that
         | the "Host" header on any request actually matches their domain
         | name. If they do not verify the Host header, then anyone can
         | sign up for Cloudflare and simply configure their DNS to point
         | to the victim's origin IP address, and requests will be routed
         | there -- but will have the attacker's domain in the Host
         | header.
         | What exactly could such a misconfiguration enable? Just that
         | the attacker could configure lower levels of Cloudflare
         | security settings for their domain, to bypass the origin's
         | intended Cloudflare security settings? Would this also bypass
         | I'm Under Attack Mode?
         | kentonv wrote:
         | A couple other notes:
         | * The IP address 2a06:98c0:3600::103, mentioned in the article
         | as appearing in the CF-Connecting-IP header, is a special IP
         | address that is used for all cross-zone requests that come from
         | Workers. This is _not_ the actual address of any Cloudflare
         | machine. Workers fundamentally don 't have distinct IP
         | addresses. Instead, the CF-Worker header needs to be used to
         | identify which worker sent the request. We intentionally do not
         | identify the original client's IP here because the Worker
         | itself could be working against the client, and could have
         | maliciously modified their request to be something entirely
         | different. Hence, the request can't be considered to have come
         | from the original client.
         | * Any cloud service that lets you make HTTP requests can,
         | obviously, be used to set up a proxy that hides your IP
         | address. Workers is actually less useful for this compared to
         | many other cloud hosts since we tag all outgoing HTTP requests
         | from a Worker with the sender's domain name (in the CF-Worker
         | header), which makes it relatively easier to track, report, and
         | block abuse.
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | That's a nice trick, with some automation you should be able to
       | register new domain names and Cloudflare accounts to get past the
       | 100k limit as well.
       | Cloudflare's anti bot tooling is terribly annoying while using
       | Tor. I understand why they do it, though. Using Tor is a good way
       | to show how terrifyingly much control Cloudflare has over the
       | internet.
         | hedora wrote:
         | > _I understand why they do it_
         | Care to elaborate? Why block access to static pages by default?
         | Tor's aggregate bandwidth is tiny compared to CF's aggregate
         | bandwidth, so DOS attacks surely aren't the reason.
           | jchw wrote:
           | It's not bandwidth/DoS attacks, but it _is_ malicious
           | traffic. Even for websites that don't explicitly block Tor
           | exit nodes, they quickly end up banning most Tor exit nodes
           | just by virtue of blocking malicious traffic that crops up.
           | Malicious traffic takes many forms. As an attacker trying to
           | attack a website, you are probably not going to come in from
           | a residential IP address, unless it's one you have access to
           | illegally. It is much more likely you will use Tor.
           | And because of the nature of Tor, you literally, full stop,
           | cannot ban individual Tor users to any meaningful degree. So
           | if you offer services not requiring sign up, or services
           | where the sign up is unobtrusive, users abusing the service
           | via Tor are difficult to stop.
           | Of course there are counter points... such as [1]. But let's
           | be honest, from the perspective of a tired sysadmin trying to
           | stop ongoing vandalism, your options are limited, especially
           | if you don't _want_ an intrusive sign up option.
           | As a counterpoint to the counterpoint, if Tor users were
           | treated like any other user malicious parties might use the
           | Tor network even more often than they already do.
           | Edit: also, though it is not necessarily malicious _per-se_ ,
           | there are some types of traffic like scraping that may be
           | undesirable from the PoV of the website. I am not going to
           | make a value judgment regarding the merit of blocking
           | scrapers, but it is nonetheless a goal where you can see the
           | reasoning behind blanket banning Tor.
           | [1]: https://blog.torproject.org/the-value-of-anonymous-
           | contribut...
             | BlueTemplar wrote:
             | Search engines use scraping. I would guess that most
             | websites want to be featured on the search engines?
               | jchw wrote:
               | Not all websites want to be scraped even by search
               | engines, and some only want to be scraped by search
               | engines. Unwanted scrapers may refuse to follow
               | robots.txt or do things with the scraped data that is
               | either undesired to their business model or possibly even
               | illegal, though that is complex. The point is, for better
               | or worse, as far as I know, websites have the right to
               | block scrapers while allowing search engines, and as long
               | as it remains viable to prevent scraping, it remains
               | likely that sites intending to do this will end up
               | blocking or obstructing Tor traffic. Is it a good thing?
               | I would argue it's too abstract to judge in such a
               | generalized fashion. Whether or not it is a good thing or
               | a bad thing, though, is not important. It is the world we
               | live in right now.
               | colinmhayes wrote:
               | I wrote a search engine in school. Since I was
               | naive/lazy/wanted a large corpus it didn't follow
               | robots.txt. It ended up DOSing multiple sites, including
               | Duke's law school during class sign up. I don't think
               | those sites wanted to be featured on my search engine.
         | jchw wrote:
         | Not to detract from the point but I find Cloudflare to be on
         | the more reasonable side when it comes to blocking Tor. A lot
         | of sites end up effectively banning all Tor IPs, Cloudflare
         | merely requires CAPTCHA. And they _do_ offer Privacy Pass as a
         | sort of approach to make it a little less annoying.
           | m-p-3 wrote:
           | And I found hCaptcha to be way less annoying than ReCaptcha
           | when using Tor.
           | ffpip wrote:
           | > Cloudflare merely requires CAPTCHA.
           | Cloudflare doesn't "require" captchas for TOR users. By
           | default, they treat TOR IPs it like any other IP. However
           | since a lot of traffic comes out of a TOR IP, it looks like
           | bot traffic
             | Sebb767 wrote:
             | They at least monitor TOR IPs. See this blog post [0] from
             | 2016.
             | https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-trouble-with-tor/
           | capableweb wrote:
           | > Cloudflare merely requires CAPTCHA
           | I do agree that Privacy Pass is in theory a good idea,
           | although to say that CloudFlare "merely" requires captchas to
           | be filled out is a bit disingenuous. You're often required to
           | complete 5-10 captchas, and sometimes even after that, you
           | get denied. Had that happen to me multiple times.
             | mikequinlan wrote:
             | If you can't pass a CAPTCHA, you need to stop and ask
             | yourself -- are you really a human being, or have you just
             | been programed to believe that you are?
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Actually a good point as I never even considered that.
               | Maybe I'm the one who's at wrong here?
               | Seemingly I am passing the captchas, they are not giving
               | me any errors. Simply seems to accept my input, reload
               | the page and ask me to do more.
               | colinmhayes wrote:
               | There are some really crazy captchas out there. I've had
               | some where I'd need a microscope and enhance button to
               | get.
               | iaml wrote:
               | Not a valid question when google literally has a patent
               | on unsolvable captcha.
               | https://patents.google.com/patent/US9407661
               | kazinator wrote:
               | If you have been trying to solve the same captcha for
               | several hours, you need to stop and ask yourself -- are
               | you really a human being, or have you just been programed
               | to believe that you are?
               | arbol wrote:
               | This patent has expired due to non payment of fees
             | jchw wrote:
             | I don't use Tor for _all_ of my traffic, but sometimes I do
             | use it just because I can. And my experience lately is that
             | I _usually_ get hCaptcha and I usually pass it once and get
             | in. It's Recaptcha that is a serious problem.
               | croutonwagon wrote:
               | Google owned domains, namely Youtube, are even worse.
               | They often redirect to different domains for blocks so
               | just changing the circuit does nothing.
               | akalsz wrote:
               | Yeah after years of suffering from reCAPTCHA I'm somewhat
               | thankful for hCaptcha. It _is_ still annoying (especially
               | Cloudflare 's integration which seems barely compatible
               | with the Tor Browser's cookie and circuit management),
               | but at least I don't have to switch exit nodes twenty
               | times just to have a chance of my solution being accepted
               | (like with reCAPTCHA).
             | 0df8dkdf wrote:
             | > You're often required to complete 5-10 captchas, and
             | sometimes even after that, you get denied. Had that happen
             | to me multiple times.
             | Glad you mentioned it. This also has happened to me many
             | time. It is unfortunate botnet and spam has give IP
             | addresses bad names.
           | deanclatworthy wrote:
           | Try signing up to gitlab and then signing in. It's completely
           | broke with TOR because of cloudflares crappy redirect and
           | nobody has done anything about it. The captcha also breaks
           | after you spend about thirty mins trying to find a relay
           | which doesn't trigger the redirect page protection loop.
           | t0astbread wrote:
           | As far as I know, Cloudflare transparently redirects some Tor
           | users to their own hidden services and then uses the circuit
           | ID for rate limiting: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-
           | onion-service/
           | "Some" because they seem to have internal heuristics for
           | detecting Tor Browser users before they enable that feature
           | for a connection, so it doesn't apply to all connections made
           | through Tor. YMMV I guess but I haven't seen a Cloudflare
           | CAPTCHA over Tor in a long time.
             | akalsz wrote:
             | I still wonder how that detection thing works. My custom
             | Firefox setup with requests proxied through Tor passes as
             | the TBB, but copying the same request as a curl command
             | somehow doesn't.
           | rattray wrote:
           | I hadn't heard of "Privacy Pass" before.
           | https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-supports-privacy-
           | pass...
           | Sounds like it allows you to browse without tracking in a way
           | that more reliably signals you're a human, which seems very
           | useful.
           | Why would a human browsing the internet with Tor _not_ want
           | to use Privacy Pass?
           | dotancohen wrote:
           | > And they do offer Privacy Pass as a sort of       >
           | approach to make it a little less annoying.
           | The Privacy Pass extension requires, as it mentions when
           | installing it, access to all the data on all websites that
           | you visit. So in order to stop getting so many Captchas, one
           | has to give this company unfettered access to all sites that
           | one visits? Why even bother with an HTTPS connection when the
           | browser is potentially leaking the information away with
           | explicit user consent?
           | And I don't even use Tor. But every few weeks I'll have a two
           | or three day spat where every webpage that I visit requires
           | at least two captchas to be solved. Maybe another user from
           | my ISP is scrapping, but I'm a good citizen on the 'net.
           | grishka wrote:
           | Discriminating IP addresses is a terrible idea to begin with.
           | You're breaking the internet by doing it. Please treat all
           | IPs equally.
             | pepemon wrote:
             | No, we won't. Many of those IPs are the origins for spam,
             | botnets, crawlers, DDoS, exploitation engines, etc. The
             | only feasible solution even with all modern heuristics and
             | ML is still good ol' IP scoring and/or banning.
             | catblast01 wrote:
             | It's just silly to suggest this when quite simply not all
             | IPs behave equally and the differences are not subtle. It's
             | annoying when "bad" IPs get reassigned and change, but that
             | is a relatively infrequent event - and certainly CloudFlare
             | is at least adaptive. It's just not a principal aligned
             | with reality.
               | grishka wrote:
               | The problem that no one seems to acknowledge: one IP
               | doesn't necessarily mean one person or entity behind it.
               | Residential ISPs often use a single public IP as an exit
               | point for many subscribers simultaneously. So if one,
               | just one, of these subscribers does something that our
               | internet overlord Cloudflare considers nefarious,
               | everyone else sharing this IP gets punished for doing
               | nothing wrong.
               | BlueTemplar wrote:
               | This specific issue is going to be solved by IPv6 though.
               | grishka wrote:
               | In 50 years when half the internet users will finally
               | have access to IPv6. Or, I'm pretty sure some people, or
               | Cloudflare, will start banning entire /32 or even bigger
               | subnets because _why not_. Oh you 're from Russia? Here,
               | have a 403 for no apparent reason.
               | BlueTemplar wrote:
               | Considering the current adoption rates, I'm eyeballing 5
               | years :
               | https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html
               | jbluepolarbear wrote:
               | This specific problem happens all the time. That's the
               | ISPs problem, not cloudflare. The ISP has a user
               | negatively impacting other users, best course of action
               | would be remove that user and notify cloudflare after.
               | grishka wrote:
               | Do ISPs actually do any of this? Does _any_ ISP ever do
               | any of this? I don 't think so. Also, no one knows what
               | was the particular thing that pissed off Cloudflare,
               | because it's a black box.
               | I'll say it again: centralizing the internet around a
               | single company is a terrible idea. Especially so when
               | said company terminates TLS and thus has access to
               | unencrypted traffic.
               | jbluepolarbear wrote:
               | ISPs don't because they don't care. Until there's a legal
               | or monetary reason to do so ISP providers will do the
               | bare minimum. My spouse worked for a large American ISP
               | for would hear all the time that apartment complexes
               | would not be able to access certain services because one
               | user did something that got the IP blocked and nobody
               | cared because it wasn't their problem.
               | grishka wrote:
               | ISPs don't care so they don't do anything. Website
               | operators don't care so they offload the responsibility
               | to Cloudflare. Cloudflare doesn't care so it bans and/or
               | humiliates unrelated people however it sees fit. _Nice._
             | jbluepolarbear wrote:
             | 100% of the bad traffic to my servers comes from TOR. Not
             | all IPs are equal, some aren't playing nice. Cloudflare
             | makes it so I don't have to worry about it.
               | zelphirkalt wrote:
               | That's how responsibility is shifted always to the next
               | person or institution.
               | You make your life simple by saying "Cloudflare makes
               | that decision." Cloudflare says "We are merely offering a
               | service here! You don't have to use it, if you think it's
               | wrong." And ISPs say (or should say): "We are here to
               | sell Internet access, not to watch what everyone on the
               | Internet." and may by law not be allowed to look into the
               | traffic.
               | In the end the user suffers and is discriminated against
               | and no one wants to be responsible.
               | I would take the position, that each person, who uses
               | Cloudflare, has to live with being responsible for
               | whatever Cloudflare imposes upon users / visitors. The
               | mass of people using Cloudflare services makes the
               | difference. Each person using it adds a little bit to it.
               | It is a collective responsibility.
               | jbluepolarbear wrote:
               | Then what's the alternative? If I don't use a service
               | like Cloudflare I have to invest a lot of time and money
               | into making sure my servers accept the traffic I want and
               | reject the traffic I don't. This isn't an ethics dilemma,
               | bad actors wreck a lot of innocent people's lives all the
               | time it wasn't going to stop on the internet.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | The alternative is simple - ban tor ips entirely as it's
               | not worth the hassle.
             | Tepix wrote:
             | You're saying RBLs don't work? In my experience they work
             | rather well.
         | flas9sd wrote:
         | not only Tor, but other network resources that are legit, but
         | can be abused because of their no-cost nature like Hurricane
         | Electrics ipv6-in-ipv4 tunnel broker. Not sure how I feel about
         | cloudflares role as arbiter. I think instead of relying on a
         | service, a good nginx module that has ratelimiting abilities
         | easily surfaced with some grasp of ASN origin could satisfy the
         | need of most sites out there.
         | xwdv wrote:
         | Also worth noting it's a good time to buy Cloudflare stock,
         | it's down from recent highs and may be on its way back up in
         | the next month. This is a good long term hold.
       | dcow wrote:
       | TL;DR: somebody learned how proxies work and is naively mad at
       | Cloudflare because they offer a cloud worker product that lets
       | you proxy requests and their "bug" report is actually a feature.
       | klaudius wrote:
       | They say there are multiple ways to do IP spoofing. Does anyone
       | know some other ways to do it?
         | Tepix wrote:
         | Find a provider that doesn't prevent you from doing it.
       | CFA178B wrote:
       | Disclaimer: Throwaway account.
       | There is a way to bypass CF bot protection, which mostly uses
       | basic HTTP features, nothing fancy (and especially not a security
       | issue).
       | foolmeonce wrote:
       | I'd wondered about the openness of the workers do connect to
       | unrelated resources myself..
       | But I agree with CF, they don't inherently have a security
       | problem. They have the normal situation of a proxy again. If a
       | lot of new domains show up to bot proxy then the Baysian for an
       | unknown worker domain is going to become bot..
       | oefrha wrote:
       | > As you can see, X-FORWARDED-FOR can be set to an arbitrary
       | value, so you can bypass IP limitation requests during scrapping
       | or more dangerous IP verification during a login procedure ...
       | The origin IP is not forwarded to the website, so the only way to
       | block this kind of request on your server is to filter on CF-
       | WORKER header.
       | X-Forwarded-For should always be treated as forged at least for
       | security purposes (except the hops set by reverse proxies under
       | your control). If you do IP whitelisting based on untrusted
       | X-Forwarded-For you're doing it terribly wrong.
         | daurnimator wrote:
         | A lot of people just verify that X-Forwarded-For matches a
         | Cloudflare-owned IP.
         | As this post demonstrates, you need to verify against the
         | cloudflare origin pull CA (see
         | https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/204899617-A...
         | )
         | userbinator wrote:
         | For a very long time, XFF-spoofing was a trick to get past
         | journal subscriptions and other paywalls. I don't feel so
         | guilty about disclosing this here now, as a lot of them have
         | (unfortunately) blocked that route. No doubt a few popular
         | bookz/journalz sites owe at least some of their content to this
         | technique. But it's something to try and might still work on a
         | few of them...
         | tgsovlerkhgsel wrote:
         | I suspect that the idea here is that XFF is supposed to be
         | trusted, because it is supposed to come from Cloudflare.
       | [deleted]
       | xPaw wrote:
       | So is there any reason not to block any requests on your server
       | if they contain the CF-WORKER header?
         | minitech wrote:
         | Yep - any legitimate tool that makes requests on behalf of a
         | user could do so using Cloudflare workers. (A webpage
         | translation service, for example.) It's the same as any other
         | provider. You could block based on the _value_ of the CF-Worker
         | header if you find it's being abused.
         | oefrha wrote:
         | I've built legit CORS proxies for web-based community tools
         | using CF Workers when the first party doesn't set CORS headers.
       | winrid wrote:
       | Their bot protection is so annoying for integrations, I may just
       | use this...
       (page generated 2021-04-04 23:00 UTC)