[HN Gopher] Prescriptive software is better than descriptive sof...
       Prescriptive software is better than descriptive software
       Author : sergiomattei
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2021-04-05 13:48 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (kilianvalkhof.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (kilianvalkhof.com)
       | EGreg wrote:
       | The best software is one where you have total flexibility and
       | composability, and great default configurations for n00bs to get
       | started with. In fact, the configuration language would be the
       | "programming language" for many in dev ops, orchestration, and so
       | on.
       | jayd16 wrote:
       | I'm all for LINTers but its not exactly a paradigm shift.
       | Though, I am excited about Roslyn Analyzers and how dotnet seems
       | to be pulling together a language standard LINT system.
       | https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
       | waffletower wrote:
       | Yes.. we need more fiefdoms. More prisons. More machined
       | conformity.
       | esjeon wrote:
       | I thought about this topic many times too, but I believe neither
       | is better than the other. Below is just my personal idea, nothing
       | really well founded.
       | "Descriptive" software accelerates exploration, and
       | "prescriptive" software is a lower-complexity implementation,
       | either a prototype or optimized for specific purpose. While
       | "prescriptive" normally offers better performance (for the
       | purpose it is designed for), "descriptive" tends to linger around
       | longer because of it flexibility, but neither is permanent
       | anyway. Making a progress is merely going through those two back
       | and forth again and again. There's no end.
       | andreareina wrote:
       | s/descriptive/proscriptive/g I think. Descriptive doesn't attach
       | value to the observations, while "hey that's wrong" definitely
       | does.
         | [deleted]
         | ed312 wrote:
         | What does this notation mean: "s/descriptive/proscriptive/g" ?
           | pdkl95 wrote:
           | It's originally from sed's "s"ubstitute command[1], and later
           | incorporated into many other tools. The "s" at the front is
           | the command name, which is followed by two sections delimited
           | by "/"; these are regex pattern that is matched on the input,
           | and the replacement string. The final "g" is an optional
           | "global" flag that requests that _all_ matches inthe input
           | should be substituted, instead of only the first.
           | s/ ...matching regex... / ...replacement string... /g
           | The use in the parent post therefor means: "Replace every
           | 'descriptive' in the text with the string 'proscriptive'."
           | [1] https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/html_node/The-_00
           | 22s...
           | cochne wrote:
           | This means find and replace descriptive with proscriptive. It
           | is a pattern used by Vim and Sed, and probably some other
           | programs.
             | virgil_disgr4ce wrote:
             | It's regex, vim and sed just happen to use it
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Substitute <pattern> with <replacement> globally.
           | https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/html_node/The-_0022s.
           | ..
           | adwn wrote:
           | _Replace all occurrences of 'descriptive' with
           | 'proscriptive'_
         | virgil_disgr4ce wrote:
         | Although in the beginning of the post the author says "tooling
         | that will tell you everything you do wrong" (which I agree
         | would be 'proscriptive') other parts talk about UNopinionated
         | ('descriptive', though now that I think about it might as well
         | just stick with 'unopinionated') software ("The choice is
         | between your rules and no rules"). So I guess really they're
         | talking about 3 things.
         | singlow wrote:
         | Agree. I see the concept but the analogy to grammar terminology
         | doesn't quite fit. I'd suggest _corrective_.
       | saurik wrote:
       | Look, I do appreciate this thought process: there is certainly a
       | time and a place for opinionated software; as the article states,
       | if you are trying to fully outsource a problem to someone else--
       | preferably someone who will take that problem seriously (unlike
       | the trope of frameworks that claim "I'll solve your browser
       | compatibility issues!" and then aggressively deprecate
       | browsers)--or you are trying to force a decision on others and
       | need an excuse to not waste much time on it (though, this
       | honestly feels low key abusive), well then I totally feel for
       | this thought process: having something just tell me what to do
       | for my own good _can_ be great.
       | But then you find articles like this, which take it to the point
       | of pushing opinionated software principals as its own opinion,
       | framing such design as _universally_ "better" and that that is
       | how software "should" be written... I find myself unable to just
       | sit idly by and not respond to such a thought--seeing where it is
       | on the HN front page--without at least some kind of rebuttal, as
       | it is a thought that I find actively harmful for trying to not
       | just invite people to consider their options, or think about the
       | tradeoffs in what they are trying to accomplish, but to try to
       | actively discourage people from building software that adds value
       | to the world in the form of doing something someone other than
       | the developer wanted done.
       | The world of this article--where everything is "use it or don't"
       | --is a world full of wrong-handed scissors, one-size-fits-many
       | clothing, single-station radios, and "no substitutions" menus
       | that are simultaneously prix fixe. This is a world where people
       | who show up saying "I know I could be X% more effective (or even
       | simply _happier_ ) if only your software did Y" are told "you
       | don't know what you are talking about; and, even if you somehow
       | did, you should learn to make do without as that's _the austere
       | thing to do_ ". This is a world where not only is everyone
       | working at merely an average level of efficiency, but no one gets
       | to enjoy the art or experience of doing anything, as a world
       | without color is supposedly a world with less stress.
       | To enter the same narrative frame as this author: if I hire
       | software, I want that software to be working _for me_. I often
       | _do_ know what I need to be effective, and I 'm hiring software
       | to do _that job_ : if by any of the developer's hubris,
       | incompetence, or laziness, the software is incapable of doing the
       | thing I wanted it to do the way I needed it done, I'm going to
       | either hack their masterpiece until it works the way I want it
       | to, or I'm going to fire it and find (yes) a "better" piece of
       | software. FWIW, in this way, I'm lucky: I can build my own
       | software, and I can modify your software (even if it is closed
       | source!)... not everyone can.
       | And that's where I feel like this is most dangerous: that
       | software developers are effectively building the world for
       | everyone else, and when we drink the kool-ade of these
       | "opinionated" manifestos, we begin to believe that we are best
       | able to decide how things should work for everyone: that there is
       | one way to best edit videos, or write documents, or compose
       | music. We should listen to our users--even if they are other
       | developers--to learn what would empower _them_ and make _them_
       | effective, and then add enough settings (or extension points or
       | whatever:  "even software should have screws"!
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReKCp9K_Jqw) to let them feel
       | like themselves.
       | Because the alternative is just sad :(. Again: there is a time
       | and a place for being opinionated, and it isn't that I'm saying
       | that concept is _always broken_... but there is maybe nothing
       | more infuriating than something that is _almost_ perfect, and the
       | decision to _resist_ having settings or options in your software
       | because of a claim that they are some kind of cop out instead of
       | an admittance that people have different needs, interests, or
       | understandings, is the kind of  "opinion" I have opinions about.
       | Remember: "Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one, but they
       | think each others stink." -- Simone Elkeles
         | carapace wrote:
         | I think the answer is to develop and use systems that make it
         | easy to apply (and "un-apply") the Futamura projections (aka
         | partial evaluation.)
       | tdfirth wrote:
       | Like just about everything in life it is more nuanced than that.
       | There is a time, a place, and a market for both opinionated and
       | highly configurable software. Claims that one is better than
       | another can only ever be opinion.
       | The title aside, I don't actually disagree with anything in the
       | article. I've had similar experiences to the author with tools
       | like linters and formatters. Agreeing on configuration for them
       | can waste a surprising amount of time.
       | As time goes on, I do find myself more willing to change to fit
       | my tools rather than change them to fit me. Often, I find the
       | creator of an opinionated tool has more carefully thought through
       | their opinions than I have anyway. Even if they haven't, tools
       | like gofmt showcase the power of consistency for consistency's
       | sake.
       | That said, I use a tiling window manager and I'm pretty insistent
       | that control belongs where caps lock normally is, so clearly I'm
       | not entirely bought in to my own rhetoric.
       | kilian wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing this! The concept has been in my mind for well
       | over a decade (initially with the decision to make
       | https://trimage.org not have any settings) but it's really been
       | taking shape the past few years.
       | We hire software to do jobs like how we hire people to do jobs.
       | Both become better when they share their opinion and help us
       | decide how to fix or approach issues.
       | [deleted]
       | pca006132 wrote:
       | Prescriptive software would be much better for beginners and for
       | those who rarely use the tools and just want to get the job done.
       | I think that is why things like VSCode, emacs framework, get
       | popular. Most of us don't want to spend a long time configuring
       | the tools, but just get the job done. For most of us, a sane
       | default is more than enough.
         | sumtechguy wrote:
         | I am currently fighting one of these 'sane defaults'. It is
         | sane for one of the programs the output data goes into. Yet for
         | a different program (and per spec) it is a different default
         | expected. Hey they have a spot to change that default (sweet!).
         | Except all of the plugins, and mainline code itself does not
         | use that (ugh!). It is a ranges from hard coded, to using a
         | different default, to using the configurable one. So here I am
         | writing yet another plugin to override what these other plugins
         | did. Usually like you said though 99.9% of the time it is just
         | fine the way it is.
         | rightbyte wrote:
         | > emacs framework ... don't want to spend a long time
         | configuring the tools
         | Are you sarcastic?
         | Edit: Extended quote
           | exdsq wrote:
           | To be honest even my vscode config is fairly large. I think
           | the write comparison would be with PyCharm/Goland/etc -
           | 'proper' IDEs with everything built in.
           | anaerobicover wrote:
           | You dropped the critical word from that quote, "framework".
           | The point they're making is that people use Emacs
           | _frameworks_ like Doom, Prelude, Spacemacs... to lessen the
           | configuration they do compared to  "plain" Emacs.
             | rightbyte wrote:
             | Ah ok didn't make that connection.
       | beckingz wrote:
       | "But you wouldn't hire a consultant that only tells you what's
       | wrong but not how to improve it."
       | People do this all the time.
       | [deleted]
       | kansface wrote:
       | The author is really making an argument for bypassing
       | institutional inertia or vestigial process via tool selection
       | rather than a robust argument for opinionated tooling... which is
       | very easy to agree with. To the extent to which your org is
       | incapable of making decisions, don't force it to make dozens of
       | low risk/low reward decisions! If you are able to move quickly, a
       | better fitting puzzle piece may be more valuable.
       | teodorlu wrote:
       | I prefer using tools like Linux, Emacs and the terminal because
       | those tools are _not prescriptive_. Instead, they are flexible. I
       | can mold them to my needs. That flexibility brings a cost of
       | learning, which I 'm willing to spend.
       | On the other hand, I like using my Remarkable because it's just
       | for handwritten notes and annotated documents.
       | I wouldn't say that prescriptive is better than descriptive, or
       | the opposite. As much as dislike the phrase, it depends. I want
       | my fundamental tools to be flexible. But I don't want to waste
       | all my time configuring stuff.
         | npsimons wrote:
         | Thing is, the learning curve may be steep, but it's incredibly
         | valuable, time _very_ well spent.
         | I learned VI on some UNIX tools my father installed on our DOS
         | computer in the 90's. Then I learned Emacs in 2000 and have
         | been tweaking my setup ever since. Sure, it's not perfect,
         | every few years when I have some down time I will spend a day
         | fiddling with things heretofore unlearned, but the general
         | setup has worked well (and gotten better) for two decades.
         | How many other editors have come and gone in that time?
           | coldtea wrote:
           | > _Thing is, the learning curve may be steep, but it 's
           | incredibly valuable, time very well spent._
           | Is it? Or is it mostly the IKEA effect ("I spent time on
           | this, so it must be valuable") and busywork?
           | Was anybody's choice of editor really a major point in their
           | developer progress and productivity?
             | nitrogen wrote:
             | _Was anybody 's choice of editor really a major point in
             | their developer progress and productivity?_
             | Having used multiple IDEs and editors, from DOS edit/qbasic
             | to notepad.exe, RHIDE from DJGPP, Visual Studio, Xemacs
             | (briefly), Vim, Eclipse, IntelliJ, probably others...
             | Yes, some of those bring unique abilities that the others
             | lack, that have an effect on the way I write software. Had
             | I just picked one editor or IDE and never used any others,
             | I would be much less accomplished. Vim, for example, is for
             | me incredibly rapid at rearranging and replacing
             | words/lines/regions of text compared to the others.
               | coldtea wrote:
               | > _Vim, for example, is for me incredibly rapid at
               | rearranging and replacing words /lines/regions of text
               | compared to the others._
               | Sure, but how much of that clerical work is relevant to
               | programming, where a rate of say 100 lines per day is a
               | major achievement, and it's usually much less? Even if
               | one needs to delete/copy/re-arrange 1000 lines in order
               | to get to those 100 (and usually it's more like 30-50 per
               | day than 100 anyway), it's still a tiny part of the time.
               | In any case, I've seen great coders, from Brian Kernighan
               | and Bill Joy, to Linus, Carmack, and Persson using
               | whatever from Vi and Emacs to Visual Studio and Eclipse,
               | and still getting shit done...
               | athrowaway3z wrote:
               | The numbers aren't helping. 100 lines of what? It all
               | boils down to 'it depends'.
               | In my personal experience, before i started using
               | spacemacs i would postpone re-arranging code when i was
               | busy coding something useful. Pushing all the cost into
               | an afternoon of _just_ rearranging code.
               | Besides not having a very 'productive' afternoon, the
               | costs would linger because i need to update my mental map
               | of all the stuff that moved around.
               | Now, most rearranging is a couple of key strokes away.
               | I'm not sure what i would do in another IDE. I would
               | probably do the rearanging as soon as required, because
               | I've learned my lesson.
               | But moving my hand to the mouse and clicking multiple
               | buttons while typing new file names and dragging my mouse
               | over pieces does take a lot of flow out of the session.
               | tsimionescu wrote:
               | > But moving my hand to the mouse and clicking multiple
               | buttons while typing new file names and dragging my mouse
               | over pieces does take a lot of flow out of the session.
               | I don't understand why people equate IDEs with mouse
               | interaction. All major IDEs, from Emacs to VisualStudio,
               | have key combinations for anything you can do. It's fair
               | to say some key combinations are better in one program
               | than another, but there is no reason to imagine that
               | using an IDE means you must also use a mouse. The mouse
               | is always an extra option, not a requirement.
               | And there are code modifications that an IDE can do for
               | you cheaply at the press of a key that would take hours
               | of tedious, error-prone manual work, even with fancy vim
               | fingerwork. Even the lowly 'Extract Function' already can
               | save a good half an hour for more complex cases. And
               | modern IDEs offer things like passing a parameter down
               | through a long call stack in all places (a calls b calls
               | c calls d calls f, and now you want a variable in a to
               | become a parameter in f), with guaranteed 0 manual
               | intervention. Or extracting an interface out of a class
               | and patching all callers.
               | Not to mention all of the code exploration options, such
               | as IntelliJ's 'Dataflow to here', which finds all of the
               | code which is responsible for a variable's value
               | throughout your entire program (or the dataflow from here
               | operation, which finds how a value set in this function
               | is used further down the call stack), stopping only at IO
               | (so if a.foo() reads a value from a file and stores it in
               | a field that is read in a.bar() which puts it in a
               | dictionary, where it is read by baz() which adds 7 to it
               | and prints it out, you can ask for dataflow to the
               | variable being printed and it will find that it was read
               | from some file in a.foo()).
               | why_Mr_Anderson wrote:
               | >programming, where a rate of say 100 lines per day is a
               | major achievement
               | Wait, what? 100 lines per _day_ is an achievement?
               | I'm honestly curious in what branch of SW development
               | this happens. I'd assume something that requires formal
               | proof of every piece of code ever written?
               | thrower123 wrote:
               | On Brownfield software, your LOC counts probably average
               | out to nearly zero. It wouldn't be uncommon to spend four
               | or five hours diagnosing, tracing, reproducing, then
               | fixing and verifying a bug, and the end result would be
               | two lines of code changed when you were all done, with
               | maybe twenty or thirty more in tests.
             | passivate wrote:
             | For me, I do regret the countless hours I wasted learning
             | vi. Back when I was a C++ developer, editing text was a
             | tiny, minuscule portion of what I did. The overwhelming
             | vast majority of time was spent reading, navigating,
             | debugging, discussing, and explaining code. When I did
             | switch to a mainstream IDE (Visual Studio + Visual Assist
             | X), I was far far more productive in all areas that
             | mattered to me.
             | And so, even if I was born an expert vi user, I don't think
             | I would have gotten any boost in productivity as a
             | developer. Just my opinion though! :)
             | (Yes, I know how you can get vi editing in VS. I purchased
             | a copy of ViEmu.)
         | slx26 wrote:
         | Well, you can also have both. Most tools should be prescriptive
         | unless you have to go really deep and do your own. If you have
         | the expertise, it might be ok for you to choose the rules of
         | what you are doing. If you are not, being guided it's much
         | better. I agree with the general idea of the article, but I
         | also think it would have been interesting to discuss more in
         | depth where each approach can be relevant. Making things
         | accessible doesn't only require knowledge and features, but
         | years of insight and clarity of thought. You want to benefit
         | from that while you are new, because it will make your life
         | much easier until you reach the point where you really want to
         | choose on your own.
           | swiley wrote:
           | > Most tools should be prescriptive unless you have to go
           | really deep and do your own.
           | Absolutely not. Compare most WiFi connection UIs to
           | WPA_supplicant.
           | On windows: 'connection failed'
           | On wpa_supplicant: 'associating... atempting
           | authentication... getting dhcpc lease... dhcp timed out'
           | One says "sorry computer doesn't work" and the other tells
           | you what you need to deal with the problem. Stop
           | infantilising users, it's disrespectful and counter
           | productive.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | For most users the wpa_supplicat messages could even be a
             | foreign language for what they can get out of it.
             | thrower123 wrote:
             | Unfortunately people will actively refuse to read any kind
             | of diagnostic information that you do output to them, as I
             | have learned during over a decade of doing troubleshooting
             | sessions with customers.
             | If you're having a good day, you can get them to leave a
             | pop-up error message open for long enough to read the whole
             | thing on the third or fourth attempt. On a good day...
             | fouric wrote:
             | > Stop infantilising users, it's disrespectful and counter
             | productive.
             | Yet another logically-vacuous emotionally-manipulative
             | statement.
             | The equally-manipulative counter-argument to that is
             | "You're not emphasizing with the users - how would YOU like
             | for, say, government bureaucrats to give you back a bunch
             | of technical gibberish instead of telling you how you
             | filled out the form incorrectly in plain English?"
             | Use logic instead. I think that it's easy to build
             | interfaces that are friendly to both power users and non-
             | power-users - talk about the possibility of that using
             | logic instead of trying to manipulate the emotions of
             | others to shame them into agreeing with you.
               | jimmaswell wrote:
               | Simple solution is a "connection failed" message with a
               | "view technical details" option. Which is generally the
               | best idea, sensible defaults and usability for the
               | average user and as much customization/technical stuff as
               | is appropriate for power users.
               | rapind wrote:
               | I agree, except specifically when it involves government.
               | I actually don't want them to hide details, but that's
               | because I don't want them handling super complicated
               | stuff most of the time. Gives them too much room to hide.
             | bosie wrote:
             | > Stop infantilising users, it's disrespectful and counter
             | productive.
             | that goes both ways. if you show the wpa_supplicant
             | message, my mother wouldn't even understand if she is
             | connected or not. nor would she gain anything by that
             | information. you just came up with the other side of the
             | same coin of terrible UX.
               | rapind wrote:
               | This is true and yet I wonder how much more efficient it
               | would be when they call me for help. "It said a bunch of
               | gobbledygook that ended with dhcp timeout", or "it just
               | says connection failed".
               | bosie wrote:
               | or have some sort of a middle ground.
               | 'not connected. more info: blah #32893289327". Microsoft
               | did something similar with an error code that you could
               | google. that was super useful for debugging. the error
               | message was in laymen terms though.
               | Groxx wrote:
               | Makes things much easier to search for too, as those IDs
               | don't need to change across languages or UI refreshes
               | (which may e.g. rewrite the error messages, breaking all
               | those old searchable phrases), both internally
               | (unambiguous to grep!) and externally (google /
               | stackoverflow / etc). And users are FAR more likely to
               | read them back correctly to support, instead of saying
               | what they _think_ the message says (every tech-support-
               | person has had to deal with this some number of times).
               | Error IDs on everything, please.
               | tablespoon wrote:
               | >> On windows: 'connection failed'
               | >> On wpa_supplicant: 'associating... atempting
               | authentication... getting dhcpc lease... dhcp timed out'
               | >> One says "sorry computer doesn't work" and the other
               | tells you what you need to deal with the problem. Stop
               | infantilising users, it's disrespectful and counter
               | productive.
               | > that goes both ways. if you show the wpa_supplicant
               | message, my mother wouldn't even understand if she is
               | connected or not. nor would she gain anything by that
               | information. you just came up with the other side of the
               | same coin of terrible UX.
               | Yes, you need _both_. When I write error messages, I try
               | to combine a  "user friendly" summary with more technical
               | information and a suggested action, e.g.:
               | "Wifi connection failed: dhcp timed out. Try reconnecting
               | or checking the router's configuration."
               | If you don't communicate both, someone's going to be
               | frustrated. And even nontechnical people who have no idea
               | what DHCP is benefit from mentioning it in the message,
               | since it gives them something to Google.
         | devmunchies wrote:
         | > Linux, Emacs
         | you proved the article's point with these examples. If you want
         | to write software that can become a sustainable business, don't
         | do what linux and emacs did. It only serves power users and
         | other businesses who will sell services.
         | I also prefer descriptive tools (I hate rails/django), but I
         | acknowledge that descriptive is typically worse UX unless the
         | user is a power user.
           | athrowaway3z wrote:
           | No. The article overgeneralized when it conflated the term
           | 'software' with 'product a business can package and sell'.
             | devmunchies wrote:
             | replace "product a business can package and sell" with
             | "serves the most users" and the point still stands.
             | Serving the most users (ie. NOT power users) is usually the
             | best economic decision as well.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Serving or entrapping them?
               | The end goal of any piece of software that wants to
               | deliver actual value is to turn its user into a power
               | user. Power users aren't born, they're made - made
               | through repetitive use. Software that doesn't give a path
               | for the user to grow and become more proficient is
               | software that literally wastes their limited time they
               | have on this planet.
               | As usual, what's the best economic decision and what's
               | actually good are aligned here only so much that you
               | won't get laughed out of the room for proposing they're
               | the same. But not much more than that.
               | devmunchies wrote:
               | > made through repetitive use
               | now who's entrapping who?
               | you think its practical for every piece of software to be
               | a massive time sink?
               | > software that literally wastes their limited time they
               | have on this planet.
               | There's a saying "linux is only free if you don't value
               | your time", now you're saying that software that takes
               | MORE time commitment saves you time? C'mon, take off your
               | engineering hat for a second.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | I'm saying that:
               | 1) Actual value to people is mostly created in software
               | that's being used repeatedly. The tools people use for
               | work, to run their errands, and to communicate.
               | 2) For any tool that's used repeatedly, if there's no
               | path for the user to grow ever more proficient and
               | efficient in using it, the tool is wasting that user's
               | time.
               | > _now you 're saying that software that takes MORE time
               | commitment saves you time?_
               | No, I'm saying that _less_ time spent on using software
               | to accomplish unit of value is better. For software used
               | repeatedly, this is achieved by learning to use the
               | software better - and that can only happen if the
               | software offers room to grow, and isn 't just a Fisher-
               | Price toy.
               | ZephyrBlu wrote:
               | You are assuming there is zero opportunity cost in
               | learning to use the software better. Perhaps further
               | increasing my efficiency with this software is not as
               | impactful as spending my time on something else.
               | This also assumes that the time you invest in learning
               | the software will be offset by productivity gains, which
               | seems extremely unlikely for the majority of users
               | assuming the software is non-trivial.
               | There is also risk associated with learning the software.
               | What if you begin to learn it and then for some reason
               | you stop using it? You've just wasted a whole lot of
               | time.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | All three of your points are covered by my base
               | assumption: software used _repeatedly_. Any opportunity
               | cost is consumed by the fact you 're using this software
               | all the time. For the same reason, productivity gains
               | compound, and there is little risk of switching any time
               | soon (also this is the kind of experience that tends to
               | generalize well).
               | tsimionescu wrote:
               | That is only true in so far as that piece of software is
               | somebodys livelihood or hobby. In many cases, people have
               | rare uses for a portion of piece of software, so they
               | benfit immensly from it being dumb and easy to use.
               | For example, as a programmer I occasionally need to
               | prepare presentations, in which case I use PowerPoint
               | because that's what the company bought. I use probably
               | less than 1% of what PowerPoint can do, and I wouldnt
               | lose anything at all if I were given a program that did
               | exclusively that 1%. I would in fact gain some
               | productivity by having to browse through fewer options. I
               | have no intention and would gain nothing by becoming a
               | PowerPoint power user.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | > _In many cases, people have rare uses for a portion of
               | piece of software, so they benfit immensly from it being
               | dumb and easy to use._
               | One doesn't have to exclude the other. You can present a
               | gradual onramp but make advanced features available and
               | discoverable.
               | > _I use probably less than 1% of what PowerPoint can do,
               | and I wouldnt lose anything at all if I were given a
               | program that did exclusively that 1%._
               | That 1% solution is called Google Office Suite :).
               | You obviously don't need PowerPoint much, and your use of
               | it isn't really creating much of value either. Contrast
               | that with people who use PowerPoint for most of their
               | working day. Ignoring for the moment the difficulty of
               | quantifying value of managerial meetings, it would be
               | really bad if Microsoft one day decided to ignore the
               | people who use PowerPoint extensively, for the sake of
               | greater amount of casual users.
               | That's the kind of ass-backwards "economic thinking" I'm
               | complaining about. I get where it comes from - pursuit of
               | _growth_ at all costs. It 's a disease in software
               | industry. Instead of great many tools optimized for the
               | needs of diverse audiences, the "servers most users",
               | "best economic decision" mantra is to create lowest-
               | common-denominator toy that can gain userbase fast, and
               | suck out oxygen from the market.
           | whimsicalism wrote:
           | If that was the article's point, then unfortunately they
           | chose the wrong title.
       | cjohansson wrote:
       | The is-ought problem is a philosophical problem of how knowledge
       | of the present world does not necessarily lead to knowledge of
       | how the world ought to be. This is also sometimes referred to as
       | Hume's law or "Hume's Guillotine".[2]
       | https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Is%E2%80%93ought_problem
         | bordercases wrote:
         | This concept is too abstract for what the post is actually
         | pointing at, which is the tradeoff between expressivity of a
         | language vs consistency in language use, and the cognitive load
         | required to move from the former to the latter when developing
         | software.
         | Here the is-ought distinction breaks down since the state-of-
         | affairs is almost entirely decidable by humans. At that point
         | it's a question of comparing different oughts since the
         | constraints involved are not based in nature, but convention.
       | jeffreygoesto wrote:
       | I read the article as "error messages should rather be a
       | beginning than an end" message. Nobody wants a program to fail,
       | that is not why you put effort to configure and start it in. An
       | error just describing what happened puts the load to fix or how
       | to "heal" it onto the user. She needs a mental model of why the
       | program failed and what to do to make it succeed.
       | What I interpret "prescriptive" to be is that the message
       | returned to the user on failure should give some hints how to
       | make the program succeed. Because there are more ways to fail
       | than the program author could think of, or more than fit on a
       | screen, it is opinionated which advice to give then (a subset of
       | all known and unknown possible fixes).
       | I always tell my coworkers, an error message is a call for
       | action, not an out-of-jail-I-just-stop-here card. The better you
       | guide the user, the more efficient she can use our software.
       | elihu wrote:
       | > I think software should be opinionated. Throwing everything in
       | a huge settings panel or configuration file and calling it
       | "choice" or "not imposing your preferences" is a product
       | development failure.
       | I think the ideal is that the software is as configurable as it
       | needs to be in order to be useful to the people that use it, but
       | that there's a standard configuration with sensible defaults.
         | ZephyrBlu wrote:
         | I think that ideal is extremely difficult to reach without it
         | turning into the situation you quoted.
       | nickthemagicman wrote:
       | I love this concept.
       | I've always thought if it in the context of the Pareto principle.
       | 80% of the time people will use the defaults but 20% of the time
       | will need more customization.
       | Pxtl wrote:
       | I fell like the terminology here is too vague... Opinionated vs
       | configurable seems clearer than prescriptive vs descriptive.
       | orasis wrote:
       | I think the library vs framework lens is more productive. Write
       | libraries, not frameworks:
       | https://www.brandonsmith.ninja/blog/libraries-not-frameworks
       | taeric wrote:
       | Issues of whether this is prescriptive or not aside, I think this
       | hits close to a paulg tweet:
       | https://twitter.com/paulg/status/1378646213113868289
       | Of course, I think this whole idea is basically flirting the same
       | thoughts as "sensible defaults" and "paradox of choice". Which is
       | somewhat of an ironic fight between having all of the options,
       | but not requiring all of the options. A hedge, if you will,
       | around what you may want to do in the future.
       | hammock wrote:
       | Prescriptive vs descriptive is a false dichotomy, or at least
       | there is a third way missing.
       | Take for example Apple vs. Microsoft/Android. The PC-environment
       | is legendarily descriptive. But the Apple environment is not
       | prescriptive. It's just "intuitive" (for those who buy into it),
       | or, less charitably, it hides the descriptions while at the same
       | time not being explicitly prescriptive either. What do we call
       | this Apple system? It's neither prescriptive nor descriptive.
         | lolsal wrote:
         | I think 'discoverable' is one of the big Apple tenants of
         | design, or it used to be (but I am not a designer).
           | ziml77 wrote:
           | I think they still try for that. A few days ago my internet
           | connection went out. I needed to get my laptop back online so
           | I decided to tether. As someone who had been an Android user
           | for a decade I first went to my iPhone and started navigating
           | to the settings when I stopped and realized I should think
           | about where a normal user would first check to tether. I put
           | my phone down, went back to my laptop, and clicked the
           | wireless icon in the menu bar. First option after the wifi
           | toggle was "Personal Hotspot" along with info about the
           | iPhone's current connectivity and battery.
           | To me that was a wonderfully discoverable and seamless
           | experience.
       | api wrote:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_fatigue
       | iandanforth wrote:
       | FWIW This is exactly why I don't use black (opinionated Python
       | formatter) or let it get into the org. It's great until it's not
       | and then you're kinda screwed.
       | My favorite example of a good balance here is React's
       | 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML'. Clear opinion, check, but you've got
       | the escape hatch you need.
         | jraph wrote:
         | To be clear, you disagree with the article then, right?
         | > It's great until it's not and then you're kinda screwed
         | Do you have some example? Because black frees us of any
         | argument over coding style in merge requests and this is great.
         | It helps us focus on the important things. I've seen places
         | where I don't quite like what black enforces, but this is very
         | rare and it is a matter of taste and you get used to things, so
         | meh.
         | In contrast, standard (for JS) seems opinionated at first does
         | not come remotely close and leaves many things without opinion,
         | and unfortunately we don't have the same opinions and tastes,
         | so we regularly argue over them and this is a waste of time.
         | I don't actually quite like standard's rules but since this is
         | what we use, I wish it were much more opinionated (over brace
         | position in React files, line length, how obj.hasOwnProperty
         | should be banned, how to declare methods in React components,
         | how order imports should be sorted alphabetically, or which
         | variable we can deconstruct...).
         | depressedpanda wrote:
         | In what way will you end up kinda screwed when using black?
       | ghoward wrote:
       | I disagree.
       | I think this is the same "mechanism, not policy" debate
       | repackaged, and I certainly think mechanism is better than
       | policy, where the author of the post thinks otherwise.
       | That said, I think that going all-in on "mechanism, not policy"
       | is a mistake too.
       | I believe there is a middle ground: focusing on mechanism, but
       | providing a sane default policy that lets the user get stuff done
       | fast and change things later if they need to.
       | I wrote more about this idea in
       | https://gavinhoward.com/2021/03/lessons-learned-as-a-user-1-... .
         | gregmac wrote:
         | > I believe there is a middle ground: focusing on mechanism,
         | but providing a sane default policy that lets the user get
         | stuff done fast and change things later if they need to.
         | I agree with this.
         | I see parallels to a lot of frameworks, languages, libraries,
         | etc: the "getting started" guide is fairly simple, but then to
         | do a "real" thing with it, you need to basically throw all that
         | away and learn a whole different system.
         | The other mistake a lot of systems make is abstracting away the
         | complexity with defaults (aka "magic"), but making it so if you
         | do want to change one thing you have to learn and re-implement
         | the entire configuration yourself.
         | In both cases, it's the learning curve that is important to
         | think about: going from usable defaults (beginner) to
         | customization (expert) should not be one giant all-or-nothing
         | step.
         | taeric wrote:
         | Reading your post, it brings to mind that a lot of this is
         | around what we are controlling.
         | As a physical example, I can't remember the last time we had to
         | educate people on how to "pump your brakes" in the rain. Turns
         | out, there are flat out better mechanisms to control for some
         | of these things. I suspect many lane assist technologies and
         | other mechanisms to eventually grow to eclipse environments
         | that lack them.
         | But, bringing that back to the software world is hard. There
         | are things that we don't give a second thought to in a lot of
         | what we do. Endianness is an easy example of something that you
         | used to not be able to avoid. How do we get more of our
         | concerns across that line? Can we?
           | ghoward wrote:
           | You make great points.
           | However, I still have learned how to pump brakes in rain, and
           | I taught it to my wife. The reason is that the better
           | mechanism, anti-lock braking systems in this case, can always
           | fail.
           | Joel Spolsky had a whole post about this:
           | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/11/11/the-law-of-
           | leaky-a... .
           | If we only teach the happy path, we are setting ourselves and
           | everyone else up for failure when the happy path fails, which
           | it will.
           | As another counterpoint, there is so much automation in
           | modern airplanes that pilots are relying too much on the
           | automation and losing their basic airmanship skills.
           | (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/airline-pilots-
           | depend-t...)
           | I think the same problem is starting to show in all of the
           | assist technologies in cars. People are starting to rely more
           | on those technologies than they should.
           | Basically, at some point, putting more concerns across the
           | line is a bad idea because we will eventually lose the
           | ability to handle things when they go wrong. We also lose
           | institutional knowledge.
           | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSRHeXYDLko)
             | taeric wrote:
             | I feel this fits things that "aren't really wrong", but
             | that are dangerous.
             | Other examples include monoculture of crops. Generally, not
             | a good idea. Happens wherever it can, though.
             | That is, I agree with your points. I just have difficulty
             | thinking we have the full picture covered. :(
       | [deleted]
       | fctorial wrote:
       | Software intended to be used for programming should be
       | descriptive and end-user software should be prescriptive.
       | No matter how good your prescription system is, it is going to be
       | a bad fit for some programmers use case.
       | 0wis wrote:
       | I clearly have a need for this about software as I am not a pro
       | dev. I just had the same conversation with a med worker this
       | weekend. Some patients just want prescription and anything more
       | will annoy them. Others will need a description to accept a
       | diagnostic. I assume we, hackers, will tend to prefer the latter
       | but I'm not sure it's for the best to be like this in every area
       | of your life. [edit : typo]
       (page generated 2021-04-05 23:00 UTC)