[HN Gopher] I made a mobile app for my significant other and she...
       I made a mobile app for my significant other and she won't use it
       Author : vuciv1
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2021-04-10 21:09 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jerseyfonseca.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jerseyfonseca.com)
       | tanbog2 wrote:
       | Did you ever stop to consider that maybe you were "solving"
       | something that wasn't a problem.
       | Maybe the process of talking about what you are going to watch
       | together is a valuable and fun part of your relationship in of
       | itself.
         | Lightbody wrote:
         | Just some friendly feedback that your comment would be a lot
         | more effective if you struck "did you ever stop to consider
         | that". That opening remark comes off unnecessarily aggressive /
         | accusatory and detracts from an otherwise interesting
         | perspective.
       | elanning wrote:
       | That was a fun read. Especially the funny bit at the end. Did you
       | consider making this a progressive web app?
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | Thanks, I appreciate it :)
         | I am definitely planning on making it a web app as well. I'm
         | also trying to make it such that no sign-ups are required.
         | It shouldn't be too bad since I already have all the
         | functionality written, it will just take a bit of tjme
       | tobr wrote:
       | Why does an app like this need to have a sign-up process with
       | email, username and password? It's enough for me to not try the
       | app because of the mental overhead and risks involved, but it
       | also seems like a bunch of additional development for no (or
       | maybe negative) benefit.
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | Totally understandable. The sign up process is just to store
         | your likes so that you don't need to swipe again on the same
         | movies.
         | Its also so that you can lookup and add your friends.
         | I understand the frustration, though. I'm working on a version
         | with webhooks where you can just join a lobby and start
         | swiping.
           | tobr wrote:
           | > The sign up process is just to store your likes so that you
           | don't need to swipe again on the same movies.
           | > Its also so that you can lookup and add your friends.
           | Right, but what about that requires me to type in three magic
           | strings into three (wait, actually probably six?) input
           | fields? Just associate the data on the server with some UUID
           | that you store on my device. Inviting others could work by
           | just sharing a link.
             | vuciv1 wrote:
             | I have a bit more to learn :)
         | jeffgreco wrote:
         | FWIW tools like Firebase Auth make the development piece fairly
         | negligible (and also have the concept of anonymous users).
           | vuciv1 wrote:
           | I haven't used firebase at all. I'll definitely look into it
       | aspaviento wrote:
       | The matching could be faster if you list the movies in the same
       | order (maybe change the order every X minutes)
       | wccrawford wrote:
       | The complaints about having to have enough screenshots and
       | information seems really ... dumb? The website has a bunch of
       | screenshots and info, and users will not download the app without
       | it. Google and Apple are doing you a favor by requiring that you
       | provide enough information.
       | I think Apple's $100/yr is crazy, but I don't think Google's $25
       | is bad. If you plan to make any money at all on it, that's
       | nothing.
       | Scrolling through the site, it feels like the site is constantly
       | hiding information from me, and then spoon-feeding me bits that I
       | don't care about. The text doesn't even show up until it's
       | halfway up my screen, and then it's just a scroll or 2 from
       | disappearing. Scroll too fast and it's really hard to read. Maybe
       | you should animate the information leaving, instead of appearing.
       | You definitely should provide more information in a readable
       | form.
         | askafriend wrote:
         | $100 a year is nothing for a developer toolkit. In fact, it's a
         | great deal if you really think about all the infrastructure
         | that you get for free.
         | Let's take a look at what MSDN costs for a pro-level
         | subscription (not even enterprise): "At the Professional
         | subscription level, you pay a not-insignificant sum: $539 per
         | year for an annual cloud subscription or $1,199 for the first
         | year of a perpetual license subscription, with renewals costing
         | $799 per year."
           | golf1052 wrote:
           | You're comparing two different things, the Apple and Android
           | fees are to get access to publish apps to the store.
           | The developer toolkit which is used to build and test the
           | apps (Android Studio or XCode) are free. The Microsoft
           | comparison would be the $20 to publish in the Microsoft Store
           | and Visual Studio Community which is free to build and test
           | apps.
           | "MSDN" is a bundle of additional developer tools that you
           | would use for a business (licensed Visual Studio, Azure
           | DevOps, training, and support).
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | Depends on what you want to develop; if you need the Windows
           | driver kit then yes, those subscriptions are expensive (but
           | likely worth it).
           | If you want the equivalent of app development on Windows
           | (meaning little to no access to kernel sources and such, just
           | a native UI), you can use the free version of Visual Studio
           | without the MSDN license [1]. The license allows commercial
           | development even with the free community version.
           | You still need to pay +/- $20 to MS to publish apps to the MS
           | Store, but because Windows isn't a walled garden and barely
           | any Windows users are using the store anyway, you probably
           | don't need to bother. If you do pay, it's not a subscription
           | either; the costs are only made during registration. Just
           | like with Google, this keeps down (but does not prevent) the
           | creation of spam accounts.
           | For most app developers, the infrastructure you get in return
           | isn't worth the $100 / year, because most apps don't get that
           | many downloads at all. Hosting APK or IPA files can be done
           | for one or two dollars per month for the first few hundred or
           | even thousand users, and by extending the store ecosystem,
           | you're also adding value to the platform itself.
           | For iOS you can argue that the manual testing of the
           | application needs to be paid somehow, but the manual testing
           | Apple performs don't benefit you as a developer in any way;
           | they serve benefit the end user that downloads your apps, so
           | those costs should be recouped from the user (as part of the
           | iPhone sales price and the mandatory 15-30% cut Apple and
           | Google will take).
           | If there was a way to build and publish applications without
           | the subscriptions, the fee might be reasonable if Apple can
           | defend the $99 / year. With the walled garden they've set up,
           | there's no competitors, and therefore there will never be an
           | alternative developer toolkit like those you can see for the
           | Android ecosystem.
           | [1]: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/
           | harikb wrote:
           | It would be comparable only if Microsoft said that an MSDN
           | Pro-level subscription is required to release apps for
           | Windows. Last time I used MSDN, we used to get free access to
           | tons of Microsoft Apps, that are otherwise paid.
       | abotsis wrote:
       | We used a similar app for baby names- it's a great idea for all
       | sorts of consensus. I actually think there's a large opportunity
       | to apply this in all sorts of ways: baby names and movies are
       | both great ideas, but anytime multiple people want to create
       | intersecting sets. Another one we thought of was pictures: 5
       | people take 2-3 pictures of the same group photo, you have 10-15
       | pictures that Becky wants to post, with everyone wanting to pick
       | the one where they "look best", how do you decide which one to
       | use?
       | CharlesW wrote:
       | > _Eat my butt, Apple. Eat my butt, Google. Just let me publish
       | my frickin app, you already emptied my pockets._
       | Said the guy whole stole the data that he couldn't have made the
       | app without.
         | read_if_gay_ wrote:
         | He wrote a web scraper. It's publicly available data.
           | mavhc wrote:
           | https://www.imdb.com/interfaces/
           | https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/daily-
           | fi...
           | No need to web scrape
           | CharlesW wrote:
           | That's not how it works.
           | https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-
           | information/can-i...
           | > _Limited_ non-commercial use _of IMDb data is allowed..._
           | > _The data must be taken_ only from the datasets made
           | available _(see IMDb Contributor Datasets. You may not use
           | data mining, robots,_ screen scraping _, or similar online
           | data gathering and extraction tools on our website._
           | > _The data can only be used for personal and non-commercial
           | use and_ must not be altered /republished/resold/repurposed
           | to create any kind of online/offline database of movie
           | information _(except for individual personal use)._
           | > _You must_ acknowledge the source _of the data..._
             | vuciv1 wrote:
             | I scraped it from a source that allows scraping :)
       | ajfjrbfbf wrote:
       | Next step is making it open source.
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | Not quite yet. I am still trying to make my first dollar on the
         | internet
           | codecutter wrote:
           | Why settle for a dollar? If you are willing to make the
           | source code FLOSS, I will donate $10 to you. :)
             | 29083011397778 wrote:
             | Which would be hilarious, because the phrase
             | > "I've never made any money from commercial applications
             | I've written. Made some cash off FLOSS though :)"
             | is way cooler than making a couple bucks off the app store
             | and later open-sourcing it, IMO.
       | newbie578 wrote:
       | Seems like a fun app, simple and useful.
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | Thank you, I appreciate it!
       | cbozeman wrote:
       | > Last weekend, my partner had her friends stay with us over the
       | weekend. We needed to find a movie to watch. This was my chance!
       | I was so excited!
       | > "Let's use WeWatch!"
       | > "No, it would take too long. Let's just watch Space Jam."
       | The guy did a not-insignificant amount of work on an app and
       | his... "partner"... didn't even entertain the idea of using it;
       | if not for mere exposure to their friends, at least for an actual
       | "good" suggestion.
       | Guy, you might wanna re-evaluate your "partnership".
       | But hey, at least now I'm inspired to download it and try it out.
         | gambiting wrote:
         | I definitely read that last bit as tongue in cheek. Also
         | doesn't "No, it would take too long" imply that their partner
         | has used it in the past? Maybe the process really does take too
         | long, because you have to scroll through a 100 movies before
         | you find one you both like. And in that case it sounds like the
         | partner was decided what they wanted to watch - Space Jam. In
         | that case I'd just go "ok, sure, if you really want to watch
         | movie X then let's watch it". Obviously we're just sitting here
         | digesting someone's life on the internet. It's stupid anyway.
           | vuciv1 wrote:
           | Yeah, they would have had to download it, sign up, and add
           | us.
           | She already knew what she wanted to watch, and we were all up
           | for it, so it was just a scenario where it genuinely wasn't
           | useful.
           | Definitely tongue in cheek!
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | I appreciate your concern.
         | I used her as a punchline because I thought the title and story
         | was funny.
         | She consistently helped me with testing, gave me feedback, and
         | let me talk her ear off about it for over a month.
         | She's wonderful, don't worry :)
         | LikeAnElephant wrote:
         | I'm constantly badgering my non-technical partner to try random
         | tech shit & apps that she doesn't want and didn't ask for. She
         | tells me no sometimes, and usually for good reason.
         | Please tell me internet person with zero insight into my
         | personal life: should I end my longterm relationship just like
         | you're advising the author to?
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | Would it take too long or not? I feel that is the deciding
           | factor.
           | TheOtherHobbes wrote:
           | Sounds like an app opportunity right there.
           | nindalf wrote:
           | Seems like you need /r/relationship_advice. Anything a
           | romantic partner does is a Red Flag. The only fix is to
           | immediately hit facebook, delete the gym and fire your
           | lawyer.
       | NiceWayToDoIT wrote:
       | In my mind this is an example of solving a problem that does not
       | exist. Why just not simply say "we watching 2 movies a week, once
       | you choose and I'll choose next, and so on..."?
       | p.s. Credits and kudos for learning new things !
       | pyjug wrote:
       | I made a "feeding tracker" app because my wife wanted to wean our
       | infant off breast milk. There are mobile apps that do this, but
       | the problem was that we didn't want to wake up our child due to
       | the phone screen at night. So, I hooked up an IoT button to
       | Lambda + Dynamo, created a UI and everything -- my wife only
       | needed to press the button. Turns out my wife was generally too
       | sleepy and forgot to press the button. Also turns out that she
       | liked to breast feed anyway, so the app went totally unused. User
       | requirements are hard!
         | franl wrote:
         | V2 if necessary, how about a weight sensor under her feeding
         | chair cushion? No button press necessary!
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | That's adorable, I always thought it was cute when tech people
         | made things for their partners.
         | I'm hoping to make something for our anniversary that she'll
         | actually enjoy :)
       | mr_sturd wrote:
       | Seems like a cool app; will definitely give it a go.
       | Does/will the the app filtering by streaming service take region
       | in to account?
       | nvahalik wrote:
       | Seems like this could have just been a mobile web page?
       | dvt wrote:
       | > Eat my butt, Apple. Eat my butt, Google. Just let me publish my
       | frickin app, you already emptied my pockets.
       | I feel this. A few years ago, I made a joke app[1] which got a
       | bit famous on campus back when I was in school, and the process
       | of getting it on the Play store was literally harder than writing
       | the darn thing. Nowadays, it even got removed from the Play store
       | for some reason. I couldn't imagine running an app for a living
       | where you have to deal with absentee/abusive parents like Google
       | and Apple just to put bread on the table.
       | Cool app and congrats on the users! 400 ain't nothin' to scoff at
       | :)
       | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0nn8d6katk
         | mihaaly wrote:
         | agreed! publishing is the hardest part.
         | askafriend wrote:
         | As a user, I'm very happy the stores impose stringent rules.
         | "And there are all these stupid requirements. I need at least X
         | screenshots, and they have to be this exact resolution blah
         | blah blah. On top of that, it took so long to get approved. My
         | ADHD brain really suffered waiting for the gratification."
         | I would hate to browse a store where the products didn't have
         | at least X screenshots with at least X resolution, etc etc. The
         | process for getting into the store shouldn't be easy and the
         | quality bar should be high. I pay Apple to uphold this bar by
         | any means necessary.
           | flohofwoe wrote:
           | Why would you care about applications that you wouldn't use
           | or even know that they exist though? Do you also care about
           | web pages you don't know about? The store just wouldn't put
           | such "non-conforming" apps at the top of search results.
           | bredren wrote:
           | The hurdles are high but if you've been doing mobile releases
           | for a while, they aren't that bad. There are more asset
           | requirements now but I think dealing with iTunes Connect back
           | in the day and all of its friction was harder.
             | wccrawford wrote:
             | They really aren't that high. I had to create a listing for
             | my test apps at work one day and I was able to create
             | everything I needed in like 30 minutes, tops. And that was
             | without actually knowing what I'd need ahead of time.
           | avereveard wrote:
           | How do I unlock that mythical high quality app experience?
           | 99% of the stuff is crap adware and copypasted apps, letting
           | some indie in it is not going to significantly move the
           | average.
           | serf wrote:
           | > As a user, I'm very happy the stores impose stringent
           | rules.
           | Presumably you're speaking from the Apple side of things,
           | because the Play Store is a fragmented wasteland of low-
           | effort/sometimes-malicious shovelware that barely functions.
           | To me that means that the hoops Google makes one jump through
           | for app publishing are accomplishing next to nothing with
           | regards to app quality.
         | vuciv1 wrote:
         | Thanks :) I appreciate it.
         | I also meant this to be a learning experience/just for my
         | friends, so I totally feel that frustration!
       | fake-name wrote:
       | I feel like we need a add-on to the old quote 'Some people, when
       | confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular
       | expressions." Now they have two problems.'
       | 'Some people, when confronted with a interpersonal relationship
       | problem, think "I know, I'll use software". Now they have two
       | problems.'
       | This is cute, but it's trying to solve a people problem with
       | software.
         | speedcoder wrote:
         | My therapist told me once: "people are not programs."
           | arkitaip wrote:
           | Her name didn't happen to be Eliza, huh?
       | great_reversal wrote:
       | > Last weekend, my partner had her friends stay with us over the
       | weekend. We needed to find a movie to watch. This was my chance!
       | I was so excited!
       | > "Let's use WeWatch!"
       | > "No, it would take too long. Let's just watch Space Jam."
       | I watch a lot of movies and honestly the swipe-approach would
       | take way too long. My preferred way is to just scroll through a
       | long list of movies (alphabetically) and pick one I want to
       | watch. Or some of the movies in the list will remind me of a
       | different movie I want to watch. Just movie titles, no images or
       | anything else.
       | One thing you realize is that a lot of movies start with "The".
         | tenryuu wrote:
         | An uncommon solution I've seen for this is to instead place
         | 'the" after the rest of the title
         | "Mummy, The", "Thing, The"
           | shric wrote:
           | Kodi ignores "The" for sorting purposes but still displays it
           | on the titles
           | clairity wrote:
           | that's not uncommon. that's literally how you're supposed to
           | alphabetize, by ignoring the introductory article (referring
           | to 'a', 'an', & 'the', not a piece of writing).
       | mihaaly wrote:
       | Interesting, I made an app for anyone, but only my significant
       | other used it. :)
       (page generated 2021-04-10 23:00 UTC)