[HN Gopher] Deno 1.9
       Deno 1.9
       Author : searchableguy
       Score  : 291 points
       Date   : 2021-04-13 19:14 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deno.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deno.com)
       | Tarucho wrote:
       | What kind of improvement will this bring to the seasoned nodejs
       | dev, that it will leverage the learning effort?
         | aikah wrote:
         | > What kind of improvement will this bring to the seasoned
         | nodejs dev, that it will leverage the learning effort?
         | Not much right now, aside from 'native' Typescript support and
         | not relying on NPM hell for everything. But as the project
         | matures, it might be useful to take a look at it.
         | I personally hate having to rely on third party libraries for
         | basic web-server functionalities, so a strong "official
         | ecosystem" with batteries included is an interesting
         | proposition.
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | I'm not looking forward to when I lose all my productivity with
       | Node.js because the industry collectively agrees to move on to
       | Deno and rebuild or port things that have been working just fine
       | for the past decade, but OK, here we go.
       | Maybe I should just hedge my bets and get on the train now even
       | though I don't want to.
         | indymike wrote:
         | Deno's not too far off the mark if you know Node.
         | coldpie wrote:
         | Welcome to software development, friend. The secret is it's all
         | one big treadmill. You don't get paid for standing still.
         | Soremwar wrote:
         | You don't ever lose productivity or knowledge on a tool when a
         | new one comes out though. A new thing that people like becomes
         | popular and people start using it, old one becomes less used
         | but it doesn't dissapear.
         | You only really "switch" to a new tool if that's what you like
         | the most, not because that's what people like now.
         | steve_adams_86 wrote:
         | Having come from the node ecosystem, I find deno pretty
         | welcoming and familiar overall. I'm glad to see a design I
         | think is better, over all - so long as development continues,
         | it seems like it'll be worth the shift.
       | rsp1984 wrote:
       | I'm not so familiar with web development and don't quite
       | understand where this fits in. I know I can run JS in my browser.
       | I know I can run JS on a web server using node.js. I know I can
       | compile Typescript to JS. So how does Deno fit in and what is the
       | added value? Not trying to be negative, just curious.
         | paxys wrote:
         | In the simplest terms, it is meant to be a replacement for
         | Node.js.
         | HugoDaniel wrote:
         | Deno has a couple of very good selling points, the main one is
         | that it allows to use JS web browser API's in the CLI, this
         | includes things that range from the Fetch API[1], up to WebGPU
         | even! all in the command line interface.
         | Besides this, it uses the same module system as the browsers
         | do. The JS module system is in my opinion very well designed
         | and intuitive. No need for AMD or CommonJS or Node require's.
         | Other good things about Deno is that it includes a lot of
         | goodies by default. In that single binary you get in your
         | command line interface:
         | - A very very decent and fast bundler (bundling in JS is a
         | mess, the Deno is straightforward and needs no config and no
         | hacks, which, surprisingly is unique in the JS bundling scene)
         | - Testing library
         | - TypeScript support (for those that like it)
         | - Documentation generator
         | - Linter
         | - Syntax modifier (like prettier)
         | - Official VS Code plugin
         | Unlike Node, it uses Rust to bridge the gap between the JS
         | engine and the OS, and leverages on a lot of very cool Rust
         | libraries.
           | ROARosen wrote:
           | I personally really like the `Deno compile` feature which
           | outputs your code into a self-contained .exe which executes
           | your script no need for separate tools.
             | ketzo wrote:
             | Woah, is that a thing? Very cool.
         | divbzero wrote:
         | Deno is designed to be a replacement for Node.js on the server.
         | The introduction to the Deno Manual [1] provides a comparison.
         | [1]: https://deno.land/manual@v1.9.0/introduction
         | stevieoop wrote:
         | deno supports typescript out of the box whereas to run
         | typescript in nodejs you need to transpile down to javscript
         | first. deno also has some security features enabled by default
         | like not allowing network communication unless you explicitly
         | enable it. so that prevents malicious packages from making
         | network requests that you might not have noticed. thats a great
         | feature because tons of javascript projects/tools dont need to
         | send http requests so if your tool doednt require that then you
         | can be confident that any dependency you use is not secretly
         | spying on you.
         | sod wrote:
         | * Running a linter without granting it write or net access
         | * Running a build tool with only file access to the source
         | files
         | * Trying a cli script without granting it access to everything
         | by just showing the help
         | In times where a linter has 10000 dependencies, I'm in
         | desperate need of sandboxing.
         | People on hackernews are easy to judge companies when they leak
         | customer data. But what if we the developers are actually the
         | problem by executing megabytes of foreign code just with faith.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Deno is by the original creator of Node.js and seeks to
         | fix/change a few things about Node he regretted while adding
         | first class support for a few things that were new since then
         | like TS. It's also more security minded from the get-go. Not
         | just in a "written in a memory safe language" way but it has a
         | permissions system and strong built in ways to inspect/audit
         | dependencies.
         | So it's not aiming to be revolutionarily different from Node,
         | rather a second shot at Node.
         | jppope wrote:
         | Deno is meant to be an improvement on the nodejs ecosystem.
         | Ryan Dahl took everything that he learned from node and
         | improved upon it with Deno. There are a series of features like
         | native typescript support, having single executable, url
         | imports, etc that are all very pleasant improvements. The idea
         | is that it will make for a better developer experience.
         | k__ wrote:
         | It's a Node.js alternative.
         | Deno glue code around V8 is written in Rust.
         | It tries to be as close to the browser API as possible, using
         | ES-Modules instead of CommonJS and doesn't require a package
         | manager.
         | Also, it compiles TypeScript automatically.
       | topicseed wrote:
       | Regularly writing Typescript code both for frontend (React) and
       | backend. Most is hosted on GCP.
       | What's the best path to hosting an API (Fastify-based) on GCP
       | with Deno today?
       | maga wrote:
       | The often overlooked selling point of Deno that I find most
       | compelling is the (re)use of web APIs. As a full-stack dev
       | writing isomorphic code and libraries, dealing with
       | ideosincracies of nodejs has been a pain.
         | FractalHQ wrote:
         | What do you mean by reuse of web apis? I'm curious to read up
         | on this feature.
           | tehbeard wrote:
           | Things like ArrayBuffer/view, fetch(...) and worker threads
           | being the same spec/interfaces as the browser implementations
           | rather than homegrown stuff like Buffer, child_process and
           | any number of npm wrappers around the http module in node.
             | TechBro8615 wrote:
             | Hopefully the story is the same in five years after Deno
             | and browsers have both had time to evolve. Are there plans
             | in place for tracking future updates to Web APIs in Deno?
           | monocasa wrote:
           | Defaulting to browser based APIs when they exist (like a
           | global 'window' element to access the DOM), rather than
           | reinventing the wheel the way Node did. Although to be fair a
           | lot of Node APIs predate their browser equivalents, and in a
           | lot of ways the browser contains a 2.0 version of a lot of
           | Node APIs.
             | maga wrote:
             | This. I started tinkering with node shortly after I heard
             | Ryan introduce it at JSConf EU, and it was a very different
             | world, not much for Node to draw from on the browser side,
             | no modules, no promises, not even TypedArrays IIRC.
             | paxys wrote:
             | I can't think of a single case of Node reinventing the
             | wheel with their APIs. Like you said, they were all created
             | to fill gaps in browser JS implementations. It's obviously
             | going to be hard to reconcile the two as browsers
             | themselves increase their API surface, but then Deno is
             | going to run into the same problem eventually.
           | tengbretson wrote:
           | Things like using UInt8Arrays instead of Node's homemade
           | Buffer class, fetch, using WHATWG's implementation of
           | Streams, Blob, WebWorker, etc.
             | austincheney wrote:
             | Node's homemade Buffer class uses UInt8Arrays. https://node
             | js.org/dist/latest-v15.x/docs/api/buffer.html#bu...
           | [deleted]
         | paxys wrote:
         | When Node first released its biggest selling point was being
         | able to reuse web APIs. It also filled in gaps for APIs that
         | weren't standard in browsers. Then browsers started to add
         | these APIs, and some of Node's implementations naturally
         | diverged (aka the idiosyncrasies that you mention).
         | Deno has the advantage that they are starting from a clean
         | slate without the burden of legacy APIs, but how long will that
         | hold for?
           | hayd wrote:
           | There's the web APIs which are tested against
           | https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt (albeit without
           | full coverage), and there is ffi/plugins - for deno specific
           | things like readFile.
           | I don't know the history of Node... but why would there need
           | to be a diversion?
           | brundolf wrote:
           | JavaScript itself has gone through about a 10-year transition
           | period from a toy language for writing quick scripts to a
           | full-on general-purpose programming language. It didn't even
           | have a _module_ system when Node launched.
           | So I strongly doubt the next 10 years will be anywhere near
           | as tumultuous as the past 10. It's very possible that right
           | now is just a much better time to be establishing a JS
           | runtime.
           | maga wrote:
           | Indeed. I remember that, I have been using node since the
           | very early days, and switched to it for precisely that reason
           | --that I could use the same language through my web
           | application. Nevertheless, when we did get those modern web
           | API, Node was slow to change or adapt them, although, it's
           | doing its best now.
           | In case of Deno, I hope they just stick to following the
           | standards and changing with them. They might not, I cannot
           | vouch for them. On the other hand, I was also skeptical about
           | TypeScript following ECMAScript. I though at some point
           | they'll get too much into conflict and MS will refuse to
           | follow, but so far I've been proven wrong. And from the looks
           | of it, TS even deprecates stuff that is likely to conflict
           | with upcoming ES versions.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | The selling point was being able to write server code in
           | Javascript and potentially share code between UI and server.
           | Node never implemented any of the essential browser APIs like
           | XMLHttpRequest or later fetch, localStorage, etc.
             | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
             | Nope, that's why there's a million node-fetch, isomorphic-
             | fetch, etc variants
           | bijection wrote:
           | You could argue that the apis in question are more mature now
           | than when Node was first released.
           | Either way, if Deno is one day replaced by something else,
           | say 'Done' to keep the naming convention, that won't refute
           | the use everyone will have gotten out of Deno in the mean
           | time, in the same way that Deno doesn't refute the use
           | everyone has already gotten out of Node.
         | tkzed49 wrote:
         | How do you actually go about writing isomorphic libraries for
         | browser/deno? It seems like for frontend code you'll have some
         | build system that resolves imports to node_modules, whereas
         | deno code imports from e.g. deno.land. How do you write library
         | code with dependencies that can support that and the other
         | differences in the module systems?
           | sjy wrote:
           | Deno uses ES6 modules, which are supported by modern
           | browsers. There's no node_modules.
           | https://deno.land/manual/examples/import_export
           | sdfhbdf wrote:
           | Just like you did in the browsers back in the day when you
           | imported code from URLs with <script src="">, the "deno way"
           | is supposed to follow browsers in these regards as well.
           | And you can always use `npm`, `node_modules` and `import
           | maps`[0][1][2] to kind of mimic "nodejs way".
           | [0]: https://wicg.github.io/import-maps/
           | [1]: https://blog.logrocket.com/es-modules-in-browsers-with-
           | impor...
           | [2]: https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/import
           | _map...
           | zdragnar wrote:
           | Snowpack might be an option
           | [deleted]
           | coolreader18 wrote:
           | Maybe there's a bundler/webpack plugin that supports deno's
           | import system, so it just fetches whatever http urls/analyzes
           | the import maps and turns it into a normal web bundle.
       | GenerocUsername wrote:
       | I feel like I have hit a point in my life where I don't want
       | another framework to learn, and due to this I am not giving Deno
       | a fair shake...
       | Does anyone have a short anecdote why I might bother to invest in
       | yet another JS framework?
         | oehpr wrote:
         | You're getting a lot of responses. I just want to say that I
         | empathize with you.
         | I'm not at that point in my life where new technologies don't
         | excite me. I'm still happy to learn new things. But I fully
         | expect I'm going to get tired of the next wiz bang language,
         | the next gee wow framework, the next hot stuff server. I get
         | it.
         | There's still value in knowing what you know. I wish people
         | didn't think so much otherwise.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Good news.
         | Deno tries to be as close to the browser API as possible. So
         | it's easier to learn than Node.js if you come from frontend
         | development.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | It isn't a framework, it's a runtime. You use it instead of
         | Node, and the headlining feature is you can run TypeScript
         | without a separate build step. The system APIs are different
         | than Node's but those are analogous/easy to learn, and the
         | language itself is still just JavaScript/TypeScript, so there
         | isn't really much to learn.
         | With that said: I've used it for a couple projects because I'm
         | really interested in its value-proposition, but so far I'm not
         | impressed with the dev experience when it comes to editor
         | integration. It brings its own language server because it has a
         | few tiny caveats, and the language server doesn't work nearly
         | as well as the official TypeScript one. Type changes sometimes
         | don't propagate across files, auto-imports are lacking the file
         | extension (which Deno requires, so you have to go and manually
         | edit them all), etc. Given that frictionless TypeScript support
         | is the major draw, this is a pretty serious issue for me.
         | I hope it gets there some day, but for me it isn't there yet.
           | wperron wrote:
           | Sorry you've had this experience -- the LSP is improving a
           | lot with every release, this one included, try it out and let
           | us know what you think. We really appreciate issues for the
           | LSP on GH
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Thanks- I should probably actually file bug reports :)
             | I am curious though: why roll your own? It seems like the
             | only real differences are a) URLs/file extensions in the
             | module names, and b) some type declarations for the system
             | APIs (which I'd think just come down to some .d.ts files,
             | not custom LSP logic). Microsoft's TypeScript language
             | server is a wonder of engineering, and I doubt any small
             | independent team would ever be able to go toe-to-toe with
             | it. Seems like a waste to forego that if there's any
             | possibility of utilizing it. A minimal fork maybe, if
             | nothing else?
               | wperron wrote:
               | There's a couple of reasons. Internally, there's quite a
               | few things that we do in Rust that aren't actually taken
               | care of by TypeScript -- Having our own LSP allows us to
               | connect those bits (like the module graph resolver for
               | example) directly to the internals of Deno, in-sync with
               | the Deno version you have installed.
               | Deno also does more stuff than just providing Type
               | definitions, embedding TypeScript and doing module
               | resolution; it's a complete toolset -- there's things
               | that we can cover having our own LSP that the TypeScript
               | LSP can't. Linting, formatting, testing etc.
               | lucacasonato wrote:
               | TypeScript does not actually have a native language
               | server. TSC is just directly shoehorned into VS Code. It
               | is very difficult to extend (we tried with the 1.x and
               | 2.x branch of our extension). We needed to do a lot of
               | trickery to get TSC to do what we want, and even then it
               | would not always work. That solution also only worked on
               | VS Code. Our new LSP works on all editors with LSP
               | support. We are hoping that in the coming few weeks /
               | months the Deno LSP will be just as featureful as TSC +
               | Node in VS Code, and way more performant. We still have
               | some ways to go, but we are slowly getting there.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Ah gotcha, that's unfortunate that they integrated it
               | directly, though it explains a lot.
               | Well I'm glad to hear it's a priority. Best of luck, and
               | I'll try to check in periodically and see how things are
               | coming along! I would very much like to see this project
               | succeed :)
               | paxys wrote:
               | This is only partially true. TypeScript does have
               | tsserver built in, which is where the language server
               | design originated from (just with a slightly different
               | API). The VS Code TypeScript integration is a layer
               | around that, not a custom implementation. There are also
               | a couple other TypeScript language servers out there
               | (which again simply wrap tsserver and translate the APIs)
               | which work great.
         | konart wrote:
         | Should we tell him that this is not a framework? Anyone?
           | croes wrote:
           | No.
             | asidiali wrote:
             | ...de alternative!
         | dubcanada wrote:
         | That's a rather ignorant thing to say.
         | You are basically saying "I feel like I have hit a point in my
         | life where I don't want to learn."
         | It doesn't matter if it's a framework, language, protocol,
         | specification, book, way of coding, or anything else. Learning
         | is how you gain knowledge and stopping ones desire to gain
         | knowledge is never a "point in ones life". It's just being
         | lazy.
           | tehbeard wrote:
           | Then why are you on here blathering about someone being
           | ignorant when you are being "just as lazy" and not spending
           | this time learning new$x.js instead of arguing on the
           | internet?
           | Have some compassion/empathy for those of us that don't have
           | the luxury to be able to constantly keep up with what gets
           | churned out every day.
             | dubcanada wrote:
             | Who said anything about compassion/empathy?
             | There is a difference between saying I won't try and
             | convivence me otherwise. Versus saying I can't I don't have
             | the time.
             | OP is very clearly saying I won't, they have given no
             | indication as to the fact they don't have time to learn.
         | pupdogg wrote:
         | short_anecdote: don't switch, it's not for you!
         | hayd wrote:
         | It's not a framework, it's a JS runtime on top of v8 (like
         | node).
         | programmarchy wrote:
         | Deno has first-class support for TypeScript. Refactoring code
         | without types is not a pleasant experience.
         | johnfn wrote:
         | Deno isn't a framework, it's a node.js alternative. The best
         | pitch I've heard is that it's written by the same guy who did
         | node.js, with the intent to fix everything he thought he got
         | wrong with node.js.
         | FractalHQ wrote:
         | Is it technically a framework? I thought it was an entire
         | alternative runtime to NodeJS.
         | remexre wrote:
         | Well, Deno's not really a framework, it's a runtime (like
         | node.js). If you're writing Typescript, it makes that way
         | easier. If you're doing lots of IO, it makes that easier
         | (promises). If you want sandboxing, it has that (though if it's
         | for server software, you should use firejail or Docker or
         | something around it anyway).
           | devmunchies wrote:
           | does it interop with libs made for node.js and are on npm?
           | e.g. using the official the AWS node.js library
             | brundolf wrote:
             | It doesn't load libs from NPM directly, it has its own
             | package management system based around URLs. _Most_
             | JavaScript /TypeScript logic should port to it trivially,
             | unless they use system APIs, in which case those will have
             | to be converted to Deno's system APIs. But mostly that just
             | comes down to "swap out function X for Y and rearrange the
             | parameters a bit".
             | So in practice: it's super easy to port something, but most
             | of the time you do actually have to port it, unfortunately.
             | remexre wrote:
             | Can't comment on sibling, but https://www.skypack.dev/ lets
             | you import many npm packages; I haven't tried the AWS
             | library, though.
               | brundolf wrote:
               | That looks pretty cool; it's unsurprising that there's an
               | automated solution since the differences are so small and
               | predictable
               | Edit: Does this do automated conversion? I can't actually
               | tell
               | remexre wrote:
               | Yes, it's automated.
             | wperron wrote:
             | The canonical answer is _maybe_. If your Node lib relies on
             | Node built-ins, you won't be able to import it directly
             | from GitHub for example. However, CDNs like Skypack and
             | esm.sh do polyfill some of those to Deno. Your mileage may
             | vary depending on the lib you're trying to import. Some
             | will work better on one CDN, some on another -- you really
             | just have to try it for yourself. A surprising amount of
             | libs work without issues.
             | The AWS sdk v3 works really well from Skypack, check out
             | our docs for our Deploy platform, it has an example with
             | DynamoDB https://deno.com/deploy/docs/tutorial-
             | dynamodb#write-the-app...
         | turbinerneiter wrote:
         | Deno isn't a JS framework?
           | tannhaeuser wrote:
           | You mean it's a runtime, like Node.js? /s
             | turbinerneiter wrote:
             | I guess roughly a billion people were just as triggered as
             | I was and now there are all these redundant "actshually"
             | comments :D
         | [deleted]
         | tolmasky wrote:
         | It's really weird that most responses to you are that Deno
         | isn't a framework, as if changing the category the thing is in
         | would somehow magically remove your choice fatigue, especially
         | considering that the most likely interpretation of your fatigue
         | would make the distinction between runtime and framework fairly
         | meaningless in this case: they are both for practical purposes
         | a set of APIs you must learn on top of an existing language you
         | probably already know. Whether under the hood they are
         | implemented as Rust bindings that require you to run your app
         | in a specific binary, vs. being written in JS, probably doesn't
         | matter, and if anything would make the endeavor _more
         | complicated_ and raise the bar necessary to convince you to
         | learn it _even more_.
         | Either way, barring your work forcing you to learn something,
         | or you running into a specific problem that requires you to
         | learn something new, you should really treat
         | frameworks/runtimes/languages/etc. the same as TV shows or
         | comics, and I mean this in a very positive way. If you enjoy it
         | and have the bandwidth for it, then of course pick up a new
         | show or comic and invest some time into it! Especially if a
         | trusted friend recommends it to you. It might introduce you to
         | new ideas or give you a different perspective. And most
         | importantly, you probably won't get as much as you would out of
         | it if it doesn't seem exciting. You won't _miss out_ on it if
         | you decide to punt it until later, I promise you. This isn 't
         | some Thanksgiving Day sale, if in a year it's more popular than
         | it is today, there'll only be better articles and tutorials
         | that have been written, more bugs having been fixed, and more
         | libraries already existing for it than today. And if it ended
         | up not being that great, you probably won't hear about it in a
         | year anymore, and you will have spent your time on a thing you
         | do enjoy. So don't force it, if it seems cool to you or
         | resonates with you for any reason, try it, otherwise, no big
         | deal!
           | croes wrote:
           | Maybe because there are way more JS frameworks than runtimes.
           | It feels like dozens of frameworks pop up every day.
             | tolmasky wrote:
             | Yes but my point is that this doesn't address the OP's
             | frustration: learning new APIs without a clear sense of
             | what one is getting out of it. Many of Deno's fundamental
             | features _are basically framework features_. Learning the
             | Deno for-await API for answering HTTP requests is an
             | identical experience to learning a framework that offers
             | that API.  "But Deno has fundamental performance
             | improvements" -- Frameworks can also offer fundamental
             | performance improvements. In fact, I can write a Rust-
             | backed binary package for node.js and now we're really in a
             | grey area.
             | The point is that "its a runtime not a framework" is not an
             | answer as to why he should learn it or not. At least, not
             | without attaching to it a meaningful explanation as to the
             | benefits he'll get from it because its a runtime, but at
             | that point, we're back where we started: just pitch him on
             | what he'll get out of it, don't correct him on technical
             | terminology.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Frameworks tend to dictate a certain way of doing things and
           | introduce a pile of their own concepts and abstractions.
           | Runtimes tend to be unopinionated. There's very little
           | learning-fatigue around Deno, and there's almost no choice-
           | fatigue since it's only the second mainstream (non-browser)
           | JS runtime.
             | tolmasky wrote:
             | Perhaps in the general case, but Deno is probably as
             | opinionated or more so than your average JS framework
             | choice on node.js. And certainly more opinionated than a
             | more "neutral" runtime change like when Microsoft made the
             | Chakra-backed node.js. For example, choosing to go with
             | Deno cuts you out of much of the npm ecosystem (either due
             | to the specific module model, or simply because the
             | fundamental APIs are different, which is why express won't
             | run "out of the box" on Deno -- there had to be ports of
             | express and koa, etc.), which certainly is a bigger side-
             | effect than switching from React to Vue. It also, to its
             | credit, bets big on Typescript, a very opinionated decision
             | (and I'd argue a good one too!). It bets big on async/await
             | (which is still somewhat contentious in the node.js
             | community, but luckily fading). In other words, there's not
             | a lot of information conveyed from "it's a runtime not a
             | framework," at least not in this case, aside from technical
             | aspects. And again, I think it is precisely worth pitching
             | it _on its opinions_ , like the browser-compatible APIs,
             | etc.
         | [deleted]
       | worik wrote:
       | I have been programming computers since 1988, so I have seen a
       | lot of things come and go. Not often has there been a just
       | relationship between quality and popularity.
       | Never has that been so stark as with Node.js. So many mistakes,
       | mistakes that have been made before. Such a mind boggling lack of
       | purpose. There has never been a need for Node.js - except to play
       | with the cool kids that programme Javascript on the client,
       | server, on any _& &^^*!! thing!
       | I still do not see the need for Javascript anywhere but in a
       | browser, and with Webassembly, most of the impressive things done
       | in the browser do not need Javascript any more.
       | So my preference is for Javascript to quietly die out in a
       | dignified exit stage left. But I am not always completely
       | correct. So if you must, then use Deno. Node.js is simply awful.
       | Deno is only useless. A vast improvement._
         | neximo64 wrote:
         | And yet it is the most popular programming language in the
         | world.. So maybe you're not exactly right. In the end it's not
         | about what coders _need_ it 's what they _want_.
         | aikah wrote:
         | Often the worth of a language comes from its ecosystem. Node.js
         | for now has perhaps the biggest ecosystem in history of
         | computer languages and since Javascript is supported natively
         | by browsers, well it makes the number of developers knowing
         | Javascript quite substantial. It's no worse than Python, Perl
         | or others.
         | jorisd wrote:
         | The third slide of Ryan Dahl's 2009 JSConf.eu presentation
         | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztspvPYybIY) covers most of
         | the reasons for why it was made: "I/O needs to be done
         | differently". Evented I/O via event loops wasn't really that
         | much of a thing back then, and many server-side web frameworks
         | were simply sitting idle whilst waiting on I/O. Node changed
         | this, and thereby enabled a kind of concurrency that was easy
         | to achieve and there by default, often without the programmer
         | really realizing it, because they didn't have to do anything
         | too special to get it done other than write JavaScript with
         | callbacks.
         | I don't think JavaScript was really the point of it.
         | (EDIT: but JavaScript having functions as a first-class
         | citizen, and closures, makes it a very good candidate for
         | something that leverages event loops for this kind of thing)
         | cztomsik wrote:
         | Do you have an actual experience with nodejs/deno?
         | There are many (server-side) things where javascript is not a
         | good choice but "smart-proxies" or micro-service-orchestration
         | kinds of things are definitely super-easy to do in nodejs.
         | I've also done many languages, like really, and I don't know
         | any better for this task.
         | What's your choice BTW?
       | sadturnip wrote:
       | Have they resolved issues where many third party packages are not
       | available for Deno? Like i don't see things such as
       | MikroORM/Pino/Firebase-Admin on deno.land, and even things like
       | AWS-SDK are out of date.
         | ROARosen wrote:
         | With deno you can import scripts from anywhere on the web you
         | want, my personal favorite is jspm.dev which basically has all
         | npm packages
         | wperron wrote:
         | Pro tip: don't import those libs from deno.land/x. The runtime
         | is agnostic to where you're pulling libs from, and that's by
         | design. The AWS SDK v3 for example works great through the
         | Skypack CDN, and you're pulling the canonical one, not simply a
         | port maintained by a third party.
       | zkldi wrote:
       | I'd love to use deno, but I really don't understand the point
       | deno's module/package system.
       | The standard practice of deps.ts/dev_deps.ts as described in the
       | docs[1] just seems absolutely asinine to me. Importing everything
       | into one scope and then re-exporting from one file just seems
       | like an awful hack.
       | What do you do if two libraries have functions with the same
       | name? Do you namespace them yourself, or export an object under
       | the name of the library (and therefore give up destructuring?)
       | The URL thing seems similarly cumbersome and unecessary. Is there
       | something wrong with a configuration file that would map 'package
       | names' to the urls to get them from?, and then import { foo }
       | from "packagename"?
       | [1]https://deno.land/manual@v1.9.0/examples/manage_dependencies
         | dpweb wrote:
         | Not sure I'd use the local deps file. I really like just the
         | import {..} from "https://xn--ivg. The version, everything, is
         | up front and explicit.
         | vexna wrote:
         | I found most of the dependency woes to go away with import
         | maps:
         | https://deno.land/manual@v1.9.0/linking_to_external_code/imp...
           | zkldi wrote:
           | oh damn, that's _exactly_ what i 've wanted.
           | sujayakar wrote:
           | it seems like libraries can't use import maps though, right?
           | the final binary can provide that flag, but is there a way
           | for library dependencies to specify their own import maps?
           | the spec [1] has support for scoping, but I didn't see a way
           | to integrate that with the Deno loader.
           | [1] https://github.com/WICG/import-maps#scoping-examples
             | Soremwar wrote:
             | Yeah, libraries can't use import maps because import maps
             | are not extensible
         | Soremwar wrote:
         | You do something like this                 export * as Oak from
         | "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";       export * as Postgres
         | from "https://deno.land/x/postgres/mod.ts";
         | Then you do this:                 import { Oak, Postgres } from
         | "./deps.ts";
       | pictur wrote:
       | What exactly does deno promise when it comes to package
       | management?
       (page generated 2021-04-13 23:00 UTC)