[HN Gopher] GANcraft: Unsupervised 3D Neural Rendering of Minecr...
       GANcraft: Unsupervised 3D Neural Rendering of Minecraft Worlds
       Author : lnyan
       Score  : 254 points
       Date   : 2021-04-16 14:01 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (nvlabs.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (nvlabs.github.io)
       | debacle wrote:
       | The neural net part of this seems somewhat trivial and also
       | misapplied. This is not a realtime renderer, and I would hazard
       | that if you gave someone who knows GLSL the task, they would
       | produce something far and away more compelling than this, that
       | could probably render at <1 FPS.
       | https://nvlabs.github.io/GANcraft/images/vox2img.png
       | killvung wrote:
       | Back in the day someone complained whether the Computer Graphic
       | course is related to Machine Learning / AI topic at all. Now
       | here's an answer.
       | captainclam wrote:
       | Question for the experts: Is it possible that GANs will be used
       | for rendering video game environments in the near-ish future?
       | This has been one of my private predictions with respect to
       | upcoming tech, but I'd love to know if people are already
       | thinking about this, or alternatively, why it won't happen.
         | rcv wrote:
         | I'm not sure if this is what you're asking about, but here's a
         | Two Minute Papers (dear fellow scholars!) video about a deep
         | learning paper for super sampling with some applications for
         | games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzHenjHBBds
         | m463 wrote:
         | That seems like an obvious use case.
         | We've had procedurally generated worlds for a long time, but
         | this would take it from roguelike top-down or isometric to
         | immersive fps.
         | Tenoke wrote:
         | Non real-time as in generating levels for your game to release
         | it's doable today. Real-time it will probably be doable soon,
         | especially for shared-world games where a server can generate
         | for multiple people at a time rather than single-player.
         | Even real-time today it should be doable if you create your
         | game with that in mind. You really don't need to generate all
         | the textures, just a compact representation of the level which
         | is to be rendered normally after the fact.
         | malka wrote:
         | It has already started with dlss. I am not sure about Nvidia
         | implementation but super resolution can have some adverserial
         | training.
         | If you mean asset / level generation. Then yes. It is the next
         | step in procedural generation imo.
           | Agentlien wrote:
           | DLSS is just image upscaling using a neural network. It's a
           | very different problem from what is shown here or what I
           | believe GP is talking about.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | It depends on how exactly you frame the question.
         | If you ignore the implementation, its basically a procedural
         | texturing technique? Those are widely used now.
         | If you're talking about a real time post effect, it would
         | probably be a bit too slow for a few more years.
         | If you count SLAM techniques that label camera feeds for AR
         | games, those are very close but I dont think most run at a full
         | framerate.
           | _Microft wrote:
           | "SLAM" is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_lo
           | calization_and_...
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | Yep, sorry about that.
               | _Microft wrote:
               | No problem, I thought I could help with that :)
         | mcbuilder wrote:
         | Artistically, developers could do some trippy dream sequences
         | with GANs, where the glitchyness and training artifacts add to
         | the immersions. Because one can sample GANs or mix in latent
         | dimensions, the experience can be tailored individually based
         | on the characters decisions for instance.
         | aspaviento wrote:
         | If the result is also a 3d environment, it could save a lot of
         | time designing scenarios.
       | Vermeulen wrote:
       | Take this idea, and apply it to Google Earth. Have it
       | procedurally generate the rest of the data as I zoom in.
       | Its incredible I can check out my small home town on Google Earth
       | now entirely in 3d (which wasnt the case just a few months ago).
       | Yet the trees/cars are still these blocky low resolution things
       | sticking out of the ground. Imagine Google Earth procedurally
       | generating a high resolution mesh as I zoomed in. Train it with
       | high resolution photogrammetry of other similar locations for the
       | ground truth - and let me zoom in endless in their VR app
         | x86ARMsRace wrote:
         | What would be fun is the inverse. Feed in a section of Google
         | Earth and have it generate a Minecraft world out the other end.
           | Bjartr wrote:
           | It appears that someone's worked that out.
           | reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/x56lg/using_google_earth_terr
           | ain_data_for_making_a/
         | poorman wrote:
         | Is this what https://earth2.io is doing?
           | robertlagrant wrote:
           | No, that's probably a scam.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaijNcRuzsQ
           | Vermeulen wrote:
           | a crypto scam isnt what i had in mind
         | esclerofilo wrote:
         | I believe Microsoft Flight Simulator does this (and it has VR
         | support). It gets a bit tiring to see the same trees on every
         | place on earth, though.
           | ThalesX wrote:
           | Their building gen is also super nice but it really takes
           | away from the experience when flying a known location.
             | LennyWhiteJr wrote:
             | Yeah, going and flying over the small rural farm I grew up
             | on I was disappointing since Flight Simulator had
             | procedurally generated a whole compound full of random
             | buildings that made it look like some cult compound.
         | milkey_mouse wrote:
         | https://xkcd.com/1204/
         | kebman wrote:
         | It's been a couple of years, but I still like the Outerra
         | project. And also the Bohemia Interactive VBS.
         | nicklecompte wrote:
         | I like that idea as a separate program (or just in the VR app)
         | but I think it would be confusing/misleading in Google Earth
         | itself. At the very least there needs to be a clear user-facing
         | indication as to which content is procedurally generated (ie
         | fictional) versus photographed (ie real). Obviously there's a
         | grey area with image processing but I think there's a real
         | concern with prioritizing nice pictures over actual
         | information.
       | ArtWomb wrote:
       | Personally prefer blocky Voxel Art to the photoreal scene ;)
       | NVidia also released their RTXDI SDK for global illumination at a
       | scale of _millions_ of dynamic lights in real time. Combined with
       | GANCraft, anyone could become a world class environmental artist
       | using only Pixel Art tools.
       | https://developer.nvidia.com/rtxdi
         | Iv wrote:
         | Yes, there are all sort of weirdness in their rendering but
         | that's what you get in a research paper. Put that in the hands
         | of actual game designers and you will have incredible
         | possibilities.
         | moistbar wrote:
         | NVidia really likes rendering landscapes, huh?
         | https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2019/03/18/gaugan-photorealist...
           | BugsJustFindMe wrote:
           | Landscape images are classic exemplars for texture-by-number
           | algorithms because nature's variety means that it's easier to
           | make them look real _enough_.
           | See the OG transfer algorithm called "Image Analogies" from
           | decades before the GAN boom:
           | https://mrl.cs.nyu.edu/projects/image-analogies/potomac.html
           | https://mrl.cs.nyu.edu/projects/image-analogies/arch.html
       | xixixao wrote:
       | At the end of the paper it says that one frame takes 10secs to
       | render. I wonder whether one day this method will be able to
       | render in real time (say 30fps).
         | Tenoke wrote:
         | Almost definitely. There's many ways to optimize further with
         | software and hardware is only getting better. I wouldn't be
         | surprised if it's doable today with some cheating, a bit more
         | hardware and a lot of work on optimization.
         | tachyonbeam wrote:
         | Maybe, but OTOH we have very efficient 3D rendering technology
         | that we understand very well. If I had more compute, I'd want
         | to raytrace everything in real-time, but I wouldn't feel the
         | need to bring neural networks into the mix. A better use case
         | of machine learning is probably to help procedurally generate
         | the data to be rendered. It would be really neat to be able to
         | turn a few photos of a real-world location into high quality 3D
         | meshes with no gaps, for example.
           | willis936 wrote:
           | This creates a realistic topography from voxels. If you could
           | do this in realtime then you could have a game where you have
           | the flexibility of minecraft yet the appearance of a more
           | photorealistic game. Imagine playing a game that looked like
           | Control except everything is destructible _and_
           | constructible. It 's an exciting idea.
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | This is what happened in your head when you played Atari games as
       | a kid.
       | [deleted]
       | throwaway10110 wrote:
       | Heh i wonder if we ever get Minecraft 2.0, i get a good chuckle
       | how it just barely runs on consoles and ultrapowerful PCs yet
       | looks so "basic"
       | Myself and my son absolutely love it and spend months in this
       | pandemic deep in minecraft worlds
         | lwansbrough wrote:
         | That's mostly a product of Minecraft's technical choices.
         | Modern computers can render axis aligned voxel grids on the
         | order of 1,000,000^3 (think Minecraft scale but the blocks are
         | sub millimeter) with PBR/GI in real time. Interactive would be
         | another story I suppose.
       | iguessthislldo wrote:
       | I like how if you look close enough, the outlines of trees and
       | hills still are block-ish.
       | waiseristy wrote:
       | Wow! Amazing results, it's like marching cubes on an acid trip!
       | d23 wrote:
       | Maybe I'm just too dumb, but I wish these papers would cut the
       | nonsense and explain the key elements in layman's terms with
       | simple examples. I'm super curious how you can do something like
       | this in a fully unsupervised fashion, but the "Hybird Voxel-
       | conditional Neural Rendering" doesn't mean much to me. Maybe if I
       | knew what "voxel-bounded neural radiance fields" were...
       | harias wrote:
       | Sounds a lot like Google's GAN for fantastical creatures[0].
       | Labels to photorealism seems to be the core idea behind both
       | [0] https://ai.googleblog.com/2020/11/using-gans-to-create-
       | fanta...
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Super cool.
       |  _With that said_ I bet this would choke on lots of actual
       | Minecraft worlds, because people often build things using blocks
       | where the semantics get thrown completely out the window in favor
       | of aesthetics. Want a big mural on the wall? You 're going to be
       | building the wall itself out of differently-colored blocks of
       | wool
       | Maybe they'll solve that part one day :)
       | Edit: That said, it could choke in some really interesting
       | ways...
       | jchanimal wrote:
       | Anyone doing GAN with
       | before: old streetview pre bikelanes
       | after: streetview with new bike lanes
       | profit: now you can see what any town would look like with
       | complete streets. I call it Complete Street View.
       | Please do implement. Of course it would be dreamlike, this is a
       | strength as you wouldn't want the gan to make design
       | recommendations, just a plausible feel.
       | tediousdemise wrote:
       | Civil engineers, architects and landscapers are going to have a
       | field day with this.
       | rocky1138 wrote:
       | Would having a higher resolution texture pack make for better
       | results?
         | willis936 wrote:
         | It doesn't look like it uses any texture information. I think
         | it only takes in a list of block locations and spits out a
         | scene. I would think you would have to train it with every
         | different combination of textures.
       | zelon88 wrote:
       | It looks impressive, but what exactly is the machine learning
       | doing on the original to produce the result?
       | And wouldn't it be possible to simply take the original minecraft
       | map as a height map and texture map and then regenerate a new
       | world with the original world data and more advanced post
       | processing? You could interpolate and randomize more detail into
       | the scene than you started with.
         | erikpukinskis wrote:
         | It's not really adding any meaningful detail per se. where
         | there's a grass block it's just rendering grass. All it is
         | doing is projecting a stable image of "grass" (taken from a
         | labeled image database) in that voxel.
         | Not to minimize the awesomeness of that... doing it stably in
         | 3D while moving the camera is the point of this paper, and is
         | amazing.
         | But it's not really adding detail beyond "these are the kinds
         | of pixels that grass has and the AI figured out we can put them
         | in this arrangement without making things jumpy"
           | debacle wrote:
           | It also seems like your brain is doing most of the work here:
           | https://nvlabs.github.io/GANcraft/images/vox2img.png
           | The renderer seems to be adding some resolution, smoothing,
           | and mipmapping. Shaders can do the same thing, and in real
           | time.
             | Bjartr wrote:
             | Modern shaders[1] do a lot, but you'll never mistake them
             | for anything but minecraft. They don't quite get to where
             | this paper is demonstrating.
             | [1] https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/best-minecraft-shaders
       (page generated 2021-04-16 22:00 UTC)