[HN Gopher] Show HN: Science and math-flavored programming probl...
       Show HN: Science and math-flavored programming problems for
       Author : PolarizedPoutin
       Score  : 267 points
       Date   : 2021-04-17 11:08 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (projectlovelace.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (projectlovelace.net)
       | robinj6 wrote:
       | What do you use for the interpretation of so many languages? Did
       | you just build a bunch of sandboxed vms?
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Ah do we run all user-submitted code in Docker containers. The
         | "engine" that runs the code is written in Python and we do
         | different things for different languages.
         | For running Javascript and Julia, it goes something like Python
         | objects -> JSON -> read JSON in Javascript/Julia -> run code ->
         | output JSON -> read user output from JSON in Python.
         | For C, we can call C functions directly from Python with some
         | code for dealing with different types.
         | Not sure if this is the best approach (it's not super fast) but
         | we've been learning as we go. We might be due for a refactor in
         | case the next language we want to support doesn't fit into this
         | pattern. I'm personally excited to learn Rust and maybe add
         | support for it.
         | PS: Our stack is on GitHub in case anyone is interested in
         | having a look: https://github.com/project-lovelace
           | Karliss wrote:
           | From a quick glance it looked quite worrying, many red flags.
           | I didn't look too carefully so some of this might be wrong or
           | I missed where it's done.
           | * Results from the untrusted part inside container are
           | returned using pickle. Which can be used to achieve arbitrary
           | code execution outside container.
           | * no time limiting
           | * no memory limiting
           | * Untrusted code is run as root in the container which by
           | default is same user as root outside container. From what I
           | understand it isn't as bad as it was in earlier docker
           | versions but still not great.
           | * untrusted code is run in the same process as semitrusted
           | run_lang code, which means that the untrusted code with
           | little bit of effort can manipulate reported execution time
           | and memory usage
           | * for some languages correct_output is copied into the
           | untrusted execution environment which means that solution
           | could potentially just read the correct answers instead of
           | calculating themselves
           | * none of the default capabilities are dropped which is
           | probably more than what solution needs
           | * solution can freely create new files
             | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
             | Thank you so much for taking a look and letting us know!
             | Definitely not surprised that there are many security
             | vulnerabilities...
             | I'm a grad student in computational science working on this
             | as a hobby so building and securing websites is not
             | something I know much about.
             | But now that someone is actually using it, I will take
             | security more seriously.
             | Once I have some time I'll open a GitHub issue and compile
             | a list of the security vulnerabilities you listed and will
             | learn how to fix them.
             | This should be a good learning opportunity!
               | pvg wrote:
               | _This should be a good learning opportunity!_
               | That's a good attitude to have but people are probably
               | going to take over your host[s], vandalize your site and
               | run up your bills long before you get a chance to do all
               | the necessary learning. I don't think your current
               | approach is actually all that easy to secure.
               | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
               | I'm open to suggestions and advice if you have any.
               | This website is a free open-source side project and not
               | business critical.
               | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
               | Thanks for the suggestion. Thread is too deep to reply to
               | your actual message, but I will look around to see how
               | other "online judge" software run arbitrary code
               | securely.
               | There's probably some low hanging fruit in configuring
               | Docker properly.
               | pvg wrote:
               | I don't have anything particularly concrete but I'd say
               | find an open source implementation of something similar
               | that has had a track record of running without too much
               | incident and carefully copy its implementation, design
               | and configuration.
               | Karliss wrote:
               | My suggestions are:
               | Disable ability to make submissions until you have more
               | solid plan
               | Decide what is your goal. Do you want to make a judge
               | system, do you want create tasks or do you want a
               | platform with specific kind of tasks.
               | Get in touch with people involved in ICPC an IOI contests
               | in your country. Even if you are not interested in those
               | kind of algorithm tasks, there will be some people who
               | are familiar with similar existing systems and could
               | point you in the right direction.
               | Assuming your primary goal isn't to make a judge system
               | itself, some other options are: * Evaluate the existing
               | online judge systems. There are some open source ones
               | like DOMjudge(https://www.domjudge.org/),
               | CMS(https://cms-dev.github.io/index.html) and others .
               | Consider if you reuse or extend them to suite your
               | desired format. In the worst case maybe just the
               | execution part can be reused. At least learn from their
               | experience and mistakes creating and maintaining such
               | systems.
               | * Many programming languages now have online REPL
               | environments. Some of them open source. This is one more
               | source of projects that provide sandboxed execution.
               | * If you have some budget, there are platforms that
               | provide sandboxed exection as service oriented at your
               | exact use case. Some examples are Sphere Engine
               | https://sphere-engine.com/enterprise used by Sphere
               | online judge and Kattis .
               | There a lot more different platforms with different style
               | of programming tasks than what you listed in your FAQ.
               | Some of looking for problem setters. Maybe one of them
               | fits your type of tasks more. Or it can be a one off
               | contest with slightly unusual problem set. Or maybe it
               | can be a separate category on their system and you can
               | advertise this category on your website.
           | 101008 wrote:
           | How do you check for malicious code, or something simple as
           | "while True"?
             | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
             | There should be a limit on how long the Docker container
             | can run code for, but it might be unnecessarily long right
             | now.
             | I'm not a web developer by trade or anything so I'll have
             | to learn how to secure the Docker container from malicious
             | code. Hopefully Docker provides some amount of protection
             | for now...
             | For today it's going to be old school htop + F9 haha.
       | jcpst wrote:
       | As a curious polyglot, this is great.
       | stonewareslord wrote:
       | These problems look like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I'm
       | currently learning Rust and would prefer to use it to solve these
       | problems.
       | It would be nice to support uploading a binary or solution (like
       | project Euler) or a CSV of test cases next to solutions. Maybe
       | I'll try compiling rust to c and upload the c file
         | a3n wrote:
         | You could do the problems in rust, locally, and bask in the
         | glow of accomplishment without communicating your results to
         | the site.
         | People self-study text books without sending in their solutions
         | to the publisher.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | I'm excited to learn Rust actually so we might support it soon!
         | It's not trivial to add support new languages since the engine
         | app that runs user-submitted code needs to be able to run
         | arbitrary code in your chosen language and needs a way to
         | communicate with Python (either directly or through JSON
         | passing).
         | So far we've just been adding support for languages we know and
         | use.
         | But indeed there are hundreds of languages out there that would
         | be nice to support in some way. I'm gonna think about how we
         | can add a new "submission mode" where you're given a couple of
         | test cases that you run manually with any language then submit
         | your solution.
       | dghf wrote:
       | In the Python templates, what's with the variable
       | "initialisations" --- e.g. t = 0 in the light-speed one? I've
       | seen similar stuff in my eldest's computing homework: is it an
       | accepted Python idiom that I've missed somehow?
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Yeah the other two replies explain why we used code stubs that
         | would at least run but not pass.
         | Don't think it's an idiom (at least not one that I've seen).
         | It's definitely not the nicest code, especially for simpler
         | problems that are really one-liners but we figured lots of
         | people would just click "submit" on just the code stubs.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | It looks like they've made the minimum amount of code that will
         | execute (but not pass the tests). By using a variable instead
         | of just hardcoding 0 into the _return_ they give you a specific
         | thing to assign to and as long as you leave that _return t_ bit
         | alone at the end your code will work.
         | Though, in that case, the solution is so trivial that _t_ is
         | completely unnecessary.
         | tremon wrote:
         | I presume it is to prevent a NameError if you run the template
         | without adding any code.
       | yeowMeng wrote:
       | I like the eclectic selection of problems. I wish I had seen
       | something like this when I was growing up; a manageable set of
       | problems with the hint of depth.
       | It's easy to snipe a nerd, but nerd sniping a non-nerd.. That's
       | gold.
       | FWIW: - No margins on the side on iPhone in portrait. - Math
       | formulas are clipped on the top in landscape.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Haha thanks for taking a look!
         | Ah I'm no web dev so must have missed that margin issue. Was
         | able to reproduce in tablet mode. Thanks for pointing it out!
       | truth_ wrote:
       | Wow. I really like this!
       | Will begin solving all of them.
       | And I would like this to exists for a long time and I want it to
       | be around when I teach programming to my little cousins, nephews
       | and nieces and my future generation.
       | Add an option to Donate. Would love to do so.
       | russfink wrote:
       | What happens when you submit code?
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | The code gets uploaded to the server which sends it to an
         | "engine" sitting in a Docker container. The engine generates
         | test cases and send them with the code to another Docker
         | container where the code is run. Then the output from your code
         | is sent back to the engine which checks to see how many test
         | cases you got correct before sending all the information back
         | to your browser.
         | You can check out the engine code on GitHub if you're
         | interested in the details: https://github.com/project-
         | lovelace/lovelace-engine
       | amelius wrote:
       | I implemented the Babylonian square root problem using a simple
       | "x to the power of 0.5" and it accepted the answer!
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Yeah haha, this is somewhat intentional!
         | We thought it would be tedious to write tons of code to make
         | sure users don't take the easy way out for each problem and
         | language, so we figured we might as well allow it. We can't
         | force users to solve the problem our way.
       | dvfjsdhgfv wrote:
       | Well done, thank you!
       | cyberia23424 wrote:
       | Awesome website! Although it often loads very slowly for me.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Thank you and sorry about the slow load time.
         | We never expected this much traffic and everything is hosted on
         | a tiny DigitalOcean server including the code runner haha. If
         | you visit a bit later it should be much faster.
         | I can think of some ways to speed things up which I will try.
           | iamcreasy wrote:
           | It looks cool. Thanks! I've started solving problem in Julia.
           | Are there 27 problem in total?
           | Also, I can not seem to submit solution to problem 'Compound
           | interest'. I kept getting the following error, '...docker
           | container is nonzero. Returning falcon HTTP 400.'. Sent you
           | an email with the details.
             | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
             | Nice to see another Julia user! Yup right now we only have
             | 27 problems but there will hopefully be many more in the
             | future. Some people might even contribute some new
             | problems.
       | Vaslo wrote:
       | This is great
       | cbkeller wrote:
       | This looks awesome! I might try to incorporate this as an extra
       | resource in an intro (Julia) class in the future.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | That sounds awesome! Definitely let us know if we can help.
       | gfiorav wrote:
       | Love this! Always been a fan of kata-type websites like [0], but
       | they all become uninteresting after a while (new katas get
       | bland). This submission has good fresh energy!
       | [0] - codewars.com
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Haha thanks! Didn't know about codewars.com, will look into it.
         | Might be a cool way to learn Rust syntax.
           | nxpnsv wrote:
           | I got completely obsessed with the code golf part at
           | codewars, at some point I just decided enough is enough and
           | stopped playing with. A lot of fun though.
       | nxpnsv wrote:
       | It is neat. The inline math formulas are not displaying right
       | (unless raw latex is right...). Compared to Euler I think perhaps
       | the early problems are a little too easy...
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Thanks for checking it out! Will look into the LaTeX rendering
         | issue.
         | Yeah maybe we went a little too easy on the earlier problems
         | but there will be plenty of harder problems coming up
         | hopefully!
         | I actually think Project Euler gets hard pretty quickly but I'm
         | no number theory wizard haha.
       | domano wrote:
       | Very nice curated set of problems with an extremly low entry
       | barrier!
       | Just would appreciate golang support, but i guess you will get
       | feature requests for all languages anyways :)
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Thanks for checking it out!
         | I don't use Go so might take a while unless someone decides to
         | swoop in and add support for it!
         | Supporting new languages takes some effort since we need to be
         | able to run arbitrary Go code and communicate with Python.
         | Definitely possible but requires some familiarity with both.
         | So far we've just been adding languages we know and use. Hoping
         | to learn Rust soon so that might be the next language!
       | Smaug123 wrote:
       | One of the big reasons Project Euler is so brilliant is that
       | every problem is formulated so that you can do it in any
       | language. (I've introduced myself to about six languages this
       | way, none of which you support yet.) What drove the decision to
       | have an allowlist of languages? If you're concerned about people
       | publishing the one true number that is the answer to problem 11,
       | you could always generate random test cases and ask the user to
       | supply the answers to those test cases.
         | pontus wrote:
         | The downside with Project Euler, though is that you need to run
         | your code elsewhere. That's why something like leetcode is so
         | nice (I think, at least): you can run the code right there in
         | the browser. If you take this approach, you're forced to
         | whitelist languages.
           | Smaug123 wrote:
           | Porque no los dos? Allowlist the languages you understand,
           | also allow manual entry for the languages you don't? Seems
           | like the obvious solution.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Right yeah it's a good question.
         | I think the reason we did it is so that we could visualize user
         | output/solutions. You can learn new things by looking at your
         | solutions to various test cases!
         | One example would be if you submit a solution (or just the code
         | stub) to the Exponential growth problem, then your solution
         | gets plotted and compared with the analytic solution and the
         | correct solution:
         | https://projectlovelace.net/problems/exponential-growth/
         | Also, unlike Project Euler where every solution is a number, a
         | lot of scientific problems have solutions that are multi-
         | dimensional arrays or multiple objects. So in this case, copy
         | pasting your output becomes quite messy.
         | It's not trivial to add support new languages since the engine
         | app that runs user-submitted code needs to be able to run
         | arbitrary code in your chosen language and needs a way to
         | communicate with Python (either directly or through JSON
         | passing).
         | So far we've just been adding support for languages we know and
         | use.
         | But indeed there are hundreds of languages out there that would
         | be nice to support in some way. It might be neat to add a new
         | submission mode where you're given a couple of test cases that
         | you run manually then submit your solution manually.
       | siltpotato wrote:
       | So it's Project Euler but also CodeWars.
       | You can even register for it!
       | zakember wrote:
       | Great site, lot of interesting problems.
       | Any chance of adding Rust to the list of supported languages?
       | Bostonian wrote:
       | Could you add Fortran as a programming language? It is one of the
       | main languages for "science and math flavored programming
       | problems". Gfortran is a free compiler that is part of gcc.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | That is true. It's not super easy to add new languages and I'm
         | not familiar with Fortran (thankfully our group switched from
         | Fortran to Julia recently!) but we already support C since it's
         | easy to call C from Python. Perhaps Fortran support won't be
         | super hard either.
       | sundarurfriend wrote:
       | Suggestion: allow entering the registered email ID in the place
       | of username, when logging in. I was repeatedly trying to login
       | and even reset the password, assuming the Username field was
       | "Username or Email ID" like it is in many places now. This is
       | certainly a bit of PEBKAC, but it would be a nice usability
       | improvement to allow what's now become a common pattern and make
       | either username or email ID work in that part of the login form.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Thanks for the suggestion! I'm all for quality of life
         | improvements. Definitely wouldn't be hard to add I think.
       | pontus wrote:
       | Really nice! When I was in college we had all sorts of online
       | systems that automatically graded assignments based on how close
       | to the correct answer your supplied answer was. I think it'd be
       | nice if in the future there was more of an overlap between
       | science classes and programming classes (almost like a freshman /
       | junior level scientific computation class) where instead of
       | approaching problems from a pure theoretical perspective, we
       | involved these types of computational approaches in parallel.
       | Personally I have found that while I often know how to perform
       | various theoretical computations, it's faster for me to just
       | throw together a quick script to approximate the result (e.g.
       | what's the expected value of the product of two gaussians?)
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | I agree 100%. It seems that almost any real-world science
         | problem these days requires a computational solution/approach
         | at some level. Taking a computational approach in parallel
         | would be super useful.
           | truth_ wrote:
           | Just like the "Structure and Interpretation of Computer
           | Programs", there exists a "Structure and Interpretation of
           | Classical Mechanics".
           | I think you might enjoy it. Visit- https://en.m.wikipedia.org
           | /wiki/Structure_and_Interpretation...
         | carldaddy wrote:
         | I agree. I wish school would have merged things like space and
         | programming. I would have been really into it.
         | OkayPhysicist wrote:
         | This was sort of how physics classes at my alma mater worked.
         | Especially at the upper-division level, it was pretty much
         | expected that you would be submitted a Mathematica notebook
         | with all your homework/tests/labs
       | hivacruz wrote:
       | Really cool. Sure the exercises are simple but a little reminder
       | of some science concepts it's always nice.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Yeah haha they're definitely simple if you have almost any
         | education in math or science.
         | I guess we started simple so that the barrier to entry is low,
         | but we should have some tougher and more interesting problems
         | soon!
       | wiml wrote:
       | It is already mentioned in Project Lovelace's About page, but
       | people who like this and Project Euler may also like Rosalind,
       | which is a programming problem site focused on bioinformatics and
       | adjacent algorithms.
       | sireat wrote:
       | Love the little explanations on the left!
       | I've used many of these same problems as small assignments when
       | teaching programming to novices.
       | However all my assignments look much uglier. And looks do matter.
       | de6u99er wrote:
       | That's cool, but I'd love if you'd add Java to the programming
       | languages.
         | PolarizedPoutin wrote:
         | Java is definitely on the list of languages to support soon!
         | I'm also thinking of how we can add a "manual submission mode"
         | that lets you use any language that you run locally.
       | cochne wrote:
       | This is fantastic, I actually independently gave my CS101 (for
       | engineers) students some of the same questions last semester
       | (temperature, definite integrals, game of life). Can't wait to
       | try some of these out!
       (page generated 2021-04-17 23:00 UTC)