[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Does anyone else find the AWS Lambda develop...
       Ask HN: Does anyone else find the AWS Lambda developer experience
       Hey HN,  I've been using AWS lambda a bit recently, mostly as a way
       to glue together various bits and pieces.  Maybe I'm doing this
       wrong but does anyone else find the experience to be really
       frustrating?  I can unit test bits of the code just fine, but at
       some point I always end up stuck in a slow feedback loop where I
       deploy the code, do some manual invoking, go and dig through the
       logs in CloudWatch, add another print statement in my lambda... and
       so on.  What I want is to run the lambdas locally, ideally more
       than one, and then exercise them with streams of test events
       (perhaps captured from a real environment). It would be quite cool
       if I could define BDD style tests around them too.  Anyone have any
       suggestions or share my frustrations?  I have heard localstack is
       quite good although I haven't given it a go yet. Would that work
       for me? I did try SAM but I was a bit underwhelmed and I don't want
       to use a separate IaC tool for these.  Alternatively, do other FaaS
       providers solve this problem?  Thanks for any help.
       Author : tdfirth
       Score  : 114 points
       Date   : 2021-04-18 18:35 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | pier25 wrote:
       | You should check out Vercel.
       | It uses AWS Lambda underneath but it makes the dev experience
       | just awesome.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | I thought Vercel was for building static sites/backends, or
         | would it also work for generic AWS glue code? (e.g. run this
         | lambda when the bucket changes).
           | pier25 wrote:
           | It's a combination of static + cloud functions (AWS Lambda) +
           | CDN.
           | AFAIK even though it's running AWS Lambda, the cloud
           | functions can't be integrated directly with other AWS
           | services.
       | tonfreed wrote:
       | Lambda works fantastically when you're working in AWS' little
       | box.
       | Processing kinesis streams, monitoring and munging S3 objects,
       | auditing dynamo tables, etc. Web lambdas are not worth it imo,
       | very complex and difficult to get right.
       | popotamonga wrote:
       | c# with lambas you just click 'play' locally and you can invoke
       | debug step by step etc, could not be any easier. Which lang?
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | That sounds really neat, I must admit I've never written a
         | single line of c# although I keep meaning to give it a go.
         | Maybe this is my moment...
         | I'm using python mostly atm. I've played around with go/node
         | too (both of which I'm familiar with in and of themselves) and
         | I was thinking about switching over to one of those already.
         | The dependency management is easier for both of them than with
         | python I found.
       | klohto wrote:
       | I personally like SAM, but there is
       | https://github.com/dherault/serverless-offline as well
       | iends wrote:
       | "Think of the history of data access strategies to come out of
       | Microsoft. ODBC, RDO, DAO, ADO, OLEDB, now ADO.NET - All New! Are
       | these technological imperatives? The result of an incompetent
       | design group that needs to reinvent data access every goddamn
       | year? (That's probably it, actually.) But the end result is just
       | cover fire. The competition has no choice but to spend all their
       | time porting and keeping up, time that they can't spend writing
       | new features. Look closely at the software landscape. The
       | companies that do well are the ones who rely least on big
       | companies and don't have to spend all their cycles catching up
       | and reimplementing and fixing bugs that crop up only on Windows
       | XP." - Fire And Motion, Joel on Software
       | In my own work with serverless I think about this a lot. In my
       | day job, we built a new service and we pay AWS a few dollars per
       | month to run. It would have cost us around $100 a month in AWS
       | costs. However, the operational complexity is extremely high and
       | we are also coupled to another service via Kinesis. For a billion
       | dollar business, the trade off doesn't seem worth it.
       | I wonder how much of serverless is just AWS firing at Google (and
       | Heroku, DO, etc) and other competitors. It certainly hasn't made
       | my life as a developer easier. It's certainly much cheaper for
       | some use cases but the complexity of the system goes up very
       | quickly, and you're end up having to manage a lot of that
       | complexity using an inferior tool like Cloud Formation (or
       | Terraform).
         | rualca wrote:
         | > It's certainly much cheaper for some use cases but the
         | complexity of the system goes up very quickly, and you're end
         | up having to manage a lot of that complexity using an inferior
         | tool like Cloud Formation (or Terraform).
         | The complexity bogeyman is a red herring. What is software
         | development if not a constant fight between increasing
         | complexity and adding features, including making systems more
         | robust and resilient and reliable?
         | Sure, you are free to claim that function-as-a-service paradigm
         | is very complex because the code runs somewhere else, and you
         | have to use a separate workflow than the one you're used to,
         | and that you actually have to write unit tests to have some
         | assurances that stuff does work as expected.
         | But what would be the alternative approach?
         | Would it be simpler to write a full-blown service that polls
         | events and listens to message queues and launches background
         | tasks? Obviously, no.
         | AWS Lambda is a fancy way to let developers develop event-
         | driven systems by just writing tiny event handlers and plug in
         | events. It's no rocket science. In terms of complexity, they
         | pale in comparison with even the tiniest hello world windows
         | GUI app, or even Qt. I'm terms of web services, they are a
         | service where you just have to write the request controller bit
         | after that runs after all auth things passed and request
         | messages were parsed and validated. Considering this, isn't it
         | unreasonable to talk about increasing complexity, when
         | everything was made.far simpler than what it would otherwise
         | be?
         | mattmanser wrote:
         | It's like the SPA craze, microservices craze, NoSQL craze or
         | similar things.
         | Appropriate for a small amount of apps, but used
         | inappropriately by a lot more for a while because it's the hot
         | new thing.
           | AlphaSite wrote:
           | IMO SPA is the natural consequence of API 1st design, of you
           | can do everything via the API why reimplement it all again
           | for the UI, as much as it sucks in some ways, it can yield
           | really good results.
         | orf wrote:
         | > I wonder how much of serverless is just AWS firing at Google
         | (and Heroku, DO, etc) and other competitors.
         | It depends on what you mean by "serverless". Serverless
         | webapps? Sure, maybe a fair bit. But the real killer feature of
         | the Lambda service is that it's a universal extension mechanism
         | for other AWS services. Want to run some shoddy virus scanning
         | whenever an object is added to a bucket for compliance reasons?
         | That's a lambda. Want to manipulate Firehose records before
         | they are sent to the sink? That's a lambda. Want to execute
         | some crazy Python function from an Athena SQL query? You
         | guessed it. That's a lambda.
         | So when you say "It certainly hasn't made my life as a
         | developer easier" it means you haven't needed to do these
         | bespoke gluing together of stuff, because "being able to do
         | this somehow" is infinitely easier than "not being able to do
         | it at all because AWS hasn't exposed an API for this use case".
           | salawat wrote:
           | ...You realize you can do 90% of those usecases on your own
           | hardware, with your own tools, within your own infratructure,
           | with complete visibility into every bit without Amazon right?
           | I think the true geniuses are the ones who spent so much time
           | trying to sell people on "Server Admin is hard, lets hire it
           | out!" as well as building the billing and metering systems.
           | In a gold rush, screw panning, sell shovels (and pans).
             | rualca wrote:
             | > ...You realize you can do 90% of those usecases on your
             | own hardware, with your own tools, within your own
             | infratructure, with complete visibility into every bit
             | without Amazon right?
             | This statement is a red herring. People don't flock to AWS
             | because they want to use lambdas. Lambdas are adopted by
             | AWS customers who already have their data in S3 or DynamoDB
             | and/or already use one of AWS message brokers, and happen
             | to stumble on a requirement for a background that runs
             | asynchronously in response to an event, such as someone
             | uploading a file to a bucket.
             | When that usecases pops up, the decision process consists
             | of either adding a brand new service to be ran on ECS, add
             | a background task on a service already being developed, or
             | simply write the event handler and deploy it somewhere for
             | AWS to run without us bothering about scaling and
             | maintaining stuff. Writing and deploying the handler is an
             | order of magnitude simpler to deploy and maintain, which
             | happens to win over some technical discussions.
           | chrisutz wrote:
           | I've found lambda helpful for adding bits of code in other
           | languages to your stack. Want to use a NodeJS library from
           | your Python app? Jam the NodeJS in a lambda and don't worry
           | about maintaining/scaling it.
           | crummy wrote:
           | So is the solution to avoid Lambda unless you have to? Don't
           | use it to build regular software, just use it for AWS glue
           | when necessary?
             | orf wrote:
             | That's the use case where it shines, but it can be an
             | effective part of "regular software" as well.
             | It's a hammer, and if it's a good fit for your particular
             | nail is very dependent on it's shape.
       | heavyset_go wrote:
       | Yes. I only use Lambda when forced to by a client. 99% of the
       | time it's a poor fit for their use case, anyway, but they've
       | still got to have it to make someone happy.
       | I feel as though there are similar amounts of friction across AWS
       | offerings that make them unpleasant to work with in general, too.
       | I'm numb to it now, but imagine my surprise when I actually went
       | to use it for the first time after being hyped up about AWS.
       | For these reasons, and because you pay a significant premium for
       | network traffic on AWS, I never use AWS for personal projects and
       | I'm very happy with that choice.
       | dragonwriter wrote:
       | > What I want is to run the lambdas locally, ideally more than
       | one, and then exercise them with streams of test events (perhaps
       | captured from a real environment).
       | lambci has dockerized near perfect replicas of the lambda runtime
       | environments, so as long as you aren't relying on VPC endpoints
       | tied to specific lambdas, or things like that, you should be able
       | to, even without SAM.
       | But you can also: (1) deploy separate test copies of lambdas and
       | fire test events at them the same way you would locally, which
       | has full fidelity and no third-party deps. (2) throw test events
       | at your lambda entry points locally and capture and validate what
       | they return.
       | I do both regularly with python lambdas (I find that the latter
       | is adequate for testing lambdas and their downstream
       | interactions, but the former is useful for validating
       | interactions upstream, particularly--for most of the lambdas I
       | work with--with APIGateway and some auth stuff we have hooked in
       | there.)
       | sonthonax wrote:
       | Don't bother with Localstack, it's a bunch of Docker images
       | combined with Python's Moto library.
       | AWS has Step Functions, which is a vaguely functional and
       | declarative language for linking your lambdas together. It's a
       | bit verbose and annoying to write, but at least a it makes your
       | lambada setup repeatable.
       | The state machine which actually runs your step functions is
       | publicly available.
       | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/sfn-loc...
         | coredog64 wrote:
         | Seconded that Localstack is pointless. So much of what I want
         | to do isn't supported and/or throws weird errors that are
         | nothing like the AWS service.
       | gorbypark wrote:
       | I am working on a side project (more of a way to learn go than
       | anything) that makes "serverless" functions as simple to deploy
       | as possible. Basically, a developer posts some JavaScript to an
       | API endpoint, and they are returned a function id and a
       | management token. The function can be run at URL.com/functionid
       | and to delete or modify the function the management token must be
       | used. It all runs in a V8 isolate (ala Cloudflare Workers). It's
       | a self contained go binary, so it should be super easy to run
       | locally, too.
       | fifthofeight wrote:
       | Have you tried using serverless/serverless-offline?
       | https://www.serverless.com/
         | cosmotic wrote:
         | Our team has; it's been very difficult. Our jenkins build agent
         | (running as a container) runs integration tests that start a
         | node+serverless container, that starts a localstack container,
         | that starts a lambda contianer.
         | anfrank wrote:
         | It's quite limiting on: 1. It only mocks API Gateway, and not
         | accurately (ie. IAM permissions). You also need to use a bunch
         | of other similar plugins to mock DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, etc. 2.
         | You need to change your code (wrapping your aws-sdk to connect
         | to localhost) to use these mocking plugins.
         | I posted elsewhere in this thread but checkout SST
         | (https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack), it
         | lets' you work on your Lambda functions live without having to
         | mock AWS services locally. Here's a short demo
         | (https://youtu.be/hnTSTm5n11g)
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | I haven't tried it yet, no. It always struck me as being
         | focused on making deployment quick/easy rather than on creating
         | a good local dev workflow (i.e. the same workflow I currently
         | have but a quicker cycle time). This never really appealed to
         | me.
         | Cosmotic's comment kind of confirms my suspicions to be honest.
           | jppope wrote:
           | Couple of notes I'd like to throw out there... - The
           | Serverless Framework does help ease quite a few of your
           | concerns, local development is made much easier (they have a
           | node server for js development). The company working on it is
           | kinda funny, but I still think it's a good tool. I currently
           | use the raw lambda environment at work and can say that the
           | serverless framework is a valuable abstraction. - I think
           | Cosmotic is making their deployment setup more complicated
           | than it needs to be. I obviously don't know their use case
           | but there are easier ways to accomplish a CICD w/ FaaS... - I
           | would recommend trying it. Its pretty painless, and you'll
           | know within ~2-4 hours whether or not it will work for you
         | notsureaboutpg wrote:
         | Was going to post this.
         | It's not a first-class experience, but you can get into a
         | groove with it and for 90% of projects (which need sparing use
         | of Lambda functions for specific purposes).
         | As an example, I use Hasura for some of my backends, and it
         | requires you to set up authentication somewhere else (e.g.
         | Auth0). I usually set up a JWT based authentication module on
         | AWS lambda that works specifically for the given project, and I
         | use serverless to get that done pretty quickly.
       | nindalf wrote:
       | > do other FaaS providers solve this problem?
       | Cloudflare's Workers have a good dev experience. It takes a
       | second to build and locally preview a function. It live-reloads
       | when you make a change. Later, it takes a second to build and
       | deploy. On the flip side, Workers can't run arbitrary Docker
       | containers. Your code has to be JS/TS or WebAssembly.
       | I'm not affiliated with Cloudflare, just a satisfied customer.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | > _On the flip side, Workers can 't run arbitrary Docker
         | containers._
         | Containers are coming to the Cloudflare edge:
         | https://blog.cloudflare.com/containers-on-the-edge/ (inevitable
         | really)
         | Nit: Workers should really be compared to Lambda@Edge instead.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | That's interesting, thanks for the recommendation. I have heard
         | good things about cloudflare workers too and the local dev
         | setup you've described sounds quite good.
         | Am I right in saying that they serve a somewhat narrower use
         | case than lambdas though? My understanding is that they are
         | mostly used for things like modifying requests/responses rather
         | than for building a whole backend.
         | pier25 wrote:
         | > Cloudflare's Workers have a good dev experience
         | My experience has been the opposite.
         | Wrangler doesn't give you any meaningful errors (since it
         | converts JS errors to Rust) and it crashes way too often.
         | Recently I worked on a Workers project and I had an undefined
         | missing variable. The only error Wrangler would output is
         | "error".
         | IMO Workers are only viable for really small and simple
         | projects.
       | astashov wrote:
       | I recently migrated from Cloudflare Workers to AWS Lambda +
       | Dynamo for my relatively large pet project.
       | It was surprisingly hard - the local development of lambdas is
       | still very raw, documentation is scarce, and there are various
       | small issues appearing here and there. I should probably write a
       | blogpost about how to setup decent developer environment for AWS
       | CDK and Lambdas, because there's not much on the Internet about
       | it.
       | I set up the whole AWS infrastructure via AWS CDK. I have one
       | TypeScript file, that creates a stack with lambdas, dynamodb
       | tables, API gateways, S3 buckets, wires up the secrets manager,
       | etc - all of that in 2 environments - dev and prod.
       | AWS CLI also can generate a Cloudformation YAML file from the CDK
       | file (via `cdk synth`), which could be fed into SAM. So, I
       | generate a `template.yaml` Cloudformation file this way, then run
       | SAM like `sam local start-api`, and it runs exactly the same
       | lambda locally, as in AWS, using that Cloudformation YAML file.
       | SAM also supports live reload, so if you change any source files,
       | it will automatically get those changes.
       | So, okay-ish developer experience for lambdas is possible.
       | There're caveats though:
       | * I couldn't figure out how to use "nameless" Dynamodb tables
       | (i.e. when CDK assigns the name to them automatically), because
       | if I omit a table name in CDK template, then the local lambda and
       | lambda in AWS assume different names for some reason.
       | * Locally, the binary outputs don't work. It ignores
       | `isBase64Encoded` by some reason, and lambda just returns Base64
       | output, instead of binary.
       | * And the main problem - local lambdas are SLOW. It seems like it
       | restarts some container or something under the hood on each API
       | call, which adds 2-3 seconds to each API call. So, the calls that
       | should be like 30ms, are actually 2 seconds now. This is super
       | frustrating.
         | mkl wrote:
         | What made you switch? How do Cloudflare workers and their
         | development compare?
           | astashov wrote:
           | Pros of Cloudflare Workers - they're way simpler. Their docs
           | are nice, it's straightforward to set up a dev environment
           | for them, it's easy to set up a key-value store for them
           | (Cloudflare KV), secrets management is simple. Pricing is
           | nice - it's flat $5 a month, and you get access to almost all
           | of it. It works fast and distributed across the whole world,
           | admin console is nicely integrated with the Cloudflare CDN
           | dashboard.
           | But they're too limiting. Cloudflare Worker should be a pure
           | JS script (that looks like a service worker script in a
           | browser). You cannot use any Node libraries. In my app I need
           | to generate images on the fly, so I couldn't figure out how
           | to do that in a Cloudflare worker, so I ended up creating
           | lambdas for those, and proxying the calls from Cloudflare
           | worker to those lambdas.
           | KV (their key-value store) is way too simple. No secondary
           | indexes, no sorting, no querying (you can only sorta query
           | list of keys, but then you have to fetch a record by each key
           | individually). My app hit the limits of KV very quickly.
           | Also, there's no monitoring or any good way to do backups for
           | KV. So, it's almost unusable in a real-world production
           | system, except as maybe a cache layer.
           | Monitoring was a big pain for Cloudflare Workers. Like, even
           | accessing production logs is weird - you have to "tail" them
           | from your CLI. Even Cloudwatch is 100x better here.
           | Development environment is okay, I guess, but the local
           | server crashes constantly. Also, it kinda forces you to use
           | Webpack and bundle the sources. It also doesn't have anything
           | like layers in AWS lambdas, and they have a limit of 1MB for
           | a bundle, which I almost hit (I had like a 900kb JS file), so
           | that part got me worried too.
           | Basically all of that made me worry I will hit a wall soon
           | with Cloudflare Workers, so I moved to AWS. It's not piece of
           | cake too, but at least I get a way to run proper Node
           | scripts, a decent document database, continuous backups and
           | pretty good monitoring out of the box.
             | tqkxzugoaupvwqr wrote:
             | I tried Cloudflare Workers and found these pain points:
             | - local dev server ("wrangler dev") crashes often
             | - local dev server executes code always on Cloudflare ->
             | seeing changes takes a few seconds, you need an Internet
             | connection
             | - forces Webpack on you
             | - managing KV store is difficult (How to back up? How to
             | update schema of millions of entries?)
             | - KV store is slow (400 ms in Europe) unless keys are being
             | hit every couple of seconds to keep the edge cache warm
             | Currently I'm trying an alternative - Deno Deploy - and
             | love it so far. Local dev server executes your code
             | locally, quick compile times, native TypeScript support due
             | to Deno runtime.
             | https://deno.com/deploy
             | viraptor wrote:
             | > Like, even accessing production logs is weird - you have
             | to "tail" them from your CLI.
             | Which seems to fail for access-protected sites since `tail`
             | uses the same domain as the real endpoint. Also no error
             | reporting - the exception may be in the logs, but it's
             | missing the stack trace unless you log it explicitly.
             | The monitoring side of workers is extremely poor currently.
             | Also unit testing workers is hard to get right - there are
             | no good mock libraries for request and kv which behave
             | exactly like the production versions, so you end up with
             | surprises after deployment.
         | vinnymac wrote:
         | I could have written your message word for word. I recently had
         | a very similar experience moving to AWS Lambda using AWS CDK
         | and SAM. It is pretty shocking how unhelpful the AWS
         | documentation can be at times.
         | Each use case is so unique, that it is likely difficult for
         | them to account for every single situation where Lambdas are
         | being used. Instead they opt for a generalized and non-specific
         | documentation site, which results in docs I find practically
         | useless.
         | I frequently find solutions to problems for AWS on someone's
         | obscure blog, who after many days of suffering stumbled onto
         | the answer, rather than finding anything of use directly from
         | those who wrote the software.
         | Does a site exist where programmers can submit useful findings?
         | Similar to stackoverflow, but rather than asking for questions,
         | you just submit answers. I would think being able to search
         | across such a crowdsourced utility would save programmers a ton
         | of time.
           | crummy wrote:
           | > Does a site exist where programmers can submit useful
           | findings? Similar to stackoverflow, but rather than asking
           | for questions, you just submit answers. I would think being
           | able to search across such a crowdsourced utility would save
           | programmers a ton of time.
           | SO kind of lets you do this. You can write a question and
           | immediately answer it yourself - there's an option in the
           | question UI for it.
       | pensatoio wrote:
       | Here are a few libraries that make testing lambdas (and
       | simulating adjacent infrastructure like queues) very easy in
       | tests.
       | localstack
       | mintel/pytest-localstack
       | charlieparkes/boto3-fixtures
       | tracer4201 wrote:
       | I developed on Lambda with SAM and testing was pretty dang quick.
       | IMO, Lambda works great for light weight event processing. I
       | don't know your use case. I wrote some Java based Lambdas, and
       | despite not being a huge Java fan, the Lambda experience was
       | fairly easy for me. I was essentially processing events coming in
       | from an SQS queue, performing some enrichment, and dropping
       | things in other queues for downstream services to consume. Are
       | you sure Lambda is the right solution for your problem?
         | endgame wrote:
         | Your comment basically says "I did it and it's great" but I
         | don't see actionable advice for OP.
           | tracer4201 wrote:
           | Op asked:
           | > Anyone have any suggestions or share my frustrations?
           | I shared my experience and asked them a question. I at least
           | contributed to the discussion.
           | Your comment basically adds nothing to the discussion and is
           | essentially cyber bullying.
             | winstonchecksin wrote:
             | Most of the top comments are saying how Lambda is half
             | baked. It might very well be, but it's funny to see the one
             | comment so far that is positive about Lambda get downvoted
             | and the poster singled out for not providing a clear
             | solution to ops problem. The HN hive mind disapproves of
             | your experience!
       | richardanaya wrote:
       | Have you considered just using lambda to http server adapter?
       | That way you can just write a normal http server and test against
       | that locally as normal, then when you publish to a lambda, the
       | adapter turns AWS lambda json to http requests?
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | I have considered it, yes, and there are a couple of projects
         | that make the HTTP aspect of lambda easier, it's true. However
         | running HTTP requests through lambdas is just one use case for
         | them! For other kinds of events there doesn't really seem to be
         | an equivalent.
         | It would be great if there was a consistent way to do all of
         | them.
         | goodSyntax wrote:
         | I don't understand the benefit of that. Could you explain
         | please? It sounds to me like doing what you describe would
         | prevent all the wins of serverless - scaling and only paying
         | for the runtime you use. In what you describe, you get zero
         | auto-scaling unless you implement it yourself, and you pay more
         | than just lambda or just a http server. It sounds like adding
         | another layer of complexity on top for no benefit
           | frompdx wrote:
           | I think the idea is to run a regular http server locally that
           | forwards requests to your lambda handler function for the
           | purpose of testing. When you actually deploy your lambda, you
           | just hook up the lambda handler function and leave the http
           | server out of the picture.
       | i_v wrote:
       | The best solution I've found for local testing is the Lambda
       | Runtime Interface Emulator (RIE)[1]. It's basically a little Go
       | wrapper[2] that runs your handler and makes it callable through
       | an HTTP API. I considered writing a test harness around this for
       | convenient integration testing but in my recent evaluation, I
       | ended up avoiding Lambda (it's been really nice for small one-off
       | tasks but was too expensive for the most recent and somewhat
       | fringe use-case I considered using it for).
       | [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/images-
       | test.htm... [2]: https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-
       | interface-emulator
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | Ah that's a good idea - I have actually played around with
         | that. When they released support for running lambdas with
         | container images I used it to have a go at making a custom
         | lambda image.
         | I didn't join the dots up for this use case though, thanks!
       | jmb12686 wrote:
       | That can be true if you are using tightly coupled event sources
       | (like s3, SNS, etc) where you need to inspect the incoming
       | object. If you are doing a HTTP / REST API, try to decouple the
       | code as much as possible from the API Gateway invocation by using
       | ExpressJS / aws-serverless-express to aid in local testing and
       | debugging. Then testing and debugging locally becomes much
       | easier.
       | pc86 wrote:
       | Is AWS a requirement? I've just started a project that is
       | roughly... 75% Azure Functions and so far it's been a dream.
       | Between the triggers and the outputs, and being able to run
       | functions locally in VSCode I feel like it's the perfect way to
       | "glue together various bits and pieces" as you said. Obviously a
       | lot of the triggers are Azure-specific but between HTTP and
       | Service Bus Queue/Service Bus Topic you should be able to do just
       | about anything you need.
       | On the plus side of having a lot of the pieces in Azure, if
       | you're lucky enough to have an input and output match (e.g. you
       | want to persist SB Topic messages into a SQL API CosmosDB
       | instance) it's a half dozen lines of code and you're done.
       | meursault wrote:
       | Have you tried the recently added container support? There's a
       | component provided called the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator
       | that exposes an API for the locally running container. In my
       | experience this is miles better than the original approach.
       | jollybean wrote:
       | Yes, the AWS serverless is essentially half-baked for this reason
       | it would be considerably more powerful - to the point of changing
       | how we make apps - if there was a local environment provided by
       | them that could really make testing and deployment seamless.
       | Being able to see a debug of 'live' lambdas in your own cli etc.
       | would be ideal.
         | anfrank wrote:
         | Wow, that is exactly what we are making. I posted elsewhere in
         | this thread but SST (https://github.com/serverless-
         | stack/serverless-stack) lets' you work on your Lambda functions
         | live without having to mock AWS services locally.
         | Here's a short demo (https://youtu.be/hnTSTm5n11g)
         | I'd love for you to give it a try.
           | jollybean wrote:
           | That looks cool I will check it out.
         | frompdx wrote:
         | My tinfoil hat theory is that making local development
         | difficult is the goal rather than a side effect. Why not just
         | run the stack yourself if it's that easy? Better for Amazon if
         | the development process for using their services involves as
         | many other AWS services as possible.
           | jollybean wrote:
           | I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that if that
           | were indeed going to work out, but the more reasonable thing
           | is that they're just bad at it. Lambda was weak for years.
           | Also, a 'local stack' for testing probably wouldn't cover
           | nearly enough basis for people to 'just to it themselves'.
           | Literally today I had a billing problem with AWS and it was
           | one of the worst, broken UI experiences I've ever seen.
           | Involving money to boot (usually those things have higher
           | standards).
           | They are really bad at quite a lot of things, it is what it
           | is - there might be some rhyme or reason to it, for example,
           | they might not care about documentation, or may be much more
           | focused on bread and butter ec2, bit it's totally plausible
           | that there are a lot of frayed edges.
           | You know that difficult-to-attribute quote: 'Don't attribute
           | to malice that which can just as easily be attributed to
           | incompetence'.
       | meritt wrote:
       | There's a recent YC launch that attempts to solve this:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26315585
       | https://serverless-stack.com/
       | redhale wrote:
       | I completely agree, especially having just come from working with
       | Azure Functions. This likely also applies to other runtimes, but
       | definitely for dotnet, you can run all Functions in a solution
       | locally via the default F5 debugging feature in Visual Studio.
       | Stellar developer experience.
         | flyinglizard wrote:
         | It's astonishing how entrenched is the HN type in AWS that this
         | no one said it before.
         | P.S you can even attach the VS debugger to the live, deployed
         | remote function and get full debugging (although quite slow).
         | Don't forget to deploy with the Debug (rather than Release)
         | profile if you wanna do that. Breakpoints and all!
       | aerovistae wrote:
       | I find all of AWS frustrating. Their interfaces feel like they
       | were designed by an 80s IBM analyst.
         | ufmace wrote:
         | I use them heavily for work. IMO, they're pretty well designed
         | for managing large numbers of servers with sophisticated
         | coordination and management systems. If you just wanna run a
         | single server, it's kind of ridiculously over-complex. IMO,
         | Digital Ocean, Linode, etc have much better workflows for just
         | spin up a single Linux server attached to this DNS and let me
         | set everything up on it.
         | StratusBen wrote:
         | Time to check out https://vantage.sh/ :)
           | majewsky wrote:
           | It is considered impolite to plug your own stuff without
           | disclosing your relation to it within the same post.
             | StratusBen wrote:
             | ...didn't know that - thanks for the heads up.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | > Their interfaces feel like they were designed by an 80s IBM
         | analyst.
         | The purpose of the AWS Console, AFAICT, is:
         | (1) To be used by semi-technical ops and management types, and
         | people doing tutorials, and
         | (2) To drive everyone else as quickly as possible to the
         | APIs/CLIs/SDKs.
         | cpach wrote:
         | Haha! Funny, and there is probably a kernel of truth in there.
         | I've been thinking a lot about AWS lately and it definitely
         | seems to me like a modern take on what IBM did in the 80's.
         | bamboozled wrote:
         | Ultra slow too, logging into the console is one of my least
         | favourite things to do.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | This made me laugh, thanks.
         | If I'm honest, I do find AWS in general fairly high friction at
         | times but it's way better than renting servers directly I
         | think.
         | It's the only cloud provider I've really worked with to be
         | honest though (other than a few experiments), maybe some others
         | are much better in this regard?
           | mattmanser wrote:
           | For me the Azure management portal is frustratingly slow, AWS
           | is at least moderately responsive in comparison. I've not
           | tried the Google stuff for years, but in my experience
           | everything they do is ridiculously overcomplicated.
           | I don't really get where you're coming from on renting
           | servers directly, using AWS is far more expensive if you
           | actually need a server for a while.
           | Though I do admit being able to fire up a server for a couple
           | of hours and then delete it is pretty awesome.
             | tdfirth wrote:
             | I wasn't referring to cost as, yes, it's definitely cheaper
             | to just rent some servers.
             | The operational overhead of provisioning them, configuring
             | them (and so on) is really difficult for a lot of teams
             | though.
       | endgame wrote:
       | Suggestions:
       | 1. If you are building APIs and using Lambda functions as targets
       | from an API Gateway API, look into libraries like serverless-wsgi
       | (Python) or wai-handler-hal (Haskell) that translate between API
       | Gateway request/response payloads and some kind of ecosystem-
       | native representation. Then as long as you're writing code where
       | all state gets persisted outside of the request/response cycle,
       | you can develop locally as if you were writing for a more normal
       | deploy environment.
       | 2. Look into the lambda runtime interface emulator (
       | https://github.com/aws/aws-lambda-runtime-interface-emulator...
       | ). This lets you send invoke requests to a fake listener and
       | locally test the lambda more easily. While the emulator is
       | provided in the AWS container base images, you don't need to run
       | it inside a container if you're deploying with zip files. (AWS-
       | provided container images automatically enable the emulator if
       | not running in a lambda runtime environment, and using docker for
       | port remapping, which is nice but not at all required.)
       | 3. Get really good at capturing all requests to external
       | services, and mocking them out for local testing. Whether this is
       | done with free monads, effect systems, or by routing everything
       | through gateway classes will depend on your language and library
       | choices.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | Thanks for these suggestions, they seem pretty solid. I'm
         | particularly keen on the idea of capturing requests/events for
         | use in mocking.
         | It would be quite a powerful workflow for running integration
         | tests. I shall do some research!
       | k__ wrote:
       | There are many monitoring/observability services that help.
       | - Dashbird
       | - Thundra
       | - Lumigo
       | Cloud9 has direct Lambda integration, which helps too.
       | dmlittle wrote:
       | If all you need is the ability to run a lambda function's code
       | locally you might interested in docker-lambda[1]. I haven't
       | really used localstack or SAM but a couple of years ago when we
       | needed to run some lambda functions locally for development
       | docker-lambda worked well enough.
       | [1] https://github.com/lambci/docker-lambda
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | Oh that does look quite interesting, I hadn't heard of that.
         | Thanks for the tip.
         | As you say, it only does the 'host lambdas locally' bit though.
         | If you wanted to do stuff like test the interactions between
         | lambdas, or test them over HTTP (for lambdas that act as
         | components in REST APIs), you'd need to build something
         | yourself.
           | sonthonax wrote:
           | If I were you, I'd write a little framework that abstracts
           | these interactions. An HTTP call is an RPC call, and putting
           | something onto SQS is just a queue.
           | You're not testing that HTTP works, you're testing that the
           | two functions work together. If you can abstract a calling
           | interface between them with different backends you'll have a
           | better time developing lambdas, while also not being tightly
           | coupled to them.
           | Create an RPC container object that has method stubs for the
           | other lambdas you want to call. When you deploy it on AWS
           | configure it to make an HTTP call; when running it locally,
           | configure it to just call the code as normal.
           | Just think of the HTTP call and JSON blob as the calling
           | convention. The API is really simple.
           | I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when
           | developing Lambadas is designing them differently to normal
           | software.
             | tdfirth wrote:
             | > I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when
             | developing Lambadas is designing them differently to normal
             | software.
             | That's probably very true (and I'm probably quite guilty of
             | it!).
             | Thanks for your suggestions, that does sound like a good
             | approach.
       | joshuanapoli wrote:
       | My company uses separate stages (through serverless framework)
       | for each branch of feature development. CI uses these to test,
       | running within AWS infrastructure. It works well for isolating
       | test environments. We lean more on unit testing to debug the
       | service with external dependencies mocked. We try to avoid
       | situations where we are adding log statements one-by-one;
       | CloudFormation deployments take several minutes, so iterating
       | small changes is indeed frustrating. We thought about localstack,
       | but haven't tried it. I'm worried that it will increase our IaC
       | complexity; everything will have to deploy to both AWS and also
       | localstack.
         | anfrank wrote:
         | Yeah I wouldn't go down the local stack path. IMHO, you should
         | develop/test against real AWS services, and it falls on the
         | tooling to make that experience fast/smooth.
         | I posted elsewhere in this thread but checkout SST
         | (https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack), it
         | lets' you work on your Lambda functions live.
         | Think of it like your Lambda functions are Live Reloaded as you
         | make changes to your code. You don't need to mock AWS services
         | locally, and you don't have to wait for CloudFormation to
         | deploy your changes.
         | Here's a short demo (https://youtu.be/hnTSTm5n11g)
       | swyx wrote:
       | > Alternatively, do other FaaS providers solve this problem?
       | I worked on Netlify Dev, which does offer a simulated lambda
       | environment for testing locally:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19615546
       | I was also quite disappointed to see that AWS Amplify did not
       | offer a running dev server for lambdas, best you could do was a
       | local onetime manual invoke and even that often failed
       | (mismatched to the live lambda environment where it succeeds)
       | tlarkworthy wrote:
       | Part of my frustrations with FaaS lead me to develop serverless
       | cells where there is no deploy step.
       | https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/serverless-cells
       | Source code is loaded dynamically each invocation.
       | Still, some work todo, it's still annoying to program. Next hope
       | to make them easy to use is pipe the runtime to Chrome devtools
       | TruthWillHurt wrote:
       | We're using it "the right way" with SAM, but still very
       | frustrating.
       | We had to detect if running locally or deployed in our code
       | because Cognito auth was giving us trouble when running locally,
       | and Step Functions can only be tested deployed.
       | Cloud Watch logs take several minutes to appear, funcs take some
       | time to package and deploy (even with caching) - making feedback
       | loop very slow.
       | I personally think the best way is to develop serverless funcs
       | _on platform_ - using the built in editor. You get logs
       | instantly. But can 't get devs to give up their IDEs...
         | jppope wrote:
         | +2x - The logs are funny. they'll duplicate, show up late, etc
       | sharms wrote:
       | I share these frustrations and don't have a great answer. When
       | integrating N cloud services, at some point it gets incredibly
       | hard to build out fast feedback / local environments. The best
       | way I know how to deal with it is use less services and ensure
       | the ones you stick with are simple.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | I am not alone then at least! The particularly annoying thing
         | is that I feel like N isn't even that high. Even 2 or 3 things
         | interacting is a pain (unless it's stuff like RDS or just a
         | plain old container of course).
       | kaishiro wrote:
       | It sounds like you're committed to Lambda, but we've spent
       | extensive time across both Lambdas and Google Cloud Functions,
       | and my off the cuff, somewhat biased opinion is that GCF gives a
       | significantly better development experience the Lambdas. I note
       | biased because a majority of the work we do lives in
       | RTDB/Firestore.
       | However, in response to your specific pain point - after
       | initializing a new functions project you can immediately run an
       | 'npm run serve' and have local execution firing for any
       | scaffolded endpoints. These - by default - will connect to a
       | project associated RTDB/Firestore instance without the need for
       | additional service account/IAM configuration.
       | I've always enjoyed that this was a part of the mainline dev flow
       | - and it removes a huge barrier of entry for me (mostly mental)
       | to spin up little toy projects or test endpoints whenever the
       | thought crosses my mind.
         | wussboy wrote:
         | This response surprises me. I find Google Cloud Functions to be
         | orders of magnitude worse than Lambdas. Everything that you
         | deal with in AWS with the added bonus that instead of taking 5
         | seconds to deploy it takes 5 minutes. I would love to know
         | better options. How do you deal with that horrible deployment
         | time?
       | atraac wrote:
       | We run Azure Functions with C#, it's not perfect but it's very
       | easy to test, runs with a single click locally, deploys fairly
       | easily to Azure as well(though it has some quirks) can use 99% of
       | our codebase as a dependency without any issues.
       | andreineculau wrote:
       | I've been in the AWS world for 4+ years now and my immediate
       | feedback is don't run any local emulators. None! Write unit tests
       | for the internals and test your system end-to-end. I say that
       | both because AWS services can have unpredictable behavior that
       | you need to account for but also because local emulators are at
       | best functional, but in reality far from emulating the AWS world
       | on a 1:1 scale (especially the unpredictable behaviors i
       | mentioned). So instead optimize for many local unit tests and
       | many live end-to-end tests (implies many deployments and parallel
       | environments prod, staging, dev, etc)
       | When it comes to Lambdas, given the reasons above, there's only
       | one thing that can improve the experience: PROXY. Before i went
       | on parental leave i had the idea is creating a proxy lambda which
       | can be configured with an IP and port number. That IP and port is
       | for your local dev environment. This way, when developing you can
       | instruct a live system to short-circuit and to proxy calls to a
       | local lambda available om the respective port. Trigger end-to-end
       | tests by invoking AWS services that will eventually call the
       | proxy lambda, and then your local lambda with the same
       | environment/context/input, reply with output which will reach the
       | proxy lambda, which will output the same content forward.
         | AlphaSite wrote:
         | Sound a little like Tilt, Skaffold or build packs?
           | joshribakoff wrote:
           | More like telepresence than skaffold
             | andreineculau wrote:
             | I don't know them in depth but yes, I'd also go for
             | telepresence (which is smth i discovered after i had my
             | evrika moment and so i started googling for similar ideas
             | or maybe even implementations)
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | To check my understanding, you basically deploy a place holder
         | lambda which proxies events to your dev machine?
         | That's pretty neat if so, I might have to try that out. Are
         | there any downsides to this approach do you think?
         | Thanks for your thoughts on emulators/tests too.
           | andreineculau wrote:
           | Correct. I'm very pedantic and usually I can't help but find
           | flaws in all proposals :)) but I really can't think of
           | anything here. I can see limitations though: if you use
           | lambda layers or native code specifically for the AWS
           | architecture etc, then you need to account for that when
           | proxying but... It's not impossible. You also need to account
           | for having a public IP or use a service that exposes a public
           | ip/port and redirects to your local dev machine. The idea is
           | not super simple in practice but it is very simple compared
           | to the emulators and it gets you very close to 1:1 parity for
           | all those corner cases.
             | tdfirth wrote:
             | Ha, I'm glad my simplification did not fall too short!
             | I did wonder with regards to the IP address. If you had a
             | VPN set up for access to a VPC and ran the lambda in that
             | VPC then that would be another option I think. You would
             | just need to configure a static IP for your dev machine
             | within the private network.
               | andreineculau wrote:
               | Right! I haven't explored that thought. My team kept
               | everything serverless so we touched zero VPC/etc. From a
               | generic perspective, having a setup to proxy into a LAN
               | is more valuable I think - i can imagine for instance how
               | my team had access to certain AWS services, but not all,
               | erc etc. But these are details - the idea would be worth
               | exploring
         | pavel_lishin wrote:
         | > _and test your system end-to-end._
         | How do you automate this?
           | andreineculau wrote:
           | Living in my team's bubble i thought everyone runs or tries
           | to run parallel environments: prod, staging, dev, but also an
           | individual (person) or feature env. Why? Because there's no
           | emulator or documentation that will teach you real behavior.
           | Like others have said, AWS seems out of this world. Just like
           | GCP and Azure i might add. Some things you don't expect and
           | they mesmerize you how smart they are. Some you expect and
           | you can't fathom how come you're the "only" one screaming.
           | Random thought: this is how i ended up logging all I bumped
           | into into "Fl-aws" https://github.com/andreineculau/fl-aws
           | Back to the point: reality is that many build their AWS
           | environment (prod) manually, maybe they duplicate once (dev)
           | also manually, maybe they use some automation for their
           | "code" (lambda) but that's it. This implies it's practically
           | impossible to run end-to-end tests. You can't do that in prod
           | for obvious reasons and you can't do it in dev either - you
           | have many devs queueing, maybe dev is not in sync with prod
           | etc.
           | My team ran cloudformation end-to-end. We actually
           | orchestrated and wrapped cloudformation (this is yet another
           | topic for not using terraform etc) so that if smth couldn't
           | be done in CFN, it would still be automated and reproducible.
           | Long story short, in 30 minutes (it was this long because we
           | had to wait for cloudfront etc) we had a new environment,
           | ready to play with. A total sandbox. Every dev had their own
           | and it was easy to deploy from a release artifact or a git
           | branch to this environment. Similarly you could create a
           | separate env for more elaborate changes to the architecture.
           | And test in a live environment.
           | Finally to your question: how do you test end-to-end?
           | If we talk about lambdas because that's where the business
           | logic lies in a "serverless" architecture, then the answer is
           | by calling the system which will eventually call your
           | lambda/s along the way. If your lambda ia sitting behind AWS
           | gateway, then fire an http request. Is it triggered when
           | objects land on S3? Then push some object to S3. How do you
           | assert? Just the same - http response, S3 changes etc. Not to
           | mention you can also check cloudwatch for specific log
           | entries (though they are not instant).
           | With this type of a setup, which sounds complex, but it is
           | not since it is 100% reproducible (also from project to
           | project - I had several), adding this proxy-to-my-dev-machine
           | lambda would mean I can make local changes and then fire unit
           | AND end-to-end tests without any changes pushed to AWS, which
           | is the main time/energy consumer imo.
           | PS: sorry for the wall of text. Like i said i recently
           | realized that the development realities have huge
           | discrepancies, so i tried to summarize my reality :)
       | anfrank wrote:
       | SST is an Open-Source framework worth checking out if you are
       | looking for a lighting fast local dev environment for serverless.
       | https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack
       | I often see ppl adopt one of two development patterns:
       | 1. Locally mock all the services that your Lambda function uses.
       | Like API Gateway, SNS, SQS, etc. This is hard to do. If you are
       | using a tool that mocks a specific service (like API Gateway),
       | you won't be able to test a Lambda that's invoked by a different
       | service (like SNS). On the other hand a service like LocalStack,
       | that tries to mock a whole suite of services, is slow and the
       | mocked services can be out of date.
       | 2. Or, you'll need to deploy your changes to test them. Each
       | deployment can take at least a minute. And repeatedly deploying
       | to test a change really slows down the feedback loop.
       | SST lets you develop your Lambda functions locally while
       | connecting to others AWS services without needing to mock them
       | locally. Behind the scene, the lambda requests are streamed to ur
       | local, runs ur local function, response streamed back to Lambda.
       | So you can iterate on ur function code without redeploying.
       | Think of your Lambda functions are Live Reloaded. You can see it
       | in action here -- https://youtu.be/hnTSTm5n11g
       | I'm the core maintainer of the project. And folks in our
       | community are saying using SST feels like "working in the future"
       | ;)
       | I'd love for you to give it a try. We are also a part of the YC
       | W21.
         | tdfirth wrote:
         | Hey, thanks for the link. It does look quite good - there was
         | another comment where someone had a home-brewed set up that did
         | something fairly similar.
         | I'll check it out!
           | anfrank wrote:
           | Awesome! We've got a super passionate community at
           | https://launchpass.com/serverless-stack
           | You can also direct any questions/feedback to frank@anoma.ly
           | :)
         | davmar wrote:
         | I use this companies services (seed.run as well). Frank and Jay
         | are doing something truly special in this space.
         | Also, this guide they put together is definitive:
         | https://serverless-stack.com/#guide
         | Had I found that years ago, I would have saved SO MANY
         | headaches. I've implemented local debugging (hell, and doesn't
         | actually replicate AWS). I've followed the CloudWatch logs,
         | just like you, painful.
         | The SST local debugging with lambda is the best way forward.
         | Deploying micro services on seed.run is also the way forward.
       | kerryritter wrote:
       | I typically write my Lambda functions as Nest apps, develop
       | locally, and then deploy with the aws-serverless-express (or
       | fastify) NPM package, and I enable The ability to trigger a
       | kinesis/s3/etc events locally as well. The fact that my app gets
       | deployed to Lambda doesn't really have any impact on my developer
       | experience. What stops you from working locally?
         | timdev2 wrote:
         | This has worked very well for me, too. I suppose it might start
         | to break down if you're using some of the more complex AWS-
         | specific offerings.
         | But if your function more or less resembles a little web app
         | that maybe talks to S3 and DynamoDB, this works really well.
       | infinityplus1 wrote:
       | Firebase Functions has a local emulator and a unit testing
       | module. The emulator is quite good for testing your code locally
       | quickly.
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