[HN Gopher] Remote Code Execution Found in CococaPods
       Remote Code Execution Found in CococaPods
       Author : st3fan
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2021-04-20 13:56 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (justi.cz)
 (TXT) w3m dump (justi.cz)
       | QuercusMax wrote:
       | There's a typo in the title; Should be CocoaPods, not Cococa.
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | mcraiha wrote:
       | We only need CocoaPods, because Apple couldn't build a proper
       | package manager for XCode. And I am quite sure event Apple uses
       | CocoaPods internally.
       | CocoaPods itself is quite problematic: You need Ruby to run it.
       | Definitions aren't strict enough (you can use too old CocoaPods
       | binary for package that doesn't support it). Pods can cause build
       | conflicts/issues that might only be visible when you run your
       | app.
         | jquery wrote:
         | > I am quite sure event Apple uses CocoaPods internally.
         | I'd be very surprised if Apple wasn't dogfooding their own tool
         | chain
           | dep_b wrote:
           | Apple probably uses SPM for new projects. But existing
           | projects are probably not switching to SPM soon.
         | danpalmer wrote:
         | I think the success and rapid adoption of Swift Package Manager
         | as it has become a viable solution speaks to this deep desire
         | in the community to have an Apple provided solution to it.
         | CocoaPods was a hugely important part of the iOS ecosystem and
         | will be for years to come, but SPM is a great next step.
           | Duckton wrote:
           | I think you overestimate how long CocoaPods will be used, all
           | third party libraries I've used in the last 6-12 months
           | supports SPM
             | throw14082020 wrote:
             | Pseudo-counter point: SPM for firebase iOS SDK is in beta,
             | and was released 2 weeks ago. Before this, you couldn't use
             | SPM. The readme recommended (defaulted) to Cocoapods, with
             | "experimental instructions for carthage". Therefore
             | Cocoapods is likely used by most iOS apps with firebase.
             | username_my1 wrote:
             | Our app is in objC and we're not planning a rewrite anytime
             | soon.
             | RandallBrown wrote:
             | And none of the ones I use support SPM.
               | dep_b wrote:
               | So apparently a lot of them do support SPM even when it
               | doesn't say so in the README. Confusing, annoying. Out of
               | a project with 10 dependencies I thought only 4 supported
               | SPM by reading the README but in the end only one (which
               | was my own...) Cocoapad didn't have SPM support.
         | jonas21 wrote:
         | Not to mention that things like stats (useful for assessing
         | quality) and search ranking have been broken for years [1].
         | This isn't meant as a criticism of the CocoaPods team, who seem
         | to be doing the best they can given that they're working on a
         | volunteer basis and even had to pay for infrastructure costs
         | out of pocket. It just amazes me that Apple couldn't donate a
         | little bit to help out such a critical part of their developer
         | ecosystem.
         | [1] https://github.com/CocoaPods/cocoapods-stats/issues/32
           | Steltek wrote:
           | Brew, CocoaPods, who else is carrying Apple's water? It seems
           | to me that Apple never sold a Unix-like dev machine, they
           | provided hardware and a kernel for others to do so for free.
             | Cloudef wrote:
             | Brew and CocoaPods are quite horrible hacks, but still
             | better than nothing. Apple systems aren't very nice if you
             | have to delve out from the non apple garden.
             | st3fan wrote:
             | Pretty sure Apple funded MacPorts
         | lyptt wrote:
         | Swift Package Manager is the official package manager for
         | Xcode. It's been available for a few years now and a lot of
         | third party iOS/macOS projects support it. I haven't had to
         | touch CocoaPods in many years. For the past 5 years I've been
         | using Carthage, and more recently everything is SPM.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | Sadly, the existence of Swift Package Manager has pretty much
           | taken all the wind out of the sails of third-party package
           | managers, and it has done so far too early.
         | marcusbuffett wrote:
         | Can confirm Apple iOS projects use CocoaPods internally, at
         | least the couple I was aware of when I worked there.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | They do, although Apple doesn't use third party libraries
           | very often and when they do they tend to vendor them.
       | justicz wrote:
       | I found this bug! Here's my blog post about it:
       | https://justi.cz/security/2021/04/20/cocoapods-rce.html
       | I started looking because I wanted to find bugs in Signal for
       | iOS, which uses CocoaPods: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-
       | iOS/blob/master/Podfile
         | sigg3 wrote:
         | I like your shameless plug:
         | > I'm trying to give 10,000 mosquito nets to charity! If you
         | liked this post please consider donating a $2 mosquito net.
         | https://giveanet.org/
           | dgs_sgd wrote:
           | That's not a shameless plug, just a plug.
           | spondyl wrote:
           | Didn't Bill Gates purchase a heap of malaria nets only for it
           | to turn that out that people were using them for things like
           | fishing and generally just not using them for their intended
           | purposes?
           | Not to diminish the finding mind you, just that I was
           | surprised to hear about malaria nets.
           | https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/25/world/africa/mosquito-
           | net...
             | tclancy wrote:
             | So you're saying the world got better because of it? Why is
             | everything some Benthamite calculus?
               | spondyl wrote:
               | > Why is everything some Benthamite calculus
               | I don't understand what this means
               | tweetle_beetle wrote:
               | Jeremy Bentham [1] was more or less the founder of
               | utilitarianism [2] as most people understand the notion
               | today.
               | It's a suggestion that everything is only done on the
               | basis of what will result in the most benefit, ignoring
               | the mortality of how it is achieved.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham [2]
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham
               | [deleted]
               | garblegarble wrote:
               | >So you're saying the world got better because of it?
               | Unfortunately not - the hole size on the nets is much
               | smaller than a normal fishing net, so it doesn't let
               | juveniles escape, reducing the future fish population.
               | A lot of the nets are also treated with insecticide,
               | which means you're essentially dumping insecticide into
               | the water, which can be dangerous to humans and toxic to
               | fish.
         | ksml wrote:
         | That was really short and sweet. Thanks for the writeup!
         | rplnt wrote:
         | > Then think about how much a security audit would cost.
         | This is why some customers require various security
         | certifications. Too bad the certifications often focus on
         | whether your employees have three groups of characters in their
         | passwords instead of an actual security audit with penetration
         | testing.
         | My point being, how to make people want a proper audit and how
         | to commuicate you had one. From another point of view, how do
         | you justify the cost without including the risk of being
         | hacked? Because even in this instance, they were (probably) not
         | hacked, and your reward was likely lower than an audit would
         | cost.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | You put up a decent sized bug bounty. Whether or not the
           | bounty is claimed, it shows your company either has good
           | security, or is prepared to put a lot of resources into
           | making it good.
         | kirby88 wrote:
         | I still don't get why the --upload-pack option execute its
         | content... Seems pretty dangerous to me. How did you find that
         | out?
         | dang wrote:
         | I think it would be fair for the thread to point to your post,
         | so I've swapped your URL in for
         | https://blog.cocoapods.org/CocoaPods-Trunk-RCE/ above.
       | SiempreViernes wrote:
       | Honestly surprised this wasn't about some internet connected
       | coffee machine!
       | I expect you could make a hard developer trivia game where people
       | have to guess if a vulnerability was found in an IOT app or a
       | SAAS app based only on the name.
         | amelius wrote:
         | > Honestly surprised this wasn't about some internet connected
         | coffee machine!
         | Whenever IT folks run out of good names they always turn to
         | coffee.
         | hashmush wrote:
         | Like this one? Not IoT or SaaS, but big data.
         | https://pixelastic.github.io/pokemonorbigdata/
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Kudos to them for a proactive approach.
       | I'm deprecating my use of Cocoapods (for publishing -I never use
       | them for my own software), in favor of SPM.
       | That said, it's clearly a labor of love, and filled an important
       | niche for years.
         | zacwest wrote:
         | SPM has a lot of issues, though. For example: if you depend on
         | a static library, it will both statically link it _and_ embed
         | the binary; likewise, a static library dependency in a
         | framework will cause build failures ~70% of the time when
         | clean. There's others around resources, etc.
         | I do not believe SPM is mature enough to be the entire
         | platform, and worst yet if you experience any problems it is
         | entirely impossible to customize the behavior. I think it's
         | going to be another year or 2 before dropping CocoaPods
         | entirely is a fair choice for libraries -- SPM works for the
         | most basic use cases, but not all.
           | tspike wrote:
           | Carthage has been a happy middle ground for us. It doesn't
           | dictate the structure or configuration of your project.
             | lyptt wrote:
             | Only annoyance for me with Carthage is needing to strip
             | architectures out of the built frameworks in order for the
             | app to be validated when uploading to App Store Connect.
             | It's an awesome solution though, and much better than
             | CocoaPods.
               | AJRF wrote:
               | Carthage supports XCFrameworks now which means this is no
               | longer required.
               | lyptt wrote:
               | Nice! Glad to hear that's finally been fixed
           | AJRF wrote:
           | > if you depend on a static library, it will both statically
           | link it _and_ embed the binary
           | That's fixed in Xcode 12.5
           | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-
           | note...
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | Ah. I see why this has not been an issue with me for most
             | (maybe not all) of my projects. Most have only a single-
             | layer dependency.
             | Looks like this happens for chained dependencies _( "a
             | Swift package with binary dependencies", below)_, in apps
             | with extensions (I have none).
             | This is from the 12.4 notes[0]:
             |  _> If you use a Swift package with binary dependencies in
             | an app with extensions, the build system incorrectly embeds
             | the binary dependencies alongside the extension in the
             | PlugIns directory, causing validation of the archived app
             | to fail. (69834549) (FB8761306) Workaround: Add a scheme
             | post-build action which removes the embedded binaries from
             | the PlugIns directory after the build, e.g. rm -rf  "${TARG
             | ET_BUILD_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}.app"/PlugIns/_.framework.*
             | I do not see a note in the 12.5 notes addressing this[1].
             | [0] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-
             | release-note...
             | [1] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-
             | release-note...
           | danpalmer wrote:
           | > I think it's going to be another year or 2 before dropping
           | CocoaPods entirely is a fair choice for libraries
           | For libraries this is probably true, but I would imagine that
           | most apps could start on SPM from today and never need to
           | introduce CocoaPods or Carthage (we did, ~1 year ago). There
           | are certainly limitations, but they are disappearing fairly
           | rapidly, and the advantage of simpler builds, no Ruby setup,
           | simpler Xcode project structures, etc, are worthwhile.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | Well, I won't go into the issues that prevent me from using
           | CocoaPods, and why I'm not going to be publishing my
           | libraries on them, from now on, but SPM has worked well for
           | me. I am _very_ careful about what I include in my projects.
           | Most of my dependencies are fairly small ones that I wrote
           | and published. Many are a single source file.
           | I don't see the libraries being embedded in my project, but
           | maybe I need to use something like iMazing to look at the
           | package.
       | [deleted]
       | xucheng wrote:
       | This seems to be an issue of git. It's very surprising that a git
       | command would invoke its arguments in shell.
         | tantalor wrote:
         | The issue is ruby's `system` method which interprets args in
         | the shell.
         | They should have used `popen` instead.
         | This is similar to python's subprocess with `shell=True`
         | Edit: I'm wrong!
         | > ls-remote has a parameter --upload-pack which can be used to
         | execute a new shell
           | xucheng wrote:
           | I don't believe this is the case.                   [1]
           | pry(main)> system "echo", "$(whoami)"         $(whoami)
           | => true         [2] pry(main)> system "git", "ls-remote", "--
           | upload-pack=$(whoami)", "HEAD"         $(whoami) 'HEAD':
           | USERNAME: command not found         fatal: Could not read
           | from remote repository.              Please make sure you
           | have the correct access rights         and the repository
           | exists.         => false
             | kirby88 wrote:
             | I had the same reaction as you... it looks like the
             | vulnerability is coming from git, that's a very dangerous
             | behavior.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
             | tantalor wrote:
             | Oh, that's very silly. Don't do that!
       | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | AJRF wrote:
       | Looks like they've made an web-app (https://pod-
       | sources.cocoapods.org/) to check the distinct sources of a pod so
       | you can have a fish to see if a source location url changed
       | behind your back.
       | Would be good to show a list of all repositories where there are
       | more than 1 distinct source as most people who make pods just
       | point to their Github repo release page.
       | It's very tedious to check the impact of this without that list.
       | w0mbat wrote:
       | I don't use CocoaPods because a) they are a gaping supply chain
       | vulnerability and b) they lead to bloat as people routinely pull
       | in a whole package for one routine.
       | I manually import and rewrite snippets of 3rd party code when
       | needed, or I write needed utils myself. I lean on the OS as much
       | as possible, not dodgy and often abandoned 3rd party libraries.
       (page generated 2021-04-20 23:00 UTC)