[HN Gopher] _hyperscript: A jQuery and JavaScript Alternative
       _hyperscript: A jQuery and JavaScript Alternative
       Author : recursivedoubts
       Score  : 166 points
       Date   : 2021-04-20 12:33 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (hyperscript.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (hyperscript.org)
       | oblib wrote:
       | Wow! This is just sweet!
       | I love the natural language approach and simplicity.
       | I'm definitely going to block off some time to play with this.
       | jamestothejimmy wrote:
       | Looks useful for a lot of the mini sites or landing pages we need
       | to do, would make it much easier to add some basic interactivity
       | with potentially less debug time
       | frabjoused wrote:
       | It seems like this library was built to address the edge cases
       | the author is familiar with, and for the more complicated actions
       | it starts leaning closer towards a traditional language. For
       | example, the debounce function referenced in the JS comparison
       | isn't even a properly implemented debounce, which means his
       | built-in language function for debounce is incorrect. I've had to
       | build or use a debounce function maybe 10 times in 12 years
       | personally.
       | SPBS wrote:
       | My first reaction was that "this sucks, who would want to use
       | some non-established DSL over universally understood JavaScript".
       | But thinking about it more, this is just like functional CSS
       | libraries (e.g. Tailwind CSS) that allow you to compose behavior
       | from strings that you bake into the HTML. I don't agree with the
       | syntax here or the use of `_` instead `data-*`, but I think it's
       | worth looking into encoding common UI behavior into HTML classes
       | or a custom data-* attribute.
         | purerandomness wrote:
         | From the docs:
         | > While the underscore (_) attribute is where the hyperscript
         | runtime looks for hyperscript on an element by default, you may
         | also use script or data-script attribute, or configure a
         | different attribute name if you don't like any of those.
       | goto11 wrote:
       | Seems cool in general. I like their point about "locality of
       | behavior".
       | Some of the syntax give me unfortunate flashbacks to AppleScript.
       | Expressions like "the location of window" looks cool at first
       | glance, but in reality "window.location" is easier to both read
       | and write, especially when you start to compose more complex
       | expressions.
         | deniz-a wrote:
         | How about `the window's location`?
           | rsfinn wrote:
           | ... which syntax HyperTalk originally supported as a sugaring
           | of `the location of window` ...
             | recursivedoubts wrote:
             | oh, we support that too :)                 set the location
             | of the window to 'https://hyperscript.org`
         | klibertp wrote:
         | > but in reality "window.location" is easier to both read and
         | write
         | No, it's not easier to read. Really. You _think_ it is, but
         | that 's only because you're used to it. If you take a step back
         | and look at the "window.location" expression objectively, while
         | forgetting all that you know about programming (but retaining
         | your knowledge of English), you won't be able to tell what is
         | it about, not with any kind of certainty. Or, if you have
         | experience with some other programming languages, you might
         | read it as "a composition of function window and function
         | location". On the other hand, "the location of window", even if
         | it's not 100% correct English, tells you all that you need to
         | know to understand what is happening.
         | It is easier to write, but only because it has less characters.
         | The docs state pretty clearly that they are optimizing for ease
         | of reading, not writing, so this is expected.
           | goto11 wrote:
           | But I _am_ a programmer, and this code is going to be written
           | and read by programmers. The experience from AppleScript
           | shows IMO that a more English-like syntax does not actually
           | make the language simpler to use, it just obscures the
           | underlying semantics, making it harder to learn.
           | kayodelycaon wrote:
           | Natural-language programming comes up from time to time and
           | it rarely sticks around.
           | For myself, I can't parse them without my brain trying to
           | read it as actual English. Having programming languages look
           | distinctly different from human communication keeps my mental
           | overhead low. I find Applescript impossible to use.
           | NLP also has a major issue with rapid comprehension. It's far
           | harder to see the structure of code at a glance if everything
           | is just keywords. While this is an issue with every type of
           | communication, NLP has a significantly lower upper limit to
           | almost every other language I work in. SQL is a middle
           | ground. If you format it properly, it's really easy to scan
           | and see what's happening. Applescript? Not so much.
             | recursivedoubts wrote:
             | I agree, applescript is a warning to anyone going down the
             | hypertalk-derived road
             | I am adding things like CSS literals:
             | https://hyperscript.org/expressions/#css
             | in the hope that we can increase the expressiveness (and
             | distinctness between different elements) that we don't fall
             | into the wall-of-text nature of applescript.
             | It's a speculative project, we'll see how it works out.
       | graderjs wrote:
       | Not to be confused with
       | hyperscript[0]
       | hyperscript[1]
       | hyperscript[2]
       | hyperapp[3]
       | [0]: https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript
       | [1]: https://cycle.js.org/api/dom.html#api-h
       | [2]: https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-
       | jsx/issu...
       | [3]: https://github.com/jorgebucaran/hyperapp
         | tobr wrote:
         | I read this too late and was already confused.
         | Since the author is here, I'd like to take the opportunity to
         | suggest they change it.
         | lhorie wrote:
         | See also: preact, mithril.js, etc
         | I mentioned this before[0] but it seems the author is committed
         | to the name, despite the potential confusion downsides </shrug>
         | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26744932
       | twsted wrote:
       | Tangential, the best web tech (in my opinion) I am considering at
       | the moment (in this order):
       | - Svelte
       | - htmlx
       | - lit-html and perhaps also lit-element
       | devilduck wrote:
       | We don't need this
       | tyingq wrote:
       | _< div _="on click transition opacity to 0 then remove me">_
       | My immediate reaction was "Oh, web Cobol".
       | Edit: By the downvotes, I'm guessing people think it was a lazy
       | attempt to poke fun. It's not though :) Cobol has a very repeated
       | VERB->NOUN->ADVERB->ETC sentence style pattern that's very
       | similar to what's in that snippet of _hyperscript above. Like:
       | THAN 4
       | And so on...
       | gnrlst wrote:
       | I _guess_ it could be useful for simple DOM manipulation. The
       | issue with it is, despite how great co-locality of concerns is,
       | is that it can 't EVER be separated. So I would use something
       | like this if I wasn't using any framework at all. As soon as you
       | use a framework (e.g. svelte/react/vue), the need for manual
       | jQuery/dom manipulation drops to near 0.
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | 'guess' indeed, it probably doesn't take long to run into a
         | situation where you have to go back to regular JS.
         | I'm confident the examples given can be simplified as well. The
         | vanilla JS and jQuery examples are not equivalent for example,
         | the vanilla one is (intentionally?) inline JS whereas the
         | jquery one separates it out.
         | It also doesn't use ES6 arrow functions (neither vanilla nor
         | native), which would remove the need to rebind `this` to
         | `self`.
         | The vanilla one also sets style via JS, which isn't how you
         | should do things. Transitions can be set in CSS beforehand. The
         | one used sets the animation to 'all' properties as well,
         | instead of just 'opacity' which is the only property changed.
         | TL;DR the article is making vanilla look more difficult than it
         | is. The jquery example seems lifted off of Stack Overflow.
         | mrozbarry wrote:
         | I think this should expose something like
         | `_hyperscript.on(domElementHere, 'your hyperscript string')`
         | and that could resolve the co-locality concern.
           | recursivedoubts wrote:
           | we are working on supporting _hs files and you can write
           | event handlers against other elements:                 on
           | click from #some-btn         log 'The button was clicked'
           | end
           | However, we really lean towards directly embedding the
           | scripts on HTML elements for Locality of Behaviour
           | https://htmx.org/essays/locality-of-behaviour/
         | dsego wrote:
         | You wouldn't use a framework like react/vue with this. It is a
         | companion project of htmx (1) which takes a different approach
         | than your typical JS framework. There is a recent JS Party
         | podcast (2) with the author if you want to learn more and have
         | a better understanding of the motivation behind these
         | approaches.
         | 1 https://htmx.org/
         | 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJdxR6qoUOE
           | brianzelip wrote:
           | > recent JS Party podcast (2)
           | See also https://changelog.com/jsparty/171
       | SamBam wrote:
       | It seems that the strings in the _ attribute aren't actually
       | being read at runtime. E.g. if you edit them in the DOM it
       | doesn't change anything. I assume this means it's compiled once
       | on DOM load?
         | deniz-a wrote:
         | You're pretty much right. Modifying the code at runtime is
         | useful for devtools fun, but not much else.
         | If you'd like to play around, open the console and try calling
         | the `_hyperscript` function:
         | _hyperscript(`get the first <button/>
         | transition its background-color to 'red' over 2s
         | log ':]'         `)
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | We have a (hidden) playground here:
         | https://hyperscript.org/playground/
         | Still a work in progress, but you can play around w/ the
         | language.
       | jeffreyrogers wrote:
       | I have a small marketing webpage I am working on and I could see
       | this being useful for that. Most of what I want to use JS on for
       | that is relatively straightforward and this seems like a simpler
       | approach than using a full framework or writing everything from
       | scratch in normal Javascript.
       | mdtusz wrote:
       | This seems quite interesting and powerful for what most server-
       | side rendered websites need from javascript, however the _usage_
       | seems fairly klunky to me at this stage.
       | I could see this being a joy to work with though if a well
       | determined usage pattern emerges where you have something like a
       | `some_page_template.html` file open next to a
       | `some_page_hyperscript.hy` where you define all the locally
       | scoped functionality and the two are combined by your webserver
       | template engine.
       | It wouldn't be very hard to set up, but having a de-facto way to
       | structure and organize things it would likely help with adoption
       | and prevent new users from being architechture astronauts.
       | k__ wrote:
       | Not to be confused with HyperScript [0], a popular JS templating
       | library.
       | [0] https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript
       | klibertp wrote:
       | It looks interesting. There is a lot of complexity that can be
       | hidden behind a well-crafted DSL. REBOL's View dialect and TCL's
       | TK are examples of DSLs which make developing UIs much simpler
       | than it would be with a full language. It might work with web
       | frontends, too. It's also quite safe to use, in that it has an
       | escape hatch and allows embedding JavaScript in it, and allows
       | extension with JS code. The drastic simplification of the build
       | process (and the reduction of the amount of code needed to do
       | something useful) makes it attractive to people who don't work on
       | the frontend often. I'll definitely give it a try.
       | tompazourek wrote:
       | What's the debugging experience like? If some _hyperscript code I
       | wrote doesn't do what I want it to do, what do I do?
       | Is there some browser extension of some sorts or some IDE-like
       | tool?
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | We have a debugger:
         | https://hyperscript.org/docs/#debugging
       | sequoia wrote:
       | I like the locality of behavior concept and am interested in
       | learning more about hyperscript.
       | This VanillaJS example is just plain silly. I've never seen
       | anyone set styles and call requestAnimationFrame & do all that in
       | an _inline_ onClick handler. I mean html elements have a `style`
       | attribute, why would you set `transition` in a click handler?
       | The vanilla example should look more like the jQuery one, with
       | the the code apart from the markup & referencing the element by
       | id or class, attaching a handler with addEventListener.
       | Your will still compare favorably, and this a slightly less
       | "intentionally ugly" way to write the code.
       | Tade0 wrote:
       | It's libraries like these which remind me that even today most of
       | the web front-end consists of static pages with JS sprinkled on
       | top.
       | Yes, there's Facebook with React and whatnot, but for every
       | shared news article there you'll find an URL which leads to a WP
       | site with jQuery added for interactivity.
         | Sharlin wrote:
         | The real problem is all the pages that could be static HTML
         | with some JS on top, but are instead SPAs with a dozen layers
         | of abstraction taking half a gig of RAM and five seconds to
         | render.
           | Tade0 wrote:
           | I've thought about this a lot and my position is that it all
           | boils down to how bad is the result when you apply any of
           | these approaches wrongly.
           | Turns out static pages with JS on top can be _even worse_
           | than badly done SPAs - especially when the server
           | infrastructure is lacking and a single request takes a
           | significant amount of time.
             | ljm wrote:
             | Surely all of the money invested into that SPA could be
             | redirected into a simpler full-stack app, with sprinkles of
             | progressive JS?
             | On the one hand you have a shared-nothing architecture that
             | serves HTML and can enjoy varying forms of caching.
             | On the other you have an application that still depends on
             | a server, but replaces all of that simplicity with a
             | stateful client-server architecture that requires _more_
             | infra to manage, at a greater expense.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | I mean, that's just bad development though. You can write
           | React with literally 0 external libraries and have a fully-
           | fledged state management solution built-in.
           | The same folks who fail to understand that and just
           | recklessly add dependencies aren't going to craft a nice
           | static HTML site with smart, minimal, performant JS; they
           | just don't have the chops for clean solutions. The medium
           | barely matters.
             | piranha wrote:
             | I disagree. Making a good site with React takes more effort
             | than not making bad site otherwise. Also because it's
             | fashionable React (and similar frameworks like Angular or
             | Vue or Ember) are used in places where they don't belong
             | and it stinks.
               | Tade0 wrote:
               | Frameworks shield from footguns like unpredictable DOM
               | modifications all over the place put one over the other.
               | I was there when AngularJS was still this revolutionary
               | new framework and back then any sufficiently
               | sophisticated form would eventually become
               | unmaintainable.
               | nawgz wrote:
               | I just am saying, someone with clean HTML/CSS/JS
               | knowledge who abuses React to the degree you're implying
               | just sounds like a strawman to me.
             | veidelis wrote:
             | Wait.. no. There is enough information out there that
             | suggests that React's Context should not be considered a
             | replacement for Redux. Just think about having multiple
             | contexts and derived state - there would be scenarios where
             | your view layer would be unnecessarily coupled with
             | stateful logic or other undesired patterns.
               | nawgz wrote:
               | > think about having multiple contexts and derived state
               | - there would be scenarios where your view layer would be
               | unnecessarily coupled
               | Can you expand on this?
               | I have created entire applications which are operating
               | off of a single React context, and then also created some
               | generic components which themselves expose a provider to
               | their managed subtree. I have not faced any issues or
               | "coupling" between these layers; I just pass props from
               | the top-level context to the top of another subtree /
               | component, and it works as I would expect.
               | I don't rely super heavily on derived state, but I find
               | useEffect and useMemo to both be quite simple and
               | effective when I need side effects or to memoize a piece
               | of derived state to prevent throttling.
               | What situations am I missing that introduce these issues
               | you talk about? How does Redux solve them more cleanly?
       | racl101 wrote:
       | This could be nice for new people but as a person well versed in
       | jQuery and CSS selectors it would be more work for me to learn
       | this than to continue using jQuery.
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | hyperscript has built in CSS literals, which can make code
         | pretty tight:
         | https://hyperscript.org/expressions/#css
         | Not suggesting you give up jQuery, but a lot of your knowledge
         | should transfer if you ever want to play with the language.
       | recursivedoubts wrote:
       | Hi there, I'm the creator of _hyperscript and htmx, happy to
       | answer questions.
       | _hyperscript is much more speculative than htmx, but it is
       | working out pretty nicely. One aspect of the language that HN
       | readers might find interesting is that it is async-transparent:
       | the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous code is
       | largely hidden:
       | https://hyperscript.org/docs/#async
       | This allows for some pretty interesting programming techniques,
       | such as event-driven control flow:
       | https://hyperscript.org/docs/#event-control-flow
       | One thing to be aware of with _hyperscript is that it is intended
       | as a light weight, event oriented scripting language, I would not
       | recommend a huge application being build out in it exclusively.
       | It is designed to make it easy to plug into the event models of
       | htmx and other libraries.
       | EDIT: I should also mention, it is still very early in
       | development (0.0.9)
         | neolog wrote:
         | Some people are writing an alternative, Twinspark, inspired by
         | intercooler/htmx but without inheritance and with batching [1].
         | Avoiding inheritance seems especially good to me. I'm wondering
         | what is your take on removing inheritance/providing an
         | alternative to it?
         | [1] https://solovyov.net/blog/2020/a-tale-of-webpage-speed-or-
         | th...
         | mattgreenrocks wrote:
         | The async transparency aspect is very interesting from a design
         | POV! What were your inspirations for that?
           | recursivedoubts wrote:
           | I just hated the way that callbacks look or that you had to
           | color your functions:
           | https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/what-color-
           | is-...
           | For light weight scripting I didn't want to have to think
           | about that. I had implement a "wait" command in the old ic-
           | action attribute from intercooler:
           | https://intercoolerjs.org/attributes/ic-action.html
           | And I wanted to generalize that.
           | (A motivation for creating _hyperscript was because I removed
           | ic-action as well as a bunch of other event-based attributes
           | when rewrote intercooler.js as htmx:
           | https://hyperscript.org/docs/#history)
             | mstade wrote:
             | The async transparency stuff is really interesting, and
             | reminds me of a comment[1] I made a couple of years ago
             | here on HN about async/await and how I think it's backwards
             | from what it ought to be. Really glad to see you exploring
             | this further, I think you're on to something.
             | That post from Bob Nystrom's blog makes the point I was
             | trying to make much more eloquently than I could, thanks
             | for sharing!
             | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21065806
       | vladde wrote:
       | I wouldn't implement this in any larger projects. Reading through
       | the syntax it seems to fluctuate between choppy flow and fluent
       | English.
       | Possibly for smaller personal projects, but maybe that is what
       | the library is for.
       | rlawson wrote:
       | I haven't started to use _hyperscript yet but htmx (by same
       | author) has been a real pleasure to use with Django. SPA like
       | behavior with 1/10th effort.
       | cardanome wrote:
       | I love it. I am totally fond of the locality of behavior
       | approach. Not many frontend tools do fit into the traditional
       | niche of JQuery were you want a static site with some quick and
       | easy way to add some interactivity.
       | Now I do share the concern that it might not be the best approach
       | for really complex stateful applications but we will have to see
       | how it scales once we see the first real world uses of it. It is
       | good to know that the is always the escape of hatch of simply
       | using plain vanilla js. Sure it wont replace React/Svelte/Elm
       | level of use cases but I guess that is not the goal.
       | Also really dig the fresh take on a human friendly syntax. Sure
       | there are pitfalls with that but hey for this kind of DSL it
       | might work out. Nice to see people trying out non mainstream
       | approaches.
       | v8dev123 wrote:
       | This won't scale. It will be like AppleScript for Web :)
       | fouric wrote:
       | The symbol-light, kind-of-English-looking syntax initially
       | reminded me of Common Lisp's LOOP DSL[1] before I made the
       | connection to HyperTalk/HyperCard.
       | [1] http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/loop-for-black-belts.html
       | ape4 wrote:
       | Looks like jQuery without punctuation.
       | danfritz wrote:
       | As a developer with dyslexia I hope this never becomes popular as
       | I would be out of a job.
       | Kuddos to the author looks cool but personally I wouldn't be able
       | to make a single thing work.
       | Grieving wrote:
       | I really like hyperscript et al. They seem to apply the
       | 'everything-in-one-place' approach from modern JS development to
       | HTML itself, extending hypertext without papering over it.
       | bshimmin wrote:
       | In case you never knew you wanted AppleScript in the browser,
       | here it (sort of) is!
         | nmcfarl wrote:
         | Looks like it's supposed to be more like HyperTalk in the
         | browser:
         | > It is based on an older and somewhat obscure (today) family
         | of programming languages that originated in HyperTalk...
         | - https://hypescript.org/docs/#syntax
       | TheRealPomax wrote:
       | The first example is already bizarre: use CSS and a transition
       | listener on the JS side, why would you still implement it with a
       | 1998 onclick, and a setTimeout? This isn't modern "vanilla JS",
       | this is "ancient nonsense" =/
       | Add a CSS class "hide-animated" tied to your transition, add a
       | transition end listener on the document (not once, perpemtual),
       | with evt => evt.target.remove()
       | (That's right, ".remove()", not
       | "element.parentNode.removeChild(element)". Actually looking up
       | modern JS is a good idea if you're going to knock it).
       | And then the only other JS thing you need for your element is a
       | click listener that adds "classList.add(`hide-animated`)".
       | Is "addEventListener(`click`, evt => evt.target.remove())" overly
       | verbose and cumbersome? Sure is, I have no love for it, but if
       | you want to show that your library is better than vanilla JS,
       | show vanilla JS, not code from 20 years ago.
         | liquidise wrote:
         | Do you push arrow functions to production? IE still accounts
         | for 2.5% [0] of browser share and has no support [1] for them.
         | My guess is that most of us have Babel in the mix of a
         | production deployment, in which case I think the "20 year old
         | code isn't vanilla" loses some of it's effect.
         | 0: https://www.statista.com/statistics/272697/market-share-
         | desk...
         | 1: https://www.caniuse.com/arrow-functions
           | nawgz wrote:
           | I don't think that 2.5% number is true. I can't click thru
           | that paywall without signing up, but for example you rown
           | caniuse link suggests 0.99% and this [0] suggests 0.73%
           | [0]: https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share
         | deniz-a wrote:
         | Thanks for commenting! I just did a pass over the vanilla JS
         | examples addressing some of these issues.
         | Wrt. transitions:
         | > use CSS and a transition listener on the JS side
         | Now you need to have 3 files open in your editor simply to be
         | able to say "this button fades away in half a second when
         | clicked". The onclick is used to somewhat alleviate this (See
         | "Locality of Behavior" [1]).
         | Separation of concerns is important, but different applications
         | have different definitions of what constitutes a "concern". If
         | one expects that the hiding animation will be changed by
         | designers, one would likely use CSS as you suggested. The nice
         | thing about `settle` in hyperscript (as opposed to just
         | listening for a transitionend) is that you can switch from a
         | transition to a keyframe animation and it will still work with
         | no changes.
         | > add a transition end listener on the document
         | Wouldn't this also detect non-disappearing transitions (say, an
         | element expanding or changing color)?
         | [1]: https://htmx.org/essays/locality-of-behaviour/
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | I would love a pull request with improvements.
         | I'd like to be as fair as possible in these comparisons.
           | suction wrote:
           | Wait, you're looking for people to do the work you claim you
           | did?
             | recursivedoubts wrote:
             | For htmx I have to stay in es5 to preserve IE11
             | compatibility, so there are modern features in the language
             | I don't use on a regular basis. I appreciate any help from
             | people who are better at the language, but of course
             | understand if people aren't interested.
       | cortexio wrote:
       | This is bad, very bad. I get the idea, it's cool and all, but
       | it's very limiting, let alone all the parsing your pc has to do.
       | U know, people talk about the environment so much and how much
       | they care, yet they create stuff like this. Not that the creator
       | of this project cares about this, but i've seen to many devs
       | doing it.. so called "caring" about the environment but then
       | wasting electricity like it's nothing.
       | sdwvit wrote:
       | How to debug if I have a typo somewhere?
       | gmaster1440 wrote:
       | Neat, appears to occupy a similar niche as Alpine:
       | https://github.com/alpinejs/alpine
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | yep, very similar goals (although _hyperscript, sadly, requires
         | a lot more code...)
       | luord wrote:
       | htmx by itself is so good--when paired with discipline in the
       | backend in creating proper fragments anyway--that so far I
       | haven't needed hyperscript. But then again, htmx is so good that
       | any project by the author has my vote of confidence by default.
       | Still, I oughta try this to make a proper judgement.
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | :) I appreciate hearing that.
         | _hyperscript is _far_ more speculative than htmx, so if you don
         | 't need it, don't use it just to use it.
         | But if there are places where a bit of light scripting might
         | help, it's maybe worth a try.
       | epr wrote:
       | Several years back, when I was learning my first web stack, I got
       | some very good advice from a seasoned developer.
       | "Focus on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JS. Everything else
       | is ephemeral."
       | I don't mean to pick on whomever wrote these examples, but the ~7
       | lines of JS for the first example (fading out) shows either a
       | lack of basic understanding or intentional complication to make
       | hyperscript appear better in comparison. A more reasonable
       | solution is 3 lines of code.                   .fade {
       | transition: opacity 500ms ease-out; }              <div
       | class="fade" onclick="           this.style.opacity=0;
       | this.addEventListener('transitionend', () => this.remove());
       | ">Remove Me</div>
         | lyjackal wrote:
         | I generally agree that practically, focusing on the heavy
         | weight technologies will be the most useful in the long run. In
         | defense of DSLs, I do love them. It's the magic of doing a task
         | specifically as the most intuitive magical incantation. A
         | beginner can pick the DSL up easily and get excited about
         | learning the underlying fundamentals. An expert can code
         | complex scenarios more efficiently.
         | Still, there's a pretty steep curve to developing them, and
         | that generally translates into a shorter lifetime unless they
         | take off in popularity. For example, tooling support, for
         | things like autocomplete, highlighting, debugging will need to
         | be implemented. There's also a lack of community answering
         | questions, making it difficult to pick up for beginners (no
         | stack overflow, etc).
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | Won't the arrow function not bind `this` to the DOM element,
         | causing it to refer to the window object? I think you have to
         | use a real `function`, `function(){this.remove()}`
         | Lorin wrote:
         | Do you remember who said the quote? That's fantastic.
           | epr wrote:
           | I'm not sure to be honest, but the above quote is the result
           | of me distilling the seed he planted in my mind into as
           | concise a statement as possible. Unless I am mistaken, his
           | original (I think it was a StackOverflow post related to
           | JQuery) was much longer.
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | Thank you, I'll update the example. I usually stay in es5 for
         | IE11 compatibility (htmx is still supporting IE11) so I tend to
         | write js in a more archaic style.
           | epr wrote:
           | That 1% market share of IE gets smaller every day, as we wait
           | with bated breath.
             | recursivedoubts wrote:
             | :) I know, I am looking forward to using
             | IntersectionObserver in htmx.
             | But I'm a bit of a contrarian and every time someone tells
             | me to drop IE support I think "Maybe I won't."
           | city41 wrote:
           | Also a heads up, the vanilla fade out demo doesn't work
           | correctly (immediately disappears) as in the actual code it
           | looks to be missing the transition line.
             | deniz-a wrote:
             | Thanks for reporting, fixed.
         | supakeen wrote:
         | This doesn't remove the object from the DOM after the animation
         | is over, which the example on the website does. You'll need to
         | add something that removes the element after the transition is
         | over which would be a bunch more code (the eventlistener for
         | transitionend) :)
           | epr wrote:
           | Thanks for the heads up before the Hacker News edit window
           | closed. +1 LOC
             | jolux wrote:
             | FYI you can set a "delay" in your profile of up to 10
             | minutes before your comments are shown, giving you more
             | time to edit. May not have helped in this case but it's a
             | cool feature.
               | SebastianKra wrote:
               | thats's a nice tip. Thanks
               | jolux wrote:
               | one can learn a lot from reading the FAQ:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html :)
               | SebastianKra wrote:
               | :D that's fitting for HN.
               | Instead of finding a more descriptive name or adding a
               | short description below, they put it on a completely
               | different site.
       | megous wrote:
       | So say you want to start a fetch and some animation at the same
       | time to indicate progress. Both run in parallel. Not very unusual
       | use case.
       | How?
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | There is an example using event-driven control flow that could
         | be used as a basis for this:
         | https://hyperscript.org/docs/#event-control-flow
         | Coupled with an async command:
         | https://hyperscript.org/commands/async/
         | The language is very young, so we are still building out the
         | docs and examples.
         | For something like htmx, where there is already a rich event
         | model around requests, I would instead listen for
         | htmx:beforeRequest and htmx:afterRequest events:
         | https://htmx.org/reference/#events
         | And use that event-driven control flow technique to smoothly
         | end the animation.
           | megous wrote:
           | I see, async command would solve that. Thanks.
       | codingdave wrote:
       | My gut feeling is that this won't scale to work well in a non-
       | trivial app, but I don't want to jump to conclusions, either.
       | If the author is really trying to be a better jQuery without long
       | chains of callbacks, then I'd like to see an example that shows
       | exactly that. Show us an AJAX call that GETs data, add elements
       | to the DOM based on that data, then binds events to those
       | elements that call some existing functions. Maybe an example
       | fetching data to build a draggable/droppable list with separate
       | handlers for click vs. drag, or something along those lines?
         | lhorie wrote:
         | There's some comparisons here[0]
         | As far as I can tell, where it falls somewhat short is in
         | template dynamism, e.g. keyed arrays in React (which entails
         | that drag/drop might also potentially be tricky), fractal
         | structures like generating HN comment trees from JSON (vue, for
         | example, used to have perf issues in the early days in this
         | area due to recursive-descent rendering instead of batching),
         | etc.
         | It seems to dabble a bit into normal control flow structures[1]
         | but once you're at that level of language complexity, I'd
         | probably prefer using a more established framework over this
         | natural language DSL. The HN comment tree use case, for
         | example, doesn't seem very easy to optimize if it turns out to
         | be implemented in terms of reading the DOM to trigger
         | subtemplate creation.
         | I think it's certainly interesting that there's now interest in
         | alternatives to compiled stacks (e.g. React, due to JSX,
         | anything using Typescript, etc) that are mindful of compile
         | time creep and aim to bring development speed back into the
         | limelight, but I fear that projects like this might be making
         | the original "mistake" of shoving the perf pitfalls back to the
         | runtime (where the users care). Personally, I think the future
         | is going to be better compiler infrastructure e.g. esbuild, swc
         | and the projects built on top of them (vite, etc).
         | [0] https://hyperscript.org/comparison/
         | [1] https://hyperscript.org/commands/repeat/
           | IggleSniggle wrote:
           | Just a shout-out to esbuild:
           | I've been working with it and, while it does have a few
           | rough-spots occasionally...in addition to how fast it is, I
           | love how easy it is to work with and write unique behavior
           | for as necessary.
           | I never really fully digested Webpack, and I think part of
           | that was because of the way it pushed its plugin _ecosystem_.
           | By contrast, esbuild 's plugin system is super easy to
           | understand and placed front and center with the ecosystem off
           | to one side, so if you write a esbuild script (in js OR Go),
           | it's really easy to just write code to do what you want to
           | have done instead of hoping that a bunch of third-party
           | plugins can work together in the way that you want.
           | Anway, I haven't used swc, but I agree with your assessment.
           | I look at all of the projects that are being worked in that
           | rely on esbuild and swc and they all point to really pleasant
           | development experiences that _also_ have the capability of
           | producing performant code.
           | What I _haven 't_ looked at recently is some of the other
           | language specific pipelines. Is anyone here using non-
           | TypeScript compilers to target JavaScript (like Kotlin,
           | Scala, ClosureScript, ReasonML/Bucklescript) that could speak
           | to the dev experience of the toolchain in 2021, as well as
           | the resulting performance of the js? I'm pretty happy with
           | TypeScript and get happier with each new release, but I'm
           | also really interested in hearing other perspectives about
           | language toolchains targeting js, and what folks are building
           | with them.
         | aphextron wrote:
         | Well sure, but this isn't for applications. It's to quickly and
         | simply toggle a class or throw some AJAX functionality onto a
         | page, which is all the vast majority of sites ever need to do.
         | klibertp wrote:
         | > Show us an AJAX call that GETs data                   <button
         | class='btn primary' _="on click fetch /clickedMessage
         | put the result into me
         | wait 2s                                                 put
         | 'Click Me!' into me">           Click Me!         </button>
         | More here: https://hyperscript.org/docs/
           | notjustanymike wrote:
           | I saw that, it leaves out a lot. In production you'll need
           | something that formats the response and handles errors, which
           | means defining a custom Event Source. It seems like the
           | functionality quickly returns to traditional javascript when
           | any normal amount of complexity is required.
             | klibertp wrote:
             | Apparently when the fetch fails, it triggers an
             | `fetch:error` event[1], which can (probably) be handled
             | somewhere. No idea about formatting the response, though.
             | I think it's quite natural for there to be large gaps in
             | functionality provided: it looks like a rather young and
             | unpopular project, so the additional code needed to handle
             | more situations from within the language still needs to get
             | written. jQuery also didn't have a whole universe of
             | plugins from day 1, but was useful enough anyway. Not
             | saying this project has a chance to become another jquery,
             | just that it too can be useful even in a far-from-complete
             | state.
             | [1] https://github.com/bigskysoftware/_hyperscript/blob/mas
             | ter/s...
               | deniz-a wrote:
               | Yep, you can have an `on fetch:error` clause in the
               | element's script.
               | Wrt. formatting the response, I'm experimenting with a
               | hyperscript template language [1]. However, we don't yet
               | have a design for imperatively building DOM trees (other
               | than just doing it the same way you would in JS).
               | [1]: https://dev.hyperscript.org/commands/render/
             | ninjis wrote:
             | As one of the other replies mentioned, the fetch will throw
             | an event that you listen for. The server is the response
             | formatter. The piece of the puzzle that you're missing is
             | that the intent is that this library is used with the
             | author's other library, htmx[0]. With htmx, the expectation
             | is that you're always returning HTML as the response
             | (though there are extensions available so you can return
             | JSON that could be processed against a client-side
             | handlebars template).
             | [0] https://htmx.org
       | progforlyfe wrote:
       | This is giving me some serious HyperCard/HyperTalk vibes from the
       | late 80s/early 90s on Macintosh computers! Perhaps that is why
       | the name has "hyper" in it?
       | _hyperscript:                   <button _="on click fetch
       | /clickedMessage/ then put the result into #fetch-target-3">
       | HyperTalk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperTalk):
       | put the value of card field "typehere" into theValue
         | recursivedoubts wrote:
         | Yep, I programmed in HyperCard/HyperTalk a long time ago and
         | when i was thinking about how I needed a language with native
         | event handling I remembered HyperTalk. :)
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