[HN Gopher] Starting a TypeScript Project in 2021
       Starting a TypeScript Project in 2021
       Author : majodev
       Score  : 183 points
       Date   : 2021-04-21 12:02 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.metachris.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.metachris.com)
       | nikivi wrote:
       | Nice article, you could also just use
       | https://github.com/formium/tsdx
         | chatmasta wrote:
         | If you are intending to make a relatively isolated library, in
         | its own repo, that you publish to npm, tsdx might be a good
         | starting point.
         | In my case, that was not my requirement, and I started with
         | tsdx and regretted it. It's way too much for an early project
         | -- you should really add these things as you find out that you
         | need them. In my case the main issue was I was using it in a
         | monorepo and having duplicated tooling and watch scripts in
         | each library was not great for memory usage nor build times nor
         | hot reload times. (In fact, even by itself, tsdx had some
         | really bad build times compared to compiling the code as part
         | of a Next.js build).
         | In terms of monorepo, FWIW I'm now using .tsconfig project
         | references [0], Yarn Berry workspaces, next.js externalDir
         | experimental flag, judicious usage of `extends:`, and a shared
         | package with common development scripts. I'm fairly happy with
         | the setup now, but it was a huge PITA to get there, and a lot
         | of the features only became available in the last year. But I'm
         | relieved to be relying on officially supported TypeScript
         | features, operating under the assumption that the TS team is
         | incentivized to keep improving build times for this use case
         | (which, in fact, they use in their own repo).
         | I've also been eyeing Rush [1] for monorepo management but
         | haven't pulled the trigger yet. I think they are making all the
         | right decisions. The real challenge with a monorepo, and one I
         | haven't fully solved yet, is balancing the tradeoffs of
         | "passive compilation" (importing from the source of sibling
         | packages) vs. bundling each package separately. As a small
         | team, passive compilation is somewhat okay, and tsconfig
         | project references _kind of_ enforce boundaries, but on a
         | larger team it could become problematic. On the other hand,
         | bundling each package separately is not a great dev experience
         | when each bundler is eating 1gb of RAM and running its own hot
         | reload process.
         | [0] https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/project-
         | referen...
         | [1] https://rushstack.io/
         | vohvae wrote:
         | I just tried out tsdx. The node_modules folder took ~180MB of
         | space in a fresh project. I don't know if I am doing or judging
         | things wrong, but this seems to be way too much if someone just
         | wants to write some hobby project exploratory code.
         | I am probably not the target demographic for tsdx or other
         | bootstrap libraries in the ecosystem but I would love to have
         | something "simple" with good defaults which I can debug if
         | something breaks to make CLI scripts to familiarise myself with
         | the language and ecosystem.
         | Currently the best option for me is to manually setup the
         | directory structure and build commands which is not fun for
         | mostly simple throwaway code.
         | golang and rust seem to have things right in this regard though
         | rust build artifacts can get quite big.
         | latchkey wrote:
         | I'm a pretty unhappy user of tsdx. While it kind of gets the
         | job done, they've broken my project several times with
         | upgrades. As also noted, the project has stalled. If I was
         | doing another project, I'd avoid it if possible.
         | metachris wrote:
         | Author of the post here. Thanks for the link; added it to the
         | post in the "Notes" section.
           | dagurp wrote:
           | npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
           | is also an option
         | rossng wrote:
         | I looked at TSDX for a project and was rather put off by the
         | fact that:
         | * It hasn't been updated for six months
         | * It doesn't appear to support TypeScript 4 properly[1]
         | [1] https://github.com/formium/tsdx/issues/926
           | imjared wrote:
           | I just launched a React Component library from start =>
           | finish last week using TSDX and typescript 4.2.3. I was
           | similarly concerned about the update cycle but have been
           | trying to get over the mental hurdle that few updates = bad
           | project. Few updates could simply mean that the baseline
           | functionality is good enough and that was exactly the case
           | for me and my team last week.
           | Obviously, YMMV but just wanted to give a +1 to a tool that
           | made my life a little bit easier recently!
           | evv wrote:
           | I think the creator of TSDX has shifted focus to
           | turborepo.com
       | andrew_ wrote:
       | Ava (https://github.com/avajs/ava) gets too little love from the
       | blogging machinery. It's a breeze to use with TS, faster than
       | Jest (YMMV of course), and I love the snapshot output over any
       | other snapshot producing unit test tool. Use with NYC for
       | coverage is a breeze.
         | metachris wrote:
         | Added, thanks.
         | spinningarrow wrote:
         | It's been a while (4 years) since I used Ava. Back then, it was
         | impossibly slow - something about running tests in parallel
         | even though they don't have any blocking operations being a
         | significant overhead. Any idea if that's changed?
         | hardwaresofton wrote:
         | I've never moved past tape, have had ava on the list of things
         | to look into for a very long time but seem to always just `yarn
         | add -D tape bogota` (bogota is a library that runs tape in
         | parallel), any real concrete reasons to use ava over tape? the
         | ava guide says this:
         | > Tape and tap are pretty good. AVA is highly inspired by their
         | syntax. They too execute tests serially. Their default TAP
         | output isn't very user-friendly though so you always end up
         | using an external tap reporter.
         | Nicer looking test output and serial execution seem to be the
         | issues here, but I actually like the serial execution bit
         | because it lets you write some messier tests (some that re-use
         | a local test DB let's say) before you straighten up and write
         | shared-nothing test-suites that can run in isolation (spin up a
         | DB container/make a db-per-test-suite/etc).
         | tobr wrote:
         | Related: uvu[1] which I think is intended to be a barebones
         | version of Ava. I like the idea of not having a big fragile
         | graph of dependencies to be able to run some tests. Not sure if
         | uvu is any good for Typescript though.
         | 1: https://github.com/lukeed/uvu
         | exogen wrote:
         | AVA is great, I use it on a few projects and even developed a
         | simple HTTP record/replay add-on for it. I'd say it's good for
         | smaller projects.
         | One huge benefit of Jest though is the built-in mocking,
         | including module mocking. This stuff is BYO in AVA. Module
         | mocks in particular can be quite annoying to set up, so it's
         | really nice that Jest pulls them all together in one cohesive
         | package.
         | tegiddrone wrote:
         | Came here to mention how slow and sometimes awkward ts-jest is.
         | I'll have to try out Ava and the others. I think jest is a
         | great asset over mocha/jasmine/sinon/chai but it gets awkward
         | in the typescript realm. Also thinking about how since it
         | really isn't type aware (especially for mocks) that it loses
         | some points compared to the ecosystems like mockito,
         | nsubstitute, etc.
       | riskable wrote:
       | At what point does the complexity outweigh the benefits?
       | Just because someone wants to control a UI element to the nth
       | pixel doesn't mean we should let them do that. At this point I'm
       | thinking it might be less bandwidth, complexity, and easier to
       | maintain to just present a web page as a giant imagemap. SVG, so
       | it scales. With screen-ratio-based media queries rather than
       | guessing DPI based on inaccurate factors like the number of
       | pixels.
         | sfvisser wrote:
         | Good luck building anything interactive this way.
         | intergalplan wrote:
         | > At this point I'm thinking it might be less bandwidth,
         | complexity, and easier to maintain to just present a web page
         | as a giant imagemap. SVG, so it scales.
         | SVG is XML, so you can do exactly that if you want to. Hook
         | React up to it and go nuts. You can have the browser build a
         | DOM tree out of it for you and use many of the same APIs you
         | would on HTML, if you don't want to use React. Seriously, this
         | is a thing you can actually do.
         | mattwad wrote:
         | Seems pretty simple given it includes not only test setup and
         | continuous integration, but also publishing to npm and
         | documentation
       | tppiotrowski wrote:
       | esbuild sounds promising as one friction point was that the TS
       | compiler would compile all your TS files into JS files but there
       | was no way to bundle them together into one JS file you could
       | include in your HTML and webpack takes a bit to setup.
       | It looks like esbuild doesn't have websocket auto-reload magic so
       | will need to refresh the web browser to see the recompiled
       | changes.
         | lovelettr wrote:
         | > but there was no way to bundle them together into one JS file
         | you could include in your HTML and webpack takes a bit to setup
         | Maybe I am misunderstanding but this feels like it is provided
         | via the `--bundle` flag in esbuild [1].
         | > It looks like esbuild doesn't have websocket auto-reload
         | magic so will need to refresh the web browser to see the
         | recompiled changes.
         | I have also noticed that it does not seem to have the auto-
         | reload part [2]. It does however have a server so that is at
         | least something (e.g., `--servedir=dist`). Though that seems
         | like a very new development.
         | [1] https://esbuild.github.io/getting-started/#your-first-
         | bundle [2] https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/802
           | tppiotrowski wrote:
           | Thanks. I meant that `tsc` has no `--bundle` flag
         | vergessenmir wrote:
         | I have started looking at this for Svelte projects from a post
         | yesterday on non-javascript build tools. Very promising indeed,
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | Snowpack is an option if you want a fancier auto-reload dev
         | server oriented around ES Modules. It can use either esbuild or
         | webpack under the covers, IIRC, for its bundling step when it
         | comes time for that.
       | seniorsassycat wrote:
       | I recommend adding `--transpile-only` to `ts-node` in npm scripts
       | and any interactive workflows. If you have type checking in your
       | editor or tsc --watch in a terminal you don't need to block unit
       | tests or iterative development while ts-node runs type checks.
         | naiyt wrote:
         | I disagree, I don't want my project to successfully build at
         | all if I have type errors.
           | seniorsassycat wrote:
           | I block commit, push, and release workflows by lint, type
           | errors, and test, but I don't block running tests or running
           | my program.
       | mrweasel wrote:
       | This is the best guides on how to get started with a modern
       | JavaScript/TypeScript I've ever seen.
       | Nice step by step, explaining what each tool does and how things
       | work together.
       | I'm still leaning towards just learning Elm and give up on the
       | JavaScript ecosystem, but an article like this gives me a little
       | hope that at least it seem realistic to get started with
       | TypeScript.
       | mikojan wrote:
       | ...or (since it's 2021) you could just use snowpack and call it a
       | day.
       | lenkite wrote:
       | As someone who has returned to webdev after a few years, I find
       | deno to be _far_ easier to setup and get started than all the
       | mega-complex node stuff.
         | wwweston wrote:
         | > cargo install deno                 ...            Compiling
         | swc_ecma_transforms v0.45.3       error[E0004]: non-exhaustive
         | patterns: `MaxFilesWatch` not covered       --> /Users/weston/.
         | cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/deno_runtime-0.1
         | 1.0/errors.rs:75:9          |       75 |   match error.kind {
         | |         ^^^^^^^^^^ pattern `MaxFilesWatch` not covered
           | wereHamster wrote:
           | % nix-shell -p deno         these paths will be fetched
           | (18.39 MiB download, 57.83 MiB unpacked):
           | /nix/store/vr6lw60nav6kd0qjkb61lbb78mpx4pry-deno-1.8.2
           | copying path '/nix/store/vr6lw60nav6kd0qjkb61lbb78mpx4pry-
           | deno-1.8.2' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...       [nix-
           | shell:~]$ deno --version       deno 1.8.2 (release,
           | x86_64-apple-darwin)       v8       typescript
           | 4.2.2
           | lenkite wrote:
           | Admittedly as someone who doesn't code Rust, I have never
           | tried to use cargo to install deno. On macOS I use brew.
           | brew install deno # works with no issues and much faster
           | Though, at the bottom of https://deno.land/#installation, one
           | sees the incantation:
           | cargo install deno --locked
           | I removed brew's deno, installed rust (via brew) and then
           | tried this. No compile errors. And swc_ecma_transforms
           | compiled successfully.                  ...
           | Compiling swc_ecma_transforms_proposal v0.13.1
           | Compiling swc_ecma_transforms_optimization v0.15.3
           | Compiling swc_ecma_transforms_typescript v0.14.1
           | Compiling swc_ecma_transforms_react v0.14.1
           | Compiling swc_ecma_transforms v0.45.1             Compiling
           | gfx-auxil v0.8.0             ...             Installing
           | /Users/i034796/.cargo/bin/deno             Installing
           | /Users/i034796/.cargo/bin/denort             Installed
           | package `deno v1.9.0` (executables `deno`, `denort`)
             | wwweston wrote:
             | brew is nice. I have a rule for myself, though, that if I'm
             | picking up something I'm likely to deploy on an environment
             | that's not my mac, I don't use brew to install it. That can
             | make some things harder up front, but I have my eyes open
             | from the start and get fewer surprises between beta and
             | deployment.
             | On the other hand, having added `--locked` to the cargo
             | invocation, it works for me now too, so apparently (a) I
             | should look into what that means and (b) I should consider
             | using brew for hints even in situations where I don't
             | intend to rely on it. Thanks!
             | (On the other other hand, even finding the way through this
             | issue reinforces the point about a certain
             | complexity/opacity to tooling that's supposed to make
             | things easier.)
       | NikhilVerma wrote:
       | Very much appreciate boilerplate tools, they often come with sane
       | defaults and avoid configuration hell when you just want to get
       | started. I just wish there was some easy way to version them, so
       | you can migrate from an older boilerplate to a new one.
       | I quite like how React Native does it. They have git diffs of a
       | created project for each released version. So if you want to
       | migrate from version A to B you just see the diff and apply those
       | changes yourself.
       | Not ideal but it really helps when you want a good mix of
       | configurability while avoiding incompatible divergence.
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | I'd recommend just trying to set up a webpack 5 build from
         | scratch: I've done it twice recently, and it's been a pleasant
         | surprise how much easier it was than it was four years ago.
         | Also, parcel Just Works for a lot of problems.
       | kevsim wrote:
       | This is pretty decent advice. I'd also suggest that prettier
       | should be in your setup in 2021. Let's stop fighting about
       | formatting once and for all.
       | jherdman wrote:
       | TSLint is deprecated in favour of ESLint. See
       | https://palantir.github.io/tslint/.
         | sod wrote:
         | We should let linters written javascript die IMO. ESLint is
         | soooo slow. My hope is that the ecosystem will slowly shift to
         | deno, and we just gonna use `deno lint`
         | (https://deno.land/manual/tools/linter, based on swc, written
         | in rust) for linting from then on. What tslint does in 6
         | seconds, `deno lint` does in 0.2 seconds.
           | wereHamster wrote:
           | Same for build tools, esbuild is multiple orders of magnitude
           | faster than babel.
             | eliseumds wrote:
             | Yes, but it does much less. There are still many projects
             | out there relying on Babel plugins (Loadable Components,
             | Styled Components, Tailwind, Apollo, etc).
             | I love esbuild though, and use it a few of our packages, it
             | flies
       | haolez wrote:
       | I'm much more interested in ReScript[0] than TypeScript, but I
       | guess that TypeScript is much more appealing to C# programmers
       | and much more supported as a whole.
       | Anyone here has some experience with ReScript (or ReasonML, for
       | what it matters) to share with the rest of us?
       | [0] https://rescript-lang.org/
         | hermanradtke wrote:
         | It has been a while, but BuckleScript is the pain point.
         | TypeScript is much easier to use within the existing JS
         | ecosystem.
         | chrysoprace wrote:
         | For me, the consistency with JavaScript's existing syntax is a
         | great advantage of TypeScript. TypeScript's "allowJs" flag also
         | makes it easier to convert an existing codebase.
         | ReScript seems to have come a long way since I last looked at
         | it (it was just called ReasonML at the time I think), so it'd
         | be worth looking into.
       | meheleventyone wrote:
       | I'm curious about the value of eslint for TypeScript. I've not
       | really found myself wanting from the coverage provided by tsc.
         | andrew_ wrote:
         | The larger the pool of engineers on a project (or the larger a
         | team size) the more important consistent formatting becomes. It
         | may not be relevant for individual projects (though I'd
         | disagree with that as well), but it makes maintenance of
         | projects under larger teams, including distributed teams, a
         | heck of a lot easier.
           | maga wrote:
           | prettier?
         | thealfreds wrote:
         | It's useful if you have a custom eslint ruleset you want to
         | apply to your ts projects. Some of those rules aren't always
         | available on tslint.
         | Mostly helpful to keep a shared ruleset across projects.
         | striking wrote:
         | Have you tried some of the type info based rules in typescript-
         | eslint? They're fantastic.
         | No floating promises, no bad templating, etc.
           | meheleventyone wrote:
           | No but the replies here make me think I should definitely
           | give it a go. So thanks for the info everybody!
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | e.g. ban `any`, which you cannot do with tsc.
         | dtech wrote:
         | Linting is not the same as typechecking. Take a look at the
         | default available rules [1]. For example number == NaN is valid
         | Javascript, but 99.9% of the time an error. Or you might want
         | to require always using === over ==.
         | Generally, linting is things that are valid in the language,
         | but still better to do otherwise.
         | [1] https://eslint.org/docs/rules/
           | meheleventyone wrote:
           | I'm aware of the difference just wondering what benefits
           | people have found. Catching == versus === is a good one.
             | ponyous wrote:
             | import order, empty function bodies, leading underscores in
             | different scenarios (if you have such conventions), sort
             | object keys (not just alphabetically, but by use, eg.
             | shorthands last { name: 'Jim', surname }...)
             | There is some overlap and it's not as crucial to have a
             | good linter as it used to be.
             | GORRILA wrote:
             | Two common rules I like to enforce are no nested ternaries
             | and no unused variables.
               | maga wrote:
               | tsconfig's noUnusedLocals can help you with the last one.
               | city41 wrote:
               | And it allows you to opt out when needed by starting the
               | variable with an underscore, which is much nicer than
               | eslint-disable-next-line...
               | DEiE wrote:
               | That's configurable in the rule though.
               | https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unused-
               | vars#varsignorepatte...
               | city41 wrote:
               | Ah nice, I didn't know that. Thanks.
         | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
         | To be honest, I was really happy with TSLint. The amount of
         | configuration and scaffolding around ESLint is a big turnoff
         | from me compared to how easy it was to get TSLint going.
           | WorldMaker wrote:
           | A lot of the most common TSLint "boxed" configurations have
           | direct ESLint relatives at this point. For one opinionated
           | example there is eslint-config-standard-with-typescript [1].
           | Using a prepared config like that is just as easy as using
           | one built for TSLint. (It's an "extends" field that does most
           | of the work.)
           | Though I admit I've kind of moved more towards even more
           | opinionated Prettier than ESLint lately.
           | [1] https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-standard-
           | with-ty...
         | metachris wrote:
         | IDE integration is one benefit, as in VS Code showing the
         | linting issues without compiling.
           | meheleventyone wrote:
           | I'm all for IDE integration but feel duty bound to point out
           | tsc does this as well.
         | city41 wrote:
         | I use eslint for things like catching left behind debugger and
         | console statements.
       | austincheney wrote:
       | That is a lot of boilerplate and reliance on external tooling
       | that could probably be a single bash or PowerShell script.
       | My preferred approach is to let thy primary modules be thy
       | commands. That way everything is tidy, documented, and clear for
       | your users. Example:                   // module commandName is a
       | module to parse a command, exclusion list, and options apart from
       | other arguments of process.argv         import commandName from
       | "./lib/terminal/utilities/commandName.js";         // module
       | commandList is the list of modules that serve as commands for
       | your application         import commandList from
       | "./lib/terminal/utilities/commandList.js";         // module
       | command_documentation provides documentation to the terminal
       | about your commands and each of their options         import
       | commands_documentation from
       | "./lib/terminal/utilities/commands_documentation.js";         //
       | module vars is a generic configuration store available across the
       | application         import vars from
       | "./lib/terminal/utilities/vars.js";                  (function
       | terminal_init_execute():void {             // command
       | documentation             vars.commands = commands_documentation;
       | // supported command name             vars.command =
       | commandName() as commands;
       | commandList[vars.command]();         }());
       | What it looks like on the terminal:                   node
       | myApplication myCommand
         | TechBro8615 wrote:
         | > probably be a single bash or PowerShell script
         | The fact that it could be _either_ bash or PowerShell is a
         | primary reason why this tooling is there. Bash scripts work
         | great (I use them) if everyone coding on the project shares an
         | operating system. Not so much once you cross that boundary.
         | To give a sense of the lengths the JS community goes to address
         | these compatibility issues, consider that Yarn 2 actually
         | _implements its own shell_ for running `package.json` scripts
         | in a cross-platform way.
           | tompazourek wrote:
           | FYI PowerShell is pretty cross-platform these days.
           | But I see having it all written in JS is still simpler.
             | TechBro8615 wrote:
             | I don't know about simpler :)
             | My preference is to eliminate the OS discrepancy by making
             | Docker images the building block of the stack in dev
             | environments, CI pipelines, and production deployments.
             | This means you pay a constant and predictable amount of
             | operational complexity, but eliminate the entire class of
             | constraints caused by cross-platform variability. Seems
             | like a good deal, trading a variable cost for a constant
             | one.
             | Then you can use Bash! Or fish, or some hipster shell you
             | found on lobste.rs. Just install it in the Docker image.
               | tompazourek wrote:
               | I've read about NixOS here on HN which aims to do
               | something similar.
               | Does your approach with using docker heavily have some
               | disadvantages you experienced? Just curious, it sounds
               | interesting...
               | TechBro8615 wrote:
               | Yes, lots. You need to pay operational complexity early
               | and often. A lot of tools don't work out of the box due
               | to volume sharing, permission issues, etc. You need to
               | figure out dev vs. prod images, how to do incremental
               | builds locally (e.g. you switch branches) and in CI (new
               | push). Lots of issues like this.
               | Overall it's worth it in the end if you're making a long
               | term investment, IMO. It forces you to build modular
               | infrastructure from the beginning, so there are few
               | surprises when pushing to prod.
           | austincheney wrote:
           | But almost none of the instructions provided in the article
           | are JavaScript. They are shell commands.
       | Xavdidtheshadow wrote:
       | I do this sort of thing often enough that I wrote a Yeoman
       | generator to scaffold everything:
       | https://github.com/xavdid/generator-xavdid
       | Maybe overkill, but it's saved me from having to remember which
       | recent project to reference to remember exactly how I like eslint
       | set up, etc. Been a very smooth experience!
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | If you haven't already, give a try to ViteJS.
       | It's from the author of Vue, and support both Vue and React,
       | including JSX and TS.
       | It has the qualities of Vue:
       | - it works out of the box
       | - setup and usage are super easy
       | - it's wicked fast
       | - documentation rocks
       | I talked about it to one of my client 3 days ago. They tried it 5
       | minutes and decided to spend a day migrated their project
       | immediately.
       | It's that good.
       | And the migration took only 2 hours.
       | metachris wrote:
       | This is the example repository:
       | https://github.com/metachris/typescript-boilerplate
       | revskill wrote:
       | I don't see the `node --watch bundle.ts` ? That's why most of
       | boilerplate FAILED instead of just using Next.js.
       | Hot reloading for both server and browser is what's important.
         | 1_player wrote:
         | One thing that is often mentioned in the Node community is
         | "let's adopt the Unix Philosophy and have one tool do one thing
         | and one thing only."
         | And by being inflexible, this is one of the reasons there a
         | bazillion tools and steps required just to have a basic project
         | setup.
         | They're not using the Unix tools anyway. It's not like they're
         | using entr and make to watch and build, but let's reinvent the
         | wheel and use nodemon and
         | gulp/bower/webpack/esbuild/snowpack/...
       | city41 wrote:
       | Casting window to any in a pinch does work. But for longer term
       | stuff, it's probably better to extend the Window interface.
         | metachris wrote:
         | Thanks, added a note to the post.
       | hardwaresofton wrote:
       | I really recommend getting comfortable with make -- if you know
       | just enough to be dangerous (PHONY targets, regular targets,
       | ifeq, ?=), it can be an incredibly useful tool, and unify
       | control/operations across projects.
       | The complexity/required reading that comes with integrating ~5+
       | individual tools and libraries you have to be aware of across one
       | language can be made a lot easier by using make to do the
       | plumbing between these tools.
       | Often I find that I need to do some of the following:
       | - do just a _tiny_ bit of pre-processing
       | - use two disparate tools which might interact/have an ordering
       | requirement
       | - alias a simple command for a repetitive task
       | And it's the case that:
       | - The tools/libraries I'm using don't have the functionality
       | built in
       | - I'm not excited about writing a bash script
       | - A <programming language> script/build-hook feels too heavy
       | I find that Makefiles are a really good way to boil down and
       | standardize my builds across projects.
       | Here's a chunk from a somewhat recent project:
       | psql: export DB_CONTAINER_NAME=$(shell $(KUBECTL) get pods -n
       | $(K8S_NAMESPACE) -l component=db -o=name | head -n 1)
       | psql:          $(KUBECTL) exec -it $(DB_CONTAINER_NAME) -n
       | $(K8S_NAMESPACE) psql -- --user $(DB_USER)
       | And another that's a bit less trendy:                   image:
       | check-tool-docker          $(DOCKER) build \          -f
       | infra/docker/Dockerfile \          -t ${IMAGE_FULL_NAME_SHA} \
       | .              image-publish: check-tool-docker
       | $(DOCKER) push ${IMAGE_FULL_NAME_SHA}              image-release:
       | $(DOCKER) push $(IMAGE_FULL_NAME)
       | And earlier in the file is the actual language-specific stuff:
       | lint: check-tool-yarn          $(YARN) lint
       | Yeah, all I'm doing is just calling through to yarn here but the
       | nice thing is that `lint` is a pretty common target from project
       | to project, so most places `make lint` will do what I think it is
       | going to do.
       | And if you're wondering what the check-tool-<x> targets are like:
       | check-tool-yarn:         ifeq (,$(shell which $(YARN)))
       | $(error "yarn not installed (see https://yarnpkg.com)")
       | endif
       | I will warn that there are people with Makefile PTSD, but I am
       | finding a _lot_ of value from it these days, would encourage
       | people to take a look. If you 're really ready for some fun check
       | out recursive make -- managing and orchestrating subprojects is
       | really really easy (and you don't have to care what the sub
       | project is written in at the top level).
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | How do you pass arguments to your Make targets? Let's say you'd
         | like to set `DB_USER` to "my_name", then, do you:
         | make psql user=my_name  # ?
         | To me, having to type `user=` is very annoying, I want to do
         | just `make psql my_name`.
         | Agreed that Make is nice :- ) My Makefile is not as nice as
         | Make though o.O
         | > I'm not excited about writing a bash script
         | Bash scripts almost could be illegal :- ) I'm thinking about
         | writing scripts in Deno in the future, instead
           | hardwaresofton wrote:
           | Lots of ways! So this is one of those things that's subtly
           | quite interesting -- Make will both take _all_ variables from
           | the environment, and make them Make variables. So this
           | command:                   $ USER=my_name make psql
           | The above example is the creation of a temporary ENV variable
           | (assuming your shell supports this feature, it's equivalent
           | to doing an export but only for that line), and the USER
           | variable (accessed by using $(USER) or ${USER} in your
           | makefile somewhere) will be automatically populated.
           | That is distinct from the following:                   $ make
           | psql USER=my_name
           | What you've done there is actually make-specific, you're
           | giving make a Make variable, so Make will know about
           | $(USER)/${USER}, and it will _also_ show up, because Make
           | exposes it 's variables to shells (each line is it's own
           | shell) that is run[0]. So this Makefile:
           | .PHONY: my-tgt             my-tgt:          echo -e "double
           | dollar to print a bash var => $$MYVAR"
           | Produces the _same_ thing -- $$MYVAR is actually a way to use
           | a shell variable (the $ has to be escaped), but you get the
           | same result putting USER= before and after:
           | $ MYVAR=from-the-shell make my-tgt
           | double dollar to print a bash var => [from-the-shell]
           | $ make my-tgt MYVAR=from-make
           | double dollar to print a bash var => [from-make]
           | All that said, if you don't need to ever change the name then
           | just make the target `psql-<username>` or `psql_username`,
           | problem solved! For example, I use kubie on my kubernetes
           | cluster, and I have explicitly named clusters, so when I want
           | to enter a kubie context (just so I can avoid some typing), I
           | run `make <cluster name>-kubie` and I'm off -- I didn't feel
           | the need to do `make kubie CLUSTER=<cluster name>` though I
           | easily could have. Here's what it actually looks like:
           | mycluster-kubie:          CLUSTER=mycluster $(KUBIE) ctx -f s
           | ecrets/ansible/the.dns.name.of.my.server/var/lib/k0s/pki/admi
           | n.conf
           | I don't strictly need that CLUSTER=mycluster there, but if
           | the command cared, then it could be easily "hard coded".
           | > Bash scripts almost could be illegal :- ) I'm thinking
           | about writing scripts in Deno in the future, instead
           | Bash is super powerful, and some people are good at it, but
           | it just hasn't stuck enough for me to be comfortable. Plus,
           | it still feels like another language to be wrangled while
           | Make's only purpose is to do the things (whatever that thing
           | is) that build your software.
           | [EDIT] figured I might share some more nice pieces of
           | software that I use and love (also so you don't think I'm
           | just willy nilly checking in secrets to my repository):
           | - direnv[1] for managing local ENV settings in a given folder
           | (like your project folder)
           | - git-crypt[2] for simple encryption of secrets in a git
           | repository, with gpg support
           | - entr[3] it re-runs a given command when files change,
           | really good for reducing feedback loops when working with
           | tooling that doesn't have --watch/fsnotify functionality
           | [0]: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Envir
           | onme...
           | [1]: https://direnv.net/docs/hook.html
           | [2]: https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/
           | [3]: https://eradman.com/entrproject/
           | Spivak wrote:
           | Huh? But bash is super powerful? I can go from zero to a
           | script that's production ready in like an hour with option
           | support, help text, man pages, shell completion, signal
           | handling that's portable to any system.
           | I also like Python for this but it's an absolute PITA to
           | distribute scripts that support lots of different versions of
           | python or need any dependencies not in your distro's repos.
       | joshghent wrote:
       | Ever since watching Jonathan blows talk "Preventing the collapse
       | of civilisation", I've been mulling over things like this. It
       | feels like we have this defacto set of commands you have to run
       | to start a new Node/Typescript project, without much understand
       | of what it does. Then you get complier or lint errors and then
       | spend ages googling around for the answer that tells you to
       | change a specific flag. This isn't a complete thought but I hope
       | someone knows what I'm getting at.
         | droobles wrote:
         | I found it to be a really cool experience setting up Nodemon
         | with TS myself with a few Medium guides - because of that I
         | know my app's build system inside and out!
         | vagrantJin wrote:
         | In other words, the tooling and setup have become more
         | complicated than the pieces of code we are writing?
         | I feel like that sometimes. Not all bad though. I've learned
         | that being spartan with your approach not only frees the mind
         | of clutter but your stack wont be delicate shitshow of obscure
         | tools 3-4 years down the line.
         | zackify wrote:
         | It's interesting to see people feel this way about JS.
         | Lately I've been trying to learn kotlin... and man... that
         | stuff (gradle) adds a weird amount of boilerplate to
         | everything.
         | JS / TS on the other hand. It's a package.json, or tsconfig.
         | Not much else is required.
         | Jump into deno and you don't even need those. Feels like JS is
         | one of the better languages in this regard
           | aphexairlines wrote:
           | What's the weird amount of boilerplate in gradle compared to
           | package.json + tsconfig (+ webpack.config.js or
           | next.config.js, + jest.config.js, + babel.config.js, +
           | workspaces) ?
             | heavyset_go wrote:
             | They're used to one, but new to another.
           | Groxx wrote:
           | My interactions with Gradle have been with Android, and... oh
           | boy do I hate it.
           | It's a noticeably-more-concise-and-flexible option than what
           | came before it, and the net result has probably been good.
           | But it's _next to impossible_ to understand and troubleshoot
           | when things don 't go perfectly. And similarly difficult to
           | figure out what you need to do to achieve X, because who
           | knows, it could be in any of thousands of locations, called
           | anything, and there's not enough structure to let you infer
           | what's reasonable and what isn't.
           | jokethrowaway wrote:
           | while I agree on kotlin (or java, or swift, or objective c),
           | I think early releases of node.js or frontend development pre
           | big frameworks were much better in that regard.
           | We're still not as bad as mobile development, but things are
           | getting worse.
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | Have you tried esbuild. IMO it's a big step back in the
             | right direction. We're not quite ready to switch to it on
             | the frontend, but we're using it for our node.js
             | (typescript) code. Configuration is 2 lines, and most of
             | that's specifying which files to compile!
         | rbtprograms wrote:
         | This has also become my biggest issue with Typescript, and a
         | lot of the people I have talked to about it agree this is the
         | biggest pain point. I am not sure what a better system for this
         | would be, but I do hope the Typescript team takes a hard look
         | at this because I could see it being Typescript's Achilles
         | heel.
           | smt88 wrote:
           | This is an issue with JavaScript that TypeScript inherited.
           | The many module systems and ES versions that need support are
           | insane.
           | [deleted]
           | wonnage wrote:
           | You don't actually need to do any of this stuff to run
           | typescript. You could use Deno, ts-node, etc. to run code
           | outside of a browser without a separate build step. And
           | there's nothing wrong with using tsc to compile your code to
           | JS for browsers, it's just slower for big projects.
           | If you have an existing JS project that's being converted to
           | TS, you likely have bundling, linting, and CI handled
           | already; for the most part, you just add `preset: typescript`
           | to your existing Babel config and you're done.
         | f00zz wrote:
         | I can't even imagine how painful it must be for a curious kid
         | to get started in programming these days. I feel so lucky to
         | have started with a little 8-bit computer with a built-in BASIC
         | interpreter. You turned it on and could start typing your
         | program right away.
           | idolaspecus wrote:
           | It's about a million times easier today. Open a browser, open
           | dev tools, open console tab, console.log("hello world").
           | It's even easier than that though.
           | Open chrome, type "how to write computer programs" and go
           | from there.
             | Sindisil wrote:
             | Not sure how that's easier than: Turn computer (which boots
             | close to instantly), print "hello world".
             | It is certainly true that there are more informational
             | resources available, but honestly, there was plenty of good
             | info available at most decent libraries, and the manuals
             | that came with computers were typically troves of
             | information back in the 8-bit days.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Yeah, people forget (or just never experienced) how easy
               | it was to learn something like Delphi pre-Internet: the
               | software box had good manuals and you just hit F1 for
               | context-sensitive help that was actually useful.
             | [deleted]
         | knubie wrote:
         | I'm reminded of Rich Hickey's talk _Simple made easy_. The gist
         | being that easy is not always simple (yarn install hairball)
         | and simple may not seem easy at first (unfamiliar).
         | Back then the comparison was made with rails, but it still
         | holds true with modern web development now more than ever.
         | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
         | I recently was trying to diagnose a bug with React state in
         | someone else's project. Everything I found said "install the
         | React extension". Okay but this thing boils down to just
         | JavaScript right? I ultimately failed to find out how to
         | inspect anything meaningful without the extension -- it's
         | almost as if nobody knows how React works. The abstraction is
         | bananas. Sure, JavaScript sucks but is this better?
         | I swore off massive impenetrable abstractions like React eons
         | ago and I'm saner for it. Abstractions are supposed to remove
         | complexity, not treat users like morons.
           | nsonha wrote:
           | not a good example, knowing how things work is not a reason
           | not to use debugger or similar tools
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | When you're trying to debug a JavaScript error do you use
           | Chrome's built in JavaScript debugger, or do run Chrome in
           | GDB? Or perhaps you get out your oscilloscope and try
           | attaching it to your CPU? Debugging at multiple levels of
           | abstraction is nothing new.
           | The fact that there are debugging tools at the React level
           | _does_ reduce complexity. It means you don 't need to
           | understand the details of how React is implemented. You can
           | just think in terms of React concepts (which are quite
           | straightforward and have excellent documentation).
             | agentwiggles wrote:
             | I got a good chuckle at the silliness of the mental image
             | of hooking up a scope to diagnose a JS error. Thanks for
             | the laugh.
             | (tl;dr: lol)
             | jorblumesea wrote:
             | Debugging a popular library is not at all equivalent to
             | those layers of abstraction. This argument is so flawed it
             | almost feels malicious.
             | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
             | Is React language or a library? Does it have its own
             | virtual machine? If I'm debugging something that compiles
             | down to assembly, sure, I can use GDB. Why shouldn't I be
             | able to use the JavaScript debugger? Why does React go
             | though so much effort to obfuscate its internals to such an
             | extreme?
             | There are a million other JavaScript libraries that do not
             | have this problem, for what it's worth.
             | > It means you don't need to understand the details of how
             | React is implemented.
             | Isn't this the topic of discussion? Why shouldn't it be as
             | simple as "React stores state in this variable" and I can
             | just poke at it like any other variable?
             | Abstractions are great, but they all leak eventually. Being
             | able to see through the abstraction is immensely valuable,
             | regardless of where you are in the stack.
             | Don't confuse simplicity for its pernicious cousin
             | convenience, which usually does not actually reduce
             | complexity, but heralds it.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | The difference between a language and a library is
               | arbitrary: it's all an artifact of programming ecosystems
               | that place a hard division between the "language
               | implementors" and the "programmers": every library of
               | sufficient complexity is an embedded language with
               | annoying syntax.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | > Is React language or a library? Does it have its own
               | virtual machine?
               | It's a library, but it does provide a runtime. As such it
               | IMO makes sense that it would have it's own debugging
               | tools. This is pretty common for complex frameworks.
               | Other frontend frameworks like Angular and Vue do it. As
               | do backend frameworks like Rails and Laravel. Or as
               | another example you could look at Unity (the game
               | framework).
               | You can still use the JavaScript debugger, and I do all
               | the time with React code. But for React specific concepts
               | the React specific tools provide a better experience.
               | > Why does React go though so much effort to obfuscate
               | its internals to such an extreme? There are a million
               | other JavaScript libraries that do not have this problem,
               | for what it's worth.
               | It doesn't do it intentionally. It's internals are
               | somewhat complex for performance reasons. Which other
               | JavaScript libraries allow you to inspect their current
               | state with the JavaScript debugger? That's what the React
               | dev tools give you: state inspection. IME, lot's
               | libraries make inspecting that quite difficult (unless
               | they're using global variables).
               | > Why shouldn't it be as simple as "React stores state in
               | this variable" and I can just poke at it like any other
               | variable?
               | The problem is that you can't typically poke variables
               | using the JavaScript debugger. To do so you need to get a
               | reference to the variable. And you can only reasonably do
               | that for globals.
               | > Abstractions are great, but they all leak eventually.
               | Being able to see through the abstraction is immensely
               | valuable, regardless of where you are in the stack.
               | I guess I've just never hit into the limitations of the
               | React abstraction (and I've done pretty complex things).
               | Nor have I ever hit a bug in the implementation. To me
               | it's like my database or my filesystem: sure it's great
               | to be able to peak under the hood if I really need to,
               | but 99.9% of the time I'm super glad that I don't. I've
               | had much worse experiences with Angular (1 and 2) where I
               | frequently felt like the abstraction was leaking a lot.
               | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
               | As someone who works on and fixes bugs in databases and
               | filesystems, perhaps we don't look at things the same
               | way.
               | hmsimha wrote:
               | When you have to debug something in postgres, are you
               | going to communicate with it by using netcat and writing
               | your own TCP messages by hand, or use psql? Both should
               | work, but you wouldn't say postgres is obfuscating things
               | intentionally so that you _have_ to use psql (or some
               | other postgres client). The fact of the matter is that
               | complex tools are much more useful if they also come with
               | tools to pave over (some of) that complexity and provide
               | a more useful interface for developer experience.
               | You can debug React apps just fine without the React
               | developer extension, but in some situations it will be
               | much harder. And to elaborate, I work on React full-time
               | and just use the javascript console and debug messages
               | for 99% of my debugging.
               | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
               | The Postgres protocol is documented extremely well such
               | that it is actually trivial to write messages by hand,
               | and yes, I have used netcat instead of psql.
               | I honestly couldn't find anything remotely similar in my
               | search for to unearth React runtime internals. Maybe I'm
               | missing something but literally every answer was "just
               | use the extension."
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | If you want to debug a performance issue in postgres,
               | then the answer will be similar: "just use EXPLAIN
               | ANALYZE". You _could_ get out a C debugger and step
               | through the source code, and there are cases where that
               | is appropriate (e.g if you 're working on Postgres
               | itself, or you're trying to diagnose a bug in postgres),
               | but if all you want to do is debug your query then you
               | should use the postgres-specific debugging tool (EXPLAIN
               | ANALYZE).
               | Same for React. If you are working on React itself, or
               | you need diagnose an actual bug in the runtime then
               | you'll want to use the JavaScript debugger and step
               | through. If all you need to do is work out why your
               | component isn't updating then you can use the React-
               | specific tool (the extension) to make your life much
               | easier.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | If you really wanted to, you could write your own
               | renderer. there's already several: react-dom, react-
               | native, react-test-renderer. Also, I believe there's at
               | least one conference talk where a renderer was live coded
               | wonnage wrote:
               | Maybe you're just not familiar enough with React? The
               | core of it is actually quite simple, it's just a giant
               | while loop tree traversal that gets triggered either
               | imperatively (by calling one of the React.render*
               | functions) or in response to a state change. The VDOM
               | stuff is mostly orthogonal to this, it just improves
               | performance in the browser, but you could technically
               | skip it without losing anything.
               | Your argument is basically the same as saying you'd
               | rather view HTML as a giant string rather than in a tree
               | view... the devtools basically present something that's
               | linear (the tree traversal) in a tree view, it's not that
               | bad.
               | coldtea wrote:
               | Well, parent can find an error in a React app with a
               | standard JS debugger, you can find an error in databases
               | and filesystems with gdb or some such, but not vice
               | versa.
               | Can be as simple as that: familiarity.
               | kbenson wrote:
               | I don't think that's quite it, at least not entirely.
               | They were complaining about how everything they found on
               | how to diagnose and inspect the problem started with
               | downloading a third party tool.
               | I read this as a complaint that React doesn't provide
               | information on what's going on that you can see and
               | inspect (whether true or not). The equivalent for
               | Postgres would be if they didn't document their protocol
               | and instead referred you to a special debugger they
               | provided, and you had to rely on that instead, making use
               | of gdb or the equivalent much more complicated.
             | TechBro8615 wrote:
             | It's a bit unfair to expect a framework not to provide new
             | abstractions. That's required almost by definition.
             | In React's defense, it's far from "impenetrable." In fact,
             | its API exposes less than a dozen attachment points
             | (considering render + lifecycle methods or their hook
             | equivalents). It's a small and stable interface on top of a
             | simple tree structure and an intuitive reconciliation
             | algorithm. Most of the time you don't even need to reason
             | about its logic, but when you do, it's understandable and
             | debuggable.
             | I'm also skeptical that we should consider framework-
             | specific dev tools as evidence of an impenetrable
             | abstraction. As long as the tools strictly enhance the
             | debugging experience, they are a feature, not a smell. They
             | are evidence of a problem when they only exist because it's
             | impossible to debug the API without them.
             | For example, Apollo Dev Tools "strictly enhances" the
             | debugging experience. It provides a nice UI for GraphQL
             | specific debugging sessions, but it doesn't break the
             | "network" tab of Dev Tools. If you want to use apollo-
             | client without its dev tools, you're no worse off than you
             | were before adopting apollo-client. But you do gain
             | something if you choose to use them.
           | diob wrote:
           | Honest question though, what abstraction do you use in place
           | of React?
           | I don't disagree that it's pretty obtuse, despite loving
           | working in it. I miss being able to look up the source of
           | Backbone.js and gain a real understanding of why something
           | was happening. Maybe I'll get to that point in React, but it
           | seems much harder to grasp what the source is doing.
             | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
             | I just write JavaScript? The concepts of Basecamp's
             | Hotwire[0] are particularly simple and elegant enough for
             | the 1% of stuff that isn't just a static page or can't be
             | solved in a single JS function.
             | I've never been like "boy I really need a virtual DOM" so I
             | guess I've never really seen the appeal of React. It just
             | seems like a bundle of complexity, obfuscation and anti-
             | patterns.
             | 0: https://hotwire.dev
               | qudat wrote:
               | > I just write JavaScript?
               | This is the tell. If you are able to satisfy your
               | business requirements with "just JavaScript" then you are
               | in a completely different world than the people building
               | production-grade web apps and there's absolutely nothing
               | wrong with that. If you can be productive with "just
               | JavaScript" then that's awesome!
               | However, I'm sure you understand there's a massive
               | difference between simple pages that need *some*
               | interactivity and a full-blown app inside a web browser.
               | I'm sure you've come across projects that probably didn't
               | need the same tooling that I'm describing which
               | ultimately boils down to a judgement call.
               | > I've never been like "boy I really need a virtual DOM"
               | so I guess I've never really seen the appeal of React. It
               | just seems like a bundle of complexity, obfuscation and
               | anti-patterns.
               | That's because you've never needed it before. I've never
               | been like "boy I really need a batteries-included web
               | framework" so I guess I've never really seen the appeal
               | of Rails. It just seems like a bundle of complexity,
               | obfuscation and anti-patterns.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | > ...than the people building production-grade web
               | apps...
               | Please don't co-opt the word "production" to mean what
               | you're implying here. Production doesn't mean single-
               | page, reactive, etc. applications, it just means "in
               | production."
               | bobthebuilders wrote:
               | Words are given a meaning by society.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | Obviously? And a society needs to correct misuses if it
               | wants its words to keep meaning things.
               | InvertedRhodium wrote:
               | I agree. My workplace has at least a dozen applications
               | deployed to production with "just JS" and they're just at
               | production ready as a react stack would be.
               | Source: Running "just JS" in production for more than 6
               | years.
               | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
               | I'm curious -- what is not possible with just JavaScript?
               | Why do you assume "a full-blown app inside a web browser"
               | isn't possible without React or something like it?
               | Is client-side rendering _strictly_ necessary? Do your
               | websites actually run offline?
               | I've built websites with React, used React Native -- none
               | of it is necessary, nor the end-all-be-all. There's
               | nothing truly novel going on. You can accomplish the
               | exact same experience with server-side rendering and a
               | tiny smattering of vanilla JS (you can use modern JS and
               | polyfills and webpack/esbuild without React, you know).
               | For 99.9% of the web, I'd argue you don't need it. I have
               | yet to encounter the 0.1% personally.
               | If you don't believe me, know that I'm not alone. Take a
               | look at https://levels.io/deviance/ -- PHP and jQuery.
               | What would React provide that isn't possible with his
               | stack?
               | There is a disturbing amount of kool-aid being consumed
               | around React/Vue/etc. Sure, you can slap together a
               | website in record time with massive boilerplate/templates
               | -- but so can I.
               | __s wrote:
               | Here's your 0.1%: a card game, https://etg.dek.im before
               | React I was using PIXI.js, over the years it's
               | transitioned from being fully rendered in canvas to not
               | using canvas at all (& now uses webpack, but years ago I
               | had my own bundler mkcjs https://github.com/serprex/mkcjs
               | which was pretty vanilla js, using require let me share
               | code for awhile between server/client until server was
               | rewritten in Rust)
               | react-motion made animating card transitions very
               | straight forward
               | During a game you can click on history items to look at
               | previous game states, this is very straight forward with
               | React's model
               | Sure you could get this all by rolling your own state dom
               | renderer, but that's like saying you can do everything
               | Lisp does in C. Greenspun's tenth rule rephrased as "Any
               | sufficiently complicated JavaScript UI contains an ad
               | hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow
               | implementation of half of React."
               | amenod wrote:
               | While you don't _need_ React (or a similar powerful
               | library / framework), it takes one's productivity to a
               | whole different level.
               | I have a feeling that you have already made up your mind
               | not to like it, but if you ever give it a fair try, you
               | might find it useful for some projects. It is very
               | complex under the hood, of course, so if you want to have
               | total control you might need to dig into the internals.
               | But to a casual user it gives a very nice abstraction,
               | very powerful, easy to use (granted - and abuse) and
               | performant. The thing that sold it for me is the
               | declarative programming. You have state, state translates
               | to rendering... and that's pretty much it. Compared to
               | thinking about transitions in native JS (or jQuery or
               | whatever) it is like night and day in any non-trivial
               | project.
               | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
               | I've tried it. And yes, I want full control. The
               | abstractions mostly work, but when they don't -- there
               | you are again, thinking about transitions in native JS
               | again. What was the point?
             | axelf4 wrote:
             | I consider part of the blame to lie with React. The React
             | source code structure is pretty obtuse. Compare that to the
             | Inferno.js source code which is easy to understand and
             | navigate for anyone familiar with how a VDOM library should
             | work.
               | jokethrowaway wrote:
               | this, I understood how react is supposed to be used by
               | reading the preact codebase
             | vaughan wrote:
             | I miss Backbone too. You could just step through the code
             | in the debugger and it was so compact.
             | With React you can't really do that. It's always following
             | an error message saying: "look near this component" which
             | is often deep in the hierarchy of some third party
             | package's component hierarchy that is transpiled into a
             | single line with no source maps.
             | I think there is a huge benefit in making things easy to
             | step-through in a debugger when something goes wrong.
           | nawgz wrote:
           | > Okay but this thing boils down to just JavaScript right
           | I am not really sure I understand this stance. My JavaScript
           | ultimately just boils down to C++, no? C++ ultimately just
           | boils down to machine code, right? Yet you clearly wouldn't
           | try to tackle those things at that layer.
           | Without more statements on what this bug was and why there
           | weren't error messages or why it was so hard to recreate you
           | felt you could only look at it thru a debugger, I really
           | completely fail to understand your point.
           | > Abstractions are supposed to remove complexity
           | React does remove a ton of complexity from writing frontend -
           | good luck composing HTML & JS components with just jQuery -
           | but in exchange it also introduces some, of course. So they
           | make that new and different complexity easier to handle with
           | their dev tools.
           | > I swore off abstractions ... [that] treat users like morons
           | I really have a tough time to read this charitably. What on
           | earth are you on about?
           | azangru wrote:
           | > I recently was trying to diagnose a bug with React state in
           | someone else's project. Everything I found said "install the
           | React extension"
           | Really curious what you mean by that.
           | There are two possible Chrome (not React) extensions for dev
           | tools that I can think of -- one is the "official" extension
           | by React core team that helps visualise components better and
           | also helps understand why they may have rerendered. The other
           | is a redux extension that's very helpful to inspect all the
           | actions that were dispatched against the store and the
           | changes they caused in the redux state. None sounds like what
           | you are describing. Bugs with React state should be easy to
           | diagnose just with a handful of console logs.
           | [deleted]
         | meheleventyone wrote:
         | The nice thing is you don't need all this stuff it's just one
         | persons opinion of what you need. It's mostly that you get a
         | bunch of extra functionality with it. Additive rather than
         | required.
         | I feel like I went through exponentially more faffing about
         | setting up the web server and forwarding to the accompanying Go
         | server on DigitalOcean than I did getting my project running in
         | modern browsers just using tsc.
         | rglover wrote:
         | Yep, understand this completely. Love that talk, too.
         | What I've pinned it to is a cultural problem in the JavaScript
         | realm: everybody wants to impress everybody else about how
         | smart they are, and in the process of doing so, creates
         | convoluted mazes. As a side-effect, motivation dips and then
         | quality control falls in concert, leading to an "at least it
         | works" mentality.
         | That's my curmudgeon speculation/observation, at least.
       | mark_and_sweep wrote:
       | In 2021, I think it's safe to start a TypeScript project with
       | Deno.
         | chrisjc wrote:
         | Do you have any quickstart guides that you could _recommend_ to
         | get started with Typescript and Deno?
           | flakiness wrote:
           | Why not just following the official doc?
           | https://deno.land/manual@v1.9.1/getting_started
           | One of good things about Deno is that it has golang-like
           | opinionated/standardized workflow.
         | bfm wrote:
         | This!
         | After working with node.js for more than eight years I decided
         | to give deno a try (https://github.com/bermi/genetic) and I've
         | been gratefully surprised by the development experience.
         | I'm just missing a simple way to include deno code on my
         | existing node.js and browser projects.
         | christiansakai wrote:
         | Does Deno work for frontend?
           | mark_and_sweep wrote:
           | As always, depends on your use case.
           | I'd say it has lower friction in general since Deno is using
           | Web APIs, e.g. the fetch API is built-in (see
           | https://deno.land/manual@v1.9.1/runtime/web_platform_apis).
           | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
           | No it's a replacement for Node.
             | andrew_ wrote:
             | Please stop spreading this misnomer. It's an alternative
             | platform. It's absolutely not a wholesale replacement, and
             | its inner workings are vastly different to Node.
             | Edit: Well, someone touched a nerve! Doubt me, downvoters?
             | You need but google to find a wealth of information to
             | support the statement.
             | https://www.imaginarycloud.com/blog/deno-vs-node/ is the
             | first result, and there are a litany of other articles
             | explaining the same.
               | r0p3 wrote:
               | This article gives the distinct impression that Deno is
               | an alternative to node and solves the same problems.
               | TechBro8615 wrote:
               | Deno as a "replacement for node" seems like a roughly
               | accurate three word description. Neither Node nor Deno is
               | a programming language. Both are _runtimes_ , just like
               | the browser. All three of them link with V8 which is the
               | actual runtime (technically it's a JIT compiler, and only
               | Chromium based browsers use V8 -- Firefox uses
               | SpiderMonkey and Safari uses WebKit).
               | So to answer the original question, "Does Deno work for
               | frontend?", the premise of the question is inaccurate
               | because Deno is an environment where you can run
               | TypeScript code. It doesn't make sense to "run Deno in
               | the frontend" (though maybe you could come up with some
               | wasm monstrosity enabling an approximation of it). The
               | better question would be, "can I share (as in re-use)
               | TypeScript code in Deno and the Frontend?" to which the
               | answer would be mostly yes -- but you'll still likely end
               | up needing bundlers like webpack to help with it.
               | KajMagnus wrote:
               | I have in mind to use Deno instead of _both_ Node and
               | Bash scripts :- )
               | wa1987 wrote:
               | > Please stop spreading this misnomer.
               | That's a fairly... direct way of putting it :-)
               | Anyway:
               | 1. What are the key differences in terms of usage and use
               | cases?
               | 2. Why isn't Deno a 'wholesale' replacement for Node?
               | 3. In which respect are the vastly differently inner
               | workings relevant in regards to usage of both products?
               | andrew_ wrote:
               | I suspect the reply was snide, masked by a smiley face,
               | but here ya go anyhow. First result on Google for "deno
               | vs node" https://www.imaginarycloud.com/blog/deno-vs-
               | node/#:~:text=Wh...) that covers the basics of all three
               | asked points.
               | mannanj wrote:
               | I did not want to have to sift through a hefty article to
               | get answers to the questions. Anyone can google search,
               | but I see the points of the comments to share condensed
               | information not just to "link" to google.
               | Here's what I discovered as what I presume andrew_'s
               | reasoning for why its not a node replacement (from the
               | article)
               | "Node has been under development for over a decade, which
               | makes it more stable and battle-tested, making it the de
               | facto standard for server-side JavaScript. Deno has only
               | been under development for just two years and continues
               | to be improved. Among other things, Deno is an excellent
               | replacement for utility scripts that are usually written
               | with bash or python."
           | danieka wrote:
           | It's possible, but slightly cumbersome, to write isomorphic
           | apps. Deno has a library that can bundle Typescript for the
           | browser at runtime. But maybe look into Vite instead for
           | frontend.
         | liminal wrote:
         | Doesn't that depend on what libraries you need?
           | mark_and_sweep wrote:
           | Any JS that runs in the browser runs in Deno, too - so that's
           | quite a few libraries...
           | If there is a Node-specific library, i.e. a lib that uses the
           | require global, the fs module, etc., then you can, in many
           | cases, use the Node compat module from the Deno std lib and
           | just drop it into your project.
           | That being said, there's of course a Deno-specific ecosystem
           | of libs, too, i.e. libs that use the Deno global. So you
           | might find a suitable replacement if your favorite Node lib
           | is not compatible for some reason.
       | nsonha wrote:
       | > Obviously, it is a wrong step but your preconceived biases are
       | so strong
       | using absolute language to accuse people of lack of benefit of
       | doubt
       (page generated 2021-04-21 23:01 UTC)