[HN Gopher] 'Contextualization Engines' can fight misinformation...
       'Contextualization Engines' can fight misinformation without
       Author : laurex
       Score  : 51 points
       Date   : 2021-04-26 16:38 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (aviv.medium.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (aviv.medium.com)
       | standardUser wrote:
       | This already exists. Unless I am missing something, we've already
       | been seeing these on major platforms like Facebook and Instagram
       | (if not others) for at least a year now. I've noticed it mostly
       | on posts about the 2020 election and COVID-19 facts/news.
       | I mostly like the approach. It seems like the least restrictive
       | and least objectionable solution (or partial solution) to an
       | incredibly tricky and important problem.
         | JI00912 wrote:
         | I maybe misunderstanding this post, but Facebook information
         | about covid and the last us election has been terrible.
           | standardUser wrote:
           | I'm talking specifically about the little info blurbs that
           | Facebook automatically attaches to posts about COVID. They
           | are links to factual information. I'm not talking about
           | information that other people share about COVID on Facebook.
       | the_lonely_road wrote:
       | I spent a good amount of time trying to build a contextualization
       | engine for a different reason (auto correct, sick to death of it
       | being so bad when I'm clearly talking in a very specific context
       | bubble using these same words that everyone else is using over
       | and over), and man can I say that is is extremely difficult to
       | get 5 people in a room to not define 5 different context buckets
       | for a specific piece of text in a given situation.
       | In the end I decided that the real world phenomenon I was trying
       | to model was probably closer to a Google+ multiple identifies
       | than it was to a single channel like Facebook.
       | adamrezich wrote:
       | whenever I hear talk about "creating context" with regards to the
       | vast amounts of conflicting information on the Internet, I can't
       | help but recall the infamous scene near the end of 2001's Metal
       | Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, wherein protagonist Raiden talks
       | to an AI that has kind of actually been behind everything up to
       | this point (keeping in mind that this game was released long
       | before the modern social media-oriented Web) (emphasis mine):
       | ---
       | AI: The mapping of the human genome was completed early this
       | century. As a result, the evolutionary log of the human race lay
       | open to us. We started with genetic engineering, and in the end,
       | we succeeded in digitizing life itself. But there are things not
       | covered by genetic information. [...] Human memories, ideas.
       | Culture. History. Genes don't contain any record of human
       | history. Is it something that should not be passed on? Should
       | that information be left at the mercy of nature? We've always
       | kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols...
       | from tablets to books... But not all the information was
       | inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole
       | was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes,
       | really. That's what history is [...] But in the current,
       | digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every
       | second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always
       | accessible. Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations,
       | slander... All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state,
       | growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social
       | progress, reduce the rate of evolution. Raiden, you seem to think
       | that our plan is one of censorship.
       | Raiden: Are you telling me it's not!?
       | AI: You're being silly! _What we propose to do is not to control
       | content, but to create context._
       | Raiden: Create context?
       | AI: The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively
       | rewards the development of convenient half-truths. Just look at
       | the strange juxtapositions of morality around you. Billions spent
       | on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans. Rights
       | of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their
       | victims. Although there are people suffering in poverty, huge
       | donations are made to protect endangered species. Everyone grows
       | up being told the same thing. "Be nice to other people." "But
       | beat out the competition!" "You're special." "Believe in yourself
       | and you will succeed." But it's obvious from the start that only
       | a few can succeed... You exercise your right to "freedom" and
       | this is the result. All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect
       | each other from hurt. The untested truths spun by different
       | interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of
       | political correctness and value systems. Everyone withdraws into
       | their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They
       | stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits
       | them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different
       | cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated,
       | but nobody is right. Not even natural selection can take place
       | here. The world is being engulfed in "truth." And this is the way
       | the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper. We're trying to
       | stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just
       | as in genetics, unnecessary information and memory must be
       | filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species.
       | Raiden: And you think you're qualified to decide what's necessary
       | and not?
       | AI: Absolutely. Who else could wade through the sea of garbage
       | you people produce, retrieve valuable truths and even interpret
       | their meaning for later generations? _That 's what it means to
       | create context._
       | ---
       | pretty prophetic for a 2001 video game
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C31XYgr8gp0
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | There is something that can fight misinformation without
       | censorship: a mix a culture + education. Scientific method,
       | critical thing, logic, statistics coupled with a bunch of
       | historical examples of non-intuitive results and demonstrating
       | situations where correlation does not implies causation should be
       | teach on schools repeatedly and from early age.
       | Most adults don't even know what a double blind study is. It is
       | not surprising that so many people are falling prey to covid
       | quackery.
       | keiferski wrote:
       | I don't think many people working in tech understand the nature
       | of the Internet when it comes to information. The cat is out of
       | the bag and there is no returning to a world of universal
       | "authoritative sources" (term used in the article.)
       | Framed historically, we are experiencing a similar situation to
       | the invention of the printing press. All attempts to reel in
       | "misinformation" by appealing to legacy media outlets are doomed
       | to fail, precisely because these outlets have lost the trust they
       | once had. I don't see them regaining it in the near future, if at
       | all.
       | Instead, the likely outcome is a constellation of reputation-
       | based media sources. "Joe Brown is always honest, so I'll see
       | what he says in his podcast" is probably the future source of
       | information for the average person. Fact checkers will never be
       | anything other than a biased opinion of a particular institution,
       | as been shown time and time again.
         | noofen wrote:
         | Has anyone considered that the "rise of misinformation" and
         | Qanon-type conspiracy discourse is just a symptom of elite and
         | institutional decadence?
           | WalterGR wrote:
           | _elite and institutional decadence_
           | What does that mean? I googled "institutional decadence" but
           | am still not clear on the definition. Could you give some
           | examples of elite and institutional decadence?
             | keiferski wrote:
             | Not the OP, but this just refers to the gradual erosion of
             | many institutions in American society. Universities, media,
             | political structures, etc. have all lost the trust of the
             | populace over the last ~30 years, if not longer.
             | Whether this is from an actual lowering of standards or
             | just an inevitable consequence of new media is a different
             | question. I'd suggest reading works by a critic named John
             | Simon for the former opinion.
               | WalterGR wrote:
               | Hmm... When I think of decadence I think of Marie
               | Antoinette allegedly asking "Why don't they just eat
               | cake?" Like, actual decadence. In this context is
               | "decadence" being used as a loaded word? At university I
               | never saw professors or administrators popping Cristal
               | and making it rain hundos, for example.
               | (Edit: For the record, I didn't downvote you. One can't
               | downvote a comment one is responding to.)
           | keiferski wrote:
           | I haven't really followed the Q-Anon thing well enough to
           | know much about it, but it definitely does strike me as a
           | consequence of institutional decadence.
           | I'm not sure the content of the conspiracy is actually
           | relevant. Most people _want_ to trust the information they're
           | told, so the popularity of such things does seem like a
           | symptom and not a cause.
       | barbazoo wrote:
       | Education, to me, seems like the perfect way to "fight
       | misinformation without censorship". Teach our kids how to read,
       | how to understand, how to contextualize and think critically. We
       | don't need big tech to come up with a solution to a problem that
       | big tech caused to some degree.
         | potatoman22 wrote:
         | As much as I hated it as a kid, I think literary analysis and
         | semiotics is really beneficial in this manner.
         | narag wrote:
         | I agree but you also need to teach them that neither side of
         | the political divide is right on everything. Good luck getting
         | support for that.
           | barbazoo wrote:
           | Believing in there being 2 sides is probably a good indicator
           | that we've already failed.
             | narag wrote:
             | There are more than two in my country, I was just
             | "translating"...
       | amalcon wrote:
       | Let's suppose I am Google. I am in arguably the best position in
       | the world to build this system, because I have PageRank. PageRank
       | is (for the sake of argument) the closest thing yet invented to
       | an unbiased measure of authoritativeness (though still not _that_
       | close). I also have the most comprehensive map of the Web ever
       | made, because that 's the input to PageRank.
       | I could imagine building a contextualization machine out of this.
       | Oversimplified version: Look for cases where an authoritative
       | link frequently appears next to a link to the page in need of
       | context, and surface those authoritative links.
       | The good news / problem is that you can already use google this
       | way. If you google a given URL, you'll get results of people
       | talking about it! E.g. the current top article on HN is:
       | https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2021/04/ios-14-5-offers-unloc...
       | If I google this, I get a Reddit thread discussing this, two
       | misses (MacRumors frontpage and a CNBC index page), and a Korean
       | page. The last might be fine, but I can't read it so I don't
       | know. Maybe the Apple announcement is just too new, but this
       | doesn't seem super useful.
       | Of course, maybe there are refinements one could make for this
       | use case. Maybe this technique is just more useful for political
       | or science topics. I don't know. I tend to doubt it, though.
         | ergot_vacation wrote:
         | The problem of course is that a certain crowd runs most large
         | sites, and as seen on Youtube, if things they dislike become
         | too popular they will do whatever they can to suppress that
         | popularity.
         | Put another way, there are two definitions of "Authoritative":
         | what does the raw data suggest, and what does the echo chamber
         | I've surrounded myself with and become convinced is reality
         | say. I think we all know which standard would be used if such a
         | system was implemented (and of course, it's already been
         | attempted in small ways).
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | Interesting that it's possible, but it's probably not ethical to
       | misdirect people about the intent of this. Some people experience
       | what we might see as misinformation as their culture and
       | identity, and pretending we aren't building technologies to
       | detect and exterminate it is pretty dodgy. Unless we think these
       | tools will only ever be in the hands of 'good' people?
       | Being able to detect the tribal flavor of information so that you
       | can filter it out is what got us into this mess in the first
       | place because it indexed on creating outrage bubbles for clicks.
       | Growth comes from opportunity, which usually comes from something
       | being shitty, so militating and cleansing the world of badness
       | isn't doing anyone any favors except consolidating the role of
       | the cleaners.
       | When you ask the question, "whose contextualization engine?" and
       | the whole premise falls apart, it becomes clear they have earned
       | any mockery these engines are designed to sheild them from.
         | lindy2021 wrote:
         | The real test of a fair system is to build your
         | "contextualization engine" and then hand it over to your
         | ideological enemies to run.
           | MayeulC wrote:
           | Would you hand the wheel over to your enemies? Agriculture?
           | Writing?
           | Probably not, if they are assured to remain your enemies.
           | Wars have almost always been decided on technological
           | capabilities alone, with a few counter-examples. You asked an
           | interesting question, if only a bit narrow.
           | Going further, most technologies can be directly used for
           | ill.
           | max-ibel wrote:
           | I cut -- you choose ?
           | I like it ;) But it will probably never happen.
         | toss1 wrote:
         | When your "culture and identity" is based on relying on blatant
         | disinformation, whether it is that the earth is flat, the govt
         | is poisoning you with chemtrails, or NASA is fake, that is
         | already getting corrossive to society.
         | When it extends to anti-vaccine disinformation, it is an active
         | threat not only to public health but national security. Many of
         | these types of disinformation are actively weaponized and
         | spread by adversaries.
         | It is right to threat those kinds of threats to the society and
         | nation as we would treat any physical threat -- actively work
         | to neutralize it.
         | Just because war is moving out of the physical and into the
         | information sphere, does not make it less serious.
           | motohagiography wrote:
           | The principle I'm appealing to is that we have to ask whether
           | it's appropriate or desirable to have that technology applied
           | to us(*). It's not disinformation if it's just outgroup
           | culture.
           | It seems unwise to imagine oneself engaged in a war because
           | it just licenses your opponent. The idea of war is that it
           | the extension of policy, which in every other circumstance
           | can be negotiated, but if instead of negotiating policy,
           | these same people are engaged in a deception to exterminate
           | or subordinate an opposition, that's not policy, that's just
           | a power struggle for its own end, and it's not something to
           | be reconciled.
           | If you want to treat fellow citizens as an enemy force, say
           | so, and they will come to the table as one. But if you want
           | to just decieve them, I'd wonder whether we were the baddies.
           | We probably don't want to make civilian technologists legit
           | targets in this war either.
           | Surely the people developing or advocating these techs are
           | capable of enough self awareness to recognize how every
           | example of "blatant disinformation," has an equivalent worthy
           | of targeting, so introducing them as anything other than
           | abstractions doesn't really yield perspective.
             | visarga wrote:
             | > If you want to treat fellow citizens as an enemy force,
             | say so
             | Dividing people is a bad idea because we have much more in
             | common than is different between us. We should always try
             | to be more inclusive and tone down the class wars and
             | cancellations. We probably won't make any social progress
             | while throwing stones into the opposing tribes instead of
             | working together.
             | But you can't be inclusive of falsehoods, you can only open
             | to legitimate concerns raised by the various groups,
             | because any solution we find needs to be viable in the real
             | world.
             | I don't trust revolutionaries - I've been burned before,
             | and also read history. Revolutionaries, social warriors and
             | activists love revolution more than peace itself. If we
             | want to succeed we need to win the peace, not the war.
             | freeflight wrote:
             | _> It 's not disinformation if it's just outgroup culture._
             | Just because wrong information can become outgroup culture
             | does not suddenly make the wrong information true.
             | Particularly when it stipulates world views that vilify
             | whole other groups as allegedly being responsible for
             | everything wrong.
             | The end result is not just a culture that might endorse
             | violence against others, but something that could probably
             | be described as a cargo cult where wrong information
             | becomes dogmatic tradition.
             | Antisemitism has already taken such a shape, most if not
             | all of the theories voiced by some modern outgroups are
             | just reboots of allegations that are centuries old and have
             | justified violence for just as long.
             | Case in point: The whole "elites abducting children to
             | sacrifice them" theory, which regained popularity trough
             | QAnon, is just a more modern take on the William of Norwich
             | blood libel [0].
             | That has been around for close to a millennium because it's
             | an idea that survives in certain religious outgroup
             | cultures. Do we really have to tolerate the intolerance to
             | be considered tolerant? Is there really no rough line that
             | can be drawn?
             | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_of_Norwich
               | motohagiography wrote:
               | I'd say that Popper's Paraphrase isn't a useful argument
               | when it reduces to just a first-accusers advantage. It's
               | a small mercy that he died before seeing what his work
               | would be reduced to.
               | Tolerance is meaningful when it is mostly unbearable,
               | otherwise it's just preference. That idea is elaborated
               | well in SSC's "I can tolerate anything but the outgroup."
               | The relative truth of wrong information is a glass house
               | I don't think advocates of censorship are intellectually
               | equipped to defend. Their only tool is deception, and
               | inevitably force, and the points we can score on them
               | have no value.
               | The deeper controversy is whether on the internet we will
               | accept a rules based order, or discretion. It's the old
               | "rule of law vs. rule of men" issue. What has changed in
               | the last 140 years or so is of course, total, instant
               | globalization, with the internet, but more subtly, that
               | the language used to reason about these things has itself
               | become unmoored.
               | What I think we should all reflect on is how as
               | individuals we can become a bit less enthusiasitically
               | murderable to one another, before worrying about how we
               | can change what others think. It's the one problem we can
               | all make progress on.
           | gedy wrote:
           | This sounds "right" but then how would you feel applying this
           | things like native American tribal beliefs, e.g. regarding
           | genetics and migration. Those may be scientific facts but
           | many reject them due to fearing further dispossession of
           | their land, etc.
           | pessimizer wrote:
           | You're clearly an information warrior, but what if I think
           | that you're the one spreading misleading information?
           | It's weird that you fully expect that you, or someone else
           | who agrees with you, will be in control of this.
             | toss1 wrote:
             | Whether you think that I'm spreading disinformation, or
             | whether it is someone else is easily determined by looking
             | to the external facts.
             | The fact is that the earth is (nearly) round, contrails are
             | not chemical sprays, Capricorn One was a C-grade movie
             | while Apollo-11 went to the moon, and that anti-vax
             | movement was started by a fraud attempting to discredit
             | existing formulas to promote a formula in which the paper's
             | author had a vested interest (and which paper was
             | retracted, along with his MD and license) and that vaccines
             | do work.
             | That is the point. A society cannot remain cohesive if
             | there are no shared truths.
             | You may not want to take it seriously, but I'd suggest you
             | consider the following quotes, and why and how
             | disinformation can be weaponized.
             | "Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding
             | its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured
             | by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance
             | is just as good as your knowledge.'" -- Isaac Asimov
             | "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled
             | to your own facts.". -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
               | motohagiography wrote:
               | > A society cannot remain cohesive if there are no shared
               | truths.
               | On this we agree. This truth needs to be on a scale of
               | one, some, or all truths that are shared. Let's
               | disqualify all, and simplfy to finding an example of one.
               | The other thing about the truth is that it probably
               | shouldn't be falsifiable, as it's a bit of an all-in bet
               | on whatever that is. It shouldn't be a complicated
               | mystery because then you are back to the relative problem
               | of who has discovered more and how do you know. The
               | perfect example truth is the one that is not knowable
               | either way, but something that can be believed.
               | We should probably recognize that destabilizing that
               | example shared truth is an attack on social cohesion as
               | well. Can't think of an example at the moment, but I
               | certainly agree it would be the One Important Thing you
               | would need to believe, or you're basically left with a
               | kind of hellscape.
           | BitwiseFool wrote:
           | Everyone needs to pick and choose which
           | information/disinformation battles they want to take part in.
           | Flat-Earthers, Chemtrail People, Moonlanding Hoaxers, these
           | people aren't really worth anyone's time. How does someone
           | else believing the world is flat impinge on your ability to
           | live your life?
           | Now, I can understand wanting to combat vaccine hesitancy
           | because that does tangibly affect society at-large (recent
           | measles outbreaks). But most of the disinformation boogeymen
           | you listed are just people with kooky ideas who aren't
           | persuading society.
           | Lastly, it's okay to be wrong about things. The body of human
           | knowledge is so vast that everyone is bound to be more wrong
           | than right.
             | toss1 wrote:
             | There is a difference between 1) simply being wrong by
             | mistake vs 2) deliberate and maintained ignorance vs. 3)
             | deliberately deceiving people and poisoning the agora.
             | Mere ordinary wrongness is a big enough problem. And to the
             | degree that it is mere cultural ignorance, it can be merely
             | annoying.
             | But intentionally spreading disinformation, fear porn, and
             | cultivating false outrage to inflame divisions in society
             | is much more serious, and should not be conflated with mere
             | buffoonery.
           | keiferski wrote:
           | This line of thought will both be extremely ineffective (and
           | further incentivize misinformation) and highly unjust. At
           | some point you need to stop and realize everything isn't a
           | conflict that necessarily has losers to be "neutralized."
             | toss1 wrote:
             | Agree, it only becomes a conflict when some parties are
             | deliberately weaponizing disinformation.
             | Mere ignorance is something we must unfortunately tolerate.
             | Active work to spread disinformation that will literally
             | kill people - see [1] or just search for it, where a mere
             | dozen people are responsible for 65% of the spread of
             | disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines, and are working
             | to deliberately undermine vaccination efforts.
             | This isn't mere ignorance, it will get people killed. And
             | before you say something like "well the fools that believe
             | that idiocy deserve what they get", consider that while
             | they may (sort of their choice), the family, friends,
             | neighbors, first responders, and healthcare workers do not
             | deserve to be exposed unnecessarily to those biohazards.
             | [1] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/06/facebook-
             | insta...
               | kodah wrote:
               | > Agree, it only becomes a conflict when some parties are
               | deliberately weaponizing disinformation.
               | Agree, it only becomes a conflict when both major parties
               | are deliberately weaponizing disinformation.
               | I think other commenters have warned about this. It's
               | fairly easy to tell what political allegiances you have.
               | Just understand that your parties spread a lot of
               | disinformation as well. As an independent, it makes me
               | cringe to watch liberals act like they aren't responsible
               | for loads of disinformation, hyperbole, fear mongering,
               | and misinformation too. Much less that it doesn't have
               | Russian origins.
               | keiferski wrote:
               | Every single revoking of civil liberties (e.g.
               | censorship) has been done in the name of safety. That
               | doesn't make it acceptable.
               | If you want to combat misinformation, pick a better
               | solution. And as I said above, censorship is pretty much
               | impossible, both legally and technologically. It simply
               | cannot be done.
               | toss1 wrote:
               | Did you even read the article?
               | The ENTIRE POINT of the idea is to NOT censor anything,
               | but to add context -- adding information, not censoring
               | it. Letting people make their own decisions.
               | The problem here is that there is a massive asymmetry.
               | This has been noticed for centuries with the maxim "A Lie
               | Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is
               | Putting On Its Shoes" (some interesting history on that
               | at [1]).
               | This is because our brains are tuned to seek out novelty,
               | and to seek out information on threats.
               | This enables those who want to manipulate us and
               | especially the masses -- creating fake news and fear porn
               | will get the attention of pretty much everyone, and
               | anyone who is not both actively better informed at the
               | time, and actively thinking, will be inflamed and
               | motivated.
               | Voltaire pointed out that "Those who can make you believe
               | absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."
               | The people spreading disinformation treat that as an
               | instruction instead of a warning.
               | Adding this kind of contextual information seems a far
               | better solution than censoring.
               | [1] https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/07/13/truth/
               | keiferski wrote:
               | Yes I read the article, but I was replying to your
               | comment, not the article's argument. I replied to that
               | directly in another comment.
               | You seemed to be arguing for censorship, which is what I
               | was replying to.
               | toss1 wrote:
               | Please read more carefully
               | I am absolutely not arguing for censorship, especially
               | since censorship creates it's own blowback, which is
               | often even more helpful to the disinformation.
               | I am merely arguing that disinformation needs to be
               | fought, especially actively weaponized disinformation.
               | It looks like this contextualization could be a very good
               | method.
         | andrewjl wrote:
         | > Being able to detect the tribal flavor of information so that
         | you can filter it out is what got us into this mess in the
         | first place because it indexed on creating outrage bubbles for
         | clicks.
         | What you're referring to as outrage bubbles has come about due
         | to a lack of contextualization. One topic this is commonly seen
         | is discussion on GMOs, where both pro-GMO and anti-GMO
         | activists provide misleading facts as supporting evidence in
         | their discussion. In this example and also when it comes to
         | politics, a contextualization engine would be very effective in
         | spurring dialogue and getting people to see multiple sides of
         | an issue.
         | > When you ask the question, "whose contextualization engine?"
         | and the whole premise falls apart, it becomes clear they have
         | earned any mockery these engines are designed to sheild them
         | from.
         | Where I personally differ from some of the social networks on
         | this, is I think these should be default on but also come with
         | an off switch. Meaning the user always has the ability to turn
         | them off, but they need to take an active step in order to do
         | so. IMO it's a good compromise.
           | gweinberg wrote:
           | There are pro-GMO activists?
           | groby_b wrote:
           | Can we stop saying it's due to "lack of contextualization" as
           | if it's something that just oddly happened?
           | The reason we lack context is that the world moved from
           | chronological feeds to "engagement" based feeds. Anything
           | that could have served as context gets optimized out, because
           | more clicks. We're not naturally polarized - we have created
           | an environment that favored the more outrageous claims,
           | slowly removing the middle ground as if it didn't exist.
           | What we need isn't a "contextualizion engine", it's getting
           | rid of active efforts to decontextualize.
         | wmf wrote:
         | Yeah, people won't react well when the fact checker tells them
         | that _everything they read_ is fake news.
           | endymi0n wrote:
           | "If conspiracy theorists become convinced that their facts
           | are fake, they will not abandon conspiracy theories. They
           | will reject the authority of the fact checkers."
           | - Loosely paraphrased after David Frum
           | https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/mmy39q/o.
           | ..
             | JI00912 wrote:
             | It would be great if we could all just turn to an objective
             | entity with all the facts. But there's no such person.
             | Certainly not the average journalist. There's just no such
             | thing as a fact checker.
               | sofixa wrote:
               | Everyone has their biases, but most are able to look over
               | them in the face of facts. And the good thing about facts
               | is that they're objective and indisputable.
               | Moon landing ? Fact. Trump being US president? Fact.
               | France winning the 2018 World Cup? Fact.
               | So no, fact checkers do exist and are very important.
               | generalizations wrote:
               | As long as the fact checkers stick with facts that are as
               | obvious as the ones in your examples, then sure: they're
               | objective and indisputable.
               | However, people do dispute facts, and anything someone
               | disputes is no longer in the purview of the fact checker,
               | _by your definition_.
               | argvargc wrote:
               | All of those examples could be invalidated with new
               | information.
               | As inconvenient as it may be, truth is transitory and
               | progress toward it is frequently made through
               | invalidation. It's more prudent and useful to assume
               | facts don't exist.
               | As for "fact-checkers", who fact-checks _them_? (Etc...)
               | The notion of visiting a webpage authored by God-knows-
               | who to check whether what 's on another webpage authored
               | by God-knows-who is correct or not is absurd.
               | And we haven't even gotten into subjectivity or nuance.
         | msla wrote:
         | Is the idea that Jews are literal monsters part of someone's
         | culture and identity?
         | Is that culture and identity something the rest of the world
         | can live with?
           | lindy2021 wrote:
           | Yes. Jews have been treated as literal monsters for millennia
           | and the rest of the world has lived with it.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jew.
           | ..
           | giantg2 wrote:
           | "Is the idea that Jews are literal monsters part of someone's
           | culture and identity?"
           |  _The idea that some people may believe that_ is central to
           | some cultural identities. For example the Hasidic community,
           | or the defense /military posture of Israel.
       | ketzo wrote:
       | For such a long piece, this is disappointingly light on any
       | details or discussion about _how_ one would go about building a
       | "Contextualization Engine."
       | I mean, we all saw what happened with Microsoft's Tay Bot [1] --
       | any system that attempts to factor in user input is ripe for
       | abuse. Who would control what context is valid, and what context
       | is discarded? If you decide to factor in "all" content, how do
       | you rank it? Is it simply a factor of popularity, or are trusted
       | sources given more weight? Who is a trusted source?
       | I don't mean to sound overly pessimistic: I agree with the author
       | that context is the biggest thing lacking from the internet
       | today, and is a valuable tool for fighting misinformation. But
       | any discussion like this needs to pretty immediately grapple with
       | the intricacies of how to implement context -- and what context
       | really _is._
       | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(bot)
         | throwawayboise wrote:
         | Sounded like it was mainly reliant on some pre-selected
         | whitelist of approved sources. Of course that raises the
         | question of who approved those sources, and what were their
         | motivations?
       | giantg2 wrote:
       | "The contextualization engine compares the content being shared
       | with that from authoritative sources and provides articles or
       | other media results that are sufficiently related."
       | How are these authoritative sources chosen? This sounds like it
       | would be rife for manipulation. Plus, just relying on an appeal
       | to authority as the validation of the information will not weed
       | out mistakes or errors in the content.
       | What are the standards for these other media results it will
       | provide? News articles, blogs, studies, etc. Some might be better
       | than others depending on the topic. The news and journalists are
       | supposed to be the old school contextual engine. How do we see an
       | automated version being any better quality?
         | Fellshard wrote:
         | It already is. Watch the Twitter 'trending' pane over time, and
         | you'll notice that they add context in exactly one worldview
         | direction, incurring massive editorialized anchor bias.
         | ergot_vacation wrote:
         | Exactly. The fundamental problem with the phrase
         | "misinformation" is that what is or isn't "misinformation" is
         | _subjective_. Truth and reality aren 't subjective, but
         | people's beliefs about the nature of them are, very much so.
         | It's impossible to solve the problem by asking "The Experts" to
         | adjudicate what is and isn't true, because The Experts have
         | become too mired in corruption, greed, political intimidation
         | and so on. They no longer represent anything even close to an
         | impartial party, and thus are not useful tools for discerning
         | reality anymore, at least in the traditional way of asking a
         | question, getting an answer and accepting it.
       | tryonenow wrote:
       | >Systems built specifically for contextualization might not only
       | support media literacy; they could also provide the data needed
       | for fact-checkers to determine what to focus on, and could even
       | help support the emotional literacy relevant to avoid harmful
       | reactions to misinformation (from lashing out at loved ones, to
       | terrorist radicalization).
       | All I'm hearing is techno-authoritarians building a system to
       | further suppress dissenting views. Even "authoritative" sources
       | are supposed to disagree; that's how science works.
       | I think the uncertain nature of reality is such that any
       | "authoritative" source is likely to eventually make mistakes, and
       | building rigid systems to hide alternative viewpoints is a form
       | of social disenfranchisement.
       | drngdds wrote:
       | Why would this be any more trusted than the misinformation
       | warnings Youtube and Twitter already put up automatically for
       | certain subjects?
       | And also, I don't know how anyone can even float the possibility
       | of making something like this a legal requirement. The ways it
       | could be abused are really obvious.
       (page generated 2021-04-26 23:02 UTC)