[HN Gopher] Swimlanes.io - generated editable sequence diagrams
       Swimlanes.io - generated editable sequence diagrams
       Author : smusamashah
       Score  : 355 points
       Date   : 2021-04-27 14:54 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (swimlanes.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (swimlanes.io)
       | rorykoehler wrote:
       | This app has saved me countless hours. Very well executed but I
       | don't like their publicly viewable permissions being the default.
       | jsmcgd wrote:
       | The inline editing and change propagation is very cool.
       | [bug] Swimlane name changes aren't propagated to notes.
       | redleader55 wrote:
       | I would really like a sequence diagram that allow for diagonal
       | arrows, not just horizontal ones. A message takes time to arrive
       | to its destination and sometimes it's interesting what else could
       | happen during this time, for example the backend sending another
       | response to the requester. Also requests don't arrive to the
       | destination in the exact order they where made. All of these are
       | impossible to represent with horizontal arrows.
         | prepend wrote:
         | There's an asynchronous notation in sequence diagrams if
         | responses can go back in different order. Still uses horizontal
         | arrows but the arrowhead is different.
         | I don't think diagonal arrows really help with this and will be
         | harder to deal with because they could get overlapping really
         | quickly.
         | But if things are truly out of sequence use something other
         | than a sequence diagram. Just a regular flow chart, or activity
         | diagram, or state diagram.
         | braho wrote:
         | I second this.
         | I have been using sequence diagrams a lot for embedded or real-
         | time systems a lot last year, and travel time is important
         | there.
         | Besides, it allows to have one diagram abstract from another,
         | without modifying execution times.
         | dariusj18 wrote:
         | Apparently https://sequencediagram.org/ is what you want. It
         | has "non-instantaneous message"
       | xtracto wrote:
       | Reminds me of https://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/ The
       | nice thing about that library is that you actually can have a
       | self-contained HTML page with a diagram, like:
       | <html>              <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/aja
       | x/libs/webfont/1.6.28/webfontloader.js"></script>         <script
       | src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.3.0/raphael
       | .min.js"></script>         <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.
       | com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.5.2/underscore-min.js"></script>
       | <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-sequence-
       | diagrams/1.0.6/sequence-diagram-min.js"></script>         <body>
       | <div id="diagram"></div>         <script>           var diagram =
       | Diagram.parse("A->B: Message");
       | diagram.drawSVG("diagram", {theme: 'hand'});         </script>
       | </body>         </html>
       | And this will draw render a sequence diagram in any browser. I've
       | used this to have as documentation in the /docs folder of project
       | Git repository for some of my teams. It is great because it is
       | pretty easy to update and maintain changes via VCS.
         | jorisd wrote:
         | You actually don't even need the HTML scaffolding for that, and
         | can author a js-sequence-diagrams diagram straight into a text
         | file, append a simple script to render the document, and save
         | as .html! Example: https://unpkg.com/browse/js-sequence-
         | diagrams-autorenderer@1... - click on "view raw" to see it in
         | action.
         | Looks a lot cleaner, and the .html itself is a valid diagram as
         | the script tag that bootstraps the renderer is prefixed with a
         | comment hash.
         | EDIT: I used to have this in a gist that I'd load via
         | rawgit.com, but since that's no longer active, I figured I'd
         | update my script and make it publicly available through unpkg
         | :)
           | xtracto wrote:
           | Howdy, that's some black magic! Thanks a lot, that's a really
           | neat idea.
         | hakcermani wrote:
         | Another similar site that i have used a lot is ...
         | https://www.websequencediagrams.com/ .. i particularly like the
         | svg export of websequencediagrams.
           | avodonosov wrote:
           | also https://sequencediagram.org
       | jonahx wrote:
       | Prior art:
       | 1. Plant UML:
       | http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/umla/SoWkIImgAStDuNBCoKnELT...
       | PlantUML supports many diagram types, and there's a nice VS Code
       | plugin with side by side live preview.
       | 2. https://www.websequencediagrams.com/
       | Has a hand-drawn style option which is nice:
       | https://i.imgur.com/lh4jaVL.png
         | carb wrote:
         | As we're listing alternatives, Lucidchart also supports
         | generated UML Sequence Diagrams, which lets you use their GUI
         | after generation to customize it / alter as desired
         | avodonosov wrote:
         | https://sequencediagram.org is another alternative
         | gregmac wrote:
         | Plantuml plugin within Confluence is pretty nice for
         | documentation, and arguably a super-power because it makes it
         | easier to make good docs ("a picture is worth a thousand
         | words").
         | The source shows up in edit mode (no external app needed; and
         | it's always correct) and it handles the rendering for you, thus
         | reducing friction.
         | In other places I've seen people attach a PNG. If you're lucky,
         | they've also attached the corresponding (and up-to-date) source
         | in visio/draw/ppt/whatever random app format, in which case
         | making a small edit might only takes ten of minutes. In the
         | worst case, it's missing source, the source file is not the
         | same as the PNG, or they used some program you don't have, and
         | you have to totally redo it. For most people if the friction is
         | too high, it just doesn't get updated.
         | eugene0 wrote:
         | MermaidJS is also a good alternative: https://mermaid-
         | js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/
           | leipert wrote:
           | GitLab has mermaid support in its markdown
           | https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#mermaid
         | Veuxdo wrote:
         | Ilograph supports interactive sequence diagrams e.g.
         | https://app.ilograph.com/demo.ilograph.Ilograph/Get%2520Diag...
           | intrasight wrote:
           | also see zenuml.com
           | I was just looking at that a few days ago. But don't want
           | something that works on-line. Any good equivalent local
           | tools?
             | Veuxdo wrote:
             | There is a desktop version that works off-line:
             | https://www.ilograph.com/desktop/index.html
             | avodonosov wrote:
             | FWIW, https://diagrams.net/ also have a downloadable
             | version. But it's a point and click WYSIWYG editor, not a
             | text notation like swimlanes.io.
         | swyx wrote:
         | collated these diagramming tools here: https://github.com/sw-
         | yx/spark-joy/blob/master/README.md#gen...
           | gnat wrote:
           | Thanks. Please do identify when they're open source -- I have
           | been bitten by filling a small app of unknown longevity with
           | my system diagrams and flowcharts, only to have it disappear.
           | scoot wrote:
           | Any plans to do curated?
             | swyx wrote:
             | i mean i will inject my opinions when i have to use these
             | things in anger, right now it is just a raw list for future
             | usage. i do put little stars or warnings against some items
             | when i have an opinion.
             | you're welcome to PR in some commentary on each of them
             | though. or fork it and curate. its open source knowledge :)
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoATf7xGoUY
       | kjagiello wrote:
       | For sequence diagrams in text format you can take diagwiz for a
       | spin. There is also an online version of the tool. Disclaimer: It
       | is working, but it's still just an experiment and might change a
       | lot.
       | https://github.com/kjagiello/diagwiz
       | https://diagwiz.io/playground/ (not really mobile friendly)
         | smusamashah wrote:
         | These do the same i.e. ASCII sequence diagrams
         | https://textart.io/sequence
         | http://weidagang.github.io/text-diagram/
       | ram_rar wrote:
       | This is really a great tool. I have been using
       | https://www.websequencediagrams.com/ in the past. Will definitely
       | give this one a shot.
       | Generating quick sequence diagrams helps a lot to articulate
       | ideas. Ever since wfh, I have used these tools a lot of
       | communicate design flow with team mates.
       | superfrank wrote:
       | Oh man, someone showed me this site a few years ago and I never
       | could find it again. Glad it popped back up
       | sly010 wrote:
       | The parser seems to be broken. Or I don't understand the syntax.
       | There is no way to end the last example note.
       | Edit: ok, you need to add at least a colon after every edge
       | ragsagar wrote:
       | My incomplete attempt to do something similar in python
       | https://github.com/ragsagar/yezdi
       | danellis wrote:
       | I just don't see the point. If it only supports one type of
       | diagram (and judging by the name, it seems like it only ever
       | will), why would I use this over PlantUML?
       | sagichmal wrote:
       | Cool!
       | Sequence diagrams are by far the most effective way to
       | communicate system behavior.
       | These, and boxes-and-lines diagrams to communicate component
       | relationships, are all that's necessary to document a system of
       | arbitrary complexity.
         | hderms wrote:
         | I'd add state machine diagrams if those aren't covered by your
         | previous suggestions. I suppose they could be considered a
         | subset of sequence diagrams.
           | michaelsbradley wrote:
           | Statecharts and other variants of state machine diagrams are
           | quite useful, but they serve a different purpose than
           | sequence diagrams.
           | A sequence diagram describes an exchange of messages between
           | different objects.
           | A statechart describes the states of an individual object and
           | how it transitions between those states.
       | michaelsbradley wrote:
       | For statechart diagrams see: https://xstate.js.org/viz/
       | Note that in addition to being editable, they are executable and
       | can be used to implement state transition logic in node/browser
       | JS code.
       | The visualizer is used throughout XState's docs.
       | flexterra wrote:
       | I've been using this for years. Is really good and the best
       | feature is that diagrams don't look like crap by default, which
       | is not the case for most code to diagram tools out there. Looking
       | at your Plant UML.
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Sequence diagrams, this deserves an awesomelist. And swimlanes.io
       | should be on that list
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | These are becoming as prevalent as note taking apps on HN!
         | DanBC wrote:
         | So, if anyone wants to make diagramming software and is looking
         | for a niche, there's something used in quality improvement
         | called a "driver diagram".
         | These are very simple.
         | https://qi.elft.nhs.uk/resource/driver-diagrams/
         | http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/Tools/Driver-Diagram.aspx
         | The problem is that you want something that a small team can
         | collaborate on; that allows them to control where it's stored
         | and viewable; that works with baffling NHS bureaucracy; and is
         | very easy to use. You want something that allows actions to be
         | attached and completed. And you might want to allow it to link
         | to other documents. (For example, "we tried change idea 1, and
         | we didn't see any improvement, here's the data").
         | The other problem is that most software will apply colour
         | vertically to a column, but you probably don't want that. You
         | want something that allows horizontal stripes.
         | Vertical:
         | https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.hhpwTzkH7yvSFeBY61hM7wHaF...
         | Horizontal: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.i9BwtTbgKV-
         | UGlO5675QtgHaF...
         | Horizontal:
         | https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.4oy4eY78Ik4sl5r2ygFpvgHaE...
         | There's something called LifeQI which is good but a bit spendy
         | and it covers a _lot_ more detail than just driver diagrams.
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | A list of all such tools https://xosh.org/text-to-diagram/
       | loeber wrote:
       | Fun! I think there's a ton of value in programmatic "markup for
       | flowchart" type tools. My tool of choice has historically been
       | MermaidJS: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor
       | omot wrote:
       | This is so creative!
       | I never would've thought making a Latex for diagrams! I can't
       | think of an immediate use case but this is really cool!
         | dwrodri wrote:
         | There's PGF/TikZ[1], but from what i've seen, it appears a bit
         | clunky. These days I usually see packages which are basically
         | convenience wrappers living above TikZ for common usecases
         | (e.g. visualizing neural networks in papers)
       | jayniz wrote:
       | I read edible :(
         | sgt wrote:
         | Print them out.
         | Geee wrote:
         | Me too! What is going on :)
       | skilesare wrote:
       | https://mscgen.js.org/
         | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
         | Can confirm, the best online MSC editor out there, and we
         | looked hard a couple of years ago.
       | barbazoo wrote:
       | I use https://sequencediagram.org/ quite frequently these days, I
       | like how you can get a link with the actual diagram encoded in
       | it, makes it trivial to store and share.
         | zemo wrote:
         | it's got Google Drive integration too. I use it and put all the
         | diagrams into a Google Drive folder.
       | canada_dry wrote:
       | I'll throw diagrams.net (formerly draw.io) into the discussion.
       | Their UI is incredibly well designed/intuitive. Does swim lanes
       | quite well - along with most other charts/diagrams... and there's
       | a desktop version too.
         | rorykoehler wrote:
         | I use both regularly and tbh they aren't comparable.
         | Swimlanes.io is the perfect example of one small niche idea
         | well executed while diagrams.net is also well executed but the
         | other side of the scale. If you want a quick swimlane diagram
         | you can have it published in the time it takes you to prep the
         | canvas in diagrams.net
         | jamespwilliams wrote:
         | draw.io is open-source and easily self-hostable, too.
           | dariusj18 wrote:
           | And can be edited in VSCode
           | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=hediet.v.
           | ..
       | jpollock wrote:
       | Pretty cool.
       | I was hoping to see a swim lane diagram? Could you add that as a
       | feature? Then I can share it with some business analysts who love
       | that kind of thing.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swim_lane
       | travisjungroth wrote:
       | I'm curious: who made this? What stack? I couldn't find anything
       | on the page.
         | marshray wrote:
         | I just see an entirely blank page. Chrome incognito mode.
         | frank13 wrote:
         | Hi. I made this. Its mostly plain JS, all of the diagram,
         | except the arrow heads, are simple div element
           | travisjungroth wrote:
           | Hi! Thanks for replying. Is there any storage layer? Or is
           | everything encoded in the URL?
             | frank13 wrote:
             | Yes. There is a simple storage if you sign in with
             | google/github
               | travisjungroth wrote:
               | I mean what's the storage from a technical standpoint? If
               | you're saving every version of every swimlane that
               | anonymous users create, it seems like that would add up
               | in your database.
               | frank13 wrote:
               | If you dont sign in nothing is stored. Your diagram data
               | does not leave the browser, unless you generate an image.
               | The diagram data is in the url
           | kobieyc wrote:
           | Thank you for making this. Are you making the code available?
       | imiric wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing! Sequence diagrams are awesome.
       | I've used websequencediagrams.com and PlantUML to create them
       | before, and honestly I much prefer using an open source CLI tool
       | for this than a closed source service, even if it's free to use.
       | The day the site goes offline all my Git versioned diagrams would
       | be useless.
       | If the authors are reading: have you considered releasing a
       | standalone CLI tool? It could even be open sourcing the site
       | itself and packaging it as a Docker image. If not, exposing an
       | API like wsd.com has would be very useful.
         | frank13 wrote:
         | Hi. I created this years ago and have not been able to give it
         | much attention lately. There is a very basic API,
         | https://swimlanes.io/docs/api
           | frank13 wrote:
           | You can also embed a diagram. See
           | https://jsfiddle.net/y6Lqpfcw/
             | imiric wrote:
             | Much appreciated. That still does network requests and I
             | wasn't able to make it work fully offline after downloading
             | all the assets, but pretty nice nonetheless.
               | rockostrich wrote:
               | Really? I downloaded the js file linked and set up an
               | index.html with that snippet. The only requests being
               | made were for FontAwesome stuff which you could also
               | download and change the references to in that `embed.js`.
       | uncomputation wrote:
       | Looks great and super easy to use! I find myself needing these
       | all the time for work and really hate Visio
       | red_hare wrote:
       | "Markup for diagram" is great so long as others have a way to
       | edit the markup when you use the diagram in your document.
       | Blockdiag/Seqdiag has a pretty good RST integration for Sphinx.
       | Lately I've been using the ZenUML diagram plugin for Confluence
       | which lets you do sequence and other diagrams using Mermaid-JS.
       | Considering that the author of swimlanes.io seems to have
       | mastered the part where the diagram is encoded into a URL, it
       | feels like making plugins to popular documentation systems is the
       | obvious next step to making this useful for engineering orgs.
       | sirk390 wrote:
       | Very cool. Makes me think of https://dbdiagram.io
       | vprcic wrote:
       | Sequence diagrams seem like the go--to format for displaying data
       | flow in a microservice-type environment, but even though there is
       | a plethora of implementations in various languages and
       | technologies that generate diagrams of this kind, they all lack
       | certain functionalities, number one being the support for
       | threads. Some solutions do provide the "par" fragment, but this
       | is inadequate when message ordering corresponds to cronological
       | ordering. Numbering messages may help, but I find it easier to
       | grasp what is going on visually with multiple activations per
       | lifeline (the best implementation of this I've found to date is
       | the Quick Sequence Diagram Editor
       | [http://sdedit.sourceforge.net/], but that project doesn't seem
       | to be active or maintained).
       | I've recently tried to find a suitable solution for this on
       | StackOverflow, but I've been rejected under the "Opinionated
       | question" remark (::sigh::), so I could just as well do it here.
       | Is there a (Java based) sequence diagram generating tool/library
       | that has the following functionalities:
       | . supports multiple threads and thread referencing in messages
       | (multiple activations per lifeline)
       | . supports delayed messages (message trasmission and message
       | reception can occur at different times, i.e. sending a message
       | does not imply immediate reception on the other side)
       | . no custom language/pseudocode as input, but builder-style
       | approach (I use Java to generate a text description of the
       | diagram and then pass it to the library for parsing - I could
       | just call the methods the parser calls and remove the unneccesary
       | middle man)
       | . highly customizable visual style (PlantUML, the most flexible
       | I've found in this regard, is notoriously bad at styling, mostly
       | due to a lack of a coherent styling paradigm)
       | If not, how many people would be interested in such a thing? I
       | may start it as an open source project myself...
         | imiric wrote:
         | I'm not familiar with those features, and agree that PlantUML
         | generated diagrams have a distinctive look, but why not
         | contribute to PlantUML instead of starting yet another project
         | of this type? It's written in Java, so it meets that
         | requirement.
           | vprcic wrote:
           | This was my intention as well so I tried familiarizing myself
           | with PlantUML code (made a small contribution as a result),
           | but in the end, I came to the conclusion that the overhead of
           | getting to know its ins and outs would be greater than to get
           | a new project to a usable state from scratch. PlantUML is,
           | unfortunately, burdened with years of development choices
           | that make it tough to modify in a way to conform to what I
           | need. Most of these functionalities were (I'm 100% sure for
           | the multiple threads and customization of the visuals), at
           | some point, mentioned in various forum discussions as
           | "possibly under development" by the developer, just to be
           | followed with years of silence on the topic. And if they
           | aren't able to deliver those, I'm not going to be, for sure.
       | sergiotapia wrote:
       | Also: https://playground.diagram.codes/
       (page generated 2021-04-27 23:00 UTC)