[HN Gopher] Symbolics Lisp Machine demo Jan 2013
       Symbolics Lisp Machine demo Jan 2013
       Author : lelf
       Score  : 58 points
       Date   : 2021-04-27 16:04 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.youtube.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.youtube.com)
       | abhinav22 wrote:
       | Man that looks so _cool_. What a beautiful, clean user interface
       | and I assume an amazing experience, with the full power of Lisp.
       | Is there any chance to get a Lisp Machine as an image that we can
       | load in a VM?
       | All I need is a connection the internet and I would be happy to
       | spend all my spare hobby programming time dialed away in my own
       | small corner of a Lisp Machine. No distractions, only Lisp.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | You can give OpenGenera a try.
         | https://github.com/ynniv/vagrant-opengenera has some
         | instructions to get started.
         | http://3e8.org/blog/2016/04/04/symbolics-concordia-in-a-virt...
         | can take you a bit further.
         | You should give smalltalk a try too, same idea but OOP focus
         | ("defining" maybe rather) https://squeak.org/
       | dmd wrote:
       | Kalman was a coworker of mine at my previous job, and is just an
       | amazing, stunning hacker.
       | natas wrote:
       | I wish such system was still being commercialized.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | I used to work at Cycorp, a holdover from the AI world of the 80s
       | and to this day a classical (CL-like) Lisp shop. They have an old
       | Symbolics box in their entryway, positioned by a couch as a small
       | coffee table :)
       | I find the whole idea of hardware that's specifically optimized
       | for a totally different programming paradigm than what we're used
       | to just fascinating. It's not hard to imagine why we haven't seen
       | more of it: it's really expensive to iterate on a branch in the
       | computing hardware tree, and you're probably better off just
       | writing a runtime for mainline systems. But still, it's fun to
       | think about.
       | I am a little surprised though that nobody's written an
       | _operating system_ like this for standard hardware. Still a big
       | task, but an order of magnitude less ambitious than custom
       | hardware and with many of the benefits people would 've gotten
       | from a Lisp machine.
         | mepian wrote:
         | There is Mezzano: https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Nice, that does look like a similar idea
         | huachimingo wrote:
         | Some phones also were made with Java in mind, I think?
         | Not sure if android or old nokias, or both.
           | zokier wrote:
           | That would be Jazelle, I think handful of Sony-Ericsson
           | phones supported that. Nokia was not a big proponent of Java
           | (they had Symbian to sell), and that was all before Androids
           | time.
       | natas wrote:
       | is this legal? (without a genera license?)
         | segmondy wrote:
         | maybe, maybe not.
         | https://archives.loomcom.com/genera/genera-install.html
         | mepian wrote:
         | The author of the video works for Symbolics (or rather, for
         | what's left of Symbolics today).
           | natas wrote:
           | oh sweet, I wonder who are their customers today.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | Well, their arguments[1] are quite compelling in general,
             | rest of the software[2][3] seems to be highly specialized
             | and specific, I'm guessing there is a lot of maintenance
             | that has to be done still.
             | - [1] http://www.symbolics-dks.com/Genera-why-1.htm
             | - [2] http://www.symbolics-dks.com/Macsyma-1.htm (general
             | purpose symbolic-numerical-graphical mathematics software
             | product)
             | - [3] http://www.symbolics-dks.com/PDease-1.htm (general
             | purpose software that uses Finite Element Analysis to
             | obtain numerical solutions to a large class of partial
             | differential equations)
       | segmondy wrote:
       | For those who don't get the lisp machine. imagine how you can
       | inspect your browser, see the html/js, go to console, run
       | commands modify programs etc. Imagine doing that on your OS,
       | that's the experience of Lisp machine.
         | Blikkentrekker wrote:
         | Certainly that is the experience of a specific operating
         | system, not a specific processor architecture.
         | Such an operating system could conceivably run on any machine;
         | it simply ran more efficiently on a _Lisp machine_.
       | posobin wrote:
       | There are 30(!) comments on HN linking to this video, including
       | discussions of Bret Victor's "Learnable programming", using Lisp
       | in production from last year, comparisons with Smalltalk, a
       | thread with examples of beautiful software, and more:
       | https://ampie.app/url-context?url=https://www.youtube.com/wa...
       (page generated 2021-04-27 23:01 UTC)