[HN Gopher] Amulet - a short poem with a lucky SHA-256 hash
       Amulet - a short poem with a lucky SHA-256 hash
       Author : simonpure
       Score  : 42 points
       Date   : 2021-04-27 19:58 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (text.bargains)
 (TXT) w3m dump (text.bargains)
       | berniemadoff69 wrote:
       | warning, this site includes an extremely loud mp3 [0] that plays
       | automatically without warning and is very startling
       | [0] https://text.bargains/media/coin.mp3
         | echelon wrote:
         | It didn't play for me, but this is fantastic and brings me back
         | to the 90's / early 00's era of web design with midis and sound
         | effects. I miss that web.
         | Music and sound effects add to the mood and aesthetic of
         | presentation. It's not so strange, either. TikTok leans on it
         | heavily and people are loving it.
         | I want a return to sound on the web.
           | berniemadoff69 wrote:
           | my complaint isn't with sound on the web. my complaint is
           | with there being a 'screamer' on the site.
             | jakeogh wrote:
             | Web browser bug that it's even possible.
       | tyingq wrote:
       | The 6 byte string "dammit" works. Though I suppose it's not a
       | poem.
       | tantalor wrote:
       | This page has a bunch of examples:
       | https://text.bargains/scratchpad/
       | p1mrx wrote:
       | This concept is philosophically interesting, because an
       | infinitely-powerful deity could compose text with a hash value of
       | all 8's, and anyone could verify that it was authored by someone
       | with more computing power than the universe.
       | The fact that this is possible, but hasn't happened, may imply
       | that we have never received a message from such an entity.
         | Closi wrote:
         | I doubt that is possible with the 64 byte limit (at least
         | making something that makes sense to read as a poem, as per the
         | challenge).
           | tedunangst wrote:
           | There's something like 2^59 64 byte strings that hash to all
           | 8s. (Er, 2^168? Math is hard.)
             | Closi wrote:
             | But how many of those strings consist entirely of sensical
             | prose?
       | Y_Y wrote:
       | This seems like a job for hashcat.
       | SquibblesRedux wrote:
       | Optimization (for any attribute) is left as an exercise for the
       | reader.                 #!/bin/bash       while true ; do
       | W1=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`         W2=`shuf -n 1
       | /usr/share/dict/words`         W3=`shuf -n 1
       | /usr/share/dict/words`         W4=`shuf -n 1
       | /usr/share/dict/words`         W5=`shuf -n 1
       | /usr/share/dict/words`         SHA=`echo "$W1 $W2 $W3 $W4 $W5" |
       | sha256sum | egrep 8888`         if [ "$SHA" != "" ] ; then
       | echo "$SHA $W1 $W2 $W3 $W4 $W5"         fi       done
       | Sample output:
       | 00b6b668465deadabf11d7296e7de33780643e23c967e255888884f34ecc41de
       | - frigorifical psittaceous goodeniaceous oostegite handsomeish
       | b3096654fa38ca318888b2c4eea4a9d93b9e49b02c54f390d2f06ca74d9e8edb
       | - refuser skepful assumptive hypostatic toothleted
       | ef3a7d3b25a8cffe730b888800884ddde96ea7e58608c8bd714b5db7a5caf3fb
       | - coenobioid graticulation astrognosy remica swarthily
       | c8888957c0105b6ea64b24853ec6c1a34828c0552c2776b6a4bd35d6129c3b87
       | - barbarously withinside underwing autocratic punkah
       | 5ca89be465ab472eea785ab950ea28ce03457a09d1fecd2bc75b88888c269e5d
       | - Malay persuade truantlike binodose suppose
       | 20bdbfcdb6345888814555c2d0abeaa2f2b7c81506a661c99f7c2675688d4917
       | - dorsimedian seasonably cuckoo eyewinker hyperthyroidization
       | 337675d56afb73835c58888f509de783a9385e3f249784d50b9a3e50c6a68a77
       | - squamous calp choosingly velum forborne
       | e08888a15d449e8c2dab2283d53adfa5b1bfc7fe99ccd0fd7bbe45a4ce9b0bdb
       | - equipartition creatininemia treaclewort Menobranchus
       | undisturbedness
       | esnard wrote:
       | Here is a mythic one:
       | > 29560568 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.
       | chrisshroba wrote:
       | This Twitter bot tweets any that are verified by the verifier
       | smart contract on the Ethereum chain:
       | https://twitter.com/WildAmulet
       | fxtentacle wrote:
       | Hello HackerNews from fxtentacle !!1!!!!1!111!!11!!!11!!1
       | 2c27e38aaba003380ea55c4c674aa2f3f17743481c107dc388888884a689353b
       | This is an epic amulet!
       | dangom wrote:
       | How did they compute the SHA-256 of the example given? If I try
       | it I don't get the 8888s
         | esnard wrote:
         | The article links to https://text.bargains/scratchpad/ which
         | matches my own hashes, so I'm not sure why it's not working for
         | you.
       | airstrike wrote:
       | `All Play And No Work Makes Jack A Rich Boy` is a common amulet
       | d978352a5d57437fa1c8388f428888a5d3c6bd1d0a4c1726e21113414805694a
       | ----
         | snypher wrote:
         | 'I wonder if there's any chance of finding one just by typi' is
         | my uncommon ('...dc28888858...')
       | 2iP1zbR wrote:
       | i should probs be working Lmfao
       | you can cheat by adding trailing spaces
         | contravariant wrote:
         | > In particular, an amulet's whitespace, punctuation, and
         | diacritics should all be "load bearing".
           | chrisshroba wrote:
           | It would be nice if it only considered alphanumerics.
           | Downside: punctuation can mean a lot in poetry. Upside:
           | people might make punctuation _less_ meaningful just to have
           | more strings to try.
       | SquibblesRedux wrote:
       | One more amulet generator, for the road...
       | #!/bin/bash       COUNT=1       while true ; do
       | COUNT=$((COUNT+1))         SHA=`echo "I adopted $COUNT puppies."
       | | sha256sum | egrep 8888`         if [ "$SHA" != "" ] ; then
       | echo "$SHA I adopted $COUNT puppies."         fi       done
       | Sample output:
       | 4f3e14ded07eda16a7fb57c42aebf1f97ef67acba4980bf472a8e188887c7726
       | - I adopted 6484 puppies.
       | 57c3e9fd05f06a705206d38888b317b5eb596d35c6f308b909a440e2c8e391c8
       | - I adopted 6627 puppies.
       | 4624f6bb4c7d3d8328888495c1422a1891b609b81abda3ff4d70bedd1c4f6cdd
       | - I adopted 12631 puppies.
       | 9c0be05548139888804d3799ad5729ea424b0487487a6b18803f1aa5746c1904
       | - I adopted 15663 puppies.
       | c60fc3f97f62ee07665325e235faa05fefc445aee7d356a9d81f58888c475147
       | - I adopted 15861 puppies.
       | Bonus points if the number of puppies adopted is a palindromic
       | prime. [1]
       | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindromic_prime
       | Closi wrote:
       | My attempt at one: https://pastebin.com/SEEpx3C4
       | > Hello Hackernews, This is one. Whats so tough?
       | 47d751f8964d717320b888888b81db0a8a35e79f528549f0e9dba13e0e4d6c4c
       | (In short, allowing all unicode characters makes this trivially
       | easy... HN gets rid of some of the unicode weirdness though so I
       | had to put it on Pastebin. I assume this matches the 'load
       | bearing' criteria as I only use variable width spaces rather than
       | additional characters.)
       | Not putting it on the blockchain though because I don't hate the
       | planet.
       | slaymaker1907 wrote:
       | Holy smokes, these things generate a ton of CO2 if it takes a
       | metric ton to store indefinitely on the blockchain.
       | That's apparently 1/5-1/8 the CO2 of RUNNING AN ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD
       | FOR A YEAR.
       | https://www.whatitcosts.com/carbon-offsets-cost-prices/
       | The only way I see this as not being terrible is if the offset is
       | much less bad on a yearly basis.
       | This also seems to be hundreds of times more CO2 than the average
       | US internet user uses in a year.
       | https://www.energuide.be/en/questions-answers/do-i-emit-co2-...
       | xXx_uwu_xXx wrote:
       | > A mullet
       | d023069c25bf838888b73a8f135a8bd125be3f7081edbe8a32466e93a333dd38
       (page generated 2021-04-27 23:00 UTC)