[HN Gopher] What's wrong with Git? A conceptual design analysis ...
       What's wrong with Git? A conceptual design analysis (2016)
       Author : edward
       Score  : 72 points
       Date   : 2021-04-27 20:24 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.acolyer.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.acolyer.org)
       | yarg wrote:
       | A DAG of features rather than a DAG of changes would make bug
       | patching a nicer experience.
       | runningmike wrote:
       | conceptual designs should be created before. Not afterwards.
       | Using it for analysis of a product will of course create a
       | complicate view since evolution of a product is missed.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | Huh?
         | This is a critique of the conceptual designs, which is valid.
         | And an improvement upon them IMHO.
         | I don't understand what you're arguing.
         | ketzo wrote:
         | This feels more like a learning exercise than an actual
         | critique of git that would necessitate some kind of response. I
         | thought it was a useful way to practice thinking about software
         | design with a tool I already know.
           | ajarmst wrote:
           | They should perhaps revisit their title, then.
             | ketzo wrote:
             | I mean, it's absolutely a _criticism_ of git, so in that
             | sense the title 's spot on; it's not a pull request, or a
             | suggestion that we should all go out and stop using git.
             | I mostly took issue with GP's implication that there was no
             | reason to perform a conceptual design review after the
             | software's already created.
       | kerblang wrote:
       | I have a dedicated shell script for each thing I do in git,
       | because it is impossible for me to memorize the original syntax
       | and I'm terrified I'll gut the repo by getting a flag wrong. I
       | have an "undo" script, that just gets rid of unstaged changes, a
       | branch deletion script for removing local & remote branches, and
       | so on. I just take my scripts with me everywhere I go. They're
       | not ingenious, just a necessity. I advise doing this.
       | People like to tell me, "Oh see you just need to understand that
       | git has something called a 'directed acyclic graph'
       | blahblahblahblah" and no, that has nothing to do with it. It's
       | just incredibly arcane and bizarre syntax for the most obvious
       | everyday operations. But since my scripts make life easy, I sort
       | of don't care at this point.
       | Also I don't rebase and thus I don't force push and thus I don't
       | reduce my repo to a pile of burning rubble and work til 3AM
       | repairing it and if people ask me to rebase enough times I'll
       | threaten to literally take a dump on their desk/car/front porch
       | which usually makes them stop. I advise doing this as well.
         | domano wrote:
         | I have never understood the benefit of hiding away the actual
         | history. Many people i know find rebasing to be superior
         | because you have this pretty history, but i actually love
         | having the ability to understand what happended when exactly as
         | it happened in reality.
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | "No broken commits" is one, "nobody cares how often you
           | merged master into your feature branch" is another. Most of
           | the real reasons revolve around making a bisect quicker and
           | easier.
             | kerblang wrote:
             | If it helps any, I usually squash-merge my final output
             | into sparkling, concise commits with nice messages (my
             | original branch usually has "x" for every commit message).
             | And yes I have a dedicated script for squash-merging too...
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | > I'm terrified I'll gut the repo by getting a flag wrong.
         | There are pretty few operations in git which can't be undone by
         | a quick glance at git-reflog.
       | jrochkind1 wrote:
       | Last listed release of gitless seems to be two years ago. Is it
       | still alive? How's it going?
       | https://gitless.com/
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | This actually... makes a ton of sense.
       | Just as one example, automatically stashing and unstashing when
       | switching branches is so obviously convenient, in hindsight I'm
       | puzzled as to why git doesn't just do this automatically.
       | So whatever happened to this project?
       | In the same way SourceTree adopted git-flow with a few special
       | menu commands, I'd love to also see it be able to adopt a
       | "gitless" mode.
       | Because the great thing about this model is that it can still
       | remain the more complicated git underneath. It just makes using
       | it more straightforward.
         | deathanatos wrote:
         | > _Just as one example, automatically stashing and unstashing
         | when switching branches is so obviously convenient, in
         | hindsight I 'm puzzled as to why git doesn't just do this
         | automatically._
         | Yeah, I too have wished for this. Do note that that can fail,
         | if there are conflicts, so you'd have to decide whether to fail
         | the command (like today) or to drop the user into conflict
         | resolution.
           | hvdijk wrote:
           | That's the exception, though. If the changes are
           | automatically stashed when you switch away from a branch,
           | restored when you switch back, and operations that act on
           | branches require you to first switch to that branch, the
           | stash and branch won't get out of sync, the stash will be
           | right on top of the branch. Conflicts shouldn't happen unless
           | you do weird things like reset a branch (git checkout -B) or
           | update it directly without checking it out (git update-ref),
           | in which case you might not even need conflict resolution,
           | such operations might just be specified to immediately drop
           | the stash.
         | hvdijk wrote:
         | Git could not do this (automatically stashing and unstashing)
         | in a backwards-compatible fashion, but it could be opt-in with
         | a new config key and does seem like a very useful feature. It
         | also seems like one that should be relatively easy to implement
         | as all the main logic to actually stash and unstash is already
         | part of Git, it would merely need to be saved to a different
         | ref than refs/stash, so all it needs is someone with enough
         | interest to actually implement it.
       | deathanatos wrote:
       | > _the elimination of the staging area was enthusiastically
       | received as a major reduction in complexity_
       | Well, that'd be a huge negative to me... it is much easier to
       | build up a commit piece by piece, verify that it's correct, and
       | then commit it. The only two alternatives I can imagine are
       | worse: disallowing partial commits (I use this feature all the
       | time; I guess I could replace it by a temp commit on a branch and
       | then so long as cherry-pick -p still exists, use that) or
       | specifying it to git-commit (that would be one gnarly set of
       | flags...)
       | Sure, a git without a staging area is less complex. But it
       | removes essential complexity, and would no longer solve my
       | problems.
       | (And in systems that lack it, like Perforce, I've sorely wanted
       | it, and there was just not a good workaround. But yeah, that
       | aspect of the VCS was simpler, I suppose...)
       | I do agree _teaching_ the staging area seems problematic.
       | Newcomers struggle with it. I also agree with how the article
       | mentions other commands sometimes effecting one or more of the
       | staging area  & working dir, and it being unclear when are where
       | they effect what. `reset` is perhaps the most confusing command
       | in that regard. Outside of "git reset", "git reset -p" and "git
       | reset --hard", I'm looking at the manual while I run it.
       | (Granted, those first 3 cover probably 99% of the use cases...)
         | erik_seaberg wrote:
         | I can't build the staging area. I would much rather git stash
         | -p the changes I _don't_ want to commit yet, and test and
         | commit the workspace.
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | > The only two alternatives I can imagine are worse:
         | disallowing partial commits (I use this feature all the time; I
         | guess I could replace it by a temp commit on a branch and then
         | so long as cherry-pick -p still exists, use that) or specifying
         | it to git-commit (that would be one gnarly set of flags...)
         | Are you aware that git commit --amend exists? That replaces
         | anything I might ever be tempted to use the staging area for.
           | Arelius wrote:
           | I'm not sure how you use --amend to do partial commits of a
           | file.
             | jcranmer wrote:
             | Well, that would be solved with --interactive, would it
             | not?
       | williesleg wrote:
       | It's not China?
       | ajross wrote:
       | All the examples[1] are about the index. And indeed, the index is
       | probably a feature that should have been optional. While it's
       | supremely useful for maintainer-side operations (splitting
       | patches, picking out parts of them, committing only the meat of a
       | patch and not debug code, etc...) it's really not useful for a
       | typical new user. At all. New users would be best served by a
       | "commit" variant that simply updated the HEAD commit in place.
       | [1] Actually not the last one. I couldn't figure out what they
       | were talking about. "Only committed versions of a file can be
       | part of a branch" -- I mean... duh? Branches are a DAG of
       | committed trees. I don't understand what they're asking for when
       | they complain that the working version of a file can't be part of
       | more than one branch. It's not part of any yet!
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | The problem they are talking about is that you can't checkout a
         | new branch wothout first committing, stashing or undoing your
         | work.
         | In other VCS tools, including gitless apparently, your
         | uncommitted work is also branched (usually by virtue of
         | different branches being chekced out in different directories
         | on disk). You can also achieve this in Git by using different
         | working trees.
           | ajross wrote:
           | Ah, OK. And this is why I think lots of criticism like this
           | is a little off the rails. It's too dependent on what to my
           | eyes is just a broken mental model. I mean... branches are
           | commits. If you want your uncommitted work to be on a branch
           | you... commit it. There's a command for that. It's called
           | "commit".
           | I mean, literally "git commit -a -m WIP; git checkout
           | $OTHER_BRANCH" is all that's required. It's even "orthogonal"
           | per the requirements in the article.
             | gmueckl wrote:
             | When I read comments like this, I feel sad. Between the
             | lines I always read a resignation to design choices that
             | create unnecessary accidental complexity amd are an obvious
             | step backwards compared to other version control systems,
             | even ones that came before. Competing systems like
             | Mercurial, Plastic or fossil are a simple proof by
             | existence for this claim. Yet there is some
             | snobbery/mysticism around git that makes any meaningful
             | evolution in this space impossible.
               | ajross wrote:
               | Quoted without comment:
               | > When I read comments like this, I feel sad. Between the
               | lines I always read a resignation to design choices that
               | create unnecessary accidental complexity amd are an
               | obvious step backwards compared to other version control
               | systems, even ones that came before. Competing systems
               | like Mercurial, Plastic or fossil are a simple proof by
               | existence for this claim
               | And then _IMMEDIATELY_ :
               | > Yet there is some snobbery/mysticism around git
             | ajkjk wrote:
             | The idea is that that mental model isn't a very useful and
             | error-proof one. Saying "well that's the mental model"
             | doesn't evade criticism of the mental model.
             | zwieback wrote:
             | Where I work nobody enforces which RCS to use so we have
             | lots of SVN, lots of git and some Perforce and maybe
             | another oddball somewhere.
             | Even though it's ugly I'm sold on git but every time I
             | recommend it to someone who is not used to it I tell them:
             | "get used to the idea that you only ever have one version
             | of your source on your PC, no concurrent branches in
             | different directories." I know git half-heartedly supports
             | multiple working trees but I think you're best off doing
             | the "commit-WIP-then-branch" approach. Even stash is pretty
             | ugly, I only use it for things like config files someone
             | committed that I in turn would never commit (like IDE proj
             | files, etc.)
               | lowbloodsugar wrote:
               | Which is, of course, bollocks, because the first thing
               | anybody does when working on a hotfix is to _create a new
               | directory and create a new tree there_. The only
               | difference between git and perforce is that in perforce,
               | the concept of directory <->branch is built into the
               | system, but with git, git knows nothing about it and its
               | all manual. Instead, git is one of the VCS that says "you
               | can have only one working copy on disk" and when you
               | switch branches we'll believe that you want to throw away
               | what you were just working on.
               | I used to think the "one directory" for everything was
               | the way to go. In a startup around 2001, I tried ten
               | different VCS systems, including looking for ones I'd
               | never heard of (e.g. AccuRev), and I initially vetoed
               | perforce _because_ it wanted to put different branches in
               | different folders. When all was said and done, I selected
               | perforce for precisely that reason.
               | But git goes further than simply not having "multiple
               | checked out branches" as a concept. Instead, its
               | conceptual model for _why_ I have branches and _what_ I
               | want to do with them is fundamentally wrong, as this
               | article points out.
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | > because the first thing anybody does when working on a
               | hotfix is to create a new directory and create a new tree
               | there.
               | This doesn't make any sense, at all, in any way or form
               | to me. Everything from build systems to IDEs is tied to
               | were the tree is, I most certainly _don't_ want to
               | constantly change that.
               | > and when you switch branches we'll believe that you
               | want to throw away what you were just working on.
               | Switching branches checks if something would be thrown
               | away, and will not proceed if that is the case.
             | geofft wrote:
             | This is the workflow I follow, but my experience is it's
             | pretty high-mental-overhead in practice - Git doesn't draw
             | a distinction between commits that I created because I'm
             | still working on something and want to switch branches, and
             | are therefore reasonable to modify, and commits that came
             | from some remote source and which you want to keep intact.
             | They're both "commits." That means you, the user, have to
             | keep track of which is which and think about which Git
             | operations might disturb the wrong type of commits.
             | I'd like Git to have a mode where, say, git rebase -i won't
             | show me published commits by default, only work-in-progress
             | ones. (This isn't necessarily the same as "commits since
             | the remote branch we're tracking," since it's possible to
             | end up tracking a branch that's behind for some reason, or
             | even in a situation like a detached HEAD where you're not
             | tracking anything at all.)
             | I'd also like Git to keep track of whether I'm done with a
             | commit and _ready_ to publish it. Usually when I commit to
             | switch branches, it 's because I'm thinking about the
             | branch I'm switching _to_ , so I don't want to spend the
             | time yet to write a three-paragraph commit message about my
             | current work. But that makes it too easy to push an
             | incomplete commit message.
               | gmueckl wrote:
               | What you describe seems to be very close to phases in
               | Mercurial. There, the repository keeps track of whether
               | commits were pushed to other repositories. And you can
               | mark commits as secret, which will stop them from getting
               | pushed out:
               | https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Phases
         | leephillips wrote:
         | 'New users would be best served by a "commit" variant that
         | simply updated the HEAD commit in place.'
         | Isn't this what `git commit -a` does? Or do I misunderstand?
           | gmueckl wrote:
           | The article already contains an eloquent critique of this
           | option: its semantics are too broad and inflexible to cover
           | that use case.
         | gmueckl wrote:
         | An actually sane VCS would stash your changes when switching to
         | another branch amd restore the stash when switching back, at
         | least by default. Git instead handles this in a way that
         | introduces a handful of potentially data shredding gotchas.
           | hctaw wrote:
           | I always just commit my changes and switch branches, come
           | back and squash.
       | slaymaker1907 wrote:
       | My biggest complaints with git is more around how it is difficult
       | to throw away changes and how ignoring files is such a stateful
       | process. I almost never need something nearly as specific as "git
       | checkout" or "git reset". I generally either want to throw
       | everything away up to the last local commit or I want to throw
       | away everything and get my version to be the same as the branch
       | on the server/another local branch. If I need something more fine
       | grained, I will still do this, just on a per file basis. At no
       | point have I ever wanted to just get rid of untracked files.
       | That leads to my next point about ignores. I hate that I have to
       | manually untrack a file even if it would be ignored according to
       | a new ignore file. The best practice there in my opinion would be
       | to explicitly exclude said file IN THE IGNORE FILE ITSELF from
       | being ignored. The other problem with ignore rules in Git is that
       | for some reason Git tries to hide the fact that it has a per repo
       | ignore file in the .git folder which doesn't get synced at all.
       | Instead of having untracked/tracked files, I would really rather
       | just use ignore files, both local and remote, so that excluding
       | something from being committed is an explicit action.
         | tejohnso wrote:
         | > I want to throw away everything and get my version to be the
         | same as the branch on the server/another local branch.
         | Isn't that `git reset --hard remote/branch` ?
         | ajkjk wrote:
         | It is also really absurd that you can reset everything with
         | `git reset --hard` but you have to use `git checkout -- ` to
         | reset individual files. It's not even clear why `checkout` is
         | involved in resetting files at all.
           | wereHamster wrote:
           | git-reset - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
           | git-checkout - Switch branches or restore working tree files
           | reset works primarily to modify HEAD, and when you include
           | `--hard` it's like saying: oh and btw also update the working
           | tree.
           | checkout works primarily (in the case of checkout <pathspec>)
           | to copy file from somewhere (commit, index) into the working
           | tree. You can use checkout to mimic a hard reset: `git reset
           | --hard` is pretty much equivalent to `git checkout HEAD .`
           | veilrap wrote:
           | For me, checkout is easy to remember because I'm literally
           | checking out an older version of the file.
           | johnmaguire wrote:
           | `git reset --hard` resets your worktree to the HEAD state.
           | `git checkout -- <file>` checks out the HEAD version of a
           | given file.
             | infogulch wrote:
             | Yes, but you can also word it in two other ways that make
             | the redundancy more apparent at the cost of a tiny bit of
             | inaccuracy:
             | A:
             | `git reset --hard` checks out the HEAD version of your
             | worktree.
             | `git checkout -- <file>` checks out the HEAD version of a
             | given file.
             | B:
             | `git reset --hard` resets your worktree to the HEAD state.
             | `git checkout -- <file>` resets a file to the HEAD state.
             | I don't think a newbie could even grok the difference
             | between these three descriptions.
               | gpanders wrote:
               | git reset --hard does not only modify the work tree
               | though, it also updates where your current branch points
               | to. In fact, that is the main purpose of 'git reset', the
               | fact that it modified your work tree _at all_ is only
               | because of the '--hard' flag. So it's not correct to say
               | that "reset --hard and checkout do basically the same
               | thing".
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I find that I often want to throw everything away except 2
         | files. Occasionally I want to stash everything except 2 files.
         | These are both especially hard to do, especially if you renamed
         | or copied a file, which is now a staged change.
       | jayd16 wrote:
       | As a tech lead on game projects that feature less than the most
       | technical developers (artists, game designers) the biggest
       | "problem" with git happens to be its strength.
       | The inconsistent cli and naming can be pasted over with cleaner
       | GUIs. No, the real issue is gits configurability. Not just the
       | configurability but the _enforced_ decentralization of that
       | configurability.
       | For better or worse, it seems like git is actively hostile to any
       | kind of concept of a central authority. Can I configure hooks for
       | my team? No. Can I configure diff tools for my team? No. Can set
       | recursive pulls to be the default? No. Can I enforce line
       | endings? No. Can I even enforce LFS is setup right? No.
       | I certainly can't even enforce things in receive hooks and expect
       | team members to know how to change their histories to adhere to
       | our policies.
       | I love git but its such a pain.
       | I really wish someone would come up with some kind of "accept
       | remote config" policy or some such thing.
         | nightpool wrote:
         | It seems like what you're asking for is a way to configure your
         | coworkers remote computers. Shouldn't you do that with a more
         | general configuration management tool, in the same way you
         | configure any other application for your team? For example, on
         | Windows you could use a custom Default User Profile with
         | .git/config already set up the way you like it.
         | geofft wrote:
         | There are two ways to solve this:
         | 1. Write and distribute a wrapper script that sets up the clone
         | in the way you want, with hooks, diff tools, LFS, etc.
         | If you're talking about diff tools and LFS, you need some way
         | to actually install those components, so presumably it
         | shouldn't be hard to get this wrapper script onto end user
         | machines.
         | My employer uses this and it works well - we have a special
         | command that creates a new clone and configures it
         | appropriately. Once you have a clone, you can use the git
         | commands as usual. People seem fine with this workflow.
         | (Previously the special command was named something like "git-
         | xyzclone" so you could just run "git xyzclone" instead of "git
         | clone". But as we added a few more build/review/release
         | features, we made a general "xyzdev" command with a few
         | subcommands, of which "clone" is one.)
         | 2. Set up /etc/gitconfig (or ~/.gitconfig) and in particular
         | the init.templateDir setting to customize the settings you
         | need.
         | Again, presumably you have some way to install things - but if
         | you don't, tell employees to run "curl -O
         | https://corp.example.com/.gitconfig" as part of setup, and then
         | you can bootstrap yourself from there.
         | Git doesn't and cannot accept executable hooks/LFS helpers/etc.
         | from an arbitrary remote server because then as soon as one of
         | your employees clones something from GitHub they'll get event-
         | stream'd. Your authority to enforce configuration comes from
         | your authority (either technical or social) to get employees to
         | install things on their machines - if you have that authority,
         | then there are multiple ways to accomplish this.
         | (I suppose Git could have a
         | "core.executeArbitraryCodeFrom=https://git.example.com" setting
         | or something, but if you have the ability to push out that
         | setting to all your users, you have the ability to push the
         | actual settings you want.)
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | >Git doesn't and cannot accept executable hooks/LFS
           | helpers/etc.
           | I understand the sentiment but I feel like this is just not
           | true. Its designed to share code you plan to build and run,
           | after all. As you say, it seems like we could solve it with
           | signatures and trust but I doubt we'll ever get there, sadly.
             | geofft wrote:
             | Sure, then you have option 3: Put a "setup-git.sh" script
             | in your repo, and have the README tell users to run that to
             | set things up.
             | In fact you can set the default branch to contain nothing
             | but those two files, and have the setup script switch to
             | the real branch once it's done with its work.
         | satya71 wrote:
         | What you're looking for is called Perforce.
           | dijit wrote:
           | Perforce for assets? Sure.
           | Perforce for code? It tries.. but, no thank you. Even if the
           | client was good (it's really not, and will spin a CPU core
           | when it detects a network hiccup) -- it still has a
           | frustrating workflow paradigm, p4ignore is configured per-
           | client, everything is read-only (leading to ugly context
           | switches unless your editor directly integrates with p4) and
           | the command line is so terrible that I think it was actually
           | a joke that someone ran with.
           | No, perforce is not what you want, without even going into
           | the "decentralised vs centralised" aspect of it.
           | secondcoming wrote:
           | Last time I used Perforce was around ~2006 in a mobile OS
           | company of approx 3000 devs. Boy was that thing slow.
           | Still though, P4Merge is my go-to diffing tool.
           | icedchai wrote:
           | I worked at a company that used Perforce. It took 2 weeks to
           | get a branch created. No thank you.
         | [deleted]
         | ralph84 wrote:
         | Enterprise Config for Git might help:
         | https://github.com/Autodesk/enterprise-config-for-git
         | [deleted]
         | dgfitz wrote:
         | Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think mercurial would
         | solve the issues you describe.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | Git isn't chosen on its own merits - it's what the _other
           | tools_ support. If CI servers, issue managers, container
           | tools etc all had a nice VCS-agnostic interface that would be
           | great. But they don't. We're stuck with git or at least
           | something that speaks git. Choosing an objectively "better"
           | VCS is often directly coupled to the loss of some other tool.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | For me it's the enormous number of (mostly hidden) states that a
       | local repository can be in. That's what gives me anxiety as soon
       | as I go off the golden path: you have to keep a running mental
       | model of where you are (where the repo is) in any ongoing
       | process, and if you don't do the right thing as the next step,
       | you can get into an even worse and more obscure state that you
       | have to chart your way out of (mostly blindly).
       | It's like that old saying about democracy: "Git is the worst
       | version-control system, except for all the others."
         | t-writescode wrote:
         | Have you looked at using a good gui for the repository? I find
         | that helps a lot with the mess.
         | I used to use Git Extensions and lately I've been using the one
         | built into IntelliJ's products. It's not as good, but it's
         | available on mac, so my options are limited.
           | jmchuster wrote:
           | For git on mac, i've found https://www.git-tower.com/ to be
           | ridiculously good. Now that i primarily work on linux, i've
           | settled for Sublime Merge, which has customizable actions,
           | but isn't as intuitive a match for how i want scm to work,
           | like Tower was.
       | Guthur wrote:
       | I use magit and everything seems a lot less wrong :).
       | I personally found Mercurials a lot more palatable but at this
       | stage git is pretty much ubiquitous.
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | > I personally found Mercurials a lot more palatable but at
         | this stage git is pretty much ubiquitous.
         | What I really want at this point is somebody to build a
         | mercurial frontend for the git backend, so that I get to use
         | the clean frontend of mercurial to work with git repos. No, hg-
         | git doesn't really work for this purpose, and I have tried it
         | for my work git repos (which are in the 100k of commit range).
         | Apparently, there's a new git extension for mercurial that is
         | closer to the model I want, but I haven't had a chance to try
         | it yet.
         | globular-toast wrote:
         | Magit is by far the best way to use git. I've been the git
         | expert at every job I've been in but I owe it all to magit. It
         | really can't be overstated how big of a game changer it is.
         | I've thought about writing a stand-alone TUI version for people
         | who are scared of emacs. But then I realise it's impossible.
         | Magit is inseparable from emacs. Emacs is what makes it so
         | powerful. Emacs is not a text editor, it's an environment for
         | interacting with text-based tools. Having your text editor and
         | git, as well as every other text tool, in the same environment
         | with the same interface is unbeatable.
         | crdrost wrote:
         | I was trying to explain Mercurial to other folks at a
         | Subversion shop to make the case for DVCS to them, seemed like
         | it'd be easier to describe the shift from SVN to Hg rather than
         | SVN to Git. As part of this I drew a diagram on a whiteboard I
         | had put up in my cubicle, which I then forgot to erase.
         | A week later I was in the middle of coding when one of the
         | nontechnical people from the company came by my cubicle, I
         | motioned for him to wait a minute for me to finish what I was
         | writing before talking to him, which he did. When I finally
         | looked up, "okay, what's up," he said "first, let me see if I
         | got the gist of this diagram. Inside of a folder you have this
         | repository file named .hg..." and proceeded to give me a half-
         | good explanation of how Mercurial works. And I was just floored
         | and I said "yep, yep, there you go," and at the end he was like
         | "so why do we save all of these things in Fileserv with a
         | timestamp at the end?" and I was like "well I'll send you a
         | link to TortoiseHg and you can just start using it, but yeah
         | most people just want to do the thing that's in front of them
         | and don't want to learn a whole tool that does things
         | differently to get started." (And sadly that was true and as
         | far as I know he also never invested the time to learn
         | TortoiseHg and get started with that, haha.)
         | Left an impression on me, for sure.
       (page generated 2021-04-27 23:00 UTC)