[HN Gopher] Send: A Fork of Mozilla's Firefox Send
       Send: A Fork of Mozilla's Firefox Send
       Author : andredz
       Score  : 374 points
       Date   : 2021-05-05 17:25 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | hojjat12000 wrote:
       | Naive question: The github page says 62% of the languages used in
       | this repo is FreeMarker. I checked the repo and every file I look
       | at is js, what and where is FreeMarker?
         | timvisee wrote:
         | I don't know. Have been asking myself the same question the
         | past month.
           | TheDong wrote:
           | I think it's the locale files, like this one: https://github.
           | com/timvisee/send/blob/master/public/locales/...
           | If you look at github/linguist, that's what recognizes
           | languages in repos. It has this rule for FreeMarker: https://
           | github.com/github/linguist/blob/32ec19c013a7f81ffaee...
           | It seems a .ftl extension means FreeMarker to linguist, so
           | those localizations show up as such.
             | timvisee wrote:
             | It should be excluded from the stats as it's marked as
             | documentation though:
             | https://github.com/timvisee/send/blob/master/.gitattributes
               | TheDong wrote:
               | It shouldn't be excluded because that pattern doesn't
               | match any of the files.
               | If you run `git check-attr --all
               | public/locales/foo/send.ftl` with the current .gitattr
               | file, you'll get no attributes.
               | If you update the attr match to `public/locales/**` or
               | `public/locales/**/*.ftl`, then the `check-attr` command
               | above will match it and show 'linguist-documentation'.
               | niea_11 wrote:
               | I think this has something to do with the repo being a
               | fork.
               | The parent repo doesn't have this issue. The "languages"
               | list doesn't mention Freemarker on
               | https://github.com/mozilla/send
         | chungy wrote:
         | GitHub's language "detection" is ridiculously naive and
         | basically limited to examining file names only, not content.
         | niea_11 wrote:
         | I can't find any freemarker templates on the project, but
         | apparently it's using i18n files with an ".ftl" extension which
         | is the default extension for freemarker templates.
         | Ex:
         | https://github.com/timvisee/send/blob/master/public/locales/...
           | sciurus wrote:
           | Yeah, those files are for https://projectfluent.org/
       | tym0 wrote:
       | Is there a way to use ffsend if I drop some basic auth in front
       | of the upload?
         | timvisee wrote:
         | Yes! `ffsend upload --basic-auth USER:PASS FILE`
       | voiper1 wrote:
       | I'm liking croc with a CLI on each end.
         | psanford wrote:
         | croc just had multiple major vulnerabilities discovered that
         | required protocol breaking changes to fix:
         | https://redrocket.club/posts/croc/
       | andredz wrote:
       | There's also a CLI for Send (ffsend):
       | https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend
       | SubiculumCode wrote:
       | I'd like to set this up one up of my own servers...
       | fouric wrote:
       | This is excellent! I've been missing Firefox Send ever since they
       | took it down.
       | However, it needs to be hosted somewhere.
       | ...and if I'm going to be using a hosted service, I'd like the
       | ability to easily pay for it (so that it doesn't eventually
       | collapse or resort to shady things like ads), either though
       | donations or microtransactions for bandwidth/storage.
       | Unfortunately, there's no good microtransaction service.
       | Wasn't Mozilla working on one? Where did that go?
       | ...and thus, we've gone full circle.
       | And I'm typing this comment in a Chrome browser, because my
       | company is migrating away from Firefox due to "security issues".
         | timvisee wrote:
         | This is a comment for my instance specifically, but you might
         | find it nice to know:
         | The https://send.vis.ee/ is mostly funded by donations right
         | now. I do not plan to take it down, unless the cost becomes a
         | problem. I'll never resort to ads.
         | If this ever happens, I'll likely show a warning beforehand.
         | Some time later I'll disable the upload page, and will take the
         | rest of it down the week after. Files have a maximum lifetime
         | of a week anyway. So if you discover this when uploading, you
         | can simply switch to some other service. Existing links should
         | not break.
         | There's a donation link on the bottom of the page
         | (https://vis.ee/donate). But feel free to use it without a
         | contribution.
       | cassepipe wrote:
       | Oh, I forgot about that one. Yet another Mozilla project that
       | worked well that was abandoned. (Remember Firefox OS?
       | https://killedbymozilla.com/) I know what you're thinking : They
       | did not abandon Rust ! Well I just learned from a post that
       | recently made it to the HN front page that management was
       | considering dropping Rust. The only reason they did not was
       | because of someone who fought hard for it.
         | dralley wrote:
         | It wasn't "abandoned" it was shut down because it was being
         | used by malicious parties to deliver malware, and worse.
       | timvisee wrote:
       | Maintainer here, thanks for posting!
       | Feel free to ask any questions.
       | Want to try it out? I've a public instance at:
       | https://send.vis.ee/
       | Other instances: https://github.com/timvisee/send-instances/
       | A docker-compose template: https://github.com/timvisee/send-
       | docker-compose
         | StavrosK wrote:
         | This is fantastic, well done! A very useful service, and I
         | loved it when it was Firefox Send. I'll be sure to use this
         | now.
         | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
         | What level of logging/privacy can we expect from a self-hosted
         | instance? I had faith in Mozilla's commitment to privacy, but I
         | don't necessarily trust some random dude's AWS instance.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | > What level of logging/privacy can we expect from a self-
           | hosted instance?
           | It really depends on who is hosting it.
           | Send itself doesn't really log anything except for errors. A
           | reverse proxy in front of it might be used for an access log,
           | which is default with the docker-compose template for it.
           | Files are always encrypted on the client, and it or its keys
           | are never seen on the server.
           | If you're wondering for the instance I've linked: it runs on
           | Digital Ocean. I have an access log (IP per request, for
           | 24h), I can list encrypted blobs and their metadata (creation
           | time, size), and that's pretty much it.
         | alexmcc81 wrote:
         | I was wondering why I recognised your name - you're the main
         | developer of ffsend. Thanks for all the work! I really hope you
         | get more people interested in maintaining and developing Send.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | Yes! Thanks! :)
             | ctde wrote:
             | yes thanks a lot! also retrospectively for implementing
             | basic auth in ffsend!
         | newman314 wrote:
         | Why does it say "We don't recommend using docker-compose for
         | production."?
         | I'd like to understand the reasoning behind this. Thanks.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | Good question. I don't have very good reasoning for it, and I
           | haven't put it there. I might need to remove it.
           | Someone asked this before, here is my answer (bottom quote):
           | https://github.com/timvisee/send-docker-
           | compose/issues/3#iss...
         | alert0 wrote:
         | Thanks for doing this. I used Send regularly and miss it.
         | zie wrote:
         | Thanks for maintaining this! I just upgraded our local mozilla
         | copy to your version, works great and was seamless!
         | skavi wrote:
         | I was wondering where I had seen your name before, and then
         | after scrolling through your GitHub, I realized it was your
         | Advent of Code 2020 solutions in Rust. Those were absolutely
         | beautiful.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | Thanks a bunch! That's awesome to read!
         | antaviana wrote:
         | How is end-to-end encryption achieved? By storing the password
         | in the URL and not logging the URL when the file is fetched at
         | the receiving end?
           | ev1 wrote:
           | #xxxx contents aren't sent to the server at all, if you trust
           | the underlying javascript running in browser.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | Encryption is done with JavaScript on the client. The
           | decryption key is attached as hash to the download URL on the
           | client side as well.
           | When visiting the URL, the key never reaches the server
           | because the hash-part of an URL is never sent and is a local-
           | only thing. So there's no need to strip logging. The client
           | downloads the encrypted blob, and decrypts it on the client.
           | More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/lqegb5/r
           | eminder_th...
           | And: https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend#security
         | alexmcc81 wrote:
         | Do you have any major new features in mind you would like to
         | implement (assuming you had time + help)?
           | timvisee wrote:
           | I don't have anything planned.
           | But with infinite time, I'd:
           | - add some form of authentication, to limit uploads for
           | example
           | - add a way to preview files on the Send page itself
           | - provide integrations with other platforms
           | - resolve outstanding issues
             | StavrosK wrote:
             | Some simple authentication would be fantastic, so I can run
             | my own instance and only allow myself to upload things.
               | timvisee wrote:
               | This can already be done with a reverse proxy and HTTP
               | Basic authentication, but having it built-in would be
               | nicer.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | But then I'd have to give the password to anyone I wanted
               | to receive files. I want to be able to send files to
               | people but not have them be able to send to others.
               | Maybe adding HTTP basic auth is fine, as I mainly want to
               | keep random bots from finding the service. I'll try that,
               | thanks!
               | timvisee wrote:
               | You can exclusively configure it on the upload page. It's
               | not super nice, but it works.
               | I have not seen any bots on my public instance by the
               | way. It has been running for more than a year.
         | NortySpock wrote:
         | Naive question here, but is there a config setting that would
         | work without HTTPS?
         | I run a home server just for internal use and it might be nice
         | to send files via a link for memes, jokes, quick one-shot uses
         | rather than storing it on a samba share, etc, but it doesn't
         | have a public-facing URL for confirming a LetsEncrypt
         | certificate.
           | timvisee wrote:
           | If you really don't want to use a certificate, just configure
           | the base URL to be a http: address. That should work fine!
           | Feel free to open an issue otherwise.
           | jclulow wrote:
           | You could self-sign a certificate, or if your internal URLs
           | use a subdomain of a public domain you control you could use
           | DNS challenges for Let's Encrypt.
         | Ameo wrote:
         | Hey - love this project! I was able to get an instance deployed
         | with Nginx reverse proxy without too much trouble. Password
         | encryption doesn't seem to be working, but that might be some
         | weird header issue thing with the reverse proxy setup and I'm
         | not too worried about it.
         | One thing I was wondering is if/how expired files are cleaned
         | up. I uploaded a large file, set it to expire after 5 minutes,
         | and although I can't download it anymore I see that it's still
         | in the files directory on my server.
         | I glanced through the code, but I didn't see any mechanism for
         | periodically purging expired files or anything like that. Is
         | there something that I missed, or should I just set up a cron
         | job or something to delete all files in that directory older
         | than a week?
           | timvisee wrote:
           | > but I didn't see any mechanism for periodically purging
           | expired files or anything like that. (...) should I just set
           | up a cron job or something to delete all files in that
           | directory older than a week?
           | You're right. Expired files that don't reach their download
           | limit are kept on the server. Due to implementation details
           | there is no 'nice' way to do this from Send itself. If using
           | S3 as storage you can configure a LifeCycle Policy, if using
           | raw disk storage you can set up a cron.
           | See an example here: https://github.com/timvisee/send-docker-
           | compose/blob/master/...
           | All uploaded files have a prefixed number which defines the
           | lifetime in days (e.g.: `7-abcdefg` for 7 days expiry). So
           | you can be a little smarter with cleaning up.
           | I should describe this clearly in documentation.
             | Ameo wrote:
             | Thanks for the quick reply! This makes sense and works
             | fine. Thanks again for the great project
         | SLWW wrote:
         | Have you had many issues with abuse?
         | For private instances could there be an option for requiring a
         | login before upload?
           | timvisee wrote:
           | > Have you had many issues with abuse?
           | In the last year, I've had 1 DMCA request. And I've blocked
           | one IP that was uploading half a terabyte.
           | > For private instances could there be an option for
           | requiring a login before upload?
           | Not built-in, right now. But you can easily set up HTTP Basic
           | Auth on a reverse proxy that you put in front of it.
       | neodymiumphish wrote:
       | I know everybody's posting tons of alternatives already, but I'm
       | curious why https://transfer.sh isn't included. It has very
       | simple instructions for encrypting against a recipient's Keybase
       | GPG key, works from the site or command line, and has 14 days of
       | retention.
       | Just curious, since I keep seeing Wormhome mentioned, but I never
       | seem to see anyone mention Transfer (unless it's just a lesser
       | known option and I happened to hear of it early).
       | Black101 wrote:
       | Best HN post in months...
       | matham wrote:
       | Do you know what led Mozilla to stop this experiment (I'm
       | assuming spam)? Will this not be an issue for your instances as
       | well?
         | gsich wrote:
         | Storage in S3 is not cheap.
         | timvisee wrote:
         | They said they stopped due to spam, but there might be more to
         | it because they also had quite a lot of layoffs that period. I
         | don't know.
         | I can imagine spam being a problem with such a service with a
         | well recognized brand name.
         | IainIreland wrote:
         | The announcement is here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/kb/what-happened-firefox-s...
         | Quick summary: it was being used for malware and phishing,
         | aggravated by the trustworthy-seeming firefox.com URL.
           | simias wrote:
           | I think the shifting "product focus" is probably the main
           | factor here, simply because such a service being used for
           | malware hosting was completely predictable from day 1. When
           | they started they probably thought that it was worth it, then
           | later on they changed their mind. That or they were
           | incredibly naive.
         | itake wrote:
         | This is self-hosted, so probably easier to apply security
         | through obscurity.
           | redkoala wrote:
           | That means no security at all. Without a way to link files
           | being hosted to identity or inspecting the contents of the
           | files, there is no barrier to prevent spam and illegal files
           | from being hosted.
           | Black101 wrote:
           | they have a public instance... and just like Mozilla's
           | version you can self-host... but either way we need more
           | services like this.
             | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
             | > we need more services like this
             | I don't know. The internet had hundreds of file sharing
             | sites at one point. They all suffered fates similar to the
             | epic MegaUpload although with not as colorful founders as
             | Kim DotCom.
             | I don't see how having them again would be different than
             | last time?
             | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaupload
               | rany_ wrote:
               | > They all suffered fates similar to the epic MegaUpload
               | although with not as colorful founders as Kim DotCom
               | Well it doesn't matter as much in this case because
               | "Send" is a temporary file host.
       | Jhsto wrote:
       | After trying all these WebRTC options and the NAT traversal
       | service (STUN, iirc) always being down, I ended up using IPFS
       | instead. With public gateways from CloudFlare it is very easy to
       | effectively drag and drop files and have them accessible via the
       | IPFS-to-HTTPs gateway.
         | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
         | Doesn't IPFS have problems with persistence? IOW you can't
         | guarantee a file will be available?
           | nkellenicki wrote:
           | As long as you keep your node up and running your content
           | will never disappear. So if you just want to share files with
           | friends I can see this working well - just keep your node
           | available.
           | Jhsto wrote:
           | There's two persistence types: pinned and unpinned files.
           | Pinned files persist, but someone needs to seed them at least
           | occasionally. Unpinned files get eventually garbage
           | collected. If you want to share a file, you don't need to pin
           | it if the recipient for example tells you when the download
           | is complete. In this sense, all these WebRTC examples are
           | more equivalent to unpinned files.
         | dennis-tra wrote:
         | https://share.ipfs.io/#/ is also very convenient for simple p2p
         | file transfers.
           | iagovar wrote:
           | How does this work. Does the file need to pass through a
           | server before reaching the other end? or is it streaming
           | directly between sender and receiver?
           | Also, does it need to put the whole file in RAM first?
             | dennis-tra wrote:
             | There is a server involved for mediating peer discovery but
             | the file transfer itself is p2p.
             | Regarding your second point: I'm actually not sure if the
             | file is copied into memory or if the browser just keeps a
             | reference. I haven't tried it with large files yet.
         | livre wrote:
         | For the rare times I have to do this I run a local server and
         | the free version of CloudFlare argo tunnel. It provides an
         | https url so the upload/download is safe from ISP snooping,
         | there are also no size limits, you can send a 30GB file if you
         | need to do that.
         | https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-free-argo-tunnel-for-your-next...
       | kickscondor wrote:
       | Some other WebRTC file transfer options:
       | * https://wormhole.app/ (my recent fave, by creator of
       | WebTorrent, holds for 24h, https://instant.io by same)
       | * https://file.pizza/ (p2p, nothing stored)
       | * https://webwormhole.io/ (same, but has a cli)
       | * https://www.sharedrop.io/ (same, does qr codes)
       | * https://justbeamit.com/ (same, expires in 10 minutes)
       | * https://send.vis.ee (hosted version of this code)
       | * https://send.tresorit.com/ (not p2p, 5 GB limit, encrypted)
       | I track these tools here: https://href.cool/Web/Participate/
         | dschep wrote:
         | There's also https://snapdrop.net which seems extremely similar
         | to sharedrop.io but has an additional useful feature of letting
         | you send messages which I sometimes use to send links to
         | devices that aren't logged into any service.
           | kickscondor wrote:
           | Ah neat! I've added all of the links in the comments here to
           | my list - great to see what's out there and to combine our
           | collections.
         | fckthisguy wrote:
         | As I recall, there's a difference between file.pizza and
         | webwormhole. file.pizza allows the sender to specify files and
         | then generates a share url, whereas webwormhole creates a share
         | link first. The latter can be useful if you're not sure exactly
         | what you'll send before you share the link.
         | iagovar wrote:
         | Hmmm, it seems like https://webwormhole.io/ has changed from
         | last time I used it. https://wormhole.app/ seems more similar
         | to what I remembered as frontend.
         | I remember trying many of those services and I decided to use
         | this one because I could send large files without any problem
         | (was trying to move sqlite dbs that were several Gbs, as it
         | seemed to stream the file instead of trying to store it on ram
         | first, but now I see wormhole.app allows up to 10GB, and I
         | don't remember to have any limit.
         | WebRTC services seem to have problems to get up to speed, but
         | for streaming files between devices it seems the best solution
         | in terms of friction.
           | lxgr wrote:
           | The speed problems interestingly seem to be caused by a bug
           | in an implementation of SCTP used by most (all?) WebRTC
           | browser implementations:
           | https://github.com/saljam/webwormhole/issues/55
           | The symptom seems to be that the SCTP data rate drops with
           | increasing latency (which used to be a problem with very old
           | TCP implementations too, but all modern ones handle high-
           | latency networks much better).
         | dennis-tra wrote:
         | I've also built a file transfer tool (CLI) with emphasis on
         | decentralization. It's a fully decentralized p2p file transfer
         | tool based on libp2p:
         | https://github.com/dennis-tra/pcp
         | I'm currently trying to make it interoperable with
         | https://share.ipfs.io/#/ which resembles the functionality of
         | the posted tool.
           | kickscondor wrote:
           | Seems very similar to 'hyp beam':
           | https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/cli
         | Ansil849 wrote:
         | > I track these tools
         | How frequently do you validate that they are still functional?
         | I tried File Pizza several months ago, and neither I nor the
         | recipient could get it to work.
           | kickscondor wrote:
           | Links are checked at least once daily - I do have a few that
           | are recently broken that I need to address - but File.pizza
           | is okay again. I have switched the main link to Wormhole,
           | because it's now my preferred option - and because File.pizza
           | has been up and down for me in the past as well.
             | Ansil849 wrote:
             | The website is up - the actual transfer service no longer
             | seems to function in modern browsers. Have you (or anyone)
             | had a successful transfer via File Pizza recently?
               | tyingq wrote:
               | Just tried with a tiny file, it tries to work, as I can
               | see the filename/size on the receiver end. But, it never
               | downloads. It does say "Peers: 0, Up: 0, Down: 0".
               | kickscondor wrote:
               | Ok - I see. I suppose I will need to find a way to verify
               | some of these links a bit deeper. Thank you for doing the
               | footwork on this!
         | seriousquestion wrote:
         | Thanks, useful site!
         | elliebike wrote:
         | I'm a fan of Kipp! Not p2p, but has optional encryption
         | https://kipp.6f.io/
         | fljsdflsdfjdslf wrote:
         | Missing https://dropbox.com/transfer
           | ehsankia wrote:
           | Is that using WebRTC, or are they hosting the files on their
           | backend?
         | ctpide wrote:
         | We build a web app for e2ee file transfer:
         | https://arcano.app
       (page generated 2021-05-05 23:00 UTC)