[HN Gopher] Pprof++: A Go Profiler with Hardware Performance Mon...
       Pprof++: A Go Profiler with Hardware Performance Monitoring
       Author : vquemener
       Score  : 198 points
       Date   : 2021-05-11 14:32 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eng.uber.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eng.uber.com)
       | avinassh wrote:
       | On a similar note, is there any similar tool exists for Rust?
         | ithkuil wrote:
         | I know one crate that offers a Go-like pprof experience:
         | https://github.com/tikv/pprof-rs
         | But that crate doesn't (yet?) Use the hardware based perf
         | counters, so this may not answer your actual question.
       | Veserv wrote:
       | It is so odd that companies with such immense engineering budgets
       | and computational costs continue to use low resolution profiling
       | techniques such as sampling instead of modern high resolution
       | tracing based solutions. The gap in insight you can get between
       | seeing some things and literally everything is similar to the gap
       | between no profiler and a sampling profiler. You can actually
       | trace the direct causes of slowness instead of just the symptoms.
       | It is so massive that every time we move a system that was
       | optimized using a sampling profiler to a tracing profiler we
       | learn just how little we knew about how it worked and how stupid
       | the program was behaving and routinely see 30%-50% speedups from
       | those insights on even heavily optimized code.
       | The only real downsides to tracing over sampling is that the
       | overhead is higher than low resolution sampling down to ~100
       | usecs per sample (single-digit to low double digit overhead) and
       | that any performant solution basically requires instrumentation
       | and thus results in small overhead if you want it to be runtime
       | toggleable and requires tooling support to inject. However, given
       | the immense benefits, it is baffling that companies continue to
       | struggle with such minimal tooling and platforms that only have
       | such tooling available.
       | hodgesds wrote:
       | Nice to see Milind and the rest of the team are still making
       | progress! One of the alternatives explored in the original
       | proposal was using a go library that wraps perf, which I explored
       | quite a bit previously. I haven't had time to continue that work,
       | but it is possible to use a perf library within benchmarks (ex:
       | https://github.com/hodgesds/compressbench) to some success.
       | Getting this profiler merged into runtime would be really nice.
       | Alternatively, if someone wants to extend a perf library that is
       | able to resolve runtime stacks using eBPF that could be an
       | interesting alternative.
       | jrockway wrote:
       | I've also used `perf` to profile Go apps, and the results can be
       | pretty interesting. For example, the Go profiler doesn't continue
       | out of the process and into the kernel, so are your I/O waits on
       | the network, or are they on the local filesystem? `perf` can show
       | you the difference. (And it does come up in the real world; you
       | can often have Go functions that operate on io.Readers that are
       | connected to the network, or are connected to disk files. A
       | profile that extends into the kernel can show you which case is
       | slow.)
       | I've been consistently disappointed by Go's mutex profiling. It
       | is kind of useful if you can synthesize the contention, but less
       | useful if the contention isn't obvious. For my most recent
       | contention debugging issue, I was very close to modifying the
       | runtime (mostly sync.Mutex) to emit events that perf could sample
       | on, and build a flame graph for cases like "took the fast path on
       | sync.Mutex". What takes the fast path under synthetic load could
       | easily take the slow path under different load, and that would
       | let you identify the bottlenecks before they occur. I ended up
       | not needing it, so didn't do it, but it's interesting to me that
       | other people have run into the case where the built-in profiles
       | aren't quite enough. There are definitely a lot of improvements
       | to be made here.
       | (Getting ahead of lock contention has come up a lot in my Go
       | career. When I was at Google, I had an application that computed
       | metrics over hundreds of thousands of concurrent network streams.
       | I used the standard library for metrics, which synchronized on
       | sync.RWMutex, and it was just too slow to synchronize millions of
       | events per second. This sort of bottleneck will be obvious to
       | anyone, probably; you simply can't block all metric-increments on
       | reads every 15 seconds and expect to fully utilize use 96vCPUs
       | that are trying to write ;) No profile ever pointed me at the
       | culprit in a straightforward manner; I had to dig into the time-
       | per-assembly-instruction profile and noticed inordinate amount of
       | time being spent in an instruction incidental to the
       | implementation of sync.Mutex. I ended up switching to
       | atomic.AddInt64, which solved my problem. I think the overhead of
       | a write barrier is actually too heavy and wouldn't do that today;
       | I'd just maintain goroutine-local counters and synchronize them
       | occasionally. You can still fall behind, of course, but your
       | program can easily detect that case and log a message like "we're
       | too slow, buy another computer!" in that branch. Easier than
       | reading the profiles.)
         | jrockway wrote:
         | Thought it might also be helpful to add that I usually invoke
         | perf like this:                   perf record --call-graph
         | dwarf -e cycles  --switch-events --sample-cpu -p $(pidof my-go-
         | process)
         | And then view the results in hotspot
         | (https://github.com/KDAB/hotspot).
         | I played a little with off-cpu profiling (-e
         | sched:sched_switch), but Go kind of outsmarts that by doing its
         | own scheduling (taking Goroutines off Machines when it thinks
         | it's going to block inside a syscall, so the resulting
         | flamegraphs are usually rooted in runtime.park_m; though if the
         | runtime gets something wrong, you'd be able to see it here.)
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | A lot of people don't grok the contention profiler, even people
         | who work on service performance full-time. The problem is the
         | docs. What you're getting from the contention profile is
         | samples of call stacks for contended releases, that is when a
         | lock is released and there are waiters. This isn't explained
         | anywhere, to my recollection.
           | felixge wrote:
           | Yup, there is an upstream issue to improve this:
           | https://github.com/golang/go/issues/44920
           | FWIW I'm planning to work on the problem from downstream as
           | well by adding more docs here: https://github.com/felixge/go-
           | profiler-notes . I haven't gotten to the mutex profile yet,
           | but I've covered the block profile in great detail. It
           | actually overlaps with the mutex profile for contention, but
           | it tracks Lock() rather than Unlock() which is subtly
           | different like you pointed out!
         | felixge wrote:
         | Very interesting points about mutex profiles. When you say fast
         | path, do you mean spin locks?
         | For analyzing I/O via perf and looking at kernel stacks, I'm
         | surprised that would work. I'd think that perf will not show
         | you much waiting on the network, because the netpoller
         | implementation in Go uses epoll and friends to make that non-
         | blocking under the hood. For disk I/O it probably works. Maybe
         | I'm missing something?
           | jrockway wrote:
           | There's a CompareAndSwap to do a quick acquire when there
           | isn't contention: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/sr
           | c/sync/mutex.go#L...
           | If you look at the slow path, there are many interesting
           | paths that a lock can take in there. They are all potentially
           | interesting when you're debugging contention.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | Trying to figure out how this would be of use to anyone else, in
       | practice. You need a hacked up runtime and a privileged process
       | to use the PMU. Compared to just using perf, it seems like a
       | hassle.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | I'm happy to rebuild the binary when I'm stuck on a performance
         | problem. Obviously, the best case is having all the
         | instrumentation on the production system that is experiencing
         | problems, of course. I've run into problems that only manifest
         | themselves after running for several hours, so the debugging
         | cycle is slow when you aren't collecting what you need to debug
         | the issue. In other cases, I've had bugs where a test case can
         | reproduce them immediately, but the profiler still provides
         | more targeted guesses than randomly changing something to see
         | if it improves the outcome (even if the edit/test cycle is fast
         | enough to support this). That's the case where this sounds
         | helpful.
       | petethepig wrote:
       | This is really cool stuff, we're at Pyroscope [1] would love to
       | add support for it.
       | Too bad it's a fork of Go runtime. As @akshayshah mentioned, it
       | seems like Go team is hesitant about straight up merging this. I
       | wonder if a better approach would be to open up Go runtime apis
       | so that this can be a module instead of a whole fork. I think
       | opening up these APIs would also enable more innovation in
       | profiling space.
       | [1]: https://github.com/pyroscope-io/pyroscope
         | rob74 wrote:
         | "Modularizing" the runtime sounds like a good idea, but also
         | adds new constraints: they would have to document the
         | interfaces between the various modules and then either keep
         | them unchanged, which would hinder further development; or if
         | they change the module interfaces, the modules will have to be
         | updated nevertheless, so having modules won't be much of an
         | advantage...
       | akshayshah wrote:
       | Full disclosure: I used to work in Uber's infrastructure group.
       | I'm always happy to see improvements to Go's profiling - the
       | standard library's profiling is good, but it hasn't improved much
       | since Go 1.0 (it took years just to get flame graphs integrated,
       | and it's still near-impossible to get a usable dump of the in-
       | memory object graph).
       | That said, I'm _very_ wary of tools that require a fork of the
       | compiler and/or runtime. Uber's programming language research
       | group is small (though mighty) and has a lot of demands on their
       | time. Even over the medium term, it'll be hard to allocate time
       | to keep this project current.
       | In the Go issue tracker, there's a long discussion [1] of the
       | formal proposal [2] for these improvements. My understanding of
       | the feedback is that the changes introduce too many Linux and
       | x86-specific APIs. I'd love to see the author narrow the proposal
       | to just improve timer fidelity when the OS exposes the PMU,
       | without any new APIs. The more controversial proposal to collect
       | richer platform- and architecture-specific data can be discussed
       | separately.
       | Discussion [1]: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36821
       | Proposal [2]:
       | https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/refs/changes/08/21950...
         | dvfjsdhgfv wrote:
         | Forgive my ignorance, but I have a very general question. The
         | article says Go runs on millions of cores at Uber. Obviously,
         | the company is interested in maximizing the performance, hence
         | the Pprof++ project.
         | My experience with Go is very limited, but in my tests it was
         | always slower than C. Sometimes just a bit, sometimes 2-5
         | times. So my question is: looking back, don't you guys regret
         | choosing this language?
         | Please don't misunderstand me, I don't intend to start any
         | flamewars, but it seems like you're very much focused on CPU-
         | bound performance, and the choice of language is not neutral in
         | this case.
           | studmuffin650 wrote:
           | Full Disclosure: I do not work at Uber but at another large
           | enterprise that is at Ubers scale and is almost 100% Go
           | across 100s of micro services.
           | Inside an enterprise, there's more to a language then just
           | the performance (though that is a large factor). You also
           | have to take into account existing tooling (both internal and
           | external), developer experience, whether you can find enough
           | developers to code it and source code maintainability, as
           | well as many other common concerns with a language. Most
           | languages will do well in a few cases but none are best in
           | class in all cases (or everyone would use it). Go does well
           | enough in the performance category while also doing
           | moderately to extremely well in other categories. In CPU
           | bound tasks that don't rely on CGo, go does extremely well in
           | my experience. I think in general though, for most
           | enterprises, Go strikes a happy medium and makes the right
           | trade offs that most developers are willing to make.
           | hu3 wrote:
           | I doubt most of Uber microservices are CPU bound. Yes it's
           | natural for a fleet of this size to also be scrutinized for
           | CPU savings but that's not the only cost involved when
           | choosing a language. Good tooling, dev experience and
           | availability of competent engineers comes to mind.
             | akshayshah wrote:
             | At least when I was at Uber (left in mid-2019), this was
             | absolutely the case: most services weren't CPU-bound, but a
             | few were. Rewriting the CPU-bound services in C++, Rust, or
             | some other language might have helped, but would have
             | required a _ton_ of well-understood, reliable libraries for
             | networking, observability, authn/authz, database access,
             | etc.
             | In nearly all cases, there was plenty of room to make the
             | Go service faster. A more careful choice of data structure
             | and algorithm, finer-grained locking, fan-out across a
             | goroutine pool, or just avoiding a zillion heap allocations
             | solved most problems. I don't recall any cases where Go was
             | simply incapable of meeting our performance needs.
             | As a side benefit, services with more stringent performance
             | requirements often exposed inefficiencies in widely-used
             | libraries. Optimizing those libraries made every Go service
             | faster and cut our overall compute spend. Avoiding rewrites
             | in C++ or Rust let those wins add up over time.
           | arp242 wrote:
           | Facebook managed to optimize mercurial (Python) to be faster
           | than git (C) for their huge monorepo use case simply because
           | Python made it so much easier to implement more efficient
           | algorithms.
           | If you have some fairly simple function/task, then yeah, a C
           | version will probably blow the Go version away almost all of
           | the time. But that's not necessarily indicative of real-world
           | performance of a full application.
           | And of course, there are other interests than "maximize
           | performance" too, such as developer efficiency.
             | ashkankiani wrote:
             | Ya got a source/article on that? I'm curious about it.
             | Overall I agree. I'd take a speed hit for ease of
             | development most of the time, but there are degrees of
             | speed hit that are acceptable depending on the context.
               | akshayshah wrote:
               | Scaling Mercurial at Facebook:
               | https://engineering.fb.com/2014/01/07/core-data/scaling-
               | merc...
           | skybrian wrote:
           | You could get a 5x slowdown like that for an interpreter
           | written in Go (versus C), but that's a special case and
           | usually it could be replaced by switching from an interpreter
           | to a compiler. (Code generation.)
           | heleninboodler wrote:
           | As both a C and Go developer, in my experience, 2-5x
           | execution time increase going from C to Go does not sound
           | reasonable at all.
           | domano wrote:
           | I think finding a good balance between performance and
           | development time & risks is important and C does not seem
           | like a very good choice regarding the second part. At least
           | for web stuff.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | Thanks for the context. Good to keep in mind for the long term.
         | That said, I'm very thankful that tools like this are being
         | shared with the community, even if it's less than perfect. It's
         | great that we have access to so many tools and so much
         | research.
           | akshayshah wrote:
           | Agreed! This is super cool, and I hope a working prototype
           | makes discussion of the formal proposal move a little faster.
         | vvern wrote:
         | > it's still near-impossible to get a usable dump of the in-
         | memory object graph
         | This, lately, is my #1 gripe. I just cannot get viewcore to
         | provide valuable insights. Anybody know of any projects in this
         | space?
         | flakiness wrote:
         | They also forked Android to do similar profiling improvement
         | [1] and even wrote a paper on that [2]. It's an impressive
         | achievement and I hope they tried to upstream it as well.
         | The Android ART profiler today is still kinda limited (too high
         | overhead or too imprecise) so we tend to switch over to
         | simpleperf [3]. However I think there are things that only in-
         | langue profilers can do.                 [1]
         | https://eng.uber.com/nanoscope/       [2]
         | https://2018.splashcon.org/details/vmil-2018/9/Profiling-
         | Android-Applications-with-Nanoscope       [3]
         | https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/simpleperf
       | etep wrote:
       | I'm curious about the results under the section titled
       | "Demonstration."
       | The author claims that ground truth is that each goroutine
       | utilizes 10% of the CPU time (so stipulated that this _should_ be
       | the case). But, what if the results shown are accurate, i.e. that
       | the results are the actual CPU time (because of idiosyncrasies of
       | scheduling between the OS, the go runtime, and anything else
       | happening on that system).
       | Does running the new profiler show less variance in the results
       | from that initial experiment? Showing this result would
       | strengthen the claim that the "out of the box" solution is
       | inaccurate.
       | felixge wrote:
       | I think this is great work. Hopefully this can motivate upstream
       | to reconsider the proposal for it. In the long run I don't think
       | anybody wants to run with a forked version of Go for better
       | profiling.
       | > The ability to monitor go programs with a very high sampling
       | frequency -- up to 10s of microseconds
       | I'm curious about the overhead of this and will probably try to
       | measure. This work certainly overcomes the limitations of
       | setitimer(2) for sampling rate, but faster sampling is going to
       | increase the performance overhead significantly.
       | In particular Go's built-in stack unwinding APIs use gopclntab
       | (which is Go's Plan9 inspired version of eh_frame). This is
       | rather slow compared to frame pointer unwinding (up to 55x in my
       | testing). I think on average you can expect to spend at least 1
       | microsecond on unwinding, and then some additional time hashing
       | the stack and updating the in-memory profile (perhaps another
       | microsecond? I haven't measured this part yet). I've started
       | writing some of this up here [1] but it's still WIP.
       | Anyway, based on the above, sampling every 10usec will likely
       | slow the target program by ~20%. This is probably a very
       | optimistic estimate because it doesn't take into account all the
       | CPU cache thrashing that will happen.
       | As I said, I'll try to take a closer look later, but if anybody
       | has some insights/comments here I'd be very interested.
       | [1] https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-
       | notes/blob/main/stack...
       | Disclaimer: I work at Datadog on Continuous Go Profiling, but I'm
       | here speaking for myself.
         | akshayshah wrote:
         | I suspect you're right about overhead. 10us seems much more
         | aggressive than even the author is actually suggesting, though
         | - the motivating example was a service with latencies in the
         | 10s of ms, so sampling every few ms would be sufficient.
         | Also, if anyone reading isn't familiar with sampling profilers,
         | Felix gave a great talk explaining them:
         | https://github.com/felixge/talks/blob/master/fgprof/
           | felixge wrote:
           | Yeah, decent sampling for requests that last 10s of ms seems
           | absolutely feasible with this approach, unlike the current
           | setitimer(2) stuff.
           | I'm really looking forward to taking it for a spin soon and
           | see how far the sampling rate can be pushed without
           | introducing noticeable overhead in practice!
       (page generated 2021-05-11 23:00 UTC)