[HN Gopher] Show HN: Bibliogram - Open-source front-end for Inst...
       Show HN: Bibliogram - Open-source front-end for Instagram
       Author : commoner
       Score  : 91 points
       Date   : 2021-05-15 18:37 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bibliogram.art)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bibliogram.art)
       | mih wrote:
       | Instagram/Facebook seems to have blocked loading timelines on the
       | profiles. Am able to view only the first page of profiles. Even
       | tried running it locally, to the same effect.
       | yosito wrote:
       | The way that Instagram/Facebook quickly block third party clients
       | like this really make it obvious that _they_ control what you see
       | and how you use the platform. You do not have control of the
       | content you see on Instagram. It is force fed to you to
       | manipulate you according to which advertisers have paid for your
       | attention.
       | I really wish the people who invest their time and energy into
       | developing third party UIs for Instagram would spend their time
       | instead developing UIs and front ends for open source and
       | federated software. Someone build "Instagram for Nextcloud",
       | please.
         | commoner wrote:
         | The open source federated equivalent to Instagram is Pixelfed:
         | https://pixelfed.org
         | There's an Android app for it called PixelDroid:
         | https://gitlab.shinice.net/pixeldroid/PixelDroid
           | yosito wrote:
           | Pixelfed is the kind of project I'm talking about. It's a
           | great start of a project that needs a lot more work to become
           | usable as a serious photography platform. I wish more people
           | would put their effort into improving projects like Pixelfed
           | rather than building front ends for Instagram that get shut
           | down.
           | pcora wrote:
           | How does Pixelfed makes money?
             | Jolter wrote:
             | Looks like Patreon if you read the web site. And Liberapay,
             | I guess. It's an open source "host your own" software, I
             | don't think they are trying to monetize beyond paying a
             | living wage for the developer.
             | messo wrote:
             | It is not a company, but a federated network - anyone can
             | run their own server and interact with the all other nodes
             | (much like email). The software is open source and is a
             | community effort, although the lead developer got a grant
             | [1] that allows him to spend time to improve the project
             | over time.
             | 1: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed#pixelfed-sponsors
       | annadane wrote:
       | The next time you hear 'Facebook has purchased...' you know it's
       | going to go to hell, Instagram is a prime example. Oh, now you
       | need to log in to do anything. Oh, now there's an algorithmic
       | feed...
       | Mark Zuckerberg: not even once
         | ojame wrote:
         | While I generally agree, pre-acquisition Instagram didn't have
         | a web viewer. You could only use it via the app, which required
         | you to log in.
           | annadane wrote:
           | Fair enough
       | commoner wrote:
       | Instagram has been requiring viewers to sign in after browsing a
       | certain number of pages. Bibliogram is a way to bypass this
       | registration wall.
       | List of instances: https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram-
       | docs/tree/master/docs/...
       | Source code: https://sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram/
       |  _Similar services_
       | Invidious (YouTube):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21535562
       | Nitter (Twitter): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21849744
       | Teddit (Reddit): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25310206
       |  _Related software_
       | UntrackMe (Android app that converts links from Instagram and
       | others to alternative front-ends):
       | https://framagit.org/tom79/nitterizeme
       | Privacy Redirect (browser extension that redirects to these
       | front-ends): https://github.com/SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect
       | Barinsta (open source Instagram client for Android):
       | https://github.com/austinhuang0131/barinsta
         | 0-_-0 wrote:
         | It doesn't work though, and hasn't for a while, and likely
         | never will [0]:
         |  _Timeline loading blocked
         | Instagram is refusing to provide data to this server.
         | This server will only be able to load the first page of
         | timelines.
         | This error is permanent._
         | [0]:
         | https://proxy.vulpes.one/gemini/cadence.moe/gemlog/2020-12-1...
           | matheusmoreira wrote:
           | Why not make a free software replacement for the mobile app
           | instead? Surely there's no way to block that.
             | sodality2 wrote:
             | https://github.com/austinhuang0131/barinsta/ is one such
             | alternative client
           | commoner wrote:
           | It worked right before I submitted the link to HN. This may
           | be the effect of a temporary traffic surge.
           | The software is open source, so anyone is able to start a new
           | instance, as others did for Invidious and Nitter.
           | Edit: Added list of instances to GP. For some reason, the
           | main instance is still working for me.
             | sixhobbits wrote:
             | I have tried it locally and various hosted instances
             | several times over the last few months and while it
             | occasionally works that error is more common than not.
             | Teddit.net for reddit works amazingly though.
               | commoner wrote:
               | Thanks, I've added Teddit to the list.
               | I'm hoping that the attention will help Bibliogram
               | improve.
               | Rompect wrote:
               | Improve how? It was already pretty good. The entire user
               | page and even Instagram TV was supported. But the current
               | situation is not Bibliogram's fault.
               | commoner wrote:
               | More attention would encourage people to host new
               | instances and help find workarounds for Instagram's rate
               | limiting. There are also some features that are being
               | worked on, such as a search function:
               | https://todo.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram-issues/6
           | sschueller wrote:
           | Yeah, I am just starting to see 1 star reviews on my repost
           | app (https://github.com/sschueller/easyrepost) . It's totally
           | broken now. Good thing I open sourced it and gave up on
           | monetization in part to HN horror stories of people building
           | business on top of other services like Facebook.
           | I'm going to abandon this and move on to maybe working on a
           | Pixelfed android client instead.
             | busymom0 wrote:
             | Had a similar experience myself when 3 years ago IG and FB
             | blocked all third party access to the API and my "best time
             | to post" and scheduler apps all broke.
             | sprite wrote:
             | Does anyone if there is any case law on this? Are you
             | legally allowed to create 3rd party clients for various
             | services?
               | Bjartr wrote:
               | You're generally allowed to create them, and the service
               | provider is generally allowed to change their service in
               | ways that break them.
         | swiley wrote:
         | It won't be long before they're just another pintrest.
         | Facebook is going to need to keep _something_ it bought alive
         | or it might struggle to keep the lights on.
       | css wrote:
       | Projects like this make me sad for what we have lost. All of
       | Instagram used to provide open RSS feeds [0]. They also used to
       | brag about third parties making interesting things with Instagram
       | data [1], [2].
       | You can see their old blog posts by going to [3], right-clicking
       | and copying the link of a post, and appending `/embed` to the
       | URL.
       | [0] https://instagram.tumblr.com/post/8755963247/introducing-
       | has...
       | [1]: https://instagram.tumblr.com/post/8757679335/api-
       | highlights-...
       | [2]: https://instagram.tumblr.com/post/8756150468/a-real-time-
       | api...
       | [3]: https://instagram.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/text
       (page generated 2021-05-15 23:00 UTC)