[HN Gopher] PlanetScale - Database for Developers
       PlanetScale - Database for Developers
       Author : samlambert
       Score  : 188 points
       Date   : 2021-05-18 17:16 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.planetscale.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.planetscale.com)
       | cfors wrote:
       | > Developers want the durability, stability, and scalability of a
       | SQL database but do not want to be constrained by managing a
       | schema. It has been our goal to give both, not compromising on
       | the power of your datastore but making changes feel as easy as
       | deploying code.
       | So is this a wrapper around managing Schemas powered by Vitesse?
       | (Btw, had to go to your github to figure that out)
       | If you want to be the database for developers you should know
       | that developers do care about how you do this scaling.
       | halostatue wrote:
       | Amy I the only person reading this who doesn't think that the
       | marketing line in the middle about not managing a schema is super
       | scary?
       | > Developers want the durability, stability, and scalability of a
       | SQL database but do not want to be constrained by managing a
       | schema. It has been our goal to give both, not compromising on
       | the power of your datastore but making changes feel as easy as
       | deploying code.
       | Sorry. There's always a schema, and learning to manage it is a
       | _good_ thing. If you're not ready to manage and migrate, then
       | you're not in production. You're in something else.
         | [deleted]
       | Allstar wrote:
       | It's not entirely clear from the website or the documentation,
       | but this seems to be build exclusively for MySQL?
         | samlambert wrote:
         | Yes we are MySQL compatible.
           | rad_gruchalski wrote:
           | 100% compatible? Is there a document with a compatibility
           | matrix? Edit: I guess this is it:
           | https://vitess.io/docs/reference/compatibility/mysql-
           | compati....
       | [deleted]
       | sorenbs wrote:
       | I have been using the beta version of PlanetScale for a while,
       | and it is extremely cool. It's using the mature technology that
       | powers Youtube to provide a developer experience for databases
       | similar to what Vercel and Netlify provide for hosting: It will
       | give you a database branch for each Git branch and help you
       | manage the workflows around it.
       | And it is the first truly serverless relational database offering
       | that I am aware of. The cost scale to 0, so it is perfect for
       | small projects, but that same instance will scale to support
       | massive load when you need it.
       | asimpletune wrote:
       | So just wanted to add a few random thoughts about some of this
       | stuff.
       | With sharding, where this stuff eventually gets you is when your
       | assumptions about shard keys no longer hold.
       | Eg, you might have user initiated traffic to start with, so you
       | can easily and automatically shard everything by user id or
       | whatever. Then one day, those assumptions change because you
       | might have to accommodate event driven traffic, ie not
       | request/response, and the user's id can't be assumed to always be
       | present. For example let's say something in the real world causes
       | an event to be pushed onto your queue. That event could
       | correspond to a real user, but since it originated somewhere in
       | the real world, there's probably a separate id for how that user
       | is represented. So you can't rely on that user ID being present
       | to shard things by.
       | Not sure, if that makes sense, but sharding can be hard. It's not
       | like free, and I still think it's important for engineers to
       | understand the mental model they're using, even with a tool like
       | vitess.
       | Also, I saw claim either on planetscale or vitess that MySQL has
       | no native support for horizontal scaling with automatic sharding,
       | but I think they do? I think you just have to pay for that
       | though.
       | Also, cross-shard transactions were mentioned as another
       | difficulty with sharding. They can be done with either sagas
       | (depends on the context but it's a design pattern), or 2PC which
       | is available in MySQL > 5.8 I believe in the form of XA
       | Transactions.
       | adambair wrote:
       | The amount of buzzwords on the site made me think this was some
       | kind of elaborate joke. I'm not yet convinced it isn't...
       | itwy wrote:
       | > The site is experiencing higher than normal traffic and we have
       | temporarily halted database creation.
       | Ironic coming from the infinitely scalable database, isn't it?
         | paxys wrote:
         | Well that restriction will probably disappear if you just give
         | them your credit card number
       | golondon wrote:
       | Aren't schema changes are actually a big problem when there is a
       | huge amount of data in the table. Adding a column / index to a
       | table that has 500M rows in it is usually the pita. This is
       | definitely something on the right direction, but would love to
       | see this supporting this with the data itself.
         | lizztheblizz wrote:
         | That is exactly what we _do_ support. Our team includes the
         | original developer of gh-ost for MySQL, which has been built to
         | execute these kinds of massive changes at scale at GitHub.
         | We've integrated it tightly with Vitess. Once your branch is
         | ready to be merged with production, it executes that change in
         | a completely non-blocking way.
           | golondon wrote:
           | Ok, but most of the time you would like to test that change
           | on a copy or almost up to date replica, to see measure things
           | like how long it does take. If you were copying the data,
           | with things like PII filtering, to the branch development
           | database and allow folks to test it there it would be even
           | more amazing. Great start tho!
       | unknown_error wrote:
       | Can someone please explain how Vitess works, in plain English?
       | How does it magically make MySQL scale?
       | And then what does PlanetScale add on top of Vitess hosted
       | anywhere else?
       | Sorry, the linked blog post is both very abstract and assumes a
       | high level of preexisting knowledge about database scaling.
         | moshmosh wrote:
         | IME the answer to "how did they make [hard to scale thing]
         | easily scalable?" is _usually_ that they introduce limitations
         | in how you can use [hard to scale thing] so you can 't use it
         | in ways that are hard to scale, then automate scaling it in
         | well-known ways for use cases that are so-limited. Vitesse's
         | site mentions that it relies on horizontal sharding, so right
         | off the bat, my guess is that you can't use it in ways that are
         | sharding-unfriendly, or if you can then you'll be met with
         | restrictions on much of the "magic" of it if you do.
         |  _Rarely_ is it the case that someone 's actually discovered
         | e.g. novel math or something to make the hard part easier.
         | Better tools (to do well-understood things more easily for this
         | use case) and restrictions (so you don't use it in ways the
         | tools can't handle) are the usual way.
           | lizztheblizz wrote:
           | The "ease" we used to refer to in Vitess primarily relates to
           | its interaction with the application side, where it basically
           | presents itself as "one big MySQL datastore". It uses a
           | standard MySQL connector, and in general, once you have the
           | infrastructure up and running with a compatible schema
           | design, there's not too much to worry about from a coding
           | standpoint. Sharding happens transparently to the application
           | code, which generally translates to fewer code changes
           | required.
           | Admittedly, that view left out the considerable challenge of
           | actually deploying and running the infrastructure, designing
           | and optimizing that schema, along with all the joys of
           | managing large cluster environments.
           | That's what PlanetScale, the product, aims to solve. Dealing
           | with clustering infrastructure IS a hurdle for most teams to
           | overcome, and though Vitess' feature set and compatibility
           | has expanded greatly to accommodate some of the most
           | demanding use cases on the web today, a lot of its
           | functionality can still be out of reach for a developer just
           | trying to merge some code and a schema change.
           | Abstracting as much of that complexity away from the end user
           | is the goal, as well as making their lives easier with a ton
           | of the functionality we've always wanted to see built with
           | Vitess. I can confirm that that is not an "easy" job on our
           | end. :)
         | paxys wrote:
         | Vitess is an additional layer on top of MySQL which all queries
         | pass though. Among other things, it implements its own query
         | parser which can then do stuff like split a query across shards
         | and join results etc.
         | I wouldn't say there's too much "magic" in there, but it does a
         | lot of known difficult things (schema management,
         | sharding/resharding, connection pooling, query optimization, DB
         | administration, monitoring, backup/failover) which are
         | generally painful and expensive to do yourself.
         | motives wrote:
         | As I understand it, Vitess is basically a really powerful
         | sharding system, which goes a step further than typical
         | sharding solutions by basically making the shards one or more
         | unique databases. In the case of someone like slack, because
         | your tenant (e.g your company slack), is completely isolated
         | from other tenants, you can treat that basically as its own
         | database, and have a master for just that DB, allowing much
         | better scaling. The big limitation on Vitess is cross-shard
         | transactions, and the fact you have to make sure your schema
         | has a clear cut sharding key (like your tenant ID) that works
         | nicely with your application needs. The alternative for scaling
         | transactional SQL DBs in a multi-master fashion are the
         | "NewSQL" DBs like yugabyte and cockroachdb which are basically
         | document DBs with a partially implemented postgres frontend, so
         | don't have the full feature set of your SQL engine like Vitesse
         | does but don't require so much attention to sharding. These are
         | oversimplifications of the actual mechanisms, but give a basic
         | overview of the tradeoffs involved, please feel free to correct
         | me on any inaccuracies as I'm not an expert in DBs.
           | irfansharif wrote:
           | (crdb eng) I'm not sure what "document DB" means here, mind
           | elaborating?
             | aPoCoMiLogin wrote:
             | he is probably referring to the docdb document store in
             | yugabyte:
             | https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/architecture/layered-
             | archit...
               | motives wrote:
               | Indeed I was referring to yugabyte, apologies for the
               | clumsy phrasing, I havent used crdb but I guess it is a
               | postgres frontend layered on a KV store instead of a
               | document store?
               | qeternity wrote:
               | As opposed to? Postgres is "just" a Postgres front end on
               | top of a kv store.
           | kmavm wrote:
           | I was Chief Architect at Slack from 2016 to 2020, and was
           | privileged to work with the engineers who were doing the work
           | of migrating to Vitess in that timeframe.
           | The assumption that tenants are perfectly isolated is
           | actually the original sin of early Slack infrastructure that
           | we adopted Vitess to migrate away from. From some earlier
           | features in the Enterprise product (which joins lots of
           | "little Slacks" into a corporate-wide entity) to more post-
           | modern features like Slack Connect
           | (https://slack.com/help/articles/1500001422062-Start-a-
           | direct...) or Network Shared Channels
           | (https://slack.com/blog/news/shared-channels-growth-
           | innovatio...), the idea that each tenant is fully isolated
           | was increasingly false.
           | Vitess is a meta-layer on top of MySQL shards that asks, per
           | table, which key to shard on. It then uses that information
           | to maintain some distributed indexes of its own, and to plan
           | the occasional scatter/gather query appropriately. In
           | practice, simply migrating code from our application-sharded,
           | per-tenant old way into the differently-sharded Vitess
           | storage system was not a simple matter of pointing to a new
           | database; we had to change data access patterns to avoid
           | large fan-out reads and writes. The team did a great write-up
           | about it here: https://slack.engineering/scaling-datastores-
           | at-slack-with-v...
             | motives wrote:
             | Definitely wasn't expecting the chief architect at Slack to
             | reply to that example, really appreciate the response, HN
             | is such a blessing in that regard :). The scaling
             | datastores at slack is a super interesting read aswell
             | thanks, does make me wonder if there was a fully 100% MySQL
             | compatible version of yugabyte/spanner etc if that would
             | have shifted the decision.
           | Rapzid wrote:
           | Something you really hit on here; there is no free lunch with
           | clustered databases. You have to design your application to
           | account for the sharding or you will run into data locality
           | related performance issues.
       | isatty wrote:
       | What is this? Reading this post does not explain it, but I figure
       | it some sort of new DB.
       | jaredcwhite wrote:
       | Can I install this locally? Will it work without an internet
       | connection? Is it fully open source? From what I can tell, the
       | answer to all three questions is no.
       | Is it yet another example of vendor lock-in? Yes.
         | [deleted]
         | paxys wrote:
         | The underlying technology (https://vitess.io/) is fully open
         | source, so I imagine there will be very little vendor lock in.
         | sigg3 wrote:
         | If it is MySQL compatible it's not vendor lock in.
         | It's more like a clever trap, first hit is free etc.
         | Will be interesting to follow this. I'm not db savvy so I don't
         | mind leaving that job to someone else.
           | jaredcwhite wrote:
           | Vender lock-in isn't just about data formats, it's about the
           | overall makeup of your infrastructure and development
           | processes. If an org builds around the particular way
           | PlanetScale manages DB branches and other minutiae of their
           | service, they can't simply replace that with an in-house DB
           | server overnight.
             | piaste wrote:
             | True enough, but by that standard, every service would
             | constitute lock-in. A cleaning company isn't lock-in just
             | because you don't have in-house janitors.
             | "Vendor lock-in" means that you're tied at a business-
             | critical level to some proprietary technology _that you
             | can't get anywhere else_.
             | If you rent Linux servers, Postgres databases, or even k8s
             | setups from Azure, there's no shortage of alternative
             | vendors willing to sell you compatible product should you
             | tire of MS, and ideally you won't need to change much more
             | than a few endpoints. However, if your entire user base
             | lives in Azure AD, it's a very different story.
         | unknown_error wrote:
         | There is still value in proprietary solutions that offer
         | significant time/money savings vs open source. Not all of us
         | have infinite resources to develop and maintain every solution
         | in-house, whether that's an auto-scaling database or email or
         | Google Docs or whatever.
         | For small/medium businesses, sometimes it's better just to let
         | the experts do their thing and build on top of it...
       | wiradikusuma wrote:
       | Can serverless solutions e.g. AWS Lamba or Google Cloud Run
       | connect to this?
         | samlambert wrote:
         | Yes absolutely!
           | jopsen wrote:
           | Where is it hosted? Do you have instances in all data centers
           | moving shards to where they are used?
           | Using databases outside the same availability zone can be
           | slower...
       | aantix wrote:
       | I wonder what the latency would be to have a heroku insurance
       | pointed at a PlanetScale instance.
       | Doesn't look like there's Postgres compatibility.
       | vira28 wrote:
       | Wondering will we see something like this for Postgres?
       | I like the cool things but I can't migrate to MySQL just because
       | of this.
         | NAR8789 wrote:
         | looks like it's a ways off... planetscale says they're built on
         | vitess, and vitess has postgres compatibility at the bottom of
         | their "Medium Term" roadmap:
         | https://vitess.io/docs/resources/roadmap/
         | Allstar wrote:
         | I've been following Citus Data, it might be interesting for
         | you. https://www.citusdata.com/
         | samlambert wrote:
         | Sure you can! and we will make it worth it.
           | NAR8789 wrote:
           | I can't decide whether this joke is marketing folly or
           | strategic genius.
           | On the one hand, making light of how big an undertaking a
           | _database engine migration_ would be makes you come off
           | sounding like the "mongodb is web scale" guy. That's a pretty
           | terrible look for a company proposing to take on critical
           | production infrastructure.
           | On the other hand, adding postgresql support to vitess is
           | probably a _massive_ undertaking. Sure, it might make sense
           | for you to contribute to in the long run to open up that
           | customer segment, but at your current stage postgresql
           | customers are probably more of a product-distraction than
           | anything. In that light, driving us away for now is probably
           | the best policy.
           | I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Well played,
           | sir. Well played.
           | EDIT: nevermind, all your other comments so far in this
           | thread are variations on "Yes, we can do that!". You're
           | promising the moon, and that's fishy.
           | Bit of unsolicited advice (you know what they say about
           | unsolicited advice, but here goes...): You'd be better off
           | admitting some weaknesses and discussing tradeoffs. For
           | examples, take a look at other HN threads where execs have
           | hopped on. What qualities do you seen in posts that get the
           | most positive responses? Now compare that to the confusion
           | and skepticism in this thread. Your messaging has landed off-
           | target.
           | You're proposing to take over a piece of people's critical
           | production infrastructure. As a potential buyer considering
           | an infrastructure provider, seeing "buy our product and we'll
           | solve all your problems" just makes me skeptical. It makes
           | you sound like a used car salesman. Your landing page
           | delivers that basic message, and your comments in this thread
           | reinforce the resulting impression.
           | Conversely, if in these comments you soberly acknowledged
           | your limitations, transitioned to a detailed treatment about
           | tradeoffs, and _then_ used that save to toot your horn some
           | more, that would give the impression you've considered this
           | problem deeply, help me figure out how closely your value
           | prop is aligned to my goals, and make me more inclined to
           | trust you, your company, and your product.
           | As it is...
           | I see your comment and it makes me think your company isn't
           | ready to take on my infrastructure (this is my database we're
           | talking about here... if you're not taking something as basic
           | as migration costs seriously, what other nasty surprises are
           | waiting for me down the line?).
           | Then, I take a look at your about page (maybe this guy's just
           | an entry-level marketer in the people-pleaser phase), and I
           | see that you, Sam Lambert, are the Chief Product Officer.
           | That gives me some serious doubts about the future viability
           | of your company, because now I'm worried the CPO is
           | fundamentally out of touch with the userbase and can't
           | grapple with difficult details.
           | You will not be touching my data any time soon, but I'll be
           | watching for changes, and I honestly wish you luck. I like
           | your vision, but your messaging execution needs work and your
           | product execution is yet-unproven.
           | EDIT: kudos to lizztheblizz for giving more detailed answers
           | that inspire confidence. You've significantly repaired my
           | impressions of your company.
             | samlambert wrote:
             | We are definitely not out of touch with our user base. The
             | reason I feel a high degree of confidence is that we
             | currently have a major Postgres user moving to PlanetScale
             | at the moment and they are loving the experience. This is
             | v1 of our product. I have not seen a database product like
             | this, that cares about the daily lives of the users that
             | use it. I believe we can create a fundamental shift in how
             | databases think about their users.
             | We concern ourselves with the productivity of our users. We
             | also solve hard problems at scale, for many large
             | companies. We have so many exciting developer focussed
             | features that I think people will love, all the while being
             | on a viable database. Vitess is by far the highest scale
             | open source database solution out there.
             | Migration cost is a serious thing. We believe the immense
             | leap in productivity you will gain over time from our
             | product makes it more than worth it.
       | capableweb wrote:
       | Sounds interesting but there is not enough information for me to
       | get a picture of what this actually means. Thought I was gonna be
       | clever and install it, run it and see what it is all about but I
       | can't figure out how to get it. One link is "sign up" and the
       | other is "contact sales" but I'm not interested in either, I'm
       | interested in "Download" but I cannot find it anywhere.
       | Am I stupid or misunderstanding something fundamentally here? Is
       | just a hosted DB or something like that?
         | moshmosh wrote:
         | It's a hosted DB, and as far as I can tell the Killer Feature
         | is that it makes schema updates less painful. How it does that
         | without significant performance trade-offs or caps is unclear
         | to me.
         | [EDIT] on reading further in their docs, my suspicion is that
         | their "branching" concept is a hell of a lot more limited than
         | I believed at first. I initially took it to mean you could have
         | multiple active schemas working on your data at once--instead,
         | I think it's more like exporting _just_ the schema of your DB
         | and importing it to a fresh DB, which is nothing new and doesn
         | 't run into all kinds of operational and security issues the
         | other workflow would. I'm fairly sure all the actual _magic_ is
         | in the schema diffing, and the docs make me think even that isn
         | 't as fully-magical as one might hope.
           | lizztheblizz wrote:
           | It's closer to your original assumption than your second.
           | Branching relies on vreplication, and it does actually allow
           | you to develop multiple versions of your schema against your
           | full production dataset. The "magic" is a powerful
           | materialization engine that allows every branch to maintain
           | its own version, and it _does_ allow you to work with your
           | actual data. This is just scratching the surface of what that
           | can do, though. We have loads more features cooking. :)
       | ngrilly wrote:
       | Really great finally seeing a "serverless" SQL database based on
       | MySQL and Vitess that scales from 0 to n, even with a free tier!
       | Where are you hosted? What latency should we expect from AWS,
       | GCP, DigitalOcean and fly.io?
       | And also what degree of compatibility should we expect with
       | MySQL? The doc is quite sparse on this.
         | lizztheblizz wrote:
         | Vitess' compatibility with MySQL has made major leaps in the
         | past couple of versions and the team has started focusing on
         | locking in ongoing compatibility with various popular
         | development frameworks. You can find those here, and more are
         | getting added regularly: https://github.com/planetscale/vitess-
         | framework-testing/
         | The basics of MySQL compatibility are described in here, though
         | it's important to keep in mind that just because something
         | "works" doesn't always mean it's the best way to do things in a
         | sharded environment:
         | https://vitess.io/docs/reference/compatibility/mysql-compati...
       | 2color wrote:
       | This is wonderful. I've been developing with relational databases
       | for 12 years and couldn't be more excited about this.
       | Scaling down to 0 opens up a world of opportunities when it comes
       | to team development workflows. The idea of quick environments per
       | pull request is within reach.
       | Not to mention that it scales with you.
       | The one thing I'm curious about is how it compares with
       | CockroachDB
         | machiaweliczny wrote:
         | Quick environment per pull request is available with SQLite now
         | :)
       | Rauchg wrote:
       | From the Vercel point of view, this promises to answer one of the
       | most frequent, interesting, and technically challenging questions
       | since we first launched our "immutable deploys".
       | That is: how can I pair a brand new frontend preview deploy, with
       | a _serverless_ database with the specific schema my new feature
       | needs?
       | This technology makes the whole serverless stack feel complete.
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | It doesn't solve the N+1 queries problem in a generic way.
         | More to the point, it probably cannot solve it efficiently at
         | all, since it is not a graph database and thus cannot be paired
         | with a generic GraphQL resolver (would generate join queries
         | instead of lookups across edges) and a stack of generated
         | static queries in the backend (no need to allow generic
         | queries, just make it possible to write queries once and only
         | once).
         | adamfeldman wrote:
         | Branching wasn't mentioned in the linked blog post, but I
         | assume that is what the parent comment is excited about:
         | https://docs.planetscale.com/concepts/branching
           | Rauchg wrote:
           | Indeed, thank you!
       | qaq wrote:
       | With solutions like CockroachDB, YugabyteDB etc. gaining steam do
       | things like Vitess have a place long term?
       | k__ wrote:
       | I'm currently searching for a serverless database for my next
       | project and will look into it.
       | I already played around with Upstash and Fauna.
       | Somehow the signup shows an 422 error, then I get an confirmation
       | email that leads to a blank page.
       | paxys wrote:
       | If I understand correctly, PlanetScale = hosted Vitess? I assume
       | it was started by the creators/maintainers of the project
       | (similar to Confluent and such)?
         | samlambert wrote:
         | Yes!
       | satyrnein wrote:
       | It sounds like the database branch has copy of the production
       | schema, but what about the data itself? We've been using AWS
       | Aurora clones to quickly give developers copies of production,
       | can zero-copy clones be made as part of the branch?
       | gryzzly wrote:
       | is it not funny that something with a word "scale" in it disabled
       | creation of databases because of being under load?
       | christiansakai wrote:
       | will this support blob as well like S3?
       | pratio wrote:
       | The pricing gives me anxiety.
       | $1.25/mo per 10GB storage
       | $15/mo per 100 Million rows read
       | $15/mo per 10 Million rows written
       | But I won't lie, super excited to give this a try.
       | stalluri wrote:
       | Branching looks super dope!
       | https://docs.planetscale.com/concepts/branching
       | olivierlacan wrote:
       | The boulder-sized caveat for all this admittedly really neat
       | stuff being:
       | > PlanetScale's Non-Blocking Schema Changes' workflow doesn't
       | support FOREIGN KEYs in users' databases.
       | > PlanetScale determined that the production safety that Non-
       | Blocking Schema Changes provide are worth this technical
       | tradeoff. Learn more.
       | https://docs.planetscale.com/concepts/nonblocking-schema-cha...
         | lizztheblizz wrote:
         | To be clear, this is not a Vitess/PlanetScale-specific opinion
         | or choice. Foreign key constraints are a bit of a controversial
         | topic in large-scale MySQL environments in general, which is
         | the greater context in which this design decision was made by
         | the Vitess team.
         | PlanetScale's (and Vitess') non-blocking schema changes rely on
         | open source tools for MySQL like pt-online-schema-change and
         | gh-ost, which are widely used in production environments
         | everywhere, and neither of them are too comfortable supporting
         | FK's, though pt-osc does accommodate them to some extent
         | (https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-toolkit/3.0/pt-online-
         | sc...). gh-ost's lack of support was discussed on HN previously
         | here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16983620
         | A good collection of resources on why they're considered
         | problematic and many companies designing large-scale MySQL
         | schemas tend to drop them can also be found here:
         | https://federico-razzoli.com/foreign-key-bugs-in-mysql-and-m...
       | CSDude wrote:
       | It looks great, congrats
       | nebulous1 wrote:
       | I have to admit that with the previous mocking of "web scale", I
       | initially assumed this was satire.
       | briandoll wrote:
       | Before GitHub launched, I built some large eCommerce sites, and
       | for a vcs we used CVS, and then Subversion. We had a person on
       | our team with the title of release manager, because branching in
       | Subversion, and merging back to make releases, was a specialist
       | effort that took time, patience, and managing a tremendous amount
       | of fighting between teams of what features and fixes could even
       | be merged together in order to ship this release.
       | When I started using git, it broke my brain. I wasn't really sure
       | I understood it, but the idea of cheap local branches soon became
       | the most important thing to me in a vcs, and everything became
       | easier and so much faster. You could just work on code the way
       | real life happens, not in some methodical pre-planned release
       | schedule that always rubbed harshly against the reality of bug
       | fixes and ever changing minds.
       | Planetscale is a lot like that transformation. We've been
       | thinking of databases as this specialist thing, where the arcane
       | knowledge required to make it perform well is a specialist role,
       | and something completely untouchable by mortal engineers. While
       | we've learned about the importance of good data modeling, we've
       | dealt with a layer in our stack that is essentially static.
       | Shipping features that require changes to a database schema sit
       | and languish, because the pain and coordination required can
       | often be too much for a team to want to deal with.
       | What PlanetScale has done is solve two massive problems in one
       | platform. First, since it's built on Vitess, it Just Works At
       | Scale. You don't need to fiddle with knobs to get it to perform
       | well. You most definitely are not even in the top 10% of what is
       | already running on Vitess, so you don't really need to worry
       | about ever outgrowing PlanetScale. But the BIG innovation here is
       | what is possible now that a database works the way the SDLC has
       | evolved with git. Make a branch, change the schema, roll it out
       | with your code. Just like anything else, really. Use the
       | PlanetScale CLI to actually USE your database. Change the schema
       | because it will make your code better, and don't worry that
       | you're somehow going to do it wrong.
       | PlanetScale just made databases useful for developers beyond a
       | nearly-static data store. It's a high-scale database that you can
       | change like code. It will break your brain a little at first,
       | just like git did. And then you'll wonder why the hell we waited
       | so long to have a database this good.
         | chris_st wrote:
         | Sounds great!
         | One question about pricing -- I can't tell if the "free" tier
         | costs are for one month, or ongoing. That is, do you get the
         | free tier amounts for one month and then pay from then on, or
         | is that level of service free from then on?
           | samkottler wrote:
           | The free tier is free forever.
             | stronglikedan wrote:
             | > free forever
             | or as long as a free tier exists ;-)
             | [deleted]
             | onionisafruit wrote:
             | Free until you decide it isn't free anymore.
           | briandoll wrote:
           | The free tier provides the stated usage levels at no cost,
           | indefinitely. So if you were to stay under the quotas of data
           | size, writes and reads, you don't pay at all. When you go
           | over, you just pay for what you use. No servers, no pre-
           | committed capacity, just simply pay for what you use.
             | kall wrote:
             | Does it mean you can write 10 million rows every month for
             | free or does it mean you can write ten million rows,
             | however many months that may take, and then pay for all use
             | after that. The first one is how pricing generally works,
             | but the page could be read as the second.
               | lizztheblizz wrote:
               | This is monthly. :)
               | kall wrote:
               | OK, i think a little /mo on the pricing page wouldn't
               | hurt.
       (page generated 2021-05-18 23:01 UTC)