[HN Gopher] RPG-CLI - your filesystem as a dungeon
       RPG-CLI - your filesystem as a dungeon
       Author : agluszak
       Score  : 149 points
       Date   : 2021-05-26 09:58 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | hiyer wrote:
       | This is cool as heck!
       | daef wrote:
       | dont try to level up too far thou:
       | hero[160]@/home         hp:[xxxxxxxxxx] -2085599079/-2085599079
       | xp:[xxxxxxx---] 40302/60715         att:-1989316420   def:6
       | spd:697466         equip:{sword[1],shield[1]}
       | item:{escapex15}         5947886g
         | artificialLimbs wrote:
         | You become undead?
       | natemo wrote:
       | This is really creative, nicely done!
       | lburton wrote:
       | reminds me of
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation:_Inner_Space except cli
       | and a rpg :P
         | yissp wrote:
         | I thought of lose/lose http://www.stfj.net/art/2009/loselose/
         | anonydsfsfs wrote:
         | That game is a hidden gem. I e-mailed Software Dynamics about
         | 15 years ago asking them to release it for free so it wouldn't
         | be forgotten (I had already bought a license), but they replied
         | saying they had stopped game development. Oh well.
       | tejtm wrote:
       | A friends housemate had a computer, very fancy, dual floppies
       | think it was branded as "SuperBrain" or something. He showed me
       | Modula-2 which would would render Pascal obsolete and assured me
       | CPM would never be replaced as there were too many programs
       | already written for it. It was all way over my head, but he had
       | this game "Adventure" on it ... about a week or two later it
       | dawned on me that navigating the cave and saying magic words all
       | by typing was really no different than navigating the file system
       | and issuing commands and if I could do the one I could do the
       | other. Stopped playing that game and started this one, no
       | regrets.
       | oauea wrote:
       | Very cool! http://psdoom.sourceforge.net/ is worth a mention as
       | well where you shoot demons to kill your processes.
       | adamius wrote:
       | Throw in a redis client or similar and you could have multiple
       | players battling it out. (Assuming you don't want to put stuff
       | into the actual folder on a per-player basis)
         | facundo_olano wrote:
         | I was thinking about using ssh somehow to turn it into
         | multiplayer.
         | A local, cheaper alternative is to just have different player
         | profiles (with different data files) and make them battle when
         | they both happen to be on the same directory.
           | adamius wrote:
           | I'd assume ssh to get onto the server but you still need a
           | way for the rpgcli instances to talk to each other. Like I
           | already wrote, you could dump files into the folder each
           | player is in, but I'm thinking something like redis or
           | similar would give you messaging/events. This would avoid the
           | need for temporary files recording where each player is in
           | the folder structure; as well as having to clean them up.
           | This would allow an event to be generated when players are in
           | the same folder; allow them to be aware of each other; allow
           | interaction, eg they could draw swords; or interact with the
           | creatures therein. Objects dropped could be seen by both and
           | once picked up are taken by one player etc. Monsters could
           | wander around as well.
           | I'm not referring to messaging / events for just chat
           | purposes even though you could naturally enough do that as
           | well.
       | tastyfreeze wrote:
       | This is great! I spent so much time playing MUDs that I often
       | imagine navigating in CLI as playing a MUD.
         | macintux wrote:
         | I recently became a MUD coder again after a 30 year absence,
         | and it's honestly occasionally a bit confusing. It's kinda a
         | shell, you're doing some directory manipulation, but obviously
         | nothing works the same.
       | rossdavidh wrote:
       | But what happens if your hero is in a directory when a "rmdir" is
       | issued? It also seems like "~/Desktop" should be a tavern or
       | something. Is sftp the equivalent of a teleport? So many
       | possibilities.
         | mLuby wrote:
         | "The room begins to crumble around you. You barely escape the
         | earthshaking rmdir."
         | Dotfiles are invisible unless you use a Flag of True Seeing.
         | (-a)
         | The player could collect and execute scrolls like teleport.bash
         | (provided they have high enough permissions to execute the
         | file).
         | Bard players could charm (chown) hostile enemies to make them
         | friendly.
           | smoldesu wrote:
           | I sense something off in the room... I cast Detect Magic and
           | invoke ls -l
             | mLuby wrote:
             | "Something off in the room" could be mismatched file count,
             | unusual memory footprint, or processes targeting that path.
             | Really hope the user can fight and/or summon daemons too.
             | Final boss could be Zalgo, who slowly corrupts your shell
             | and makes it harder and harder to accurately type commands.
           | rossdavidh wrote:
           | Brilliant.
       | coltons wrote:
       | LOVE this!! Well done :)
       | bandie91 wrote:
       | reminds me of fpsfs (fuse-fps? dont remember the exact name) from
       | the mid 2000's, which was a 3d ftp game with dirs as rooms and
       | files as blocks which you could shoot and so delete :)
       | edit: it was Brutal File Manager - thanks, folmar
         | dspillett wrote:
         | In a similar vein, psdoom as an FPS for process "management":
         | https://www.cs.unm.edu/~dlchao/flake/doom/chi/chi.html
       | peanut_worm wrote:
       | Reminds me of that one old PC game "Virus: The Game"
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus:_The_Game
       | folmar wrote:
       | reminds me of the Brutal File Manager
       | shepherdjerred wrote:
       | I want this same concept, except you have to learn vim commands
       | to win battles
         | nexuist wrote:
         | https://vim-adventures.com/
       (page generated 2021-05-26 23:01 UTC)