[HN Gopher] Show HN: NocoDB - The Open Source Airtable Alternative
       Show HN: NocoDB - The Open Source Airtable Alternative
       Author : nocodb
       Score  : 284 points
       Date   : 2021-05-27 14:47 UTC (8 hours ago)
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       | haolez wrote:
       | Do you happen to have documentation somewhere? I want to
       | understand the option for managing users in the platform (e.g. is
       | Azure AD SSO supported?).
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Adding SSO/SAML would be in our enterprise edition. There isn't
         | a plugin for it the current product for it :)
         | Most of spreadsheet part is self explaining : here are all our
         | demos https://nocodb.com/demos
         | S3 and Google Auth for newbies can be found here :
         | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/tree/master/markdown/plugin...
         | Having said that, we will be working on the documentation
         | series in coming week.
           | haolez wrote:
           | I wouldn't include that in enterprise, since you are creating
           | difficulties for small companies to onboard with you. There
           | are some companies that include SSO in the initial plans,
           | like Zendesk, and they get us to happily pay for the plans
           | that fit our scale. I'm pretty sure you will have other
           | awesome features to include in the enterprise plan.
           | Please, reconsider and good luck! :)
       | cfitprasad wrote:
       | This is cool. Looking forward to playing with our PostgreSQL and
       | MariaDB instances.
       | stinkytaco wrote:
       | Great news. I don't know if anyone remembers this, but there used
       | to be a program called Ecco Pro that Airtable really reminded me
       | of. I haven't run Ecco in probably 20 years to more so I could be
       | entirely off the mark, but the "freeform spreadsheet" seems
       | really similar.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing about Ecco Pro .. just looked it up :
         | http://jkontherun.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/ecco_calend...
         | Was aware of DabbleDB :
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wZmYMWKLkY
         | wolpoli wrote:
         | There is also a similar program called InfoQube, which is the
         | work of a single individual: https://www.infoqube.biz/
       | honkycat wrote:
       | Why didn't I think of this. Looks awesome!
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Please give it a try & join our discord community
         | https://discord.gg/5RgZmkW
       | louisvgchi wrote:
       | How do you plan to make money and sustain vitality from this open
       | source offering?
       | Open source has a lot of overhead, and if you offer "enterprise"
       | versions, others will compete with you, or worse, Amazon may
       | offer your service for free as a bundle.
       | I'm interested in hearing your plan.
       | ggregoire wrote:
       | Kinda off topic but I'm curious, what's the proper strategy to
       | adopt as a company when someone copies your product and
       | distribute it legally for free? Do nothing (individuals & small
       | companies that are going to self host the product were never your
       | market anyway)? Offer a self-hosted plan too? Obviously it
       | depends for each company. I wonder if there are companies who
       | famously changed their offer following the release of a
       | free/self-hosted/open-source competing product.
         | forgotmysn wrote:
         | as crazy as it sounds, there are many large, enterprise clients
         | that have to pay for vendors, they literally are not structured
         | to implement free/O.S. software. i imagine that those large
         | orgs are much more significant contributors to a software
         | company's revenue than the small start-ups that might be more
         | able to implement an O.S. alternative.
           | kkirsche wrote:
           | It's also often used to mitigate risk as you have a vendor to
           | call and offload work, costs, specialization, and other
           | factors to during critical incidents.
             | forgotmysn wrote:
             | not to mention custom feature requests
       | schemescape wrote:
       | FYI: On Safari, the main web site (nocodb.com) content bounces up
       | and down, apparently because of the bouncing logos near the top
       | of the page.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Thank you for mentioning, what is the safari version ? looks
         | good at 11.1.2
       | abdusco wrote:
       | Looks great! Can I extend it? Does it have plugin/hook etc.
       | support?
       | I've just tried it with an SQLite database. It doesn't seem to
       | support `BLOB` columns (that's reasonable). I would have liked to
       | be able to display images in BLOB columns as virtual attachments
       | or show a download link.
       | Edit: It actually does!
       | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/tree/master/packages/nc-plu...
       | But there doesn't seem to be any documentation for it yet.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Yes we have hooks for spreadsheet inserts/updates/deletes and
         | we will be working on the frontend part to make it modularised
         | as mentioned in another comment.
         | https://youtu.be/H4qBE0T47b4
         | Store images in BLOBs - we aren't against it. But we ran short
         | of time to make that work for all databases.
         | For file storage : it used local filesystem if no storage app
         | is installed.
         | You can connect to wide variety of storage services : S3,
         | Minio, BackBlaze, GCS, Azure to name a few. I believe Azure
         | storage isn't tested as we didn't have credits with them :)
       | xemoka wrote:
       | This looks a lot like baserow.io too; nice to see more projects
       | like this opening up spreadsheet/db alternatives.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Although there is similarity, we are radically different.
         | We transform any existing databases MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server
         | & SQLite databases into a spreadsheet. This is a _massive_
         | difference to begin with. And the ability to invite team to
         | collaborate and build business workflow automations with Slack,
         | Twilio is available for everybody. Since the launch today, I
         | have already have close to 25+ plugin requests which sounds
         | reasonable for NocoDB to have! We believe for a horizontal
         | product like NocoDB - developing every app, connector and
         | plugins is just beyond the ability of single team in open
         | source. It is community driven approach that eases this
         | possibility.
           | Artistry121 wrote:
           | Yes! Exactly this. This builds an incredible toolkit that
           | really brings the bicycle of the 21st century into view.
           | vidar wrote:
           | What would you say is the current upper bound on the number
           | of records in a table that you support ?
             | nocodb wrote:
             | There is no limit on upperbound - spreadsheet fetches data
             | from your table in database.
               | 1337shadow wrote:
               | Does it updates them in the database?
               | nocodb wrote:
               | Yes it does which is what it makes it interesting.
       | getwhatelse wrote:
       | Good to see this. Quickest way to build admin apps!
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Yes, I believe NocoDB can be used as admin apps in most
         | backends.
         | We've audit mechanism to track every single action from all our
         | users. And the access control is really fine grained till
         | column level.
       | fcsp wrote:
       | Am I missing something or does this really contain zero tests of
       | any kind? I found some empty cypress boilerplate and
       | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/blob/master/packages/nc-lib...
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Tests are here :
         | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/blob/master/.github/workflo...
         | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/runs/2687614633?check_suite...
           | fcsp wrote:
           | This is the ci jobs that run ci suites, but the GitHub
           | workflow you linked has a ton of stuff commented and also
           | yeah you can run a test suite in CI but if it contains no
           | tests what use is it?
             | nocodb wrote:
             | After 'Cypress' run there is 'Docker' run.
             | And our tests are dockerised so that it could be run
             | locally with minimal setup and on CI too.
             | Please click on 'Docker' then 'Test MySQL REST APIs' &
             | 'Test GraphQL APIs'.
               | fcsp wrote:
               | Could you please post a link to the actual tests being
               | run? GitHub workflows don't give me access to the test
               | logs for the workflow you linked, and judging by test
               | runtime of 1:30 and following the trail of commands it
               | seems this is just spent downloading docker images to run
               | an empty cypress boilerplate?
               | nocodb wrote:
               | Ah, I never imagined those logs are not public! We just
               | moved from travis to actions. This is new to us.
               | Below is the command to run the test for REST APIs
               | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/blob/master/.github/work
               | flo...
               | git clone https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
               | and you can run the same command.
               | fcsp wrote:
               | But there are no tests behind this command?
       | bayindirh wrote:
       | This is AGPL-3.0! Thanks for licensing it this way. It's a bit
       | late here, but I'll try this tomorrow!
       | nocodb wrote:
       | Hey Everybody,
       | We are really excited to open source NocoDB today.
       | NocoDB is an open source Airtable alternative.
       | Github : https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
       | NocoDB works by connecting to any relational database and
       | transforming them into a smart spreadsheet interface!
       | NocoDB currently works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL
       | Server, SQLite, Amazon Aurora & MariaDB databases.
       | This allows you to build no-code business solutions
       | collaboratively with teams.
       | Getting started is simple :                   docker run -p
       | 8080:8080 nocodb/nocodb         or         npx create-nocodb-app
       | Also NocoDB's app store allows you to build business workflows on
       | views with combination of Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord,
       | Twilio, Whatsapp, Email & any 3rd party APIs too. Plus NocoDB
       | provides programmatic access to APIs so that you can build
       | integrations with Zapier / Integromat and custom applications
       | too.
       | For storage you can connect to S3, Mini, GCS, Azure, DigitalOcean
       | spaces & any S3 compatible API
       | NocoDB gives programmatic access to REST & GraphQL APIs. And with
       | our API tokens it can be easily integrated with Zapier /
       | Integromat.
       | - - - - - -
       | Also please join our community at :
       | - Github : https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
       | - Discord : https://discord.gg/5RgZmkW
       | - Twitter : https://twitter.com/nocodb
       | Would love to hear usecases & feedback.
       | Thank you,
       | Team NocoDB
       | edit : made the comment short :)
         | jasonblais wrote:
         | This is an exciting release! Look forward to seeing how this
         | project takes off.
           | nocodb wrote:
           | Thank you.
           | Getting started is really simple - please check below.
           | docker run -p 8080:8080 nocodb/nocodb         or         npx
           | create-nocodb-app
         | Artistry121 wrote:
         | WOW! I am so excited by this. I'm going to build some nice CRMs
         | and project management tools for my clients - small and growing
         | service businesses - and attempt a cool integration with
         | graphing and Matrix.
         | This is so important and the opening up of code / databases to
         | non-technical people will create so much value.
         | Maybe we can work together on it! (I guess, open source means
         | we will be)
         | de6u99er wrote:
         | Looks good in the Github Readme file, but having tested the
         | docker-compose/pg setup via docker-compose I think you still
         | have some work to do. A lot of things result in an error, or
         | are not possible yet.
         | E.g. I tried a simple example with A country table containing
         | an iso-code and a name, and a company table containing a name
         | and a country. Somehow I can not use the iso code in the
         | company table, I am forced to use the auto-incrementing primary
         | key. I am not able to set iso-code column as unique which would
         | solve my issue.
         | The app has also UI problems. E.g. when adding a new row, one
         | the last field edited seems to be still in editing mode since
         | the value is left-bound and not centered like the other values.
         | Only after entering another field the value seems to be
         | recognized as changed and I can save the data.
         | Clicking on "Swagger apis dock" results in following error
         | message "Cannot GET /nc/testproject_rest_api_HZOx/v1/graphql".
         | Having added a few images via attachment column, I noticed that
         | I can access those from a incognito window where I am
         | definitely not logged in.
         | Steps to reproduce:
         | 1. connect to database container -> docker-compose exec --user
         | postgres xcdb psql
         | 2. connect to database -> \c xcdb
         | 3. list tables -> \d
         | 4. select data from the table with attachments (in my case the
         | company table) -> select * from xa1__company;
         | 5. copy one of the urls and paste it in an incognito tab
         | ---------------------------------
         | Another issue that I see is that it relies a lot on external
         | libraries, of which this one has been blocked by my ad-blocker
         | --> https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-2297736.js?sv=6
         | Hotjar seems to be a tool tracking the user interactions with
         | the product -> https://www.hotjar.com/
         | This is where I stopped evaluating your product LOL
           | nocodb wrote:
           | Thanks for your report.
           | With regards to Swagger thing, we allow to create multiple
           | projects within same schema too! And this happens in NC_DB
           | only - I imagine we 've an issue with Swagger related model
           | creation. This should be straight forward.
           | At row edit part - we will work on your feedback.
             | de6u99er wrote:
             | What about the hotjar part and external JS libraries? (I
             | might have edited my previous comment in the meanwhile and
             | you might not have seen it)
         | _jal wrote:
         | Cool, I will be playing with this tonight.
         | I haven't built a webapp in several years, and was just trying
         | to find a way to offer access to a DB for a non-technical
         | person. After seeing my options for UI were (still!) basically
         | Access and go-build-something, was resigned to losing my
         | weekend to coming back up to speed with Django, but it looks
         | like this should be fine.
           | nocodb wrote:
           | >> Was just trying to find a way to offer access to a DB for
           | a non-technical person
           | Yes, you can say we are advanced version of MS Access for all
           | databases that can talk to even 3rd party apps.
           | davnicwil wrote:
           | You should check out Stacker [0] and see if it works for your
           | usecase - we let you build apps without code using Airtable
           | or Google Sheets as a backend. Might be what you need if time
           | is of the essence and you don't want to worry about hosting
           | either. I work at Stacker, my email's in my profile if you
           | have any questions.
           | [0] https://stackerhq.com
         | yarapavan wrote:
         | Congratulations! Exciting to see nocodb adding to the low-
         | code/no-code scene today. Best wishes to you and your team.
         | 1. What is your monetization strategy? 2. Why AGPL? 3. Is there
         | a tutorial or documentation on creating additional
         | integrations?
           | nocodb wrote:
           | Thank you so much.
           | Monetization we'll figure it out whilst interacting with our
           | community. AGPL : we don't want to be sorry with likes of AWS
           | etc around :) This wouldn't stop you from using it freely or
           | commercially.
           | We would be rolling out the tutorial for adding integrations.
             | scotu wrote:
             | Happy to see you try AGPL honestly. It might turn out to
             | not be the right choice, but I think as a license it didn't
             | get a fair test because of how businesses avoiding viral
             | licenses made software authors shy away from them. With the
             | AWS situation I really wish to see more use, and if it can
             | be successful.
         | steveharman wrote:
         | Please forgive the total-noob question but once I've hooked up
         | to say a mySQL db - can I write _to_ the db as well as read
         | _from_ it?
         | Thanks
           | nocodb wrote:
           | Yes, its just like your google spreadsheets. You can
           | insert/edit/delete. And share views with and without
           | password.
             | steveharman wrote:
             | Fantastic, thanks!
       | drannex wrote:
       | This looks absolutely fantastic!
       | Is there any chance to build in SQL (specifically, Postgres)
       | commands similar to how Supabase does into the UI? (I should also
       | mention, this looks perhaps even better than Supabase and easier
       | to get up and running on your own system!). The built in REST and
       | GraphQL API points are beautiful.
       | Looking forward to using this!
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Thank you for the kind feedback.
         | >> Is there any chance to build in SQL commands.
         | We've full fledged SQL Editor support in the product. Also
         | support for SQL views, procedures etc. It is not shown in UI as
         | there is lot to take in. So it will be in shortly :)
         | NocoDB can be run as a single node.js file which has just SIX
         | lines of code in it.
         | So entire NocoDB stack can be run a repl.it / glitch too! :) -
         | This makes it insanely powerful & ubiquitous.
         | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb-seed/blob/main/index.js
       | antman wrote:
       | This looks more featured than Seatable I was looking into. A few
       | questions on features and plans:
       | 1. Are all the views mobile friendly,
       | 2. Any plan for a map view,
       | 3. Multiple views in a page? (aka dashboard)
       | 4. How does AGPL affect getting payed to create a solution based
       | on this? I'm not talking about offering it as a service as is as
       | happens with elastic, redis and the cloud providers.
       | 5. How do we create plugins?
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Thank you. Have created the issues as below.
         | 1. #158
         | 2. #159
         | 3. #160
         | 4. AGPL doesn't stop you getting payed for creating your own
         | solution based out of this. The preferred way to run it is as
         | docker. And if there are changes in NocoDB code, it needs to be
         | shared back with community. Otherwise, it is absolutely fine to
         | use it.
         | 5. Plugin/apps is at the heart of NocoDB. Whilst backend part
         | of plugin is modularised, frontend has to be done. And we are
         | using NuxtJs which happened to be an excellent choice for this.
         | The documentation will follow soon.
         | vineyardmike wrote:
         | You should also check out BaseRow if this interests you... i'm
         | not affiliated, just a fan
         | https://baserow.io/
       | sdfhbdf wrote:
       | Interested that the project started as a REST API generator for
       | any MySQL database [1], and then in a year was transformed to
       | what can be seen today from what I gather following the git log.
       | [1]: https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/tree/0.4.9
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Yes, Xmysql was a hobby project originally submitted on HN.
         | Below is the gist of it.
         | We open sourced two API solutions before NocoDB : - A no-code
         | REST APIs generator for any MySQL DB. ~200,000 Docker pulls.
         | This was a hobby project & had no GUI. - A low-code REST-
         | GraphQL APIs generator for any database with GUI. Used by 100s
         | of companies. Including fortune 500s & publicly trading
         | companies.
         | The thing that surprised us the most was that even non-
         | developers started using our API products & rooting for us.
         | Whilst everybody loved instant API access to databases, it was
         | slow-and-painful for them to build UI and collaborate with
         | their teams. This made us to radically recombine the power of
         | our 2 API products then transform them into something better.
       | tegansnyder wrote:
       | Is anyone aware of something similar that supports Redshift? I
       | have some colleagues that would benefit from a UI on top of a few
       | Redshift tables to manage data (edit/import/delete).
         | nocodb wrote:
         | What tools have your tried with redshift ? which has helped.
         | Does a spreadsheet like thing help for columnar database ?
         | Please let us know usecases.
           | tegansnyder wrote:
           | We haven't tried anything yet. I'm about to get some users
           | setup with ODBC access in Excel to make some manual data
           | edits. Essentially we have some core data and some metadata
           | that is managed manually and I'm looking for a light weight
           | UI that these users can use to manage the metadata tables in
           | Redshift.
       | dadrian wrote:
       | Is Airtable being closed-source a problem anyone has ever had?
       | "I was going to use this hosted, no-code spreadsheet/database
       | platform, but then I realized it's closed source!" is not
       | something anyone who ever would have paid for Airtable has ever
       | said.
         | krrrh wrote:
         | I guess this can be implemented as an admin layer on your own
         | application, and also handle sensitive data that may not be
         | copied to a third party for various reasons including
         | regulatory.
         | I've used a lot of pluggable admin interfaces for opening up
         | tables to interrogation and manipulation by non tech people,
         | and this seems better than those, and airtable was usually
         | never on the table.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Fair enough, having it as open source and work with existing
         | databases opens up entirely new usecase & opportunities.
         | vineyardmike wrote:
         | I want to run this on a raspberry pi/desktop computer and have
         | access to all the features i want for free, and you don't get
         | that with Airtable - but you do foor a FOSS solution. Hobby
         | users like me probably don't want lots of SaaS platforms when
         | they can self host. Airtable is _the_ SaaS i like the most, and
         | desperately wanted it to self host.
         | Also, while the data isn't critical for me, a self-hosted
         | solution ensures the data is private.
         | maddyboo wrote:
         | It seems like it would make sense for teams that would prefer
         | an on-prem or privately hosted solution without paying
         | enterprise rates. It's also probably cheaper for teams in
         | general depending on how much work it takes to install and
         | administer.
         | According to their support site, Airtable doesn't even support
         | on-prem. [0]
         | [0]: https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-
         | us/articles/202576389-Can...
         | fragileone wrote:
         | Well it was the case for me, I'm tired of getting locked into
         | proprietary systems so a FOSS alternative is perfect.
       | philsnow wrote:
       | This is great, I've been getting into using airtable / coda for
       | some house management stuff, but I've not liked that it's in the
       | cloud (because I want to be more sure that I can look back 5
       | years and still see it).
       | I love the audit table, that's a nice touch.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | :)
       | lardissone wrote:
       | Awesome. Tried it and it's so beautiful!
       | Would it be possible to use planetscale as db?
         | nocodb wrote:
         | >> Tried it and it's so beautiful!
         | Thank you it means so much.
         | Yes, in our earlier version we could connect to Planetscale and
         | create tables (this was at inception stage). With recent
         | Planetscale release DDL are no longer supported and branching
         | is the way. We would love to support if anything changes.
       | syntaxing wrote:
       | Anybody have a a good recommendation how to self deploy that's
       | internet accessible? I'm worried messing something up and
       | exposing my network. Or deploying on the cloud be better?
         | nocodb wrote:
         | This is our 1-Click/1-Command shell script on fresh ubuntu
         | machine.
         | But we havent tested it recently. It installs docker, mysql,
         | letsencrypt etc and help you set. You can try it.
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | Looks good - for monetization you should make the integrations
       | paid and the core thing free.
         | Artistry121 wrote:
         | Or build consulting, management and integration partners.
         | Strategic use of tools / trainings, etc. are really important.
         | See how Oracle grows with consulting teams.
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback. Much like Wordpress plugins ?
           | gwbrooks wrote:
           | Speaking of Wordpress: This would be an amazing tool for
           | someone managing a lot of Wordpress sites -- I can picture it
           | allowing for global changes across multiple sites, bulk
           | content uploads, etc.
           | Almost certainly not your primary use case, but probably a
           | quick way to gain market penetration if you or someone in the
           | community built an integration for that purpose.
             | jimkleiber wrote:
             | I was just thinking/hoping that it would connect with
             | Wordpress DBs. I use an app to do it now (WP Sheet Editor)
             | and yet imagine NocoDB could be much more powerful.
             | Any ideas about if it would be possible to connect it and
             | if so, how?
       | handoyosutanto wrote:
       | This is such an excellent release! I am already thinking of a
       | many of use cases for our own org by combining this with Next.JS
       | and build a self-hosted no-code API powered, headless CMS!
         | nocodb wrote:
         | Totally, makes sense.
         | NocoDB can be run as a single node.js file and it is just SIX
         | lines of code.
         | https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb-seed/blob/main/index.js
         | Just mount nocodb into your express.js and it's done.
           | agustif wrote:
           | Could you elaborate more on this? wouldn't require docker if
           | hooking up the middleware into express?
           | Would this work for a blitzjs/nextjs app?
           | thx! really cool stuff
             | nocodb wrote:
             | Wouldn't require docker if hooking up the middleware into
             | express?
             | Yes, absolutely.
             | We worked really hard to make it minimal :)
             | Please give it a quick try with below                  npx
             | create-nocodb-app
               | agustif wrote:
               | edit: didn't work for me with npm, must be my local env.
               | did work with yarn tho yarn create nocodb-app
               | will look it up
               | nocodb wrote:
               | ah ok.
               | Was this on windows ? You might have to start command
               | prompt with administrator privileges. Some of our users
               | ran into these.
       | seymores wrote:
       | Cool! How to integrate with Okta?
         | nocodb wrote:
         | SSO / SAML will be be in enterprise versions.
           | noconoco wrote:
           | Given that the project is AGPL without any CLA, how do you
           | plan on doing that, if you don't mind me asking? Some sort of
           | portal in front that does this on your behalf?
           | Asking since I've considered AGPL for my own projects and
           | wanted to monetize via making SAML/SSO "premium" and found
           | that I could not do this easily without CLA
       | owlbynight wrote:
       | This looks amazing, thank you.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | Can this pull from home assistant out of interest? Sqllite of
       | influxdb ?
         | nocodb wrote:
         | >> home assistant out of interest? Sqllite of influxdb ?
         | Sorry could you help elaborate on this.
         | You want to access home assistant data which is in sqlite or
         | something.
       (page generated 2021-05-27 23:00 UTC)