[HN Gopher] Zellij - a friendlier tmux or screen in rust
       Zellij - a friendlier tmux or screen in rust
       Author : synergy20
       Score  : 28 points
       Date   : 2021-05-28 14:35 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (zellij.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (zellij.dev)
       | jamesmunns wrote:
       | Hooooooly cow. Those on-screen hints are amazing. I've never
       | learned tmux commands, and this reminds me of everything I liked
       | about `nano`.
       | I might rebind my i3 keys to match these bindings somehow.
         | O_H_E wrote:
         | +100
         | Discoverability is very underrated
       | mthoms wrote:
       | I'm only a casual user of tmux (and its iterm2 integration).
       | Besides plugins, I'm not really sure from the website how this is
       | a better ("friendlier") option. Anyone?
         | livre wrote:
         | It has the keyboard shortcuts right there on the screen so you
         | don't have to remember them. This is very useful for people
         | like me who can never learn them no matter how many years we
         | use the software. The use of [] and hjkl for moving around is
         | less friendly though, I can use the more intuitive arrow keys
         | with tmux, this isn't the 80s anymore, the arrow keys work well
         | in any modern terminal emulator. Also the square brackets keys
         | only work well in English keyboards.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | With tmux the leader key (default ^b) followed by '?' will
           | show you the keyboard shortcuts. There are few shortcuts that
           | are so common that I want them on my screen all the time, but
           | uncommon enough I don't have them memorized...
             | livre wrote:
             | > With tmux the leader key (default ^b) followed by '?'
             | I used to know that, thanks, but you aren't the first
             | person to point that to me and won't be the last. My memory
             | is really bad and by the time I have to use that again I
             | will forget that it exists. For someone like me a command
             | like that has to be visible on the screen at all times, I
             | can't nemorize things no matter how much I try.
             | To summarize, my problem isn't just that I forget that X
             | action's shortcut, it is that I forget that X can be done
             | and that also prevents me from searching "how to do X with
             | tmux" because I don't even remember X.
       (page generated 2021-05-28 23:02 UTC)