[HN Gopher] Best practices around creating production ready web ...
       Best practices around creating production ready web apps with
       Docker Compose
       Author : nickjj
       Score  : 183 points
       Date   : 2021-06-01 18:25 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (nickjanetakis.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (nickjanetakis.com)
       | oliwary wrote:
       | I have really enjoyed working with docker compose for
       | development. For production, there is a great guide by the
       | creator of FastAPI on how to spin up a docker swarm cluster to
       | use almost the same files here:
       | https://dockerswarm.rocks/
       | barbazoo wrote:
       | > web:
       | > <<: _default-app
       | > ...
       | > worker:
       | > <<: _default-app
       | This is always somewhat of a code smell to me. This makes me want
       | to dig deeper and see if the two use cases shouldn't have been
       | separated into separate Docker files or even separate apps.
         | TameAntelope wrote:
         | I tend to start with monolith and split things out when I get
         | frustrated with how coupled they are.
         | pentium166 wrote:
         | It seems reasonable to me (for a compose-in-prod setup). The
         | standard setup (at least for Rails, in my experience) is that
         | the web server and background job processor will have the same
         | dependencies and nearly identical configuration. Until the app
         | has gone off the rails and I really do need to have the server
         | and worker diverge, this approach seems like less to worry
         | about than maintaining multiple images and duplicated but 98%
         | identical container definitions.
       | znpy wrote:
       | Pro-tip: nowadays podman can pretend to be a kubernetes cluster
       | and launch pod And deployment definitions (in yaml, of course).
       | That of course is way close to the "production" in "production
       | ready".
         | buildbot wrote:
         | Without podman-compose too! I didn't know this was the case
         | now: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/compose-kubernetes-podman
         | ecliptik wrote:
         | That sounds really cool. Do you happen to have a good link for
         | this?
           | buildbot wrote:
           | Not GP, but Perhaps https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/compose-
           | kubernetes-podman?
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | Also daemonless and rootless
       | nonameiguess wrote:
       | I had remembered docker's own documentation in the past
       | recommending against using compose at all in production, but that
       | is apparently no longer the case:
       | https://docs.docker.com/compose/production/
       | I'm fairly surprised by this. You can deploy a fairly similar
       | compose file into a Docker swarm cluster, but if you're doing a
       | single-server deployment of everything, that is awfully brittle
       | for production, to say nothing of considerations brought up in
       | other comments where you may be using managed services from a
       | cloud provider for things like database and caching in production
       | but you're probably just spinning up a local postgres server on
       | your laptop for development.
         | throwaway2139 wrote:
         | https://github.com/docker/compose-on-kubernetes looks dead now,
         | maybe for misguided political reasons while they remain in
         | denial that swarm might compete? But it's too bad, there's no
         | reason some k8s api/operator thing can't make this
         | frictionless.
         | Still, someone already mentioned docker-desktop having some
         | tricks for deploying straight to aws and [there is definitely a
         | way to do this with
         | ecs](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/deploy-
         | applications-...). There's also tools like kompose which
         | translate configs automatically and are suitable for use in a
         | pipeline, so the only thing you need is a compose file in
         | version control.
         | So yes, you can still basically use compose in production, even
         | on a non-swarm cluster, and it's fine. A lot of people that
         | push back against this are perhaps just invested in their own
         | mad kubectl'ing and endless wrangling with esoteric templates
         | and want to push all this on their teammates. From what I've
         | seen, that's often to the detriment of local development
         | experience and budgeting, because if even your dev environment
         | always requires EKS, that gets expensive. (Using
         | external/managed databases is always a good idea, but beside
         | the main point here I think. You can do that or not with or
         | without docker-compose or helm packages or whatever, and you
         | can even do that for otherwise totally local development on a
         | shared db cluster if you design things for multi-tenant)
         | At this point I'll face facts that the simple myth here
         | (docker-compose is merely a toy) is winning out over the
         | reality (docker-compose is partly a tool but isn't a platform,
         | and it's just a format/description language). But consider..
         | pure k8s, k8s-helm, ECS cloudformation, k8s-terraforming over
         | EKS, and docker-compose _all_ have pretty stable schemas that
         | require almost all the same data and any one of them could
         | pretty reasonably be considered as a lingua-franca that you
         | could build the other specs from (even programmatically).
         | From this point of view there's an argument that for lots of
         | simple yet serious projects, docker-compose should win by
         | default because it is at the bottom of the complexity ladder.
         | It's almost exactly the minimal usable subset of the abstract
         | description language we're working with, and one that's easy to
         | onboard with and requires the least dependencies to actually
         | run. For example: even without kompose it's trivial to automate
         | pulling data _out_ of the canonical docker-compose yaml and
         | injecting that _into_ terraform as part of CD pipeline for your
         | containers on EKS; then you keep options for local-developer
         | experience open and you 're maintaining a central source of
         | truth for common config so that your config/platform is not
         | diverging more than it has to.
         | I'm an architect who works closely with ops, and in many ways
         | not a huge fan of docker-compose. But I like self-service and
         | you-ship-it-you-run it kinds of things that are essential for
         | scaling orgs. So for simple stuff I'd rather just use compose
         | as the main single-source-of-truth than answer endless
         | bootstrappy questions about k8s or ECS if I'm working with
         | others who don't have my depth of knowledge. (Obviously compose
         | has been popular for a reason, which is that kubernetes really
         | is still too complicated for a lot of people and use-cases.)
         | Don't like these ready-made options for compose-on-ECS, or
         | compose-to-k8s via kompose? Ok, just give me your working
         | docker-compose and I'll find a way to deploy it to any other
         | new weird platform, and if I need some pull-values/place-
         | values/render-template song and dance with one more weird DSL
         | for one more weird target deployment platform, then so be it.
         | I've often found the alternative here is a lot of junior devs
         | deciding that deployment/dev-bootstrap is just too confusing,
         | their team doesn't help them and pushes them to an external
         | cloud-engineering team who doesn't want to explain this again
         | because there's docs and 10 examples that went unfollowed, so
         | then junior devs just code without testing it all until they
         | have to when QA is broken. Sometimes the whole org is junior
         | devs in the sense that they have zero existing familiarity with
         | docker, much less kubernetes! Keep things as simple as
         | possible, no simpler.
         | Seen this argument a million times, and no doubt platform
         | choices are important but even pivoting on platforms is
         | surprisingly easy these days. When you consider that compose is
         | not itself a platform but just basically a subset of a wider
         | description language, this all starts to seem a bit like a json
         | vs yaml debate. If you need comments and anchors, then you want
         | yaml. If you need serious packaging/dependencies of a bunch of
         | related microservices, and a bunch of nontrivial JIT value
         | lookup/rendering, then you want helm. But beyond org/situation
         | specific considerations like this, the difference doesn't
         | matter much. My main take-away lately is that leadership needs
         | to actually decide/enforce where the org will stand on topics
         | like "local development workflows"; it's crazy to have a team
         | divided where half is saying "we develop on laptops with
         | docker-compose" and half is saying "we expect to deploy to EKS
         | in the dev environment". In that circumstance you just double
         | your footprint of junk to support and because everyone wants to
         | be perfectly pleased, everyone is annoyed.
         | reportt wrote:
         | Using the docker-compose.override.yml helps with that. In local
         | you can just have those services/configurations added, and then
         | the production environment doesn't even need to know they
         | exist.
       | wiktorcie wrote:
       | just use dokku instead, it's much easier. Why bother with docker
       | compose?
         | clintonb wrote:
         | Dokku has a lot of overhead to run.
       | layoric wrote:
       | Not for production, but used it for deployments to remote servers
       | via SSH using GitHub Actions. Wrote a guide and video tutorial of
       | how to as well, it uses nginx proxy and surprisingly updates were
       | zero down time since the nginx proxy didn't change and handles
       | switching app ports seamlessly. For low traffic app could be used
       | for production but I wouldn't since it is a single server
       | deployment setup. Good for dev/test environment, I use this
       | pattern for 20+ live demo apps on a single server.
       | Tutorial: https://docs.servicestack.net/do-github-action-mix-
       | deploymen...
       | Video: https://youtu.be/0PvzcnxlBvc
       | peterthehacker wrote:
       | Running docker compose in production is not a good practice from
       | what I understand. The persistence layers, like MySQL or Redis,
       | shouldn't be managed with local volumes. If you want to do
       | something like this then kubernetes with persistent volume claims
       | would be better, but running databases in k8s can be pretty
       | tricky. Most of the time RDS is the best practice for your DB.
         | zmmmmm wrote:
         | Swapping out the persistence layer in prod vs dev is one of the
         | topics covered by the article, for the reasons you mention.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | Docker Compose now works natively with AWS ECS, so you could
       | conceivably "scale" Docker Compose. Plus there's AWS's _ecs-cli_
       | which can work, though IIRC you basically have to maintain two
       | different configs, one for local development, one for remote.
       | And that's the general flaw in using Compose outside of local
       | development. It's simply not designed as a general purpose (and
       | thus large-scale) deployment orchestrator. If you get it working
       | locally, you _probably_ need a different setup for remote. That
       | affects things like testing, which means it 's not really the
       | same in dev as in prod. And even if it were, Compose isn't
       | persistent, meaning it's just a script to start jobs on some
       | other thing.
       | Every time I've worked on a team that tried to do Compose in
       | production (or even just for CI) it ended up a weird snowflake or
       | with duplicate processes, and we replaced it with something more
       | standard. My standard advice now is to model both production and
       | local development to be as close as possible and then pick the
       | simplest method to support that use case. In general this means
       | going from "Compose on one host" to Swarm/Nomad/ECS on multiple
       | hosts to K8s. And of course, try to make your CI use the same
       | exact methods you use for dev and prod, so that using CI doesn't
       | give you different results than in dev or prod.
       | mdoms wrote:
       | I don't understand his "Avoiding 2 Compose Files for Dev and Prod
       | with an Override File" point. He just says it, but never
       | justifies it.
         | nickjj wrote:
         | Hi,
         | It's mentioned on video and briefly in the blog post. It's so
         | you don't have to duplicate a bunch of services between 2 files
         | while you slightly change a bit of configuring for those
         | services depending on the environment you're in, or even
         | running different containers all together (which is the problem
         | the override file solves).
         | randompwd wrote:
         | It's a terrible idea that's why.
         | It comes with far more(&more dangerous) downsides than upsides.
         | It's a rookie mistake for simple applications which most people
         | learn to not do.
         | reportt wrote:
         | The idea is that you have a core structure that is used in both
         | local/dev environment and the prod environment, with just the
         | override applying changes. For example, your local override
         | might have the "build" configuration, whereas the dev
         | environment or production environment docker-compose should not
         | have that configuration (assuming you are pulling from a
         | private registry). That single core docker-compose.yml can be
         | copied to any environment it needs and it should just run the
         | app, but if you really, really need to override something for a
         | specific reason, it's not hard to do it without modifying the
         | core docker-compose.yml.
         | trinovantes wrote:
         | Probably so you don't have duplicate settings in docker-
         | compose.prod.yml and docker-compose.dev.yml when the only
         | difference is probably just 1 line specifying NODE_ENV etc.
       | stevebmark wrote:
       | I haven't heard of using docker compose for production
       | development, only local development. In production I normally see
       | people building production images and spinning up them up in
       | their cloud with Terraform and whatever other infrastructure they
       | need, especially for databases where your local MySQL container
       | isn't going to be configured or provisioned like an AWS RDS
       | instance. What do you hand a docker-compose file off to in
       | production? Swarm? When would you choose this path over a
       | separate system to provision your production resources (like
       | Terraform)?
         | symlinkk wrote:
         | Why would you NOT choose this path? Local and prod are the same
         | with this method, that's a big advantage.
         | osrec wrote:
         | We use docker compose in production, but have our own custom
         | tooling based around it.
         | K8s was a little too complex and docker swarm a little too
         | simple. Rolling our own solution was a last resort, but it
         | worked out well in the end - more control, deeper understanding
         | and no nasty surprises in behaviour while scaling etc.
           | dariusj18 wrote:
           | I found that Hashicorp Nomad fit really well in between k8s
           | and swarm for power to complexity. I ended up not being able
           | to use it because they hadn't implemented the networking
           | stuff that they eventually got, but it's pretty cool stuff.
         | ensignavenger wrote:
         | Docker Swarm is one option, but Docker Desktop has the ability
         | to deploy from a Compose file directly to AWS. There are
         | additional tools for other platforms. See
         | https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/deploy-applications-...
         | for example.
         | pricechild wrote:
         | It's currently in preview, but https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
         | us/azure/app-service/quickstar... doesn't look bad.
         | cs02rm0 wrote:
         | I don't think you would in prod, unless you were happy with it
         | all running on one host.
         | Shame really, I find compose simple and neat and k8s+terraform
         | an unsettling mess.
           | 411111111111111 wrote:
           | Docker swarm deploys to multiple hosts and there is also
           | kompose for k8s.
           | I haven't used either of them in production though
         | namdnay wrote:
         | Same here, docker compose is a great little tool for local
         | development. You can get your apps up and running with their
         | respective elasticsearches and localstacks etc, then attach to
         | process if needed to debug
         | For anything more serious, Terraform makes much more sense IMHO
         | nickjj wrote:
         | OP here.
         | A lot of my clients are happily using Docker Compose in
         | production. Some even run a million dollar / year businesses on
         | a single $40 / month server. It doesn't get handed off to Swarm
         | or another service, it's literally docker-compose up --remove-
         | orphans -d with a few lines of shell scripting to do things
         | like pull the new image beforehand.
         | You can still use Terraform to set up your infrastructure,
         | Docker Compose ends up being something you run on your server
         | once it's been provisioned. Whether or not you decide to use a
         | managed database service is up to you, both scenarios work. The
         | blog post and video even cover how you can use a local DB in
         | development but a managed DB in production using the same
         | docker-compose.yml file, in the end all you have to do is
         | configure 1 environment variable to configure your database at
         | the app level with any web framework.
           | merb wrote:
           | how do you handle no downtime deployments? how do you backup
           | data?
           | I rather would use kompose+kustomize to convert it to k8s and
           | than use k3s with ingress-nginx with hostPath and backup
           | local volumes with velero.
             | zmmmmm wrote:
             | > I rather would use ...
             | you'd rather use six complex things instead of one simple
             | one?
               | merb wrote:
               | well I asked, because everybody answered either with the
               | following:
               | > we do not care about no downtime or stateless nodes and
               | a lb in front
               | and b:
               | > backup with the standard tooling or stateless nodes
               | so basically they just use it mostly to "package" the
               | application and everything else is probably done with
               | different tooling.
             | vbsteven wrote:
             | I'm not the parent but I'll pitch in on this as I have a
             | few client projects using docker compose for production.
             | No downtime deployments: I don't bother for these projects.
             | A minute of downtime in off-peak hours for a restart is
             | fine.
             | Data backup: just like you would backup any other local
             | data: cron, rsync, pg_dump. And there isn't much local data
             | anyway as most services are stateless, using S3 or a
             | database for long term storage.
             | I choose docker compose for production when I want to keep
             | complexity to a minimum: All I need is a cloud vm, an
             | ansible playbook to install docker and configure backups.
             | Typically in these scenarios I run the database as an OS
             | service and only use docker for nginx/redis and application
             | services.
               | angrais wrote:
               | Why do you use the database as an OS service and not in
               | docker?
               | Using it in docker would allow easier local development,
               | and shorter setup time.
             | aprdm wrote:
             | How's it different than running things with pure docker or
             | before docker? There were backups and no downtime
             | deployments before docker became a thing... docker compose
             | is already a layer above docker (but really just docker).
               | merb wrote:
               | yeah but stuff like that is hard and not solved with
               | compose, you can update your compose but that would
               | result in downtime, so you can either do a/b (blue/green)
               | deploys or you somehow reload the content inside the
               | container?! everything that needs special tooling.
             | mamcx wrote:
             | You don't always need "no downtime deployments", few
             | minutes are tolerated in many environments (I work in
             | enterprise software, where it could be days!).
             | Backups? You only need backups or the Db, and that have
             | zero impact in the use of docker or not*
             | *ie: I know what very complex setups the micro-service crow
             | use for serve their smalls-size disruptive app. I still
             | think cron + pg_dump + rsync is more than enough...
               | merb wrote:
               | well I'm asking because I have a docker-compose file and
               | I use kustomize+kompose on it, because volume backup is a
               | thing and the file comes from an upstream vendor and we
               | can actually miss a few minutes/hours/days of uptime, but
               | since the databases also use compose and sadly in a way
               | that I can't remove it (migrate.sh script that makes use
               | of compose commands), else I can use my kustomize+kompose
               | setup which basically replaces the kustomize+kompose with
               | a custom init container that I built, however everytime
               | they change their shell scripts I need to fix my stuff...
               | but they say that I should just backup my whole volume/vm
               | via lvm snapshots or via vmware whatever. which I find a
               | little bit akward and I do not want to backup my data
               | with disk snapshots. another way would be to natively
               | backup stuff via compose, but they use many databases and
               | it's way harder than just use velero.
             | mhuffman wrote:
             | Another one here! I use docker-compose, normal periodic DB
             | backups to S3 and a twilio script that can use a lambda
             | function to reload the entire system or parts of it by
             | simple phone commands when necessary. Site does millions of
             | views per day.
             | lmeyerov wrote:
             | We've been doing this because alternatives like k8s burned
             | out time, $, and other team members, and our on-prem
             | customers like it operationally vs k8s. SW teams ran high
             | uptime stuff before k8s, and you can still do most of those
             | tricks. We're revisiting, but selectively and only b/c
             | we're now getting into trickier scenarios like multi-az and
             | potentially elastic GPUs for our SaaS offering
             | Ex:
             | - blue/green stateless nodes
             | - DNS/load balancer pointer flips
             | - Do the DB as a managed saas in the cloud and only ^^^ for
             | app servers
             | - Backups: We've been simply syncing (rsync, pg_dump, ..)
             | w/ basic backup testing as part of our launch flow
             | (stressed as part of blue/green flow), and cloud services
             | automate blob backups. We're moving to DBaaS for doing that
             | better, which involves taking the DB out of our app for our
             | SaaS users
             | In practice, our service availability has been largely
             | degraded by external infra factors, like Azure's DNS going
             | down, than by not using k8s/swarms for internal infra.
             | Likewise, our own logic bugs causing QoS issues that don't
             | show up in our 9's reports.
         | zmmmmm wrote:
         | > What do you hand a docker-compose file off to in production
         | Why hand it off to anything?
         | > When would you choose this path over a separate system to
         | provision your production resources
         | When you have a simple system with modest availability
         | requirements and you don't like unnecessary complexity.
       (page generated 2021-06-01 23:00 UTC)