[HN Gopher] Astro: Ship Less JavaScript
       Astro: Ship Less JavaScript
       Author : feross
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2021-06-08 20:46 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (astro.build)
 (TXT) w3m dump (astro.build)
       | m1117 wrote:
       | I want some demos. One demo=thousand readmes.
         | fks wrote:
         | Run `npm create astro` in any directory to load one of 4
         | starter demos!
           | tchetwin wrote:
           | Suspect that should be `npm init astro` or `yarn create
           | astro`.
           | TIL: npm initializers, thanks!
       | fks wrote:
       | :wave: Hey everyone, one of the Astro creators here! Happy to
       | talk Astro or answer any questions you have about what we're
       | building.
       | Our README has a bunch more info that we couldn't fit into the
       | release post: https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro
         | zanethomas wrote:
         | very interesting, i'm going to try it out with a vue project
         | soon
         | superjan wrote:
         | Hi, looks like a great development for developers and users
         | alike. But I am curious how you intend to make money from this.
         | Or is this a not for profit initiative?
           | gmmeyer wrote:
           | it seems like it's just an OSS project no need to make money
         | whelming_wave wrote:
         | How does this compare to Elder.js[1] which released a little
         | while ago? You seem to have similar goals - mostly static site
         | with small amounts of interactivity, minimum JS to achieve that
         | - but Astro supports multiple frameworks, while Elder.js is
         | restricted to Svelte. Are there any other big differences?
         | [1]: https://elderguide.com/tech/elderjs/
           | fks wrote:
           | Elder is great! We're definitely fans. both Elder and Astro
           | deliver Partial Hydration and the same "0kb JS by default"
           | story. We wanted something less Svelte-specific and more
           | pluggable, along with some other neat features mentioned in
           | the README that couldn't fit in the launch post.
           | nickreese wrote:
           | Hey Elder.js author here. Only browsed their docs but here
           | are the things that stand out in very quick read:
           | - Framework agnostic but uses their own .astro
           | language/filetype. Elder.js is Svelte only.
           | - Both support partial hydration and they appear to offer
           | similar options as Elder.js
           | - Elder.js' target isn't building a small site but a large
           | one. So data flow and making the data model pluggable via
           | hooks and plugins really makes this possible in a way we
           | haven't seen other framework approach it. We've heavily
           | dogfooded Elder.js for building major SEO assets. Fetch as
           | the main way of getting external data in Astro where Elder.js
           | leaves that up to you and gives you complete control allowing
           | various database or filesystem sources.
           | - Unclear on their build process.
           | - Elder.js is express middleware (SSR) and a static site
           | generator. Astro appears to just be a SSG. (Some of our sites
           | are outgrowing SSG so the flexibility matters).
           | - No shortcode support, hooks, or plugins.
           | My take is that Astro might be a good fit for simpler use-
           | cases but may stumble when you need more control or go
           | against their model. Elder.js has similar opinions but tries
           | to put you in full control. That comes at a complexity cost
           | which Astro appears to do a good job of simplifying but I'd
           | need to dig in deeper to see what tradeoffs were made in
           | order to make things simpler.
           | Happy to see more people taking partial hydration seriously.
           | Edit: formatting
         | mwcampbell wrote:
         | Congrats on the release. For some reason when I heard of Astro,
         | I thought it was a dynamic server-side rendering framework, not
         | a static site builder. But I'm sure someone else will take on
         | SSR with islands if they haven't already.
         | Also:
         | > Astro is and always will be free. It is an open source
         | project released under the MIT license.
         | > We care deeply about building a more sustainable future for
         | open source software. At the same time, we need to support
         | Astro's development long-term. This requires money (donations
         | alone aren't enough.)
         | Why make it harder for yourselves by choosing such a permissive
         | license? Developers shouldn't be ashamed to not just ask for,
         | but demand, compensation, for the software itself, by choosing
         | a more restrictive license. Even if that means you can't call
         | it free software or open source, e.g. a source-available
         | license that requires payment for commercial use. By now we
         | should be ready to accept that free software with no strings
         | attached just isn't sustainable except for projects with big
         | corporate backers.
           | nickreese wrote:
           | Elder.js supports Islands with SSR. It is also MIT. I
           | released it as an SEO experiment as much as anything else.
           | I'm enjoying the dev process and am committed to facilitating
           | (myself or paying another) it's maintenance for several
           | years. I can do that because my prior successes can subsidize
           | the cost.
           | If I had to do it again, I'd probably pick another license.
           | As a first time maintainer of a project that is hitting the
           | pit of success it is amazing the number of for profit
           | companies taking the framework and demanding changes to suit
           | their narrow business cases.
           | I literally LOL at some of the emails. I very much think the
           | state of OSS isn't sustainable. It has been an interesting
           | rodeo.
         | camdenlock wrote:
         | Hi fks. Astro looks really compelling, but I'm already addicted
         | to NextJS and deploying on Vercel. Any chance an Astro app will
         | be deployable on Vercel or similar services?
           | fks wrote:
           | Yup, static site means you can pretty much deploy anywhere!
           | Just configure Vercel to point to the final destination build
           | directory when you set up your project.
         | exacube wrote:
         | Thanks for all the hard work and open sourcing it!
         | Are there benchmarks/numbers for how Astro improves page load /
         | page download size for a relatively complicated web app? I
         | wasn't able to find it on the website or the README.
           | fks wrote:
           | No benchmarks yet, but I'll look into adding some. In the
           | meantime there are a few sites in the wild already built with
           | Astro that you can check out:
           | - https://www.snowpack.dev/
           | - https://divriots.com/
         | jacobsimon wrote:
         | Hey! Do you have any live demos or real(ish) apps made with
         | Astro that we could check out?
           | fks wrote:
           | There are a few sites in the wild already built with Astro
           | that you can check out:
           | - https://www.snowpack.dev/ - https://divriots.com/
             | virgil_disgr4ce wrote:
             | That snowpack site is definitely pretty %*(&ing fast :D
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | How well do web components fit into astro pages? Do you get the
         | same kind of partial hydration/load on first view semantics
         | with them as it looks like you can do with React/Vue/Svelte
         | components?
           | MatthewPhillips wrote:
           | Not yet, Lit has support for SSR in prerelease and we've
           | experimented with supporting it. Once it's ready it will be
           | included. In the meantime you can of course use web
           | components (with any framework) like you normally would, just
           | without SSR.
           | Tracking issue for Lit support:
           | https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro/issues/109
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Very cool! Yeah I wish SSR was more of a thing in the web
             | component world. Someday soon hopefully!
               | MatthewPhillips wrote:
               | Stencil support is being worked on too:
               | https://github.com/snowpackjs/astro/pull/266
       | r6203 wrote:
       | At the moment I'm using Gatsby but the client side js bundle
       | turns me off. However, one thing I really like about Gatsby is
       | the dynamic image component.
       | Is there any way (or are there any plans) for generating
       | responsive images when using Astro? As Astro is framework
       | agnostic, I don't think so, right?
       | hnal943 wrote:
       | This is neat. The last site I built in Next.js we turned off the
       | SPA, but needed to then write all the client side js in a
       | separate workflow. Seems like this could be progress.
       | ecmascript wrote:
       | I read "how astro works" but I don't really get it. How can this
       | work for dynamic content? Does it render every possible scenario?
       | What if data changes?
         | MatthewPhillips wrote:
         | Currently you build a static site like you do with Gatsby or
         | Jekyll or any other static site generator. In the future it
         | will support dynamic server rendering.
           | ecmascript wrote:
           | Ok so it is a static site generator. Wasn't really obvious
           | from the landing page.
           | Doesn't almost every large front end framework have a static
           | site generator? I think Vue for example has it built in for
           | example.
           | Why would anyone use this over the already existing one in
           | their current ecosystem?
             | MatthewPhillips wrote:
             | I can't speak for every frameworks' SSG tool but most of
             | them load a full SPA on the client and have poor
             | performance. Go pick out a random website for Gatsby's
             | showcase page and see how much JS is loaded (spoiler: a
             | lot).
             | Astro focuses on partial hydration where you only load the
             | JS for the specific components that need to run in the
             | client. Very few tools and none of the framework SSG's that
             | I'm aware of do this.
             | There's also a variety of other features that Astro brings,
             | the blog post talks about them.
               | ecmascript wrote:
               | Ok well it seems kind of cool, maybe I'll try it out. :)
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Check out the islands architecture info, or search around for
         | info on partial hydration. It's similar to how things worked in
         | the jQuery days--you serve up plain old HTML and have a JS
         | function that runs on page load to attach all the event
         | handlers (onclick, etc.) to your dynamic elements (i.e.
         | 'hydrating' the static HTML into dynamic HTML + JS components).
         | The thing with frameworks like Astro is that they try to
         | automate and manage all of that hydration for you, which is
         | nice because for complex sites with lots of different
         | components it becomes a huge, error prone chore to manually
         | wire things up.
         | edit: Island architecture background info:
         | https://jasonformat.com/islands-architecture/
       | aligray wrote:
       | New static site generator tool releases seem to have superseded
       | new js framework releases. I like the direction things are
       | moving.
         | z3t4 wrote:
         | Next biggest thing will be a framework for a static site to
         | generate a React app, that generates a static site, inside a
         | web worker.
       | dasb wrote:
       | Is it possible to achieve the same thing just with Svelte +
       | SvelteKit and some configs?
       | (I genuinely don't know, since I'm a Svelte begginer)
         | miltonsopus wrote:
         | Yes, with SvelteKit you can use the static adapter to generate
         | static html files for your routes. It's also possible to
         | control this on a page by page basis.
       | nielsbot wrote:
       | Wondering how this compares to Gatsby or other React-compatible
       | static site generators...
         | MatthewPhillips wrote:
         | Most of those tools are focused on giving you a full SPA on the
         | client (and therefore load a lot of JS). Astro is focused on
         | sites that are mostly static with "islands" of interactivity.
         | To that end every component is server rendered only, by
         | default, and you opt-in to client render when you need it (with
         | different loading strategies).
       | jypepin wrote:
       | JS dev: I'm burnt out by having to keep up with all the tools
       | that are releasing all the time!
       | Also JS dev: Look, I've built another tool!
         | wizzwizz4 wrote:
         | This tool undoes a lot of harm of tool proliferation. It's one
         | of the few JavaScript tools I'll actually approve of.
         | If you're confused, perhaps try not lumping everybody into the
         | homogenous "JS dev".
       | krmmalik wrote:
       | Templates for low coders like me?
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | https://dayssincelastjavascriptframework.com/
         | bdibs wrote:
         | It's sort of ironic that page loads 213kB of JavaScript from
         | 8(!) separate scripts to show a large 0.
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | To be fair (but not too much), the devs did compress and
           | minify their JS and host everything on the same domain, so
           | with HTTP/2 the network impact should not be too high in
           | comparison.
           | In comparison to a "normal" web page that loads 213KiB of
           | script that's not necessary because the HTML already shows
           | the big zero regardless. At least the CSS is fairly minimal.
           | The web is a terrible place. Google should rank
           | Javascriptless websites higher in search results to push for
           | less scripting, it's the only way I can see this situation
           | improving.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | > Of course, sometimes client-side JavaScript is inevitable.
       | Image carousels, shopping carts
       | wait, what? I've built shopping carts that didn't need
       | javascript... but that was probably 15 years ago...
       (page generated 2021-06-08 23:00 UTC)