[HN Gopher] Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann st...
       Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? (1978)
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 60 points
       Date   : 2021-06-18 20:03 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dl.acm.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dl.acm.org)
       | RodgerTheGreat wrote:
       | Even when this paper was published, Backus' comments toward APL
       | did it a massive disservice.
       | Modern descendants of the language have freed it entirely from
       | "expression/statement" splits, and the collection of operators
       | has grown richer. More than any other family, APLs today
       | represent the most successful realization of function-level
       | programming as yearned for in this paper.
       | rackjack wrote:
       | Joy [1] is a function-level stack-oriented (read: FORTH-y)
       | programming language inspired by Backus's FP. Funny how these
       | things end up connected.
       | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joy_(programming_language)
       | brylie wrote:
       | This style of programming, such as unnamed arguments, sounds very
       | difficult to understand. An important part of programming is
       | thinking clearly by using simple and explicit writing style.
       | Clear code should be as close as possible to explaining the
       | problem domain and how you would like to influence the outcome.
         | jhomedall wrote:
         | It most likely sounds difficult to understand because you are
         | not familiar with it. Try working through the first few
         | exercises in SICP; you'll see that it can be quite
         | straightforward.
       | carapace wrote:
       | The thing in this paper that I see missing from most discussions
       | of Functional Programming is the use of an algebra to derive
       | programs.
       | I've worked a bit with an FP concatenative language Joy and this
       | sort of algebraic manipulation is easy and fun, and seems to
       | permit (nearly) bug-free development.
       | Here's a very simple example of deriving a function for the
       | quadratic formula:
       | https://joypy.osdn.io/notebooks/Quadratic.html
       | A more complex example deriving a combinator "treestep" to
       | process tree datastructures:
       | https://joypy.osdn.io/notebooks/Treestep.html
         | js8 wrote:
         | I came across this paper recently while looking at Kitten (it
         | was actually mentioned in HN before):
         | http://evincarofautumn.blogspot.com/2012/02/why-concatenativ...
         | I think really explains the idea. I always liked combinatory
         | logic more than lambda calculus, although it didn't click to me
         | that the concatenative languages are essentially the formalism
         | for it (as opposed to ML-style syntax).
         | Although I would say functional programming is somewhat
         | orthogonal concept, the concatenative languages can have
         | functions with side effects, like Forth does.
         | [deleted]
         | ardit33 wrote:
         | Perhaps the universe is state based, and not function based...
         | Programing language are away to represent reality, and
         | manipulate it to your desire.
         | Object Oriented, and Procedural programing both use functions
         | to manipulate state, while in pure functional languages you use
         | functions and unnamed variables to present state.
         | The problem is when you communicate, you always do it with
         | state and not functions. From API to storing data as it allows
         | to very different systems to understand each other without to
         | have the same internals. A java web based api/program and a
         | swift/objective-c program running in a phone can easily
         | communicate with each other via state (aka, rest of soap apis),
         | and they don't have to know the internal state of each other.
         | You can save functions, and pass them along, but the other part
         | has to know how to run it, and have the same type of hardware
         | in order to run it.
         | I really think pure functional programming is a mathematicians
         | pipe-dream, and theoretical CS nerds trying to shoehorn
         | Math/Algebra equations into being the default type of
         | programing paradigm, but for practical Computer Science
         | problems the von Neumann style (statements and expressions) has
         | won as it is the most practical
         | The only true successful alternative to von neuman state type
         | of languages, is really SQL and its derivatives, which is a
         | declarative style of programing language. You can pass SQL
         | queries around, and they will be understood by all kinds of
         | systems. But, ultimately they all act on some kind of
         | state/data in a table.
           | gmfawcett wrote:
           | > The problem is when you communicate, you always do it with
           | state and not functions.
           | I'm not sure that's true. A "callback" is way of
           | communicating with a function as the message. Callbacks are a
           | way for systems to communicate while hiding their
           | implementation details. (One could argue that the callback
           | itself is a first-order object -- a piece of state -- but
           | nonetheless we are communicating with state _and_ functions
           | then.)
             | ardit33 wrote:
             | Callbacks are a signal that your operation is done, and the
             | data is ready... usually they have some kind of state (i.e.
             | success, error, the data read from disk/api, etc).
             | They are usually used within one program itself, and not
             | across systems. Something like the Firebase real time
             | database, or webhooks, are for callback achross systems,
             | but they always are used to pass data/state, and not
             | functions itself.
             | Again, SQL and maybe Regex (which is not a full programming
             | language anyway), as the most successful alternatives to
             | normal Object Oriented/procedural programing.
             | Most functional languages have not become successful. I
             | learned Prolog in the 90s, and I could see how it might be
             | useful in some situations, but it is hard to do anything
             | practical with it.
             | Some functional concepts, like map/reduce, have become
             | popular in mainstream languages, as they are useful in
             | certain scenarios, but pure functional languages have not.
           | [deleted]
           | youerbt wrote:
           | > Perhaps the universe is state based, and not function
           | based...
           | That didn't stop physics, why should it stop CS? No paradigm
           | won, game is not over yet.
           | beders wrote:
           | Did you just compare passing data to passing functions?
           | Because absolutely nothing about transferring data is
           | specific to the program language paradigm chosen.
           | Here's a task for you: Build a graph of objects holding state
           | with your chosen OO language. Now write that state to disk
           | and read it back in - guaranteeing a consistent state.
           | Oops, a thread mutated some of the state while writing to
           | disk?
           | Damn it, need to add a some synchronization stuff. In all my
           | objects. Oh now all my mutations need to go through a
           | semaphore?
           | No, wait I'll implement the Memento pattern for all my
           | objects, that will help? (nope, it won't, you still need to
           | synchronize across threads)
           | If you operate on immutable data, that exercise in a
           | functional language is literally two lines of code.
           | js8 wrote:
           | In concatenative languages, you can easily provision for
           | both. Joy is purely functional, but in Forth, the individual
           | "words" frequently manipulate state.
         | JoshuaAshton wrote:
         | b sqr 4 a c * * - sqrt
         | Yeah no. This being "bug free" seems like a joke.
           | js8 wrote:
           | This is just a "minor usability issue". Seriously. In Factor,
           | you can solve this with references to local variables, which
           | under the covers manipulate the stack as needed. It can also
           | typecheck, so you wouldn't be able to write the expression in
           | a way which unbalances the stack.
       | discreteevent wrote:
       | Booch: Your functional programming work was unsuccessful.
       | Backus: Yes.
       | Booch: Let's dwell upon that for a moment, because there were
       | some other papers that I saw after your Turing Award lecture
       | ["Can Programming Be Liberat ed From the von Neummann Style",
       | 1977] which was also a turning point. Because I'd describe it as
       | a wake-up call to the language developers and programmers, saying
       | there's a different way of looking at the world here. The world
       | was going down a very different path. Let me pursue that point of
       | why you think it didn't succeed.
       | Backus: Well, because the fundamental paradigm did not include a
       | way of dealing with real time. It was a way of saying how to
       | transform this thing into that thing, but there was no element of
       | time involved, and that was where it got hung up.
       | Booch: That's a problem you wrestled with for literally years.
       | Backus: Yeah, and unsuccessfully.
       | http://archive.computerhistory.org/resources/access/text/201...
         | ipnon wrote:
         | Reactive paradigm programming seems to have handled this
         | problem is a satisfactorily functional way. But these higher
         | reactive layers are almost always built on Von Neumann paradigm
         | languages like JavaScript. So long as bare metal looks more
         | like a Turing machine than a Church calculus we will struggle
         | to take functional paradigm from top to bottom.
           | brazzy wrote:
           | The whole thing still runs in and has to interact with the
           | real world where everything is governed by time and state.
           | You can't avoid having the impedance mismatch _somewhere_ in
           | your stack.
             | Quekid5 wrote:
             | Monadic IO, Uniqueness types (as in: Clean), voluntarily
             | working in a pure subset until the End of the World
             | (Scala), effect-first languages, etc. We _can_ impose
             | actual semantics upon an ultimately imperative computer. Is
             | it restrictive? Yeah, but that 's, like the point, man.
             | Restricting what _can_ happen allows us to reason about
             | what _might_ happen given a piece of  'random' code. In an
             | imperative-only world, Capabilities serve a similar
             | function.
             | The fact that the world is made up of elementary particles
             | subject to the 'laws' of thermodynamics has very little
             | impact on the semantics we choose for our programming
             | languages. (If you want to take your appeal to 'nature'
             | that far.)
             | dnautics wrote:
             | The inability to deal with time and state is not
             | fundamental to functional PLs (though possibly a difficulty
             | for pure FPs). Erlang handles time, state, AND space
             | (though isn't that just time?) fantastically. Perhaps
             | unsurprisingly, the lead creator was a Physics PhD
             | (candidate dropout? I don't remember). Concepts of giving
             | up on absolute synchronicity, for example, reliability of
             | transmissions across unreliable channels, permeate the feel
             | of the (functional) system. It is decidedly not pure
             | functional programming though, as the choice of a
             | functional system was made more of a pragmatic / developer
             | ergonomic choice than a theoretical one.
           | [deleted]
       | dang wrote:
       | The pdf is at https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/359576.359579
       | dang wrote:
       | Past related threads:
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? (1977)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21855249 - Dec 2019
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? (1977)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14673817 - June
       | 2017 (3 comments)
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? (1978)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13210988 - Dec 2016
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated From The Von Neumann Style? (1977)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12159792 - July
       | 2016 (175 comments)
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? (1978)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10182712 - Sept
       | 2015 (57 comments)
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated From The Von Neumann Style? (1977)
       | [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7671379 - April
       | 2014 (72 comments)
       |  _Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?
       | (classic)_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=768057 - Aug
       | 2009 (34 comments)
         | failwhaleshark wrote:
         | Feature request for the submit page: live AI fuzzy suggestions
         | of URLs to prevent dupe submits.
           | dang wrote:
           | It's important to understand that this submission doesn't
           | count as a dupe by HN's standards. Reposts are fine after a
           | year or so, and/or if an article hasn't had significant
           | attention before (the latter isn't the case here, but often
           | is).
           | Because there's so much randomness in what gets noticed on
           | /newest, overzealous dupe detection would prevent many good
           | articles from ever getting discussed. That would be a poor
           | trade for better deduplication! HN's dupe detector is
           | therefore left porous on purpose (https://hn.algolia.com/?dat
           | eRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...). We will probably
           | implement karma sharing amongst the various submitters of an
           | article, though, at least when it's a first-time discussion.
       | akomtu wrote:
       | On a half serious note, the traditional 0-1 computing model is
       | the origin of mental polarisation in our society, because such
       | model permits no shades of gray. A better model would use
       | probabilistic bits where each bit represents a probability
       | density.
         | njdullea wrote:
         | So there wasn't 'mental polarisation' in society before
         | computational models were created? Don't think that's correct..
         | kstrauser wrote:
         | That's why I use only floats in my code, and a patched Python
         | interpreter that replaces "if" with "seemslikely".
           | agubelu wrote:
           | #define true (rand() < 0.99)
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | I await our enlightened future where we can run programs that
         | have differing state that can be simultaneously true.
         | What one thread on my CPU calculates as true is it's truth.
         | Other threads might not agree, because it's not their truth.
           | Apocryphon wrote:
           | Isn't that what quantum computing is on about
         | Banana699 wrote:
         | you meant a 0% serious note right?
         | The 0s and 1s are in the human brain friend not the computers.
         | You can make computing as probabilistic as your heart desires,
         | people will not stop simplifying and caricaturing the world to
         | fit their biases, not by one "bit".
         | asimjalis wrote:
         | Maybe.
         | xkeysc0re wrote:
         | If only ternary computing had won!
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_computer
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | I would like a system that produces "true," "false," and
           | "enthusiastic" results. Enthusiasm left as an exercise for
           | the implementor.
             | peheje wrote:
             | I prefer trulse
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