[HN Gopher] JPEG XL
       JPEG XL
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 341 points
       Date   : 2021-06-21 08:29 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jpegxl.info)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jpegxl.info)
       | JyrkiAlakuijala wrote:
       | Check it out with your own eyes with the most recent comparison
       | site for WebP, AVIF and JPEG XL:
       | https://storage.googleapis.com/demos.webmproject.org/webp/cm...
       | Most comparison links posted here are to older (almost a year
       | old) versions that don't reflect the current state of encoding.
       | Both JPEG XL and AVIF have improved tremendously.
         | algorithm314 wrote:
         | For some images like
         | https://storage.googleapis.com/demos.webmproject.org/webp/cm...
         | jpeg xl is really behind.
           | 0-_-0 wrote:
           | It seems to try really hard to preserve high frequencies,
           | where WebP just gives up. Hopefully it's just a question of
           | tuning the quantisation tables for low bitrate.
           | JyrkiAlakuijala wrote:
           | They originally chose to use x265 to calibrate the bitrates,
           | possibly something went wrong there and the 'Tiny', 'Big',
           | etc. are somewhat meaningless.
           | At 'Large' and 'Big' settings of this image -- which are
           | still in much less than 1 bpp bitrates, i.e., below internet
           | image quality -- you can still observe significant
           | differences in the clouds even if balloons are relatively
           | well rendered.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | Nothing went wrong there, it's just what you get if you
             | configure an encoder using just some quantization setting
             | and not a visual target. The same will happen if you would
             | encode images with libjpeg quality 50 (and then derive all
             | other bitrates from there). In some cases the image will
             | look OK-ish at that setting, in other cases it will be
             | complete garbage.
             | JPEG XL is the first codec to have a practical encoder that
             | can be configured by saying "I want the worst visual
             | difference to be X units of just-noticeable-difference".
             | All other encoders are basically configured by saying "I
             | want to use this scaling factor for the quantization
             | tables, and let's hope that the result will look OK".
               | astrange wrote:
               | > All other encoders are basically configured by saying
               | "I want to use this scaling factor for the quantization
               | tables, and let's hope that the result will look OK".
               | crf in x264/x265 is smarter than that, but it's still a
               | closed-form solution. That's probably easier to work with
               | than optimizing for constant SSIM or whatever, it always
               | takes one pass and those objective metrics are not
               | actually very good.
           | ksec wrote:
           | JPEG XL isn't yet optimised for extremely low bpp. I thought
           | the label for tiny, large and medium etc are sort of
           | misleading without looking at bpp number.
           | It is a bit like looking at bitrate for Video quality without
           | looking at video resolution.
             | JyrkiAlakuijala wrote:
             | The quality is normalized to x265 q24 setting. I believe
             | this process/setting is either not working for images or
             | something else went wrong there, because the observable
             | quality as well as the bitrates vary from image to image.
             | Bitrates vary from 0.26 bpp (Nestor/AVIF) to 4+ bpp
             | (205/AVIF) at the finest setting. Nestor at lowest setting
             | is just 0.05 bpp, somewhat unusual for an internet image. A
             | full HD image at 0.05 bpp transfers over average mobile
             | speed in 5 ms and is 12 kB in size. I rather wait for a
             | full 100 ms and get a proper 1 bpp image.
             | gardaani wrote:
             | When is JPEG XL ready for use? Wikipedia [1] says that Part
             | 4 will be released in 2022?
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG_XL#Standardization_s
             | tatus
               | jonsneyers wrote:
               | Part 1 and 2 define the codestream and file format,
               | respectively. They are both finalized at the technical
               | level (the ISO process is still ongoing, but there is no
               | more opportunity for technical changes, the JPEG
               | committee has approved the final draft). So it is ready
               | for use now: the bitstream has been frozen since January,
               | free and open source reference software is available.
               | Part 3 will describe conformance testing (how to verify
               | that an alternative decoder implementation is in fact
               | correct), and part 4 will just be just a snapshot of the
               | reference software that gets archived by ISO, but for all
               | practical purposes you should just get the most recent
               | git version. Parts 3 and 4 are not at all needed to start
               | using JPEG XL.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | The labels are indeed not very useful. It would have been
             | better to use bitrates based on the jxl encoder, which has
             | a perceptual-target based setting (--distance), as opposed
             | to setting it based on absolute HEVC quantization settings
             | (as was done here), which for some images causes 'Big' to
             | be great and for others makes 'Big' still kind of low
             | quality.
         | twotwotwo wrote:
         | Some notable features of JPEG XL that don't show up in side-by-
         | sides:
         | 1) Progressive decoding. Like the original .jpg, .jxl can give
         | you a low-quality image when a fraction of the file is loaded,
         | then a decent-quality image, then the final image. This can
         | give JPEG XL the edge in perceived load speed even when the
         | full .avif is smaller than the full .jxl. (Old demo from a JXL
         | contributor at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UphN1_7nP8U )
         | 2) Fast conversion: JPEG XL encoding/decoding is fast without
         | dedicated hardware. Facebook found encode/decode speed and
         | progressive decoding to be points in favor of JPEG XL for their
         | use: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1539075#c18
         | 3) .jpg repacking: JPEG XL can pack a JPEG1 about 20% smaller
         | without any additional loss; the original .jpg file can be
         | recovered bit-for-bit.
         | 4) Lossless mode. JXL's lossless mode is the successor to
         | FLIF/FUIF, is really good, and also has progressive decoding.
         | AVIF has a lossless mode too, but JPEG XL seems ahead here.
         | (I know the parent comment is from a JXL contributor, I'm
         | saying this for other folks.)
         | I think those will give JPEG XL a niche on the Web. Meanwhile I
         | suspect e.g. Android phone cameras will save .avif someday,
         | like iPhones save .heic now. Phones want the encode hardware
         | anyway for video, and you can crunch a zillion megapixels down
         | to a smaller file with AVIF before attention-grabbing artifacts
         | crop up--at low bitrates AVIF seems good at preserving sharp
         | lines and mostly blurring low-contrast details (compare Tiny
         | images).
         | Finally, worth noting the codecs are different due to a bunch
         | of rational choices by their devs. AVIF is the format for AV1
         | video keyframes. Progressive decoding doesn't help there, and
         | doesn't jibe well with spatial prediction, which helps AV1 and
         | other video codecs preserve sharp lines. And video codecs need
         | hardware support to thrive anyway, so optimizing for fast
         | software encoding probably wasn't an early priority. Otherwise
         | the new formats have a lot of overlap in fundamentals--variable
         | size and shape DCTs, better entropy encoding, chroma-from-luma,
         | anti-ringing postfilters, etc.
         | Glad to see support for both getting more widespread.
           | unlord wrote:
           | Note that AVIF is not just AV1 video keyframes. The entire
           | compliment of AV1 video coding tools (including inter
           | prediction with motion vectors) are available. This includes
           | spatial and temporal scaling.
           | Note this means that animated images on the web (like GIF)
           | are significantly smaller with AVIF than JPEG-XL which has no
           | inter prediction.
             | twotwotwo wrote:
             | Good point. AV1 and AVIF could improve on how some sites
             | (like Twitter) turn actual GIFs into video now.
             | Also a plus for saving phone snaps, since the camera often
             | saves a short video these days anyway.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | Yes, for animation a video codec like AV1 is much more
             | suitable than a still image codec like JPEG XL.
             | JPEG XL does have some weak forms of inter prediction
             | though (but they were designed mostly for still image
             | purposes). One of them is patches: you can take any
             | rectangle from a previously 'saved' frame (there are four
             | 'slots' for that) and blit it at some arbitrary position in
             | the current frame, using some blend mode of choice (just
             | replace, add, alpha blend over, multiply, alpha blend
             | under, etc). This is obviously not as powerful as full
             | motion vectors etc, but it does bring some possibilities
             | for something like a simple moving sprite animation. This
             | coding tool is currently only used in the encoder for still
             | images, namely to extract repeating text-like elements in
             | an image (individual letters, icons etc) and store them in
             | a separate invisible frame, encoded with non-DCT methods
             | (which are more effective for that kind of thing) and then
             | patch-add them to the VarDCT image. The current jxl encoder
             | is not even trying to be good at animation because this is
             | not quite its purpose (it can do it, but 'reluctantly').
             | Anyway, I think that animation is in any case best done
             | with video codecs (this is what video codecs are made for),
             | and I wish browsers would just start accepting in an <img>
             | tag all the video codecs they accept in a <video> tag (just
             | played looping, muted, autoplay), so we can for once and
             | for all get rid of GIF.
               | twotwotwo wrote:
               | ++ to making it easier to use other codecs in place of
               | .gif!
         | lajamerr wrote:
         | Why does JPEG XL affect the image quality even in lossless
         | mode?
         | I just compared the original tiger image to the lossless
         | version for JPEG XL but there's some small changes that it
         | makes.
           | Aardwolf wrote:
           | I think this is a quirk in the tool, even if you choose
           | Original on both sides there is some difference that looks
           | like a scaling that's off by a few pixels
         | [deleted]
         | hnbad wrote:
         | The differences IMO are even more impressive at higher
         | compression. WebP on "tiny" loses a lot of detail whereas JPEG
         | XL retains most details while still losing overall image
         | quality.
       | Paul_S wrote:
       | Is it just me or do all the comparisons linked from the page show
       | that webp actually looks better?
       | Still, the JPEG recompression feature might be what helps
       | adoption.
         | exclipy wrote:
         | By golly, you're right.
         | eg. https://eclipseo.github.io/image-comparison-web/#us-
         | open&WEB... The player is missing the corner of her mouth in
         | the JXL version.
         | JXL Medium (32KB) is about the same quality as WebP Small
         | (19KB)
           | torgard wrote:
           | I'd say JXL Medium is slightly better than WebP Small -
           | compare e.g. the racket, face, and left hand.
           | But it's also slightly worse than WepB Medium, e.g. with the
           | corner of her mouth.
             | LispWizard wrote:
             | JXL's design operating point is "no visible compression
             | artefacts".
             | Most people do not want to have visible compression
             | artefacts on the images they put on their web pages. JXL
             | starts from this premise and tries to answer the question:
             | "How small can we then make the image?"
             | Care must be taken when trying to compare the performance
             | of image codecs by increasing compression density until
             | there are very visible compression artefacts and then
             | evaluating whether A's or B's artefacts look worse: If both
             | A's and B's artefacts are so bad that one would not want to
             | put such an image on one's website, such an experiment
             | gives no insight on what one would pick for images that one
             | would actually put on one's website.
             | Figuratively speaking, if I buy a shirt, my main criterion
             | is that it looks good in good condition, and not that it
             | still looks good if I put a coffee stain on it.
             | So, before comparing codec quality at compression levels
             | where artefacts show, always ask yourself: At that level of
             | visual quality, would I actually want to put either of the
             | two options on my website? Now, it is of course tempting to
             | compare "away from the actual operating point", because it
             | is just so much easier to do comparisons if there are very
             | visible differences. Comparing near-identical images for
             | quality is hard. Doing this over and over again in a human
             | rater experiment is exhausting. But that's then answering
             | the actual performance questions that need to be answered.
               | torgard wrote:
               | Great point!
               | jonsneyers wrote:
               | ^^^ This.
               | Comparing artifacts at 0.2 bpp is tempting because the
               | artifacts are big there. But it's like buying a car based
               | on how it performs when you are using only the first
               | gear.
           | maeln wrote:
           | Although the Moscow demo[0] look better (in my eyes) in jxl
           | than wepb.
           | Note also that JXL is still being worked on. We have no
           | information also about which encoder was used (I am assuming
           | the reference encoder, since it is the only one that I know
           | off right now) and which version.
           | Edit: the Citroen demo is also a clear win for JXL.
           | [0] https://eclipseo.github.io/image-comparison-
           | web/#moscow&WEBP...
             | espadrine wrote:
             | One case where JXL is very noticeably more accurate is
             | here: https://storage.googleapis.com/demos.webmproject.org/
             | webp/cm...
             | The singer's left hand has wrinkles in the original image
             | that disappear in WebP2.
             | Overall, WebP2 and especially AVIF are really good at very
             | low bitrates (<1 bit per pixel), but unlike video, images
             | on the Web will always be shown at the smallest bitrate
             | necessary to be indistinguishable from the original; there,
             | JXL tends to show all the details at a lower bitrate.
         | JyrkiAlakuijala wrote:
         | You can get a more up-to-date comparison from the WebP team's
         | comparison page:
         | https://storage.googleapis.com/demos.webmproject.org/webp/cm...
         | Internet uses jpeg qualities that average around 2-3 bpp today,
         | and an improvement in compression density through a new format
         | that compresses 50 % better would push it down to 1-1.5 bpp.
         | The comparison tool displays the bitrates when you hover on the
         | images.
         | pavon wrote:
         | Yeah, I agree that webp looks better for many of the images.
         | For most of them it comes back to the subjective issue that
         | webp (and VP9) choose to err on the side of blurring detail
         | they can't encode, while jpeg XL (and x264, etc) try to keep
         | all the detail they can at the expense of more artifacts. There
         | are very vocal proponents of both approaches, and personally I
         | think it varies by the image content.
         | For all these examples, I was comparing at Small (as with Tiny
         | they were both bad enough but in different ways that I often
         | couldn't decide which was least bad). For the Abandoned Factory
         | and Panthera Tigres, I think the extra detail of JXL looks
         | better than the blurring of WEBP. On the otherhand, I think
         | WEBP looks cleaner than JXL for Buenos Aires, Reykjavik, B-24
         | Bombers without loosing significant detail. And Avenches is a
         | mix as JXL looks much better than WEBP for the trees and tile
         | roof, but has worse chroma artifacts near the edges of the hat
         | and clothing.
         | But that isn't the whole story, as for some of the images WEBP
         | seems to both preserve more detail, and have fewer artifacts,
         | such as Air Force Academy Chapel, Pont de Quebec, Steinway and
         | White Dunes. What all these cases seem to have in common is a
         | smooth gradient adjacent to sharp detail. WEBP seems to do a
         | much better job of dealing with that boundary by blurring the
         | smooth part, put preserving the sharp lines.
         | And if you bump up to WEBP2, the number of cases where it both
         | preserves more detail and has fewer artifacts than JXL
         | increases significantly.
           | astrange wrote:
           | > Yeah, I agree that webp looks better for many of the
           | images. For most of them it comes back to the subjective
           | issue that webp (and VP9) choose to err on the side of
           | blurring detail they can't encode, while jpeg XL (and x264,
           | etc) try to keep all the detail they can at the expense of
           | more artifacts. There are very vocal proponents of both
           | approaches, and personally I think it varies by the image
           | content.
           | In VP9/WebP this wasn't a "choice" so much as they were
           | optimizing for good looking marketing graphs instead of
           | pictures. You get blurry images if you target a metric like
           | PSNR instead of actually looking at your output. x264 does
           | have a few different tunings, the film one will try to turn
           | detail to noise and the animation one won't.
       | dsego wrote:
       | What is the Weissman score?
       | yummybear wrote:
       | This is going to sound childish, but PIK (Google Pik) is
       | literally "dick" in my language. I can't help to chuckle at the
       | notion of using PIK-images - literally dickpics.
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | I'm a native Dutch (of the Belgian variety) speaker and my
         | proposal was called FUIF (which means "party" in Dutch, but
         | it's also a backronym for Free Universal Image Format).
         | I am very happy the result of combining PIK and FUIF was not
         | called PIKFUIF (or FUIFPIK). Some say JPEG XL is a bad name,
         | but it could have been so much worse...
       | dang wrote:
       | Related ongoing thread, complete with newly-added title
       | qualification:
       |  _JPEG XL would be Turing-complete without the 1024x1024 pixel
       | limitation_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27559748 -
       | June 2021 (34 comments)
       | childintime wrote:
       | An important niche to consider might be face recognition. For
       | example the "US Open" image on medium JXL is significantly
       | distorted in the face. As the face area is critical to the
       | overall image quality perception, that area would benefit from
       | reduced compression.
       | edit: This is also the case in other images with faces (and
       | especially the eyes).
       | tibbetts wrote:
       | My biggest image format question, which I haven't seen a clear
       | answer to, is as an iPhone camera user should I be keeping the
       | JPEG or the HEIC as my archival format? I theorized the HEIC had
       | more information, but I don't really know. Unfortunately keeping
       | both is a usability nightmare in all the tools I've seen. Anyone
       | have an informed opinion or good link?
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | HEIC is in general better than JPEG (as a codec; not in terms
         | of interoperability), but the way Apple does HEIC, I strongly
         | suspect that JPEG is actually a better choice. Your files will
         | of course be larger, but the HEIC will be a bit overcompressed
         | compared to the JPEG: it will have some blurring/smearing
         | artifacts that the JPEG will not have.
         | The reason is that they do fast hardware HEIC encoding at
         | relatively aggressive quality settings in order to get the file
         | size savings they want to boast about. They claim the quality
         | to be the same, but that's not actually true. It is a lower
         | quality.
         | One advantage of HEIC though is that it can also contain the
         | depth map (in 'Portrait mode'), which I assume gets lost when
         | you use JPEG. This is the information that gives a rough
         | separation of foreground and background, so you can later do
         | effects like applying bokeh to the background only.
           | kalleboo wrote:
           | The Apple portrait depth map is also stored in a JPEG. I
           | believe they use MPO. The Google camera can do it too.
           | Apparently it uses XMP metadata for this purpose.
           | mceachen wrote:
           | The depth map is actually stored as an image: PhotoStructure
           | accidentally used them as preview images several versions
           | back (when depth maps were fairly novel) and I had some
           | interesting discussions with users complaining about "ghosts"
           | in their library:
           | https://forum.photostructure.com/t/i-see-ghosts/41
         | zaarn wrote:
         | If you want to preserve fidelity indefinitely, PNG or RAW might
         | be a better bet. Lossless formats usually are better for
         | archival, you can always get a lossy compression out of it
         | later and don't have to worry about generational losses.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | .. but this is an iPhone, so the options for "original" are
           | HEIC, JPEG, and "proraw" https://support.apple.com/en-
           | gb/HT211965
             | zaarn wrote:
             | I don't have an iPhone, hence a minor speculation on what
             | it supports, if you forgive that.
             | If you're looking into archival, you'll probably want the
             | PRORAW then, sounds like that is the lossless format.
             | Converting from JPEG/HEIV to lossless is a bit of a
             | pointless thing to do, you already incur generational loss
             | from that.
               | lazide wrote:
               | For archival, you need to worry about long term ability
               | to read the format easily. JPEG wins that fight out of
               | the three easily.
               | zaarn wrote:
               | RAW is a very old format that has been around for some
               | time, Apple's ProRAW is backwards compatible and has some
               | additional metadata attached (IIRC ProRaw attaches the
               | image pipeline the iphone would have used, so that image
               | software can recover this and produce the same image the
               | iphone would have after the image pipeline). RAW is older
               | (1988) than JPEG (1992), largely because RAW is largely
               | based on TIFF (and any vendor specific variation is
               | usually TIFF-like too) in it's mid-1980s state. The
               | latest standard RAW standard (TIFF/EP) is from 2001.
               | So in terms of long term ability to read... RAW wins,
               | various versions aren't as old but JPEG got it's fair few
               | of extensions too.
               | For long term readability, I don't think JPEG would win
               | on another standpoint; bitrot. It'll happen eventually,
               | even if you use ZFS, you will eventually loose some bits.
               | Maybe a sector of data. JPEG doesn't like loosing parts
               | of the file.
               | On the other hand, a TIFF file can be recovered from
               | bitrot, if you don't mind loosing a part of the image.
               | Because there is no compression, loosing a sector of data
               | amounts to loosing the bits on that sector. The only
               | sensitive part of the file would be the header, which
               | isn't terribly complex and can be typed on notepad if
               | needed be.
             | thehappypm wrote:
             | If you convert the full-resolution JPEG/HEIC to PNG you
             | won't lose any information, right?
               | jonsneyers wrote:
               | Technically, you do lose _some_ information. PNG cannot
               | represent DCT coefficients nor YCbCr data, and the
               | conversion of those things to (8-bit) RGB is a (slightly)
               | lossy operation.
               | sp332 wrote:
               | Sure, but what's the advantage to blowing up the file
               | size to losslessly preserve all the lossy artifacts from
               | JPEG or HEIC?
             | MontagFTB wrote:
             | ProRAW is lossless, if you're willing to pay the size price
             | (~40MB/image.)
         | mceachen wrote:
         | Apple used to have a spectacular record with stable formats:
         | see HFS+.
         | Unfortunately, over the last several years, that's gone out the
         | window.
         | Mojave can't read some Big Sur volumes, even though both are
         | using "Apple File System".
         | HEIC image formats coming out of iPhones have changed /several/
         | times in the past couple years: witness the scrambling by the
         | libheif project as they find out they can't read images from
         | the latest iDevice.
         | Apple's in-device conversion to JPEG is lossy, but I don't
         | expect you will notice. Most of the metadata it's retained (at
         | least with the current iOS), and I couldn't see egregious
         | artifacting.
         | I'd personally keep the original and hope tooling keeps up with
         | Apple shenanigans, but disk is cheap, and if you're worried at
         | all, use `sips` (if you're on a Mac), the built-in
         | "compatibility mode" conversion, or `heif-convert` to transcode
         | to JPEG.
         | (Source: building support for HEIC in PhotoStructure)
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | The site doesn't state this, but https://jpeg.org/jpegxl/ says:
       | JPEG XL further includes features such as:
       | - animation
       | - alpha channels
       | - layers
       | - thumbnails
       | - lossless and progressive coding
       | I wonder if progressive loading can halt loading (network I/O) at
       | certain resolutions. This would remove the need of img-sets.
       | Edit:
       | Interesting talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t63DBrQCUWc
       | and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYJf7kelYQQ
       | Esp. the "visual target" instead of "technical target" when
       | deciding the encoding quality. Also, the lossless and reversible
       | transcoding from JPEG, GIF and PNG.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | What about meta-data?
           | jonsneyers wrote:
           | The usual XMP and Exif metadata are supported in the file
           | format, as well as JUMBF extensible metadata. It can
           | optionally be Brotli-compressed too.
         | ksec wrote:
         | >I wonder if progressive loading can halt loading (network I/O)
         | at certain resolutions. This would remove the need of img-sets.
         | Yes, not resolution but predetermined quality levels.
           | ZeroGravitas wrote:
           | I believe it can also resume from where it left off, if you
           | click a thumbnail to get a closer look.
             | fho wrote:
             | I guess you trade responsiveness for 'on-demand' data
             | transfers. I would guess that the moment you click the
             | button is too late to resume the loading.
             | Otoh the low-res thumbnail might be just enough to show as
             | a (big) placeholder to bridge the (short) loading time to
             | bring the image to a resolution that the user won't notice
             | a difference.
             | (brain off ... can't write coherently ...)
           | Retr0id wrote:
           | I was playing with progressive PNGs, and with an
           | "intelligent" web server, it's possible to halt image
           | transmission (either temporarily or permanently) at a server-
           | decided quality level.
           | Here is a demo, which uses the different resolutions to
           | create a pseudo-animation:
           | https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/adamation/image.png
           | It would be theoretically possible to write a server with a
           | "give me the next quality level now" API endpoint, to enable
           | the client to signal that it's ready for the next resolution.
           | This is far too janky to be used in production, but at least
           | its fun.
             | rdsubhas wrote:
             | Interesting, but doing it server side can screw up CDNs
             | (which are quite important for images). It's better if the
             | client takes care of that, so CDNs can cache the full
             | image.
               | ec109685 wrote:
               | There has to be some incoming header / query param to
               | indicate the resolution the browser is asking for in
               | order know when to stop delivering bytes, so that can be
               | used to vary the CDNs cache key.
       | lcnmrn wrote:
       | The only missing part is support in all browsers and operating
       | systems.
         | jerryX wrote:
         | Already in Chrome, Firefox, Edge:
         | https://www.ghacks.net/2021/05/11/find-out-if-your-browser-s...
           | phartenfeller wrote:
           | Yes but behind a Flag. With default settings, it hasn't
           | landed in any browser yet: https://caniuse.com/jpegxl
           | I hope that Safari does not take as long to implement it as
           | with WEBP...
             | ByTheBook wrote:
             | I doubt it will be enabled by default until it reaches
             | version 1.0, it is currently at 0.3 IIRC
           | hulitu wrote:
           | This is only 1 browser with 3 distributors.
             | andrius4669 wrote:
             | firefox is chrome distribution? that's new to me
             | tgv wrote:
             | Firefox is a very different browser. Edge shares its base
             | with Chrome, and that's derived from WebKit.
         | vanderZwan wrote:
         | This may be my memory playing tricks on me (after all, time
         | perception changes as you get older), but if I think back to
         | the speed of adoption of just about any image format that came
         | after JPEG and GIF, then JPEG XL seems to be moving really fast
         | by comparison.
         | EDIT: granted, computers being stuck on old versions of
         | Internet Explorer back in the day and therefore holding back
         | (for example) PNG adoption is a very different situation than
         | that of the modern web, which makes it a bit of an unfair
         | comparison.
           | em-bee wrote:
           | i don't think your memory is playing tricks. from all these
           | new formats, only PNG has really caught on yet. i don't think
           | jpegxl will be adopted any faster.
       | tosh wrote:
       | discussed at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27559748
       | [deleted]
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I really want this to work.
       | As has been pointed out in the comments, it needs to be adopted
       | beyond the browser. And _easily_.
       | Anyone hear of FlashPix[0]?
       | Anyone?
       | Bueller?
       | It was a staged-resolution format that was introduced by a
       | consortium in the 1990s.
       | The biggest problem (of many) was that, in order to read or write
       | the format, you needed to use the Microsoft Structured Storage[1]
       | library, which was a huge pig (at that time. I assume it's
       | better, these days).
       | The format was basically strangled in the crib. It was actually a
       | fairly interesting idea, at the time, but files could be _huge_.
       | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FlashPix
       | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COM_Structured_Storage
         | kalleboo wrote:
         | > _The biggest problem (of many) was that, in order to read or
         | write the format, you needed to use the Microsoft Structured
         | Storage[1] library, which was a huge pig (at that time. I
         | assume it 's better, these days)._
         | HEIC and AVIF are based on the QuickTime file format, which
         | doesn't seem very svelte either. I can't find any reference on
         | the JPEG XL container format so it's probably it's own thing.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | Good chance it's TIFF, like JFIF.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | No thanks, the only TIFF you'll find in a JXL is the
             | (optional) Exif metadata.
           | jonsneyers wrote:
           | HEIC and AVIF are both based on HEIF, which is based on
           | ISOBMFF (just like for example MP4).
           | The JPEG XL container (which is optional and only needed if
           | you want to attach metadata to an image) is also based (more
           | directly and with less header overhead) on ISOBMFF.
             | astrange wrote:
             | The ISO media file format is, like GP said, basically
             | QuickTime.
             | This can be a problem if you're the kind of completionist
             | who needs to implement everything they see and make one C++
             | class per QuickTime atom - a problem I saw with a lot of
             | mp4 codebases.
             | But there's no need to do this because almost all the
             | things in the spec don't matter. Just don't read any of
             | them and handle the rest procedurally and it'll be fine. It
             | looks like JPEG XL also has too many features (like this
             | animation and patching thing) so maybe just ignore that
             | too.
         | keanebean86 wrote:
         | I was really excited about JPEG 2000 when I first heard about
         | it in the mid 2000s. As is tradition it was pretty much killed
         | by the possibility of patents that weren't part of the industry
         | agreement.
           | astrange wrote:
           | JPEG2000 just wasn't a great format either. Wavelets don't
           | compress well because they get blurry, which isn't pleasant
           | to look at, and it's slow to decode, so sticking with JPEG
           | was a good idea. Similar issues with WebP, it wasn't good
           | enough to move to.
             | Hypx_ wrote:
             | That might've been true at the time. But what about today?
             | Can't we use the higher settings for JPEG 2000? At least
             | speed shouldn't be an issue now.
       | ksec wrote:
       | Comment from Facebook Infra [1],
       | > _Erik Andre from the Images Infra team at Facebook here. I 'd
       | like to share a bit of our view on JPEG XL in the context of new
       | image formats (e.g AVIF, JPEG XL, WEBP2, ...) and how browser
       | adoption will let us move forward with our plans to test and
       | hopefully roll out JPEG XL._
       | > _After spending the last 5 months investigating and evaluating
       | JPEG XL from both a performance and quality point of view, it 's
       | our opinion that JPEG XL has the most potential of the new
       | generation of image formats that are trying to succeed JPEG._
       | > _This opinion is based on the following findings:_
       | > _JPEG XL encoding at speed /effort 6 is as fast as JPEG
       | encoding (using MozJpeg with Trellis encoding enabled). This
       | means that it's practical to encode JPEG XL images on the fly and
       | serve to client. This can be compared with the encoding speed of
       | AVIF which necessitates offline encoding which offers much less
       | flexibility when it comes to delivering dynamically sized and
       | compressed content. Depending on the settings used, JPEG XL can
       | also be very fast to decode. Our mobile benchmarks show that we
       | can reach parity with JPEG when using multiple threads to decode.
       | This matches and in many cases surpasses the decoding performance
       | of other new image formats. The JPEG XL image format supports
       | progressive decoding, offering similar gains in perceived image
       | load performance we are already benefitting from with JPEG. This
       | is a feature lacking in the other new image formats which are all
       | derived from Video codecs where such features makes little sense
       | to support._
       | > _Having browser support from all the major browsers is going to
       | make our lives a lot easier in upcoming WWW experiments and
       | ensure that we can deliver a consistent experience across
       | platforms and browsers._
       | Blink Tracking Bug [2] currently behind a flag ,Firefox on both
       | [1] and [3], currently in about:preferences#experimental on
       | Firefox Nightly. If I remember correctly it is supported on Edge
       | behind a parameter as well. I thought it was all very quiet after
       | the standard was published, turns out both Chrome and Firefox
       | intent to support it.
       | AFAIK, neither Webkit nor Safari has any plan or intention to
       | support JPEGXL. I think ( someone correct me if I am wrong )
       | Safari uses macOS image decoding library. So supporting JPEGXL
       | may come from an OS update and not browser?
       | Finally, an open standard, Royalty Free, open-source reference
       | implementation, and it is nearly better than all other
       | alternative. As an image format on the web it is quite possibly
       | close to _perfect_ [4]. It is exciting and I hope JPEG XL will
       | succeed.
       | [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1539075
       | [2]
       | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=117805...
       | [3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1707590
       | [4] I remember the conversion from a little more than 6 months
       | ago current encoder is not optimised for image quality below bpp
       | 1.0, those are going to be the focus once all the initial
       | reference encoder and decoder standards and issues are done. So
       | in case anyone wondering it doesn't look as good as other
       | competitors ( but still a lot better than JPEG ), those
       | improvements are coming later.
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | That's correct, Safari does its image decoding via OS-level
         | image decoding
         | (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreimage).
         | The only power Safari devs basically have is to decide which
         | OS-supported formats to enable/allow and which ones to disable
         | (e.g. JPEG 2000 is enabled but HEIC isn't).
         | So getting JPEG XL supported in Safari will most likely first
         | require it to be supported in MacOS and iOS. If you have an
         | Apple device and would like it to get JPEG XL support, then
         | feel free to open a Feedback Assistant ticket (there's an OS-
         | level application to do that) to make a feature request. (I did
         | that 5 weeks ago but haven't heard back yet)
           | mayoff wrote:
           | You probably meant the Image I/O framework, not the CoreImage
           | framework.
           | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/imageio/
           | Eric_WVGG wrote:
           | Huh. So that explains why WEBP worked in Safari 14 for Big
           | Sur but not Catalina or Mojave.
       | layoutIfNeeded wrote:
       | Not gonna fly, unless it's supported by PDF.
         | lucasmullens wrote:
         | JPEG XL is available (in beta/with a flag) in Chrome, Edge, and
         | Firefox. Seems likely once it's no longer in beta that some web
         | developers will start conditionally using it depending on the
         | user's browser.
         | It doesn't need to be useful everywhere to be useful.
       | ZeroGravitas wrote:
       | A few cynical comments so far about this being one more standard
       | to replace all the other standards a la the XKCD joke, but this
       | is an effort that I have some faith in to actually deliver on
       | that promise.
       | Lots of technical, practical and and political reasons why this
       | could quickly replace a whole bunch of legacy formats in various
       | roles that have been hanging around for a while for one obscure
       | reason or another.
       | A faster, better-looking, and simpler web, yes please! Please
       | support this so that it actually happens this time.
         | est31 wrote:
         | > this being one more standard to replace all the other
         | standards a la the XKCD joke
         | Even if JPEG XL does not replace all other image formats, note
         | that as the computing industry is growing, so is the number of
         | use cases for image formats. There is no law that there has to
         | be one format to rule them all, how inconvenient that may be.
         | E.g. some users might want to edit and encode extremely high
         | resolution images on their embedded smartphones with weak
         | processing power. They might not care if their images are 5%
         | larger, they don't want their friends to wait for the encode to
         | finish so that they can make another picture.
         | Other users might only encode an image once and then distribute
         | it to millions of users. 5% improvement in bandwidth cost might
         | be quite significant here. On the other hand, they have lots of
         | and computational resources to throw at making the optimal
         | image.
         | Can both use cases be served by the same format? Maybe. Maybe
         | JPEG XL is that format. But these use cases came up as
         | computers became embedded so you could carry them around, and
         | as websites sprung up with billions of visitors. This is a
         | development of the last 20 years.
         | Often the response to such developments is an increase in
         | complexity: more formats, more tools, etc.
       | jandrese wrote:
       | Oh nice, it seems they learned from the JPEG2000 fiasco and
       | released this with an open source license.
       | https://gitlab.com/wg1/jpeg-xl/-/blob/master/LICENSE
       | dreamlayers wrote:
       | Lossless JPEG transcoding making images 20% smaller is nice,
       | though you can already losslessly shrink many JPEG files by up to
       | 10% by using https://github.com/tjko/jpegoptim/ and making them
       | interlaced.
       | hoseja wrote:
       | Somewhat unfortunate naming for a format that presumably tries to
       | be as small as possible.
         | lovasoa wrote:
         | JPEG-XL can encode huge images, whereas JPEG is limited to a
         | maximum width and height of 65535 pixels.
           | hoseja wrote:
           | Is support for 5 gigapixel images really such a killer
           | feature to put it in the name?
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | That's not where the name comes from :)
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG_XL#Name
         | hnbad wrote:
         | I first thought the name must be a clever pun when I saw that
         | the original JPEG was dated 1992. But sadly my brain was off by
         | a decade, JPEG XL is in fact not JPEG 40.
         | They could have gone with JPEG XXL or JPEG XXX but the former
         | is a bit too fanciful and the latter might cause some adoption
         | problems outside a certain niche industry.
           | jonsneyers wrote:
           | JPEG MMXXI ?
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | It's also very similar to JPEG-XR.
           | jonsneyers wrote:
           | And JPEG XT. And JPEG XS.
           | I prefer calling it JXL (or jxl) which is visually
           | sufficiently unique to avoid confusion.
       | fleddr wrote:
       | A game changer delivered by JPEG XL that is often overlooked:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqi5U6dxeZU&t=223s
       | To summarize, JPEG XL has the potential to use a single file to
       | deliver many formats. This would deprecate the current practice
       | of web developers storing many versions of the same image to
       | optimize for different device types/sizes.
       | The advantages are shockingly large:
       | - It simply is much easier (time saved)
       | - Huge storage/cost savings for media-heavy sites/apps
       | - Significant world wide environmental benefit
       | - Less need for huge platforms (Facebook, Twitter) to
       | aggressively compress photos
       | - No need to constantly add new sizes, future-proof
       | A dream feature, if you ask me. Do note that this feature
       | requires both browser and web server support, so don't hold your
       | breath. But one can dream.
       | lnyan wrote:
       | Chrome status: In developer trial (Behind a flag)
       | FireFox status: Only in Nightly and behind a flag
       | https://caniuse.com/?search=jpeg-xl
         | sp332 wrote:
         | The Firefox flag is "image.jxl.enabled" and the Chrome flag is
         | "enable-jxl", in case anyone else was searching for jpegxl or
         | something instead.
           | mmis1000 wrote:
           | You don't really need to alter the flags directly if you are
           | on Firefox nightly. Firefox nightly already has a dedicated
           | page for recent experiments in setting page. JPEG XL is
           | already on it for a few months.
             | sp332 wrote:
             | That's cool. I've been running Nightly for a while but I
             | haven't been keeping up on new things in that tab.
         | jug wrote:
         | Aldo, note that while Edge has initial support as well, it's
         | behind a command-like attribute rather than a flag. Not sure
         | why they didn't just do it like Chromium but I have a suspicion
         | they might want to remove it later and replace it with a JPEG
         | XL image extension like they've done recently for AVIF etc. The
         | reason is that this then benefits the entire system.
         | But regardless. All main browsers but Safari will get it. The
         | jury's still out on Safari/WebKit.
       | nuclearsugar wrote:
       | Very curious to see if this codec gets implemented into After
       | Effects. I've been rendering out of Maya to a PNG sequence for
       | many years since it's lossless and includes an alpha channel. But
       | the decompression times leave me wishing for TIFF, TARGA, EXR, or
       | such... But the cumulative file size difference is dramatic. And
       | that matters when I'm rendering for example 10 tests, each with 2
       | layers, and also each have 10,000 frames.
         | KMnO4 wrote:
         | Does After Effects support APNG? Most browsers do.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APNG
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | This is not at all what it is for. Being an intermediary isn't
         | even what png is for. Exr is made for it and can zip compress
         | individual lines while having 16 or 32 bit floats per channel.
           | jonsneyers wrote:
           | JPEG XL can do lossless compression of 16-bit or 32-bit (or
           | even 24-bit and other custom float types) float data, just
           | like EXR. It can do pretty fast encode/decode (for mezzanine
           | use cases) and also (if you have time for encoding) it can do
           | the densest lossless compression.
             | CyberDildonics wrote:
             | The point here is that EXR has taken care of being an
             | intermediate format for 20 years but this person is using
             | pngs and is hoping jpegxl fills the same slot of a solved
             | problem.
             | > It can do pretty fast encode/decode (for mezzanine use
             | cases)
             | I'm not sure what this means, but zipping individual lines
             | takes care of the interactivity problem of working with
             | compressed intermediary frames.
       | traspler wrote:
       | One big problem I have with the image/video format zoo in the
       | browsers is that it becomes an incredible complicated task to get
       | the media out of the browser in a format all the other software
       | can work with. It would be amazing if the browsers offered a
       | built-in ,,Download & Convert" feature for images and videos.
       | Pages automatically defaulting to webp so you try to send the
       | link through a messenger and you might notice that it doesn't
       | work for everyone, either iOS users can't see it or the messenger
       | interprets it strangely. So you try to save the image and send
       | that, same problem, you get the webp image...
         | [deleted]
         | Geee wrote:
         | What would be even more amazing, is that browsers would
         | compress / convert formats on upload. Especially video. It's
         | stupid to upload gigabytes of raw video to a server which then
         | compresses it to a few megabytes.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | If you're willing for your video to suffer quality from bad
           | compression settings because your browser is a "dumb" tool
           | that just applies some preconfigured compression scheme, then
           | great. Also, how many people are going to accept that instead
           | of just uploading files and seeing immediate progress vs
           | waiting for a browser to compress a file from some sub-$500
           | laptop? What codec is it encoding to? H.265? good luck
           | getting that to complete this week on that cheap laptop.
         | Osiris wrote:
         | Reminds me of the native plugin days where based on mine type,
         | a plugin would handle the content.
         | Could WASM in an extension be good enough for some use cases
         | like this?
         | dangerface wrote:
         | Yea its awful the number of sites that use .jpg but its actualy
         | a webp with the wrong extension, like thanks I hate it.
           | slig wrote:
           | Thanks Clouflare for that.
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | It is a bad idea with lossy compression. Every convertation
         | will make quality worse.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | Desktop Firefox already has it.
         | Right click -- "Copy image" -- paste into any program that
         | supports PNG.
         | On Android though this is not the case.
           | Pxtl wrote:
           | Really? I'm getting "your browser does not support JPEG XL"
           | in Firefox.
             | nine_k wrote:
             | I mean the way to export an arbitrary image in an open
             | format, not JPEG XL support yet.
         | philo23 wrote:
         | I've noticed sometimes that when Cloudflare optimises images
         | and serves up their own WebP versions of your existing images,
         | if you go to save it you get the original jpg/png back.
         | Presumably the HTTP request that gets sent when you save an
         | image sends different Accept headers.
         | Doesn't seem to work all the time, but presumably thats down to
         | a combination of different Cloudflare settings, origin server
         | configuration and what format the original image were in too.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | My guess is that the HTTP client request, when you do right
           | click "Save Image As", is sent with Cache-Control:no-cache
           | and Pragma:no-cache headers. Which bypasses Cloudflare.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | I think it just re-requests without the "Accept:
             | image/webp" in the request header, so you get whatever the
             | server would have sent to a browser that doesn't know about
             | WebP.
               | tyingq wrote:
               | That seems like it would have to be an unusual hardcoded
               | path in the browser's code. I can't figure out why it
               | would do that.
               | jandrese wrote:
               | Too many complaints that they downloaded a picture from
               | the web that their image viewer can't open maybe?
         | CyberShadow wrote:
         | > It would be amazing if the browsers offered a built-in
         | ,,Download & Convert" feature for images and videos.
         | In a way, they already do for images: right-click and "Copy".
         | In some desktop environments, you can even paste that directly
         | into a folder to save it as a file. Dolphin allows choosing
         | which format (of those that the browser can convert to) to save
         | it in.
         | lostgame wrote:
         | Google Image search even does this! Incredibly annoying - only
         | to go to the source image itself and find it to be JPEG or PNG.
         | Very confused as to why this is done - anyone?
         | p410n3 wrote:
         | I always hated when people sent me screenshots instead of just
         | downloading the images, but for the reasons you mentioned I
         | know often find myself screenshotting stuff....
         | At least I cut the image so it's not obvious
         | Daemon404 wrote:
         | Chrome does seem to save the JPEG version on some WebP or AVIF
         | URLs where there is also a JPEG version available too, although
         | it seems to be 'clever' about it rather than explicitly
         | offering the option, which can make saving the actual WebP or
         | AVIF mildly annoying.
         | krzyk wrote:
         | Really? I find browsers as a software that recognizes fewest
         | number of image formats.
         | ImageMagick is just few keystroke away and you can convert to
         | almost any format you like.
         | h0nd wrote:
         | At the same time content providers are trying to make it as
         | difficult as possible to 'steal' their videos and images.
           | phkahler wrote:
           | >> At the same time content providers are trying to make it
           | as difficult as possible to 'steal' their videos and images.
           | Well, screenshot is a thing for images. Video is another
           | story.
             | BEEdwards wrote:
             | OBS works great for screenshoting videos.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | I like how you put steal in quotes to minimize the fact that
           | is what you are doing. If you walk into an art gallery or
           | musuem, you can't just take art of the wall and walk out with
           | it. Just because the gallery is a website, people feel like
           | they can just right-click and save as and walk out the door
           | with it. Yet, people understand that highlighting text
           | copy&pasting it into their own work is plagiarism. I honestly
           | do not understand the disconnect. If the website felt like
           | the imagery should be free for people to do what they want
           | with, then they would provide a link to a higher quality
           | image rather than a highly compressed one.
             | desiderantes wrote:
             | Wonky comparison, as plagiarism involves claiming
             | authorship/evading citing, not literally copying text and
             | keeping it somewhere else. I CAN go and copy text from any
             | textbook into my notebook without consequences, why
             | couldn't I download a copy of an image?
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | Did you ask for permission and were granted permission to
               | take that image from the server for any other use than
               | for viewing in a browser? What is the purpose of
               | downloading the image? To share with friends? Why not
               | send a link to the site? To use a desktop background? Did
               | you pay to license for that use? To store on your phone
               | for your own personal enjoyment? Again, why not reload
               | the website?
               | spider-mario wrote:
               | Some countries, like France <https://www.legifrance.gouv.
               | fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI0000...> and Switzerland <htt
               | ps://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#ti
               | ...>, cite several exceptions to copyright including
               | private copying.
               | NoSorryCannot wrote:
               | As a lowly end user not intending to widely redistribute
               | the content, I decline this absurd level of
               | responsibility, and the doctrine of fair use would tend
               | to agree.
               | And as long as websites tend to modify, delete, move, or
               | otherwise play games with urls and content, I will see
               | value in saving a permanent copy. That I should be able
               | to do that is frankly how the internet was intended to
               | function; if that's not desirable for the content, then
               | perhaps it should not be published on the internet at
               | all.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | >And as long as websites tend to modify, delete, move, or
               | otherwise play games with urls and content <snip> then
               | perhaps it should not be published on the internet at
               | all.
               | Except an artist can deliberately decide to only make an
               | image publicly available for a limited time, and
               | therefore taken the image down from the website. Just
               | like art moves from museum to museum, an artist can allow
               | an image to be used within a pre-defined window. Just
               | because you have the technical know how to extract an
               | image that is not readibly downloadable via the UI does
               | not mean you should.
               | Maybe one of the features of JXL would be a timebomb type
               | of setting where after a certain date the data is no
               | longer useable.
               | I sympathize with both sides of this argument. I get that
               | info wants to be free blah blah, but I also understand
               | that artists are in a difficult situation with the
               | internet. I mean, an artist's work posted on the internet
               | is not the cure for cancer, or basic information on
               | algebra where the info should be evergreen. The group
               | think is more of "I want what I want" vs consideration
               | for what the artist's intentions are. If you enjoy an
               | image so much that you're willing to go to the effort to
               | get the image, why not acquire the image throuh legit
               | method?
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | If someone saves an image for private use, that doesn't
               | interfere with limited public availability.
               | > If you enjoy an image so much that you're willing to go
               | to the effort to get the image, why not acquire the image
               | throuh legit method?
               | Do you make the same argument when people use a VHS? If
               | you're willing to go through the effort to press the
               | record button, you should go buy a copy for $20?
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | Depends on the purpose the use of the VHS. Copying
               | something you brought home from Blockbuster would
               | definitely qualify. Recording something off of TV to
               | watch at a later more convenient time was just the
               | precursor to DVR.
               | The image file you downloaded from someone's website
               | without their permission in miles better in quality than
               | the stupid VHS. It's more like the DVD/Blu-ray you ripped
               | from your buddy that actually paid for it. Just because
               | you can doesn't mean you should
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Saving an image _is_ very high quality. But so is DVR.
               | Usually a DVR copy is perfect.
               | DVR sounds like a very good analogy to me. The website is
               | showing you something, and you make a personal capture
               | that you can replay at any time. It was distributed to
               | you specifically, and you're time-shifting it. You're not
               | taking a personal copy held by one person and making it
               | two personal copies held by two people, which is what
               | happens when you rip someone else's DVD. And the same
               | way, you shouldn't take that image you saved and start
               | distributing it around.
             | Majestic121 wrote:
             | It's a bad metaphor, because if you take the image from the
             | gallery, other people cannot enjoy it anymore, while with
             | the right click/save you make a copy, so it's still there
             | for everyone.
             | A better analogy would be if you make a painting of a
             | painting without paying the original artist, is it stealing
             | ?
             | It's not : it can be construed as counterfeiting though,
             | and it might cause the artist to stop painting because he
             | does not make enough money, but calling it stealing is
             | simply wrong.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | Okay, so you're one of those hung up on a definition.
               | What do you call it when you use something without
               | someone's explicit permission whether because you didn't
               | ask for it first or knowingly using it after it has been
               | posted on a website that you do not have permission to
               | use it?
               | adrianmonk wrote:
               | Normally, discussions about semantics are indeed
               | pointless. But this is a rare exception.
               | The word "steal" is chosen _because_ it carries a strong
               | negative connotation. It is an example of loaded language
               | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_language).
               | Regardless of whether it's ethical to copy whatever files
               | in whatever situation being discussed, the term "steal"
               | is intended to sidestep that question and make it _feel_
               | unethical by drawing an equivalence between it and
               | something most people agree is unethical.
               | It's a slightly underhanded rhetorical technique, so it's
               | reasonable to put the word "steal" in quotation marks to
               | call attention to it.
               | Majestic121 wrote:
               | Depends on the context. If the person loses access to
               | what I'm taking (typical in the physical world),
               | stealing. If the person does not loses access (typical in
               | the virtual world or with artificial scarcity items),
               | counterfeiting.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | And you're okay with being an counterfeiter?
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | I agree with this, and I think for this reason it is best if a
         | new codec gets wide adoption also outside browsers, instead of
         | having the approach of a "web codec" where it suffices that
         | servers and browsers know about it but the wider ecosystem
         | doesn't support it.
         | WebP in particular, as the name suggests, was conceived as an
         | "image format for the web" and while I think it's good to have
         | the web in mind when designing an image codec, I think it's a
         | bad idea to limit the scope like that. Design decisions like
         | limiting the maximum dimensions and bit depth at the codec
         | level "because that's all the web needs" plus limited
         | attention/focus to adoption outside browsers does lead to the
         | phenomenon you describe where "it doesn't work for everyone",
         | causing the small gain of improved compression to be dwarfed by
         | the huge inconvenience of breaking workflows.
         | Any new codec of course has this problem even if they do target
         | wide adoption (like JPEG XL): adoption is never instantaneous.
         | It is a fact that the release cycle of browsers is more
         | suitable for innovation than that of most other software, so it
         | does make sense to start there even when it will still cause
         | things to break in software that doesn't support it yet.
         | To mitigate that, I think it would help a lot of browsers would
         | have a "Save As..." dialog box on images that gives users the
         | choice to save the actual image in whatever format it is in, or
         | to convert it to PNG or JPEG.
           | im3w1l wrote:
           | Another solution could be that "someone" creates a library
           | supporting all these formats that everyone else can then use.
           | If the supported formats are queried at run-time, this means
           | that just updating the library will automagically add support
           | into other programs.
             | bmn__ wrote:
             | I believe AmigaOS and BeOS had that, ROX Desktop too? We
             | could replicate the same nowadays via GStreamer, but
             | adoption is hampered by its plug-in system, meaning that
             | most installations are incomplete.
             | chungy wrote:
             | You are basically describing libavformat and libavcodec
             | (part of the ffmpeg project)
           | onedognight wrote:
           | This would significantly increases browser attack surface
           | area. Coders are usually much more complicated than decoders.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | Browsers already have to include an encoder for JPEG and
             | PNG. They need that anyway for things like toDataURL(), see
             | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasE...
             | astrange wrote:
             | The input data to an encoder is very simple since it's just
             | pixels. It's possible to find a crash but it would be
             | surprising to find an exploitable one.
             | nine_k wrote:
             | The browser has to decompress the image into raw pixels to
             | display it anyway.
             | Dumping these raw pixels into a trivial intermediate
             | format, like uncompressed PNG or BMP, should not increase
             | the attack surface in any noticeable way.
           | jacobolus wrote:
           | > _It is a fact that the release cycle of browsers is more
           | suitable for innovation than that of most other software,_
           | Also there is a huge financial incentive for large web
           | hosting companies (e.g. Google, Facebook) to adopt
           | compression formats that save bandwidth, using automated
           | tools to apply those wherever possible.
           | People making e.g. image archives or building image capture
           | hardware are going to be slower. They don't want to use new
           | untested technologies that might not succeed, and they don't
           | want to switch more frequently than necessary. When they do
           | transition it will be by applying new technologies to new
           | images but not immediately transforming older images to use
           | the new technology.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | True -- which is one of the reasons why JPEG XL includes a
             | risk-free JPEG recompression option: if needed, you can
             | just undo it and get the bit-exact same JPEG files back.
             | Applying lossy recompression on already-lossy-compressed
             | images is something you should avoid at all cost, since it
             | inevitably causes generation loss (and it is also likely to
             | not be very effective, since you're basically spending a
             | lot of bits in the new codec on replicating compression
             | artifacts of the old codec).
             | JyrkiAlakuijala wrote:
             | Happy users, faster growing userbase, more e-store revenue,
             | higher click-through rates, lower latency, better quality-
             | of-experience, or more 7-day-returning users can be more
             | important financial incentives than bandwidth. Humans are
             | more than thousands of times more valuable than a computer.
             | When image quality and observed latency are at a level
             | where users don't care even subconsciously (say, images
             | look like camera originals and load in 100 ms), then
             | bandwidth cost optimization may become a good 2nd
             | objective.
           | dgb23 wrote:
           | We automatically convert user generated images to WebP if
           | feasible and then use the <picture> element to display
           | alternatives (the original format as the fallback). I'm
           | pretty sure that this might be a common pattern.
           | Browsers could allow a selection of all sources provided by
           | the picture element (this would also include differently
           | scaled variants based on media queries) in a download dialog.
             | Zardoz84 wrote:
             | It's not a option doing that if you need to serve a TiB of
             | images and you need, yet, to support IE 11.
             | JPEG XL on fly conversion to JPEG, offers a nice solution
             | for this use case.
               | dgb23 wrote:
               | We support IE11 with a polyfill.
               | The images are converted and stored when they are
               | uploaded or changed. I can see this being an issue with
               | that kind of volume though. But it's a performance gain
               | for the clients while content doesn't need to worry about
               | it.
           | txtsd wrote:
           | I'm worried about whether it will get adoption outside of
           | browsers.
       | The_rationalist wrote:
       | While the collaboration between Google and Cloudinary is very
       | welcome and the JPEG standardisation will accelerate adoption, it
       | would be nice to see a comparison of JPEG XL versus FLIF/FUIF, it
       | doesn't seem to have improved over it and it is unclear if it
       | retains all features such as progressive decoding of animated
       | images Cf https://flif.info/animation.html
       | yoran wrote:
       | Not directly relevant to the discussion, but I'm glad to see some
       | (ex?) KU Leuven people involved in this.
       | kapsteur wrote:
       | No matter the technical quality of a product such as jpeg XL, it
       | is the adoption by browsers that will make it a concrete product
       | ?
         | dtech wrote:
         | Both chrome and Firefox have it in their nightlies. Similarly
         | to webp, as soon as they have it it will be usable with header
         | sniffing quickly.
         | sp332 wrote:
         | Facebook likes it too. And honestly that's a pretty big egg if
         | browsers are the chicken. What are you looking for to recognize
         | a "concrete" product?
       | bick_nyers wrote:
       | Been evaluating lossless alternatives to .PNG, the nice thing
       | about .webp is that it is multi-threadable (hard to come by as
       | far as lossless compression algorithms go), can JPEG-XL
       | (lossless) say the same?
         | janwas wrote:
         | Yes, JPEG XL lossy and lossless formats both enable parallel
         | and region of interest decoding by splitting the image into
         | "groups"/tiles.
         | The parallel speedup for lossless mode depends on the speed
         | setting.
       | znpy wrote:
       | I'm looking at an original vs jpeg-xl in lossless and it seems
       | that jpeg-xl alters the colors (blue in particular) noticeably?
       | https://eclipseo.github.io/image-comparison-web/#abandonned-...
       | Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.
       | EDIT: Looking at https://eclipseo.github.io/image-comparison-
       | web/#japan-expo&... some details about the metallic structure in
       | the background are noticeably worse (less defined) in the jpeg-xl
       | version.
         | jerryX wrote:
         | In Chrome it looks identical.
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | If Original vs Lossless does not look the same, it is because
         | your browser does not do color management correctly. JPEG XL's
         | lossless is mathematically lossless, so there cannot be any
         | actual difference.
         | What can happen though is that the "Original PNG" doesn't have
         | an ICC profile and gets treated by your browser in a different
         | way than the PNG produced by the jxl decoder. This is a problem
         | of your browser though, not of JPEG XL, and likely the image
         | you see for "lossless JPEG XL" is the correct one.
           | 0-_-0 wrote:
           | According to IrfanView, the Lossless JPEG XL one has 167959
           | unique colors, while the original one has 233263.
           | For me it looks different in Firefox, the same in Brave (the
           | uncompressed one in Firefox is the odd one out)
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | I'm curious how IrfanView is counting colors then.
         | GrinningFool wrote:
         | Both comparisons appear identical to me in Firefox.
         | markdog12 wrote:
         | Looks identical on Windows, Chrome Canary 93.0.4549.0
       | baal80spam wrote:
       | I wonder how relevant is this xkcd going to be here.
       | https://xkcd.com/927/
         | clouddrover wrote:
         | It's true that JPEG will hang around purely because a lot of
         | software and hardware supports it and they can't all be easily
         | updated. But existing JPEG images can be losslessly (and
         | reversibly) transcoded to JPEG XL and you still get reduced
         | file sizes:
         | https://cloudinary.com/blog/legacy_and_transition_creating_a...
         | JPEG XL will be successful for this reason alone.
         | blowski wrote:
         | It's kind of relevant, but it's probably relevant to half the
         | posts on HN. By this point, it's kind of a cliche to bring it
         | up.
         | andrius4669 wrote:
         | lossless reversible jpeg recompression seems to be a nod to the
         | fact that jpegs aren't going anywhere.
           | romanovcode wrote:
           | On the web you want to use WebP nowadays so I would not be so
           | sure.
             | p0nce wrote:
             | WebP has a bit less features, for example it's only 4:2:0
             | (which looks great).
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | Well that kinda depends, 4:2:0 is good enough for video
               | and photo uses, but falls over pretty hard when
               | confronted with synthetic images (e.g. UIs).
             | pabs3 wrote:
             | JPEG XL is allegedly better than WebP, so once browsers get
             | support, seems like it would be the future.
             | acdha wrote:
             | WebP is slower and frequently the size benefits are quite
             | small, even non-existent, as you'd expect for an old codec.
             | Anyone concerned about bandwidth or features is probably
             | going to want to support newer formats like HEIC which
             | offer better performance to offset the cost of managing
             | multiple formats.
           | lcnmrn wrote:
           | JPEG XL has a non backwards compatible mode too for highest
           | quality/compression and the bitstream can be improved with
           | better encoders in the future.
       | nabla9 wrote:
       | Very nice practical feature: "Existing JPEG data can be
       | represented as-is in JPEG XL: no lossy transcoding!" If you need
       | ever to convert huge amount of archieved jpeg, you can config the
       | conversion not to lose anything.
       | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LlmUR0Uoh4dgT3DjanLj...
         | jmiserez wrote:
         | I know it's not the same, but technically you could do that
         | with every format: just ship a JPEG decoder and detect if the
         | input is a JPEG. The other way round would be much cooler, i.e.
         | if each JPEG XL file also was a valid JPEG.
       | jokoon wrote:
       | Curious to see how it compares to BGP:
       | https://bellard.org/bpg/
       | Comparison:
       | http://xooyoozoo.github.io/yolo-octo-bugfixes/
       | But again, the main bottleneck with image compression is embedded
       | software, like smartphone, cameras, etc. There is a compromise
       | and cost/benefit between file size, transistor requirement, CPU
       | cycles, power required, etc.
       | For example, I would be interested to see the size of binary code
       | required to compress JPG, JPG XL, BGP, WEBP, etc.
         | est31 wrote:
         | Quality wise, BPG is essentially the same thing as HEIF because
         | both base on HEVC. There are comparisons with HEIF in the
         | slides linked on the JPEG XL homepage:
         | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LlmUR0Uoh4dgT3DjanLj...
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | n.b. HEVC is not royalty-free, while JPEG XL is.
             | sp332 wrote:
             | Thanks for mentioning this, I was curious and I thought it
             | would be getting more discussion here.
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | Oh look, another barely used image format alongside WebP,
       | Animated PNG, AVIF, JPEG2000, and a bunch of others so obscure I
       | forgot them.
       | It seems image formats have ossified. Nobody cares if the images
       | are 50% smaller because storage and network are cheap enough not
       | to deal with the hassle of using a non-standard image format.
         | mschuster91 wrote:
         | I would not call JPEG2000 being "barely used" - it is the
         | standard format for all digital cinema movie packages.
           | ianlevesque wrote:
           | What is a digital cinema movie package?
             | detaro wrote:
             | The data format used to send movies to cinemas.
             | layoutIfNeeded wrote:
             | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Cinema_Package
             | speedgoose wrote:
             | Cinemas don't use consumer grave video compression like
             | h265, instead each frame is a jpeg 2000 image. It's heavy.
             | KaiserPro wrote:
             | To simplify its a tar with jpeg2000s as an image stream,
             | plus audio and some metadata.
             | Its then (usually, but it is optional) encrypted to make
             | sure that its hard to copy. The keys are sent directly to
             | each projector to allow time limited, and or other limited
             | use.
             | The reason why its used is because it optimized for
             | quality, rather than size. It also allows custom colour
             | spaces and other tweaks to maintain/enforce colour
             | correctness/image quality.
           | snovv_crash wrote:
           | Its also heavily used in the medical imaging field for
           | radiographs etc
             | detaro wrote:
             | also for aerial photography images.
         | jonsneyers wrote:
         | If nobody would care, then how do you explain all the effort
         | that went into MozJPEG, WebP, BPG, FLIF, HEIC, AVIF and JPEG
         | XL?
         | Do you really think people are working on improved image
         | compression just for fun, and not because "somebody actually
         | cares"?
         | Also, it is not just about compression, it is also about
         | functionality. HDR displays are a thing, images with alpha
         | transparency are also a thing. There just is no way to properly
         | do HDR and alpha without "dealing with the hassle of using a
         | non-standard image format", unless you think 16-bit PNGs are a
         | good idea for the web.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | Neat... But the only image on this page (the logo) is still a
           | gif, an image format from 33 years ago, without any updates
           | for 32 years.
             | jonsneyers wrote:
             | Sure, if you don't need images, then that's fine and you
             | obviously don't need a new codec. There is a significant
             | chunk of the web though that does make significant use of
             | images.
         | tusharpandey13 wrote:
         | So just halt innovation because a fraction of the internet's
         | users have fast connection speeds?
           | hulitu wrote:
           | > So just halt innovation because a fraction of the
           | internet's users have fast connection speeds?
           | Inovation ? Will it make life easier for people ? No. You
           | still need to update. Will the page load faster ? No page
           | still has 30 Mb at 50 kbps. Lossless ? Same as PNG. Lossy -
           | same as JPG. So what is the inovation ? That with 20 threads
           | on an Epyc is very fast ? How about my 1ghz phone with 4
           | cores ?
             | lucasmullens wrote:
             | Lots of users in the world are still on 2G/3G and would
             | greatly benefit from a faster image format.
             | > Lossless ? Same as PNG. Lossy - same as JPG.
             | This is incorrect, JPEG XL is smaller.
             | Also why do you put spaces before your question marks? It
             | makes your post look rushed.
       | ncann wrote:
       | I wonder how good the lossy quality and size is compared to JPEG
       | Mini.
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