[HN Gopher] Rhizome - A pedagogical example of a JIT for Ruby, i...
       Rhizome - A pedagogical example of a JIT for Ruby, implemented in
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 206 points
       Date   : 2021-06-21 17:17 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | burlesona wrote:
       | I was disappointed that this isn't a complete working project,
       | but I have to say the documentation is well-written and
       | informative. This seems like a great learning project.
         | stormbrew wrote:
         | I did something very similar to this (though I never got to
         | JITing to actual machine code, it was on my roadmap, and there
         | were differences in goals[1]) back in the 1.8.x days and the
         | reality is that writing any kind of ruby interpreter is an
         | astoundingly complex task. It is not a simple language and it
         | has a lot of awkward corners.
         | I spent months getting it to the point where it could just
         | properly _run_ rubyspec, and then months more just making it
         | pass a decent number of its tests.
         | I can't imagine this has gotten any easier since then, it would
         | be a hell of a project to make anything like this a complete
         | working project.
         | [1] it's kind of horrifying to me now but it's still up on my
         | github at github.com/stormbrew/channel9 -- the actual goal was
         | a multilanguage vm where you can implement languages in
         | themselves. It was originally written in ruby and eventually
         | the bytecode interpreter core was rewritten in C++. The OP
         | project is much nicer, more directed, and better documented by
         | far than what I wrote there though.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | Yeah, sorry, it was designed to be deep but not broad, and of
         | course it's unfinished. It's a bit of a shame.
         | The reading list is the starting point
         | https://github.com/chrisseaton/rhizome#how-to-read-this-
         | repo..., as is the code in lib of course. You can also run the
         | experiments to generate programs before and after passes.
         | Someone who knows about basic things like bytecode might like
         | to start reading at
         | https://github.com/chrisseaton/rhizome/blob/main/doc/constru...
         | and may find that then starts to be new information.
       | mike1o1 wrote:
       | I really appreciate the recommended reading order mentioned in
       | the repository. Many times when looking at a repository as a
       | learning resource it can be pretty daunting to know where to
       | start, so I'm glad to see that in the readme.
         | adenozine wrote:
         | Out of curiosity and for possible discussion, do you have any
         | hard and fast methods for approaching a medium-to-large
         | unfamiliar codebase?
         | In the past, I've tried looking in the past of the repo and
         | trying to make maps of the dependencies between different files
         | over time, to better understand which classes or types are the
         | most widespread. In dynamic languages, I really don't know how
         | I'd start, I'd probably just see how it's invoked and start
         | depth-first from there.
           | mike1o1 wrote:
           | It depends on the type of app. If it's a rails app, I usually
           | start with user.rb or whatever the equivalent is (account.rb
           | or something) as those usually have most of the
           | functionality. From there, I'll either look start looking at
           | routes config and going from there or some of the base
           | controllers to get a sense of things (i.e.
           | ApplicationController or maybe AuthenticatedController).
           | For non-rails web apps (and rails apps), I'll usually find a
           | portion of the UI and just start tracking from the front-end
           | to the back-end. Something like finding some text on the
           | page, and trying to reverse back to where that particular
           | piece of text was defined and what steps it took to get there
           | (which view, helper, controller, etc.)
           | For non web-apps, I don't have any good techniques,
           | unfortunately.
           | inopinatus wrote:
           | Read the database schema first.
           | "Show me your flowchart and conceal your tables, and I shall
           | continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't
           | usually need your flowchart; it'll be obvious." -- Fred
           | Brooks, The Mythical Man Month (1975)
           | "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry
           | about data structures and their relationships." - Linus
           | Torvalds
       | dleslie wrote:
       | The code is quite legible; I recommend having a peak.
       | alberth wrote:
       | I wonder what the folks at Shopify think of this given that they
       | are doing a huge amount of performance work with Ruby/Truffle-
       | ruby.
       | Off topic: If Ruby could achieve the performance that Crystal
       | provides, it'd wager the adoption rate would be huge.
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | It's just impossible, ruby / python will always be fast'ish
         | never really fast because the foundation was not built for it.
           | jordanthoms wrote:
           | JS used to be thought of as a slow language, then better VMs
           | came along and now it's fast. I think it's much more a
           | function of how much resources have been expended on
           | developing a fast VM than the fundamentals of the language,
           | though it will always be much harder to make a fast VM for
           | Ruby than something like Lua.
           | vorticalbox wrote:
           | What you lose in execution time you generally gain in
           | development.
             | goldenkey wrote:
             | > "What you lose in apples you gain in oranges"
             | I didn't know different units could be compared as if they
             | had an equivalence ratio...
               | michaelcampbell wrote:
               | This feels like it is said in bad faith because I suspect
               | you know exactly what is meant.
               | If you really want to be pedantic, 1_000_000 user
               | operations are to be done. If you write something that
               | does 1_000_000 user operations/second, and it takes 6 mos
               | to write, it'll be done in 6 mos and 1 sec.
               | If it only does 500 ops/sec but takes 1 day to write,
               | it'll be done in ~3.3 days.
               | Which one is faster?
               | vorticalbox wrote:
               | languages like python usually have shorter time to market
               | at the cost of it running slower.
               | So sure they can't be directly compared but that doesn't
               | mean that one cannot effect the other.
             | mioasndo wrote:
             | > ruby
             | > doubt
           | nirvdrum wrote:
           | I don't believe it's impossible, although it's certainly a
           | large undertaking. TruffleRuby already optimizes some "slow"
           | features of Ruby quite well. E.g., it's able to inline blocks
           | and JIT compile metaprogramming features. I haven't really
           | kept up with all that Crystal is doing these days, but if you
           | can optimize the hard parts of Ruby, you eventually just get
           | into the traditional trade-offs between AOT and JIT
           | compilation.
           | (Full disclosure: I work on TruffleRuby, in case that
           | matters.)
         | Malp wrote:
         | This is created by Chris Seaton, who works on TruffleRuby at
         | Shopify
           | alberth wrote:
           | Lol. I couldn't remember his name from his HN comments.
       | adenozine wrote:
       | Thunderbong with an excellent link!
       | Chris Seaton is one of the most influential programmers out there
       | for me. I'm so interested in just about everything he's touched.
       | What a guy. Ruby will never die so long as people have ideas like
       | his, though not all can follow through and create such cool
       | things!
       | I'm curious to see where performant ruby goes in the midst of
       | Crystal. I quite like Ruby for exploring, Pry is an unrivalled
       | repl experience, but then Crystal is very fast and quite
       | efficient for big things. I like the idea of types guiding me
       | amongst a big large codebase that I might not be familiar with.
       | We'll just have to keep hacking and see what happens!
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | > I'm curious to see where performant ruby goes in the midst of
         | Crystal
         | Crystal is a statically typed language, so the traditional
         | performance considerations about static <> dynamic languages
         | apply. AFAIK Ruby is also particularly hard to optimize, due to
         | its very dynamic nature (pretty much every concept can be
         | changed at runtime).
         | > Crystal is very fast and quite efficient for big things
         | It can'be currently said "very fast" about such a young
         | language; it will depend on how much manpower will be put it in
         | the long term. Parallelism is not even yet stable, which is a
         | considerable factor.
         | I personally think it as a pleasant language to write small
         | tools/scripts. If parallelism would have been implemented from
         | day 1, I would have actually used it.
           | michaelcampbell wrote:
           | I don't see the age of language at all relevant to how many
           | ops/s or whatever other measure of speed you want to use it
           | has.
           | It's either faster than what you consider "very fast", or it
           | is not; how long the language has been around is, IMO, a
           | complete non-sequitur.
           | That it can be made, possibly, much faster than it is I guess
           | can probably weigh in here, but that's not what they were
           | talking about.
         | vinceguidry wrote:
         | It should be kept in mind that the Ruby ecosystem has quite a
         | bit of depth to it and there are solutions that have been
         | around for quite some time to make it useful in places you
         | wouldn't ordinarily think to. The performance issue has many
         | angles to it.
         | There are lots of different ways to extend Ruby with code in
         | other languages such as C or Rust, there's DragonRuby if you
         | wanna make games, you can run Ruby on the JVM, JRuby and
         | nowadays TruffleRuby, there's even a slimmed-down Ruby suitable
         | for use in embedded contexts, mruby, which is what I replaced
         | all of my Crystal code with. (if you go this route, the best
         | way I've found is to compile your own mruby with whatever you
         | want in it, and put a #!/path/to/mruby shebang at the top of
         | your scripts. Compile if you need even more perf, I found
         | JITted mruby to be more than sufficient.)
         | Crystal isn't a bad language, but the only thing it shares with
         | Ruby is a small subset of syntax. It's sorely lacking in
         | maturity and in libraries and tools. It's unfortunate because
         | Crystal is an idea worth exploring, but its proximity to Ruby
         | means people will always position it against Ruby, and it will
         | always fall short. And with types now in Ruby that's one less
         | reason to pick Crystal over Ruby.
       | rattray wrote:
       | Related project for those interested in alternative/experimental
       | ruby implementations: Artichoke, a ruby for Wasm built with Rust.
       | https://www.artichokeruby.org/
       (page generated 2021-06-21 23:00 UTC)