[HN Gopher] Fasm, a F# to Jitted ASM/IL disassembler as a dotnet...
       Fasm, a F# to Jitted ASM/IL disassembler as a dotnet tool
       Author : aloisdg
       Score  : 111 points
       Date   : 2021-06-22 11:58 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | [deleted]
       | underdeserver wrote:
       | FASM is overloaded: https://flatassembler.net/
       | Since it's the same context I'd rather they didn't reuse the
       | name.
         | tux3 wrote:
         | And another one:
         | https://symbiflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fasm/docs/specifi...
         | chalst wrote:
         | Agreed. 'Fshasm' would make the connection to F# clearer and
         | avoid this confusion.
           | aloisdg wrote:
           | Fshasm is good idea and available on nuget
           | (https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Fshasm). We lost the
           | author's wordplay though. I opened an issue on GitHub to talk
           | about the name. Come join us :)
           | https://github.com/d-edge/fasm/issues/5
           | meijer wrote:
           | Looks a bit too much like "fascism" for my taste.
             | poloopolo wrote:
             | As if you knew what that word means or as if there was any
             | risk of confusion in this context.
             | chalst wrote:
             | The Levenstein distance to either "Fasm" or "Fshasm" are
             | the same, at three. I don't think that's too close.
               | raegis wrote:
               | And the distance between "Levenstein" and "Levenshtein"
               | is only one, so is this an OK misspelling? :)
         | aloisdg wrote:
         | The name Fasm is a pun around the French word _Phasme_ which
         | translate to _Phasmatodea_ in English and is coined with
         | F(sharp) + asm (i.e assembly).
         | Following this thread, I opened an issue about this:
         | https://github.com/d-edge/fasm/issues/5
         | nitia wrote:
         | Agreed. I prefer the other FASM too
         | [deleted]
       | eggy wrote:
       | I use FASM (https://flatassembler.net/), and I have been learning
       | F# for about five years, so this is very interesting to me. I am
       | guessing it is more like NASM than MASM because of the square
       | brackets in the animated GIF example? I am trying to figure out
       | how I might find this useful. I am trying to do wavelet
       | transforms in F# that I currently do in C or Julia, and this
       | might be fun for some assembly optimizations if worth it over the
       | C library, but I doubt it because of optimizations.
         | aloisdg wrote:
         | Fasm is a dotnet tool running a watcher to observe what asm/il
         | will be generated from a F# snippet. As an example of usage,
         | its author use it to add an optimization in the F# compiler:
         | https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/pull/11414
       (page generated 2021-06-22 23:01 UTC)