[HN Gopher] GitHub Copilot: your AI pair programmer
       GitHub Copilot: your AI pair programmer
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 1795 points
       Date   : 2021-06-29 14:29 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (copilot.github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (copilot.github.com)
       | dec0dedab0de wrote:
       | I absolutely hate whenever I see patterns in my code. The first
       | thing I think is "There has to be a way to automate this" This is
       | not what I had in mind, but if it's as good as people seem to
       | say, it might be a good step. I can't believe I am considering a
       | Microsoft product after 15 years of avoiding them as much as I
       | could.
       | dgdosen wrote:
       | want
       | mtnGoat wrote:
       | What a cool project, I'm impressed. Looking forward to checking
       | it out.
       | wozer wrote:
       | A great way to use this would be to create very good tests
       | (manually) and then let the AI write the code. Maybe even with a
       | feedback loop: when a test fails, the AI automatically tries a
       | different approach.
       | cbsks wrote:
       | I don't think we need to start looking for new career paths yet.
       | This example has a few bugs and it took me longer to track them
       | down than it would have to write it myself:
       | #!/bin/bash       # List all python source files which are more
       | than 1KB and contain the word "copilot".       find . \
       | -name "*.py" \         -size +1000 \         -exec grep -n
       | copilot {}\;
       | "-exec grep -n copilot {}\;" needs to have a space before the
       | semicolon otherwise find fails with "find: missing argument to
       | '-exec'".
       | The "1000" in "-size +1000" has a unit of 512 byte blocks so it
       | is looking for files that are greater than 512000 bytes, not 1KB.
       | This would be very easy to miss in a code review and is one of
       | those terrible bugs that causes the code to mostly work, but not
       | quite.
       | https://linux.die.net/man/1/find
         | mitjak wrote:
         | the main argument against Copilot for me. it takes longer to
         | grok existing code than just write it from ground up.
           | toxik wrote:
           | This is actually a pretty important thing to understand. It
           | can be better to rewrite than fix an existing mess. It's
           | similar to construction work in that sense: if you rebuild,
           | you know what's inside the walls.
           | ok2938 wrote:
           | That's why this copilot won't fly. The junior programmer will
           | not be able to spot subtle errors but will kind-of feel
           | "productive" by some random pastes from a giant brain, which
           | cannot be interrogated.
           | If anything, I see copilot generating more work for existing,
           | senior programmers - so there you have it.
         | nemetroid wrote:
         | It also doesn't list the files. It prints all matching lines
         | (and their line numbers), _without_ the corresponding
         | filenames.
         | awestroke wrote:
         | I read this as a criticism of bash
           | hashingroll wrote:
           | I don't see why. It is on Copilot to produce syntactically
           | correct code that at least doesn't fail to run, even if we
           | ignore the correctness.
       | CityOfThrowaway wrote:
       | This is very impressive!
       | OpenAI's tech opens an ethical Pandora's box:
       | 1. It's clear that the raw inputs to all of OpenAI's outputs
       | originated with real, human creativity.
       | 2. So, in a sense, OpenAI is laundering creativity. It reads in
       | creative works, does complicated (and, yes, groundbreaking)
       | transformations, and produces an output that is hard to trace to
       | any particular source.
       | 3. Yet, isn't that effectively what human brains do too? Perhaps
       | OpenAI lacks the capacity for true invention, but I'd argue that
       | most people live their whole lives without a meaningful creative
       | contribution as well.
       | All told, I don't have a good framework for thinking about the
       | ethics here. So instead, I'll simply say:
       | Wow.
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | > Yet, isn't that effectively what human brains do too?
         | If I want to watch a bunch of movies, I have to pay the theater
         | for each movie, or pay netflix, or whatever. The screenplay I
         | write afterwards belongs to me, but the learning process
         | involved me paying for access to others' work. That's what's
         | often missing here. But at the same time, if you train on
         | legally public data, there's no 'theater' to be paid.
         | (Often, people train on illegally public data though, like the
         | eleuther folks. That's a whole extra can of worms I've ranted
         | about plenty).
         | Maybe we'll start seeing licenses with a section saying "not
         | for use as training data for commercial models."
           | visarga wrote:
           | > Maybe we'll start seeing licenses with a section saying
           | "not for use as training data for commercial models."
           | Considering that the impact of a single example is extremely
           | small in training a model, and that it is trained on an
           | ungodly amount of examples, then I wonder if the effort of
           | forbidding its use has any real benefits.
             | koolhaas wrote:
             | I would change your question from "does it have any real
             | benefits" to "does it have a practical effect on the model"
             | Benefits to me are clear: giving a developer choice over
             | how their source code is used with for-profit, opaque, next
             | generation ML models.
             | But yes, drop in the ocean in terms of the full data set.
             | But that shouldn't be an excuse to remove user choice.
         | fulafel wrote:
         | What are some ethical problems that could emerge from the box?
         | Maybe unfair competition from having very good tools compared
         | to other programmers, or havin irresponsibly shallow
         | understanding of what the produced code does?
           | Ensorceled wrote:
           | > What are some ethical problems that could emerge from the
           | box?
           | Being put out of job by an AI trained on your own code?
           | It's really the same ethical problem of all automation ...
           | and will be as long as we need a job to fulfill basic needs
           | like food, housing and medical care.
             | visarga wrote:
             | Programmers change jobs like socks and are open to learning
             | new things all the time. Software has been automating
             | itself for 70 years and look how many people have jobs in
             | this field.
             | Also, human desire is a bottomless pit, where automation
             | saves we spend even more.
             | shadowgovt wrote:
             | Everyone gets into programming for their own reasons.
             | But to my personal philosophy: if I'm not coding to put
             | myself out of a job, I'm thinking about the problem wrong.
             | When there are no more lines of code to be written, I shall
             | do something else, content that I have done my part to free
             | humanity from the burden of human-machine interfacing. I
             | hear dairy farming is a demanding and rewarding challenge.
               | Ensorceled wrote:
               | Dairy farmers aren't really looking for workers ...
               | ironically, it is a job that has been almost eliminated
               | by automatic milking machines and robotic harvesters.
               | https://www.thebullvine.com/wp-
               | content/uploads/2014/03/Figur...
             | fulafel wrote:
             | I wonder if HLL compiler authors had fears about this back
             | when writing assembly and machine code was the norm.
             | But good point about the ambivalent result of eliminating
             | busywork. Food, housing and medical care is available in
             | most western countries for people who choose to not get a
             | job... I think the social status problem and guilt of
             | freeriding are also big factors preventing prople from
             | living more leisurely lives in these countries.
           | milofeynman wrote:
           | There are some really weird licensing problems. Like does
           | your code license say they can use the your code to train AIs
           | that then reproduce very similar code to you but with no
           | attribution etc in someone else's codebase.
         | jareklupinski wrote:
         | s/OpenAI/Photoshop
         | Reads similarly :)
       | ohnoesjmr wrote:
       | Great.
       | Now, how about you use that to implement a non-horrible search
       | experience?
       | natfriedman wrote:
       | Hi HN, we've been building GitHub Copilot together with the
       | incredibly talented team at OpenAI for the last year, and we're
       | so excited to be able to show it off today.
       | Hundreds of developers are using it every day internally, and the
       | most common reaction has been the head exploding emoji. If the
       | technical preview goes well, we'll plan to scale this up as a
       | paid product at some point in the future.
         | ggsp wrote:
         | One question: how long is the waitlist? Very excited to try
         | this!
         | [deleted]
         | r3trohack3r wrote:
         | Is there a public API? Will it be documented? Are you open to
         | folks porting the VSCode plugin to other editors (I.e.
         | kakoune's autocomplete)?
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | If I put a section in my LICENSE.txt prohibiting use as
         | training data in commercial models, would that be sufficient to
         | keep my code out of models like this?
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | Only if they trained a model to be able to read and
           | understand LICENSE.txt files -- wowzers what a monster
           | improvement that would be for the world
           | Or, I guess a sentinel phrase that the scraper could
           | explicitly check: `github-copilot-optout: true`
             | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
             | Or it could explicitly check for known standard licenses
             | that permit it, if it were opt in instead of opt out, the
             | way most everything else in software licensing is opt-in
             | for letting others use.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > If I put a section in my LICENSE.txt prohibiting use as
           | training data in commercial models, would that be sufficient
           | to keep my code out of models like this?
           | Neither in practice (because it doesn't look for it) nor
           | legally in the US, if Microsoft's contention that such use is
           | "fair use" under US copyright law.
           | That "fair use" is an Americanism and not a general feature
           | of copyright law might create some interesting international
           | wrinkles, though.
             | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
             | Their contention is
             | > Why was GitHub Copilot trained on data from publicly
             | available sources?
             | > Training machine learning models on publicly available
             | data is now common practice across the machine learning
             | community. The models gain insight and accuracy from the
             | public collective intelligence. But this is a new space,
             | and we are keen to engage in a discussion with developers
             | on these topics and lead the industry in setting
             | appropriate standards for training AI models.
             | Personally, I'd prefer this to be like any other software
             | license. If you want to use my IP for training, you need a
             | license. If I use MIT license or something that lets you
             | use my code however you want, then have at it. If I don't,
             | then you can't just use it because it's public.
             | Then you'd see a lot more open models. Like a GPL model
             | whose code and weights must be shared because the bulk of
             | the easily accessible training data says it has to be open,
             | or something like that.
             | I realize, however, that I'm in the minority of the ML
             | community feeling this way, and that it certainly is
             | standard practice to just use data wherever you can get it.
               | yencabulator wrote:
               | > however you want
               | I don't see any attribution here.
               | MIT may say "substantial portions" but BSD just says
               | "must retain".
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | When I referenced their contention on Fair Use, that's
               | not what I was referencing, but instead Github CEO Nat
               | Friedman's comment _in this thread_ that "In general: (1)
               | training ML systems on public data is fair use".
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27678354
             | blibble wrote:
             | would be interesting if someone uploaded a leaked copy of
             | the NT kernel, then coerced the system to regurgitate it
             | piece by piece
             | would MS position then be different?
           | UnFleshedOne wrote:
           | In the end this would slightly increase likelihood of such
           | sections appearing in licenses generated by AIs.
         | foobarbazetc wrote:
         | Are those developers worried about having their jobs replaced
         | by a code-writing AI? :)
         | I mean... why would 95% of developer jobs exist with this tech
         | available?
         | You just need that 5% of devs who actually write novel code for
         | this thing to learn from.
           | mkr-hn wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profession_(novella)
           | An Isaac Asimov story about someone who didn't take to the
           | program and, as a result, got picked to create new things
           | because _someone_ has to make them.
             | mooreds wrote:
             | I love this story.
             | If you want to read the whole thing, it's here:
             | https://www.abelard.org/asimov.php
         | kif wrote:
         | I visited https://copilot.github.com/, and I don't know how to
         | feel. Obviously it's a nice achievement, not gonna lie.
         | But I have a feeling it will end up causing more work. e.g. the
         | `averageRuntimeInSeconds` example, I had to spend a bit of time
         | to see if it was actually correct. It has to be, since it's on
         | the front page, but then I realized I'd need to spend time
         | reviewing the AI's code.
         | It's cool as a toy, but I'd like to see where it is one year
         | from now when the wow factor has cooled down a bit.
           | taneq wrote:
           | > I had to spend a bit of time to see if it was actually
           | correct.
           | Interesting point - it reminds me of the idea that it's
           | harder to debug code than to write it. Is it also harder to
           | interpret code you didn't write than to write it?
           | ec109685 wrote:
           | It has the ability to generate unit tests as well, which will
           | help cut down some on the verification side if you feed it
           | enough cases.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | If you question the veracity of the code that is produced,
             | you have to question the usefulness of the unit test that
             | is produced.
             | CloselyChunky wrote:
             | Well then you have to check the generated tests. That's
             | just one more layer, isn't it?
             | freedomben wrote:
             | I think I'd love to use this to generate tests and then
             | write the functions myself. Test generation seems like a
             | killer feature.
               | taftster wrote:
               | Yes!! Totally agree. Imagine writing a method and then
               | telling an AI to write your unit tests for it. The AI
               | would likely be able to come up with the edge cases and
               | such that you would not normally take the time to write.
               | While I think the AI generating your mainline code is
               | interesting, I must certainly agree that generating test
               | code would be the killer feature. I would like to see
               | this showcased a little more on the copilot page.
         | fay59 wrote:
         | Have there yet been reports of the AI writing code that has
         | security bugs? Is that something folks are on the lookout for?
           | natfriedman wrote:
           | I haven't seen any reports of this, but it's certainly
           | something we want to guard against:
           | https://copilot.github.com/#faq-can-github-copilot-
           | introduce...
         | nightski wrote:
         | I'm glad they find it head exploding but my concern is that it
         | would be most head exploding to newbies who don't have the
         | skill to discern if AI code is how it should be written.
         | For a seasoned veteran writing the code was never really the
         | hard part in the first place.
           | amelius wrote:
           | > For a seasoned veteran writing the code was never really
           | the hard part in the first place.
           | Yes, to most coders this Copilot software is just a fancy
           | keyboard.
             | williamdclt wrote:
             | Sounds great. I'm a bad typist, anything that makes me type
             | less (vim, voice assistant, completion) is a big win to me
               | amelius wrote:
               | Vim is great because it doesn't try to be smart.
         | enriquto wrote:
         | > Hundreds of developers are using it every day internally, and
         | the most common reaction has been the head exploding emoji
         | Apart from developing this "head exploding" stuff, couldn't
         | some of these incredibly talented hundreds of developers fix
         | the github code search?
         | mdellavo wrote:
         | What do you think about this being overall detrimental to code
         | quality as it allows people to just blindly accept completions
         | without really understanding the generated code. Similar to
         | copy-and-paste coding.
         | The first example parse_expenses.py uses a float for currency -
         | that seems to be a pretty big error that's being overlooked
         | along with other minor issues around no error handling.
         | I would say the quality of the generated code in
         | parse_expenses.py is not very high, certainly not for the
         | banner example.
         | EDIT - I just noticed Github reordered the examples on
         | copilot.github.com in order to bury the issues with
         | parse_expenses.py for now. I guess I got my answer.
           | ehsankia wrote:
           | How is it different from the status quo of people just doing
           | the wrong thing or copy pasting bad code? Yes there's the
           | whole discussion below about float currency values, but I
           | could very well see the opposite happening too, where this
           | thing recommends better code that the person would've written
           | otherwise.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | > How is it different from the status quo of people just
             | doing the wrong thing or copy pasting bad code?
             | Well, yes, the wrong code would be used. However - the
             | wrong code would then become more prevelant as an answer
             | from gh, causing more people to blindly use it. It's a
             | self-perpetuating cycle of finding and using bad and wrong
             | code.
               | ehsankia wrote:
               | Hmm, not quite. My point was that if they aren't a good
               | enough programmer to understand why the code is wrong,
               | then chances are they would've written bad code or copy
               | pasted bad code anyways. It just makes the cycle faster.
               | And again, I could argue that the opposite could happen
               | too, people who would otherwise have written bad code
               | could be given suggestions of better code that they
               | would've written.
             | vincnetas wrote:
             | People make mistakes. With computers people make mistakes
             | much faster :)
             | shadowgovt wrote:
             | It seems that copilot lets one cycle through options, which
             | is an opportunity for it to facilitate programmers moving
             | from a naive solution to one they hadn't thought of that is
             | more correct.
             | (Unclear to me yet whether the design takes advantage of
             | this opportunity)
           | sumanthvepa wrote:
           | I use a similar feature in IntelliJ idea, and I've often
           | found that first time I learn about new feature in the
           | language is when I get a suggestion. I usually explore topic
           | much more deeply at that time. So far from helping me copy-
           | paste, I find code suggestions help me explore new features
           | of the language and framework, that I might not have known
           | about.
           | as300 wrote:
           | Why would you say it's an error to use a float for currency?
           | I would imagine it's better to use a float for calculations
           | then round when you need to report a value rather than
           | accumulate a bunch of rounding errors while doing
           | computations.
             | mdellavo wrote:
             | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3730019/why-not-use-
             | doub...
             | ConceptJunkie wrote:
             | Because it's an error to use floats in almost every
             | situation. And currency is something where you don't want
             | rounding errors, period. The more I've learned about
             | floating point numbers over the years, the less I want to
             | use them. Floats solve a specific problem, and they're a
             | reasonable trade-off for that kind of problem, but the
             | problem they solve is fairly narrow.
             | RobLach wrote:
             | Standard practice is to use a signed decimal number with an
             | appropriate precision that you scale around.
             | Tainnor wrote:
             | It is widely accepted that using floats for money[1] is
             | wrong because floating point numbers cannot guarantee
             | precision.
             | The fact that you ask is a very good case in point though:
             | Many programmers are not aware of this issue and would
             | maybe not question the "wisdom" of the AI code generator.
             | In that sense, it could have a similar effect to blindly
             | copy-pasted answers from SO, just with even less friction.
             | [1] Exceptions may apply to e.g. finance mathematics where
             | you need to work with statistics and you're not going to
             | expect exact results anyway.
             | joquarky wrote:
             | You don't want to kick the can down to the floating point
             | standard. Design for deterministic behavior. Find the edge
             | cases, go over it with others and explicitly address the
             | edge case issues so that they always behave as expected.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | By definition, currency uses _fixed point_ arithmetic not
             | _floating point_ arithmetic.
             | shishy wrote:
             | micro-dollars are a better way of representing it (multiply
             | by 10e6); store as bigint.
             | See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51238749
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | No, they aren't. Micro-dollars do not exist, so this
               | method is guaranteed to cause errors.
               | mdellavo wrote:
               | this is a common approach when you are dealing in rates
               | less than .01 -- you just need to be sure you are
               | rounding correctly
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | When you are approximating fixed-point using floating-
               | point there is a lot more you need to do correctly other
               | than roun ding. Your representation must have enough
               | precision and range for the beginning inputs,
               | intermediate results, and final results. You must be able
               | to represent all expected numbers. And on. There is a lot
               | more involved than what you mentioned.
               | Of course, if you are willing to get incorrect results,
               | such as in play money, this may be okay.
             | voxic11 wrote:
             | Standard floats cannot represent very common numbers such
             | as 0.1 exactly so they are generally disfavored for
             | financial calculations where an approximated result is
             | often unacceptable.
             | > For example, the non-representability of 0.1 and 0.01 (in
             | binary) means that the result of attempting to square 0.1
             | is neither 0.01 nor the representable number closest to it.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-
             | point_arithmetic#Accu...
             | wiz21c wrote:
             | Using float is perfectly OK since using fixed point decimal
             | (or whatever "exact" math operations) will lead to rounding
             | error anyway (what about multiplying a monthly salary by
             | 16/31 (half a month) ?)
             | The problem with float is that many people don't understand
             | how they work to handle rounding errors correctly.
             | Now there are some cases where float don't cut it. And big
             | ones. For example, summing a set of numbers (with decimal
             | parts) will usually be screwed if you don't round it. And
             | not many people expect to round the results of additions
             | because they are "simple" operations. So you get errors in
             | the end.
             | (I have written applications that handle billions of euros
             | with floats and have found just as many rounding errors
             | there as in any COBOL application)
               | mdellavo wrote:
               | It seems incorrect to determine a half a month as 16/31
               | but ok , for your proposed example:                   >>>
               | from decimal import Decimal         >>> Decimal(1000) *
               | Decimal(16) / Decimal(31)
               | Decimal('516.1290322580645161290322581')         >>> 1000
               | * 16 / 31         516.1290322580645
               | The point is using Decimal allows control over precision
               | and rounding rather than accepting ad-hoc approximations
               | of a float.
               | https://docs.python.org/3/library/decimal.html
               | If it were me, I wouldn't go around bragging about how
               | much money my software manages while being willfully
               | ignorant of the fundamentals.
               | wiz21c wrote:
               | OK, the salary example was a bit simplified; in my case
               | it was about giving financial help to someone. That help
               | is based on a monthly allowance and then split in the
               | number of allocated days in the month, that's for the
               | 16/31.
               | Now for your example, I see that float and decimal just
               | give the same result. Provided I'm doing financial
               | computations of a final number, I'm ok with 2 decimals.
               | And both your computations work fine.
               | Th decimal module in python gives you number of
               | significant digits, not number of decimals. You'll end up
               | using .quantize() to get to two decimals which is
               | rounding (so, no advantage over floats).
               | As I said, as soon as you have division/multiplication
               | you'll have to take care of rounding manually. But for
               | addition/subtraction, then decimal doesn't need rounding
               | (which is better).
               | The fact is that everybody say "floats are bad" because
               | rounding is tricky. But rounding is always possible. And
               | my point is that rounding is tricky even with the decimal
               | module.
               | And about bragging, I can tell you one more thing :
               | rounding errors were absolutely not the worse of our
               | problems. The worse problem is to be able to explain to
               | the accountant that your computation is right. That's the
               | hard part 'cos some computations imply hundreds of
               | business decisions. When you end up on a rounding error,
               | you're actually happy 'cos it's easy to understand,
               | explain and fix. And don't start me on how laws (yes, the
               | texts) sometimes explain how rounding rules should work.
             | chongli wrote:
             | Using float for currency calculations is how you accumulate
             | a bunch of rounding errors. Standard practice when dealing
             | with money is to use an arbitrary-precision numerical type.
         | verst wrote:
         | I have been using this - for example working in Go on Dapr
         | (dapr.io) or in Python on one of its SDKs.
         | I love it. So often the code suggestions accurately anticipate
         | what I planned to do next.
         | It's especially fun to write a comment or doc string and then
         | see Copilot create a block of code perfectly matching your
         | comment.
         | stephen82 wrote:
         | Lots of questions:                 - the generated code by AI
         | belongs to me or GitHub?       - under what license the
         | generated code falls under?       - if generated code becomes
         | the reason for infringment, who gets the blame or legal action?
         | - how can anyone prove the code was actually generated by
         | Copilot and not the project owner?       - if a project member
         | does not agree with the usage of Copilot, what should we do as
         | a team?       - can Copilot copy code from other projects and
         | use that excerpt code?         - if yes, *WHY* ?!         - who
         | is going to deal with legalese for something he or she was not
         | responsible in the first place?         - what about conflicts
         | of interest?       - can GitHub guarantee that Copilot won't
         | use proprietary code excerpts in FOSS-ed projects that could
         | lead to new "Google vs Oracle" API cases?
           | gpm wrote:
           | > - under what license the generated code falls under?
           | Is it even copyrighted? Generally my understand is that to be
           | copyrightable it has to be the output of a _human_ creative
           | process, this doesn 't seem to qualify (I am not a lawyer).
           | See also, monkeys can't hold copyright: https://en.wikipedia.
           | org/wiki/Monkey_selfie_copyright_disput...
             | croes wrote:
             | It is output of humans creative processes, just not yours.
             | Like an automated stackoverflow snippet engine.
             | agilob wrote:
             | >Generally my understand is that to be copyrightable it has
             | to be the output of a human creative process
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_selfie_copyright_dispu
             | t...
             | lawtalkinghuman wrote:
             | In the US, yes. Elsewhere, not necessarily.
             | tlamponi wrote:
             | > Is it even copyrighted?
             | Isn't it subject to the licenses the model was created
             | from, as the learning is basically just an automated
             | transformation of the code, which would be still the
             | original license - as else I could just run some minifier,
             | or some other, more elaborate, code transformation, on some
             | FOSS project, for example the Linux kernel, and relicense
             | it under whatever?
             | Does not sound right to me, but IANAL and I also did not
             | really look at how this specific model/s is/are generated.
             | If I did some AI on existing code I'd be quite cautious and
             | group by compatible licences classes, asking the user what
             | their projects licence is and then only use the compatible
             | parts of the models.-Anything else seems not really ethical
             | and rather uncharted territory in law to me, which may not
             | mean much as IANAL and just some random voice on the
             | internet, but FWIW at least I tried to understand quite a
             | few FOSS licences to decide what I can use in projects and
             | what not.
             | Anybody knows of some relevant cases of AI and their input
             | data the model was from, ideally in jurisdictions being the
             | US or any European Country ones?
               | buu700 wrote:
               | This is a great point. If I recall correctly, prior to
               | Microsoft's acquisition of Xamarin, Mono had to go out of
               | its way to avoid accepting contributions from anyone
               | who'd looked at the (public but non-FOSS) source code of
               | .NET, for fear that they might reproduce some of what
               | they'd seen rather than genuinely reverse engineering.
               | Is this not subject to the same concern, but at a much
               | greater scale? What happens when a large entity with a
               | legal department discovers an instance of Copilot-
               | generated copyright infringement? Is the project owner
               | liable, is GitHub/Microsoft liable, or would a court
               | ultimately tell the infringee to deal with it and eat
               | whatever losses occur as a result?
               | In any case, I hope that GitHub is at least limiting any
               | training data to a sensible whitelist of licenses (MIT,
               | BSD, Apache, and similar). Otherwise, I think it would
               | probably be too much risk to use this for anything
               | important/revenue-generating.
               | heavyset_go wrote:
               | > _In any case, I hope that GitHub is at least limiting
               | any training data to a sensible whitelist of licenses
               | (MIT, BSD, Apache, and similar). Otherwise, I think it
               | would probably be too much risk to use this for anything
               | important /revenue-generating._
               | I'm going to assume that there is no sensible whitelist
               | of licenses until someone at GitHub is willing to go on
               | the record that this is the case.
               | gpm wrote:
               | (Not a lawyer, and only at all familiar with US law,
               | definitely uncharted territory)
               | No, I don't believe it is, at least to the extent that
               | the model isn't just copy and pasting code directly.
               | Creating the model implicates copyright law, that's
               | creating a derivative work. It's probably fair use
               | (transformative, not competing in the market place, etc),
               | but whether or not it is fair use is github's problem and
               | liability, and only if they didn't have a valid license
               | (which they should have for any open source inputs, since
               | they're not distributing the model).
               | I think the output of the model is just straight up not
               | copyrighted though. A license is a grant of rights, you
               | don't need to be granted rights to use code that is not
               | copyrighted. Remember you don't sue for a license
               | violation (that's not illegal), you sue for copyright
               | infringement. You can't violate a copyright that doesn't
               | exist in the first place.
               | Sometimes a "license" is interpreted as a contract rather
               | than a license, in which you agreed to terms and
               | conditions to use the code. But that didn't happen here,
               | you didn't agree to terms and conditions, you weren't
               | even told them, there was no meeting of minds, so that
               | can't be held against you. The "worst case" here (which I
               | doubt is the case - since I doubt this AI implicates any
               | contract-like licenses), is that github violated a
               | contract they agreed to, but I don't think that
               | implicates you, you aren't a party to the contract, there
               | was no meeting of minds, you have a code snippet free of
               | copyright received from github...
               | birdyrooster wrote:
               | So if I make AI that takes copyrighted material in one
               | side, jumbles it about, and spits out the same
               | copyrighted material on the other side, I have
               | successfully laundered someone else's work as my own?
               | Wouldn't GitHub potentially be responsible for the
               | infringement by distributing the copyrighted material
               | knowing that it would be published?
               | gpm wrote:
               | I exempted copied segments at the start of my previous
               | post for a reason, that reason is I don't really know, I
               | doubt it works because judges tend to frown on absurd
               | outcomes.
           | chuinard wrote:
           | Some of your questions aren't easy to answer. Maybe the first
           | two were OK to ask. Others would probably require lawyers and
           | maybe even courts to decide. This is a pretty cool new
           | product just being shared on an online discussion forum. If
           | you are serious about using it for a company, talk to your
           | lawyers, get in touch with Github's people, and maybe hash
           | out these very specific details on the side. Your comment
           | came off as super negative to me.
             | ericbarrett wrote:
             | Regardless of tone, I thought it was chock full of great
             | questions that raised all kinds of important issues, and
             | I'm really curious to hear the answers.
             | peddling-brink wrote:
             | I think these are very important questions.
             | The commenter isn't interrogating some indy programmer.
             | This is a product of a subsidiary of Microsoft, who I
             | guarantee has already had a lawyer, or several, consider
             | these questions.
             | king_magic wrote:
             | No, they are all entirely reasonable questions. Yeah, they
             | might require lawyers to answer - tough shit. Understanding
             | the legal landscape that ones' product lives in is part of
             | a company's responsibility.
             | Tainnor wrote:
             | > This is a pretty cool new product just being shared on an
             | online discussion forum.
             | This is not one lone developer with a passion promoting
             | their cool side-project. It's GitHub, which is an
             | established brand and therefore already has a leg up,
             | promoting their new project for active use.
             | I think in this case, it's very relevant to post these
             | kinds of questions here, since other people will very
             | probably have similar questions.
           | natfriedman wrote:
           | In general: (1) training ML systems on public data is fair
           | use (2) the output belongs to the operator, just like with a
           | compiler.
           | On the training question specifically, you can find OpenAI's
           | position, as submitted to the USPTO here: https://www.uspto.g
           | ov/sites/default/files/documents/OpenAI_R...
           | We expect that IP and AI will be an interesting policy
           | discussion around the world in the coming years, and we're
           | eager to participate!
             | croes wrote:
             | Fair use doesn't exist in every country, so it's US only?
               | jay_kyburz wrote:
               | Yes, my partner likes to remind me we don't have it here
               | in Australia. You could never write a search engine here.
               | You can't write code that scrapes websites.
               | krzyk wrote:
               | It exists in EU also (and it much mire powerful here).
               | croes wrote:
               | The EU doesn't have a copyright related fair use. Quite
               | the opposite, that why we are getting upload filters.
             | stephen82 wrote:
             | > We expect that IP and AI will be an interesting policy
             | discussion around the world in the coming years, and we're
             | eager to participate!
             | Another question is this: let's hypothesize I work solo on
             | a project; I have decided to enable Copilot and have
             | reached a 50%-50% development with it after a period of
             | time. One day the "hit by a bus" factor takes place; who
             | owns the project after this incident?
               | lovich wrote:
               | Your estate? The compiler comparison upthread seems to be
               | perfectly valid. If you work on a solo project in c# and
               | die, Microsoft doesn't automatically own your project
               | because you used visual studio to produce it
             | king_magic wrote:
             | @Nat, these questions (all of them, not just the 2 you
             | answered) are critical for anyone who is considering using
             | this system. Please answer them?
             | I for one wouldn't touch this with a 10000' pole until I
             | know the answers to these (very reasonable) questions.
             | breck wrote:
             | You should look into:
             | https://breckyunits.com/the-intellectual-freedom-
             | amendment.h...
             | Great achievements like this only hammer home the point
             | more about how illogical copyright and patent laws are.
             | Ideas are _always_ shared creations, by definition. If you
             | have an "original idea", all you really have is noise! If
             | your idea means anything to anyone, then by definition it
             | is built on other ideas, it is a shared creation.
             | We need to ditch the term "IP", it's a lie.
             | Hopefully we can do that before it's too late.
               | delano wrote:
               | In practical terms, IP could be referred to as unique
               | advantages. What is the purpose of an organization that
               | has no unique qualities?
               | In general, what is IP and how it's enforced are two
               | separate things. Just because we've used copyright and
               | patents to "protect" an organization's unique advantages,
               | doesn't mean we need to keep using them in the same way.
               | Or maybe it's the best we can do for now. That's why BSD
               | style licences are so great.
               | anmk wrote:
               | I'm sure _natfriedman_ will be thrilled to abolish IP and
               | also apply this to the Windows source code. We can expect
               | it on GitHub any minute!
             | stwrong wrote:
             | What about privacy. Does the AI send code to GitHub? This
             | reminds me of Kite
               | avery42 wrote:
               | Yes, under "How does GitHub Copilot work?":
               | > [...] The GitHub Copilot editor extension sends your
               | comments and code to the GitHub Copilot service, which
               | then uses OpenAI Codex to synthesize and suggest
               | individual lines and whole functions.
             | patrickthebold wrote:
             | What does "public" mean? Do you mean "public domain", or
             | something else?
               | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
               | Unfortunately, in ML "public data" typically means
               | available to the public. Even if it's pirated, like much
               | of the data available in the Books3 dataset, which is a
               | big part of some other very prominent datasets.
               | kzrdude wrote:
               | So basically youtube all over again? I.e bootstrap and
               | become popular by using widely available whatever media
               | (pirated by crowdsourced piracy) and then many years
               | later, when it gets popular, dominant, it has to turn
               | around and "do things right" and guard copyrights.
             | qihqi wrote:
             | (1) training ML systems on public data is fair use
             | This one is tricky considering that kNN is also a ML
             | system.
               | visarga wrote:
               | kNN needs to hold on to a complete copy of the dataset
               | itself unlike a neural net where it's all mangled.
             | joepie91_ wrote:
             | > training ML systems on public data is fair use
             | Uh, I very much doubt that. Is there any actual precedent
             | on this?
             | > We expect that IP and AI will be an interesting policy
             | discussion around the world in the coming years, and we're
             | eager to participate!
             | But apparently not eager enough to have this discussion
             | with the community _before_ deciding to train your
             | proprietary for-profit system on billions of lines of code
             | that undoubtedly are not all under CC0 or similar no-
             | attribution-required licenses.
             | I don't see attribution anywhere. To me, this just looks
             | like _yet another_ case of appropriating the public
             | commons.
             | stefano wrote:
             | How do you guarantee it doesn't copy a GPL-ed function
             | line-by-line?
               | abraae wrote:
               | Surprised not to see more mention of this. It would make
               | sense for an AI to "copy" existing solutions. In the real
               | world, we use clean room to avoid this.
               | In the AI world, unless all GPL (etc.) code is excluded
               | from the training data, it's inevitable that some will be
               | "copied" into other code.
               | Where lawyers decide what "copy" means.
               | dkarras wrote:
               | How do you know that when you write a simplish function
               | for example, it is not identical to some GPL code
               | somewhere? "Line by line" code does not exist anywhere in
               | the neural network. It doesn't store or reference data in
               | that way. Every character of code is in some sense
               | "synthesized". If anything, this exposes the fragility of
               | our concept of "copyright" in the realm of computer
               | programs and source code. It has always been ridiculous.
               | GPL is just another license that leverages the copyright
               | framework (the enforcement of GPL cannot exist outside
               | such a copyright framework after all) so in such weird
               | "edge cases" GPL is bound to look stupid just like any
               | other scheme. Remember that GPL also forbids "derivative"
               | works to be relicensed (with a less "permissive" one). It
               | is safe to say that you are writing code that is close
               | enough to be considered "derivative" to some GPL code
               | somewhere pretty much every day, and you can't possibly
               | prove that you didn't cheat. So the whole framework
               | collapses in the end anyways.
               | king_magic wrote:
               | I truly don't think they can guarantee that. Which is a
               | massive concern.
               | ipsum2 wrote:
               | Yup, this isn't a theoretical concern, but a major
               | practical one. GPT models are known for memorizing their
               | training data: https://towardsdatascience.com/openai-gpt-
               | leaking-your-data-...
               | Edit: Github mentions the issue here:
               | https://docs.github.com/en/github/copilot/research-
               | recitatio... and here: https://copilot.github.com/#faq-
               | does-github-copilot-recite-c... though they neatly ignore
               | the issue of licensing :)
               | visarga wrote:
               | > GPT models are known for memorizing their training data
               | Hash each function, store the hashes as a blacklist. Then
               | you can ask the model to regenerate the function until it
               | is copyright safe.
               | ipsum2 wrote:
               | What if it copies only a few lines, but not an entire
               | function? Or the function name is different, but the code
               | inside is the same?
               | proteal wrote:
               | If we could answer those questions definitively, we could
               | also put lawyers out of a job. There's always going to be
               | a legal gray area around situations like this.
           | amelius wrote:
           | Does Copilot phone home?
             | heavyset_go wrote:
             | Yes, and with the code you're writing/generating.
               | amelius wrote:
               | This obviously sucks.
               | Can't companies write code that runs on customer's
               | premises these days? Are they too afraid somebody will
               | extract their deep learning model? I have no other
               | explanation.
               | And the irony is that these companies are effectively
               | transferring their own fears to their customers.
               | jmmcd wrote:
               | It's a large and gpu-hungry model.
             | gpm wrote:
             | When you sign up for the waitlist it asks permission for
             | additional telemetry, so yes. Also the "how it works" image
             | seems to show the actual model is on github's servers.
           | natfriedman wrote:
           | You should read the FAQ at the bottom of the page; I think it
           | answers all of your questions:
           | https://copilot.github.com/#faqs
             | viccuad wrote:
             | > You should read the FAQ at the bottom of the page; I
             | think it answers all of your questions:
             | https://copilot.github.com/#faqs
             | Read it all, and the questions still stand. Could you, or
             | any on your team, point me on where the questions are
             | answered?
             | In particular, the FAQ doesn't assure that the "training
             | set from publicly available data" doesn't contain license
             | or patent violations, nor if that code is considered
             | tainted for a particular use.
               | res0nat0r wrote:
               | From the faq:
               | > GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search
               | engine: the vast majority of the code that it suggests is
               | uniquely generated and has never been seen before. We
               | found that about 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may
               | contain some snippets that are verbatim from the training
               | set.
               | I'm guessing this covers it. I'm not sure if someone
               | posting their code online, but explicitly saying you're
               | not allowed to look at it, getting ingested into this
               | system with billions of other inputs could somehow make
               | you liable in court for some kind of infringement.
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | That doesn't cover it, since that is a technical answer
               | for a non-technical question. The same questions remain.
               | notsureaboutpg wrote:
               | Sounds like using CodePilot can introduct GPLd code into
               | your project and make your project bound by GPL as a
               | result...
               | 0.1% is a lot when you use 100 suggestions a day.
               | viccuad wrote:
               | that doesn't include patent violations nor license
               | violations or compatibility between licenses. Which would
               | be the most numerous and non-trivial cases.
               | res0nat0r wrote:
               | How is it possible to determine if you've violated a
               | random patent from somewhere on the internet via a small
               | snippet of customized auto-generated code?
               | Does everyone in this thread contact their lawyers after
               | cutting and pasting a mergesort example from
               | Stackoverflow that they've modified to fit their needs?
               | Seems folks are reaching a bit.
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | For that very reason, many companies have policies that
               | forbid copying code from online (especially from
               | StackOverflow).
               | dlubarov wrote:
               | That mitigates copyright concerns, but patent
               | infringement can occur even if the idea was independently
               | rediscovered.
               | woah wrote:
               | I think a patent violation with CoPilot is exactly the
               | same scenario as if you violated a patent yourself
               | without knowing it.
             | dvaun wrote:
             | None of the questions and answers in this section hold
             | information about how the generated code affects licensing.
             | None of the links in this section contain information about
             | licensing, either.
             | rozab wrote:
             | This page has a looping back button hijack for me
             | samtheprogram wrote:
             | The most important question, whether you own the code, is
             | sort of maybe vaguely answered under "How will GitHub
             | Copilot get better over time?"
             | > You can use the code anywhere, but you do so at your own
             | risk.
             | Something more explicit than this would be nice. Is there a
             | specific license?
             | EDIT: also, there's multiple sections to a FAQ, notice the
             | drop down... under "Do I need to credit GitHub Copilot for
             | helping me write code?", the answer is also no.
             | Until a specific license (or explicit lack there-of) is
             | provided, I can't use this except to mess around.
             | netcraft wrote:
             | I dont see the answer to a single one of their questions on
             | that page - did you link to where you intended?
             | Edit: you have to click the things on the left, I didn't
             | realize they were tabs.
         | Asmod4n wrote:
         | Might this end up putting GPL code into projects with an
         | incompatible license?
           | natfriedman wrote:
           | It shouldn't do that, and we are taking steps to avoid
           | reciting training data in the output:
           | https://copilot.github.com/#faq-does-github-copilot-
           | recite-c... https://docs.github.com/en/early-
           | access/github/copilot/resea...
           | In terms of the permissibility of training on public code,
           | the jurisprudence here - broadly relied upon by the machine
           | learning community - is that training ML models is fair use.
           | We are certain this will be an area of discussion in the US
           | and around the world and we're eager to participate.
             | eqtn wrote:
             | Would i be able to use something like this in the near
             | future to produce a proprietary linux kernel?
             | Hamuko wrote:
             | > _training ML models is fair use_
             | How does that apply to countries where Fair Use is not a
             | thing? As in, if you train a model on a fair use basis in
             | the US and I start using the model somewhere else?
               | KMnO4 wrote:
               | I don't think it's fair to ask a US company to comment on
               | legalities outside of the US.
               | [deleted]
               | detaro wrote:
               | It's fair to expect a international company pushing its
               | products all over the world to be prepared to comment on
               | non-US jurisdictions. (I have some sympathy for "we have
               | a local market, and that's what we are solely targeting
               | and preparing for" in companies where that is actually
               | the case, but that's really not what we are dealing with
               | in the case of Microsoft/GitHub)
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | One would expect GitHub (owned by Microsoft) to have
               | engaged corporate counsel for an opinion (backed by
               | statue and case law), and to be prepared to disable the
               | functionality in jurisdictions where it's incompatible
               | with local IP law.
               | Asmod4n wrote:
               | Fair use doesn't exist in Germany.
             | [deleted]
             | jazzyjackson wrote:
             | > It shouldn't do that, and we are taking steps to avoid
             | reciting training data in the output
             | This just gives me a flashback to copying homework in
             | school, "make sure you change some of the words around so
             | it's not obvious"
             | I'm sure you're right Re: jurisprudence, but it never sat
             | right with me that AI engineers get to produce these big,
             | impressive models but the people who created the training
             | data will never be compensated, let alone asked. So I
             | posted my face on Flickr, how should I know I'm consenting
             | to benefit someone's killer robot facial recognition?
               | ramraj07 wrote:
               | Wait I thought y'all argued Google didn't copy Java for
               | Android, now that big tech is copying your code you're
               | crying wolf?
               | InspiredIdiot wrote:
               | The whole point of that case begins with the admission
               | "yes of course Google copied." They copied the API. The
               | argument was that copying an API to enable
               | interoperability was fair use. It went to the Supreme
               | Court because no law explicitly said that was fair use
               | and no previous case had settled the point definitively.
               | And the reason Google could be confident they copied only
               | the API is because they made sure the humans who did it
               | understood both the difference and the importance of the
               | difference between API and implementation. I don't think
               | there is a credible argument that any AI existing today
               | can make such a distinction.
             | npteljes wrote:
             | > ...the jurisprudence here - broadly relied upon by the
             | machine learning community - is that training ML models is
             | fair use.
             | If you train az ML model on GPL code, and then make it
             | output some code, would that not make the result a
             | derivative of the GPL licensed inputs?
             | But I guess this could be similar to musical composition.
             | If the output doesn't resemble any of the inputs, or
             | contains significant continous portions of them, then it's
             | not a derivative.
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | > If the output doesn't resemble any of the inputs, or
               | contains significant continous portions of them, then
               | it's not a derivative.
               | In this particular case, the output resembles the inputs,
               | or there is no reason to use Github Copilot.
             | sicromoft wrote:
             | You just shared a URL that says "Please do not share this
             | URL publicly".
               | jamie_ca wrote:
               | Well, he's also GitHub's CEO so it's probably just fine.
             | SCLeo wrote:
             | > ...the jurisprudence here - broadly relied upon by the
             | machine learning community - is that training ML models is
             | fair use.
             | To be honest, I doubt that. Maybe I am special, but if I am
             | releasing some code under GPL, I _really_ don 't want it to
             | be used in training a closed source model, which will be
             | used in a closed source software generating code for closed
             | source projects.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Is it any different than training a human? What if a
               | person learned programming by hacking on GPL public code
               | and then went to build proprietary software?
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | Would you hire a person who only knew how to program by
               | taking small snippets of code from GPL and rearranging
               | them? That's like hiring monkey's to type Shakespeare.
               | The clear difference is that a human's training regimen
               | is to understand how and why code interacts. That is
               | different from an engine that replicates other people's
               | source code.
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | A human being who has learned from reading GPL'd code can
               | make the informed, intelligent decision to not copy that
               | code.
               | My understanding of the open problem here is whether the
               | ML model is intelligently recommending _entire fragments_
               | that are explicitly licensed under the GPL. That would be
               | a licensing violation, if a human did it.
               | 10000truths wrote:
               | > A human being who has learned from reading GPL'd code
               | can make the informed, intelligent decision to not copy
               | that code.
               | A model can do this as well. Getting the length of a
               | substring match isn't rocket science.
               | akavel wrote:
               | Actually, I believe it's tricky to say if even human can
               | actually do that safely. There's the whole concept of
               | "cleanroom rewrite" - meaning, if you want to rewrite
               | some GPL or closed-source project _into a different
               | license_ , you should make sure _you never ever seen even
               | a glimpse of the original code_. If you look on GPL or
               | closed-source code (or, actually, code governed by any
               | other license), it 's hard to prove you didn't
               | accidentally/subconsciously remember parts of this code,
               | and copy them into your "rewrite" project even if "you
               | made a decision to not copy". The border between
               | "inspired by" and "blatant copyright infringement" is
               | blurry and messy. If that was already so tricky and
               | troublesome legal-wise before, my first instinct is that
               | with the Copilot it could be even more legally murky
               | territory. IANAL, yet I'd feel better if they made some
               | [legally binding] promises that their model is based only
               | on code carefully verified to have one of an explicit
               | (and published) whitelist of permissive licenses. (Even
               | this could be tricky, with MIT etc. actually requiring
               | some mention in your advertising materials [which is
               | often forgotten], but now that's a completely different
               | level of trouble than not knowing if I'm infringing GPL
               | or some closed-source code, or other weird license.)
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | How do you distribute a human?
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | A contractor seems equivalent to SaaS to me
               | praptak wrote:
               | It is different in the same way that a person looking at
               | me from their window when I pass by is different from a
               | thousand cameras observing me when I move around city.
               | Scale matters.
               | throwaway2037 wrote:
               | This is a lovely analogy, akin to "sharing mix tapes" vs
               | "sharing MP3s on Napster". I fear the coming world with
               | extensive public camera surveilance and facial
               | recognition! (For any other "tin foil hatters" out there,
               | cue the trailer for Minority Report.)
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | > _I fear the coming world with extensive public camera
               | surveilance and facial recognition!_
               | I fear the coming world of training machine learning
               | models with my face just because it was published by
               | someone somewhere (legally or not).
               | heavyset_go wrote:
               | You can rest assured that this is already the case if
               | your picture was ever posted online. There are dozens of
               | such products that law enforcement buys subscriptions to.
               | jonny_eh wrote:
               | > a thousand cameras observing me when I move around
               | city. Scale matters. reply
               | While I certainly appreciate the difference, is camera
               | observation illegal anywhere where it isn't explicitly
               | outlawed? Meaning, have courts ever decided that the
               | difference of scale matters?
               | praptak wrote:
               | No idea. I was not trying to make a legal argument. This
               | was to try to convey why someone might feel ok about
               | humans learning from their work but not necessarily about
               | training a model.
               | [deleted]
               | twobitshifter wrote:
               | What if a person heard a song by hearing it on the radio
               | and went on to record their own version?
               | mkr-hn wrote:
               | There is already a legal structure in place for cover
               | song licensing.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cover_version#United_States
               | _co...
               | twobitshifter wrote:
               | Exactly so it needs licensing of some sort - this is
               | closer to cover tunes than it is to someone getting a CS
               | degree and being asked to credit Knuth for all their
               | future work.
               | manquer wrote:
               | Perhaps we need GPL v4. I don't think there is any clause
               | in current V2/V3 that prohibits _learning_ from the code,
               | only using the code in other places and running a service
               | with code.
               | colinbartlett wrote:
               | Would you be okay with a human reading your GPL code and
               | learning how to write closed source software for closed
               | source projects?
               | zarzavat wrote:
               | The whole point of fair use is that it allows people to
               | copy things even when the copyright holder doesn't want
               | them to.
               | For example, if I am writing a criticism of an article, I
               | can quote portions of that article in my criticism, or
               | modify images from the article in order to add my own
               | commentary. Fair use protects against authors who try to
               | exert so much control over their works that it harms the
               | public good.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | Fair Use is specific to the US, though. The picture could
               | end up being much more complicated when code written
               | outside the US is being analyzed.
               | krzyk wrote:
               | It is not US specific, we have it in EU. And e.g. in
               | Poland I could reverse engineer a program to make it work
               | on my hardware/software if it doesn't. This is covered by
               | fair use here.
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | The messier issue is probably using the model to write
               | code outside the US. Americans can probably analyze code
               | from anywhere in the world and refer to Fair Use if a
               | lawyer comes knocking, but I can't refer to Fair Use if a
               | lawyer knocks on my door after using Copilot.
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | This isn't the same situation at all. The copying of code
               | doesn't seem to be for a limited or transformative
               | purpose. Fair use might cover parody or commentary &
               | criticism but not limitless replication.
               | zarzavat wrote:
               | They are not replicating the code at all. They are
               | training a neural network. The neural network then
               | _learns_ from the code and synthesises new code.
               | It's no different from a human programmer reading code,
               | learning from it, and using that experience to write new
               | code. Somewhere in your head there is code that someone
               | else wrote. And it's not infringing anybody's copyright
               | for those memories to exist in your head.
               | jaimeyap wrote:
               | We can't yet equivocate ML systems with human beings.
               | Maybe one day. But at the moment, it's probably better to
               | compare this to a compiler being fed licensed code. The
               | compilation output is still subject to the license.
               | Regardless of how fancy the compiler is.
               | Also, a human being that reproduces licensed code from
               | memory - because they read that code - would constitute a
               | license violation. The line between derivative work, and
               | authentic new original creation is not a well defined
               | one. This is why we still have human arbiters of these
               | decisions and not formal differential definitions of it.
               | This happens in music for example _all the time_.
               | IncRnd wrote:
               | It is replication, maybe not of a single piece of code -
               | but creating a synthesis is still copying. For example,
               | constructing a single piece of code of three pieces of
               | code from your co-workers is still replication of code.
               | Your argument would have some merit if something were
               | _created_ instead of assembled, but there is no new
               | algorithm that is being created. That is not what is
               | happening here.
               | On the one hand, you call this copying in fair use. On
               | the other hand, you say this is creating new code. You
               | can't have it both ways.
               | blibble wrote:
               | surely that depends on the size of the training set?
               | I could feed the Linux kernel one function at a time into
               | a ML model, then coerce its output to be exactly the same
               | as the input
               | this is obviously copyright infringement
               | whereas in the github case where they've trained it on
               | millions of projects maybe it isn't?
               | does the training set size become relevant legally?
               | slownews45 wrote:
               | This is what is so miserable about the GPL progression.
               | We went from GPLv2 (preserving everyone's rights to use
               | code) to GPLv3 (you have to give up your encryption keys)
               | - I think we've lost the GPL as a place where we could
               | solve / answer these types of questions which are good
               | ones - GPL just tanked a lot of trust in it with the
               | (A)GPLv3 stuff especially around prohibiting other
               | developers from specific uses of the code (which is
               | diametrically different from earlier versions which
               | preserved rights).
               | gspr wrote:
               | Think what you will of GPLv3, but lies help no one. Of
               | course it doesn't require you to give up your encryption
               | keys.
               | slownews45 wrote:
               | Under GPLv2 I could make a device with GPLv2 software and
               | maintain root of trust control of that device if I wanted
               | (ie, do an anti-theft activation lock process, do a lease
               | ownership option of $200/month vs $10K to buy etc).
               | Think what you will, but your lies about the GPLv3 can
               | easily be tested. Can you point me to some GPLv3 software
               | in the Apple tech stack?
               | We actually already know the answer.
               | Apple had to drop Samba (they were a MAJOR end user use
               | of Samba) because of GPLv3
               | I think they also moved away from GCC for LLVM.
               | In fact - they've probably purged at least 15 packages
               | I'm aware of and I'm aware of NO GPLv3 packages being
               | included.
               | Not sure what their App Store story is - but I wouldn't
               | be surprised if they were careful there too.
               | Oh - this is all lies and apple's lawyers are wrong? Come
               | one - I'm aware of many other companies that absolutely
               | will not ship GPLv3 software for this reason.
               | In fact, by 2011 even it was clear that GPLv3 is not
               | really workable in a lot of contexts and alternatives
               | like MIT became more popular.
               | https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&
               | q=%...
               | Apple geared up to fight DOJ over maintaining root
               | control of devices (San Bernadino case).
               | Even Ubuntu has had to deal with this - SFLC made it
               | clear that if some distributor messed things up ubuntu
               | would have to release their keys, which is why they ended
               | up with a MICROSOFT (!) solution.
               | "Ubuntu wishes to ensure that users can boot any
               | operating system they like and run any software they
               | want. Their concern is that the GPLv3 makes provisions by
               | which the FSF could, in this case as the owner of GRUB2,
               | deem that a machine that won't let them replace GRUB2
               | with something else is in violation of the GPLv3. At that
               | point, they can demand that Ubuntu surrender its
               | encryption keys used to provide secure bootloader
               | verification--which then allows anyone to sign any
               | bootloader they want, thus negating any security features
               | you could leverage out of the bootloader (for example,
               | intentionally instructing it to boot only signed code--
               | keeping the chain trusted, rather than booting a foreign
               | OS as is the option)." - commentator on this topic.
               | It's just interesting to me that rather than any
               | substance the folks arguing for GPLv3 reach for name
               | calling type responses.
               | easton wrote:
               | That's why Apple's SMB implementation stinks! Finally,
               | there's a reason for it, I thought they had just started
               | before Samba was mature or something.
               | slownews45 wrote:
               | Yeah, it was a bit of a big bummer!
               | Apple used to also interoperate wonderfully if you were
               | using Samba SERVER side too because - well, they were
               | using Samba client side. Those days were fantastic
               | frankly. You would run Samba server side (on Linux), then
               | Mac client side - and still have your windows machines
               | kind of on -network (for accounting etc) too.
               | But the Samba folks are (or were) VERY hard core GPLv3
               | folks - so writing was on the wall.
               | GPLv3 shifted things really from preserving developer
               | freedom for OTHERs to do what they wanted with the code,
               | to requiring YOU to do stuff in various ways which was a
               | big shift. I'd assumed that (under GPLv2) there would be
               | natural convergences, but GPLv3 really blew that apart
               | and we've had a bit of a license fracturing relatively.
               | AGPLv3 has also been a bit weaponized to do a sort of
               | fake open source where you can only really use the
               | software if you pay for a commercial license.
               | goodpoint wrote:
               | These claims are absurd. AGPL and GPLv3 carry on the same
               | mission of GPLv2 to protect authors and end users from
               | proprietization, patent trolling and freeloading.
               | This is why SaaS/Cloud companies dislike them and fuel
               | FUD campaigns.
               | rowanG077 wrote:
               | That's the point of fair use. To do something with a
               | material the original author does not want.
               | b3morales wrote:
               | Can you explain why you think this is covered by fair
               | use? It seems to me to be
               | 1a) commercial
               | 1b) non-transformative: in order to be useful, the
               | produced code must have the same semantics as some code
               | in the training set, so this does not add "a different
               | character or purpose". Note that this is very different
               | from a "clean room" implementation, where a high-level
               | design is reproduced, because the AI _is looking directly
               | at_ the original code!
               | 2) possibly creative?
               | 3) probably not literally reproducing input code
               | 4) competitive/displacing for the code that was used in
               | the input set
               | So failing at least 3 out of 5 of the guidelines.
               | https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/index.html
               | rowanG077 wrote:
               | 1a) Fair use can be commercial. And copilot is not
               | commercial so the point is moot.
               | 1b) This is false. This is not literally taking snippets
               | it has found and suggesting it to the user. That would be
               | an intelligent search algorithm. This is writing novel
               | code automatically based on what it has learned.
               | 2) Definitely creative. It's creating novel code. At
               | least it's creative if you consider a human programming
               | to be a creative endeavor as well.
               | 3) If it's reproducing input code it's just a search
               | algorithm. This doesn't seem to be the case.
               | 4) Most GPLed code doesn't cost any money. As such the
               | market for it is non-existent. Besides copilot does not
               | displace the original even if there were a market for it.
               | As far as I know there is not anything even close to
               | comparable in the world right now.
               | So from my reading it violates none of the guidelines.
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | > To be honest, I doubt that.
               | Okay, but that's...not much of a counterargument (to be
               | fair, the original claim was unsupported, though.)
               | > Maybe I am special, but if I am releasing some code
               | under GPL, I really don't want it to be used in training
               | a closed source model
               | That's _really_ not a counterargument. "Fair use" is an
               | exception to exclusive rights under copyright, and
               | renders the copyright holder's preferences moot to the
               | extent it applies. The copyright holder not being likely
               | to want it based on the circumstances is an argument
               | against it being implicitly licensed use, but not against
               | it being fair use.
         | yewenjie wrote:
         | This looks really cool. Do you plan to release this in some
         | other form like a language server so that it can be easily
         | integrated to other editors?
         | jonas_kgomo wrote:
         | This is obviously controversial, since we are thinking about
         | how this could displace a large portion of developers. How do
         | you see Copilot being more augmentative than disruptive to the
         | developer ecosystem? Also, how you see it different from
         | regular code completion tools like tabnine.
           | tux1968 wrote:
           | How many jobs have developers helped displace in business and
           | industry? I don't think it's controversial that we become
           | fair game for that same automation process we've been
           | leading.
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | Indeed. It should be the goal of society to automate away
             | as much work as possible. If there are perverse incentives
             | working against this then we should correct them.
               | amw-zero wrote:
               | Human beings need something to do to have a fulfilling
               | life. I do not agree at all that the ultimate goal of
               | society is to automate everything that's possible. I
               | think that will be horrible overall for society.
               | kyawzazaw wrote:
               | I typically find other things fulfill my life more than
               | work.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | My job is probably the least fulfilling activity in my
               | life and I'm sure that goes for a lot of people.
               | By your reasoning, maybe we don't need backhoes and
               | should just hire a bunch of guys with spoons instead?
               | gugagore wrote:
               | 1. How do you define work differently from "that which
               | should be automated"?
               | 2. While I agree with your stance, it is not by itself
               | sufficient. If you provide the automation but you do not
               | correct the perverse incentives (or you worry about
               | correcting them only later) that you mention, then you
               | are contributing to widening the disparity between a
               | category of workers (who have now lost their leverage)
               | and those with assets and capital (who have a reduced
               | need for workers).
               | mkr-hn wrote:
               | That's why it's best to get unions or support systems
               | (like UBI) before they're needed. It's hard to organize
               | and build systems when you have no leverage, influence,
               | or power left.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | I agree, the fact we're even talking about this is
               | evidence that our society has the perverse incentive
               | baked in and we should be aware of and seek to address
               | that.
               | Regardless, programmers would be hypocritical to decry
               | having their jobs automated away.
               | spec-obs wrote:
               | I would be up for that, if said society did not leave us
               | destitute as a result
             | pizza234 wrote:
             | > How many jobs have developers helped displace in business
             | and industry?
             | How many?
             | > I don't think it's controversial that we become fair game
             | for that same automation process we've been leading.
             | This is not correct. A human (developer) displacing another
             | human (business person) is entirely different than a tool
             | (AI bot) replacing a human (developer).
             | Regardless, this is the Lump of Labour fallacy
             | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lump_of_labour_fallacy).
             | In this case, it is assumed that the global amount of
             | development work is fixed, so that, if AI takes a part of
             | it, the equivalent workforce in terms of developers, will
             | be out of job. Especially in the field of SWE, this is
             | obviously false.
             | It also needs to be seen what this technology will actually
             | do. SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few
             | routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this will
             | be an augmentation.
               | tux1968 wrote:
               | > A human (developer) displacing another human (business
               | person) is entirely different
               | That's not what is happening though, a few developers
               | replace thousands of business and industry people with
               | automated tools. Say, automated route planning for
               | package delivery, would take many thousands of humans if
               | not for the AI bots that do the job instead.
               | > SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few
               | routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this
               | will be an augmentation.
               | Of course there will always be some jobs for humans to
               | do. Just like there are still jobs for humans loading
               | thread into the automated looms and such.
               | But your arguments against automation displacing
               | programming jobs ring hollow. People said the same thing
               | about chess playing programs, they would never be able to
               | understand the subtlety or complexity like a human could.
               | varjag wrote:
               | > SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few
               | routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this
               | will be an augmentation.
               | If there is a pathway to improving this AI assist
               | efficiency say by restricting the language, methodology,
               | UI paradigm and design principles, it will happen quick
               | due to market incentives. The main reason SWE is complex
               | is it's done manually in myriad subjectively preferred
               | ways.
             | cnvm wrote:
             | Nothing is inevitable. Doctors and lawyers have protected
             | their professions successfully for centuries.
             | Only some software developers seem interested in replacing
             | themselves in order to enrich their corporate masters
             | (mains?) even further.
             | Just don't use this tool!
               | mason55 wrote:
               | This tool only replaces a small part of a good programmer
               | and just further highlights the differences between
               | people blindly writing code and people building actual
               | systems.
               | The challenge in software development is understanding
               | the real world processes and constraints and turning them
               | into a design for a functional & resilient system that
               | doesn't collapse as people add every little idea that
               | pops into their head.
               | If the hard part was "typing in code" then programmers
               | would have been replaced long ago. But most people can't
               | even verbally explain what they do as a series of steps &
               | decision points such that a coherent and robust process
               | can be documented. Once you have that it's easy to turn
               | into code.
               | tux1968 wrote:
               | > Doctors and lawyers have protected their professions
               | successfully for centuries.
               | And one could argue that this means we all pay more for
               | health and legal services than we otherwise would. You
               | have to calculate both costs and benefits; what price
               | does society pay for those few people having very high
               | paying jobs?
             | serf wrote:
             | >How many jobs have developers helped displace in business
             | and industry? I don't think it's controversial that we
             | become fair game for that same automation process we've
             | been leading.
             | historically when has that sort of 'tit-for-tat' style of
             | argument ever been helpful?
             | the correct approach would be "we've observed first hand
             | the problems that we've cause for society, how can we avoid
             | creating such problems _for any person_ in the future? "
             | It might seem self-serving, and it is, but 'two wrongs
             | don't make a right'. Let's try to fix such problems rather
             | than serving our sentence as condemned individuals.
               | tux1968 wrote:
               | > historically when has that sort of 'tit-for-tat' style
               | of argument ever been helpful?
               | It's not tit-for-tat, it's a wake up call. As in, what
               | exactly do you think we've been doing with our skills and
               | time?
               | > ""we've observed first hand the problems that we've
               | cause for society"...
               | But not everyone agrees that this is actually a problem.
               | There was a time when being a blacksmith or a weaver was
               | a very highly paid profession, and as technology improved
               | and the workforce became larger, large wages could no
               | longer be commanded. Of course the exact same thing is
               | going to happen to developers, at least to some extent.
           | natfriedman wrote:
           | We think that software development is entering its third wave
           | of productivity change. The first was the creation of tools
           | like compilers, debuggers, garbage collectors, and languages
           | that made developers more productive. The second was open
           | source where a global community of developers came together
           | to build on each other's work. The third revolution will be
           | the use of AI in coding.
           | The problems we spend our days solving may change. But there
           | will always be problems for humans to solve.
             | jonas_kgomo wrote:
             | I appreciate this insight, as a proponent of progress
             | studies. It is indeed a pragmatic view of what the industry
             | will be or should be. I believe the thing that would be
             | also appreciated would be a pair security auditor. Most
             | vulnerabilities in software can be avoided early on in
             | development , I believe this could be a great addition to
             | Github's Security Lab securitylab.github.com/
               | dfkl wrote:
               | Do you or 'natfriedman have authored any works in a
               | public repository, so that we can judge the validity of
               | the pragmatic view?
             | freedomben wrote:
             | I'm super interested to read more about your
             | theory/analysis. Have you written on it in a blog or
             | anything?
               | therealplato wrote:
               | There's a good amount of discussion on this topic in "The
               | Mythical Man-Month". The entire book is discussing the
               | factors that affect development timeframes and it
               | specifically addresses whether AI can speed it up (albeit
               | from 1975, 1986 and 1995 viewpoints, and comparing
               | progress between those points.)
               | freedomben wrote:
               | Thanks! That's a great suggestion. I forgot that was in
               | there.
               | I read Mythical Man Month many years ago and enjoyed it.
               | Time for a re-read. Of course it won't cover the third
               | wave very well though. Would love to see a blog post
               | cover that.
             | xna wrote:
             | Let's solve the problem of replacing CEOs next. The above
             | paragraph could have been written by GPT-3 already.
               | foobarbazetc wrote:
               | LOL. But you actually make a good point here. GPT-3 can
               | replace most comms / PR type jobs since they all sound
               | like Exec-speak.
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | I think you're looking at the problem the wrong way. This
               | provides less strong engineering talent with more
               | leverage. The CEO (which could be you!) gets closer to
               | being a CTO with less experience and context necessary
               | (recall businesses that run on old janky codebases or no
               | code platforms; they don't have to be elegant, they
               | simply have to work).
               | It all boils down to who is capturing the value for the
               | effort and time expended. If a mediocre software engineer
               | can compete against senior engineers with such
               | augmentation, that seems like a win. Less time on
               | learning language incantations, more time spent
               | delivering value to those who will pay for it.
               | foobarbazetc wrote:
               | That's not really how it's going to go though. Just look
               | at what your average person is able to accomplish with
               | Excel.
               | Your own example of the CEO becoming a CTO can be used in
               | every level and part of the business.
               | Now the receptionist is building office automation tools
               | because they can describe what they want in plain English
               | and have this thing spit out code.
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | > Just look at what your average person is able to
               | accomplish with Excel.
               | Approximately nothing.
               | The average knowledge worker somewhat more, but lots of
               | them are at the level of "I can consume a pivot table
               | someone else set up".
               | Sure, there are highly-productive, highly-skilled excel
               | users that aren't traditional developers that can build
               | great things, but they aren't "your average person".
               | foobarbazetc wrote:
               | Well, agree to disagree here as I've seen it with my own
               | eyes, but it's kind of besides the point.
               | Is it a coincidence that the same company that makes
               | Excel is trying to... "democratize" and/or de-specialize
               | programming?
               | I don't really think so, but _shrug_.
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24791017 (HN: Excel
               | warriors who save governments and companies from
               | spreadsheet errors)
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26386419 (HN: Excel
               | Never Dies)
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20417967 (HN: I was
               | wrong about spreadsheets)
               | https://mobile.twitter.com/amitranjan/status/113944938807
               | 223... (Excel is every #SAAS company's biggest
               | competitor!)
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | Yes, Excel "runs the world", and in most organizations,
               | you'll find a fairly narrow slice of Excel power users
               | that build and maintain the Excel that "runs the world".
               | We may not call them developers or programmers (or we
               | might; I've been one of them as a fraction of my job at
               | different times, both as a "fiscal analyst" by working
               | title and as a "programmer analyst" by title), but
               | effectively that's what they are, developers using (and
               | possibly exclusively comfortable with) Excel as a
               | platform.
               | [deleted]
               | alexanderdmitri wrote:
               | I think this is already happening. There's credible
               | evidence that the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has been
               | essentially replaced by a Siri-driven clone over the last
               | 7 months. They march the real guy out when needed, but if
               | you watch closely when they do, it's obvious he's under
               | duress reading lines prepared by an AI. His testimony in
               | the Epic lawsuit for example. They'll probably cite how
               | seriously he and the company take 'privacy' to help
               | normalize his withdrawal from the public space in the
               | coming years.
               | mkr-hn wrote:
               | This is exactly the kind of fun, kooky conspiracy theory
               | I've missed with all the real conspiracies coming to
               | light over the last decade or so.
               | tudelo wrote:
               | Can you cite some of this credible evidence?
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | natfriedman is a human being like you and me, not an AI;
               | let's treat them with consideration for that.
               | anmk wrote:
               | Perhaps he should go easy on the euphemisms then and show
               | respect for the developers who wrote the corpus of
               | software that this AI is being trained on (perhaps
               | illegally).
               | wolverine876 wrote:
               | OK, then ask him to go easy! Great idea, and it might get
               | a good response.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > This is obviously controversial, since we are thinking
           | about how this could displace a large portion of developers.
           | It... couldn't, in net.
           | Tools which improve developer productivity increase the
           | number of developers hired and the number of tasks for which
           | it is worthwhile to employ them and the market clearing price
           | for development work.
           | See, for examples, _the whole history of the computing
           | industry as we've added more layers of automation between
           | "conceptual design for software" and "bit patterns in
           | hardware implementing that conceptual design as concrete
           | software"_.
           | It might displace or disadvantage some developers in specific
           | (though I doubt a large portion) by shifting the relative
           | value of particular subskills within the set used in
           | development, I suppose.
             | dvaun wrote:
             | I agree with this viewpoint.
             | A tool which increases how rapidly we can output code--
             | correct code--would allow for more time spent on hard
             | tasks.
             | I can see the quality of some "commodity" software
             | increasing as a result of tools in this realm.
         | ArtWomb wrote:
         | Hi Nat! Just signed up for the preview (even though I'm the
         | type to turn off intellisense and smart indent). I was
         | wondering if WebGL shader code (glsl) was included in the
         | training set? Translating human understandable graphics effects
         | from natural language is a real challenge ;)
         | mwcampbell wrote:
         | Has this been tested for accessibility yet, particularly with a
         | screen reader?
         | Celenduin wrote:
         | This is impressive. And scary. How long has your team been
         | working on this first release?
         | pera wrote:
         | Cool project! Have you seen any interesting correlations
         | between languages, paradigms and the accuracy of your
         | suggestions?
         | dang wrote:
         | Ok, we changed the URL to that from
         | https://github.blog/2021-06-29-introducing-github-copilot-
         | ai....
         | [deleted]
       | hit8run wrote:
       | I tried the paid version of tabnine and was really unhappy
       | because it suggested me code with syntax errors and introduced
       | subtle bugs when I did not closely review every generated line.
       | It was as if you have someone very impatient sitting next to you
       | typing before actually really listening what you want to do. Is
       | Copilot better? Does it suggest broken code, too?
         | ranguna wrote:
         | According to some of the comments here: yes, yes it does. One
         | do the snippets on the front page has a bug, don't remember
         | which, but that was written by someone here.
       | bencollier49 wrote:
       | Ah, here it is; the Power Loom. And we're all weavers.
       | http://historymesh.com/object/power-loom/?story=textiles
       | kp302 wrote:
       | Sounds like a big distraction.
         | RosanaAnaDana wrote:
         | Why are the green ones always angry?
           | xeromal wrote:
           | haha, you asked a question that I've always wondered.
           | dang wrote:
           | I suppose you know this, but green means the account is new
           | (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html). Angry people
           | sometimes create new accounts to vent. That's not a good use
           | of HN, but let's not respond as if there's something wrong
           | with new users coming to the community. We don't want this
           | place to become insular and brackish. New users are the
           | community's freshwater!
             | RosanaAnaDana wrote:
             | This is a great point. Do names turn from green to grey
             | based on karma or time?
               | dang wrote:
               | Time alone.
           | elteto wrote:
           | They haven't ripened yet.
           | ezekg wrote:
           | Anonymity can breed honesty, I guess.
       | cqaz wrote:
       | This is hardly grounds for celebration. Another step in
       | Microsoft's efforts to drive down programmer salaries by
       | expanding the work force.
       | Also, this tool will enable more cheap LOC churn for those gaming
       | performance reviews (not that this is currently difficult, but it
       | will be even easier).
         | f38zf5vdt wrote:
         | It will absolutely transform undergraduate education in
         | computer science, or rather, the breadth of the workload. <:)
       | [deleted]
       | JCBird1012 wrote:
       | It's funny that GitHub ships their own text editor, Atom, but the
       | second example (under the "More than Autocomplete" header) on the
       | Copilot website is clearly using VSCode.
         | jon-wood wrote:
         | I don't know if they've officially said anything on this, but
         | since the MS acquisition it feels like Atom is on life support.
         | Github Codespaces is built on VSCode, and there's a lot of
         | effort from Github going into their VSCode extension for things
         | like PR review.
         | Aperocky wrote:
         | now they just need to build this into vim.
           | alpaca128 wrote:
           | Or more realistically, a language server which would then be
           | compatible with many editors including (Neo)Vim.
           | kleiba wrote:
           | Presumably, this will be accessible through a REST API or
           | something like that at some point, so that it can eventually
           | be integrated into all editors.
             | Aperocky wrote:
             | yep, the only thing I'm not quite sure about is how often
             | it needs to call home. Presumably very often.. which runs
             | counter to minimalism.
               | kleiba wrote:
               | Check out the "Telemetry" link when you scroll down on
               | the project page.
       | hsuduebc2 wrote:
       | Ok, I'm afraid I must become some kind of neoluddite or I'm going
       | to starve to death in next twenty years.
       | nonbirithm wrote:
       | It sounds like this is similar to Kite, but actually competent as
       | a service and not associated with a brand that has destroyed all
       | trust. But it has to come with the same privacy caveats, right?
       | Uploading your private code to a third-party server could result
       | in business or regulatory violations.
       | And even if you're okay with sending your code, what about
       | hardcoded secrets? What's to prevent Copilot clients from sending
       | things that should never leave the user's computer? Heuristics?
       | Will we be able to tell what part of the code is about to be
       | sent? And is the data stored?
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | I'm very enthusiastic about this kind of technology. I recently
       | stopped using tabnine because the suggestions where often worse
       | than the normal IDE completion while being on top of the list,
       | but I do miss the magic.
       | I think AI in software development will save us a lot of time, so
       | we can focus on more interesting things. It may replace a few
       | humans in the long term, but as software developers we shouldn't
       | be hypocrite because we work hard to replace humans by software.
       | kaimorid wrote:
       | hello
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | So this is what happens when you're owned by Microsoft who has an
       | exclusive contract with OpenAI.
       | A couple weeks ago I ran a few experiments with AI-based code
       | generation (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27621114 ) from
       | a GPT model more suitable for code generation: it sounds like
       | this new "Codex" model is something similar.
       | If anyone from GitHub is reading this, please give me access to
       | the Alpha so I can see what happens when I give it a
       | should_terminate() function. :P
         | jboggan wrote:
         | I saw that post, neat stuff. We made an attempt to develop
         | something similar 4 years ago and take it to YC, it simply
         | wasn't good enough often enough because our training data
         | (Stack Overflow posts) was garbage and models were weaker back
         | then. I figured it would take about 5 years for it to really be
         | useful given the technology trajectory, and here we are.
         | I'll note that we weren't trying to build "code auto-complete"
         | but instead a automated "rubber duck debugger" which would
         | function enough like another contextually-ignorant but
         | intelligent programmer that you could explain your issues to
         | and illuminate the solution yourself. But we did a poor job of
         | cleaning the data and we found that English questions started
         | returning Python code blocks, sometimes contextually relevant.
         | It was neat. This GitHub/OpenAI project is neater.
         | I would be curious what the cost of developing and running this
         | model is though.
       | [deleted]
       | colesantiago wrote:
       | Gigantic caveat.
       | > I agree to these additional telemetry terms as part of the
       | technical preview
         | reilly3000 wrote:
         | Right. If you're comfortable giving access to your source files
         | to GitHub+OpenAI, then go for it.
         | I'm not sure how this would apply to secret keys or flat files
         | with customer data/PII, but in any case that makes it a non-
         | starter for me.
         | Their "Please do not share this URL publicly." Banner at the
         | top of the page which disclosed this info makes my skin crawl a
         | bit...
         | If I were only working on public projects I would be on board
         | right away, it looks like a big time saver.
         | Am I being to paranoid here?
           | ranguna wrote:
           | No, you are not being paranoid. This tool literally uploads
           | all the code it wants off your machine, and I see no way of
           | filtering out secrets and the likes. You have all the rights
           | to be worried about that.
         | kleiba wrote:
         | "You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."
         | Scott McNealy, CEO Sun Microsystems, 1999
           | colesantiago wrote:
           | Then, I should see absolutely _zero complaints_ about
           | privacy, tracking, spying, google analytics and facebook
           | tracking.
           | Perhaps we should ask Scott if he is willing to share his
           | browsing history, his personal photos and his passwords with
           | the rest of us or maybe if I can come into his house?
           | After all, _" You have zero privacy anyway"_
           | [deleted]
       | hiram112 wrote:
       | I wonder if CoPilot uses Github's private repositories to train
       | itself, which would allow malicious users to somehow obtain code
       | or designs that they otherwise would not be able to view.
       | thrower123 wrote:
       | I chuckle when one of the bullet points is that it autogenerates
       | the stupid, pointless unit-tests that you need to write to verify
       | trivial code, but boosts your code-coverage metrics...
       | heroHACK17 wrote:
       | Remote coding interviews just got 100x easier.
       | Buttons840 wrote:
       | I want to try and make it generate a UUID and then see if I can
       | find the original source.
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | I like the concept, but just like with kite, having part of my
       | code sent to the remote service is a not going to be ok for many
       | of my projects.
       | For foss ones it could be great though.
       | I think the best part for me is that how it's going to introduce
       | even more low code devs to the worker pool, which means I will be
       | able to raise my price again. Last time this happens, when
       | designers got to the backend, I got +30% in a year once my
       | clients figured out the difference in output.
       | markstos wrote:
       | Software automating people out of jobs spares no one, even the
       | people writing the software.
       | If this improves developer efficiency by 10%, 10% fewer
       | developers are required.
         | asperous wrote:
         | Or development cost lowers by 10% keeping salaries the same,
         | and more work that was previously too expensive to do is now
         | feasible.
       | gervwyk wrote:
       | "Software eats world" just got more real. Funny that programmers
       | thought they were eating the world with software, now, software
       | has eaten them.
         | visarga wrote:
         | far from it, this thing won't write full applications by itself
           | gervwyk wrote:
           | I know.. But we can dream. Also I'me sure when we first got
           | code completion we said - "This thing won't write functions
           | by itself."
       | [deleted]
       | iwintermute wrote:
       | So if it was trained using "source code from publicly available
       | sources, including code in public repositories on GitHub." was it
       | also GPLv2?
       | So everything generated also GPLv2?
         | pjfin123 wrote:
         | I think this would fall under any reasonable definition of fair
         | use. If I read GPL (or proprietary) code as a human I still own
         | code that I later write. If copyright was enforced on the
         | outputs of machine learning models based on all content they
         | were trained on it would be incredibly stifling to innovation.
         | Requiring obtaining legal access to data for training but full
         | ownership of output seems like a sensible middle ground.
           | megous wrote:
           | 1) this is not human, it's some software
           | 2) if I write a program that copies parts of other GPL
           | licensed SW into my proprietary code, does that absolve me of
           | GPL if the copying algorithm is complicated enough?
             | pjfin123 wrote:
             | Clearly this requires some level of judgement but this
             | isn't new, determining what is plagiarism and not requires
             | a similar judgement call.
           | tomthe wrote:
           | What if I put a licence on my Github-repositories that
           | explicitly forbids the use of my code for machine-learning
           | models?
             | pjfin123 wrote:
             | Then the person training the models wouldn't be legally
             | accessing your code.
             | 542458 wrote:
             | My interpretation of the GitHub TOS section D4 would give
             | give GitHub the right to parse your code and/or make
             | incedental copies regardless of what your license states.
             | https://docs.github.com/en/github/site-policy/github-
             | terms-o...
             | This is the same reason it doesn't matter if you put up a
             | license that forbids GitHub from including you in backups
             | or the search index.
           | maxhille wrote:
           | And so it begins: We start applying human rights to AIs.
           | Not a critique on your point, which a was just about yo bring
           | up myself.
           | sanderjd wrote:
           | Certainly not. If I memorize a line of copyrighted code and
           | then write it down in a different project, I have copied it.
           | If an ML model does the same thing as my brain - memorizing a
           | line of code and writing it down elsewhere - it has also
           | copied it. In neither case is that "fair use".
         | qchris wrote:
         | This is a bit tricky, because at least in the U.S., I don't
         | believe it's settled question in law yet. Some of the other
         | posters on here have said that the resulting model isn't
         | covered by GPL--that's partially true, but provenance of data,
         | and the rights to it, definitely does matter. A good example of
         | this was the Everalbum ruling, where the company was forced to
         | delete both the data and the trained models used they were used
         | to generate due to lack of consent from the users from whom the
         | data was taken[1]. Since open source code is, well, open, it's
         | definitely less a problem for permissively-licensed code.
         | That said, copyright is typically generally assigned to the
         | closest human to the activation process (it's unlikely that
         | Github is going to try to claim the copyright to code generated
         | by Copilot over the human/company pair-programming with it),
         | but since copyleft in general is a pretty domain-specific to
         | software, afaik the way that courts interpret the legality of
         | using code licensed under those terms in training data for a
         | non-copyleft-producing model is still up in the air.
         | Obligatory IANAL, and also happy to adjust this info if someone
         | has sources demonstrating updates on the current state.
         | [1] https://techcrunch.com/2021/01/12/ftc-settlement-with-
         | ever-o...
           | blibble wrote:
           | until the legal position is clear it you'd have to be insane
           | to allow output from this process to be incorporated into
           | your codebases
           | imagine if the output was ruled as being GPLv2, then having
           | to go through a proprietary codebase trying to rip out these
           | bits of code
           | it would be basically impossible
         | throwawaygh wrote:
         | _> So everything generated also GPLv2?_
         | Almost certainly not _everything_.
         | But possibly things that were spit out verbatim from the
         | training set, which the FAQ mentions does happen about .1% of
         | the time [1]. Another comment in this thread indicated that the
         | model outputs something that's verbatim usable about 10% of the
         | time. So, taking those two numbers together, if you're using a
         | whole generated function verbatim, a bit of caveat emptor re:
         | licensing might not be the worst idea. At least until the
         | origin tracker mentioned in the FAQ becomes available.
         | [1] https://docs.github.com/en/early-
         | access/github/copilot/resea...
         | [2] "GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search engine:
         | the vast majority of the code that it suggests is uniquely
         | generated and has never been seen before. We found that about
         | 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets that
         | are verbatim from the training set. Here is an in-depth study
         | on the model's behavior. Many of these cases happen when you
         | don't provide sufficient context (in particular, when editing
         | an empty file), or when there is a common, perhaps even
         | universal, solution to the problem. We are building an origin
         | tracker to help detect the rare instances of code that is
         | repeated from the training set, to help you make good real-time
         | decisions about GitHub Copilot's suggestions."
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | You bring up a really good point. I'm super curious what the
         | legality and ethics around training machines on licensed or
         | even proprietary code would be. IIRC there are implications
         | around code you can build if you've seen proprietary code (I
         | remember an article from HN about how bash had to be written by
         | someone who hadn't seen the unix shell code or something like
         | that).
         | How would we classify that legally when it comes to training
         | and generating code? Would you argue the machine is just
         | picking up best practices and patterns, or would you say it has
         | gained specifically-licensed or proprietary knowledge?
           | Iv wrote:
           | I would argue that a trained model falls under the legal
           | category of "compilation of facts".
           | More generally, keep in mind that the legal world, despite an
           | apparent focus on definition is very bad at dealing with
           | novelty, and most of it will end up justifying a posteriori
           | existing practices.
             | einpoklum wrote:
             | You might argue that, but you would likely be wrong.
             | Even a search engine is not merely a "compilation of
             | facts". A trained model is the result of analysis and
             | reasoning, albeit automated.
               | jjcm wrote:
               | A search engine provides snippets of other data. You can
               | point explicitly to where it got that text from. A
               | trained model generates its own new data, from influence
               | of millions of different sources. It's entirely
               | different.
         | teekert wrote:
         | Is what a human generates GPLv2 because it learned from GPLv2
         | code?
           | IMTDb wrote:
           | What if a human copies GPLv2 code?
             | f38zf5vdt wrote:
             | https://gpl-violations.org/
             | teekert wrote:
             | When is it copying? What about all those stack overflow
             | snippets I copied?!
               | JustFinishedBSG wrote:
               | Congrats, you've just discovered why many employers block
               | or forbid stackoverflow.
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | I seem to remember a similar discussion on Intellicode (similar
         | thing, but more like Intellisense, and as Visual Studio
         | plugin), which is trained on "github projects with more than
         | 100 stars". IFIR they check the LICENSE.txt file in the project
         | and ignore projects with an "incompatible" license. I don't
         | have any links handy which would confirm this though.
           | uticus wrote:
           | Could it be this?
           | https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/services/intellicode/
           | I was wondering the same thing, especially with MS being
           | behind both.
           | edited: or this? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/visualstudio/intellicode/cu...
         | dekhn wrote:
         | No, a model trained on text covered by a license is not itself
         | covered by the license, unless it explicitly copies the text
         | (you cannot copyright a "style").
           | evgen wrote:
           | The trained model is a derivative work that contains copies
           | of the corpus used for training embedded in the model. If any
           | of the training code was GPL the output is now covered by
           | GPL. The music industry has already done most of the heavy
           | lifting here in terms of scope and nature of derived works,
           | and while IANAL I would not suggest that it looks good for
           | anyone using this tool if GPL code was in the training set.
           | GuB-42 wrote:
           | My guess is that it is, if we think of a machine learning
           | framework as a compiler and the model as compiled code.
           | Compiled GPL code is still GPL, that's the entire point.
           | Anyways, GitHub is Microsoft, and Microsoft has really good
           | lawyers so I guess they did everything necessary to make sur
           | that you can use it the way they tell you so. The most
           | obvious solution would be to filter by LICENSE.txt and only
           | train the model with code under permissive licenses.
           | f38zf5vdt wrote:
           | There will almost certainly be cases where it copies exact
           | lines. When working with GPT2 I got whole chunks of news
           | articles.
           | akersten wrote:
           | Well, it probably _is_ explicitly copying at least some
           | subset of the source text - otherwise the code would be
           | syntactically invalid, no?
             | dekhn wrote:
             | Strictly speaking, you could train a model which does not
             | contain the original source text (just the underlying
             | language structure and work tokens), and generates ASCII
             | strings which are consistent with the underlying generative
             | model, that are also always valid code. I expect to see
             | code generator models that explicitly generate valid code
             | as part of their generalization capability.
             | gugagore wrote:
             | I can't say what's happening in GitHub Copilot, but it's
             | not necessarily true that the only way to produce
             | syntactically valid outputs is to take substrings of the
             | source text. It is possible to learn something
             | approximating a generative grammar.
             | Take a look at https://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-
             | effectiveness/
             | At the same time, I would not be surprised if there are
             | outputs that _do_ correspond to the source training data.
           | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
           | > you cannot copyright a "style"
           | This line of thinking applies to the code generated by the
           | model, but not necessarily to the model itself, or the
           | training of it.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | Thanks- in retrospect, I shoudl have explicitly said "code
             | generated by the model".
           | not2b wrote:
           | But it actually is explicitly copying the text. That's how it
           | works. The training data are massive, and you will get long
           | strings of code that are pulled directly from that training
           | data. It isn't giving you just the style. It may be mashing
           | together several different code examples taking some text
           | from each. That's called "derivative work".
             | Iv wrote:
             | Google Books actually displays full pages of copyrighted
             | works Google did not license. It was considered legal.
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authors_Guild,_Inc._v._Go
             | ogle,....
               | f38zf5vdt wrote:
               | We all don't have Google resources. What if someone comes
               | after us individually because some model-generated code
               | is near identical to code in a GPL codebase? Where is the
               | liability here?
               | edit: from https://copilot.github.com/
               | > What is my responsibility when I accept GitHub Copilot
               | suggestions?
               | > You are responsible for the content you create with the
               | assistance of GitHub Copilot. We recommend that you
               | carefully test, review, and vet the code, as you would
               | with any code you write yourself.
               | Well, that solves that question.
             | Kiro wrote:
             | No, that's not how it works.
             | "[...] the vast majority of the code that it suggests is
             | uniquely generated and has never been seen before. We found
             | that about 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain
             | some snippets that are verbatim from the training set"
             | https://copilot.github.com/#faqs
               | not2b wrote:
               | If that's the case (only 0.1%), the developers must have
               | done something that differs from other openai experiments
               | that suggest code sequences that I recall seeing, where
               | significant chunks of code from Stack Overflow or similar
               | sites were appearing in answers.
               | ipsum2 wrote:
               | So you're gambling on whether that the code that was
               | generated or copied.
               | visarga wrote:
               | use a bloom filter to skip/regenerate that 0.1%
             | zarzavat wrote:
             | Synthesising material from various sources isn't copyright
             | infringement, that's called _writing_.
             | It's only infringement if the portion copied is significant
             | either absolutely or relatively. A line here or there of
             | the millions in the Linux kernel is okay. A couple of lines
             | of a haiku is not. Copyright is not leprosy.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | hmm, so let's think this through.
             | Wouldn't that imply that a person who learned to code on
             | GPLv2 sources wrote writes some more code in that style
             | (including "long strings of code", some of which are
             | clearly not unique to GPL) is writing code that is "born
             | GPLv2"?
             | I don't think it currently works that way.
         | [deleted]
         | cycomanic wrote:
         | IMO the closest case is probably the students suing turnitin a
         | number of years ago, which iParadigms (the turnitin maker) won
         | [1].
         | I think this is definitely a gray area and in some way
         | iParadigms winning (compared to all the cases decided in favour
         | of e.g. the music industry), shows the different yardsticks
         | being used for individuals and companies.
         | I'm sure we will see more cases about this.
         | [1] https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2008/03/25/iparadigms-
         | wins-t...
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | My guess would be that the model itself (and the training
         | process) could have different legal requirements compared to
         | the code it generates. The code generated by the model is
         | probably sufficiently transformative new work that wouldn't be
         | GPL (it's "fair use").
         | I suspect there could be issues on the training side, using
         | copyrighted data for training without any form of licensing.
         | Typically ML researchers have a pretty free-for-all attitude
         | towards 'if I can find data, I can train models on it.'
           | evgen wrote:
           | No, the code generated is what copyright law calls a
           | derivative work and you should go ask Robin Thicke and
           | Pharrell Williams exactly how much slack the courts give for
           | 'sufficiently transformative new work.
             | gugagore wrote:
             | My bet is that copyright law has not caught up with massive
             | machine learning models that partially encode the training
             | data, and that there will still be cases to set legal
             | precedent for machine learning models.
             | Note also that it's not just a concern for copyright, but
             | also privacy. If the training data is private, but the
             | model can "recite" (reproduce) some of the input given an
             | appropriate query, then it's a matter of finding the right
             | adversarial inputs to reconstruct some training data. There
             | are many papers on this topic.
               | evgen wrote:
               | It is almost certainly the case that current IP law is
               | very unsettled when it comes to machine learning models
               | and mechanisms that encode a particular training set into
               | the output or mechanism for input transformation. What
               | should probably scare the shit out of people looking to
               | commercialize this sort of ML is that the most readily
               | available precedents for the courts to look at are from
               | the music industry, and some of the outcomes have truly
               | been wacky IMHO. The 'blurred lines' case is the one that
               | should keep tech lawyers up at night, because if
               | something like that gets applied to ML models the entire
               | industry is in for a world of pain.
             | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
             | You're missing the fair use aspects. Check out this article
             | on fair use [0].
             | > In 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed a case involving
             | a rap group, 2 Live Crew, in the case _Campbell v. Acuff-
             | Rose Music_ , 510 U.S. 569 (1994)... It focused on one of
             | the four fair use factors, the purpose and character of the
             | use, and emphasized that the most important aspect of the
             | fair use analysis was whether the purpose and character of
             | the use was "transformative."
             | It has some neat examples and explanation.
             | [0] https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/fair-use-what-
             | transf...
               | evgen wrote:
               | There are far more current precedents that apply here,
               | and they do not trend in Github's favor -- as I noted
               | previously, Williams v. Gaye (9th Cir. 2017) is going to
               | be very interesting in this case. I am sure several
               | people in Microsoft's legal department set parameters on
               | the model training and that they felt that they were
               | standing on solid ground, but I am also sure that there
               | are a few associate professors in various law schools
               | around the country who are salivating at the opportunity
               | to take a run against this and make a name for
               | themselves.
         | kp302 wrote:
         | Its not cause the License says nothing about training. I mean
         | every oss dev's brain would be under GPL then.
           | iwintermute wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_room_design
           | There're definitely cases when devs avoid even looking at
           | implementation before creating their own
         | 542458 wrote:
         | IANAL, but my interpretation of the GitHub TOS section D4 would
         | give give GitHub the right to parse your code and/or make
         | copies regardless of what your license states. This is the same
         | reason the GitHub search index isn't GPL contaminated.
       | sreeramb93 wrote:
       | This is where microsoft's billion dollars went in OpenAI. Clever
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Consider the following chain of events:                 - I write
       | GPL'ed code.            - Someone uses this tool to develop a
       | proprietary solution.             - I later prove that the tool
       | generated code that is equal to mine.
       | Now the code of the proprietary solution must be GPL licensed!
       | Cool!
       | How I'd defend myself? I'd only use such a tool if there are
       | guarantees of the licenses of the code it was trained on. Without
       | such guarantees, it is just too risky.
       | ska wrote:
       | Of course this is an continuation of things people have been
       | trying for decades at this point, rather than something
       | fundamentally new, but it brings up a point a colleague and I had
       | a decade ago on training something like this on large data sets -
       | namely that you are going to tend find common idioms rather than
       | nominally best ones. In many scenarios it may make little to no
       | difference, but clearly not all . It's likely going to gravitate
       | towards lowest-common-denominator solutions.
       | One example of where this can be a problem is numerics - most
       | software developers don't understand it and routinely do
       | questionable things. I'm curious what effort the authors have put
       | in to mitigate this problem.
       | krzyk wrote:
       | I wonder why there is no example in java. It is one of the most
       | popular languages (drfinatelly more popular than ruby or Go, and
       | on par with Javascript and python).
       | dgb23 wrote:
       | The utility and quality of this will likely depend on language
       | use:
       | https://madnight.github.io/githut/#/pull_requests/2021/1
       | bovermyer wrote:
       | Oh this would screw with me so badly.
       | A lot of the time, I'm thinking pretty deeply about the code I'm
       | writing, and as I'm writing code I'll also be thinking about how
       | it applies in context.
       | Having some external agent inject new code into my editor would
       | shatter my thought flow, since I'd then have to grok whatever it
       | just spit out instead of continuing on with whatever thought I
       | was pursuing at the time.
       | karsinkk wrote:
       | I still haven't gotten my hands on the Beta yet, so I'm not sure
       | how it's going to be deployed; But does anyone know if Copilot is
       | going to be accessible through some online IDE (or) is it going
       | to be through an extension for VS Code/other editors? If it's the
       | latter, I hope the extension doesn't eat up all my CPU!
       | whateveracct wrote:
       | I prefer the wingman
       | https://haskellwingman.dev/
       | IceWreck wrote:
       | Works on MS's VSCode but not on GitHub's own Atom. More proof
       | that Atom is all bud dead
       | tushar1196 wrote:
       | Hey
       | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
       | Someone, somewhere, is already working on ways to make it inject
       | vulnerabilities into your project.
       | FunnyLookinHat wrote:
       | This seems to work really well in cases where you're just laying
       | down boilerplate. A few cherry-picked comments seem to suggest
       | that React components are an ideal use case - which makes sense,
       | that's a lot of munging and syntax to just render some strings.
       | However, I find the process of writing these sorts of functions
       | cathartic and part of the process to get into zen-mode for
       | coding. I think I'd feel less joy in programming if all of this
       | was just done by glorified commenting and then code-review of the
       | robot.
       | I like to think of coding in terms of athletic training, which
       | usually is comprised of difficult tasks that are interspersed
       | with lighter ones that keep you moving (but are giving you a bit
       | of a break). Training for soccer teams often involved lots of
       | sprinting and aerobic exercise - and in between those activities
       | we would do some stretching or jogging to keep our body moving.
       | These sorts of small functions (write a function to fetch a
       | resource, parse an input payload, etc.) are when my brain is
       | still moving but getting ready for the next difficult task.
       | StratusBen wrote:
       | Not to be confused with AWS Copilot - which has been an area of
       | focus for the AWS container services team:
       | https://aws.github.io/copilot-cli/
       | fxtentacle wrote:
       | "In order to generate suggestions, GitHub Copilot transmits part
       | of the file you are editing to the service."
       | Well, isn't GitHub part of Microsoft now? No wonder it has gained
       | telemetry...
       | I'm a bit worried that this thing will lead to even more bugs
       | like the typical StackOverflow copy&paste which compiles fine,
       | runs OK, but completely doesn't understand the context and
       | thereby introduces subtle difficult to find issues.
       | My personal take on autocomplete has always been that I only use
       | it so that I can use longAndDescriptiveFunctionNames. Apart from
       | that, if your source code is so verbose that you wish you didn't
       | have to type all of it, something else probably already went
       | wrong.
       | EugeneOZ wrote:
       | A toy.
       | hashingroll wrote:
       | > Convert comments to code. Write a comment describing the logic
       | you want, and let GitHub Copilot assemble the code for you.
       | I don't know if Copilot does it already but I would love if there
       | was a tool that does exactly the opposite -- convert code to
       | comments and documentation.
       | birdyrooster wrote:
       | Does GitHub Copilot grant you a license to the code it generates?
       | How does it know you haven't just copied some proprietary code
       | which is not free?
       | ranguna wrote:
       | This looks amazing! I was going sign up for the preview and stop
       | immediately after reading the additional telemetry that is
       | scrapped from my IDE, Microsoft would basically be allowed to
       | steal my code and see it whenever they need. Including unintended
       | snippets like local (git ignored) secrets and any sensitive
       | information that it might catch without my "snippet by snippet"
       | approval and not way to ignore files (afaik).
       | Until this is fixed, good luck but not thank you Microsoft.
       | adelarsq wrote:
       | Tabnine, It's you?
       | papito wrote:
       | Stack Overflow copt pasta on crack cocaine.
       | ayush--s wrote:
       | wow I'm going to have lots of opinions about this.
       | 1. A lot of people on this thread are concerned about licensing
       | issues with GPL etc. I am sure Github will restrict the beta
       | until it figures out that stuff.
       | 2. I wonder if eventually our corrections to the code suggested
       | by the model would be used to feedback to the model, and if
       | that'll lead to a differential pricing - If I let it see my code,
       | I get charged lesser.
       | 3. I believe a mini-GPT-3 model is where it's at. GPT-3 (and
       | similar) models look to be to too big to run locally. I've been
       | using TabNine for past year or so & it gives me anywhere between
       | 5-10% productivity boost. But one of the main reasons why it
       | works so well is because it trains on my repo as well. TabNine is
       | based off GPT-2 from what i've heard.
       | 4. prediction: Microsoft is probably going to milk GPT-3. Expect
       | a bumpy ride.
       | 5. In all likeliness, this would be a great tool to make
       | developers productive, rather than take their jobs - at least at
       | levels that are more than just code-coolie.
       | 6. Eventually all tasks with enough data around it will see
       | automation using AI.
       | vmception wrote:
       | Interviewer: use copilot to implement the most efficient sorting
       | algorithm
       | Graffur wrote:
       | Awesome - but I fear maintaining the code generated by it in the
       | future.. can the AI maintain it as well?
       | I am looking forward to AI testing the programs I write though.
       | That would be awesome.
       | canada_dry wrote:
       | I'm assuming that - by design - it has a feed-back-loop that
       | allows it to tweak, learn and improve itself by feeding back the
       | choices people make vs its own recommendations.
       | onion2k wrote:
       | _GitHub Copilot may suggest old or deprecated uses of libraries
       | and languages_
       | This raises two questions.
       | - is there a way (right now or planned for the future) for
       | library maintainers to mark suggestions to be removed from the
       | suggestions? I can foresee Copilot being used as a source of
       | 'truth' among less experienced developers, and getting people
       | turning up in the Issues or Discord asking why the suggestion
       | doesn't work might be a bit jarring if the maintainers have to
       | argue that "Github was wrong."
       | - if a library is hosted on Github is there a way to mark some
       | examples as Copilot training data? Maybe by having a 'gh-copilot'
       | branch in the repo that represents high quality, known-good
       | examples of usage?
         | mcintyre1994 wrote:
         | I'd be pretty worried about this based on how many times an SO
         | question has new better answers months/years later. I find that
         | platform self-corrects reasonably well, with the newer better
         | answer ending up at the top, but no idea how that'd happen
         | here.
       | spoonjim wrote:
       | This seems great for noobs or dunces to get code compiling, but I
       | hope nobody with talent uses it. It would be like Hemingway using
       | Grammarly.
       | dennisy wrote:
       | The site mentions the system this is built on: Codex by Open AI.
       | Has anyone seen anything about this system? Are others able to
       | build upon it?
       | fabiospampinato wrote:
       | I'd like to see something like that, but with knowledge about
       | every single file in the codebase, and running locally.
         | Aperocky wrote:
         | Like an IDE?
           | fabiospampinato wrote:
           | Yeah but smart.
         | adelarsq wrote:
         | There is Tabnine that can work like this
           | fabiospampinato wrote:
           | Last time I tried Tabnine it wasn't really of much use to me,
           | the top of the line GPT-3 is a much much bigger model, it
           | should be able to do much more intelligent things.
             | ranguna wrote:
             | But gpt 3 won't run locally, so no thank you.
         | cobrabyte wrote:
         | Yeah, running locally would be my preference. I get "Antitrust
         | (2001)" vibes from this, but that's the tinfoil hat side of me.
           | flohofwoe wrote:
           | Like this?
           | https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/services/intellicode/
           | I bet it's the same people, trying to push their crap into
           | all sorts of successful products.
             | lostintangent wrote:
             | The IntelliCode and Copilot teams have been collaborating
             | closely together, since we want them to provide a "better
             | together" experience. However, the underlying tech isn't
             | the same. Copilot is powered by OpenAI Codex, and enables
             | rich code synthesis via a cloud service. Whereas
             | IntelliCode uses multiple local models, to enhance various
             | parts of the editor (e.g. prioritizing the completion list
             | based on your context, detecting "repeated edits" and
             | suggesting additional refactorings).
             | Vinnl wrote:
             | As far as I know that also runs remotely.
             | Edit: looks like I remembered incorrectly:
             | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/visualstudio/intellicode/ov...
             | > No user-defined code is sent to Microsoft
       | wozer wrote:
       | Anyone knows what languages are supported besides those
       | mentioned?
       | stared wrote:
       | For a second I got afraid that it is Copilot by Kite, with their
       | infamous history (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19018037).
       | simongauld wrote:
       | All your commits are belong to us
       | asimjalis wrote:
       | I thought it would be someone you can talk to.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | As a business / product person I am naturally wondering how much
       | more productive this will make my engineering team, should I
       | overtime expect to reduction in costs, faster shipping times...or
       | will the benefit manifest itself in more reliable code...?
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Like any other similar questions: ask your team. They'll know
         | better than you or any random person on the Internet.
       | SebastianFish wrote:
       | What interests me most about the development of tools like this
       | is how it might go on to influence the evolution of programming
       | languages. The article that was posted on the CompCert verified
       | C-compiler for instance. What if machine learning could make the
       | cost of developing using more programming languages with stronger
       | guarantees (ie rust, coq, etc) easier? Using languages with more
       | internal checks could also help manage risk the the co-pilot gave
       | a buggy/insecure suggestion.
       | KaoruAoiShiho wrote:
       | RIP sublime text, I guess it's back to VS
       | quink wrote:
       | Great, a whole new way to automatically introduce bugs through
       | code duplication.
       | From the examples:                   body: text=${text}
       | `text` isn't properly encoded, what if it has a `=`?
       | rows, err := db.Query("SELECT category, COUNT(category),
       | AVG(value) FROM tasks GROUP BY category")             if err !=
       | nil {                 return nil, err             }
       | defer rows.Close()
       | shouldn't we want to cleanly `rows.Close()` even if there was an
       | error?                   float(value)
       | where `value` is a currency. Doesn't Python have a Decimal class
       | for this?                   create_table :shipping_addresses do
       | |t|
       | that's an auto-generated table, that one's debatable but for
       | starters a `zip` fields makes it American only. And doesn't the
       | customer have an e-mail address instead of a shipping address?
       | var date1InMillis = date1.getTime();
       | But what about the time-zone offset?
       | I could go on, but literally the first five examples I looked at
       | are buggy in some way.
       | Edit:                  const markers: { [language:string]:
       | CommentMarker } = {           javascript: { start: '//', end:
       | ''},
       | Wow.
       | Edit 2:                   function collaborators_map(json: any):
       | Map<string, Set<string>> {
       | Not exactly buggy, but 8 lines of tedium.
       | What about                   new Map(json.map(({name,
       | collaborators}) => [name, new Set(collaborators)]))
       | instead?
       | Edit 3:                     const images =
       | document.querySelectorAll('img');           for (let i = 0; i <
       | images.length; i++) {             if
       | (!images[i].hasAttribute('alt')) {
       | I mean, I get it, it's auto-generate code. Maybe in the future
       | they can narrow it down to auto-generating good code.
       | document.querySelectorAll('img:not([alt])').forEach(
       | (or)                   img:not([alt]) { border: 1px solid red; }
       | (or)                   eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y because that maybe
       | that img was rendered through react.
       | (or)                   it should really be an `outline` because
       | we don't want this to reflow the page and we can. And maybe a
       | will-change.
       | clashmeifyoucan wrote:
       | one thing that caught my eye was the convert comments to code
       | feature. If you can use your voice to dictate comments then
       | combined with copilot it might just be possible to write code
       | without touching the keyboard at all!
       | of course I guess copilot won't be perfectly accurate right now
       | or even maybe for a long time but it is interesting to imagine a
       | future where the programmer can think and get code written
       | without lifting a finger.
       | pow_ext wrote:
       | I curious about typing "const api_key" and see what the editor
       | adds hahaha
       | jarym wrote:
       | Wow. Please make this for Rust :D
       | What this really displaces is StackOverflow (or some of its
       | users...)
       | mihaifm wrote:
       | I can see in their FAQ that there are plans to monetize this. So
       | they're building an ML model that feeds on the work done by
       | millions of people and then selling it? How is this even ethical?
       | Not to mention we'd be feeding the model while using it. Guess
       | this is another instance where we are becoming the product.
         | bootlooped wrote:
         | If I spent a lot of time reading open source repos on GitHub to
         | teach myself to code, and then went out and got a high-paying
         | job based on that knowledge, is that ethical? This seems
         | roughly analogous to what the machine is doing.
       | [deleted]
       | bruce343434 wrote:
       | Never learn a new skill again, let the computer do it for you.
       | NmAmDa wrote:
       | Seems interesting, but did they train their models on the open
       | source projects available on github?
       | ffggvv wrote:
       | wow surprised not one comment that's scared of this being the
       | step to automate away our jobs.
       | maybe sooner than we think?
         | acid__ wrote:
         | It's one step closer, but still a good ways away.
         | - you still need to understand the code that copilot is
         | writing, it just turns it from a recall/synthesis problem into
         | a recognition problem
         | - most of the work above the level of a junior engineer isn't
         | about writing the actual code, it's the systems design,
         | architecture, communicating with external stakeholders,
         | addressing edge cases, tech debt management, etc.
       | dxbydt wrote:
       | How does this work in the context of leetcode/hackerrank
       | interviews ? Can I just use the copilot to get a 90%?skeleton of
       | the required solution and maybe fill in just the 10% smarts ?
       | Sr_developer wrote:
       | Since most of the code written anywhere is crap (the tool was
       | trained with "millions" of lines of code) I suspect it will
       | repeat all the same anti-patterns,bad-structured,ill-thought code
       | which fills Github.
       | jensensbutton wrote:
       | Interestingly enough I think Ops work is far more resilient to
       | automation than SWE work.
       | leotaku wrote:
       | > If the technical preview is successful, our plan is to build a
       | commercial version of GitHub Copilot in the future.
       | This may be the first time that a proprietary coding tool offers
       | such a great value preposition that I am actually interested in
       | trying it out and potentially even paying for it. It's also kind
       | of scary that this will probably be extremely hard, if not
       | impossible, to create an FOSS version of this technology, just
       | because of the immense amount of computing power, and by
       | extension money, needed to create GPT3.
       | I'm not that comfortable with the idea of a future where
       | proprietary AI-based solutions and libraries (e.g. automatic
       | testing libraries, which have been mentioned here a few times)
       | are so powerful that I'll be forced to use them if I don't want
       | to waste my time.
         | MathYouF wrote:
         | Says the person who likely owns a washing machine, sink
         | connected to plumbing, microwave, stove, lighters, clothes made
         | with a sewing machine, ect. ect.
         | GPT-3 will take way less time to make a good substitute that
         | costs the power of compute than other historical time saving
         | technologies. Unlike other historic technologies, they pretty
         | much spell out exactly how to do it, and own no patents related
         | to its creation. I have trouble seeing the downside.
           | leotaku wrote:
           | I see your point, but aren't you making me into a bit of a
           | straw man? When did I say that I was some open-access Luddite
           | who won't use any technology that they can't build
           | themselves. I just like the current state of programming,
           | where I can easily build new and exciting things without
           | having to rely on a lot of proprietary libraries or tools.
       | bluefox wrote:
       | I don't understand fascination with bullshit machines.
       | While they may be useful in propaganda, state or commercial, I'm
       | not sure why Microsoft GitHub would find it useful to generate
       | volumes of bullshit source code.
       | xrisk wrote:
       | How do you opt out your own GitHub repositories from being a part
       | of the training data?
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Probably by changing your license to not allow use in
         | commercial products.
       | smasher164 wrote:
       | I wonder how much of this is OpenAI-based vs program synthesis
       | techniques.
         | shmageggy wrote:
         | In the FAQ they state that it sometimes outputs non-running or
         | even malformed code, so it looks like fairly pure language
         | modeling with little to no program synthesis.
       | iou wrote:
       | This looks awesome! And I'd really like to try it out.
       | 2 security thoughts that I couldn't find answers to:
       | 1. how does the input fed into OpenAI codex filter out malicious
       | code pollution? or even benign but incorrect code pollution
       | (relevant research on stackoverflow for example -
       | https://stackoverflow.blog/2019/11/26/copying-code-from-stac...)
       | 2. In an enterprise setting, what does the feedback loop look
       | like? How do you secure internal code that is being fed back to
       | the model? Does it use some localized model? HE, etc?
         | ollien wrote:
         | #2 is the big one for me. I'm hesitant to install this on a
         | work machine where our code could be sent elsewhere.
       | methehack wrote:
       | The gap between concept and working product is still very much in
       | the human's wheelhouse. This is an accelerator to snippets not
       | yet turned into a library and, in fact, a lot like a library in
       | terms of it's day to day utility. This will not end or even
       | change programming that much. The value I provide as a programmer
       | is not about copying and pasting snippets. It's something totally
       | separate different in kind from what copilot does. If it's
       | helpful to do what I already do, sure I'll use it. But it ain't
       | me, babe.
       | lmilcin wrote:
       | What about rights to the code that is created this way?
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | AI is on its way to replace the people that copy and paste code
       | from stackoverflow. Good riddance.
         | BigJono wrote:
         | Excellent. Now we just need tools to automatically shit out
         | convoluted JIRA cards, run them through this, and automatically
         | generate the PRs.
         | Then we can run it overnight each night, knock back whatever
         | rubbish it generates before breakfast now that there's nobody
         | left to complain and schedule 6 hours of meetings to "fix" it,
         | and instead we have the whole day to just build it quickly and
         | properly the first time.
         | We just increased productivity on the average enterprise
         | project by 50%. Good stuff.
       | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
       | Plenty of discussion about the IP issues. It makes me want to
       | start adding a section in my LICENSE.txt that says it's not
       | eligible for use training commercial models. We'll likely end up
       | with a whole set of license choices for that.
       | Although if a license can permit or prohibit use in training
       | commercial models, does that mean that the lack of permission
       | implies a prohibition on it?
       | darepublic wrote:
       | I knew this day was coming but it still stings. What I'm
       | interested in is making copilot the main pilot.. i.e. for web
       | development, why not just let this thing go on its own and have a
       | separate module that attempts to compile the code + observe the
       | differences in a web page functionality? No longer so crazy to
       | say that shit like that is on the horizon. Then the middle
       | managers can have their dream come true, they are the true
       | benefactors! They can 'code' with copilot, and just endlessly
       | iterate with it while figuring out what they want until they get
       | a result they're happy with.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | I always bang on about "Software literacy" but I do wonder how i
       | would deal with this if it was suggesting text for me while I was
       | writing - emails, reports, novels.
       | I suspect that for drudgery or work stuff I would happily take
       | some help with typing, but I am not sure (beta access please!) if
       | I would want if for my novel, or my sales copy.
       | I am (optimistically) hoping that my novel has my _voice_ - my
       | unique fingerprint of tone and vocab.
       | And I wonder if my software has similar tone. A much more
       | restricted syntax of course, but my choice to use meta
       | programming here, an API design there. I may be over thinking it.
       | turbinerneiter wrote:
       | Are they making a proprietary tool based on the data provided by
       | FOSS projects?
       | dannyT1 wrote:
       | I wonder how or if it will impact publicly available code and
       | even open source on a larger scale
       | EastSmith wrote:
       | "Seriously Copilot, cover all these files with tests."
       | a-r-t wrote:
       | One of the examples they provide on copilot.github.com shows a
       | unit test for strip_suffix function. It does not test for a file
       | name without a suffix, which the function would fail (it removes
       | the last character instead):                   def
       | strip_suffix(filename):             """             Removes the
       | suffix from a filename             """             return
       | filename[:filename.rfind('.')]              import unittest
       | def test_strip_suffix():             """             Tests for
       | the strip_suffix function             """             assert
       | strip_suffix('notes.txt') == 'notes'             assert
       | strip_suffix('notes.txt.gz') == 'notes.txt'
         | zild3d wrote:
         | Great, you got 2 assertions for free, which lowers some
         | friction of writing tests. You should still be thinking and be
         | "the pilot". When you start writing additional test cases, it
         | will help you out with those too
         | astrobe_ wrote:
         | One should keep in mind that it is just "copy-paste" on
         | steroids (ok, maybe a gallon of steroids), but users should be
         | cautious about the _false sense of irresponsibility_.
         | Because just like when they copy-paste the top answer on SO, at
         | the end of the day they are responsible for the code they ship.
       | krzyk wrote:
       | It's a pity it is not (yet, I hope) a plugin to popular IDEs like
       | Intellij IDEA etc. and works only in VS Code.
         | ipsum2 wrote:
         | TabNine is similar and works across multiple IDEs. No
         | affiliation, thought their product was neat:
         | https://www.tabnine.com/
       | karmasimida wrote:
       | I like the example LOL.
       | How can one signed up? This could make one programmer an army.
       | sqs wrote:
       | AI to write code is cool, but you know what'd be even cooler?
       | AI for maintaining, upgrading, improving, and fixing code.
       | After all, devs spend 80%+ of their time doing those things and
       | they're WAY more painful than writing code imo.
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Snyk code is trying to do something similar. It basically
         | uploads your code and compares it to knows vulnerability
         | patterns, it also gives you examples on how to fix those
         | vulnerabilities based on open source project's pull requests.
         | booleandilemma wrote:
         | Please, replace me faster :)
       | arthurcolle wrote:
       | The Rails migration example doesn't follow the rails convention
       | with prepended datetime :p
       | thesquib wrote:
       | Is this automation of the Search Stack overflow, copy, and paste
       | workflow?
       | antpls wrote:
       | Another way to look at it : if an "AI" can predict what you would
       | code next, it means your program is probably not that innovative,
       | and was already created somewhere.
         | bootlooped wrote:
         | Most of the code I write is not particularly innovative or
         | novel. I'm just trying to get the job done most of the time.
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | Is anyone here actually using this?
         | McGlockenshire wrote:
         | Well, it's a brand new product, so ... no?
           | adamnemecek wrote:
           | I imagine there was a private beta.
         | ranguna wrote:
         | According to the comments here, people have been using this for
         | a couple of weeks now.
       | devinl wrote:
       | Looks exciting! It is kind of disappointing the AI generated main
       | example on their home page has what appears to be a url encoding
       | bug in it though (in text=${text}, text should be url encoded
       | before being passed to fetch).
       | shadowgovt wrote:
       | Brilliant.
       | I remember over a decade ago seeing a grad student project with a
       | very straightforward and very clever idea: extending JavaDocs
       | based on code snippets of actual use (to address the common
       | pattern problem in Java code that you often get an instance of an
       | object not by direct construction, but by calling a factory
       | function or singleton getter somewhere). Kicking myself that I
       | didn't see this day coming.
       | wpietri wrote:
       | Does this solve the right problem? Getting some code on the page
       | has rarely been the expensive part of building something. Indeed,
       | some long-ago experience with code generators suggests that
       | making it easy to create code makes many problems worse down the
       | line.
         | iwintermute wrote:
         | It's solving 'mechanical' problem. The optimistic twist on this
         | helper is that it just raises the bar - human programmer should
         | better be more useful than 'brainless' code generator - meaning
         | not only being able to write a loop or solve leetcode task, but
         | also understand context and what he's trying to solve for.
         | As you say typing code is not a bottleneck for problem solving
         | nyghtly wrote:
         | This is a very good point.
         | koyote wrote:
         | I agree, I feel like it might be useful for whichever
         | programmers regularly have to search Stackoverflow and then
         | copy paste code snippets.
         | Then I feel like useful code produced by this tool will have to
         | be treated in the exact same way as a rigorous code review:
         | going through every part of the logic and ensuring it is
         | correct. This seems like just as much or even more work than
         | writing it yourself (if it is written in an unfamiliar way, you
         | might need more time to wrap your head around it).
         | spec-obs wrote:
         | This is my concern. This could end up generating great swathes
         | of code that no one understands, so that when it breaks it
         | takes much longer to fix.
       | kburman wrote:
       | How do we know the code is working and doesn't have any bug?
         | ranguna wrote:
         | You review it. I guess that's why it's called copilot, for now.
       | joshmarlow wrote:
       | I suppose this is a whole new argument in favor of good code
       | commenting - to train/share context with your future tooling.
         | leventov wrote:
         | This is really the same argument as it used to be: help
         | intelligences (used to be only human, now artificial) to find
         | bugs by matching text with code.
       | drcode wrote:
       | We could get away with more user-friendly programming languages
       | over the years because Moore's law kept giving us more
       | opportunities to sacrifice raw performance for more developer-
       | friendly tools.
       | But I'm worried these kinds of AI-assist tools will lead to "code
       | spam" that may increase developer productivity even more, yet we
       | no longer have Moore's law to absorb the additional inefficiency
       | in performance these tools may introduce.
       | didibus wrote:
       | I wonder if this breaches any of the open source licenses or
       | copyright?
       | To some extent, it seems like this could suggest code chunks
       | found somewhere else verbatim, which sounds like a copyright
       | issue, but I also don't know if open-source licenses inherently
       | allow you to train on their code in the first place?
       | amelius wrote:
       | I would be more in favor of new languages which require less
       | boilerplate.
       | the_laka wrote:
       | I wonder if this can work with any editor out of the box, or it's
       | just going to be VS Code.
         | av_conk wrote:
         | From the FAQ: "Not yet. For now, we're focused on delivering
         | the best experience in Visual Studio Code only."
         | I do hope they feature others at a later date, especially since
         | they are planning to develop a commercial version.
       | gumby wrote:
       | Won't be mainstream until it supports C++20 under Emacs.
       | (Yes that's an HN-frowned-upon joke comment, but that is my dev
       | environment)
       | [deleted]
       | fartcannon wrote:
       | This technology should be available to everyone whose work
       | contributed to it's development to use as they see fit. Free of
       | Microsoft's tendrils.
       | The absolute gall of Microsoft claiming fair use to gate keep
       | knowledge of millions of minds...
       | mikewarot wrote:
       | I've signed up to be a Guinea Pig, I've never pair programmed,
       | and my primary language is Pascal, and I'm old... this ought to
       | be a hoot.
       | [deleted]
       | pharmaz0ne wrote:
       | Would it work with remote files? Because Kite would not.
       | theden wrote:
       | Calling it now, there will be a "Copilot considered harmful"
       | post.
       | If you need to go through the suggested code to ensure it's
       | correct, you may as well write it yourself?
       | If you glance at it and it looks about right, you can potentially
       | overlook bugs or edge cases, you'll lose confidence in your own
       | code since you didn't properly conceptualise it yourself.
       | Potentially for newer developers it robs them of active
       | experience of writing code.
       | Much like learning an instrument, improvisation, or say physics,
       | a lot of people learn by doing it, even if it's grunt work. IMO
       | this is necessary for any professional.
       | Maybe it will be seen as a crutch, maybe I'm getting old? I have
       | tons of code snippets, but it's usually stuff I've written and
       | understood and battle tested, even if it was initially sourced
       | from SO. Having it in the text editor and appear out of nowhere
       | with no context seems like it'd need some adjustment in
       | apprehension.
       | Edit: I should have been clear, I'm not against others using
       | Copilot and will try it out myself. I can see it being useful in
       | replacing one-line libs like in nodejs, i.e., copying a useful
       | well-known and needed snippet vs installing yet another lib that
       | could be a sec issue.
       | Also the industry is the real gatekeeper--we have tools that
       | don't require us to repeat prior-art, yet have to go through
       | hurdles of leetcode-style interviews for a job. Maybe in the
       | future the hardest part of being a (AI-driven) developer will be
       | getting a job?
         | aj3 wrote:
         | Honestly, this attitude (dismissing the feature even without
         | trying it out) comes across as insecurity and gatekeeping.
           | jpttsn wrote:
           | Is "you're gatekeeping!" the new "first comment!"? I fail to
           | see the information gain from adding this message to every
           | thread.
           | auggierose wrote:
           | Nope, it's called wisdom. Not everyone on here is under 12.
             | joshbert wrote:
             | There's that insecurity thing he was talking about.
               | auggierose wrote:
               | Not sure what is confident about doing pair programming
               | with an AI, josh.
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | I'm not quite old enough to remember: when high level languages
         | like C gained wide adoption, how much pushback was there from
         | the philosophy that if you're not writing it in assembly,
         | you're not really writing code?
         | Nicholas_C wrote:
         | As a hobbyist this is going to save me so much time. Little
         | things like googling how to read CSVs in python for the 20th
         | time add up and I think this should help solve that.
         | aerovistae wrote:
         | > Potentially for newer developers it robs them of active
         | experience of writing code.
         | And for those with experience, this will be obvious when
         | reviewing their code. There's only two possibilities -- either
         | copilot will get so good that it won't matter, or code written
         | by copilot will have obvious tells and when someone is over-
         | relying on it to cover up for a lack of knowledge, that will be
         | very clear from repetition of the same sorts of mistakes.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | I honestly think this is solving a real problem with commonly
         | used languages and their lack of syntax abstraction and
         | expressiveness.
         | I can imagine this being very useful in helping to type out
         | what I consider to be ,,mechanical noise": Things that you have
         | to type out to satisfy an expression rather than to convey
         | semantics.
         | A good example of how this type of noise manifests:
         | Observe two programmers, both being similarly strong in terms
         | of many concepts except for mechanical expertise. One uses the
         | editor as an extension of their body, it's beautiful to watch,
         | the other stumbles awkwardly over the code until it's finished.
         | You can observe the latter in programmers who are very smart
         | and productive, but they either didn't train their mechanics
         | deliberately or maybe they lack that kind of baseline eye hand
         | coordination.
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | It is even entirely possible that this approach hits a
           | middle-ground that serves the corporate software-development
           | space better than highly-flexible languages.
           | The difficulty with high flexibility is that the expressions
           | become very domain-specific very quickly, creating the
           | challenge of learning the new abstractions. So one isn't just
           | a LISP developer, one knows how to write in the specific
           | forest of macros that have been built up around one specific
           | problem domain. The end result is code that means nothing to
           | a reader who doesn't have a dense forest of macro definitions
           | in their brain (at least in this era, their IDE will likely
           | helpfully pull up the macro definitions with a mouse-over or
           | cursor-over gesture!).
           | Contrast with this approach, where the complexity of
           | abstraction is being baked into the lower-flexibility
           | language. The code is less dense, and that's a tradeoff...
           | But grab any 10 developers off the street with experience in
           | that language and have them read it and 8 of them will likely
           | be able to tell you with some accuracy what the code is
           | doing. Not a trick I've seen possible with even very
           | experienced LISP developers on a codebase they've never seen
           | before.
           | ... and, of course, being able to grab a random 10 developers
           | off the street and have 8 of them up-to-speed in no time at
           | all is crack cocaine to big businesses with large and complex
           | systems maintained by dozens, hundreds, or thousands of
           | people.
             | dgb23 wrote:
             | I've seen macro heavy code that is very semantic and
             | declarative. It's a powerful tool, so it is natural that
             | people need to learn and fail until they use it well.
           | pnt12 wrote:
           | Couldn't disagree more:
           | Smart programmers are are not coding thousands of lines of
           | code every day. There's so much more to in software
           | engineering other than coding, that's why senior engineers
           | spend less time writing code than juniors.
           | If a slow typer is using a auto-completer, he's not learning
           | to type faster.
           | If auto complete fails, then the slow programmer will need to
           | invalidate the code first, and then type it anyway.
           | All in all - maybe it's impressive AI research project, but I
           | don't see it as a useful product.
             | dgb23 wrote:
             | Maybe I reacted optimistically because your objections are
             | reasonable and relatable. But I'm still very interested in
             | how this will actually play out. I want to see and feel it
             | in action.
           | chongli wrote:
           | _I honestly think this is solving a real problem with
           | commonly used languages and their lack of syntax abstraction
           | and expressiveness._
           | Do you think there's a risk that a tool like this could lead
           | to an explosion of the size of codebases written in these
           | languages? It's great that programmers can be freed from the
           | need to write boilerplate but I fear that burden will shift
           | to the need to read it.
             | dgb23 wrote:
             | Damn that's the best objection I read so far. Writing
             | readable code is already hard and something I aspire to.
         | brown9-2 wrote:
         | All of the same can be said for copy-and-pasting code you find
         | in a tutorial in Google search results or in a Stack Overflow
         | answer. This just seems to be automating that process even
         | further.
           | theden wrote:
           | Those extra steps can be valuable, since you'll have to work
           | to even find the right code to copy/paste, and the context
           | which it's in can teach you something.
           | Even something as simple as copying from the docs, it's
           | usually a good place to signal deprecation, use-case
           | applicability, API updates etc. you lose all that with the
           | automation.
           | Oftentimes there's also discussion around a solution, and in
           | many ways can swing one's decision on whether to use the code
           | or not.
         | manquer wrote:
         | Think of it as a junior dev working under you and doing the
         | grunt work of typing in your ideas. Sometimes he can
         | StackOverflow a better snippet than you can write on your own,
         | you will probably learn a bit from it, but it won't surprise
         | you.
         | It is no different from a code review of another perhaps junior
         | dev and only doing adding finishing touches.
         | There is plenty of boilerplate you have to write, Intellisense/
         | Auotfill only goes so far, this is next step in the evolution.
         | Sure it is not perfect but if i can express my ideas faster,
         | why not.
         | Also It is a very probably poor tool for new devs, they won't
         | know that suggestion maybe not the best and probably won't
         | ignore it when it is wrong as they won't know any better.
           | asdfman123 wrote:
           | Most people on HN will probably be fine for a while. This
           | innovation though, once properly developed, could completely
           | screw over anyone wanting to enter programming.
           | Code completion might be the new "junior dev."
             | manquer wrote:
             | All the computer scientists[1] at one point considered
             | software developers and IT in the same light as higher
             | level tooling evolved .
             | While sure purist view is not wrong that average quality of
             | outcome has dropped since 70s-80s, the quantum of
             | throughput meant that impact has been positive and immense.
             | Similarly I am expecting this kind of tooling would open up
             | to more types of new developers.
             | [1] all the mathematicans thought similarly perhaps during
             | 50s and 60s.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | > _If you need to go through the suggested code to ensure it 's
         | correct, you may as well write it yourself?_
         | Not really. People are generally _far_ faster at reading
         | something and evaluating whether it 's correct, than at writing
         | something. In the same way it's faster to read a book than to
         | write one.
         | Not to mention the time it takes typing, fixing typos, etc.
         | So this could genuinely be a huge timesaver if it helpful
         | enough of the time.
           | layla5alive wrote:
           | I completely disagree with you. Reading code for correctness
           | is difficult and not something most people do well at all.
           | Reading code and reading for correctness are not the same,
           | and most developers can write code a lot faster than they can
           | verify it.
             | crazygringo wrote:
             | I guess we just disagree?
             | Honestly I don't even see how that's possible. Writing
             | code, you're thinking about all the different ways to do
             | it, eliminating the ones that won't work, evaluating the
             | pros and cons of the ones that seem like they'll work, you
             | start writing one and then realize it actually won't work,
             | then start writing it a different way, try to decide what
             | the best approach will be to make sure you're not
             | committing an off-by-one error, and so on...
             | Whereas when you're reading code for correctness, you're
             | just following the logic that's already there. If it works,
             | it works. How could it possibly take longer than the whole
             | creative process of coming up with it...?
             | Sure, maybe most people don't read code for correctness
             | well. But then the code they write is surely even _worse_.
               | amildie wrote:
               | >Whereas when you're reading code for correctness, you're
               | just following the logic that's already there. If it
               | works, it works. How could it possibly take longer than
               | the whole creative process of coming up with it...?
               | That's exactly the problem. If you "just follow the
               | logic" you can miss important details or edge cases that
               | you would be forced to deal with by coding it yourself.
               | I wouldn't mind using something like this for mundane
               | tasks, but I would be very careful with these tools while
               | developing high performance code intended to run on
               | specific hardware.
               | crazygringo wrote:
               | It's funny, I guess I'm just the opposite.
               | If I'm reading code, I can give 100% of my attention to
               | the logic and details and edge cases, so I'm _more_
               | likely to pick them up.
               | While as I'm writing, I'm busy doing all of the stuff
               | that writing code involves, so I'm more distracted and
               | more likely to make mistakes.
               | This gets proved to me time and time again when I run
               | something for the first time and have to debug it. I look
               | at the offending line, and think -- how could I have made
               | a mistake so obvious that it's immediately apparent?
               | Well, because I was busy/distracted thinking of 20
               | different things while writing it. But it's immediately
               | obvious when _reading_ it, because it has my full
               | attention now.
             | jackbrookes wrote:
             | Sometimes you don't quite know how to implement something,
             | without thinking about it for a while. All of us would a
             | lot of the time search StackOverflow for the solution to a
             | simple problem, e.g.
             | "recursively list all the files in a directory C#"
             | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/929276/how-to-
             | recursivel...
             | I imagine an AI copilot could streamline this, instead of
             | searching, reading and verifying, copy pasting, and
             | changing the variable names to my needs, I could now just
             | type the method name, arguments, and documentation and it
             | would similarly fill out the code for me. Then I have to
             | check it (as I normally would).
             | kajaktum wrote:
             | >most developers can write code a lot faster than they can
             | verify it
             | what? so people just write code and never read it back?
               | layla5alive wrote:
               | Verifying code and reading it aren't the same thing. And
               | yes, most developers don't verify their code as carefully
               | as they should. But also, there are blind spots to
               | verifying your own code because brains take shortcuts. At
               | the same time, there are difficulties verifying other
               | people's code because of different shortcuts brains take.
               | There was a simple function in java standard library
               | which was wrong for years because of this phenomenon.
               | https://dev.to/matheusgomes062/a-bug-was-found-in-java-
               | after...
             | dgb23 wrote:
             | That's what a REPL and automated tests are for.
               | layla5alive wrote:
               | Automated tests find all bugs and replace code review?
               | I'd love some of those drugs!
               | dgb23 wrote:
               | No, of course not. I meant understanding what you write,
               | while you write it. Also to add a bit of nuance: I
               | typically spend much more time reading and thinking
               | rather than writing. But I read REPL output, logs, test
               | output just as much, sometimes more than the actual code.
             | adkadskhj wrote:
             | I'd say it's more nuanced. Reading code properly _is_
             | writing code. Ie i have to work through the logic as if i'm
             | writing it, which is effectively writing it in my head,
             | before i know if that's what i believe to be optimal.
             | I can _just_ read the code of course, and understand what
             | it does - but just reading isn't analyzing it to the degree
             | you do when you review/write the code. In that level of
             | analysis you're looking for edge cases, bugs, etc. Reasons
             | you'd write it differently. Which i suspect is functionally
             | similar, if not identical, to writing it.
               | layla5alive wrote:
               | It's pretty much this, but it's harder because if someone
               | else wrote it, there's a level of indirection between how
               | you would have written it and how they did which tends to
               | need a bit of extra mental resolving/processing for
               | correctness.
           | jdlshore wrote:
           | I'm going to pile on the disagree train. My experience is
           | that developers find (other people's) code much harder to
           | read. I suspect this tool will lead to code with subtle
           | problems because people will skim it, shrug "eh, looks about
           | right," and move on.
           |  _Edit:_ In fact, people in this thread are finding _exactly_
           | those problems in the example code, which you would assume
           | had been checked fairly carefully.
           | theden wrote:
           | idk I always find writing code easier than reading code. Perl
           | is a fantastic example of this.
         | j2kun wrote:
         | I imagine, for a while the complexity that Copilot can handle
         | is limited to what most people would pull from stackexchange
         | anyway. And if it helps autocomplete documentation and provide
         | automatically generated (more descriptive) function/variable
         | names, it will probably be a net positive for those limited use
         | cases.
         | That said, I can't wait to read the first postmortem where
         | someone deployed code generated via Copilot that has a bug. I
         | just hope it's not on a rocketship or missile guidance system.
       | maxwells-daemon wrote:
       | I'd rate myself as "above-average receptive" to ML-based tooling,
       | but after trying two "AI autocomplete" tools (Kite and TabNine)
       | I've decided it's not for me. The suggestions were usually good,
       | but I found having complex, nondeterministic IDE commands pretty
       | unsettling.
         | dilap wrote:
         | Could actually make you better at producing robust code,
         | though. It's somehow always easier to spot someone else's
         | mistakes than your own.
         | Or to put it another way: you _know_ you can 't trust the AI-
         | generated code w/o convincing yourself it's correct. You
         | _think_ you can trust the code you wrote yourself, but you 're
         | probably wrong! :-)
       | Communitivity wrote:
       | I wonder if by using Github Copilot you are training Github
       | Copilot to code better. I don't see this as replacing a
       | programmer, but I could see it as an advanced, possibly semi-
       | automatic refactoring tool. This could allow a less skilled
       | programmer to be more productive and produce better code, making
       | them more valuable. Also, licensing was mentioned. I would not
       | want Github Copilot training on private repos.
       | youerbt wrote:
       | I wonder if this kind of technology can push industry into more
       | advanced languages. If a programmer can restrain the space of
       | available programs more, it should aid the tool to give even
       | better results.
       | ahofmann wrote:
       | How does this compare to tabnine?
       | Linked_Liszt wrote:
       | I haven't kept up with the adversarial ML field recently, but I
       | wonder how vulnerable these models are to adversarial attacks.
       | - Could someone deliberately publish poor code to reduce the
       | overall performance of the model?
       | - Could someone target a specific use case or trigger word by
       | publishing deliberately poor code under similar function
       | definitions?
         | abhijitr wrote:
         | Also: what happens when a nontrivial portion of public code out
         | there is ML-generated? How will it deal with feedback effects?
       | patwolf wrote:
       | I wonder if there's any potential for Copilot to suggest
       | malicious code because it's been trained on an open source
       | projects containing intentionally malicious code.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | Since it is _per line_ I highly doubt it. I think of it as
         | intellisense+. You select suggestions that you would have
         | written anyway.
         | napolux wrote:
         | or broken code :D
           | [deleted]
           | ukoki wrote:
           | The averageRuntimeInSeconds example does not check for
           | division by zero so it creates broken code at least 20% of
           | the time based on the examples on the homepage :)
             | napolux wrote:
             | nothing more than what I was expecting :D
         | akersten wrote:
         | Maybe not malicious per se, but certainly I'd be concerned
         | about seemingly-correct but actually-wrong code being
         | suggested. Considering how often the top StackOverflow answer
         | is slightly wrong or how often antipatterns crop up across
         | various projects, I'm sure the training data is nowhere near
         | "perfect code" - implying the output cannot be perfect either.
       | inimino wrote:
       | I'm amazed to see how positive the overall response is to this
       | idea. Almost as if programmers think that writing programs is the
       | worst part of the job and ready to be automated away.
       | As someone more aligned with the Dijkstra perspective, this seems
       | to me like one of the single worst ideas I've ever seen in this
       | domain.
       | We already have IDEs and other tools leading to an increase in
       | boilerplate and the acceptance of it because they make it easier
       | to manage. I can only imagine what kinds of codebases a product
       | like this could lead to. Someone will produce 5000 lines of code
       | in a day for a new feature, but only read 2000 of those lines.
       | Folks that still expect you to only check in code you understand
       | and can explain will become a minority.
       | I wonder how long it will be until someone sets up the rest of
       | the feedback loop and starts putting up github projects made of
       | nothing but code from this tool, and it can start to feed on
       | itself.
       | Cargo-cult programming has always been a problem, but now we're
       | explicitly building tools for it.
         | asadlionpk wrote:
         | If this results in more overall programmers or enabling
         | existing programmers to make products quicker than before, it's
         | a win!
         | Most codebases already majorly contain unread code; the
         | libraries (node_modules, etc). I am sure we can figure out a
         | pattern to separate human vs machine code in similar way.
         | If the code you are about to write is already written by
         | someone else on the internet, that's probably not the most
         | innovative part of your codebase anyway, so why waste time?
         | anyonecancode wrote:
         | > I wonder how long it will be until someone sets up the rest
         | of the feedback loop and starts putting up github projects made
         | of nothing but code from this tool, and it can start to feed on
         | itself.
         | This is my actual hoped-for endgame for the ad based internet.
         | At some point Twitter, FB, etc will be exclusively populated by
         | bots that post ads, and bots that simulate engagement with
         | those ads to drive up perceived value of advertising. They'll
         | use AI to post comments that are really just ads or
         | inflammatory keyword strings to drive further "engagement." The
         | tech companies will rake in billions and billions of dollars in
         | ad revenue, we'll tax all of it and use it to create flying
         | cars, high speed rail, and an ad-free internet closed off to
         | all non-humans. Occasionally a brave ML researcher may venture
         | out into the "internet" to take field notes on the evolution of
         | the adbot and spambot ecosystem.
           | jokethrowaway wrote:
           | The most unlikely thing you mentioned is that we will be able
           | to tax huge corporations.
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | You jest, but the parent is close to what I believe is a
             | possible scenario - the one Nick Bostrom calls "a
             | Disneyland with no children".
             | No tax, no flying cars, eventually not even humans around -
             | just AI-driven companies endlessly trading with each other,
             | in a fully-automated, self-contained, circular economy,
             | from which sentient beings were optimized away.
           | nindalf wrote:
           | I invite you to try automating this and let us know what
           | happens. Try creating, let's say 1000 accounts and try liking
           | or posting and see what happens. I've seen that system at
           | work and doubt you'd get very far.
           | More than that, you misunderstand how advertisers prioritise
           | their money. They pay for outcomes. If they notice that over
           | the past couple of months they've been receiving mostly bot
           | traffic, they stop advertising. Not everyone all at once, but
           | enough that revenue begins to decline. An ad based business
           | that cares about the long term will do it's best to weed out
           | the inauthentic engagement.
             | swiftcoder wrote:
             | > More than that, you misunderstand how advertisers
             | prioritise their money. They pay for outcomes.
             | How they verify those outcomes, however, gets interesting.
             | See, for example, College Humour going under due to
             | inflated engagement metrics fed to them by Facebook video.
             | heavyset_go wrote:
             | > _I invite you to try automating this and let us know what
             | happens. Try creating, let's say 1000 accounts and try
             | liking or posting and see what happens. I've seen that
             | system at work and doubt you'd get very far._
             | Yes, naive attempts at manipulation will be detected these
             | days on big platforms. 5+ years ago such naive attempts
             | were successful, though. A few years ago I made a proof of
             | concept to show how easy it is to make new Reddit accounts
             | and automate them, and had registered hundreds of accounts.
             | Those logins still work even though Reddit has cracked down
             | on naive automation attempts.
             | Today, that's why many firms buy real users' accounts.
             | They'll hire people to manually login to the accounts and
             | post. There's also the perpetual cat and mouse game between
             | bot creators and platform owners, and the platform owners
             | who benefit from the appearance of increased growth and
             | engagement that's actually just bot activity.
         | augustk wrote:
         | Indeed, using tools to manage complexity tends to make the
         | complexity acceptable and leads to more complexity.
         | s_dev wrote:
         | Coding is inherently difficult -- any tools even as basic as
         | color highlighting/spell checking massively help understanding
         | code in front of you. There isn't a hope this can replace any
         | programmers but instead aid their workflow. I great example is
         | simply refactoring code with SOLID after building a feature or
         | fixing a bug -- a lot of this can be easily automated. Having a
         | machine suggest and a human accept is a worthy trade off.
         | Another similar example is the Google bot that presents search
         | suggestions for you.
         | I don't think your concerns are well grounded.
         | bluetwo wrote:
         | All I can think of is how many times I've grabbed a code
         | example from StackOverflow only to discover it had some obvious
         | bug in it. The answer is many, many times.
         | Florin_Andrei wrote:
         | In the (now not very) long run, programming was a job meant for
         | computers, anyway. The future will look back at "programming"
         | the way we now look at Charles Dickens characters toiling in
         | soot-filled factories. It's not what people are best at, and it
         | looks like soon there will be better ways to accomplish this
         | job.
         | vanusa wrote:
         | _Cargo-cult programming has always been a problem, but now we
         | 're explicitly building tools for it._
         | I get what you're saying, but I'm not worried. At the end of
         | the day, the programmer has to understand the code they're
         | submitting, both the fine grain and the holistic context. If
         | they don't know how to, or can't be bothered at least _curate_
         | the suggestions the tool is making... then your organization
         | has much bigger problems than can be helped by reading a
         | Dijkstra paper or two.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | > Almost as if programmers think that writing programs is the
         | worst part of the job and ready to be automated away.
         |  _writing_ the programs is definitely boring garbage work.
         | Typing is so slow and annoying - hence autocomplete being a
         | standard tool. This is, to me, just fancy autocomplete.
         | > to an increase in boilerplate and the acceptance of it
         | because they make it easier to manage.
         | Boilerplate optimizes for the right things - code that's easier
         | to read and analyze, but takes longer to write. IDEs and tools
         | like this cut the cost of writing, giving us easier to read
         | code and easier to analyze code for free.
         | IDEs have supported templates forever. I never write out a full
         | unit test, I type `tmod` and `tfn` and then fill in the blanks.
         | This is basically the same thing to me.
         | > Folks that still expect you to only check in code you
         | understand and can explain will become a minority.
         | This isn't true at all. Having used TabNine I don't have it
         | write code for me, it just autocompletes code that's already in
         | my head, give or take some symbol names maybe being different.
         | All this is is a fancy autocomplete with a really cool demo.
           | reader_mode wrote:
           | >Boilerplate optimizes for the right things - code that's
           | easier to read and analyze, but takes longer to write.
           | This is wrong and the same retarded logic Java used to defend
           | not introducing var and similar features for ages.
           | Boilerplate is usually noise around the actual logic - it's a
           | result of limited abstractions. When you're repeating same
           | code over and over you raise that segment to a separate
           | concept, that's how abstraction and high level programming
           | works - it increases readability and maintainability. Being
           | easier to type has nothing to do with it.
             | staticassertion wrote:
             | Thanks for being the person who I knew would try to make
             | this about Java. I don't care about Java, it was a trivial
             | example.
             | The rest of your post doesn't really have to do with mine.
             | Yeah, you can cut down on boilerplate with changes to
             | languages... duh. But in terms of conveying context there's
             | always a tradeoff of explicit vs implicit, and one of those
             | costs is taking the time to actually turn your mental model
             | into a written implementation - this eases that burden.
             | As I said, it's a fancy autocomplete.
               | reader_mode wrote:
               | >But in terms of conveying context there's always a
               | tradeoff of explicit vs implicit
               | Exactly - if a tool let's you write it explicitly too
               | easily you're making that the default, and it ignores the
               | readability/maintainability side of the tradeoff.
               | Maybe it gets good enough to recognise when things can be
               | factored out for better readability as well. But in my
               | experience code generators rarely result in maintainable
               | code.
           | UnFleshedOne wrote:
           | Boilerplate is only easier to read and analyze if you can be
           | sure it is consistent, so you can tune it out. Usually
           | though, there is this one getter method that is not quite
           | like the others and you literally will not see the difference
           | until it bites you.
           | We'll need more IDE enhancements, to highlight interesting
           | pieces and desaturate standard boilerplate...
             | staticassertion wrote:
             | When I think of boilerplate I think of context that is made
             | explicit. Things like type annotations, longer variable
             | names, the lifetime or attributes of some class or data
             | etc. These things are extremely helpful for a number of
             | things - they convey context from writer to readers, they
             | aid in proving the code correct, and they can make code
             | faster.
             | The context almost always exists in the writers head. We
             | all have a specification of our program based on our
             | expectations, and we type out code to turn that model into
             | an implementation. We only spend so much time conveying
             | that model though - most of us don't write formal proofs,
             | but many of us will write out type annotations or doc
             | comments.
             | The _cost_ is usually as simple as expressing and typing
             | out the model in our head as code. Languages that are
             | famous for boilerplate, like Java, enforce this - and it
             | makes writing Java slower, but can also make Java code
             | quite explicit (I 'm sure someone will respond talking
             | about confusing Java code, that's not the point).
             | Reducing the cost of conveying context from writer to
             | reader means we can convey more of that context in more
             | places. That's a huge win, in my opinion, because I've
             | personally found that so much implicit context gets lost
             | over time, but it can be hard to always take the time to
             | convey it.
             | Think about how many programs you've read with single
             | character variable names, or no type annotations, or no
             | comments. The more of that we can fix, the better, imo.
             | Tools like this do that. TabNine autocompletes full method
             | type signatures for me in rust, meaning that the cost of
             | actually writing out the types is gone. That's one less
             | cost to pay for having clearer, faster code.
         | fossuser wrote:
         | People have made some variation of this argument since the move
         | from writing binary to writing assembly.
         | With every new layer of abstraction there's more power.
         | The long term benefit of a tool that can do this well far
         | exceeds what humans can do by hand, but that may not be true in
         | the very short term.
         | Either way, I suspect the benefits to be big.
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | Not at all: this tool does not encourage more powerful
           | abstractions, but the very opposite.
           | It makes boilerplate cheaper to churn out.
           | uticus wrote:
           | I disagree with the comparison. This isn't abstraction, it is
           | syntax completion. As if you typed the first four bytes and
           | GitHub (mostly correctly it must be mentioned!) completed the
           | remaining.
           | Unlike an additional abstraction layer, the readibility is
           | not increased.
             | fossuser wrote:
             | The end goal of this based on what I've seen from Open AI
             | examples and related beta projects is more high level
             | language -> code.
             | "Write a standard sign up page" -> Generated HTML
             | "Write a unit test to test for X" -> Unit Test.
             | It's more than just syntax completion - I'd argue that's
             | the beginning of a new layer of abstraction similar to
             | previous new abstraction layers. The demo on their main
             | page is more than syntax completion - it writes a method to
             | check for positive sentiment automatically using a web
             | service based on standard english.
             | This is extremely powerful and it's still super early.
             | I saw one example that converted english phrases into bash
             | commands, "Search all text files for the word X" -> the
             | correct grep command.
             | That is a big deal for giving massive leverage to people
             | writing software and using tools. We'll be able to learn
             | way faster with that kind of AI assisted feedback loop.
             | Similarly to compilers, the end result can also be better
             | than what humans can do eventually because the AI can
             | optimize things humans can't easily, by training for
             | performance. Often the optimal layout can be weird.
         | [deleted]
         | _fat_santa wrote:
         | The way I see it, the tool is only as good as the programmer
         | using it. This tool will generate the individual code blocks
         | for you, but you still have to understand how to put it all
         | together to deliver a working app.
         | Sure there will be some codebases out there that are plastered
         | together using this tool, but when it comes to delivering
         | software that is well written, performant and maintainable over
         | the course of several years, you're still going to need a lot
         | of skilled engineers to pull that off.
         | hbosch wrote:
         | If we didn't need programmers to do the programming, that would
         | be a perfect world.
           | slver wrote:
           | This is inevitably leading to the moment where we don't need
           | humans, but I'm fine with that.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | This ignores the ladder of abstraction, which you apparetly
         | need to be reminded of exists. Not all programmers need to work
         | at the same level of abstraction: some programmers need to
         | write original code all day long because their subject field is
         | close to the metal and there are no premade solutions. For
         | those folks, the idea of copy-pasting from SO is pretty
         | ridiculous, although SO _might_ have questions and answers that
         | allow them to write their own code solutions based on the
         | insights of others. Because we 're not going to dismiss highly
         | respected experts in our fields just because they helped answer
         | good questions with good detailed answers on Stackoverflow, are
         | we?
         | A few rungs up on the ladder we _still_ have programmers but
         | now the kind whose job it is to write _as little code as
         | possible_ , where their worth comes from knowing exactly how
         | little code glue is needed to, necessarily and sufficiently,
         | make other people's libraries work together to functionality
         | that is larger than the sum of its parts. These folks aren't
         | solving unique problems, they make things work with as little
         | code as possible, and copy-pasting from SO for problems that
         | have been solved countless times already by others is 100%
         | fine: their expertise is in knowing how to judge other people's
         | code to determine whether that's the code they need to copy-
         | paste.
         | And then, of course, there all the folks in between those two
         | levels of abstraction.
         | The biggest mistake would be to hear "programming" and think
         | "only my job is real programming, all those other people are
         | just giving me a bad name". Different horses and different
         | courses, _and_ different courses for different horses.
         | hyperion2010 wrote:
         | Some people think the problem is that we don't have enough
         | code. Anyone that has to maintain code knows that the problem
         | is that we have too much code.
           | gorjusborg wrote:
           | This is even better! Now we can generate code we might not
           | even understand, without even hitting all the keys.
         | RationPhantoms wrote:
         | Okay, and I'd argue that a good portion of programmatic
         | wrangling is simply trying to do Y with Z. Something that's
         | probably done 10,000 times over by others but in the silo'd
         | confines of that single developer's workspace; an utter fucking
         | mystery to them.
         | What's the carbon displacement for wasted time on those tasks?
         | It might be brow raising.
         | slver wrote:
         | You sound afraid you'll be replaced by software.
         | dmitrygr wrote:
         | Your fears seem justified, as per the site itself:
         | Whether you're working in a new language or framework, or just
         | learning to code, GitHub Copilot can help you find your way.
         | Tackle a bug, or learn how to use a new framework without
         | spending most of your time spelunking through the docs or
         | searching the web.
         | davidthewatson wrote:
         | Cargo cults concerned me too but I realized that cargo-cult
         | programming flourishes when it's enabled by a culture that
         | doesn't care how the sausage is made. If the culture seeks full
         | stack truth, it's not likely to get fooled by bad generated
         | code, no matter whether it's generated by copy/paste,
         | metaprogramming, or AI.
         | I'd love to know what Donald Knuth thinks given the history of
         | literate programming.
         | rPlayer6554 wrote:
         | The first thing that comes to mind is the recent article on the
         | front page about the docker footgun/default that allowed a
         | hacker to wipe a website's database.
         | dqpb wrote:
         | That entirely depends on the quality of the suggestion, does it
         | not?
         | Mountain_Skies wrote:
         | Not looking forward to dealing with this from a security point
         | of view. It's difficult to get developers to accept
         | responsibility for security vulnerabilities in libraries
         | they've selected for their project ("That's not my code!"). I
         | can see the same thing happening with generated code where they
         | don't want to take responsibility for finding a way to
         | remediate any vulnerabilities they didn't personally type in.
         | Of course those who exploit the vulnerabilities won't care how
         | it got into the code. They're just happy they're able to make
         | use of it.
           | IncludeSecurity wrote:
           | It says it's trained on "billions of lines of code"
           | I would augment that to "billions of lines of code that may
           | or may not be safe and secure"
           | If they could tie in CodeQL into Copilot to ensure the
           | training set only came from code with no known security
           | concerns, that would be a big improvement.
         | kbenson wrote:
         | I think the mistake you might be making is assuming that any
         | tool adopted is always used all the time. Even professional
         | race car drivers probably opt for an automatic transmission
         | over the manual on the mini-van if they get one. Different
         | choices for different needs.
         | There will always be a place for meticulous consideration of
         | exactly what's being done, and many levels of that as well. For
         | the same reason people reach for python to mock up a proof of
         | concept or throw something together that is non-essential but
         | useful to have quickly, even meticulous programmers might use
         | this to good effect for small things they don't care to spend a
         | lot of time on because it's not as important as something else,
         | or the language they're using for this small task isn't one
         | they feel as proficient in.
         | albertkoz wrote:
         | Next step will be AI to approve the code, because. if someone
         | is producing 5k LOC a day there are people who need to read &
         | approve this code...
         | throwaway675309 wrote:
         | I mean you say this, but you and most likely the majority of
         | programmers rely on dozens of repositories, packages and
         | libraries with likely zero deep understanding of it (and at the
         | very least haven't read the source code of ) so I don't really
         | understand the difference here.
         | The advantage of something like this is that instead of having
         | to go to stack overflow or any number of reference sites and
         | copy pasta it can just happen automatically without me having
         | to leave my IDE.
         | The enjoyable part of programming for me is not typing the Ajax
         | post boilerplate bullcrap for the millionth time, it's the
         | high-level design and abstract reasoning.
           | mdellavo wrote:
           | if you are typing out boilerplate you should look to abstract
           | it away
             | Yaina wrote:
             | I think this goes beyond one project. In your lifetime you
             | just have to write certain things again and again and then
             | you have to write the abstractions again and again.
             | Maybe that warrants a library, but then you also have to
             | hook that up with the ever so slightly different
             | boilerplate code.
             | If this 90% of the easy stuff is done for you, that gives
             | you more time to focus on the 10% that matter.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | Oh god please don't do this indiscriminately. If you're
             | typing out boilerplate, document it and add a generator for
             | it. I've been bitten probably hundreds of times by bad
             | abstractions created to save some keystrokes that turned 50
             | lines of boring easily readable code into an ungrokable
             | dense mess.
               | gugagore wrote:
               | What do you mean "add a generator for it"? Do you mean
               | something like a templating for source code, like the C
               | pre-processor?
               | I think there is a pro and a con to that approach.
               | The pro is that there is a meaningful and familiar
               | intermediate representation --- the output of the C pre-
               | processor is still C code. Another example is
               | https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/metaobjects.html
               | The con is that, well, it introduces a meta layer, and
               | these meta layers are more often than not ad-hoc and
               | ultimately became quite unwieldy. It's a design pattern
               | that suggests that there is a feature missing from the
               | language.
               | Spivak wrote:
               | No absolutely not, I think that's the worst of both
               | worlds. I mean something like `rails generate` where it's
               | a parameterized block of generated code that you insert
               | inline and then edit to your needs.
               | The disadvantage is that making sweeping changes is more
               | work. The advantage is that making sweeping changes can
               | be done incrementally. But the big win with code
               | generators is that all you need to understand what's
               | happening is right in front of you instead of having to
               | mentally unwind a clunky abstraction.
               | Don't get me wrong if you have a good abstraction that
               | reduces the use of mental registers do it! But you would
               | and should do that regardless of boilerplate.
               | Verdex wrote:
               | "Okay, so you pass the function a lambda. And the input
               | parameter to that lambda is another function that itself
               | consumes a list of lambdas. And this is so that you don't
               | have to init and fill in a few dictionaries OR because
               | you might need to otherwise use an if-statement."
               | I like abstractions as much as the next person, but
               | oftentimes you can just make due with the exact thing.
           | cunthorpe wrote:
           | Importing an external, tested, reliable dependency is
           | completely different from anonymous non-checked untested code
           | in your repository committed by someone who did not even read
           | it.
           | Check out the memoize example. That fails as soon as you pass
           | anything non-primitive but there's no one documenting that.
             | rowanG077 wrote:
             | anonymous non-checked untested code is problematic in all
             | cases. This doesn't change that.
             | geraneum wrote:
             | A programmer who commits untested sloppy code of their own
             | writing, will do it regardless of having access to such a
             | service. Nothing will make me commit the generated code
             | without testing it. I think this tool could take care of
             | the boilerplate and the rest will still be on the
             | programmer. At least in the near future.
             | gnulinux wrote:
             | > anonymous non-checked untested code
             | What? It's not anonymous, it's still committed by a dev. It
             | can be non-checked and untested, that's true. But it's not
             | any less untested than any other code. If you choose not to
             | write tests for your code, this won't change anything.
             | The only issue I see with this is it being potentially
             | unchecked. And the solution to that is reading all the code
             | you commit, even though it's generated by AI.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | It's about affordances. As presented, this tool
               | streamlines copy-pasting random snippets. The easier
               | something is, the more people do it.
               | Testing doesn't even enter the picture here, we're at the
               | level of automating the stereotypical StackOverflow-
               | driven development - except with SO, you at least get
               | some context, there's a discussion, competing solutions,
               | code gets some corrections. Here? You get a black-box
               | oracle divining code snippets from function names and
               | comments.
               | > _the solution to that is reading all the code you
               | commit, even though it 's generated by AI_
               | Relying on programmer discipline doesn't scale. Also, in
               | my experience, copy-pasting a snippet and then checking
               | it for subtle bugs is _harder_ than just reading it,
               | getting the gist of it, and writing it yourself.
               | veverkap wrote:
               | > As presented, this tool streamlines copy-pasting random
               | snippets.
               | It synthesizes new code based on a corpus of existing
               | code.
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Yes. Given how it does it, this makes it even more
               | dangerous than if it was just trying to _find_ a matching
               | preexisting snippet.
               | jbrot wrote:
               | > Programmer discipline doesn't scale
               | Thank you for putting this so eloquently. This has
               | basically been the sole tenet of my programming
               | philosophy for several years, but I've never been able to
               | put it into words before.
               | ahepp wrote:
               | >Tests without the toil. Tests are the backbone of any
               | robust software engineering project. Import a unit test
               | package, and let GitHub Copilot suggest tests that match
               | your implementation code.
               | It looks to me like they're _suggesting_ you use Copilot
               | to _write the tests_.
           | pvorb wrote:
           | I really wonder who those folks copy-pasting from Stack
           | Overflow all day are. I only rarely find pieces of code that
           | I can copy-paste. Typically Stack Overflow only gives me an
           | idea of how to solve something, but incorporating that idea
           | into my code base is still not trivial.
             | KingMachiavelli wrote:
             | There is certainly a balance. When I want to implement
             | feature X a client has requested but I have to deal with
             | home grown database abstraction layers and custom AJAX API
             | structures - I get the feeling that a third party library
             | probably does it better and has more eyes on the code than
             | exist at my company.
             | That said I would probably not look to a third party
             | library to just to simple data transformation stuff.
             | Probably the only thing I do copy almost verbatim from SO
             | are things like Awk/Sed commands that are easy/low risk to
             | test but would take hours to derive myself.
             | dpq wrote:
             | I had a colleague who once tried to copy-paste a Scala
             | snippet into Python code and came to complain that it
             | doesn't work. We're no longer colleagues.
               | auggierose wrote:
               | Yep. And now imagine these people with Github Copilot in
               | their arsenal. God help us all.
             | bayindirh wrote:
             | > I really wonder who those folks copy-pasting from Stack
             | Overflow all day are.
             | I can think about people who can do this happily. Some of
             | them are professional programmers. Some are self-taught.
             | Some have CS education. _Seriously_.
             | OTOH, I'm similar to you. I either re-use my own snippets
             | or read SO or similar sites to get an idea generally how a
             | problem is solved and adapt it to my code _unless_ I find
             | the concept I 'm looking for inside the language docs or
             | books I have.
             | Yes, I'm a RTFM type of programmer.
             | dec0dedab0de wrote:
             | A few weeks ago someone on a call said "we all know that
             | programming is mostly copy and pasting anyway" A few people
             | laughed, but I said that if I catch myself copy and pasting
             | then I know that something is very wrong. It was kind of
             | awkward, but I didn't like my job being trivialized by
             | people who never really did it.
             | It would be like if I said plumbing or auto repair is just
             | watching youtube videos and going to lowes. Just because
             | I've managed to do a few simple things, doesn't mean I'm in
             | a position to belittle an entire profession.
             | That said, I am also shocked by how many full time
             | developers don't take the time to understand their own
             | code. Let alone the libraries they use.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | > That said, I am also shocked by how many full time
               | developers don't take the time to understand their own
               | code. Let alone the libraries they use.
               | Me too, then I understood that code and programming is
               | commoditized. As long as it works and looks pretty on the
               | outside and it can be sold, it's fair game.
               | "There'll be bugs anyway, we can solve these problems
               | somehow" they probably think.
               | Heck even containers and K8S is promoted with "Developers
               | are unreliable in documenting what they've done. Let's
               | make things immutable so, they can't monkey around on
               | running systems, and make undocumented changes" motto.
               | I still run perf on my code and look for IPC and cache
               | trashing ratio numbers and try to optimize things,
               | thinking "How can I make this more efficient so it can
               | run faster on this". I don't regret that.
               | godelski wrote:
               | Some people consider using stack as a heavy inspiration
               | to be equivalent to "copy and pasting." It's linguistic
               | shorthand really.
           | jka wrote:
           | I'd be willing to bet a reasonable amount that there's a
           | large future for "subtractive software development" (maybe a
           | slightly misleading or unfair term, since it'd include
           | bugfixes).
           | Once we have multiple proven technologies that handle each of
           | the functional areas that we collectively need, then we'll
           | start to find greater benefit in maintenance, bugfixes, and
           | performance improvements for those existing technologies and
           | their dependencies than we find writing additional code and
           | libraries.
           | echelon wrote:
           | I think as our field evolves, more work will be dealing with
           | high level abstractions. There is a massive need for
           | distributed systems design. Companies have big ambitions, but
           | not enough labor to accomplish them.
           | There will still be plenty of low level systems programming
           | work. The field is growing, not shrinking.
           | One impact this may have is that it may make tasks easier and
           | more accessible, which could bring lots of new talent and
           | could also apply downward force on wages. But the counter to
           | that is that there is so much more work to be done.
           | I'm all for new tools.
             | scrozier wrote:
             | Trying to figure out why in the world your comment was down
             | voted.
           | inimino wrote:
           | You don't see the difference between relying on a few battle-
           | hardened libraries, and copy-pasting into your own code some
           | mishmash of code that looked similar that other people wrote
           | and is probably something like what a machine learning model
           | thought you probably meant? Maybe we're in worse shape then I
           | thought.
           | > The advantage [...] without me having to leave my IDE.
           | You're arguing for the convenience, my point was that that
           | convenience creates a moral hazard, or if you prefer, a
           | perverse incentive, to increase the number of lines of code,
           | amount of boilerplate, code duplication, and to accept
           | horrible, programmer-hostile interfaces because you have tied
           | yourself to a tool that is needed to make them usable.
           | > Ajax post boilerplate
           | This is an argument for choosing the most appropriate
           | abstractions. The problem with boilerplate isn't that you
           | have to type it, it's that it makes the code worse: longer,
           | almost certainly buggier, harder to read and understand, and
           | probably even slower to compile and run. You could have made
           | an editor macro 20 years ago to solve the typing boilerplate
           | problem, but it wasn't the best answer then and it isn't now.
           | majormajor wrote:
           | > I mean you say this, but you and most likely the majority
           | of programmers rely on dozens of repositories, packages and
           | libraries with likely zero deep understanding of it (and at
           | the very least haven't read the source code of ) so I don't
           | really understand the difference here.
           | I spend a probably half my coding time testing and digging
           | into those libraries because I don't understand them and
           | because they cause performance issues because nobody on the
           | team understands them sufficiently to make their "high level
           | design and abstract reasoning" accurate.
           | One problem with the current world of programming tools is
           | that there's no good way to know which libraries are suitable
           | for use when correctness and performance and reliability
           | really matters, and which are only really meant for less
           | rigorous projects.
           | z3t4 wrote:
           | One problem with IDE's is that they can be antagonistic of
           | good practices such as writing comprehensible code, small
           | code bases, and good documentation.
           | js8 wrote:
           | > you and most likely the majority of programmers rely on
           | dozens of repositories, packages and libraries with likely
           | zero deep understanding of it
           | Perhaps AI should work on simplifying the existing stack
           | first, without breaking the functionality. What about that?
           | awb wrote:
           | > The advantage of something like this is that instead of
           | having to go to stack overflow or any number of reference
           | sites and copy pasta it can just happen automatically without
           | me having to leave my IDE.
           | In the examples, I wish the auto-generated code came with
           | comments or an explanation like SO does. The code I need help
           | with the most is the code that's a stretch for me to write
           | without Googling. The code I can write in my sleep I'd rather
           | just write without a tool like this.
           | [deleted]
         | karmasimida wrote:
         | > Someone will produce 5000 lines of code in a day for a new
         | feature, but only read 2000 of those lines.
         | Shouldn't the one who has produced this code be responsible for
         | making sure the integrity of it? 5k LOC in a day without test
         | cases, then that is no code, it is a disaster.
         | I think the marketing here is about right. This is no AI
         | programmer, but Copilot. It is an intelligent assistant that
         | does some mundane things for you with probability of failing
         | some of that even, but when the stars align, you are in luck.
         | I see this as INCREDIBLY useful for certain niche of
         | programming:
         | 1. Front end. Some components are really trivial but still
         | requires some manual rewiring and stuff, this could be the life
         | saver.
         | 2. Templates for devops. Those are as soul crushing as
         | possible, and I couldn't think of a better domain to apply
         | Copilot to it.
         | Overall, this is a huge win for programmer productivity, with
         | reasonable compromises.
         | z3t4 wrote:
         | If we exclude the VM the code is running on, and the OS layer,
         | and the kernel, and the micro-code, and the standard lib, then
         | people also like to include library code, and also like to
         | depend on third party PaaS and SaaS aka the "cloud"... If you
         | do know what all bits of your code does you can send me a PM.
         | _cough_ All software is shit, with few exceptions. Not
         | necessary because the developers don 't know their stuff, but
         | likely because of business priorities, politics, and layers of
         | management. Software is a "people problem". So if we remove the
         | "people" we might get better software ;)
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | I think that there's a division between "productive" developers
         | and "meticulous" developers. I know that I'm not the first one.
         | My best days are when I'm removing code. I'm very wary from
         | using frameworks and huge libraries. I learned few frameworks
         | and libraries, I've chosen few that correspond to my style and
         | I'm very careful when it comes to adapting new ones. I prefer
         | to spend a week coding auth layer rather than installing some
         | SaaS connector and call it a day. I prefer to spend few days
         | reading source code and developing my own solution (or just
         | discarding the whole idea) rather than quickly google something
         | and move on.
         | May be I'm just unprofessional, I don't know. I get my stuff
         | done, may be not as fast, but at least I understand every bit
         | of my code and I rarely have unexpected surprises. I understand
         | that there are other approaches, but I just don't enjoy that
         | way, so I follow mine as long as I can find work. And I
         | actually like things that other people find boring, according
         | to this thread. Withing "business code" - hate it, writing
         | "auth layer" - love it.
           | WanderPanda wrote:
           | Sounds like you should be working on libraries instead of
           | products then?!
             | oscribinn wrote:
             | So you're basically saying that if you're not a shitty
             | programmer, you shouldn't be working directly on products?
             | Are you a Windows developer or something?
           | b215826 wrote:
           | I don't think you're unprofessional. In fact, your sentiment
           | is a belief that was strongly held by early UNIX programmers.
           | Two quotes I particularly like:
           |  _" The real hero of programming is the one who writes
           | negative code."_ -- Douglas McIllroy
           |  _" One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000
           | lines of code."_ -- Ken Thompson
           | But unfortunately, we've come to a situation where SLOC and
           | innovation for the sake of innovation is more important than
           | code quality.
           | Bayart wrote:
           | I'm the same. I tend to get derailed on making my code
           | philosophically "right" and aesthetically "soothing" (for
           | lack of a better word), even when it doesn't obviously matter
           | to the scope of the project, rather than just it to the point
           | where it _works_ by some operation of the Holy Spirit.
           | Unsuprisingly I'm the "is he working ?" guy (I may fit in the
           | attention disorder category that was a point of discussion in
           | the confidence thread[1] the other day). But at least I'm not
           | the "his code broke our shit again" guy.
           | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27533988
         | quek wrote:
         | > As someone more aligned with the Dijkstra perspective, this
         | seems to me like one of the single worst ideas I've ever seen
         | in this domain.
         | Absolutely true.
         | If your code is so repetitive that can be correctly predicted
         | by an AI, you are either using a language that lacks
         | expressiveness or have poor abstraction.
         | The biggest problem in the software world is excessive
         | complexity, excessive amounts of (poor) code and reinventing
         | the wheel.
           | slver wrote:
           | You're underestimating the sophistication of said AI.
         | novok wrote:
         | I've used tabnine for a while, and it's mostly just been a
         | faster executing normal autocomplete, with a %90 accuracy rate.
         | It's a tradeoff. It didn't have the large snippet behavior in
         | my usage like this new one although.
         | hintymad wrote:
         | Somehow I don't see people discuss this kind of tools from the
         | perspective of managing essential complexity versus accidental
         | complexity. Maybe copilot just increases the abstraction level
         | of coding, so we can treat generated code as a building block,
         | just like we nowadays rarely needs to care about how to write
         | assembly code or how a balanced tree works?
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | > _Maybe copilot just increases the abstraction level of
           | coding, so we can treat generated code as a building block_
           | At this point it _doesn 't_, and we _can 't_, because Copilot
           | is just a fancy autocomplete. The code is there, first class,
           | in your file. It doesn't introduce new concepts for you, it
           | just tries to guess what you mean by function signature +
           | descriptive comments, and generates that code for you.
         | JabavuAdams wrote:
         | You can only solve relatively small problems this way. As I get
         | older, I like the physical act of programming less and less,
         | and just want to solve problems so I can get going on all of my
         | ideas backlog. I've been programming almost every day for the
         | last 38 years. What I really want to do is solve (my) problems.
           | dennisy wrote:
           | I really agree with this even though my experience is much
           | smaller than yours.
           | The biggest place I think it is frustrating to write code is
           | for ML pipelines where you know what you need, but it takes a
           | few hours to wrangle files and pandas until you can run your
           | idea/experiment.
             | JabavuAdams wrote:
             | Ermahgerd, yes! Doing this right now.
           | auggierose wrote:
           | But programming is the greatest fun on earth. Wait no, being
           | able to work on your ideas and communicating them to the
           | computer is the greatest fun on earth. Now, if your only
           | tools for communication are made by "productive developers",
           | this is where the problem is. Not with programming itself.
         | uticus wrote:
         | As a counterpoint to most of the other responses, I agree with
         | this comment. In my eyes, this is very similar to the issue of
         | bloated software being enabled by faster processors. This
         | doesn't mean slower processors are the answer, but rather that
         | there are often unintended consequences that need to be
         | considered when solving for a problem. So, as an example of
         | what could be better than making boilerplate easier to type, I
         | would suggest programming languages, frameworks, and tooling
         | that reduce the need in the first place would be worth
         | considering.
       | ionwake wrote:
       | I get the impression the only way to use this is in a github
       | cloud environment, which means all the code you type will
       | essentially belong to github in some capacity?
       | chad_strategic wrote:
       | I wonder if they are going to have a plugin for ATOM IDE?
       | Iv wrote:
       | Is it only available for Visual Code?
         | rvz wrote:
         | Yes. Obviously.
       | auggierose wrote:
       | What could go wrong? Expecting software to become even shittier.
       | maxpert wrote:
       | Now I am gonna have an outage because co-pilot wrote some code
       | that had an error. People have implicit bias of code being
       | reliable that they don't write, StackOverflow snippets are
       | perfect example for that.
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | > StackOverflow snippets are perfect example for that.
         | You basically just explained why your worry is unfounded
         | yourself. This is already the status quo. People already write
         | buggy code and copy buggy code from SO all the time.
         | The goal of this isn't to write perfect code, that's still up
         | to the programmer to do. This won't make a bad programmer not
         | write buggy code magically.
       | blain wrote:
       | > OpenAI Codex was trained on publicly available source code
       | (...)
       | It would be nice if github made this tool publicly available in a
       | good spirit of open-source instead of straight up monetizing it.
       | I get that github is not a non-profit but still.
       | buremba wrote:
       | The landing page is really cool. It looks like the screencast is
       | built with Javascript, is there any tool that helps building such
       | screencasts? I assume that it's not trivial to build such
       | animations.
         | taywrobel wrote:
         | Depends on what you need to do, but asciinema is pretty much
         | exactly that use case: https://asciinema.org/
         | Wouldn't work in this case with the overlays and styling tho.
       | bww wrote:
       | The example in the hero animation has a bug. The ${text} may not
       | be correctly URL-encoded, which would make the body invalid. And
       | because this sort of feature encourages people to blindly trust
       | the machine and not think about what they're doing this error is
       | much less likely to be caught.
       | Personally I think this whole class of feature only offers
       | trivial short-term efficiency gains at the expense of long-term
       | professional development and deeper understanding of your field.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | For a long time now I've thought that AI would have a really
       | interesting role to play in developer experience, though this
       | isn't really the form I think it should take.
       | I think it would make the most sense as a really advanced static-
       | analysis tool/linter/etc. Imagine writing something like C where
       | whole classes of errors can't be checked statically in a
       | mechanical way, but they could be found by a fuzzy ML system
       | automatically looking over your shoulder. Imagine your editor
       | saying "I'm not sure, but that feels like a memory error". And of
       | course you can dismiss it "no, good thought, but I really meant
       | to do that". Imagine an editor that can automatically sniff out
       | code-smells. But the human, at the end of the day, still makes
       | the call about what code to write and not write; they're just
       | assisted with extra perspective while doing so
       | ingvul wrote:
       | I can only imagine one of the big reasons to release Copilot to
       | the public for free is to make it better by sending back to
       | GitHub the "reviewed code". Example:
       | - Copilot suggests me a snippet of code
       | - It's almost what I wanted. I fix the code
       | - Copilot sends back the fixed code to GitHub
       | - Copilot gets better at guessing my (and others) wishes
       | Unless Copilot is running locally, I won't use it.
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Same, I do quite a bit of mistakes like pasting secrets and
         | immediately deleting them right after, and I also have local
         | secrets that are gitignored which I think copilot would just
         | upload without a second thought.
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | The IP implications of how network weights depend on their data
       | sources is, shall we say, a matter of ongoing legal discussion.
       | We genuinely don't know what it means for licenses or whatnot
       | right now.
       | fabiospampinato wrote:
       | IMO a potentially more interesting application of this technology
       | would be a learning system that is able to learn your coding
       | style. You give it access to the codebase and it reformats all
       | files on save according to your likings, perfectly.
       | Obviously a program that is able to write actual great code
       | reliably would be spectacular, but we aren't there yet, I don't
       | think Copilot presently is able to make me meaningfully more
       | productive.
         | 101011 wrote:
         | Don't most IDEs handle this already?
           | fabiospampinato wrote:
           | There are no tools that can format my code with my coding
           | style AFAIK. There are multiple tool that can format my code
           | with their coding style though, which I don't care about.
             | dawnerd wrote:
             | Most? All? Allow you to edit the config to get it to your
             | coding style but it would be cool to infer it from files
             | you've already written.
               | fabiospampinato wrote:
               | There aren't enough knobs to turn to get exactly what you
               | want, I have a 500+ lines file full of linter rules
               | configurations and that's still not good enough.
               | At the end of the day I think it boils down to this
               | simple fact: you can't imperatively codify what makes the
               | face of a person beautiful for you because that's too
               | complicated, similarly you can't codify what makes for
               | beautiful code to your eyes, it's something that must be
               | learned from examples.
         | kleiba wrote:
         | Formatting code according to a given style is a much easier
         | task than what Copilot does.
           | alpaca128 wrote:
           | Apparently not that easy[0]. Depending on one's priorities
           | formatting/pretty-printing code can be trivial or very
           | difficult. Doing that dynamically based on a user's
           | individual preferences or even their existing codebase's
           | style is probably much harder.
           | I don't doubt Copilot is also quite a problem to solve, most
           | likely indeed harder, though in that case at least there's an
           | abundance of training data.
           | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22706242
           | fabiospampinato wrote:
           | It depends what you mean by "given", I can't write a million
           | line document describing exactly what kind of style I want it
           | to use, the formatter must learn the style on its own from
           | examples.
           | I agree that something like that would be much easier to make
           | in theory, hence why I'm suggesting it since maybe it could
           | be made ~perfectly, which Codepilot isn't (we haven't
           | unlocked AGI yet).
       | avipars wrote:
       | powered by openai, i'm guessing gpt 3
       | dang wrote:
       | To see all the 800+ comments, you'll need to click More at the
       | bottom of the page, or like this:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27676266&p=2
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27676266&p=3
       | (Comments like this will go away when we turn off pagination. I
       | know it's annoying. Sorry.)
       | cfcf14 wrote:
       | From Clippy to this technology, in just under 25 years! Very
       | impressive. I wonder how much impact this tool might have as a
       | teaching aid, as well?
         | [deleted]
       | orliesaurus wrote:
       | I remember another company called Kite [1], working on a similar
       | approach - smart autocompletion - this however uses GPT-3 so it's
       | a bit different I guess because it doesn't detect what you're
       | trying to do but rather transforms technical natural language
       | into code. Right?
       | [1] https://www.kite.com
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | Github sources suggestions from OS projects. There have been AI
         | completion tools that upload your code, basically spyware.
         | Definitely check thoroughly if that's the case!
       | WhompingWindows wrote:
       | I'm primarily an R and SQL user, excited to try this out on some
       | fun data analyses.
       | How did you construct the Copilot? Did you use a learning
       | approach based on data from actual pair-programming sessions? Or
       | did you take tons of code as your input and use that to suggest
       | next methods based on input code?
       | I learned a ton whenever I pair programmed, but now I'm at a
       | small company so I'm looking for fun ways to learn new methods :)
       | fzaninotto wrote:
       | I've been using the alpha for the past 2 weeks, and I'm blown
       | away. Copilot guesses the exact code I want to write about one in
       | ten times, and the rest of the time it suggests something rather
       | good, or completely off. But when it guesses right, it feels like
       | it's reading my mind.
       | It's really like pair programming, even though I'm coding alone.
       | I have a better understanding of my own code, and I tend to give
       | better names and descriptions to my methods. I write better code,
       | documentation, and tests.
       | Copilot has made me a better programmer. No kidding. This is a
       | huge achievement. Kudos to the GitHub Copilot team!
         | mdellavo wrote:
         | do you still go over the generated code line by line and
         | touchup in places where it did not do a good job?
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | It suggests code line by line, so yes
             | mdellavo wrote:
             | I guess I dont see the point if only 10% of the time it's
             | exactly what you want and the rest of the time you have to
             | go back and touch up the line.
             | Does it train a programmer for accepting less than ideal
             | code because it was suggested? Similar to how some
             | programmers blindly copy code from StackOverflow without
             | modification.
             | Seems like there is a potential downside that's being
             | ignored.
               | staticassertion wrote:
               | > Does it train a programmer for accepting less than
               | ideal code because it was suggested? Similar to how some
               | programmers blindly copy code from StackOverflow without
               | modification.
               | Maybe juniors, but I don't see this being likely for
               | anyone else. I've been using TabNine for ages and it's
               | closer to just a fancy autocomplete than a code
               | assistant. Usually it writes what I would write, and if I
               | don't see what I would write I just write it myself
               | (until either I wrote the whole thing or it suggests the
               | right thing). Of course, barring some variable names or
               | whatever.
               | I don't have it "write code for me" - that happens in my
               | head. It just does the typing.
             | verst wrote:
             | This is not true - and I've been using copilot for many
             | months :)
             | It suggests entire blocks of code - but not in every
             | context.
               | fzaninotto wrote:
               | My bad, you're right. I remember now that it suggested me
               | entire code blocks from time to time.
               | Do you know in which "context" it suggests a block?
               | verst wrote:
               | It usually suggests blocks within a function / method in
               | my experience. Here's an example I created just now:
               | https://gist.github.com/berndverst/1db9bae37f3c809e5c3f56
               | 262...
         | blueblisters wrote:
         | With VSCode, Github and a perhaps a little bit of help from
         | OpenAI, Microsoft is poised to dominate the developer
         | productivity tools market in the near future.
         | I wouldn't be surprised to see really good static analysis and
         | automated code review tools coming out of these teams very
         | soon.
           | croes wrote:
           | And still Windows is a mess.
             | _fat_santa wrote:
             | I'd bet money that the VSCode and Windows teams are
             | basically on different planets and Microsoft.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | I bet there are people that use Windows to develop VSCode
               | and use VSCode to develop Windows, so some people
               | probably know each other internally. I think what escapes
               | HN is how massively successful Microsoft is. Sure, the
               | search built into Windows sucks. There are many, many
               | more complicated components of a platform and OS than
               | that, and those seem to work as well as any other
               | platform and OS.
             | bostonsre wrote:
             | Compared to what other operating system(s)?
             | wsl on windows 10 has been amazing to develop and work on.
               | azangru wrote:
               | > wsl on windows 10 has been amazing to develop and work
               | on.
               | Now imagine how amazing it would be just on Ubuntu ;-)
               | croes wrote:
               | Every other OS. It's full of legacy APIs and scrapped new
               | APIs. Every release is like two steps one step forward,
               | one step back and one two the side. Just because
               | thousands of companies have written software and drivers
               | for it, it's still existing. If it were released today it
               | wouldn't stand a chance.
             | bufferoverflow wrote:
             | I've been on both Windows and Ubuntu for a while. I'd say
             | Ubuntu has a ton more issues and requires a ton more
             | initial configuration to behave "normally".
             | I don't even remember the last time Windows got in my way,
             | in fact.
         | mssundaram wrote:
         | It sounds similar to the editor plugin called TabNine
         | fzaninotto wrote:
         | Side note: I recently suffered from a tennis elbow due to sub
         | optimal desktop setup when working from home. Copilot has
         | drastically reduced my keystrokes, and therefore the strain on
         | my tenders.
         | It's good for our health, too!
           | yodon wrote:
           | I watched the same thing happen with the introduction of
           | Intellisense. Pre-Intellisense I had tons of RSI problems and
           | had to use funky ergonomic keyboards like the Kinesis
           | keyboard to function as a dev. Now I just hop on whatever
           | laptop is in front of me and code. Same reason - massive
           | reduction in the number of keys I have to touch to produce a
           | line of code.
         | iandanforth wrote:
         | What is the licensing for code generated in this way? GPT-3 has
         | memorized hundreds of texts verbatim and can be prompted to
         | regurgitate that text. Has this model only been trained on code
         | that doesn't require attribution as part of the license?
           | richardanaya wrote:
           | You're using the word "memorized" in a very loose way.
             | delaaxe wrote:
             | His point still holds, GPT-3 can output large chunks of
             | licensed code, verbatim
             | tsbinz wrote:
             | How is it loose? Both in the colloquial sense and in the
             | sense it is used in machine learning it is fitting.
             | https://bair.berkeley.edu/blog/2020/12/20/lmmem/ is a post
             | demonstrating it.
           | billti wrote:
           | The landing page for it states the below, so hopefully not
           | too much of an issue (though I guess some folks may find a
           | 0.1% risk high).
           | > GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search engine:
           | the vast majority of the code that it suggests is uniquely
           | generated and has never been seen before. We found that about
           | 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets
           | that are verbatim from the training set.
             | varispeed wrote:
             | Did they have a license to use public source code as a data
             | source for data set though?
             | jgworks wrote:
             | I'd be surprised if a company's legal department would be
             | OK with that 0.1% risk.
               | viraptor wrote:
               | Google already learned that one. "There's only a tiny
               | chance we may be copying some public code from Oracle."
               | may not be a good explanation there.
           | mempko wrote:
           | Finally, a faster way to spread bugs than copy/paste.
           | Abimelex wrote:
           | Not sure how this is handled in US, but in Germany a few
           | lines of code have in general not enough uniqueness to be
           | licensed.
         | gentleman11 wrote:
         | It could start to replace us in 20 years. Or reduce. It is
         | exciting for now
           | handrous wrote:
           | Until it automatically knows when _and how_ it 's wrong,
           | you'll still need a human to figure that out, and that human
           | will need to actually know how to program, without the
           | overgrown auto-complete.
           | May or may not reduce the demand for programmers, though.
           | We'll see.
             | megablast wrote:
             | Thanks captain obvious.
         | softwaredoug wrote:
         | It seems to replace/shorten the loop of "Google for snippet
         | that does X" copy, paste, tweak, no? Which of course is super
         | cool for many tasks!
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | It's smarter than that. It suggests things that have never
           | been written. It actually creates code based on the context,
           | just like GPT-3 can create new text documents based on
           | previous inputs.
           | Edit: Check this screencast for instance:
           | https://twitter.com/francoisz/status/1409908666166349831
             | semi-extrinsic wrote:
             | Anyone tried this on any sort of numeric computation?
             | Numpy, Julia, Pandas, R, whatever?
             | I definitely see the utility in the linked screencast. But
             | I am left to wonder whether this effectiveness is really a
             | symptom of the extreme propensity for boilerplate code that
             | seems to come with anything web-related.
             | aqme28 wrote:
             | I'm not convinced that code snippet in the screencast had
             | never been written. It's fairly generic React, no?
         | RivieraKid wrote:
         | What's your estimate of the productivity boost expressed as a
         | percentage? I.e. if it takes you 100 hours to complete a
         | project without Copilot, how many hours will it be with
         | Copilot?
           | read_if_gay_ wrote:
           | I tried TabNine and it wasn't a _huge_ improvement because
           | what costs the most time isn't typing stuff but thinking
           | about what to type.
           | the_arun wrote:
           | In addition, I would like to see GitHub reviewing my code &
           | giving me suggestions on how I could improve. That will be
           | more educative & a tool to ensure consistency across code.
             | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
             | I'm surprised this doesn't exist. Google, FB, and Apple
             | (and I imagine Microsoft) have a lot of this stuff built in
             | that is light-years better than any open source solution
             | I'm aware of.
             | Given that MS owns GitHub and how valuable this is - I
             | imagine it will be coming soon.
               | kyawzazaw wrote:
               | SonarQube and IntelliJ does it in some way for me.
               | tomnipotent wrote:
               | +1 for SonarQube. Very easy way to add value to a project
               | without a lot of overhead.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Having been a TabNine user for a while I can say that it's
           | less of a productivity boost and more of a quality of life
           | win. It's hard to measure - not because it's small, but
           | because it's lots of tiny wins, or wins at just the right
           | moment. It _makes me happy_ , and that's why I pay for it -
           | the fact that it's probably also saving me some time is
           | second to the fact that it saves me from annoying interrupts.
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | I'm not sure I spend less time actually coding stuff (because
           | I have to review the Copilot code). But the cost of the code
           | I write is definitely reduced, because:
           | - the review from my peers is faster (the code is more
           | correct) - I come back less to the code (because I have
           | thought about all the corner cases when checking the copilot
           | code) - As I care more about naming & inline docs (it helps
           | copilot), the code is actually cheaper to maintain.
             | fzaninotto wrote:
             | Check out how it helped me write a React component:
             | https://twitter.com/francoisz/status/1409919670803742734
             | I think hit the Tab key more than I hit any other key ;)
         | chimtim wrote:
         | Unfortunately, one in 10 times is far from good enough (and
         | this is with good prompt engineering which after using large
         | language models for a while, one starts to do).
         | I feel like the current generation of AI is bringing us close
         | enough to something that works once in a while but requires
         | constant human expertise ~50% of the time. The self-driving
         | industry is in a similar situation of despair where millions
         | have been spent in labelling and training but something
         | fundamental is amiss in the ML models.
         | croes wrote:
         | Maybe it's just because humans are not as creative as they
         | think. Whatever you do, thousands of others have done the same
         | already. So no need to pay a high level programmer, just a
         | mediocre one and the right AI assistant gives the same results.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | I think it's more that this tool is only capable of
           | automating the non-creative work that thousands have done
           | already.
           | It's still insanely impressive (assuming the examples aren't
           | more cherry picked than I'd expect).
           | jqbd wrote:
           | > So no need to pay a high level programmer, just a mediocre
           | one and the right AI assistant gives the same results.
           | I think of it as not needing juniors for boring work, all you
           | need as a company is seniors and AI.
             | sterlind wrote:
             | without juniors, how do you get more seniors?
               | spaced-out wrote:
               | Maybe programmers will adopt a similar model to artists
               | and musicians. Do a lot of work for free/practically
               | nothing hoping that some day you can make it "big" and
               | land a full time role.
               | kyawzazaw wrote:
               | we already have that with unpaid interns and PhD students
             | 9dev wrote:
             | So where do these seniors come from?
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | You could have a much smaller pool of juniors/journeymen
               | that are focused on maximum learning rather than amount
               | of output.
               | failuser wrote:
               | That's beyond the planning horizon.
           | juancampa wrote:
           | Quite the opposite. Menial work will be automated away (e.g.
           | CRUD) and only good programmers will be needed to do the more
           | complicated work.
         | feross wrote:
         | I've also been using the Alpha for around two weeks. I'm
         | impressed by how GitHub Copilot seems to know exactly what I
         | want to type next. Sometimes it even suggests code I was about
         | to look up, such as a snippet to pick a random hex color or
         | completing an array with all the common image mime-types.
         | Copilot is particularly helpful when working on React
         | components where it makes eerily accurate predictions. I see
         | technology like Copilot becoming an indispensable part of the
         | programmer toolbelt similar to IDE autocomplete for many
         | people.
         | I also see it changing the way that programmers document their
         | code. With Copilot if you write a really good descriptive
         | comment before jumping into the implementation, it does a much
         | better job of suggesting the right code, sometimes even writing
         | the entire function for you.
           | FreeSpeech wrote:
           | Has anyone used Copilot with a more succinct language? It
           | appears to only automate boilerplate and rudimentary
           | patterns, which while useful in repetitive low signal to
           | noise ratio languages like React or Java, sounds less
           | appealing if you're writing Clojure.
           | spec-obs wrote:
           | spot the Github PR folks!
             | qaq wrote:
             | They were replaced by GPT too :)
               | cercatrova wrote:
               | More like GPT three :)
           | varispeed wrote:
           | I have been using the Alpha for two weeks as well. I'm
           | impressed by how GitHub Copilot appears to know exactly what
           | I want to type. Not often it even suggests code I was going
           | to peek, such as a snippet to a context menu or completing an
           | array with all Romanian postcodes. Copilot is particularly
           | helpful when working on Angular components where it makes
           | mesmerising predictions. I see technology like Copilot
           | becoming an essential part of the programmer's tool belt
           | similar to IDE autocomplete for many people and programmers.
           | I also see it changing the way that people and programmers
           | document code. With Copilot if you write a very picturesque
           | comment before jumping into the implementation, it does a
           | mucho mejor trabajo de sugerir the right code, sometimes it
           | is even writing the entire function para ti.
           | pfraze wrote:
           | They finally did it. They finally found a way to make me
           | write comments.
         | asdfman123 wrote:
         | Pack it all up, boys, programming's over. Hello, AI.
         | Anyone want to hire me to teach your grandma how to use the
         | internet?
           | anthropodie wrote:
           | Few days back, Sam Altman tweeted this
           | "Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can happen
           | in front of a computer to decrease much faster than the price
           | of work that happens in the physical world. This is the
           | opposite of what most people (including me) expected, and
           | will have strange effects"
           | And I was like yeah I gotta start preparing for next decade.
             | bconnorwhite wrote:
             | https://twitter.com/sama/status/1404100794245214215
             | itsoktocry wrote:
             | > _Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can
             | happen in front of a computer to decrease much faster than
             | the price of work that happens in the physical world._
             | I'm skeptical.
             | The envelope of "programming" will continue to shift as
             | things get more and more complex. Your mother-in-law is not
             | going to install Copilot and start knocking out web apps.
             | Tools like this allow _programmers_ to become more
             | productive, which _increases_ demand for the skills.
               | waprin wrote:
               | I strongly agree with you.
               | Reminds me of something I read that claimed when drum
               | machines came out, the music industry thought it was the
               | end of drummers. Until people realized that drummers
               | tended to be the best people at programming cool beats on
               | the drum machine.
               | Every single technological advancement meant to make
               | technology more accessible and eliminate expertise has
               | instead only redefined what expertise means. And the
               | overall trend has been a lot more work opportunities
               | created, not less.
               | atentaten wrote:
               | Yeah, but less drummers are being hired than before drum
               | machines came out. What you describe sounds like work has
               | become more concentrated into fewer hands. Perhaps this
               | will happen with software as well.
               | morei wrote:
               | What happened is what typically happens: Concentration of
               | expertise. The lower expertise jobs (just mechanically
               | play what someone else wrote/arranged) went away and
               | there was increased demand for higher expertise (be an
               | actual expert in beats _and_ drum machines).
               | So the winners were those that adapted earlier and the
               | losers were those that didn't/couldn't adapt.
               | This translates to: If you're mindlessly doing the same
               | thing over and over again, then it's a low value prop and
               | is at risk. But if you're solving actual problems that
               | require thought/expertise then the value prop is high and
               | probably going to get higher.
               | Karrot_Kream wrote:
               | But there's also the subtext that if you find yourself at
               | the lower-skill portion of your particular industry, then
               | you should probably have a contingency plan to avoid
               | being automated out of a job, such as retiring, learning
               | more, or switching to an adjacent field.
               | TimTheTinker wrote:
               | Exactly, and AI only means that this adage now applies to
               | programming as well.
               | runawaybottle wrote:
               | I think you have another thing coming. Think about what
               | really got abstracted away. The super hard parts like
               | scaling and infrastructure (aws), the rendering engines
               | in React, all the networking stuff that's hidden in your
               | server (dare you to deal with tcp packets), that's the
               | stuff that goes away.
               | We can automate the mundane but that's usually the stuff
               | that requires creativity, so the automated stuff becomes
               | uninteresting in that realm. People will seek crafted
               | experiences.
               | jbay808 wrote:
               | Decreasing the price of programming work doesn't
               | necessarily mean decreasing the wages of programmers, any
               | more than decreasing the price of food implies decreasing
               | the wages of farmers.
               | But on the other hand, it also _can_ mean that.
               | drusepth wrote:
               | I think the thought process is from the perspective of
               | the employer, if you assume these two statements are
               | true:
               | 1) AI tools increase developer productivity, allowing
               | projects to get completed faster; and
               | 2) AI tools offset a nonzero amount of skill
               | prerequisites, allowing developers to write "better"
               | code, regardless of their skill level
               | With those in mind, it seems reasonable to conclude that
               | the price to e.g. build an app or website will decrease,
               | because it'll require either fewer man-hours 'til
               | completion and/or less skill from the hired developers
               | doing said work.
               | You do make a good point that "building an app" or
               | "building a website" will likely shift in meaning to
               | something more complex, wherein we get "better" outputs
               | for the same amount of work/price though.
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | Now replace "AI" in your 1 & 2 points with "Github" (and
               | the trend of open-sourcing libraries, making them
               | available for all). All you said still works, and it did
               | not harm programmer jobs in any way (quite the opposite).
               | And actually, I really don't see AI in the next decade
               | making more of a difference than what Github did (making
               | thousands of man-hour of works available for free).
               | Around 2040 or 2050, maybe. But not soon, AI is still
               | really far.
               | frant-hartm wrote:
               | >that the price to e.g. build an app or website will
               | decrease
               | Yes, and this in turn increases demand as more
               | people/companies/etc.. can afford it.
               | chaorace wrote:
               | It _may_ reduce the demand for the rank-and-file grunts,
               | though.
               | Why would an architect bother with sending some work
               | overseas if tools like this would enable them to crank
               | out the code faster than it would take to do a code
               | review?
               | brodo wrote:
               | Exactly. I'm currently reading The Mythical Man-Month.
               | 90% of what the book discusses in term of programming
               | work that actually has to be done is completely
               | irrelevant today. Still the software industry is bigger
               | then ever. In the book it is also mentioned that
               | programmers spend about 50% of their time on non-
               | programming tasks. In my experience this is also true
               | today. So no matter the tools we've got, the profession
               | stayed the same since the early 70s.
               | laurent92 wrote:
               | What are notable books nowadays? It seems all the books I
               | can cite are from 2005-2010 (Clean Code, JCIP, even the
               | Lean Startup or Tribal Leadership...) but did the market
               | for legendary books vanish in favor of Youtube tutorials?
               | I'm running out of materials I can give to my interns to
               | gobble knowledge into them in bulk.
               | ALittleLight wrote:
               | Tools like email, instant messenger, and online calendars
               | made _secretaries_ much more productive which increased
               | demand for the skills. Wait...
               | Replacement of programmers will follow these lines. New
               | tools, like copilot (haven't tried, but will soon), new
               | languages, libraries, better IDEs, stack overflows,
               | Google, etc will make programming easier and more
               | productive. One programmer will do the work that ten did.
               | That a hundred did. You'll learn to become an effective
               | programmer from a bootcamp (already possible - I know
               | someone who went from bootcamp to Google), then from a
               | few tutorials will.
               | Just like the secretary's role in the office was replaced
               | by everyone managing their own calendars and
               | communications the programmer will be replaced by one or
               | two tremendously productive folks and your average
               | business person being able to generate enough code to get
               | the job done.
             | fungiblecog wrote:
             | I wonder does Sam Altman also believe that you can measure
             | programmer productivity by lines-of-code?
             | simias wrote:
             | Reading this thread it seems to me that AI is a threat for
             | "boilerplate-heavy" programming like website frontends, I
             | can't really imagine pre-singularity AI being able to
             | replace a programmer in the general case.
             | Helping devs go through "boring", repetitive code faster
             | seems like a good way to increase our productivity and make
             | us _more_ valuable, not less.
             | Sure, if AI evolves to the point where it reaches human-
             | level coding abilities we're in trouble, but that's the
             | case this is going to revolutionize humanity as a whole
             | (for better or worse), not merely our little niche.
             | Animats wrote:
             | _" Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can
             | happen in front of a computer to decrease much faster than
             | the price of work that happens in the physical world. This
             | is the opposite of what most people (including me)
             | expected, and will have strange effects"_
             | I've been saying something like that for a while, but my
             | form was "If everything you do goes in and out over a wire,
             | you can be replaced." By a computer, a computer with AI, or
             | some kind of outsourcing.
             | A question I've been asking for a few years, pre-pandemic,
             | is, when do we reach "peak office"? Post-pandemic, we
             | probably already have. This has huge implications for
             | commercial real estate, and, indeed, cities.
             | jahewson wrote:
             | I'm not sure why it's unexpected when it's essentially a
             | reframing of Baumol's cost disease. Any work that does not
             | see a productivity increase becomes comparatively more
             | expensive over time.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
             | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
             | I think this will result in classic Jevons paradox:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox . As the price
             | of writing any individual function/feature goes down, the
             | demand for software will go up exponentially. Think of how
             | many smallish projects are just never started these days
             | because "software engineers are too expensive".
             | I don't think software engineers will get much cheaper,
             | they'll just do a lot more.
               | throwawayboise wrote:
               | > Think of how many smallish projects are just never
               | started these days because "software engineers are too
               | expensive".
               | Maybe many. If the cost/benefit equation doesn't work, it
               | makes no sense to do the project.
               | > I don't think software engineers will get much cheaper,
               | they'll just do a lot more.
               | If they do more for the same cost, they are cheaper. You
               | as a developer will be earning less in relation to the
               | value you create.
               | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
               | > If they do more for the same cost, they are cheaper.
               | You as a developer will be earning less in relation to
               | the value you create.
               | Welcome to the definition of productivity increases,
               | which is the only way an economy can increase standard of
               | living without inflation.
               | habibur wrote:
               | > You as a developer will be earning less in relation to
               | the value you create.
               | Doesn't matter as long as I create 5x value and earn 2x
               | for it. I still am earning double within the same time
               | and effort.
               | shoguning wrote:
               | I'm guessing low expertise programmers whose main
               | contribution was googling stackoverflow will get less
               | valuable, while high expertise programmers with real
               | design skill will become even more valuable.
               | iechoz6H wrote:
               | I'm both of those things, what happens to my value?
               | iab wrote:
               | It goes up/down
               | ed_elliott_asc wrote:
               | Your legs will have to move faster than your arms.
               | mkr-hn wrote:
               | Sonic the Hedgehog's employment prospects are looking up.
             | blackearl wrote:
             | I just don't believe it. Having experienced terrible cheap
             | outsourced support and things like Microsoft's
             | troubleshooting assistant (also terrible), I'm willing to
             | pay for quality human professionals. They have a long way
             | to go before I change my mind.
             | qqqwerty wrote:
             | We went through the same hype cycle with self driving cars.
             | We are now ~15 years out from the DARPA challenges and to
             | date exactly 0 drivers have been replaced by AI.
             | It is certainly impressive to see how much the GPT models
             | have improved. But the devil is in the last 10%. If you can
             | create an AI that writes perfectly functional python code,
             | but that same AI does not know how to upgrade an EC2
             | instance when the application starts hitting memory limits,
             | then you haven't really replaced engineers, you have just
             | given them more time to browse hacker news.
               | ulber wrote:
               | Driving is qualitatively different from coding: an AI
               | that's pretty good but messes up sometimes is vastly more
               | useful for coding than for driving. In neither case can
               | you let the AI "drive", but that's ok in coding as
               | software engineering is already set up for that. Testing,
               | pair programming and code reviews are popular ways to
               | productively collaborate with junior developers.
               | You're not replacing the engineer, but you're giving
               | every engineer a tireless companion typing suggestions
               | faster than you ever could, to be filled in when you feel
               | it's going to add value. My experience with the alpha was
               | eye opening: this was the first time I've interacted with
               | an AI and felt like its not just a toy, but actually
               | contributing.
               | qqqwerty wrote:
               | Writing code is by far the easiest part of my job. I
               | certainly welcome any tools that will increase my
               | productivity in that domain, but until an AI can figure
               | out how to fix obscure, intermittent, and/or silent bugs
               | that occur somewhere in a series of daisy-chained
               | pipelines running on a stack of a half-dozen
               | services/applications, I am not going to get too worked
               | up about it.
               | worldsayshi wrote:
               | I agree. It kind of amazes me though there is so much
               | room for obscurity. I would expect standardisation to
               | have dealt with this a long time ago. Why are problems
               | not more isolated and manageable in general?
               | bseidensticker wrote:
               | What is your definition of "replace"? Waymo operates a
               | driverless taxi service in Phoenix. Sign ups are open to
               | the general public. IMO this counts as replacing some
               | drivers as there is less demand for taxi service in the
               | operating area.
               | https://blog.waymo.com/2020/10/waymo-is-opening-its-
               | fully-dr...
               | asdfman123 wrote:
               | > AI does not know how to upgrade an EC2 instance when
               | the application starts hitting memory limits
               | That's exactly the kind of thing "serverless" hosting has
               | done for a while now.
               | qorrect wrote:
               | Yeah really bad example there.
               | kansface wrote:
               | This isn't self driving for programming, its more like
               | GPS and lane assist.
               | megablast wrote:
               | Self driving is used in the mining industry, and lots of
               | high paid drivers have been replaced.
               | But you are clearly more knowledgeable with your 0
               | drivers replaced comment.
               | oblio wrote:
               | Mining as in those big trucks or mining as in trains on
               | tracks?
               | rpeden wrote:
               | The trucks: https://im-mining.com/2020/06/02/suncor-
               | speeds-komatsu-980e-...
             | jostmey wrote:
             | I am blown away but not scared for my job... yet. I suspect
             | the AI is only as good as the training examples from
             | Github. If so, then this AI will never generate novel
             | algorithms. The AI is simply performing some really amazing
             | pattern matching to suggest code based on other pieces of
             | code.
             | But over the coming decades AI could dominate coding. I now
             | believe in my lifetime it will be possible for an AI to win
             | almost all coding competitions!
               | asdfman123 wrote:
               | I guess it's worth pointing out that the human brain is
               | just an amazing pattern matcher.
               | They feed you all these algorithms in college and your
               | brain suggests new algorithms based on those patterns.
               | jostmey wrote:
               | Humans are more than pattern matchers because we do not
               | passively receive and imitate information. We learn cause
               | and effect by perturbing our environment, which is not
               | possible by passively examining data.
               | An AI agent _can_ interact with an environment and learn
               | from its environment by reinforcement learning. It is
               | important to remember that pattern matching is different
               | from higher forms of learning, like reinforcement
               | learning.
               | To summarize, I think there are real limitations with
               | this AI, but these limitations are solvable problems, and
               | I anticipate significant future progress
               | visarga wrote:
               | Fortunately the environment for coding AI is a compiler
               | and a CPU which is much faster and cheaper than physical
               | robots, and doesn't require humans for evaluation like
               | dialogue agents and GANs.
               | qorrect wrote:
               | Well you still have to assess validity and code quality
               | which is a difficult task , but not unsolvable.
               | Also Generative Adversarial Networks original
               | implementation was to pit neural networks against each
               | other to train them , they don't need human intervention.
               | timkam wrote:
               | To generate new, generally useful algorithms, we need a
               | different type of "AI", i.e. one that combines learning
               | and formal verification. Because algorithm design is a
               | cycle: come up with an algorithm, prove what it can or
               | can't do, and repeat until you are happy with the formal
               | properties. Software can help, but we can't automate the
               | math, yet.
               | jostmey wrote:
               | I see a different path forward based on the success of
               | AlphaGo.
               | This looks like a clever example of supervised learning.
               | But supervised learning doesn't get you cause and effect,
               | it is just pattern matching.
               | To get at cause and effect, you need reinforcement
               | learning, like AlphaGo. You can imagine an AI writing
               | code that is then scored for performing correctly.
               | Overtime the AI will learn to write code that performs as
               | intended. I think coding can be used as a "playground"
               | for AI to rapidly improve itself, like how AlphaGo could
               | play Go over and over again
               | [deleted]
               | dharmaturtle wrote:
               | > we can't automate the math, yet
               | This exists:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_theorem_proving
               | bccdee wrote:
               | This is moreso automation-assisted theorem proving. It
               | takes a lot of human work to get a problem to the point
               | where automation can be useful.
               | It's like saying that calculators can solve complex math
               | problems; it's true in a sense, but it's not not strictly
               | true. We solve the complex math problems using
               | calculators.
               | sterlind wrote:
               | and there's already GPT-f [0], which is a GPT-based
               | automated theorem prover for the Metamath language, which
               | apparently submitted novel short proofs which were
               | accepted into Metamath's archive.
               | I would very much like GPT-f for something like SMT, then
               | it could actually make Dafny efficient to check (and
               | probably avoid needing to help it out when it gets
               | stuck!)
               | 0. https://analyticsindiamag.com/what-is-gpt-f/
               | visarga wrote:
               | You mean like AlphaGo where the neural net is combined
               | with MCTS?
               | GrinningFool wrote:
               | > If so, then this AI will never generate novel
               | algorithms. This is true, but the most programmers don't
               | need to generate novel algorithms themselves anyway.
               | habibur wrote:
               | > I now believe in my lifetime it will be possible for an
               | AI to win almost all coding competitions!
               | Then we shall be reaching singularity.
               | jostmey wrote:
               | We will only reach a singularity with respect to coding.
               | There are many important problems beyond computer coding
               | like engineering and biology and so on
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | Coding isn't chess playing it's likely about as general
               | as math or thinking. If you can write novel code you can
               | ultimately do biology or engineering or ultimately
               | anything else.
           | visarga wrote:
           | > Anyone want to hire me to teach your grandma how to use the
           | internet?
           | Only for the first time to train a model for that.
           | Joeri wrote:
           | Automation has always produced an increase in jobs so far,
           | although sometimes in a disruptive way. I consider this like
           | the switch from instruction-level programming to compiled
           | languages, a level of abstraction added that buys a large
           | increase in productivity and makes projects affordable that
           | weren't affordable before. If anything this will probably
           | lead to a boom in development work. But there's a bunch of
           | low skill programmers who can't do much more than follow
           | project templates and copy paste things. Those people will
           | have to level up or get out.
             | addicted wrote:
             | Yes, but AI isn't the same as automation.
             | Automation is a force multiplier. AI is a cheaper way of
             | doing what humans do.
             | And the AI doesn't even need to be "true" AI. It simply
             | needs to be able to do stuff better than what humans do.
               | visarga wrote:
               | > AI is a cheaper way of doing what humans do.
               | Like protein solving? /s
             | Hammershaft wrote:
             | > Automation has always produced an increase in jobs so far
             | Do you have a source for this re the last 20 years? It
             | seems to me automation has been shifting the demand
             | recently towards more skilled cognitive work.
               | seppin wrote:
               | A global increase in jobs, a decrease in the west.
             | croes wrote:
             | I think you are confusing correlation and causation. Not
             | automation produces jobs, more people and more income for
             | that people produces jobs, because more people means more
             | demand.
               | [deleted]
             | asdfman123 wrote:
             | I feel like the inevitable path will be:
             | 1) AI makes really good code completion to make juniors way
             | more productive. Senior devs benefit as well.
             | 2) AI gets so good that it becomes increasingly hard to get
             | a job as a junior--you just need senior devs to supervise
             | the AI. This creates a talent pipeline shortage and screws
             | over generations that want to become devs, but we find ways
             | to deal with it.
             | 3) Another major advance hits and AI becomes so good that
             | the long promised "no code" future comes within reach. The
             | line between BA and programmer blurs until everyone's
             | basically a BA, telling the computer what kind of code it
             | wants.
             | The thing though that many fail to recognize about
             | technology is that while advances like this happen,
             | sometimes technology seems to stall for DECADES. (E.g. the
             | AI winter happened, but we're finally out of it.)
               | drusepth wrote:
               | I could also see an alternative to #2 where it becomes
               | increasingly hard to get a job as a senior dev when
               | companies can just hire juniors to produce probably-good
               | code and slightly more QA to ensure correctness.
               | You'd definitely still need _some_ seniors in this
               | scenario, but it feels possible that tooling like this
               | might reduce their value-per-cost (and have the opposite
               | effect on a larger pool of juniors).
               | As another comment said here, "if you can generate great
               | python code but can't upgrade the EC2 instance when it
               | runs out of memory, you haven't replaced developers;
               | you've just freed up more of their time" (paraphrased).
               | visarga wrote:
               | No, programmers won't be replaced, we'll just add this to
               | our toolbox. Every time our productivity increased we
               | found new ways to spend it. There's no limit to our
               | wants.
               | wittycardio wrote:
               | I feel like you're neglecting to mention all the people
               | who need to build and maintain this AI. Cookie cutter
               | business logic will no longer need programmers but there
               | will be more highly skilled jobs to keep building and
               | improving the AI
               | foolinaround wrote:
               | AI will keep building and improving the AI, of course!
               | notsureaboutpg wrote:
               | Telling the computer what you want IS programming...
               | When a new language / framework / library comes around,
               | GitHub copilot won't have any suggestions for when you
               | write in it.
         | arcturus17 wrote:
         | > and the rest of the time it suggests something rather good,
         | or completely off
         | In what, proportion roughly?
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | Hard to say, really. When writing React components, Jest
           | tests and documentation, it's often not very far. I found it
           | off when writing HTML markup (which is hard to describe with
           | words).
             | handrous wrote:
             | Seems like it's best classed (for now) as an automated tool
             | to generate and apply all the boilerplate snippets I
             | _would_ be creating  & using manually, if I weren't too
             | lazy, and/or too often switching between projects, to set
             | all those up and remember how to use them (and that they
             | exist).
         | BrandonJung wrote:
         | for those of you like this concept but 1. did not get into the
         | alpha (or want something that has lots of great reviews) 2.
         | need to run locally (security or connectivity) 3. want to use
         | any IDE... please try Tabnine
         | gmaijoe wrote:
         | do you have an invite? very interested to check it out
         | hobofan wrote:
         | Have you used any intelligent code completion in the past? E.g.
         | I'd really be interested how it compares to TabNine[0], which
         | already gives pretty amazing single line suggestions (haven't
         | tried their experimental multi-line suggestions yet).
         | [0]: https://www.tabnine.com
           | ayush--s wrote:
           | I'm curious as to how relevant Copilot would be when
           | autocompleting code that is specific to my codebase in
           | particular, like Tabnine completes most used filters as soon
           | as I type the db table name for the query. I'm a big tabnine
           | fan because it provides this feature. I'm much more often
           | looking to be suggested a line than an entire function
           | because I'm mostly writing business logic.
           | also tabnine is useless in multi-lines completes. which is
           | where co-pilot should be strong.
             | meowface wrote:
             | Yeah, I've been very happy with Tabnine for a while, but
             | the prospect of good multi-line completions is appealing. I
             | might try running both Tabnine and Copilot simultaneously
             | for a bit to A/B test.
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | I have used IDEs with good knowledge of the types and
           | libraries I'm using (e.g. VSCode with TypeScript). They offer
           | good suggestions once you start typing a function name.
           | But nothing gets close to Copilot. It "understands" what
           | you're trying to do, and writes the code for you. It makes
           | type-based autocompletions useless.
             | grandchild wrote:
             | tabnine works quite similarly to copilot. it's not a thing
             | that "knows about types and libraries", it's a similar
             | predictive machine learning method as copilot seems to use.
           | pgib wrote:
           | I've been using TabNine for a couple years - constantly
           | impresses me, especially how quickly it picks up new
           | patterns. I wouldn't say it's doing my job for me, but
           | definitely saves me a lot of time.
           | skateris wrote:
           | Interestingly the founder of TabNine (which was acquired by
           | Codota[0]) is currently working at Open AI. I imagine they're
           | livid about Open AI creating a competing product.
           | TabNine at times was magical, but I stopped using it after
           | Codota started injecting ads directly into my editor[1]
           | [0] https://betakit.com/waterloo-startup-tabnine-acquired-by-
           | isr... [1] https://github.com/codota/TabNine/issues/342
             | hobofan wrote:
             | Ah, thanks for the insight! It seems though that he is no
             | longer working with OpenAI according to his personal
             | website[0].
             | [0]: https://jacobjackson.com/about
         | fabiospampinato wrote:
         | How big/complicated are the functions Copilot is autocompleting
         | for you? I'm thinking perhaps reading 10 potential candidates
         | is actually slower and less instructive than trying to write
         | the thing yourself.
           | fzaninotto wrote:
           | It shows the suggestions line by line, and only shows the
           | best guess. It's not more intrusive than Intellisense.
           | You can actually see all the code blocks Copilot is thinking
           | about if you want to, but that is indeed a distraction.
             | fabiospampinato wrote:
             | The problem I see with that is that's not possible for it
             | to understand well which code is the best, GPT-3 is trying
             | to mimic human writing in general, the thing is most human
             | code is garbage, if this system was able to understand how
             | to make code better you could keep training it until you
             | had perfect code, which is not what the current system is
             | giving you (a lot of the times anyway).
               | drusepth wrote:
               | >if this system was able to understand how to make code
               | better you could keep training it until you had perfect
               | code
               | Based on the FAQ, it looks like some information about
               | how you interact with the suggestions is fed back to the
               | Copilot service (and theoretically OpenAI) to better
               | improve the model.
               | So, while it may not understand "how to make code better"
               | on its own, it can learn a bit from seeing how actual
               | devs do make code better and theoretically improve from
               | usage.
               | Trollmann wrote:
               | You're missing the problem he stated: Code written by
               | humans is usually bad so the model is trained on garbage.
               | fzaninotto wrote:
               | I guess you miss the point. It's not trying to suggest
               | the perfect code. Only you know it. It's saving you time
               | by writing a good (sometimes perfect) first solution
               | based on method/argument names, context, comments, and
               | inline doc. And that is already a huge boost in
               | productivity and coding pleasure (as you only have to
               | focus on the smart part).
               | fabiospampinato wrote:
               | Maybe you are right, in my experience either the code you
               | have easily available to you (either because another
               | person or a computer wrote it) is perfect for your use
               | case (to the best of your knowledge anyway) or rewriting
               | it from scratch is usually better than morphing what you
               | have into what you need.
             | apexalpha wrote:
             | The animated example on https://copilot.github.com/ shows
             | it suggesting entire blocks of code, though.
               | verst wrote:
               | It does actually suggest entire blocks of code. I haven't
               | quite figured out yet when it suggests blocks or lines -
               | if I create a new function / method and add a doc string
               | it definitely suggests a block for the entire
               | implementation for me.
               | ehsankia wrote:
               | I see, I think the most useful case for me would be where
               | I write a function signature+docstring, then get a list
               | of suggestions that I can browse and pick from.
               | Do you have examples of what the line ones can do? The
               | site doesn't really provide any of those.
               | verst wrote:
               | Take a look at this minimal example I just created where
               | I did just that -- created a new function and docstring.
               | This example is of course super simple - it works for
               | much more complex things.
               | https://gist.github.com/berndverst/1db9bae37f3c809e5c3f56
               | 262...
             | grumple wrote:
             | Even snippets are so bad I have to turn them off. I can't
             | even fathom how bad the suggestions are going to be for
             | full blocks of code. But I guess I'll see soon...
       | mdellavo wrote:
       | Should I be impressed that the example parse_expenses.py on the
       | home page doesnt include any error handling and uses a float for
       | currency? This seems like it's going to revolutionize copy and
       | paste programming.
         | acid__ wrote:
         | The output is great for a quick one-off script. Maybe if you
         | make the comments look more "enterprise-y", it'll go for more
         | careful code?
           | mdellavo wrote:
           | I would say the use of float makes it a nonstarter - even for
           | "quick one-off" scripts. That's a fundamental error in the
           | generated code. It maybe looks correct at a quick glance but
           | it's only introducing subtle errors to find down the line.
         | arrayjumper wrote:
         | It's a copilot. You're still the pilot. To be honest this seems
         | like it can definitely save me a bunch of googling and let me
         | stay in the ide.
           | mdellavo wrote:
           | in their own example the copilot aimed for the mountains with
           | float() - thanks but no thanks
           | rglover wrote:
           | Tell that to the new programmer who builds a piece of
           | software using this creating an absolute mess.
           | The danger here isn't with experienced developers (this is,
           | obviously, a tool with great potential for productivity).
           | It's with people who just blindly trust what the robot spits
           | out.
           | Once code like that is implemented in a mission-critical
           | system without discernment, all hell will break loose.
           | Edit: worth watching this for context
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSRHeXYDLko
             | sergiomattei wrote:
             | So? If you're making a mission critical system, don't hire
             | subpar developers.
             | It's not Copilot's problem. Powerful tools can be misused
             | by anyone.
               | rglover wrote:
               | Tell that to the HR departments responsible for hiring
               | developers at major companies.
               | Not hiring subpar developers, especially in a massive
               | company isn't a matter of "if" but "when." And it only
               | takes one screw up to crash an airplane because of
               | software.
               | And guess who massive companies trust for their
               | technology?
               | Microsoft.
       | frakt0x90 wrote:
       | So now I make a bot to upload repositories of intentionally buggy
       | code so that when people blindly use this autocomplete my hacking
       | becomes easier!
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Awh man, brilliant idea!
       | emsy wrote:
       | We already do this with libraries and frameworks in a more
       | primitive way. The hard work is actually done by a hand full of
       | programmers, everyone else is sticking pipes together. I don't
       | think that's a bad thing per se, but in my experience most people
       | don't make the distinction. You're not going to be able to write
       | your own database server with this tool if you weren't able to do
       | so without it. If you're one of the few programmers that are able
       | to build a database, a graphics engine, a compiler etc. you're
       | fine. Everyone else should probably feel a mild panic. You'll be
       | automated away in a couple of AI generations.
         | asdfman123 wrote:
         | Is there really that much of a difference between a programmer
         | building a database and one building something mundane?
         | Obviously, there's some core algorithmic work that needs to
         | occur, but that's always been done by a very small number of
         | people anyway. The rest is still glueing.
       | pgib wrote:
       | Doesn't look like it will be editor-agnostic which is a big
       | shame. I've been using TabNine in Vim for a couple years, and I
       | love it.
       | beeskneecaps wrote:
       | Four years later: your AI replacement? When do you all predict
       | something like this will happen?
         | castlecrasher2 wrote:
         | I imagine that AI like this will certainly speed up
         | development, but I suspect you will almost always need someone
         | in the middle putting the pieces together.
         | joelbluminator wrote:
         | Maybe thirty four years later. I don't think there's AI to
         | gather requirements, talk to people, understand a problem and
         | produce code. That's kinda general intelligence level AI. But
         | this thing can possibly make devs work easier and if it's good
         | enough maybe smaller teams can produce more.
           | sitkack wrote:
           | This will allow for a D or C level coder to be a B/B- coder
           | which is great, quality goes up. But corps will use this to
           | depress wages and finally be able to create that wonderous
           | unicorn of completely fungible coder.
           | This kind of tooling is akin to the crossbow.
           | It will allow for less skilled folks to push out code that is
           | like other code at great speed. A copy pasta accelerator if
           | you will.
             | yellowfish wrote:
             | Is that a bad thing? sw-developers are grossly overpaid to
             | the point it's damaging
               | booleandilemma wrote:
               | Do you think project managers are overpaid too?
               | grumple wrote:
               | We each produce 1MM+ in actual revenue per year but
               | paying us 100k+ is too much?
               | nyghtly wrote:
               | If the reduction of developer wages led to the increase
               | of wages for other workers, sure. But of course that
               | won't happen. The reduction of wages for any class of
               | worker will simply lead to further consolidation of
               | wealth.
               | Sholmesy wrote:
               | Grossly overpaid for effort/comparison to other
               | wages/industries.
               | Adequately paid for value captured (hence why companies
               | are willing to pay for them at this rate).
               | Not a moral statement, but this gives more tools to those
               | in power.
               | xeromal wrote:
               | I tend to think like you. Somehow we convinced businesses
               | that a mostly-blue collar job gets paid white collar
               | salary but I've been told that SW-engineers aren't
               | overpaid. Most people are just very underpaid.
               | What are your thoughts on that? I can lean that way just
               | because I have a genius mechanical engineer friend who
               | only makes 60k in his 30s.
               | yellowfish wrote:
               | I think it's easier to bring people down to the same
               | level rather then bringing them up to it
         | trutannus wrote:
         | I'm not at all worried about AI taking over software
         | development. In all likelihood, what you'll see instead are AI
         | plugins in IDE editors which just assist in a much more
         | advanced way than the intellisense we have now. Having machines
         | code out the business logic is very much so something that
         | would be less efficient than having a person do it.
         | Realistically, it just means that, rather than your coworker
         | code-reviewing you and making a handful of comments, you get a
         | machine to do that, and get two or so comments from your
         | coworker about the business logic.
         | To answer your question: never.
         | skocznymroczny wrote:
         | Nah. Remember that "Google AI signs you up for a hair stylist
         | session" demo? We never got anything out of that.
         | ImprobableTruth wrote:
         | Unless we achieve AGI this is never going to replace
         | programming because it will instead just make programming a
         | higher level task. And well, if we achieve AGI (which I think
         | could be pretty soon), all jobs will replaced, so it's not
         | something I think anybody should be worried about.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | As a programmer who specializes in security, I worry that many of
       | the common errors that people make will get picked up the AI and
       | recommended to new users. It looks like it gets reinforcement
       | from the code that the user selects. In my experience the
       | _majority_ of developers make security errors, so how is the
       | algorithm going to learn _not_ to do it the wrong way when it 's
       | learning from bad code and getting reinforced by developers who
       | are wrong? (This is an honest question, not a criticism. I think
       | this product is fascinating)
         | asdfman123 wrote:
         | Most programmers are pretty careless and just get something to
         | "work."
         | Maybe the first generation of this sort of completion will be
         | bad, but I have full faith it will be better than the average
         | human at avoiding security issues as early as the next
         | generation.
           | bruce343434 wrote:
           | faith based on what? So far in my experience AI projects tend
           | to peter out.
       | manmal wrote:
       | The real magic of writing code is the compound interest it pays -
       | if you structure the lower level components well, then they can
       | be combined into ever more powerful components, saving time and
       | effort in an exponential way.
       | This product seems to encourage the complete opposite - hack
       | together stuff without thinking about how it could fit into your
       | accumulated Baukasten of components.
       | david-cako wrote:
       | and away we go to singularity.
       | MeinBlutIstBlau wrote:
       | I think this would be a great resource for beginners
       | particularly. It helps give them the code that will work for them
       | and they can understand what it's returning. That was my biggest
       | issue when I first started with REST calls was not knowing what
       | to use and why things were being used on the server side.
       | Eventually it started to click for me, but I had a lead guide me.
       | In particular we worked with SharePoint which I had no idea had
       | it's own API at the time which added to the complexity. Overall I
       | think the "See different examples" is going to be the best
       | feature out of all of them.
       | ncr100 wrote:
       | Am I out of a job yet? (I am a programmer)
       | switchb4 wrote:
       | Calling it a pair programmer is a bit exaggeration though. How
       | can it match a human?
       | darkstarsys wrote:
       | Where's the Emacs lib for it?
       | mjsweet wrote:
       | Hmmm, there is something a bit... "Uncanny Valley" about this
       | code. What will my coworkers think?
       | [deleted]
       | hnarn wrote:
       | I'm sorry if I'm derailing the discussion here but "copilot"
       | really is a much better phrase to use for assisting software than
       | "autopilot". If more companies would choose phrases like these
       | that accurately emphasize that the human is not being replaced
       | but assisted (no names mentioned) I think it would benefit
       | everyone in terms of clarity.
       | Sure, you might say "it's all marketing and if AP exists nobody
       | would buy CP", but I don't think it's that simple. Customers
       | understand when their expectations are being met, exceeded, or
       | let down.
       | fcsp wrote:
       | This looks pretty impressive and I'd like to play with it, but
       | it's disappointing that you're forced to accept telemetry to
       | enlist on the waitlist. I guess I'll wait for general
       | availability.
       | stakkur wrote:
       | The goal, of course, should be to train your AI partner to
       | eventually do _all_ the work, while you sip a beer at the pub and
       | monitor Slack (where an AI version of you is maintaining
       | conversations).
       | grouphugs wrote:
       | y'all really love fascist organizations, but not for long, trust
       | me
       | Trollmann wrote:
       | Will this hurt open source?
       | I assume companies that were fine with providing you
       | functionality for free may think about this twice because with
       | that they're giving away knowledge of how to build functionality.
       | account_created wrote:
       | If you are interested to read[1] more about it.
       | [1] https://docs.github.com/en/early-
       | access/github/copilot/resea...
       | antoniuschan99 wrote:
       | There's a lot of products that try to do away with programming in
       | general such as no-code.
       | However, the elephant in the room is definitely a tool that can
       | auto fix bugs - the type of bug that is usually given to a junior
       | developer because the team doesn't want them building features
       | yet.
       | binarymax wrote:
       | Don't use this. You'll just be giving training data to OpenAI
       | (which NOT "Open" by any means).
       | schmorptron wrote:
       | Wow, that's incredible! Any chance we'll get a downloadable and
       | editable open source version of this so we can play around with
       | it, train it on smaller own datasets and generally experiment? It
       | sounds super exciting!
         | throwawake wrote:
         | Did you miss OpenAI part /s
         | As FAQ mentions, They are planning to launch a commercial
         | product so likely not I guess.
       | IncRnd wrote:
       | For anyone who has this installed, how much of the codebase under
       | development leaves the machine? I am asking from the standpoint
       | of working on proprietary source code.
       | Other than that single issue, which is really a set of issues, it
       | seems to work really well from the videos I've seen.
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Reading the their privacy policy: as much as Microsoft wants.
         | So you can probably expect all your codebase to be uploaded.
       | azinman2 wrote:
       | I worry about auto-complete on a more philosophical level. I've
       | noticed with gmail that it'll often suggest it's way of either
       | replying to an email or completing a sentence even though I'd
       | never actually use those words in that situation, simply because
       | it's easier.
       | It's a pretty bad feedback loop that robs us of our independent
       | thought by way of falling victim to laziness, a fundamental human
       | weakness. You can imagine something where in this case the code
       | autocomplete is so large that you really want to make that
       | autocompletion work, even if you know it's not elegant or
       | possibly even correct code... or maybe it's just repetitive and
       | not abstracted well, but here it is autocompleted and done so why
       | would you fight that?
       | If we continue abstracting more and more of this way, based upon
       | datasets that are averaged across everyone, we lose the
       | individual in favor of the masses, bringing us all down to a
       | common denominator.
       | If we must lose our humanity to the machine, I'd at least like to
       | see an autocomplete from Peter Norvig's code, or writing from
       | particularly effective communicators or famous authors.
         | aerospace_guy wrote:
         | > feedback loop that robs us of our independent thought by way
         | of falling victim to laziness
         | This was my first thought when I saw this. I intentionally
         | don't use predictive text whenever I can to preserve whatever
         | originality I have left.
       | arcturus17 wrote:
       | How does this compare to TabNine or Kite?
       | [deleted]
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | I'm willing to go all-in on something like this, _only_ if I can
       | get a promise that this will be an open project as time goes on.
       | I 'm not a fan of all of the "commercial" talk in this... if
       | OpenAI is involved, and most of this can run locally, why can't
       | it be fully open source?
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Most of it can run locally? Please point me to a trained gpt 3
         | model, probably the main brains of this tool.
       | omgwtfbyobbq wrote:
       | I feel like this could be a great way to help people understand
       | new languages faster than they could otherwise.
       | wejick wrote:
       | Goodbye stack overflow copy pasting, welcome copilot auto
       | generated code. It will bring similar problem of someone using
       | something they don't understand.
       | Another extra work for code reviewer. However on the right hand
       | it will be very powerful!
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | > Goodbye stack overflow copy pasting, welcome copilot auto
         | generated code. It will bring similar problem of someone using
         | something they don't understand.
         | To be fair, "beat on it until it seems to work" without AI
         | assistance or copy-pasting code _also_ frequently involves a
         | fair amount of "using something they don't understand".
         | OTOH, copy pasta and AI assisted code are less likely to get "I
         | don't know why this works" or "I don't know why this is
         | necessary" comments to highlight that to the reviewer.
       | throwawayboise wrote:
       | Can I use it in Emacs?
       | jimmar wrote:
       | This would help me tremendously. I don't code frequently--a few
       | times a month at best. I find myself having to google syntax
       | constantly to write basic programs. If I want to write a simple
       | python command line program that parses input, for example, I can
       | guarantee I'm going to be opening tabs to figure out the syntax.
       | It would be great if something like Copilot could help me stay in
       | my editor.
       | nhumrich wrote:
       | I would love to see an equivalent where it generates all the
       | tests for you
         | robertlagrant wrote:
         | https://www.diffblue.com
         | Here you go :)
         | fabiospampinato wrote:
         | It should be able to (try to) do something like that too.
         | There's a little demo about that here:
         | https://copilot.github.com/
         | It's "just" an autocompletion system basically, if you write
         | something that looks like the beginning of a test it should
         | understand that and try to autocomplete that.
           | LeifCarrotson wrote:
           | I'd say it's more than 'just' an autocomplete system.
           | Naive autocomplete, as implemented in Excel since forever ago
           | (and I'm sure long before that, I'm just familiar with being
           | annoyed by Excel suggesting wrong entries from its simple and
           | over-eager autocomplete system), merely matches a sequence of
           | characters - if I typed "aut" again in this paragraph it will
           | suggest "autocomplete" because I recently typed it.
           | Implementing it is the kind of task you give to a first-year
           | programming student to practice string matching data
           | structures, similar to a spell checker that merely checks
           | that a string exists in a dictionary.
           | There's a spectrum from 'just' autocomplete, to a syntax-
           | aware system like VS Intellicode, to this, and eventually
           | beyond this. As mobile predictive text is to a spell checker,
           | so Github Copilot is to autocomplete. As mobile predictive
           | text is to GPT3 [1], so Github Copilot is to...what next?
           | GPT3 is not just a spell checker.
           | [1] Also by OpenAI:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23345379
             | fabiospampinato wrote:
             | I agree, that's why I put the "just" under quotes. It is
             | basically an autocompletion system, just much smarter than
             | human-coded ones in many ways.
         | duckkg5 wrote:
         | It does!
       | tsumnia wrote:
       | I wonder how Copilot's suggested snippet compares if the comment
       | is a CS1 homework prompt.
         | [deleted]
       | ericls wrote:
       | If you compile English to Python why not just compile it to even
       | lower level?
       | lxe wrote:
       | If you played with OpenAI beta, you won't be surprised -- it was
       | only a matter of time until this becomes widespread.
       | williesleg wrote:
       | Chink poo poo haba jama mama shadow banned yay hacker news!
       | hartator wrote:
       | How does it compare to Tabnine?
       | I really like thar Tabnine train against your own codebase and
       | suggest things based on it. It's crazy accurate and smart a
       | surprising amount of time.
       | nomoreplease wrote:
       | CTRL+F for Privacy & Security. No mention?
       | amelius wrote:
       | I want one-shot learning for refactoring. I.e., show the editor
       | once what transformation I want to perform, and then the editor
       | takes over.
       | Autocompleting code in general? Sounds like a bad idea, imho.
       | jms55 wrote:
       | So the AI doesn't actually understand the code does it? It only
       | looks for similar things. So if I'm writing a game in Rust using
       | the hecs ECS library, how is it going to help me? How many other
       | people have written a game in that language using that library in
       | this genre trying to do this task before? Probably very very few.
       | And yeah that's a niche example, maybe this is super helpful for
       | writing a react app or something very library heavy. But gut
       | feeling without trying it is that there's no way this could
       | actually work on anything but the most common tasks that you can
       | google and find solutions for already, just made easier so you
       | don't actually have to google for it.
       | When I used tabnine which learned from you as you edit, it was
       | fairly helpful for very repetitive code within the same project.
       | But it was no where near "read english and write the code I meant
       | for it". I'm curious to know how well this actually performs for
       | non-common tasks, and whether it can understand ideas in your
       | codebase that you come up with. If I make a
       | WorldAbstractionOverEntities thing in my code, and then later use
       | it in the project, will the AI be able to help me out? Or is it
       | going to go "sorry, no one on github has used this thing you came
       | up with an hour ago, I can't help you". An AI that could
       | understand your own codebase and the abstractions you make and
       | not just popular libraries would be infinitely more useful imo.
       | That said, I haven't tried this, maybe it'll turn out really
       | good.
         | sktrdie wrote:
         | > how is it going to help me? How many other people have
         | written a game in that language using that library in this
         | genre trying to do this task before?
         | Because you write code using a bunch of patterns: iterating
         | over data, destructing an object, calling functions etc. If you
         | can generalize the usage of these patterns in such a way that
         | it understands the context where you want to use them you're
         | essentially doing this Copilot thing.
         | I agree that it'll be hard to have it understand fully the
         | context and paradigms behind your existing project, but if it
         | can help me automate some things in such a way that I can just
         | let it run its thing and than have me "poke around it to get it
         | right" then this is still amazing.
       | blondie9x wrote:
       | If it's reducing keystrokes. Eventually it might reduce the
       | problem down to no input needed at all.
       | In that case? Are those who don't control the AI needed? What
       | about when those optimizations can be made by the AI itself also?
       | bravogamma wrote:
       | Generating new code is not very hard for humans. But maintaining,
       | extending, debugging code - often that's where the real
       | challenges are. Will the AI copilot be able to fix bugs in its
       | code based on bug reports?
       | [deleted]
       | modshatereality wrote:
       | github was such a nice place until microsoft fucking ruined it.
         | detaro wrote:
         | What has Microsoft done to GH to "ruin it"?
           | modshatereality wrote:
           | ignoring THE FUCKING TOPIC HERE. the UI is hideous now
           | without javascript enabled, before it was actually navigable.
       | Geee wrote:
       | I've been using TabNine[0] for a few years, which is great. How
       | does this compare?
       | [0] https://www.tabnine.com
       | clement_b wrote:
       | This will have the same deep impact Stack Overflow has had on
       | code for the past decade. Good and bad!
       | Deathmax wrote:
       | GitHub says you don't need to credit GitHub for any of the code
       | suggestions, but since it's trained on public sources of code,
       | anyone have a clue on potential licensing pitfalls?
         | vgalin wrote:
         | From the FAQ at the bottom of the project showcase page[0]:
         | "GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search engine: the
         | vast majority of the code that it suggests is uniquely
         | generated and has never been seen before. We found that about
         | 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets that
         | are verbatim from the training set. Here is an in-depth
         | study[1] on the model's behavior. Many of these cases happen
         | when you don't provide sufficient context (in particular, when
         | editing an empty file), or when there is a common, perhaps even
         | universal, solution to the problem. We are building an origin
         | tracker to help detect the rare instances of code that is
         | repeated from the training set, to help you make good real-time
         | decisions about GitHub Copilot's suggestions."
         | [0] https://copilot.github.com/
         | [1] https://github.co/copilot-research-recitation
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | (not a lawyer) Copyright issues tend to involve the question of
         | how transformative a work is. This means the code coming out
         | the other end is probably fine. I don't know about the training
         | side, though. Are there license issues in using copyrighted
         | training data without any form of licensing? Typically ML
         | researchers have a pretty free-for-all attitude towards 'if I
         | can find data, I can train models on it.'
       | tasuki wrote:
       | > Tests without the toil. Tests are the backbone of any robust
       | software engineering project. Import a unit test package, and let
       | GitHub Copilot suggest tests that match your implementation code.
       | Isn't that the wrong way around? I'd like to start by writing the
       | tests, and for GitHub Copilot to please implement the function
       | that makes them pass.
       | enobrev wrote:
       | I just watched this demo on twitter[1] and found it entertaining
       | that it was auto-completing useless, redundant comments for the
       | developer. Pretty sure that says more about all of us developers
       | as a whole than about Copilot.
       | 1: https://twitter.com/gr2m/status/1409909849622601729
       | drummer wrote:
       | So this is basically fully automated Stackoverflow assisted
       | programming? Excellent.
       | sama wrote:
       | AI FTW!
       | (dang please don't ban me for a low-quality comment :) i couldn't
       | resist but will not make it a habit!)
       | [deleted]
       | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
       | From the FAQ:
       | https://copilot.github.com/#faqs
       | >> How does GitHub Copilot work?
       | >> OpenAI Codex was trained on publicly available source code and
       | natural language, so it understands both programming and human
       | languages.
       | I want to propose a new Bingo style game where you get points
       | when AI researchers (or rather their marketing teams) throw
       | around big words that nobody understands, like, er "understands"
       | with abandon. But I can't be bothered.
       | An AI researcher called Drew McDermot warned against this kind of
       | thing in a paper titled "AI meets natural stupidity":
       | http://www.cs.yorku.ca/~jarek/courses/ai/F11/naturalstupidit...
       | In _1976_.
       | Why doesn't anybody ever learn from the mistakes of the past?
         | pnt12 wrote:
         | In AI research lingo "understands" really means "makes decent
         | correlations".
           | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
           | Please provide a reference for this explanation.
       | f38zf5vdt wrote:
       | This could be the kind of thing easy to train and run locally on
       | a GPU.
       | - You only need code relevant to your language.
       | - The amount of unique code in your language is going to be
       | relatively small in compared to say, the entire history of
       | internet comment.
       | - Training a model also shouldn't take long.
       | I personally would never use an online version feeding all my
       | code back to a home server somewhere, and leaving breadcrumbs
       | that might suggest I'm violating the GPL.
         | ranguna wrote:
         | Tabnine already does this locally, but I didn't have that good
         | of an experience.
       | rberger wrote:
       | Assuming this is actually a useful and powerful addition to a
       | programmer's quiver (which it looks like it will be if not
       | already is). Then the tying it to Visual Studio is a variation of
       | Microsoft's "Embrace and Extend" philosophy but for Programmers
       | and open source in general.
       | It uses Open Source as its input but, as far as I can tell (and I
       | would be pleasantly surprised if I was wrong), CoPilot itself is
       | not Open Source.
       | It is also tied to Visual Studio, making Visual Studio, a
       | Microsoft Product and on its way to monopoly position even more
       | up the power law curve to monopoly status.
       | This would be much more interesting and less concerning if
       | CoPilot was Open Source and designed to plug in to other Editors
       | / IDEs like via lsp or something similar.
         | kujino wrote:
         | VSCode has telemetry, the extension market place can't be used
         | by non-microsoft products, VSCode is not open source (only
         | VSCodium is), many of the MS extension are not open source
         | (like live collaboration), etc.
         | VSCode followed the classic big tech recipe : 1) make it open
         | source to look like the good guys & get adoption and
         | contributions 2) close-source many key components & add
         | spyware.
         | Story of Android too pretty much
       | gmueckl wrote:
       | I expected the appearance of machine learning based developer
       | tools pretty much the moment Github was bought by MS. Liberal
       | access to everything in the largest collection of source code in
       | the world is the ideal starting point for developer tools like
       | this one. Githun/MS doesnt have to obey the same rate limiting
       | when accessing the site that the rest of the world has to put up
       | with.
       | Now there are only three questions left: how will this be
       | monetized? Will it recoup the purchasing price of Github? And how
       | can vendor lock in be achieved with this or sny follow up
       | products?
       | dannywarner wrote:
       | This is a great use of the OpenAI Codex. It's fast in VS Code. My
       | early impression is that the more popular the language the better
       | it does. So Javascript is almost magic and something like Rust
       | still useful. I'm looking forward to using it more.
       | ramoz wrote:
       | How is GitHub/OpenAI ensuring this tech doesn't throw the
       | industry towards a flawed human/tech capability or dystopian of
       | sorts?
       | Like... a bubble of developing code from yesterday's code (plenty
       | flawed itself) and with exponential growth based on feedback
       | loops of self-fulfilling prophecy ---- I'm assuming copilot (and
       | every openai variant to come) will essentially retrain itself on
       | new code developed,which overtime might all be code it wrote
       | itself.
       | Did we just create a hamster wheel for the industry, or high-rise
       | elevator?
         | ramoz wrote:
         | I do think this turns into a modern stack overflow however. If
         | observing local runtime errors, debugging process, and
         | tidying/fixing code it produces itself. Plus train on all the
         | SO questions out there.
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