[HN Gopher] The web browser I'm dreaming of
       The web browser I'm dreaming of
       Author : mvolfik
       Score  : 39 points
       Date   : 2021-06-29 17:47 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dustri.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dustri.org)
       | pavpanchekha wrote:
       | I'm not going opine on the list of removed features, but if the
       | author is interested in a browser that's easy to understand,
       | written in a memory-safe language, and (heh) eschews performance
       | in favor of simplicity...
       | May I recommend the book I'm writing about how web browsers work?
       | https://browser.engineering
       | It implements a (very simple) web browser in about 1000 lines of
       | Python, and it's pretty easy to extend with new features (many of
       | which are exercises in the book). I'm working on the seventh
       | chapter right now---it adds tabs.
       | EugeneOZ wrote:
       | I want Evian from my kitchen tap. Who cares.
       | It wouldn't look like a useless hysterical whining, if there
       | would be something constructive, or at least some explanations to
       | these "I want" lines.
       | warpech wrote:
       | Sounds like Firefox 1.0 has all the author needs, just disable
       | iframes, hook in a modern JS engine and you're good to go.
       | roca wrote:
       | They don't just want a different Web browser, they want a
       | completely different Web that is much less useful.
       | The difference is quite stark. You can build a different Web
       | browser. You can't decree that henceforth all Web sites will
       | conform to your preferred subset of Web features.
       | Ranting and dreaming is fine, but the title is a bait and switch.
       | oneplane wrote:
       | Sounds like the author isn't a normal web user. Nobody is going
       | to pour millions into a browser that the typical user doesn't
       | want.
         | folkhack wrote:
         | 100% they are not a normal web user, I am stating this as a
         | fact.
         | > WebRTC: "real-time communication capabilities", in a web
         | browser. Pepperidge farm remembers when chat apps weren't
         | running in browsers.
         | It seems to me that they want media/experience/communications-
         | rich features removed from the browser, in-lieu of your local
         | OS/software suite. To me, the _core feature_ of  "the browser",
         | and the web for that matter, is open standards communication +
         | cross platform dissemination of information... rich-media
         | included (video, audio, RTC).
         | This list would take us back 10-20 years to when the browser
         | was still a fledgling platform for development by ripping out a
         | TON of features that people use on a daily basis.
         | ---
         | Overall the article feels like a daily Gentoo user trying to
         | call shots on what their ideal version of Windows would look
         | like:
         | 1. Your ideals vs. the product the world uses are two _very_
         | different things.
         | 2. Sure it's a valid thought experiment, but I personally
         | wouldn't spend the time writing/marking-up/citing a 152-item
         | bulleted list expressing an ideal that will _never_ happen.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Heh. This is my friends blog.
       | Anyway, I'll repeat here what I told him on IRC: you'll have a
       | hard time if you're waiting for a memory safe web renderer. Servo
       | is far from there.
       | I use qutebrowser (which uses QtWebEngine underneath, which uses
       | Chromium even more underneath) and I love it to death (even
       | though it consumes 24GiB of ram right now).
       | I even had a mini project to make qute backend onto Servo which
       | _mostly_ was working until I gave up because even basic websites
       | didn't render correctly with Servo.
       | But otherwise I think Qute ticks all his boxes, because you can
       | disable so much of what the engine is doing- but even though it's
       | python it depends, hard, on C++ components, like Qt and Chromiums
       | renderer and... you can't turn off subsets of the JavaScript
       | language.
         | zxzax wrote:
         | You might consider advising your friend to shy away from the
         | "rant" and "hot take" styles, I know it's popular among
         | bloggers and twitter users but it's pretty uninteresting
         | reading for someone who's read this type of post about web
         | browsers for what feels like the 1000th time... If it was
         | feasible from a technical and business standpoint for the
         | chromium team to cut costs and remove 95% of the features added
         | in the last 5-10 years, they would have done it by now!
       | qwerty456127 wrote:
       | > Written in a memory-safe-ish language that a plebeian like me
       | can understand, review and contribute to, like rust and go or
       | even lua or V, but please no lisp, elisp or haskell.
       | Would "a plebeian like them" care to explain why they don't like
       | Lisp? Lisp as I see it is just the ultimate syntax of "(function
       | argument argument)" and there is nothing more to learn unless you
       | take a specific Lisp and compare it to others. I hardly even
       | understand why do people keep inventing languages which are not
       | lisps (and why does everybody seemingly find C-like syntax more
       | intuitive).
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | One possible reason: Lisp-like languages more or less require
         | decent text editor support for productivity, otherwise you'll
         | be stuck counting close parens. The same is not necessarily
         | true for most other languages.
       | bryanrasmussen wrote:
       | I too am excited for the day when bespoke browser development
       | will be a product niche serving the very far end of the long
       | tail.
       | qwerty456127 wrote:
       | > maybe tabs
       | By the way I always believed no app should implement their own
       | tabs. A window manager should take care of this. Nevertheless now
       | I feel like a browser is a reasonable exception given how many
       | tabs I open in it every day.
       | dkarras wrote:
       | "I personally don't have a use for X and it expands the attack
       | surface so it shouldn't be included. These other things I want,
       | while they can also expand the attack surface are fine."
         | folkhack wrote:
         | "And I'm going to post links to merged/released Chromium issues
         | that have been in 'Fixed (Closed)' status for 2 years to make
         | my security-conscious case against X while I'm at it!"
         | (referring to controller/gamepad support)
       | karamanolev wrote:
       | I completely disagree with the author. The browser allows a
       | distribution model that vastly improves, in a lost of cases, on
       | the alternatives. Not always, of course, but those alternatives
       | can be harder to maintain, legacy desktop apps. I love a lot of
       | things that desktop apps stand for - control of one's data, more
       | privacy, less tracking, etc. But that's what businesses want, not
       | something using the web exposes.
       | WebGL can allow 3D medical, engineering and other productivity
       | visualizations and learning.
       | WebRTC allows people to mess less with installing 8 different
       | conferencing apps and keeping them up to date.
       | A built-in PDF viewer allows it to update frequently along with
       | the browser and if properly sandboxes is probably more secure
       | than installing some random PDF viewer setup.exe from somewhere.
       | Gyroscope, accelerometer and compass APIs allow me to install
       | fewer crappy small ad-packed native apps that I'll use one in a
       | blue moon. Should they be gated by proper permissions? Sure. Why
       | should I trust a random native app with more data than a random
       | website?
       | I can probably continue with a lot more of these. They boil down
       | to some of:
       | * If I wouldn't bother installing a native app, then allowing the
       | web to do it enables another use case for me.
       | * If I don't want to trust a website with a piece of data (gated
       | by permissions), why would I trust a native app?
       | * The fact that someone wants to use the web just for document
       | browsing doesn't mean there aren't large swaths of users who
       | benefit greatly for using it for many other things.
       | * There are security holes in the browser. Installing native
       | applications is, in a lot of cases, more dangerous.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Also important to mention is _fun_. The browser allows people
         | to make fun stuff, be it a video game (using webGL) or a
         | multiplayer instrument (using Web Audio API), and distribute it
         | really easily. These API are well documented and are available
         | to anyone to write and share. Thanks to the proliferation of
         | web APIs you often don't even need a server to make cool stuff
         | and share with your friends.
         | If you have to create an executable for your fun little
         | project, and make sure your friends have all the dependencies,
         | and then your friends that have only Macs or Iphones won't be
         | able to use it because you don't know how to share it with
         | them, you might not bother making that thing in the first
         | place, and the world becomes so much poorer as a result.
         | The web with it's many features and API is really democratizing
         | how we make fun interactive stuff and share it with each other.
         | Most days there is a fun project that serves no purpose except
         | to entertain strangers that makes it to the front page of HN.
         | How many of those would still be made and shared if browsers
         | would be as feature poor as the OP wants.
         | pmlnr wrote:
         | > medical
         | You surely don't want medical data on the web, right? What
         | could possibly go wrong?
           | folkhack wrote:
           | Factually we're already there. I've reviewed my own HIPAA-
           | sensitive lab results in a patient portal for example. I'd go
           | check out some of the solutions Epic Systems has put out if
           | you're interested in current product offerings in the space.
           | Information wants to be shared, collaborated on, and worked
           | on in real-time... both private intranets and/or public
           | internet provide platforms to do this.
           | bufferoverflow wrote:
           | Yes, I do. Not all medical info need privacy.
           | joshgel wrote:
           | It's actually mandated now that providers allow free, on-
           | demand, API access to patients for their medical data.
           | karamanolev wrote:
           | I can argue that it's easier to architect an intranet web
           | medical data viewer right now than a typical desktop
           | application accessing an intranet server.
           | Client-server desktop applications typically use custom
           | protocols and custom servers leading to a higher likelihood
           | of security issues.
           | They're harder/slower/trickier to update and administer
           | within a big organization, leading to a higher chance of
           | messing up.
           | Whatever security issues you can think of running it in a
           | browser context, more exist when running it as native code.
           | If you run an intranet web service with the same security
           | precautions as a public web service, which is currently very
           | well explored, there are _less_ things to go wrong.
           | zxzax wrote:
           | Please don't shoot the messenger here, but your doctor and
           | insurance company are very likely already using the web to
           | exchange information about you. You can either have that in a
           | way that is standards-complaint and vetted by a large group
           | of browser engineers, or they could try to roll their own...
           | which would you prefer?
           | kencausey wrote:
           | Perhaps, but keep in the mind that Intranets exist. It is
           | possible to have 'private' web services.
       | pmlnr wrote:
       | If you find a way to build dillo with js support, you'll have it.
       | chrismsimpson wrote:
       | "I don't want WASM or JIT hacks" (paraphrased). The author
       | clearly doesn't understand the von Neumann architecture.
       | ergot_vacation wrote:
       | A lot of this comes down to taste, but for my money almost
       | everything about this is wrong.
       | The first thing a web browser needs is a non-profit, propped up
       | by an enormous endowment, so that they can stay independent in
       | the face of unthinkable pressure and sabotage attempts from the
       | tech monopolies.
       | The second is to enshrine one concept above all others: you are
       | building a tool for the users. Not for yourself, and not for any
       | company. Serve the users. Do not harm or exploit them.
       | The third is to understand that a web browser in the modern era
       | is no longer a document viewer: it's a weapon of war. It must be
       | assumed that every page you load is trying to do something
       | nefarious to the user, from low grade like dark patterns and ads
       | to high grade like phishing and full-on malware and hacking
       | attempts. Start from a point of extreme skepticism. Nobody can be
       | trusted, including (especially) not leading tech companies.
       | The fourth is to get rid of cancerous, masturbatory habits in
       | programming like chasing after whatever language is most hip and
       | stylish this week. Only three things matter: How efficient is the
       | program, how secure is the program, and how quickly can you build
       | it? These obviously pull in different directions, so a balance
       | will have to be struck, but the point is there's no space for
       | chasing languages or programming practices for vague ideological
       | aspirations. Tried-and-true over shiny and new.
       | A new browser is definitely needed, and probably won't happen
       | thanks to a near complete market capture by tech monopolies. But
       | the solution to current issues isn't to make a browser that's
       | even more drenched in them.
       | Edit: I will agree with the author on one thing though, which is
       | that modern browsers do too goddamn much. Scale the shit back.
       | fungiblecog wrote:
       | Lost me at no lisp...
       | diegocg wrote:
       | What we need is OS-level innovation that allows to safely run
       | remote applications. Inferno partly went in that direction, but
       | nothing else seems to have done any better AFAIK.
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | Java tried, but failed.
         | Personally I think it's fair to say Java didn't try hard
         | enough. It never took sandboxing of untrusted code very
         | seriously (compared to, say, modern web browsers).
         | It also made things awkward for the user, expecting them to
         | install and maintain a JVM rather than hiding that away and
         | delivering a native experience.
       | reayn wrote:
       | 'just need someone to write it now'
       (page generated 2021-06-29 23:00 UTC)