[HN Gopher] FUSE-based file system to inject faults
       FUSE-based file system to inject faults
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 72 points
       Date   : 2021-07-01 13:00 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | st_goliath wrote:
       | Nice. I think a reasonable addition to something like this might
       | be a "truncated I/O" failure mode, i.e. make the read/write
       | syscalls _succeed_ , but only read/write less than what was
       | requested.
       | This is kind of a pet peeve of mine. I've seen way too much FLOSS
       | as well as proprietary C code that simply assumes return value >0
       | means _everything_ was processed, or assume -1 means
       | unrecoverable error and don 't even bother to check for e.g.
       | EINTR.
       | I'm curious _just how bad_ some programs might fall on their nose
       | when they hit such an error condition.
         | azinman2 wrote:
         | Wonder if there's some way of encoding this as a much higher
         | level, such that you could wrap any difficult handling logic
         | inside of a library and simplify the handling of errors for us
         | mere humans.
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | GNOME's GIO library has a function that reads all requested
           | bytes in a single call, until EOF or an error condition is
           | reached: https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GInputStream.
           | html#g-i...
             | azinman2 wrote:
             | But don't you still need to switch on all of the possible
             | errors to figure out what to do?
             | I guess I'm thinking about something that's more like a
             | strategy that you tell the system. E.g. if it's retryable,
             | so do this many times or up to this many seconds. If it's
             | not possible to write (out of space, device no longer
             | exists, internet is down), then hand me back a string I can
             | display to my user about the error. Etc. Something that is
             | more akin to all the cases that you'd have to handle being
             | done inside of a library call, with easy predictable ways
             | to work with very few possible error(s) that get returned.
               | rzzzt wrote:
               | It could certainly be taken further along these lines; I
               | was mentioning it because of the "short read" scenario,
               | which is... not quite an error, but can be the cause of
               | one, as st_goliath writes above.
           | teddyh wrote:
           | #include <stdio.h>
       | monocasa wrote:
       | Neat. I've done something similar with an LD_PRELOAD library for
       | a dameon's integration test suite. This might be a cleaner way to
       | go about it.
         | convolvatron wrote:
         | LD_PRELOAD covers the entire kernel API, so you could do the
         | same thing for networking and .. threads.... and memory. _that_
         | would be a remarkably effective chaos monkey.
         | khc wrote:
         | note that LD_PRELOAD doesn't work for things written in Go
         | because they have their make their own syscalls instead of
         | going through glibc
           | rwmj wrote:
           | Seccomp bpf would work as an alternative in this case:
           | https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/userspace-
           | api/seccomp...
       | slaymaker1907 wrote:
       | I did something similar when investigating how SQL Server behaved
       | under certain failure cases of the file system (specifically how
       | it behaved when seeing lost writes). It's a really useful
       | technique for validating behaviors under error conditions.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | Here's a block device with injectable faults:
       | https://libguestfs.org/nbdkit-error-filter.1.html You can either
       | have them injected randomly, or switch injection on and off at
       | runtime. I did a talk about it at FOSDEM:
       | https://archive.fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/nbdkit/
       | carom wrote:
       | Slightly related, there is a proof of concept FUSE based system
       | that mutates files being read. [1] The purpose is when fuzzing
       | with a simple bash harness, it is not high performance but has a
       | fast set up time.
       | 1. https://github.com/TACIXAT/FuzzyFileSystem
       (page generated 2021-07-01 23:01 UTC)