[HN Gopher] Monitoring Elixir Apps on Fly.io with Prometheus and...
       Monitoring Elixir Apps on Fly.io with Prometheus and PromEx
       Author : clessg
       Score  : 64 points
       Date   : 2021-07-01 17:25 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fly.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fly.io)
       | acidity wrote:
       | This is not a fly.io specific question but I always wonder how in
       | these globally distributed system, how are databases handled?
       | I understand you can put your application server in any location
       | but generally there is only one storage so are these application
       | servers doing cross region database calls?
       | Having only worked with single cluster setup web apps, I am
       | always curious about this part.
       | Is the answer always - use a managed replicated database and send
       | read queries to one near your location and all write queries goes
       | to the primary instance?
         | mrkurt wrote:
         | That's our answer, yes. Read replicas and we redirect requests
         | that need writes to a "primary" region:
         | https://fly.io/blog/globally-distributed-postgres/
         | We tried cross region database calls for HTTP requests. They
         | were bad. They seem to work ok for long lived connections like
         | websockets, though.
       | benatkin wrote:
       | > Fly.io takes Docker containers and converts them into fleets of
       | Firecracker micro-vms running in racks around the world. If you
       | have a working Docker container, you can run it close to your
       | users, whether they're in Singapore or Amsterdam, with just a
       | couple of commands.
       | FWIW these are OCI images, which can be built with other tools
       | besides Docker. These are not the same thing as containers. I
       | think Docker is overrated and am glad to be using a Containerfile
       | instead of a Dockerfile (it's the same format).
       | Firecracker is great but there is an alternative:
       | https://katacontainers.io/
       | There seems to be confusion as to what Firecracker is doing.
       | Docker in Docker isn't really Docker in Docker when it's in a
       | MicroVM - except for being run by an OCI image.
       | https://community.fly.io/t/fly-containers-as-a-ci-runners/10...
       | Docker uses LXC containers, and an LXC container inside an LXC
       | container is likely to have performance problems. MicroVMs, on
       | the other hand, are similar to VPSes.
       | fly.io suggests that "CPU cores, for instance, should only ever
       | be doing work for one microVM".
       | https://fly.io/docs/reference/architecture/ These MicroVM's are
       | not cheap, and maybe it would be nice to be able to share a VCPU
       | between multiple containers in a lot of situations. Fly.io could
       | be burning a lot of investor money.
       | I think WASM and Deno are good ways to break down a MicroVM with
       | a whole VCPU into smaller sandboxed entities. Also Docker run by
       | an OCI image makes more sense in a MicroVM that has a whole CPU
       | than it does in an LXC container with less than a whole CPU.
       | I do think fly.io is pretty cool. I hope they find ways to
       | educate people more about the difference between a MicroVM (not
       | invented by AWS) and a LXC container and to get people making
       | more use of their heavier weight "containers".
       | Edit: I noticed that in their free tier and low cost plan, they
       | have shared CPUs. https://fly.io/docs/about/pricing/
       | They are charging quite a bit more for one dedicated CPU than
       | DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Lightsail. The cheapest one is
       | $31.00/mo.
       | It's quite similar to Google Could Run. It looks like Cloud Run
       | doesn't have an option to run less than a vCPU in memory though.
       | That means you can pay fly.io $6/mo for a MicroVM with a gig of
       | memory and not have a full cold start, but have a shared CPU
       | which will of course cause latency but probably typically less
       | than a cold start, but you can't pay Google $6/mo and get that.
       | https://cloud.google.com/run/pricing Also websockets can stay
       | open with a shared CPU, but can't in between the VM stopping and
       | starting. I don't know if the $6/mo 1GB MicroVM with a shared
       | vCPU is sustainable, but if so, it's a pretty impressive way to
       | host an app that uses websockets for super cheap.
       | Edit 2: I said "They are charging quite a bit more for one
       | dedicated CPU than DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Lightsail." - I was
       | actually wrong here. It is more for self-hosting if you would run
       | a database like PostgreSQL/MySQL in a VPS (they don't discourage
       | it, and it's pretty simple to do) but wouldn't run a database
       | like PostgreSQL/MySQL in a Fly.io VM (they might discourage it,
       | and it's a bit tricky to do).
         | Zababa wrote:
         | > Firecracker is great but there is an alternative:
         | https://katacontainers.io/
         | What does it offers over firecracker?
           | mrkurt wrote:
           | Kata containers are QEMU based, so they use similar KVM
           | virtualization as firecracker. QEMU is larger in scope than
           | Firecracker, though, so you can (among other things) expose
           | GPUs and other devices to the QEMU based containers.
           | We picked Firecracker because the smaller scope makes it
           | easier to understand and, thus, trust for our particular
           | workloads.
             | Zababa wrote:
             | Thanks.
             | benatkin wrote:
             | This is new and may not be used much, but it is possible to
             | use part of Kata with part of Firecracker.
             | https://github.com/kata-
             | containers/documentation/wiki/Initia...
         | mrkurt wrote:
         | vCPU can mean entirely different things between providers,
         | which sometimes makes it hard to compare prices.
         | In general, we treat "vCPU" as a single hardware threads, which
         | is pretty common. Our hosts use Epyc CPUs with two threads
         | each, which is also pretty common.
         | So a single CPU dedicated VM on Fly is equivalent to owning a
         | hardware thread, which makes $31/mo comparable to other places.
         | These are roughly the same as DigitalOcean's "general purpose"
         | droplets.
         | Basic Droplets, and most Vultr VMs, use shared CPUs.
         | Providers use wildly different CPUs too. You'll sometimes find
         | people surprised how fast Fly VMs are because we standardized
         | on Epyc CPUs pretty early. Much of what you can buy runs on
         | either older Intel or consumer grade processors. Which is
         | actually fine! The people who buy our dedicated CPU VMs just so
         | happen to need a lot of power because they're frequently
         | transcoding or generating images.
           | benatkin wrote:
           | I took a closer look, and indeed, it's almost the same as
           | DigitalOcean. The 2 CPU plans under basic confused me, and I
           | forgot that the whole section was Shared CPU.
             | mrkurt wrote:
             | They confuse the heck out of me too. The world of VM CPU
             | pricing is bonkers.
               | benatkin wrote:
               | Indeed. Still, I think these shared CPU thread VPSes work
               | pretty well up until a certain point, and it's probably
               | true of a fly.io shared CPU thread MicroVM. It's good to
               | be aware of the options and to switch. I would recommend
               | using OCI containers with VPSes, so you can easily switch
               | between plans and providers.
         | mcintyre1994 wrote:
         | They have a pretty cool blog post on OCI images! I think it was
         | the first article of theirs I saw. https://fly.io/blog/docker-
         | without-docker/
         | xrd wrote:
         | Is it naive to ask why any of this is better than running your
         | own DO droplet with Dokku? I am sure there is a better security
         | story for CloudRun and Fly.io if you are sharing space with
         | other apps, but if you are the only one running apps on it, is
         | there anything to gain with using katacontainers/firecracker?
           | mrkurt wrote:
           | Firecracker and katacontainers (and other KVM based
           | "containers") are valuable for multiple tenants that don't
           | trust each other. They are less helpful if you trust what
           | you're running.
           | In fact, a Fly Firecracker VM is not all that different from
           | a DO droplet. We expose them as containers, but you could run
           | Dokku within a Fly app and have a similar set of stuff under
           | the covers.
       | Bayart wrote:
       | I've got no real use case for Fly.io at the moment, but ever
       | since their big thread the other day I went through their blog
       | posts and I've got to say they're pretty much all fantastic as
       | far as delivering information I'm interested in. They seem to
       | have a really good team. Having toyed with the idea of deploying
       | some of my endless TO-DO-LIST of tiny projects in Elixir and
       | wondering what monitoring would look like, PromEx just happens to
       | scratch an itch.
         | mrkurt wrote:
         | If nothing else, we hope to make Fly.io a great place to deploy
         | Elixir side projects. :)
           | spondyl wrote:
           | Can confirm I finally launched one side project off the
           | ground thanks to Fly
           | tiffanyh wrote:
           | Maybe I'm misreading into your comment to mean that you're
           | making it easier to deploy Elixir at fly.io, and please don't
           | take this the wrong way, but after skimming the docs - I'm
           | not understanding how exactly hosting Elixir/Phoenix at
           | fly.io is any easier.
           | Would you mind elaborating. I'm definitely looking for a PasS
           | for Elixir/Phoenix + Postgres.
             | mrkurt wrote:
             | Oh we're _working_ on it, but we have a ways to go. I can
             | imagine `fly launch` just working for all Elixir apps
             | someday, right now you have to write a Dockerfile. People
             | seem to like our guide but I don't want to suggest it's
             | already the easiest possible place to deploy an Elixir app:
             | https://fly.io/docs/getting-started/elixir/
             | That said, our stack does make things Elixir folks need
             | very easy. In particular:
             | * Private network and built in service discovery mean
             | clustering just works
             | * You can connect to your private network with WireGuard
             | and then use iex or similar to inspect running Elixir
             | processes: https://fly.io/blog/observing-elixir-in-
             | production/
             | * Postgres setup is pretty magical. "fly postgres attach"
             | gets your app all connected and auth'ed to your Postgres
             | cluster.
             | * And, most importantly, we actually are the best place to
             | run an Elixir app if you're using Phoenix LiveView. You can
             | push your app servers out close to people and make LiveView
             | incredibly responsive: https://liveview-counter.fly.dev/
               | tiffanyh wrote:
               | Thanks so much
       | blutack wrote:
       | Promex is a fantastic and well thought out library which I've
       | deployed into production.
       | One slightly useful trick that the docs don't highlight is that
       | you can run the /metrics endpoint on a different port to the rest
       | of the application. If you have that firewalled off, a local
       | grafana agent or prom shipper of your choice can happily run
       | against your application without making metrics public.
         | akoutmos wrote:
         | Thanks for the kind words :)
         | That standalone HTTP server in PromEx can also be used to
         | expose metrics in non-Phoenix applications. In the coming weeks
         | you'll also be able to run GrafanaAgent in the PromEx
         | supervision tree so you can push Prometheus metrics via
         | remote_write. Stay tuned ;)!
           | blutack wrote:
           | Excellent, looking forward to it! Right now I run
           | GrafanaAgent separately which isn't too much headache and it
           | works great feeding grafana cloud (especially paired with the
           | Loki docker log driver).
       (page generated 2021-07-01 23:00 UTC)