[HN Gopher] How many robots does it take to run a grocery store?...
       How many robots does it take to run a grocery store? [video]
       Author : helsinkiandrew
       Score  : 162 points
       Date   : 2021-07-06 09:49 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.youtube.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.youtube.com)
       | somethoughts wrote:
       | Its interesting that on the outside of the building there are
       | still quite a few cars in the parking lot.
         | cptskippy wrote:
         | They didn't show you how trucks were unloaded into those bins.
         | It's not using robots.
           | imglorp wrote:
           | That seems like stocking bins is a solvable automation
           | problem too. Trucks can be unloaded by vaguely smart forklift
           | bots. Box moving bots are a thing already. Box cutting bot?
           | They showed an item picking bot in the video: look at the
           | barcode, maybe do a little tetris and fill a bin with them.
           | Empty box crushing bot? Repeat.
       | PeterisP wrote:
       | Ha - the production setup includes Xbox Kinect components - right
       | when the employee says "3d cameras" at 2:26
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssZ_8cqfBlE&t=147s
         | monkeydust wrote:
         | Yea that did make me smile also, glad some use still being
         | extracted from the Kinect, it was (and still is) an amazing bit
         | of kit. I suspect they have support from MS for their use case
         | rather thank just hacking it.
           | enominezerum wrote:
           | I remember this one setup in an aquarium where you could move
           | sand around and the Kinect would read how you have the sand
           | formed and apply geological effects to it.
           | Pile it high, mountain, carve it out, water and eventually
           | sea. It was pretty amazing as it was all projected into the
           | sand in real time and looked just amazing.
           | Think it was running on some 1080 or 1080-Ti when that was
           | king of graphics cards.
             | bingidingi wrote:
             | That's an augmented reality sandbox! You can make one
             | yourself: https://arsandbox.ucdavis.edu/
         | glasss wrote:
         | FIRST Robotics had a brief stint encouraging teams to use the
         | Kinects for something on the robot, or just test them out and
         | see what you come up with.
         | I remember reading through the documentation and case studies
         | and realizing just how advanced the tech was / is.
         | typon wrote:
         | GPUs formed the backbone of machine learning. Gamers moving
         | society forward :)
       | mdip wrote:
       | This isn't an area that I study, directly, but I've had some
       | experience with other robotic automation systems on a
       | small/medium scale.
       | Maybe this is common and my experience is at issue, but I found
       | the grid design with the "workers" on top to be really
       | interesting.
       | My most direct experience was with a tape robot. This wasn't a
       | run-of-the-mill backup library for a small DC, but a huge room on
       | half of a floor of the datacenter that had a 6 axis[0] "bigger
       | than an average adult man" one-arm robot that is usually seen in
       | an automotive factory. It moved on a track the length of the
       | room, grabbed tapes from a library and inserted it into drives;
       | all of which were attached to a mainframe.
       | This was done with so few sensors, that the tape robot couldn't
       | tell if it successfully grabbed a tape or missed it; indication
       | of failure wasn't realized until the drive reported no tape
       | present when the operation completed.
       | When it missed, the tape often ended up in the track where it
       | was, sometimes, destroyed or could cause other forms of major
       | malfunction.
       | Dealing with products of varying sizes, sensors to detect the
       | successful retrieval of a product seem like they'd be necessary
       | no matter how things are setup, but by designing it with the
       | robots on top, a failed grab, at worst, results in the product
       | remaining somewhere near where it is, or in the wrong bin -- but
       | not stuck in the way of the track.
       | Coupled with sensors to detect "when the product was 'lost'" or
       | where the product was failed to be retrieved from, the system
       | could attempt to "retry the operation", avoiding operational
       | shut-down/having to rely on the skill of operational staff to
       | identify a failure condition early enough to prevent problems.[1]
       | [0] I think, not positive
       | [1] There's a study out there regarding factory automation that
       | appeared shortly after Elon Musk gave up on "fully automated
       | production" that talks about how bad people are at responding to
       | "rare conditions" in an automated factory, resulting in costs
       | that often outweigh the benefits of removing people from the
       | process -- this sort of design appears to try to address some of
       | the major things.
         | mdip wrote:
         | Worth mentioning: I never worked with the mainframe in my
         | previous job but was located in the datacenter. Most of my
         | knowledge came from asking why the suite had 20 or so "big red
         | stop buttons".
         | Apparently someone was hospitalized shortly after it was
         | installed. And like all things, it was replaced a year later by
         | a much more compact device that stored somewhere on the order
         | of 100 times the data about a year after I started.
       | matsemann wrote:
       | Worth noting: Ocado is fighting a legal battle against AutoStore
       | over this technology:
       | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-17/ocado-los...
       | The warehouse system in the video is basically a copy of
       | AutoStore.
         | zinekeller wrote:
         | > AutoStore says its first supplied technology to Ocado as
         | early as 2012 and this is the foundation on which the Ocado
         | Smart Platform was built. The company has claimed several
         | patent infringements relating to the design and lifting
         | mechanism of Ocado's robots.
         | If true, yikes, but at the same time I have doubts if some
         | aspects of the technology are even patentable (or at least make
         | the claims too narrow to the point that patent-free variations
         | allow workarounds and make the patents useless).
           | michaelt wrote:
           | Given that Autostore's patent on the idea is from 1997 [1]
           | and has expired, it's difficult to see how they could have
           | another, non-expired patent on the same thing.
           | [1] https://patents.google.com/patent/DE69818303T2/en
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | Unless its a copy of the technology, is it protected ip? Its an
         | idea (use tracked robots on top of product bins) and there's
         | some issue about patenting ideas vs technology.
       | rvense wrote:
       | I do wonder what the environmental impact of doing it like this
       | is. The embodied energy and materials used for all these
       | structures and robots, as well as the energy to keep them
       | running.
       | My immediate guess is that it adds a significant overhead to the
       | products, but I really don't know.
         | tobyhinloopen wrote:
         | If you think robots consume much energy and are bad for the
         | environment, try switching them out for humans and see how much
         | energy you need to keep them running.
         | dsign wrote:
         | It's probably non-trivial, but human time also has a high
         | environmental impact, because we eat and use stuff (think about
         | a parking lot full of shoppers or employee cars). If we are
         | going to pay our environmental human cost anyway, better if our
         | time is not spent doing boring things that we do just because
         | of the money.
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | If there's some overhead but in return they can work 24/7
         | without breaks then it's cheaper. Constant output is really
         | valuable.
           | rvense wrote:
           | Oh, I'm sure it's cheaper to operate, otherwise they wouldn't
           | do it. But I am of the opinion that energy and many natural
           | resources are extremely underpriced when one factors in
           | climate change and other externalities like the impact of
           | exported e-waste.
             | yissp wrote:
             | Would you need to compare it to the environmental impact of
             | the lifestyles of the dozens / hundreds of human workers
             | who would be staffing a traditional warehouse?
               | rvense wrote:
               | Do the humans only exist to staff the warehouse?
               | dkjaudyeqooe wrote:
               | No, but they have to drive or otherwise travel to the
               | warehouse to work, provisions have to be made for them,
               | such as air conditioning, and so on.
               | A human at work is hardly environmentally neutral.
         | randyrand wrote:
         | humans require ~60-100 watts, 24/7.
         | A human only works about 8hrs a day. Also our food is much less
         | efficient to produce than electricity.
         | So if this robot is less than ~600 watts average, and as
         | productive as a human, it's a win.
         | Id imagine it's well under 600.
         | dageshi wrote:
         | Probably less environmentally damaging than an equivalent human
         | work force to do the same job I'm guessing.
         | mongol wrote:
         | I don't know either, but I expect the opposite. It seems
         | incredibly efficient for what it does. I don't know how you
         | could do the same thing with less energy? Obviously, it is
         | possibe to optimize something here and there, but if we compare
         | with humans doing the same job, and the energy they would need,
         | this must surely be less...?
           | rvense wrote:
           | I don't actually know! But there are a lot of factors. One is
           | the movement of the robots, another is their construction and
           | the supporting structure, as well as all the electronics
           | involved. Making electronics is very resource-intensive.
           | I often wonder about how to make these kinds of comparisons,
           | but it always involves so many guesstimates that it quickly
           | falls apart.
             | matsemann wrote:
             | I think you should compare it to what's normally being done
             | for groceries. You would get a trailer of a good. Then in
             | your warehouse split that into smaller pallets, going with
             | other goods on a new trailer to a store. There, a worker
             | would have to put the goods on the shelves, and a customer
             | later pick it into their cart. The store also uses lots of
             | resources. Same with every shopper in a neighborhood
             | driving their own car to the store, vs a van delivering to
             | multiple homes.
             | So I think it's better.
               | rvense wrote:
               | Oh, I understand that. It's still a lot of robots, but
               | maybe it means less lorries and, ultimately, a whole
               | layer of small shops and maybe secondary warehouses that
               | aren't needed. Maybe it does add up to less fuel and less
               | steel.
               | It also leads to a lot more centralization, but that's a
               | different discussion, of course.
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | I don't have a source handy but I remember reading something a
         | while ago that said the carbon footprint for someone to drive
         | to the grocery store and back is larger that the carbon
         | footprint of all the other transportation involved in that
         | product.
         | Shmebulock wrote:
         | Would be interesting to compare this to the environmental
         | impact of having human workers
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | From a simple mass ratio perspective, these robots and a human
         | probably carry about the same amount of stuff. Moving a few kg
         | of robot units versus 80 kg of standard white male units, I can
         | see the efficiency gain there. That is of course just one
         | aspect, but I think you're being a bit quick to jump to
         | guessing about conclusions of it being 'significantly' worse.
       | maqnius wrote:
       | Technically interesting, but I hope it never replaces my local
       | grocery store. It gives me kind of a dystopian feeling of a world
       | where people are living a completely separated life, only
       | interacting with machines. That will not lead to happier people,
       | nor to more fulfilling jobs.
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | Yes I prefer some underpaid human to wait on me too. But I see
         | the world going in the automation direction at breakneck speed.
         | If we can figure out where people fit in this brave new world
         | (i.e. UBI) then its a utopian future, not a dystopian one.
           | TheFreim wrote:
           | Are supermarket workers under payed?
             | JoeAltmaier wrote:
             | Yes
               | TheFreim wrote:
               | How so?
               | JoeAltmaier wrote:
               | Poverty wage.
         | Razengan wrote:
         | Most people working at such mundane repetitive jobs already
         | behave and feel like machines anyway. Do you really think they
         | feel happy and fulfilled, or even see a way out?
           | maqnius wrote:
           | You are right about the majority of those jobs, I guess. I
           | maybe shouldn't have brought in the quality of the job here.
           | I actually wanted to make a point against reducing social
           | interactions in everyday life, especially with people outside
           | of our bubble.
           | But well, I don't really see a way out, that wouldn't be
           | completely illusive at this point, like, valuing well being
           | of humans and nature over productivity gains and because-we-
           | can in technology. That doesn't justify worsen the situation
           | though.
           | As for me, I try to go only shopping in independent and
           | ecological grocery shops, because of the products and because
           | of the more welcoming atmosphere. Working there is not so
           | bad, it's actually quite nice mostly (I can tell from
           | experience).
       | [deleted]
       | KingMachiavelli wrote:
       | Reminds me of the Sibyl System in Psycho Pass.
       | https://youtu.be/LyQpY6UWs2E
       | http://cdn26.us1.fansshare.com/photo/psychopass/sybil-system...
         | Dracophoenix wrote:
         | I see you're a man of culture. In all seriousness, brains
         | aside, the resemblance is striking.
       | asteroidbelt wrote:
       | They must have fired a thousand people when built that.
       | That happens when your min wages are high.
       | Also, UBI seems to be inevitable.
       | helsinkiandrew wrote:
       | Interesting to compare "build an environment and process so we
       | can use simple robots in it" to the Boston Dynamics - "build
       | robots that can work in complex environments".
       | Also interesting to see the robot arm being used to move the
       | products that currently come in boxes (suitable for humans to
       | unpack) if robots become the norm will we see them being
       | distributed like electronic components on reels/tape that are
       | easier to unpack mechanically
       | https://www.google.com/search?q=reels+of+electronic+componen...
         | imtringued wrote:
         | Are there examples of whole PCBs being distributed on reels or
         | tape? Because those are much flatter than a robot arm.
         | Individual components != assembled product
           | janekm wrote:
           | Yes, modules are typically available either on tape&reel or
           | on trays (also easy to pick). Also the Raspberry Pi pico is
           | an example of a PCB that can be either a final dev board or a
           | module and comes on a Reel:
           | https://makerbright.com/raspberry-pi-pico-reel-bulk.html
           | michaelt wrote:
           | Technically, self-adhesive LED strips are PCBs distributed on
           | reels of tape.
           | the-dude wrote:
           | Whole PCBs are mostly distributed in trays, from which they
           | are picked and placed.
         | glasss wrote:
         | In one of Asimov's books, The Caves of Steel, he talked about
         | how Androids run all of the farming equipment on Earth to feed
         | everyone. I don't remember the exact line, but the reasoning
         | for Androids running regular farm equipment was that, in his
         | universe, it was just way easier and cheaper to build Androids
         | that can use all the same tools humans can, instead of building
         | automated versions of all the tools.
         | The other interesting tidbit was that the vast majority of the
         | world was farm land. Humans lived in huge cities with tons of
         | verticality. This was because there were too many humans on
         | Earth - a whopping 9 Billion.
       | Cthulhu_ wrote:
       | It's only a matter of time before the products are packaged to
       | accommodate automatic systems picking orders; at the moment (as
       | the video shows) the robot has to be adjusted specifically for
       | the wide variety of packages.
       | Anyway I was thinking, why not just have a long row (can go
       | vertical as well) of product dispensers where all orders just go
       | under? I mean they'd pass thousands of dispensing stations, but
       | the output would be really consistent. And there'd be shortcuts
       | here and there. I probably have baggage handling in mind.
         | Animats wrote:
         | That's been done for products that are reasonably uniform.
         | Digi-Key uses it for some parts. Fulfillment centers for
         | drugstores use it.
         | You still have to load the dispensers.
         | deepserket wrote:
         | The problem that comes into my mind is that dispensers are
         | tech, while bins are literally a bunch of
         | plastic/cardboard/metal. But on the pros, your system is a FIFO
         | queue, while the system in the video is LIFO, the latter is not
         | good for goods with an expiry date.
         | I am currently working in a warehouse with 80k unique items, i
         | am planning to automate the system (because currently it's
         | using little to none automation, mainly because there is a
         | conflict of interest) and a system of bins with the
         | pickers/refilles zooming on the top is the best solution I've
         | found so far.
         | I think that i will make the project open hardware/software.
       | corentin88 wrote:
       | For those wondering, the footage took place at Ocado's grocery
       | warehouse, in the south-east of London.
       | I'd be curious to see something similar in Amazon's warehouse.
         | krisoft wrote:
         | > I'd be curious to see something similar in Amazon's
         | warehouse.
         | Here you are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nKPC-WmLjU
           | tzs wrote:
           | That big area where it is just stacks of bins and the robots
           | that move them around would be a great place to set a
           | chase/fight scene in an action movie.
       | GrumpyNl wrote:
       | Is AI really needed for this?
         | jonplackett wrote:
         | would think it's for optimising the paths of the robots on the
         | grid.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | but A* is not AI. Routing is like the easiest part and we
           | figured that out for games and other applications decades
           | ago. Use a 3d data structure where the third dimension is
           | time, not exploring branches that cross a cell during a time
           | where it is already marked as occupied. At least that's what
           | I did for automating the air traffic control game from the
           | bsdgames package on debian (/usr/games/atc).
           | Either way, GrumpyNl asks a fair question. Some parts, sure:
           | machine learning aka "AI" for working with this vision system
           | is probably a lot quicker than manually figuring out rules
           | for recognizing items. But the amount of emphasis they place
           | on it, that this is all run by one big AI? It sounds to me
           | more like they mean "AI" in the same way that 90s games said
           | "CPU" or "AI" or "Computer" player, when it had nothing to do
           | with machine learning.
         | PeterisP wrote:
         | Things like controlling the robot arm that takes individual
         | items from the boxes require state of art computer vision/AI
         | techniques and can't really be done with classical approaches.
         | Optimization of the robot movement across the grid might be
         | done in various ways with different tradeoffs, but in general
         | the study of algorithms for multi-stage planning is also a
         | subfield of AI.
         | GrumpyNl wrote:
         | Why the downvote, i would really like to know and how it would
         | be applied.
       | ksec wrote:
       | https://www.ocadogroup.com/technology/technology-pioneers
       | Although 5 hours is quite a bit longer than what I expected.
       | Although for next day delivery it shouldn't be much of a problem.
       | AFAIK Amazon warehouse are still hand picked by human with item
       | moving assisted by underlying Robert?
       | This is a fascinating field I am wondering if there are any
       | similar technology for heavy, frozen products. For US that will
       | be something like Sysco?
         | michaelt wrote:
         | _> Although 5 hours is quite a bit longer than what I
         | expected._
         | I thought the opposite - even in a warehouse that huge, there
         | are items where they only keep five hours worth of stock? To me
         | that seems incredibly lean.
         | Of course, that probably only applies to really short life
         | products, like packaged sushi.
           | jon-wood wrote:
           | I think the point wasn't that there are some products being
           | restocked every five hours, and instead that the turnaround
           | time from a truck turning up from a supplier to the products
           | on that truck being available for delivery is five hours.
             | michaelt wrote:
             | Surely newly arrived stock would go on the tail of a FIFO
             | queue, while stock being sold would be drawn from the head?
             | So the minimum time from arrival to dispatch couldn't be
             | less than the length of the queue?
         | wokinoozle wrote:
         | Speaking as an underlying Robert, I have to agree. It's always
         | better to have one of us around.
           | Razengan wrote:
           | Starting a new account on HN for a joke eh, I wish you the
           | best.
         | jonplackett wrote:
         | Robots are over-rated.
         | Always good to have an underlying Robert instead.
           | jameshart wrote:
           | See this response to Fiat's 'Hand built by robots' slogan of
           | the early eighties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU-
           | tuY0Z7nQ
       | Razengan wrote:
       | I always thought that most shops could/should have been replaced
       | by giant vending machines long ago. Just be sealed-off warehouses
       | with multiple dispensing units on the public-facing side.
       | Maybe someone like Amazon will try something like that.
       | prawn wrote:
       | I was thinking the other day, if stores are shutting down in San
       | Francisco to avoid shoplifters, will they switch to purely online
       | ordering, or like some existing stores where you order from a
       | front desk and the picking/packing is done by warehouse staff. I
       | remember using a department store about 8 years ago in Edinburgh
       | that operated like that.
       | And if humans aren't walking the aisles, will we see a change in
       | product packaging to focus on shipping and picking/packing
       | efficiencies rather than shelf appeal?
         | helsinkiandrew wrote:
         | Store was probably Argos?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argos_(retailer)
         | Still going - but an increasing % of their sales are online.
           | prawn wrote:
           | I think it probably was - rings a bell. We were buying a
           | child's care seat. I remember going there, flicking through a
           | catalogue in a waiting room, placing an order and paying at
           | the counter, and then waiting until it was brought to us.
           | Seemed novel at the time, to us Australians.
           | Major retailers here have click-and-collect but I don't think
           | it was common 8 years ago. A big hardware store like Bunnings
           | only started selling online in 2018, I think.
             | helsinkiandrew wrote:
             | Remarkably Argos has been going with the same catalogue
             | model for 50 years.
         | shireboy wrote:
         | ...and then an industry of hacking warehouses and delivery
         | drones for fun and profit crops up.
         | dharmab wrote:
         | The "employee picks products for you" system is how most stores
         | worked before the modern supermarket was invented.
           | Dracophoenix wrote:
           | Looks like we're reinventing ourselves, just like with
           | timesharing/the cloud.
           | reggieband wrote:
           | It's also how every supermarket in the neighbourhood in
           | Barcelona I lived in worked. You could either buy pre-
           | packaged produce (like two apples in a styrofoam based
           | covered in plastic) or go to the produce section and point at
           | what you wanted and an attendant would place it in a bag,
           | weigh it and put a sticker on it which would scan at the
           | register.
           | Another thing I hated about many European supermarkets were
           | the one-way gates at the entrance (like subway turnstiles)
           | and the only exists through the registers. Walmart started
           | doing similar during Covid but at least you could exit
           | through self-checkout.
       | dvh wrote:
       | There's no way this is profitable. Local supermarket is similarly
       | sized and there are maybe 30-50 employees visible in store, each
       | payed $3/hour. This has hundreds or maybe thousands of robots,
       | even if only 10 robots broke down every day it would be more
       | expensive than paying people. Even if I completely ignore initial
       | purchase costs, I just don't see a way that after 1-2 years this
       | isn't massive money drain.
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | A million items a day? It all depends on margins and overhead
         | etc, which we would have trouble estimating here. And even if
         | its not "bricks-and-mortar profitable" it may be "wall-street
         | profitable"
         | swiley wrote:
         | `(50 _3_ 8)/10=120.` What robot component do you think costs
         | more than that?
         | turnerc wrote:
         | Their H12021 results suggest otherwise
         | https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/OCDO/half-y...
         | maltalex wrote:
         | > There's no way this is profitable
         | No way? That's an overstatement. What if the real estate is a
         | lot cheaper because it's well outside the city in an industrial
         | zone?
         | And what if this operation is large and efficient enough to
         | service a population x10 the size of a _similarly sized
         | supermarket_ with just a handful of technicians (and an army of
         | delivery people...).
         | helsinkiandrew wrote:
         | You are almost certainly wrong. Ocado are profitable and are
         | partnering with other retailers globally to use the technology.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocado_Group#History
         | Where do store employees get paid $3/hour? Minimum wage in UK
         | (where that warehouse is) is $9-12/hour depending on age.
       | brutus1213 wrote:
       | Ocado also bought kindred last year. I was looking at cutting
       | edge robotics companies that might have rocket ship growth, and
       | kindred was on my radar. The sum for the acquisition seemed on
       | the low side. Robotics is generally hard at the moment, not sure
       | who will be the Google-equivalent.
       | Animats wrote:
       | They have automatic bin picking! Amazon hasn't been able to get
       | that to work in production. Amazon's system has Kiva robots
       | moving bins around, but humans pick from the bins.
       | Expect a big drop in fulfillment center workers when Amazon gets
       | bin picking that works.
         | contingencies wrote:
         | These grid-based systems are now standard and have been widely
         | deployed. I am not sure but I believe the original is
         | https://www.dematic.com/en-us/products/products-overview/sto...
           | Animats wrote:
           | There are lots of systems for moving totes around. Those have
           | existed for at least 40 years. It's robots getting items out
           | of the totes that's new.
             | contingencies wrote:
             | Having designed one I can tell you it's not that hard.
             | Thinking from first principles helps. First, simplify the
             | problem domain. The challenges are generally oddball shapes
             | (think: heavy golf club), heavy items, speed, spatial
             | efficiency, specialist handling requirements, environment,
             | reliability, mobility and cost. If you have unlimited
             | patience (retries allowed, no hard speed requirement) and
             | less limited space (more power, better viewing angles,
             | opportunity for stereoscopic vision), roughly similar form
             | factor SKUs (=CPG), a purpose-built environment and no
             | special handling requirements (nuclear waste/fresh
             | food/fast-melting ice cream), no mobility requirement or
             | cost sensitivity, then it's much easier.
             | Second, simplify handling by batching items in standard
             | containers. What these system vendors never show you is how
             | much they overcharge you for plastic boxes and how much
             | energy is wasted loading, unloading and cleaning them.
             | Third, a grid-based system is clearly the most spatially
             | efficient, so design around that.
             | In these systems the true spatial efficiency for most items
             | is probably poor as _Dematic Autostore_ for instance only
             | offer 3 bin sizes. The true spatio-temporal efficiency is
             | probably middling except when considered in parallel for
             | huge order throughput requirements and a large number of
             | SKUs because an untrained primate can pick faster than a
             | bot for arbitrary items in most cases. Capex is very high,
             | so these systems only make sense if you have a guaranteed
             | large-SKU picking problem that won 't go away, and you
             | don't care about owning the knowledge to implement it cost-
             | efficiently (eg. you are a manager looking out for #1
             | instead of the company's long term bottom line).
             | These things are terrible for the world, however, as they
             | basically enable the accelerated consumption of single use
             | plastics which is the CPG industry as a whole. I predict
             | that in progressive countries such systems will be taxed or
             | outlawed within our lifetimes, probably first in Europe,
             | probably first in Holland as they are so good with
             | agriculture and logistics.
         | cptskippy wrote:
         | Walmart compelled vendors to put barcodes on product in the
         | late 70s early 80s. I'm surprised Amazon hasn't encouraged
         | vendors to supply "robot friendly" or "frustration free"
         | packaging.
       | the42thdoctor wrote:
       | What types of algorithms are used in this type of problems ?
         | CodeGlitch wrote:
         | I would put money of them using OpenCV and the assorted algos
         | in that library for their vision work.
         | dkjaudyeqooe wrote:
         | Probably various optimization algorithms. You'd want to have
         | your robots move the least distance for the work required since
         | that minimises energy use and wear and tear. Some form of
         | knapsack problem would needed to be solved for packaging the
         | goods for delivery optimally. Then there would be scheduling
         | needed to handle incoming jobs effectively.
         | amelius wrote:
         | It's not a difficult problem space. You can use quite simple
         | algorithms for planning the movements of these robots. And you
         | can improve them later without them affecting the rest of the
         | system, which makes this easier than most IT systems which have
         | all kinds of hairy dependencies.
         | If two grocery carts crash into each other it's not the end of
         | the world. In contrast, if you're writing a distributed
         | database system and you corrupt data then that can be very
         | serious.
           | accurrent wrote:
           | Uhh.... Hairy dependencies are very much a problem in this
           | space just like any other type of IT system (in fact worse
           | cause the code is usually written in C++ - so no package
           | manager). Plus the tooling is non-existant... You will still
           | need some type of client server architecture/failover
           | redundancy. You also don't have very many options when it
           | comes to testing. Writing simulations for this and running
           | tests is very non-trivial. The algorithms themselves will
           | need to take into account failures. What happens when one of
           | the robots fails/wears out? (and this WILL happen)
           | Deconflicting the robots is certainly nontrivial. For
           | efficient solutions in this field theres a whole bunch of
           | fairly non-trivial algorithms in Operations Research and
           | planning that exist.
             | imtringued wrote:
             | The environment is also hostile to humans so they will need
             | to build a dedicated tow robot that gets stuck robots out
             | of the system.
               | amelius wrote:
               | You just build a platform which can move over the xy
               | grid, and which allows humans to sit on top.
               | It's quite simple to make sure (using e.g. bumpers) that
               | if a robot crashes into the platform then nobody gets
               | hurt.
               | Of course a towrobot would be better, but it's not really
               | necessary and it also might get stuck.
         | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
         | I'm sure QuickSort is being used somewhere in there...
         | ...though I assume you're asking specifically about the quasi-
         | autonomous movement of the tote-bots? There is no one single
         | "algorithm" to represent or model their movement, it's a
         | complex control system.
       | djhworld wrote:
       | I wish this video was longer and went into more detail, although
       | I guess Ocado like to keep things light as they make money on
       | selling this tech to other supermarket chains.
       | I used to be an Ocado customer for about 9 years or so and they
       | were very, very reliable in terms of deliveries and order
       | fulfillment (I rarely ever got substitutes) - I'm wondering if
       | this tech and other things in the warehouse played a huge role in
       | making sure inventory/supply always met demand.
       | When doing a similar online shop with ASDA we get
       | substitutes/missing items/unavailable items every week, and the
       | vans are always late.
       | dkjaudyeqooe wrote:
       | I wonder what happens when a robot gets physically stuck in the
       | middle of that grid. Do they have a trolley that humans can use
       | to skate over and dislodge the offending device?
         | alanbernstein wrote:
         | Seems like any other bot could push it to the edge. It just
         | requires a failed robot to default to a neutral gear.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Or they have a boss-level robot with a bit of rubber on the
           | wheels and you don't even have to fail in neutral.
           | I kind of wish this would turn into a giant robot wars for a
           | few days of the year, maybe you can buy a ticket to control
           | one of them for the day, if only it weren't such a waste ^^'
         | jhgorrell wrote:
         | In one of the other videos, you can see a 3 by 3 sized platform
         | with the same wheel setup - it has a platform for 1-2 people
         | and a crane.
         | I imagine they set some sort of exclusion zone around the
         | broken robot, then drive out in the large platform and pick it
         | up.
       | irjustin wrote:
       | Xbox vision!
       | hk1337 wrote:
       | I wonder what the budget comparison is to just hiring people to
       | do it?
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | "We'll use the huge amounts of data that we gather to understand
       | what customers are most likely to order"
       | Were regular Ocado users and its been a life saver during the
       | pandemic - but - we have noticed that we keep ordering the same
       | produce each week, the amount of new items is minimal compared to
       | when we used to go into the store. Yes they suggest things but
       | the suggestions (for us) have been poor whereas in store we would
       | tend to try more new things. This may just be us and the algo
       | works better for others but I think it should there is still much
       | room for improvement in recommendation algos and there is a
       | discovery challenge with online vs offline for groceries.
         | shog_hn wrote:
         | We also use Ocado, and I have noticed this exact same side
         | effect. Still a great service overall though.
         | conductr wrote:
         | I just expect this would happen and so it's one of my main
         | reasons to keep shopping in store. We tend to shop instead of
         | procure off a strict list.
       (page generated 2021-07-06 23:01 UTC)