[HN Gopher] Show HN: Earthly - Better Builds
       Show HN: Earthly - Better Builds
       Author : agbell
       Score  : 157 points
       Date   : 2021-07-09 16:21 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (earthly.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (earthly.dev)
       | mdaniel wrote:
       | I would value hearing more about the business risk that going BSL
       | was designed to address:
       | https://github.com/earthly/earthly/blob/main/LICENSE
       | the associated PR just says "doing it" without saying why
       | https://github.com/earthly/earthly/pull/730
       | I have a very hard time imagining "AWS Infinibuild(R)" that eats
       | the "makefile + dockerfile that builds locally" use case, which
       | is why I was curious to learn more
       | ---
       | Separately, I would value GitHub's license detector gizmo using
       | some of that sweet machine-learning sauce to identify the BSL,
       | since it seems to be the path forward for these situations
         | [deleted]
         | captn3m0 wrote:
         | GitHub licensee (the detection gizmo) uses ChooseALicense as
         | the source. They recommend filing a PR there, but BSL doesn't
         | fit the requirements at
         | https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/blob/gh-pages/C...
         | https://github.com/licensee/licensee/blob/master/docs/CONTRI...
       | theptip wrote:
       | This looks interesting, thanks for sharing. I've been looking for
       | a solution to some of the problems that this targets; in general
       | our build steps are containerized, but it's annoying to have to
       | layer a `make <step>` command on top of a dependency tree of
       | docker/other commands inside a given CI step, and it's worse to
       | have multi-step commands in the CI/CD config file, making the
       | jobs harder to reproduce.
       | One more general idea I'd be interested in others' thoughts on --
       | there seems to be an artificial split between build systems (e.g.
       | Bazel) and CI/CD systems (e.g. Gitlab). As these tools become
       | more generic, they tend to overlap almost-completely; ultimately
       | the hard part is DAG management and latency-optimized distributed
       | computation. When you look at "how to use Bazel in Gitlab"[1] or
       | "how to use Earthly in Github Actions"[2], it's basically having
       | a single CI step that calls `buildtool <run my build DAG>`. But
       | there could be other CI/CD steps like "run the e2es", and in
       | general I want multiple steps in my Gitlab CI/CD pipeline so I
       | can break open the individual steps, retry flaky runs, see which
       | step failed, and otherwise get all the nice tight integration
       | that Gitlab affords. Unfortunately I have a DAG in the CI server,
       | and then another DAG in the build job; it really seems like the
       | CI/CD system should somehow unwrap the build-tool's DAG into the
       | CI/CD DAG, then I could rerun individual failed steps etc.
       | (though I think you might perhaps want some folding, because
       | Bazel DAGs are probably in general too fine-grained for the way
       | CI/CD servers tend to think about the visualization problem).
       | Maybe this is just a missing feature in GitLab? It seems like the
       | Github workflow is less well integrated with the CI/CD pipeline
       | (always a click or two to get to the pipeline result details) so
       | maybe users there don't see any missing features.
       | CI/CD systems like Concourse have a really nice model of
       | "artifact revisions as inputs/outputs" which would play really
       | well with this model; different parts of the pipeline accept a
       | hash and will trigger downstream jobs only when those change.
       | I wonder if the Earthly team has any thoughts on integrating with
       | the CI/CD DAG in this way?
       | [1]: https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/09/01/using-bazel-to-
       | spee... [2]: https://docs.earthly.dev/examples/ci-examples/gh-
       | actions-int...
         | agbell wrote:
         | I agree that build systems and CI/CD systems should converge.
         | One way this could happen is considering one side, say the
         | Bazel build or the earthfile canonical, and generating the
         | config for the other side from it, including various sub-steps
         | and so on. Or Bazel or an Earthfile could be the basis for a CI
         | system, but I think things can go further than that. Building
         | locally and building in CI should converge, and building on a
         | single machine vs. building across a cluster of machines should
         | also converge.
         | I'd love to hear other's thoughts or ideas on this. We are
         | thinking about this as well. There is a lot of innovation to
         | come in this space.
         | wikibob wrote:
         | 99.9% of what is called "CI/CD" systems are _NOT_ doing
         | Continuous Integration.
         | Great article here on "CBOI: Continuous Build, Occasional
         | Integration": https://www.aspect.dev/blog/cboi-continuous-
         | build-occasional...
       | escot wrote:
       | This seems like it could be better than Docker when you need to
       | manage dependent images. Like if I want to build a simple base
       | image for my backend that is then used to build images for both a
       | prod deployment, a testing image, etc.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | It's built on Docker's BuildKit which you can also enable with
         | some config twerking (lol, not fixing this spell check because
         | it's probably more accurate). That's how you get caching and
         | DAG solving. BuildKit doesn't have a great wrapper or interface
         | a.t.m.
         | Earthly is one of several companies building on BuildKit and
         | providing a better DX
       | thdxr wrote:
       | Earthly is great! Finally makes it so CI runs the same
       | everywhere. I try to use it wherever I can
         | agbell wrote:
         | Thanks for using it!
         | Yeah, I was sick of having to write build scripts in vendor
         | specific formats and then not being able to run those builds
         | locally without jumping through a lot of hoops.
         | If earthly didn't exist I think I would use a combination of
         | make inside docker files to define my build and then use the
         | bare minimum of CI specific configs to just call into those.
         | That way when I need to switch from Travis to Github or Circle
         | or whatever, I don't need to rewrite the steps.
       | petethepig wrote:
       | I'm working on our CI/CD right now and this looks like it would
       | made my life easier.
       | Killer feature for me here would be if you could run the same
       | Earthfile on a mac or a windows machine.
         | agbell wrote:
         | Thanks for checking it out. You can totally do that. We are
         | using moby/buildkit and docker to provide this platform
         | independence.
           | corpdronejuly wrote:
           | Even better would be support for Windows instead of WSL.
           | I've really come to be frustrated with the a pattern where
           | developers treat "it builds on Ubuntu LTS WSL2" as the same
           | thing as "it works on windows"
           | Could I do something like run one build on a windows CI host
           | and also test that things behave the same way on linux and
           | mac.
             | vladaionescu wrote:
             | Earthly team member here. Yes, we're working on native
             | windows support as we speak. This has been highly
             | requested.
               | corpdronejuly wrote:
               | Glad to hear it!
             | [deleted]
             | mamcx wrote:
             | Yeah, I use azure so I can get build support for linux,
             | windows, osx. I wish I could simplify all that, but with
             | windows I need call native C++ toolchain (using rust).
       | emptysongglass wrote:
       | I don't get it: why wouldn't I just use a Dockerfile? The
       | Earthfiles look the same. Dockerfiles run the same way every time
       | and Docker supports caching. I just see more complexity on top
       | without value add.
       | If I want to move beyond local builds then I'd use something like
       | Garden or Skaffold. Skaffold builds the same way every time and
       | supports remote builders.
         | agbell wrote:
         | You can take a look at how the phoenix framework uses earthly
         | to simplify their builds. They are testing across OTP versions
         | and across different databases (mysql, SQL Server, postgres)
         | all in an earthfile[1]. Ecto_sql does something similar[2].
         | [1] https://phoenixframework.org/blog/improving-testing-and-
         | cont...
         | [2] https://github.com/elixir-
         | ecto/ecto_sql/blob/master/Earthfil...
         | ithkuil wrote:
         | The Lansing page says: earthfile = makefile + dockerfile
         | There is also an easy to understand example with several
         | targets with dependencies between them.
         | You can more or less achieve the same with multiple stages in a
         | docker file, with named targets etc, but it get complicated
         | fast.
         | [deleted]
       | geekdave wrote:
       | Does this work with GitHub Actions?
         | quickthrower2 wrote:
         | Same question for Travis CI, is there an example setup for
         | this?
           | agbell wrote:
           | So you just have to pull in earthly and then call it. Here is
           | an example. Note that the travis file has almost nothing,
           | because you can move all that to an Earthfile so that you can
           | easily port it and run it locally.
           | https://github.com/zedtux/database_cleaner-
           | nobrainer/blob/ma...
           | https://github.com/zedtux/database_cleaner-
           | nobrainer/blob/ma...
         | agbell wrote:
         | It does. You just put all your actually build logic in an
         | earthfile and call it from your github actions. A benefit of
         | this is its easy to move CIs and you can test your build
         | locally.
         | Here is an example githubaction script[1].
         | https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix/blob/master/.git...
       | no_circuit wrote:
       | I wonder what the scope of what would be a competitive service
       | now that Earthly's license changed to BSL from MPL on 2021-02-01
       | [0]? Seems like Earthly Technologies Inc will launch a SaaS [1].
       | However, I'd assume it won't matter for most developers except
       | for those selling a CI/CD SaaS. In any case, I'm looking forward
       | to seeing what they end up offering!
       | [0] https://github.com/earthly/earthly/pull/730 [1]
       | https://earthly.dev/tos
       | gingerlime wrote:
       | Great to see earthly alive and kicking. Was in touch with Vlad
       | nearly a year ago, and my main blocker to using it was longevity
       | of the project in quite a saturated space. Perhaps it's time to
       | take a closer look :) It looks great!
       | wikibob wrote:
       | Can anyone who's familiar with Earthly explain why somebody would
       | want to use it instead of Bazel?
         | netvarun wrote:
         | Same question here too!
         | oftenwrong wrote:
         | I had the same thought, and found this:
         | https://github.com/earthly/earthly#how-is-earthly-different-...
       | mssundaram wrote:
       | > Made with <3 on Planet Earth
       | Does anyone else gag with when companies do this (made with
       | love)? It feels too emotional, but maybe it's really true for
       | them?
       | Edit: Replace the heart character with <3 as HN doesn't seem to
       | render it
       | agbell wrote:
       | Hello HN. Earthly is a tool for build automation.
       | I like to think of our solution as a modern version of a
       | makefile. Many people are familiar with makefiles, and back
       | before every CI server was configured using YAML and groovy, this
       | was a common way to build things. We are trying to improve the
       | simplicity of make by adding on the repeatability of docker
       | containers. By mixing those two concepts together, a lot of cool
       | properties fall out.
       | Because each target is containerized, there is no works-on-my-
       | machine issues, or tests failing because something is not
       | installed on one Jenkins runner or so on.
       | Second, that isolation means that dependencies between steps need
       | to be explicitly declared, and with this knowledge, earthly can
       | infer parallelism.
       | Third, containerization gives caching abilities. We can tell if
       | nothing's changed since a previous run, and earthly can cache
       | steps across build runs or even across machines. You get to use a
       | docker registry as a build cache.
       | We shared this on here about a year ago[1], and since that, lots
       | has changed. First of all, a year ago it was just Vlad working on
       | this, and now there is a number of us, including me. But for end-
       | users, we have shipped many great features such as multi-arch
       | builds, docker-compose support (which is handy for running
       | integration tests ), inline and explicit caching, and an
       | interactive debug mode. Interactive debug mode is neat but
       | straightforward: a failing build step pops you into a shell at
       | the point of failure.
       | Let me know what you think of what we have built.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22890612
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | I love the idea.
       | Yesterday I gave up building something locally and just got CI to
       | do it because to run locally you have to kind of make a poor mans
       | .travis.yml file out of bash locally then play spot the
       | difference (I never figured out what was different that was
       | breaking it locally, resulting in a k8s deployment with a missing
       | mount/volume).
       | This might sound weird but when you inherit some legacy code
       | you'll know what I mean.
       | Something where you can run the CI locally is such a boon.
       | Also CI providers do have downtime. If you can run locally, you
       | can't deploy your app!
       | AlessandroA wrote:
       | This looks very interesting. I couldn't see TeamCity mentioned in
       | the CI integration section. Any plan to support it?
         | agbell wrote:
         | Thanks for checking it out.
         | I've not tried this and I'm not very familiar with TeamCity but
         | it should just work. If you are running the teamcity builds
         | inside of containers, you may need to switch that off, as
         | Earthly brings its own containerization.
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | I looked at their main page and got the impression this tool is
       | not very / not at all useful - except perhaps for some niche I'm
       | not in.
       | > Earthly is a syntax for defining your build.
       | I already have syntax for defining my build.
       | > It works with your existing build system.
       | If I have a build system, or a build system generator, why do I
       | need to redefine my build another way?
       | > With Earthly, all builds are containerized
       | Huh? What? Why? ... That's already a deal breaker. I don't want
       | to be limited to building within containers.
       | > With Earthly, all builds are ... repeatable
       | Isn't that true for any decent build system?
       | > With Earthly, all builds are ... language agnostic
       | An ambiguous statement. Especially since a build process does
       | depend, to some extent, on the language of the source files.
       | > Get repeatable and understandable builds today.
       | (shrug) more marketing talk.
       | > It's like Makefile and Dockerfile had a baby.
       | I don't want Dockerfile in the family, and as for Makefile - it's
       | too low-level. Makefiles get generated these days (and have been
       | for over 20 years for most software packages, IIANM.)
       | > No more git commit -m "try again" .
       | This has never been a problem for me.
       | (Well, ok, if there's network trouble, then downloading things
       | during a build will fail; but Earthly can't magically reconnect a
       | broken network.)
       | > "Earthly is a pragmatic and incremental solution to a thorny
       | problem that all organizations face"
       | Which thorny problem is that? The "non-repeatable builds"? I'm
       | confused.
         | fishywang wrote:
         | My thoughts exactly.
         | I guess there's a niche for Mac/Windows developers to be able
         | to run the build system on linux, because that's what their CI
         | system runs (so it might fail for some issues that does not
         | fail on their host machines), but most CI systems cannot run
         | nested containers (because docker-in-docker requires some
         | privileges), and as a result their CI system usually can not
         | run this thing, which totally defeats the purpose.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | Earthly is essentially a make/dockerfile syntax for a BuildKit
         | frontend. If you understand and agree that BuildKit has value,
         | than that's the jist of it.
         | Agree with all your points for sure, but people need words on
         | their landing page
       | picardo wrote:
       | I've been wishing for something like this. Can I generate AWS
       | CodeBuild buildspec.yml files from an Earthfile?
         | agbell wrote:
         | Not right now, but we are happy to take a PR :)
         | You can probably just manually write a buildspec that has a
         | single earthly call:                   command:             -
         | earthly +build
         | I've not used CodeBuild though, so I'm not totally sure.
         | Long term, the idea of generating the config for N possible
         | build systems from Earthly is something we want to explore but
         | we aren't there yet.
           | picardo wrote:
           | After a cursory look, it seems like there is no support for
           | parallel and dependent builds in the syntax right now. Is
           | this correct? Are there any plans to support that? That's the
           | advantage of CodeBuild spec files -- they let me specify
           | build dependency and order, but I have to write a file for
           | each job. I'd rather write a single file with a simple syntax
           | like the Earthfile.
             | agbell wrote:
             | Hi, just on my phone but Dependencies and parrellism are
             | supported. It's inferred from the structure of targets.
       | choeger wrote:
       | Maybe this is a stupid question, but what is the "make" part? I
       | see a lot of docker syntax and a few targets without
       | dependencies. But make is all about dependencies. What kind of
       | make dependencies do you support? What kind of variables, macros,
       | etc?
       | duped wrote:
       | How tightly coupled is this to docker?
       | My major gripe is that I legitimately need cross platform build
       | and test (windows, Linux, and macos). I will pay hundreds to
       | thousands of dollars a month to someone that solves these
       | problems (I already do, and release engineers aren't hurting!).
         | detaro wrote:
         | Cross-platform support would be my question too, yes.
       | n3t wrote:
       | How would you compare Earthly to creating Docker images using
       | Nix[0]? I love Nix declarative nature with strong emphasis on
       | reproducibility.
       | [0]: https://nixos.org/guides/building-and-running-docker-
       | images....
         | agbell wrote:
         | I like nix. If you dig into nixpkgs far enough back you can
         | find commits from me bumping version hashes on postgres.
         | The caching and our future plans for distributed builds have
         | some similarities with Nix Hydra and Bazel but creating images
         | in earthly is closer to docker multistage builds than it is to
         | nix.
         | We are not just for building docker images, though. In the real
         | world a 'build' is more than just building an image. It will
         | have linting, and tests and integration tests and maybe some
         | services need to be stood up and tore down in between to make
         | sure an api contract wasn't broken and you might need different
         | binaries generated for different architectures and so on.
         | I could be wrong but I think nix is focused more on just the
         | producing the artifact part. I do love how they approach every
         | build as a pure function though.
           | n3t wrote:
           | It makes sense! Thank you for your response.
       (page generated 2021-07-09 23:00 UTC)