[HN Gopher] WhatsApp to let users message without their phones
       WhatsApp to let users message without their phones
       Author : pseudolus
       Score  : 10 points
       Date   : 2021-07-15 20:26 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.bbc.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.bbc.com)
       | jackewiehose wrote:
       | I'm really pissed at Signal because they went the same route as
       | WhatsApp and tied the account to a phone number and it's not
       | possible to use it on more than one (android) device or just on a
       | PC (without phone).
       | WhatsApp gave us the chance to convert a lot of people to a
       | facebook-free messenger because of their change of terms and we
       | did convert a lot of people.
       | But meanwhile I have to agree with most people I know: the Signal
       | app is just shitty compared to WhatsApp (often crashes on
       | android, you can't set a custom notify sound, messages arriving
       | late, ...) and now it also lags behind this new feature.
         | suyash wrote:
         | Before you get mad, realize that Signal is a non profit, with
         | much less budget and much smaller number of employees working
         | at it than WhatsApp/FB. If you're so motivated, can even build
         | something for them in open source.
           | jackewiehose wrote:
           | Being "pissed" is about the phone number requirement which is
           | just a political decision and not about budget.
           | > If you're so motivated, can even build something for them
           | in open source
           | No, as far as I know they don't allow alternative clients (at
           | least on their servers). Of course that is their right but
           | IMHO still a dick move (again nothing to do with budget) and
           | we are stuck with the official client. Open source is nice
           | but with this limitation it has lost the biggest advantage.
       | nottorp wrote:
       | Yeah, pretty frustrating when whatsapp is the only messenger i
       | can't have open on both my phone and tablet.
       | Incidentally, the only messenger I use that requires a phone
       | number is again, whatsapp. Because it has basically replaced SMS
       | here.
       | Other than that, if they want me to sign up with my phone number,
       | I say no thank you and move on. Looking at you Signal, and other
       | "security/privacy conscious" messengers.
       | pbadenski wrote:
       | This is big! Can't wait until we have radios that can also show
       | images.
         | sonicggg wrote:
         | Lmao. And good thing we have BBC covering this technology
         | breakthrough.
       (page generated 2021-07-15 23:02 UTC)