[HN Gopher] Show HN: I developed a native macOS Hacker News client
       Show HN: I developed a native macOS Hacker News client
       Author : pcr910303
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2021-07-21 00:20 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | I feel like calling it "Hacker News" is a bit of a misnomer at
       | this point, right? /s
       | grishka wrote:
       | Any chance for Mojave support? It currently requires Big Sur.
       | Looks good on screenshots tho.
       | przemub wrote:
       | I like that you kept at it for 1.5 year - it is inspiring me to
       | pick up some projects I've half-started.
       | SavantIdiot wrote:
       | This raises a question I've always wondered:
       | How many of you prefer to run a native app rather than the web
       | app?
       | Personally I hate installing things on my desktop if there is a
       | website because it is just another thing I have to manage. (Even
       | more so because I have multiple Windows, Mac and Linux boxes I'm
       | bouncing around between during the day and rather just have
       | sync'd Firefox bookmarks than have to install s/w on each box.)
       | Am I in the minority, majority, both, neither?
         | et-al wrote:
         | On a phone, I can see apps being easier to use (saved
         | credentials and ideally the UX is streamlined for touchscreen
         | use). But if I have a keyboard and mouse, I strongly prefer a
         | web app for stuff that requires minimal interaction from me
         | because it's sandboxed and accessible anywhere.
         | A native app should be snappier and maybe offline capable, but
         | I'm not expecting to use Hacker News offline.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | I prefer PWAs since it combines the window-ness of regular
         | applications with the security sandbox traits of websites in
         | the browser.
         | justaguy88 wrote:
         | I always prefer the native (so long as it's really native, not
         | just electron)
         | I'm usually lost in a sea of browser tabs
         | Austin_Conlon wrote:
         | Seems that it's usually long time Mac users that prefer native
         | with extensive menu bar support, familiar keyboard shortcuts,
         | etc.
         | kitsunesoba wrote:
         | I like native apps (as in, uses the host platform's UI toolkit)
         | where available, because it's almost a given that the operating
         | systems's typography, color scheme, etc are more legible and
         | less annoying than whatever choices were made by a website's
         | designer. This is especially important now that all major
         | desktop OSes implement a dark mode, which many sites still
         | lack.
         | Things like reader mode and user styles help a lot with that,
         | but they're both kind of clunky bolt-ons and in the case of
         | userstyles, often manual since many sites don't have any
         | readily available.
         | A lot of this could be improved if browsers had restyling built
         | in as a first class feature and site owners were incentivized
         | to make their sites work with it.
         | tasogare wrote:
         | Of course desktop software, as they are way better than web
         | sites.
         | - don't need to create yet another account (and won't be
         | deplatformed arbitrarily)
         | - my data stay in local and are not used in shaddy way by the
         | service provider
         | - usable offline or with poor connection
         | - better performance
         | - I'm in control with upgrades
         | Webapps in general are hostile to the user and are just a way
         | for the developer to take over (undue) control over the
         | software usage and user data.
         | rootsudo wrote:
         | Depends, web apps are nifty af but a console app can be better,
         | but lately I enjoy using a browser entirely as it makes it
         | computer agnostic.
         | willyt wrote:
         | Depends. Something I use all the time, like a music player or a
         | chat app, I hate having to use a web app or a app that just
         | wraps a web interface as they are usually slow, clunky,
         | glitchy, power hungry and with non-standard interfaces
         | especially things like keyboard shortcuts, drag n drop support.
         | But something like this app I would probably never install as I
         | don't spend that much time writing stuff on HN. HN is just a
         | website that links to other websites that I mostly just have a
         | look once or twice a day for semi-obscure interesting science,
         | tech and design news that hasn't made it to ars technica or
         | whatever.
         | TranquilMarmot wrote:
         | I'm the same way; I use multiple machines (and my phone!) every
         | day so having synced Firefox tabs is ideal. Especially for
         | something as simple as Hacker News a native client seems a
         | little... overkill?
         | brailsafe wrote:
         | I much prefer a native mac experience for things that aren't
         | necessarily tied directly to services and I do more than just
         | read on, and usually that I'd like them to be offline by
         | default. However, I've been wanting a HN client for a while for
         | some reason. I don't sync tabs around, but do use Firefox.
         | seany wrote:
         | I don't think I've ever picked the web interface over native as
         | long as the native app is "really native"
           | tailspin2019 wrote:
           | Agreed, the "really native" bit is important!
           | geoah wrote:
           | If it's an app I want open all the time I'd rather have a
           | dedicated native app for it.
         | cartoonworld wrote:
         | I use materialistic(on fdroid and gplay) because it gives me a
         | phone home screen widget of top hn stories.
         | https://f-droid.org/is/packages/io.github.hidroh.materialist...
         | jll29 wrote:
         | In the absence of a USENET news server comp.bbs.hn, a TUI RSS
         | reader would be the next best thing for me, and viewing the
         | site in a Web browser after that.
         | (I appreciate that many will enjoy a native app, and I applaud
         | the effort, but for me personally content sites are harder to
         | keep track of if each has its own app.)
       | Naac wrote:
       | Does the Algolia hackernews api ( the specific API this client
       | uses ) still require you to query in a tree like fashion, every
       | comment item id if you want an entire page of comments?
       | Its extremely inefficient, to the point where I have a better
       | time curling the HN web page and piping it through python
       | beautifulsoup
       | Regarding a native app vs the using the HN website. The HN
       | website I think is pretty ideal for the type of content its
       | displaying, a native app doesn't give you much over having a HN
       | tab open. I guess only if you want to read HN but not have a web
       | browser open? But how often does that happen?
       | The only benefit I see from a native app ( and why I use one on
       | Android ) is the ability to save articles and comments for
       | offline reading, say, when I get on a plane.
         | pcr910303 wrote:
         | > Does the Algolia hackernews api ( the specific API this
         | client uses ) still require you to query in a tree like
         | fashion, every comment item id if you want an entire page of
         | comments?
         | I'm using two different APIs -- the inefficient API that
         | requires you querying in a tree fashion is the HN official
         | API[0], but there's also the Algolia API[1], which is much
         | faster and gives a much sensible data shape. I also do actually
         | fetch the HN website as well -- it's needed for account/voting
         | features. With these sources, it's much faster than a usual
         | client that gets it's data from the official API.
         | > The HN website I think is pretty ideal for the type of
         | content its displaying, a native app doesn't give you much over
         | having a HN tab open.
         | I guess it's a bit of difference on how one uses HN? I didn't
         | like HN tabs being mixed with other work--related tabs. I felt
         | that having an app would be a perfect solution to me, but YMMV
         | I guess.
         | > The only benefit I see from a native app is the ability to
         | save articles and comments for offline reading
         | I guess that's one more feature that I should add to my backlog
         | :)
         | [0]: https://github.com/HackerNews/API
         | [1]: https://hn.algolia.com/api
           | krapp wrote:
           | Oh wow, I... really wish I'd known about that second API a
           | while ago. I gave up on writing my own client because HN's
           | API was so frustrating.
         | Karrot_Kream wrote:
         | > Does the Algolia hackernews api ( the specific API this
         | client uses ) still require you to query in a tree like
         | fashion, every comment item id if you want an entire page of
         | comments?
         | > Its extremely inefficient, to the point where I have a better
         | time curling the HN web page and piping it through python
         | beautifulsoup
         | Yes it still does and yeah it's ridiculously inefficient. I
         | have a couple tools I've written atop the HN API and all of
         | them are forced to go async simply because the sheer # of page
         | loads necessary to render a thread makes async almost a
         | necessity.
         | dahfizz wrote:
         | Agreed. Generally I prefer native apps, but HN is so well
         | designed and so minimalist that I don't feel it needs a native
         | client.
       | sys_64738 wrote:
       | Wouldn't Vienna with the RSS feed give you the same?
       | tailspin2019 wrote:
       | Haven't tried it yet but the screen shot looks great. Clean,
       | simple and not over engineered.
       | pcr910303 wrote:
       | Hello, I'm the developer. Didn't expect a Show HN post to go into
       | a second--chance pool -- I woke up an hour ago to find that my
       | app was trending on HN.
       | I developed this b.c. I found that I didn't like HN mixed with
       | other work/school related tabs, and realized that a separate app
       | would be great for me. I believe that apps should use the most
       | native-like UI possible -- especially Cocoa on macOS, so I aimed
       | to be the most 'Mac-assed' HN client possible.
       | Unfortunately the current app is in fact pretty unpolished --
       | it's in a usable state, but there's a lot of missing features
       | that one would expect from a 'full-featured' HN client. Probably
       | a bunch of unknown bugs as well :-(. I would very appreciate any
       | suggestions on feature additions or simple bug reports. Thanks!
       | caseyf7 wrote:
       | Would love to see the ability to search and/or export upvoted
       | submissions/comments.
       | adammenges wrote:
       | Nice! This looks great.
       | c17r wrote:
       | On my "projects to do when I have lots more free time" list is to
       | make a Hacker News NNTP server. Read only, of course. Few details
       | to work out (edits, polls, making comments, etc) but I think it
       | could work. It would solve the "what's new in this thread"
       | problem.
         | jll29 wrote:
         | Would be great to get that and read it in Emacs (gnus).
       | floss_silicate wrote:
       | "Mac-er News", surely?
         | themodelplumber wrote:
         | HrNReader 2000
       | paulcole wrote:
       | God I would love somebody to make one of these that could block
       | specific users, linked sites, or topics/keywords.
       | leecb wrote:
       | Very happy to see a "mac-assed" app!
       | My only complaint so far is that I can only see about 12 items in
       | the app on one screen, vs the whole front page in a browser. Adds
       | a lot more scrolling.
       | geoah wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing this. It looks really great and pretty minimal
       | which I personally love. The main thing I'm missing from this
       | would be read/unread indicators on stories.
       | A roadmap of planned features would be nice or some tickets that
       | other people could help with.
       | I'm not sure how much time you plan on spending this, but I'd
       | personally probably be willing to buy a version of this if it was
       | able to do notifications on replies and similar features hn
       | lurkers might want. Other interesting paid features could be
       | read-later list, favourites, cross device syncing of read
       | indicators and lists, etc. If you don't wanna deal with paid
       | features maybe consider enabling the github sponsor feature so
       | people could optionally pitch-in.
         | pcr910303 wrote:
         | For me, right now, this is a hobby project -- until now, the
         | feature roadmap was basically the feature that I have in mind.
         | I'm more than happy to get feature requests though --
         | read/unread indication and favorites are something that I would
         | definitely try implementing. Notifications are a bit harder
         | because it would require polling HN -- I'll be thinking on it.
       | soheil wrote:
       | Here is some code for a simple chrome ext for HN to show
       | votes/created date/bio inline (just stick it in a chrome ext)
       | function hackernews() {         if
       | (document.location.toString().indexOf('news.ycombinator') === -1)
       | return;         document.querySelector('#hnmain td').style =
       | 'background-color: #55b6f2;';         var i = 0;         function
       | render(user, html) {           const div =
       | document.createElement('div');           let style = 'cursor:
       | text;overflow-y: scroll; height: 39px;position: absolute;border:
       | 1px dotted black;width: 250px;margin-left: 250px;margin-top:
       | -34px;background-color: #f6f6ef;';           div.innerHTML =
       | html;           const date = div.querySelectorAll('tr')[5].queryS
       | electorAll('td')[1].innerHTML.split(', ')[1];           const
       | karma = div.querySelectorAll('tr')[6].querySelectorAll('td')[1].i
       | nnerHTML;           const about = div.querySelectorAll('tr')[7].q
       | uerySelectorAll('td')[1].innerHTML;           if (about.length <
       | 60) {             style += 'display: flex;flex-direction: column-
       | reverse;margin-top: -39px;border: none;background-color:
       | transparent;';           }           div.innerHTML = about;
       | div.style = style;           user.querySelector('.age').innerHTML
       | += date ? ' ' + date + ' ' + parseInt(karma).toLocaleString() : '
       | (x_x)';           user.appendChild(div);         }
       | function next() {           if (i >=
       | document.querySelectorAll('.default .comhead').length) return;
       | const user = document.querySelectorAll('.default .comhead')[i++];
       | if (!user) return next();           const username =
       | user.querySelector('a').href;           if
       | (username.indexOf('soheil') !== -1) return next();
       | const html = localStorage.getItem(user);           if (html) {
       | render(username, html);             next();             return;
       | }           fetch(username)           .then(res => res.text())
       | .then(res => {             localStorage.setItem(username, res);
       | render(user, res);             setTimeout(next, 3000);
       | });         }         next();       }
       | Jerry2 wrote:
       | Excellent work! I really like the UI. I've been using some iOS
       | app for HN because the UI offers easy and quick swipe-based
       | upvotes and bookmarking. But your UI is more reminiscent of a
       | mail app and that's better suited for a desktop app. So kudos!
       | npunt wrote:
       | Looks good but needs text zoom (cmd =/+ and cmd -).
       | I'd also consider the sidebar include 'My Posts' and 'My
       | Comments'. Maybe it has those, but I couldn't tell, as I turned
       | off outgoing network access to firebase before logging in just to
       | be on the safe side. Any reason you're connecting to firebase
       | rather than storing preferences locally? I'm worried about my HN
       | credentials being stolen.
         | pcr910303 wrote:
         | Thanks for the feature requests! Will definitely add a text
         | zoom feature and a 'My Postsm category.
         | > Any reason you're connecting to firebase rather than storing
         | preferences locally?
         | All of your preferences are stored locally -- the firebase
         | connection is due to the official HN API[0] implemented on
         | Firebase. Your HN credentials never leave the app (except for
         | news.ycombinator.com) -- it's tucked in your keychain.
         | [0]: https://github.com/HackerNews/API
           | npunt wrote:
           | Ah thank you for the clarification! Keychain is truly the
           | 'Mac-assed' solution isn't it?
           | I know it's kind of a feature/property of HN to not implement
           | notifications or other attention driving features but it'd be
           | interesting to see this app periodically poll HN for any
           | replies to My Posts / My Comments and generate at least
           | sidebar number badges, if not app badges and system
           | notifications. I'd implement a preference on the latter two
           | though, in keeping with the spirit of not having HN turn
           | completely into an attention grabbing social network for
           | those that wish it not to be.
       (page generated 2021-07-22 23:00 UTC)