[HN Gopher] Fun with Unix domain sockets
       Fun with Unix domain sockets
       Author : edward
       Score  : 145 points
       Date   : 2021-07-24 14:15 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (simonwillison.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (simonwillison.net)
       | DesiLurker wrote:
       | one lesser known facility I have used with UDS is called
       | SCM_RIGHTS. It is used to send open file descriptors for actual
       | files/shm regions/socket connections. the receiving process gets
       | the same file handle as if translated into its process space by a
       | dup by kernel. this is very useful for implementing things like
       | graphics compositor where specialized memory regions need to be
       | passed around to various processing stages.
       | [deleted]
       | galaxyLogic wrote:
       | I read this from Wikipedia: "In addition to sending data,
       | processes may send file descriptors across a Unix domain socket".
       | Does this mean you can send a Unix domain socket via a Unix
       | domain socket?
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_domain_socket
         | hughrr wrote:
         | Yes although I inherited something that did this once for no
         | good reason and it made me scratch my head for several hours
         | before I understood it properly. YMMV on that.
         | markjdb wrote:
         | You can even send a Unix socket over itself. The kernel has to
         | be careful to handle that correctly. :)
         | loosescrews wrote:
         | Yes. You can send any file descriptor. You might also be
         | interested in socketpair[1], which creates a pair of FDs
         | connected via an anonymous Unix domain socket. Sending a
         | socketpair over a Unix domain socket is a nice way to establish
         | a new channel of communication.
         | [1] https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socketpair.2.html
       | nine_k wrote:
       | I wish browsers could talk to Unix domain sockets (and maybe
       | named pipes on Windows). That would allow to run web servers
       | locally _and_ more securely: domain sockets live on the file
       | system with the usual access control means available, while
       | binding to a port on localhost has no such easy and familiar
       | control.
         | jag327 wrote:
         | Firefox can talk to a unix socket. In your proxy settings
         | specify the socket.
         | E.g., it is how you can more safely proxy through tor (which
         | also can listen on a socket), with firefox running inside a
         | network name space without access to a network interface.
         | Things like webrtc cannot leak your real IP.
           | kortilla wrote:
           | Op means typing a socket into the address bar. Using a socket
           | for proxying is not the same thing.
             | nine_k wrote:
             | It's still _strictly_ better than no way at all!
             | Using something like OmegaSwitcher, it's easy to configure
             | some DNS suffix like `.local.test` to be mapped to local
             | Unix sockets. Not as easy as built-in support, but at least
             | doable.
           | foresto wrote:
           | I don't see a field for this in the Connection Settings
           | dialog. Where do you type the socket name/path?
         | fao_ wrote:
         | You kind of can already, I know this isn't what you _mean_ ,
         | but you can connect to unix sockets via a native application.
         | "Native messaging enables an extension to exchange messages
         | with a native application, installed on the user's computer.
         | The native messaging serves the extensions without additional
         | accesses over the web."
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Web...
         | signa11 wrote:
         | opnbsd's netcat can bind to af_unix endpoints, perhaps that can
         | brought to bear to solve this ?
           | gizdan wrote:
           | That still requires listening on tcp.
         | yrro wrote:
         | This a million times. Imagine how much less annoying e.g.
         | syncthing UI would be!
         | (Granted programs can sort of do this with TCP sockets too, at
         | lwast on Linux: read from /proc/net/tcp/somepathicantremember
         | and use that to find out the U credentials of the client
         | currently connected to your server...)
           | snthd wrote:
           | >Imagine how much less annoying e.g. syncthing UI would be!
           | Assuming you mean the local web app needing an self-signed
           | certificate...
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/Security/Secure...
           | >Note: Firefox 84 and later support http://localhost and
           | http://*.localhost URLs as trustworthy origins (earlier
           | versions did not, because localhost was not guaranteed to map
           | to a local/loopback address).
           | So if syncthing is reachable on a port on localhost you can
           | just switch https off.
         | rwmj wrote:
         | I use this all the time for mocking / testing REST-ish
         | services, since otherwise the test has to consume a port. Ports
         | are limited in number, contended (eg. with real services or
         | other tests), and may even be exposed to the public if your
         | firewall is misconfigured.
         | On the client side of the test Curl makes this easy with
         | Agree with you about support in browsers.
         | Here's a fun and little known fact about Unix domain sockets on
         | Linux: They have two independent SELinux labels. One is the
         | regular label stored in the filesystem, and the other has to be
         | set by the process creating the socket (using
         | setsockcreatecon). On an system with SELinux enforcing and a
         | decent security policy you usually have to set both. I just
         | posted a patch for qemu to allow the second one to be set:
         | https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-block/2021-07/msg...
           | jerf wrote:
           | Check your local "listening" API. Unix permits you to just
           | ask for "a port that is open", in a range defined by your
           | kernel that is usually left untouched by everything else and
           | will have no forwarding associated with it. Then you don't
           | have to worry about the port selection process.
           | However, this is a prime example of a feature that many
           | people writing abstraction layers around networking leave out
           | of their layer, due to either not knowing it exists or not
           | knowing the use case and figuring that nobody could ever have
           | a use for it. So you may very well find it is not available
           | to you (or not available conveniently) in your preferred
           | environment. (See also "what are all these weird TCP flags?
           | Eh, I'm sure nobody needs them. Abstracted!")
           | If you have Unix sockets working, by all means stick with
           | them, but if you need sockets this feature can help. You can
           | even run multiple such tests simultaneously because each
           | instance will open it's own port safely. (I have test code in
           | several projects trust does this.)
             | kortilla wrote:
             | But that's a worse solution unless you feel the need to
             | test the kernel's tcp stack.
             | You're back to opening local ports that anyone on the box
             | can access. You can work around that by isolating the tests
             | into a container/namespace, but now you have more stuff to
             | orchestrate.
             | Finally, the problem with binding to 0 and letting the
             | kernel pick a port is now you have to wait for that bind
             | event to happen to know which port to connect to from your
             | test side. With domain sockets you can set that up in
             | advance and know how to communicate with the process under
             | test without needing a different API to get its bound port
             | number.
               | rwmj wrote:
               | It's definitely the last point which is the main problem.
               | We can start the server side and tell it to pick a port,
               | but then we have to somehow communicate that port to the
               | test / client, and often that channel of communication
               | doesn't really exist (or it's a hack like having the
               | server print the port number on stdout - which is what
               | qemu does). Unix domain sockets by contrast are an
               | infinite private space that can be prepared in advance.
               | jerf wrote:
               | I don't have a problem running my test code on boxes with
               | hostile people logged in to them, nor do my socket
               | connections offer them anything they couldn't already do
               | if they have that level of access. You sound like you may
               | have a very particular problem, and if this is your
               | situation I'm not convinced "Unix sockets" are the answer
               | anyhow... you seem to have bigger problems with
               | unauthorized access.
             | krferriter wrote:
             | If call bind with port 0 in Linux or Windows or OSX the OS
             | will bind to a random unused port within the unrestricted
             | port range. Whether there is any forwarding or firewall
             | associated with that port is outside the scope of the code
             | that opens the port. If the application is assigned a
             | random port such as 55555 there could be forwarding or a
             | firewall on that port at the OS level that the application
             | is unaware of. If an application is opening random
             | listening ports it just needs to record that information
             | somewhere so clients can actually connect to it. In the
             | case of using this for testing localhost servers the
             | application can just print out the port number or save it
             | to a file so that you can look it up easily without going
             | through netstat or something.
             | Opening a random listening port to serve content to clients
             | which initiate communications to it is less common than the
             | use case of initiating a communication to a listening port
             | elsewhere and sending content through that socket, though
             | both of these use cases open random local ports.
           | koolba wrote:
           | The annoying thing with Unix sockets is making sure to delete
           | them and recreate them. IIRC, there's no file system
           | equivalent of SO_REUSEPORT.
             | aktau wrote:
             | UNIX domain sockets also support an abstract namespace, not
             | a part of the filesystem [1].
             | An excerpt of [2]:
             | > The abstract namespace socket allows the creation of a
             | socket connection which does not require a path to be
             | created. Abstract namespace sockets disappear as soon as
             | all open instances of the socket are removed. This is in
             | contrast to file-system paths, which need to have the
             | remove API invoked in code so that previous instances of
             | the socket connection are removed.
             | It worked quite well when I tried it (also in addition to
             | using SO_PEERCRED for checking that the connecting user is
             | the same as the user running the listener in question).
             | [1]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/206395/33652
             | [2]: https://www.hitchhikersguidetolearning.com/2020/04/25/
             | abstra...
               | koolba wrote:
               | That's fantastic. Too bad it's Linux only though. Is
               | there an alternative for other systems outside of adding
               | a delete step first?
         | seiferteric wrote:
         | We recently used them at work to easily implement role based
         | access control to an internal REST service since unix sockets
         | have the useful ability of being able to tell which user is
         | reading/writing to them. So you don't need to provide passwords
         | or certificates because if the user is logged in on the system,
         | they are already authorized.
       | inetknght wrote:
       | Unix domain sockets are cool and awesome.
       | It's all fun until some local application decides that it should
       | bridge a third party server and some service on your system. Do
       | you want your browser to facilitate Google talking to your docker
       | daemon? What about your dbus?
       | lxtx wrote:
       | With Unix sockets you can even have in-order datagram semantics,
       | which I think is just neat!
       | colek42 wrote:
       | The UDS API has a particular property that allows the receiver to
       | know the PID of the caller. The SPIFFE/SPIRE project uses this to
       | perform introspection of a process and distribute certificates
       | based on the results of that inspection. It is a really great
       | tool to use in systems engineering.
         | Matthias247 wrote:
         | I think you can do even more and pass other file handles (FDs)
         | through the socket, in order to provide the peer access to
         | those resources.
         | yrro wrote:
         | You can do this for TCP too by pulling out the info about the
         | process that has connected to your socket from /proc. Not as
         | nice an API but at least it's there.
       | leephillips wrote:
       | "It turns out both nginx and Apache have the ability to proxy
       | traffic to a Unix domain socket rather than to an HTTP port,
       | which makes this a useful mechanism for running backend servers
       | without attaching them to TCP ports."
       | That's one useful nugget of information! I had no idea.
         | z3t4 wrote:
         | On webide.se (free shell and web IDE) I use unix sockets alot!,
         | for example nginx proxy from https://foo.user.webide.se to
         | /home/user/socket/foo so that users can test their apps using
         | HTTPS/SSL as many browser features need a httpS URL to work.
         | Unix sockers are also used for accessing a shared mySQL server,
         | and an x11 server so you can test out "native" apps and run
         | Android emulator in the browser.
           | girishso wrote:
           | TIL
         | rogerdonut wrote:
         | HAProxy can as well (as well as listen on unix sockets)
           | moderation wrote:
           | And Envoy Proxy (with an example [0])
           | 0. https://gist.github.com/moderation/5d9c5352842ca068781f367
           | a6...
         | phoyd wrote:
         | Now Docker should provide some way to bridge container ports to
         | UDS. That would be perfect.
           | TechBro8615 wrote:
           | You can bind mount the socket in a volume. You can also do
           | this with named volumes shared between containers. You'll
           | need to make sure the GID/UIDs match, but it works great.
           | It's often faster for inter service communication than the
           | Docker proxy.
           | yrro wrote:
           | Quick hack for you:
           | socat TCP-LISTEN:4000,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/run/yoursock
         | colek42 wrote:
         | socat is the tool for this. No need for a full blown webserver.
           | RedShift1 wrote:
           | socat is a "dumb" tool. With a proxy that understands HTTP
           | you have a lot more influence over what goes where and for
           | example not direct requests to a down backend instance.
             | colek42 wrote:
             | Are you challenging me to build a socat loadbalancer in
             | bash? In all seriousness, I concur. But if you just need to
             | redirect some data streams socat is a rock solid and simple
             | solution.
               | jsjohnst wrote:
               | > Are you challenging me to build a socat loadbalancer in
               | bash?
               | It's a Saturday and all, so yeah, I'm challenging you
               | (for fun, not because I don't think it's possible).
               | marcosdumay wrote:
               | From a quick read of the manpage, I don't think it's
               | possible either, unless you mess with EXEC or create
               | multiple listeners to a single address.
               | Anyway, the Linux kernel does have a builtin loadbalancer
               | in the form of shared sockets that you can socat outside
               | of the machine. But I wouldn't call that a socat
               | loadbalancer.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-07-24 23:00 UTC)