[HN Gopher] How the Python import system works
       How the Python import system works
       Author : zikohh
       Score  : 315 points
       Date   : 2021-07-24 14:28 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (tenthousandmeters.com)
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       | Bukhmanizer wrote:
       | This is so needed. I feel like a lot of people know enough about
       | python imports, but everyone has pains with it.
       | dheera wrote:
       | I created this fun hack that taught me a LOT about the import
       | system. Basically it allows you to import anything you want, even
       | specify a version, and it will fetch it from PyPI live. Might be
       | interesting to flesh this out in a way that's deployable.
       | Basically instead of                   import tornado
       | and hoping and praying that the user has read you README and pip
       | installed the right version of tornado, you can do
       | from magicimport import magicimport         tornado =
       | magicimport("tornado", version = "4.5")
       | and you have exactly what you need, as long as there is an
       | internet connection.
       | https://github.com/dheera/magicimport.py
         | kristjansson wrote:
         | Cool! But why not just throw the code a package with a version
         | dependency on tornado?
           | dheera wrote:
           | Because then you'd still have to install the package.
           | It's nice to have something that "just works" without having
           | to install it. I like to call it Level 5 autonomous software
           | -- software that can figure out how to run itself with zero
           | complaints.
           | I actually use this for a lot of personal non-production
           | scripts, I can just clone the script on any system and just
           | run it, it will figure itself out.
           | Also, packages with version dependencies fuck up other
           | packages with other version dependencies, unless you set up
           | virtualenvs or dockers or condas for them, and those take
           | additional steps.
           | magicimport.py uses virtualenv behind the scenes, so when it
           | imports tornado 4.5 because some script wants 4.5, it won't
           | mess up the 6.0 that's already on your system. In some sense
           | it just automates the virtualenv and pip install process on-
           | the-fly, to give the effect that the script "just works".
       | tyingq wrote:
       | There's a very cool (and succinct) blog post[1] showing how to
       | abuse this in an interesting way where you can put the code of a
       | module into a string and load it that way.
       | Not something I'd use in production, but it's a very clear way to
       | see how both "finding a module" and "loading a module" works
       | under the covers.
       | [1] https://cprohm.de/blog/python-packages-in-a-single-file/
       | Edit: As an aside, I much prefer the way Perl does things in this
       | space. It's much easier to define multiple packages either within
       | a single file or across different files, and much clearer about
       | what's happening underneath.
       | yongjik wrote:
       | Probably half of the commenters here know this, but since we're
       | here, this is my go-to boilerplate for starting a python script.
       | (Probably won't work on Windows.)                   #!/bin/sh
       | # Run the interpreter with -u so that stdout isn't buffered.
       | "exec" "python3" "-u" "$0" "$@"              import os
       | import sys         curdir =
       | os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))         # Add
       | enough .. to point to the top-level project directory.
       | sys.path.insert(0, '%s/../..' % curdir)              Your main
       | program starts here ...
         | kbenson wrote:
         | There's no well known module to do most this for you? In perl,
         | the recent canonical way is to use the FindBin module to find
         | the current binary's running dir, and the the local::lib module
         | to set the import path (or just use lib for older style library
         | dirs). That always seemed cumbersome to me at 2-3 lines that
         | weren't very clean looking.
         | Also, say what you will about Perl and esoteric global
         | variables, but it's kinda nice to be able to toggle buffered
         | output on and off on the fly. Is there really no way to do this
         | in python without re-executing the script like that?
           | icegreentea2 wrote:
           | Ya... if you're trying to get the path of the script, you can
           | use `__file__` special variable (instead of loading it from
           | bash $0 and grabbing sys.argv[0]).
           | For adding current directory to front of path, the
           | sys.path.insert() call is a pretty sound way of doing it.
             | yongjik wrote:
             | Yeah, I think you're right - didn't know about __file__.
             | (To clarify, using "$0" with bash is just standard method
             | to invoke the same script with an interpreter - sys.argv[0]
             | will work with or without bash exec part.)
         | dagmx wrote:
         | Why not just add a shebang , chmod +x and then you're done?
           | yongjik wrote:
           | #!/usr/bin/python
           | This is sometimes what you want, but it will always look at
           | this exact path, and won't play nicely with virtualenv/conda.
           | #!/usr/bin/env python
           | This works - it will use Python found in $PATH. Unfortunately
           | you can't add any more parameters to the interpreter.
           | The contraption I wrote allows adding arbitrary parameters -
           | I was burnt one too many times by Python silently buffering
           | my debug messages, so I use it to always add "-u".
         | danpalmer wrote:
         | > # Add enough .. to point to the top-level project directory.
         | This suggests that there is more than one entry point to the
         | Python project?
         | While I'm sure there are good reasons for this, and while I'm
         | not criticising your instance of this specifically, as a
         | general point of advice I've found this sort of thing to be a
         | bit of an anti-pattern.
         | Having one entry that handles things like path setup and other
         | global concerns, before delegating out to subcommands or
         | whatever construct works best makes it much easier to keep the
         | whole codebase aligned in many ways.
         | Django has a system for this and while it has its flaws, it is
         | nice to have it. Using this, on our main Python codebase of
         | ~400k lines, we have a single manual entry point, plus one
         | server entry point. Coordinating things like configuration,
         | importing, and the application startup process, are therefore
         | essentially non-issues for us for almost all development, even
         | though we have a hundred different operations that a dev can
         | run, each of which could have been a separate tool like this.
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | That's crafty; it reminds me of the suggested similar tactic
         | with tclsh since tcl honors backslashes in comment strings(!):
         | https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/exec+magic
       | random_upvoter wrote:
       | One of the reasons I gradually fell out of love with Python. To
       | get Python right you need to remember more protocol than Queen
       | Victoria's master of tea. And it is truly protocol in the sense
       | that there is always this arbitrariness hanging around it.
         | danuker wrote:
         | What do you use now?
       | moonbug wrote:
       | "badly"
       | abhisuri97 wrote:
       | Despite using python for the past 4 years, it still takes me
       | several tries to set up packages and imports correctly when I
       | make them myself. Honestly, I wish that python had an import
       | system similar to JS (where you can just say "I want this file"
       | <insert path to file> and specify the exports yourself). For me,
       | it just feels more intuitive and less "magic"-like when dealing
       | with custom scripts you want to import.
         | josephorjoe wrote:
         | I have seen way too many `ModuleNotFoundError`s. It is
         | moderately infuriating when the two files are in the same
         | directory and python can't find the module.
         | Honestly that error is misnamed. It should be
         | `ModuleImportRefusedError`.
         | And the frustration caused by getting PyTest to work in a
         | project is likely responsible for a large percentage of the
         | untested python projects in the world...
       | captainmuon wrote:
       | There are two things that are annoying about Python's import
       | system.
       | Number one is that relative imports are weird. My intuition about
       | imports is good enough that I never bothered to learn all the
       | rules explicitly, but sometimes something simple is just not
       | possible and it bites me. I think the case is importing files
       | relative to a script (and not running with python -m ...).
       | Number two is, in order to do package management, you have to
       | create a fake python installation and bend PYTHONPATH.
       | Virtualenvs are the canonical way to do it, but to me it feels
       | like a hack - the core language seems to wants all packages
       | installed in /usr. So now I have all these virtualenvs lying
       | around and they are detached from the scripts.
       | Why couldn't the import system resolve versions, too? You could
       | say `import foo >= 1.0` and it would download it to some global
       | cache, and the import the correct versions from the cache.
         | blakesley wrote:
         | Earnest question: why are you all trying to use relative
         | imports? What problem is that solving for you? I've never even
         | bothered to try it out because it seems potentially problematic
         | in the way all relative references can be, e.g., relative file
         | paths.
           | rocqua wrote:
           | People have a script run with python, and want to use code in
           | other files.
           | This is not supported in python. For reasons beyond my
           | understanding, you are supposed to put the script with
           | python, or with the shebang, in a different directory.
           | Alternatively, you can always use `python -m` to run your
           | code.
           | scaryclam wrote:
           | So much this. There's no good reason to use relative imports.
           | They're less readable, more dangerous and don't solve a
           | single problem.
             | zarzavat wrote:
             | In JS land everything is a relative import. It's nice
             | because you can move a whole directory of code from one
             | project to another (or around in the same project) and it
             | still works because all the imports pointing to other files
             | inside that directory were relative, you only have to fix
             | imports that go outside the directory.
             | Also the way that JS imports are just relative paths is
             | _very_ nice because it means that the imports are
             | statically determinable, your editor can understand them
             | and _fix them automatically_ and you can trust that
             | refactoring. Python has turing complete imports because
             | there 's so much dynamic messing about with sys.path that
             | goes on in Python due to inadequacies of the import system.
               | noptd wrote:
               | Given most editors handle absolute imports as good as if
               | not better than relative imports, I don't see any real
               | benefit to using the latter.
         | whoknowswhat11 wrote:
         | I never followed the changes around imports in 3 ... but def
         | still run into issues especially trying to move code from dev
         | to deploy
         | foresto wrote:
         | > Number two is, in order to do package management, you have to
         | create a fake python installation and bend PYTHONPATH.
         | If I understand what you mean by package management in this
         | context, I wonder if editable installs will help you.
         | https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0660/#abstract
         | https://discuss.python.org/t/pronouncement-on-peps-660-and-6...
         | Denvercoder9 wrote:
         | _> the core language seems to wants all packages installed in
         | /usr._
         | There's also ~/.local/lib/python3/site-packages (or whatever
         | your distribution made of that). Virtualenvs are only necessary
         | if you want to isolate dependencies between environments.
         | That's useful if you have projects with conflicting
         | dependencies, because Python doesn't allow you to install
         | multiple versions of the same package, for better or worse.
         | However, if you've written some simple scripts that don't care
         | much about the exact version of their dependencies, it's
         | perfectly fine to install their dependencies glboally.
           | chriswarbo wrote:
           | Quick shout-out to nix-shell shebangs, which allow a script
           | to specify exact versions of all dependencies, Python or
           | otherwise, which will be cached into a temporary sandbox.
           | https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/#use-as-a-interpreter
           | I wrote a Python script yesterday which calls out to a couple
           | of external commands (`mlr` and `xq`), with a shebang like
           | this:                   #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
           | #!nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 -p miller -p yq
         | rcfox wrote:
         | > Why couldn't the import system resolve versions, too? You
         | could say `import foo >= 1.0` and it would download it to some
         | global cache, and the import the correct versions from the
         | cache.
         | What do you do about conflicts? Or say you have `import foo >=
         | 1.0` in a file, and `import foo == 2.4`, but the latest version
         | is 2.5, so the first import grabbed the latest version, and you
         | later realize you need 2.4?
         | Imagine running a report generator for 5 hours, only to have
         | the formatting module require a conflicting version of
         | something and erroring out at run time...
         | kristaps wrote:
         | Yeah, saner relative imports might be one of the few things
         | that I envy the JS ecosystem for.
         | robochat wrote:
         | Relative imports used to work much more naturally IMHO in
         | python2 but then they broke it in python3 because Guido wanted
         | scripts and modules to always be separate codebases. So,
         | whereas it used to be easy to have a module that could also be
         | run as a script inside a package, this is now very difficult to
         | implement. To the extent that any python2 code that does this,
         | should probably be refactored when being ported to python3.
           | rocqua wrote:
           | This decision has bit me in the ass so often.
           | I want to organize my code logically in directories. As a
           | script grows, I want the ability to spin out parts of that
           | file to separate files.
           | In order to do that in python, I need separate directories
           | between the script and the spun-out functionality. This ends
           | with a script that says "do function from module" and all
           | code being in the module.
           | Having code in different directories for no reason except
           | "the import system" sucks. How is this supposed to go?
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | Always an informative (and fun) read:
         | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14132789/relative-import...
         | Xavdidtheshadow wrote:
         | Once I wrapped my head around when you can and can't use
         | relative imports, I've been pretty ok with them. The think that
         | irks me is whether they work changes based on where you've
         | invoked Python from. `./bin/my_script.py` behaves differently
         | from `./my_script.py`.
         | Coming from JS, that was a pretty frustrating realization.
       | jgwil2 wrote:
       | Related: https://instagram-engineering.com/python-at-scale-
       | strict-mod...
       | shockfist wrote:
       | Badly
       | maest wrote:
       | Slightly off-topic:
       | One of the simplest import systems I've seen were in q/kdb (like
       | with most things in that language, everything is as simple as
       | possible)
       | Imports work by simply calling `\l my_script.q` which is similar
       | to simply taking the file `my_script.q` and running it line by
       | line (iirc, it does so eagerly, so it reruns the entire file
       | whenever you do `\l my_script.q`, even if the file has been
       | loaded before, which may affect you state. By contrast, Python
       | `import` statements are no-ops if the module has already been
       | imported).
       | The main disadvantage is that you risk your imported script
       | overwriting your global variables. This is solved by following
       | the strong (unenforced) conversion that scripts should only
       | affect their own namespaces (which works by having the script
       | write declare \d .my_namespace at the top of the script)
       | I never found this system limiting and always appreciated its
       | simplicity - whenever things go wrong debugging is fairly easy.
       | What does Python gain by having a more sophisticated import
       | system?
         | btilly wrote:
         | Python avoids having to rerun the import over and over again.
         | Suppose that you are importing a larger project. Where your one
         | import (say of your standard database interface) pulls in a
         | group of modules (say one for each table in your database), all
         | of which import a couple of base libraries (to make your
         | database objects provide a common interface) that themselves
         | pull in common Python modules (like psychopg2) which themselves
         | do further imports of standard Python modules.
         | The combinatorial explosion of ways to get to those standard
         | Python modules would make the redundant work of parsing them
         | into a significant time commitment without a caching scheme.
         | From the point of view of a small script, this kind of design
         | may seem like overkill. But in a large project, it is both
         | reasonable and common.
           | AlphaSite wrote:
           | Yep. Rerunning things is how you end up with C/C++ style
           | headers and all the (performance and otherwise) problems
           | there in.
         | wizzwizz4 wrote:
         | Everything is an object, and it "just works" for most purposes.
         | (Not nearly as many as I would like, but still; it has
         | backwards-compatibility to consider, so I'll cut it some
         | slack.)
         | If you need to start installing your own user packages, you
         | need `pip` and then `venv` and then things get ugly, but for
         | the usual case where the sysadmin deals with all that (or
         | you're on Windows), it works quite well.
         | __float wrote:
         | Python imports aren't necessarily always importing Python
         | source code -- they can be pyc (bytecode) files, or C API
         | extensions, etc.
         | These are slightly more complicated than "load the script at
         | this path".
         | There's probably a more detailed answer, in that historically,
         | decisions were made that we're now stuck with. Python packages
         | can and sometimes intentionally have import-time side effects,
         | for example. They _must_ be only run once, without relying on
         | convention, or we break existing code.
       | [deleted]
       | GregJJ wrote:
       | Python import system is by far the worst one I dealt with. Using
       | Setup.py and regular or namespace packages, relative import,
       | having complex sub packages and cross importing, running a script
       | from somewhere inside one of your sub packages, and many more
       | craps like these. Import system must be intuitive and easy to
       | use!
         | CapmCrackaWaka wrote:
         | Yeah it really tripped me up as a beginner. I think the hardest
         | part to get used to was that the import syntax actually changes
         | based on how, and from where, you are running your code. So
         | depending on how you call your code, your imports might or
         | might not work. This is ESPECIALLY painful when you are
         | building a distribution. There is no syntax that works for all
         | situations, which seems like it would be pretty important for
         | an import system. I had to bookmark this tab, and still refer
         | to it often.
         | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14132789/relative-import...
         | t-writescode wrote:
         | ... have you tried Rails' autoloading? Especially when running
         | rake tasks?
       | grawprog wrote:
       | Years ago, I thought I'd try learning Python, I'd heard it was
       | supposed to be easy, good for beginners and everything. I read
       | one of those beginner Python type books and followed along with a
       | roguelike tutorial. Everything was going pretty alright, until I
       | started trying to split everything into different files and use
       | imports.
       | I ended up just giving up. I read programming in lua, and rewrote
       | my entire project in lua and actually finished it.
       | Some day I'd like to go back and maybe learn Python but I really
       | didn't enjoy my experience with it. I even found C headers easier
       | to figure out than Python imports.
         | toxik wrote:
         | Strange, Python's import is not very difficult to use.
           | 3pt14159 wrote:
           | It's on of those things people using Python for so long
           | forget about: Some people try to run individual files and cd
           | around the place. I never do that anymore. I have a test
           | suite and breakpoints and that's it. But before you've
           | learned those tools it feels natural to "run that file there"
           | and then say "oh hey why doesn't it work any more?"
           | grawprog wrote:
           | It was probably something I did. The original tutorial I
           | followed had everything in one file and didn't get into
           | anything about imports. I started splitting everything up
           | arbitrarily and started tossing imports into the files that
           | complained about missing dependencies and ended up getting
           | overwhelmed because nothing worked.
           | I'm sure if I'd taken the time to try and fix it I eventually
           | could have and at this point i've had more experience with a
           | bunch of different languages, so I'm sure it's not as bad as
           | I remember.
           | I imagine it's one of those cases where if i were to go back
           | and laugh about how stupid I was, but ya know, those first
           | impressions.
             | trulyme wrote:
             | No, your impression was right. Reading this blog post made
             | me realize how little I know about the python import system
             | (and I use python daily), and at the same time how little I
             | _want_ to learn it. It is completely unintuitive and
             | probably one of the worst aspects of otherwise beautiful
             | and useful language. Fortunately, sys.path hack works
             | reliably - one can just add that one line and imports work
             | as expected.
           | rcxdude wrote:
           | It has some wildly frustratingly unintuitive behaviours in
           | precisely the wrong place for beginners: in between having
           | everything in a single script and building a proper package,
           | especially when you are invoking your script with 'python
           | script.py' as opposed to say 'python -m scripts.script'.
       | roenxi wrote:
       | But _despite_ being terrible the Python import system is
       | remarkably easy to get started in. And generally easy for
       | beginners to work with (put all the code in the same folder or
       | "pip install").
       | There are some lessons here that other languages would do well to
       | learn. Trouble importing 3rd party libraries must be a kiss of
       | death for beginner engagement.
         | tasogare wrote:
         | No. Python is a language I have to use infrequently, but I give
         | up half of the time using a project found on GitHub because of
         | missing depencies, the need to install a package manager to
         | install another package manager to install dependencies, etc.
         | The other day I spent some times fixing a docker image that was
         | working fine few months ago but which was now failing because
         | some Python package install returned an error.
         | On the contrary, C projects tends to build with 3 commands and
         | C# (often way bigger) with a single command, and without having
         | to do magic things around "virtual environments".
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | I disagree too... you can't even refer to a file in the same
         | folder without using some magic (adding current folder to the
         | path), which is a huge barrier when starting.
         | awestroke wrote:
         | I disagree. I find it hard to get started in python. There are
         | loads of package managers, so I don't know which one to pick.
         | There are multiple different rules for for how imports work
         | with local files. The standard library is full of of functions
         | that one should not use any more, and you need to know which is
         | which. Defining a main entrypoint consists of checking a magic
         | __NAME__ constant.
         | You have internalised all these quirks, and know how to work
         | with/around them. Beginners haven't.
         | The_Colonel wrote:
         | I vividly remember the frustration when trying to make some
         | very simple application imports working. There's a couple of
         | gotchas, the biggest one being that you need to write imports
         | based on where you expect to run your applications from.
         | Perhaps obvious for experienced python devs, very much
         | surprising for newcomers.
         | And then I was quite shocked by the state of package managers
         | in python. You need to learn pip, venv (with references to
         | "virtualenv"), these are too low level, so you find pipenv,
         | which is unbelievably slow (installing a single dependency can
         | take 10 minutes), so you need to learn to use it with "--skip-
         | lock", but then you lose locking ...
         | I've never appreciated node's bundled "npm" so much before
         | which mostly "just works".
           | AlphaSite wrote:
           | Poetry is pretty great comparatively, since it handles both
           | dependencies, locking and virtual environments for you, but
           | it has slow resolution just like pip (since the new update),
           | pyenv, pipenv, etc.
       | johncena33 wrote:
       | I've been programming in Python professionally for more than five
       | years. I consider myself quite a good programmer. I still don't
       | have good grasp on Python's import system. Does anyone else have
       | similar experience?
         | jlund-molfese wrote:
         | I've only been writing Python for about a year, but I've found
         | it much harder to grasp how dependency resolution and imports
         | work than other languages I've picked up (JVM, Node, Go, C).
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | I thought not knowing that made me a noob.
         | isatty wrote:
         | The average python programmer does not really need to deal with
         | pythons import system that much (just be aware of how it does
         | its module loading and that you can conditionally do stuff
         | sometimes with __import__ etc). As someone who has messed
         | around with it a lot (dynamically loading/unloading modules,
         | modifying on the fly etc) I would NOT recommend doing that
         | stuff for anything in production.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | Same. Occasionally I will get into some sort of mess, learn how
         | it works under the hood enough to get myself out, and the
         | promptly forget everything.
         | And I think that's for the best. I'd much rather have a happy
         | path that I stay on than use some sort of dark magic that
         | nobody who comes after me will understand.
         | benrbray wrote:
         | When in doubt, put some more dots in front of your import
         | statements. Or remove them? Maybe I need an extra __init__.py
         | somewhere? Oh I'm importing from a subfolder, what do I need to
         | do to get that work again? I can't remember.
           | captaincaveman wrote:
           | This
         | fullstop wrote:
         | I sometimes fall into the trap of using pip to install
         | dependencies and then things break after an os update. That is,
         | my python version has changed from 3.8 to 3.9 and my
         | dependencies are sitting in the wrong directory. I never know
         | if I should use pip and requirements.txt or rely on Ubuntu's
         | packaged versions.
           | geofft wrote:
           | I used to have a rule of, never use pip and only use
           | Ubuntu's/Debian's packaged versions. That works pretty well
           | if you're happy with the packaged versions and you don't need
           | unpackaged libraries.
           | I now have the rule of, only ever use pip _inside a venv_. If
           | your venv is more than a little bit complex, write a
           | requirements.txt file so you can generate it. So it 's
           | something like                   $ cat > requirements.txt <<
           | EOF         tensorflow         Django==3.2.5
           | cryptography         EOF         $ echo venv > .gitignore
           | $ python3 -m venv venv         $ venv/bin/pip install -r
           | requirements.txt         $ venv/bin/python
           | or, if you prefer,                   $ . venv/bin/activate
           | (venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt         (venv)$
           | python
           | Then when your Python version changes, or you get confused
           | about what's installed, or whatever, you can just blow away
           | the entire venv and recreate it:                   $ rm -r
           | venv         $ python3 -m venv venv         $ venv/bin/pip
           | install -r requirements.txt
           | and you're in a known-good place.
           | Either of these rules works fine. The thing that works poorly
           | is using pip install outside of a venv (with or without
           | root).
             | trulyme wrote:
             | For me the rule is to always use pipenv locally and pip +
             | requirements.txt (generated by pipenv) for production (in
             | docker container usually). No complaints.
         | skindoe wrote:
         | If you dig into importlib and try to write extensions for it
         | then the underlying concepts of modules and packages will make
         | a lot more sense.
         | For a project I was working on where you could dynamically call
         | distributed tasks (we we're using ecs) I added a subclass of
         | module and package that dynamically created package structures
         | and modules from a database call.
         | So the new modules and packages would load from the database
         | instead of from a python file and python the class would be
         | dynamically generated to be something like albiet more
         | advanced.
         | Class MyDistributedTask: Def run(self, input,
         | execution_engine=ecs): Run task
         | So users of our package could import directly import their
         | package_name.TaskName
         | And run it directly as long as they imported our package which
         | contained a custom module loader to our db to discover.
         | Learned a ton about importing.
         | abledon wrote:
         | same! I've always been shielded from it with Django's
         | conventions. (the ecosystem I mainly work in). I used a lot of
         | '.' and '..' imports but I think something changed in python3
         | that made that strategy a lot less forgiving... now I _really_
         | should read the entirety of this article!
           | BozeWolf wrote:
           | Always use absolute imports, do not use relative imports.
           | Solves most problems. Also is recommended by pep8.
           | Skip the relative imports in the article. No need to read it
           | entirely anymore ;-)
         | brilee wrote:
         | I'm a python readability approver at Google and I don't
         | understand how the import system works
           | trulyme wrote:
           | Interesting... If someone wants to know more about what a
           | readability approver does:
           | https://www.pullrequest.com/blog/google-code-review-
           | readabil...
           | joshuamorton wrote:
           | To be fair, Google's python avoids ~99% of the complexity of
           | Python's import system by making all imports absolute and
           | doing most things through blaze/bazel.
       | MeteorMarc wrote:
       | Python importing quirks can be time consuming. Things beginners
       | will encounter:
       | - three modules cannot depend on each other in a circular way
       | - relative imports are fragile ("module not found")
       | - the __all__ definitions in the __init__ file make modules
       | available under different full names
       | - how to reload a module in a jupyter notebook if edited
       | and so on.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > three modules cannot depend on each other in a circular way
         | What would the purpose of circular modules like this be? You
         | may as well collapse into a single module and the situation
         | would not be any different would it?
           | btilly wrote:
           | _What would the purpose of circular modules like this be? You
           | may as well collapse into a single module and the situation
           | would not be any different would it?_
           | What is the purpose of modules? You may as well collapse into
           | a single script and the situation would not be any different,
           | would it?
           | I'm not being facetious here. The answer to the second is the
           | answer to the first.
           | A common example might go like this. You have a module for
           | each kind of thing you have in the database. But now if
           | someone loads a Company, they need to get to Employees. And
           | if someone loads Employee they need to get to Accounting for
           | the salary, payments, etc. And Accounting needs to be able to
           | get to Company.
           | Those are all large and complicated enough that it makes
           | sense to make them modules. But you just created a circular
           | dependency!
           | The standard solution is to load a base library that loads
           | all kinds of objects so they all can assume that all the
           | others already exist and don't need a circular dependency.
           | But of course someone won't like wasting all that memory for
           | things you don't need and ...
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | > What is the purpose of modules?
             | So parts of the system can be managed independently.
             | > The answer to the second is the answer to the first.
             | Clearly not - since circular modules cannot be managed
             | independently!
               | wpietri wrote:
               | To me the purpose of models is to help humans manage
               | code. Our brains don't hold much at once, so the more we
               | can forget about in a given circumstance, the easier it
               | is. So I think btilly is correct: the reason I want
               | modules, ignoring things I don't care about, is the same
               | reason I want them to deal reasonably with circular
               | references.
               | btilly wrote:
               | Exactly.
               | In the example that I gave, the design described will
               | handle complex edge cases such as a part time employee
               | working for multiple companies. And will do so without
               | programmers having to think through the whole system at
               | all points.
               | Independence of modules has no importance in a codebase
               | that ships as a whole. But modularity does.
             | [deleted]
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > But you just created a circular dependency!
             | Only if those things not only need to be able to "get to"
             | each other, but also need to know, at compile time, about
             | the concrete implementation of the others.
             | That's _possible_ to be a real need, but its also something
             | that often happens because of excessive and unnecessary
             | coupling.
               | btilly wrote:
               | The coupling that I described needs to be in the software
               | because it exists in the real world that the software is
               | trying to describe.
               | However your "compile time" point is important. There is
               | another solution, which is to implement lazy loading of
               | those classes.
               | So you put your import in the method of each that needs
               | to know the other. This breaks the circular dependency
               | and needs more up front memory. However it can also
               | become a maintenance issue where a forgotten import in
               | one function is masked by a successful import in another,
               | until something changes the call and previously working
               | code mysteriously goes boom.
               | It's all tradeoffs.
           | lp251 wrote:
           | Suppose you have two classes, A and B. They are sufficiently
           | complex to merit their own modules.
           | Suppose you have some method of A which does something
           | special if it gets an instance of B, and vice versa. Now you
           | have a circular import problem; glhf
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | > Now you have a circular import problem; glhf
             | But why not collapse into a single module at this point if
             | you can't avoid dependency? What are the separate modules
             | adding at this stage forward?
               | lp251 wrote:
               | You can, but sometimes it's not ideal.
               | I ran into this when A and B had many derived classes. I
               | wanted to put A and it's derived classes in one module,
               | and B and it's derived classes in another. It was messy.
               | I wound up putting A and B in a single module and having
               | a separate one for the derived classes. Not ideal.
               | nemetroid wrote:
               | It _does_ sound ideal to me, or at least better than the
               | initial proposal.
               | A and B both need to know about the other's base
               | definition, neither cares about the details about the
               | other's derived classes. Splitting it into three modules
               | shares as little surface area as possible.
             | yongjik wrote:
             | IMHO that's code smell. Modules shouldn't depend on each
             | other, because that creates a web of tangled dependency
             | where you have to understand _everything_ before you can
             | understand one of them. Circular dependency is to modules
             | what goto is to control flow.
             | Besides, if you are in a "well, fuck it, deadline is
             | tomorrow" mode, you can always do something horrible like:
             | if 'classB' in type(obj).__name__: ...
               | linspace wrote:
               | I think bad code gives raise to more dependencies in
               | general and so circular dependencies.
               | But the truth is sometimes it has happened to me and the
               | only solution I found was creating an small module with
               | maybe one or two functions which is not exactly ideal.
             | 0xC0ncord wrote:
             | I generally solve this problem by having a module
             | specifically containing the abstract base classes of each
             | of the classes I will be working with that implements
             | either no or bare minimum functionality for these objects.
             | That way, any other module can import this module and have
             | visibility of every other class I will be working with.
             | scbrg wrote:
             | Won't this work just fine if you instead of writing:
             | from a import A
             | write                 import a
             | and in the code (which is presumably not at module level)
             | check against                 isinstance(obj, a.A)
             | ?
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > Suppose you have some method of A which does something
             | special if it gets an instance of B.
             | While that's in rare circumstances the right thing to do,
             | it's mostly an anti-pattern--you should be taking an object
             | supporting a protocol, with the behavior difference
             | depending on a field or method of (or actually implemented
             | in a method of) that protocol. If you do that, you don't
             | create a dependency on a concrete class that happens to
             | require the special behavior.
           | perlgeek wrote:
           | A Customer has a BillingContact, which references a Person,
           | which has primary Customer.
           | Boom, circular dependency.
           | Happens in basically all corporate code bases that grow over
           | the years, with varying path lengths.
           | Throwing all potentially circular types into one big module
           | isn't a great solution.
           | (In practice, we tend to rely on run-time imports to make it
           | work. Not really great, but better than throwing several 10k
           | or 100k lines of code into a single module).
             | [deleted]
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | I guess I don't get why so you want to use separate modules
             | if you aren't getting the benefits of modularisation?
               | perlgeek wrote:
               | I still get _some_ benefits of modularisation, even if
               | there are some cross-dependencies.
           | gchamonlive wrote:
           | I don't think purposeful circular dependency, but you can end
           | up with circular imports after refactoring for instance.
           | The common approach to solving this is pulling everything
           | that is used by all the modules into leaf libraries,
           | effectively creating a directed acyclic graph, but this is
           | not obvious nor easy to do the first time.
           | jvolkman wrote:
           | In my experience they creep in over time as the system grows.
           | Coupling between parts of the system that was previously
           | unnecessary is added, and the cycles form.
           | BurningFrog wrote:
           | The purpose is you want to use code in other modules.
           | If you keep doing that for a while, a circular dependency
           | will happen.
           | This is the dumbest thing thing in Python. All other
           | languages I know have solved it.
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | > The purpose is you want to use code in other modules.
             | So put them in the same module? Circular modules don't give
             | you the benefits of modules, do they? Not an expert in
             | modularity.
               | BurningFrog wrote:
               | Putting all your code in one file does indeed solve all
               | import problems, but creates far bigger ones.
               | In case you didn't know, each source code file is a
               | module in Python.
           | nemetroid wrote:
           | In my experience, typically a codebase that has grown
           | organically in a different direction than the original
           | design, and where the cost of refactoring is not deemed worth
           | it.
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | I'm always amazed just how tolerant javascript's import system
         | is when I have circular imports. I guess maybe because it
         | doesn't care about modules and just cares about specific
         | elements that are being imported/exported.
         | When I do have a nasty circular dependency Webpack usually does
         | a bad job telling me what's wrong.
         | Though I should still treat circular imports as, at the very
         | least, an organization code smell.
           | zarzavat wrote:
           | Circular imports in JS are fine and not a code smell, for
           | instance in typescript you may have two classes that
           | reference each other's types - obviously this is not a real
           | import from JS's perspective but the point is that you should
           | not have to care whether it is real or not. That's a world we
           | don't want to live in.
           | Circular imports are only ever a problem when you have code
           | running when the module loads. Then you run into module load
           | ordering issues. So avoid any side effects on module load and
           | make all setup explicit.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | Circular imports in JS matter when the imported code is being
           | called immediately at import time. If a file defines
           | functions that _later_ call functions from another file (and
           | vice-versa), but those symbols will be populated before the
           | function actually gets called, there 's no problem
             | Waterluvian wrote:
             | Yeah. It's so flexible. I get frustrated at Python (Django)
             | serializers that legitimately need to depend on each other.
             | And the answer on the forums is to create a near duplicate
             | class.
               | nyrikki wrote:
               | JavaScript does not provide namespaces by default which
               | allows this.
               | Python is built upon namespaces and cycles in
               | dependencies, either viewed as graph theory or kSAT
               | introduce that fun NP-complete problem of version hell.
               | Using `need` in Javascript maintains the directed acyclic
               | graph structure, but if you get fancy you will run into
               | the same problems with circular depends in Python.
               | Karp's 21 and/or SAT will catch up with you at some point
               | if you don't respect the constraints that make the
               | problem tractable.
               | Note I am not saying I prefer or like pythons
               | choices...but that they had to make one.
           | BadInformatics wrote:
           | IIRC an explicit design goal was to enable circular deps
           | (hence why imported bindings are considered "live". It's
           | interesting to see this works in practice though, I've never
           | tried using them myself.
         | maxnoe wrote:
         | > __all__
         | No it doesn't. __all__ just defines which objects are imported
         | when doing a star import.
         | nooorofe wrote:
         | probably, you may add to the list
         | - understand difference between Python in IDE and Python in
         | shell
         | So many times people do `pip install <>` and still not able to
         | use in IDE
         | blooalien wrote:
         | I usually deal with this by defining a cell with the actual
         | contents of the class/module code so that I can just re-execute
         | that cell any time I make changes to it. Then I simply
         | copy/paste all the code back into the module.py file once I'm
         | done tweaking it and playing with it. Thus for me Jupyter sort
         | of operates as almost an IDE of sorts.
       | AdrianoKF wrote:
       | One interesting use case of overwriting `builtins.__import__`
       | I've encountered was the automatic hooking by ClearML [0]
       | (experiment tracking, ...) into all sorts of common libraries
       | like Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Pytorch, and friends.
       | The implementation is surprisingly straightforward, once you've
       | come to terms with the basic idea, see [1] and the rest of the
       | `clearml.binding` package.
       | [0]: https://clear.ml [1]:
       | https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/clearml/bin...
       | simonw wrote:
       | This is great: I'm learning so much reading this.
       | It lead me to read the source of the Python "types" standard
       | library module, which really does just create a bunch of
       | different Python objects and then use type() to extract their
       | types: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.9.6/Lib/types.py
       | Some examples from that file:                   async def _ag():
       | yield         _ag = _ag()         AsyncGeneratorType = type(_ag)
       | class _C:             def _m(self): pass         MethodType =
       | type(_C()._m)              BuiltinFunctionType = type(len)
       | BuiltinMethodType = type([].append)     # Same as
       | BuiltinFunctionType
       | hirowan wrote:
       | I'm just grateful I'm not a core Python dev after reading this
       | thread. I've never seen so much negativity concentrated in one
       | place in quite some time, for a feature of a programming language
       | which is fairly innocuous.
         | ledauphin wrote:
         | Python is the language everyone at HN loves to hate. One
         | presumes it has something to do with the fact that it's Y
         | Combinator's recommendation for most startups.
         | ASalazarMX wrote:
         | I love Python, but to be fair, the dependency/import system has
         | not aged well, and the various projects trying to fix it are
         | proof of that.
         | [deleted]
       | jvolkman wrote:
       | My least favorite is that import ordering matters in some
       | situations. Like if I just run "organize imports", all of a
       | sudden dependency cycles pop up and everything is broken.
       | Certainly a sign of things being misimported/misorganized, but
       | stuff happens has systems grow fast. And solving these issues is
       | always incredibly time consuming.
       | Unless anyone knows of magical tools to help solve import issues?
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | > Unless anyone knows of magical tools to help solve import
         | issues?
         | Topological sorting? Always wondered why programming languages
         | can't do what package managers do.
           | sltkr wrote:
           | The breakage described can only occur if there are dependency
           | cycles, so topological sorting can't fix it. If there are no
           | cycles, then the order of imports doesn't matter.
           |  _edit_ : Actually I'm not even sure what kind of error we're
           | talking about here. If two modules import each other and they
           | both need access to the other's contents upon initialization,
           | there is no ordering that will work. And if at most one needs
           | access to the other, it will always work, no matter in which
           | order they are imported. So I don't really know what the OP
           | was talking about.
         | colonwqbang wrote:
         | Yes, it is unfortunate. Loading modules can have side effects
         | as the loaded module is allowed to execute arbitrary code at
         | load time. This is also a source of ordering issues.
         | Maybe some think this is only a theoretical problem and doesn't
         | happen with "well-written" libraries. Well, here is one example
         | which bit me in the past:
         | https://stackoverflow.com/a/4706614/767442
       | matheusmoreira wrote:
       | It's certainly a lot better than Ruby's require which just
       | executes code and alters global virtual machine state. Not too
       | different from C's #include.
       | My favorite is Javascript's. Modules are objects containing
       | functions and data, require returns such objects. Simple,
       | elegant. Completely reifies the behind-the-scenes complexity of
       | Python's import, making it easily understandable.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | Though that's not how JS's new module system works, which I
         | would say is also elegant in its own ways, but juggling two
         | different systems is less so
         | osmarks wrote:
         | Lua does the same thing as JS. It's basically "dofile" with
         | some indirection and extra path resolution logic.
       | sillysaurusx wrote:
       | Fun fact: you can overload the Python import system to work with
       | _other languages_ that _you create_.
       | I use this for my Python-based Lisp:
       | https://github.com/shawwn/pymen/blob/ml/importer.py
       | import foo
       | checks for "foo.l", and if found, compiles it to foo.py on the
       | fly and imports _that_ instead.
       | It's so cursed. I love it.
         | catlifeonmars wrote:
         | NodeJS allows this as well. I think this is pretty much a must-
         | have feature for any serious dynamic language.
         | Edit: A must have for any prolific dynamic language. But now
         | I'm not sure that's true, because even though it apparently
         | works in Python, it's certainly not widely used. In NodeJS this
         | feature is used quite heavily for typescript, coffeescript
         | (etcetera) interop.
           | aasasd wrote:
           | It's pretty much the exact feature that's behind the saying
           | that 'to parse Perl you must have the Perl interpreter'.
           | Because Perl allows some kind of language/imports handlers,
           | as exhibited by tricks like Lingua::Romana::Perligata.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > But now I'm not sure that's true, because even though it
           | apparently works in Python, it's certainly not widely used.
           | I mean, it is used--even in the standard library--but often
           | for alternative packaging (e.g., loading python modules in
           | zip files) rather than alternative languages. It may be used
           | less prominently than in Node, but it definitely is used for
           | a variety of things.
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | A master of the dark arts I presume.
         | bloopernova wrote:
         | Can I just say that the introduction to Lisp you made in your
         | README.md is really good!
         | I keep trying to get into Lisp (and JavaScript, and TypeScript,
         | etc etc) but I've been a sysadmin my whole professional life
         | and also a chronic pain sufferer. That translates into mostly
         | having energy only for work and that's it, not much motivation
         | to learn after work or on the weekend.
         | In my DevOps job, I write Terraform, plus read javascript and
         | cloudformation yaml. I do wish I could convert my current stuff
         | to AWS CDK, but I don't want to fragment the multiple projects
         | that are using Terraform. (I haven't looked into tf-cdk much at
         | all yet)
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | Not mine! That was all Scott Bell. It's forked from Lumen:
           | https://github.com/sctb/lumen
           | But, I did make an interactive tutorial here:
           | https://docs.ycombinator.lol/
           | If you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to answer.
           | This stuff is pure fun mixed with a shot of professionalism.
           | For what it's worth, as someone with narcolepsy, I relate
           | quite a lot to your chronic pain.
           | (https://twitter.com/theshawwn/status/1392213804684038150)
           | For me, it mostly translated into wandering aimlessly from
           | job to job, since I thought no one would have me. I hope that
           | you find your way -- there's nothing wrong at all with taking
           | it slow and spending years on something that takes others a
           | few months. Everyone is different, and it's all about the
           | fun.
             | markrages wrote:
             | Does "-5e4" really evaluate to "-5000" in this language?
               | sillysaurusx wrote:
               | Hah! Good catch! That readme typo has been in there since
               | Lumen's inception.
               | It evaluates to -500000, as you'd expect.
               | (Just kidding, it's -50000. Amusingly, the
               | https://docs.ycombinator.lol version gets it right, since
               | it has to; every expression is actually evaluated in the
               | browser.)
             | mh- wrote:
             | Thanks for sharing this. I didn't expect to read that whole
             | gist but I did and I'm glad I did. Happy for you.
         | gilch wrote:
         | Hylang also does this. Macropy too.
         | andrewaylett wrote:
         | Lots of things you _can_ do with Python but probably shouldn 't
         | and people typically don't. That's one reason I prefer it to
         | Ruby, or even Node, where monkey-patching or otherwise exposing
         | bad magical behaviours is common and even encouraged -- the
         | power is all there, but the ecosystem encourages you to use it
         | for good, not evil.
         | This sounds very much like the good kind of magic, though.
         | th0ma5 wrote:
         | JPype does this for importing Java classes.
         | Fordec wrote:
         | Wait, what?
         | > that you create
         | As in existing language supplied eg. Perl, Java, etc., or
         | _literally_ anything? Like bootstrapping your own home made
         | language from scratch?
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | Literally anything. 'Tis a homemade homegrown lisp, grown by
           | Scott Bell for several years till I took it all for myself.
           | Nom nom.
           | It starts with reader.l:
           | https://github.com/shawwn/pymen/blob/ml/reader.l where the
           | raw character stream is turned into a bunch of nested arrays.
           | E.g. (+ 1 2) becomes ["+", 1, 2]
           | Then it's punted over to compiler.l
           | https://github.com/shawwn/pymen/blob/ml/compiler.l where it's
           | passed through `expand`, which does a `macroexpand` followed
           | by a `lower`. E.g. (do (do (do (print 'hi)))) becomes
           | ["print", "\"hi\""]
           | Then the final thing is thrown to the compile function, which
           | spits out print("hi") -- the final valid Python code that
           | gets passed into the standard python `exec` function.
           | Works with all the standard python things, like async
           | functions and `with` contexts. Been screwing around with it
           | for a few years.
             | Fordec wrote:
             | That's absolutely disgusting. But in a Web Assembly sort of
             | way... I don't know whether to spit on it or give it a
             | medal.
           | masklinn wrote:
           | > As in existing language supplied eg. Perl, Java, etc., or
           | literally anything? Like bootstrapping your own home made
           | language from scratch?
           | Should work with anything as long as you can ultimately
           | generate Python bytecode (and provide a module object). The
           | import system is not simple, but it's really open.
           | aasasd wrote:
           | If the import system allows your code to run instead of the
           | 'import' statement, and to produce the module however you
           | want, then of course you can do whatever: load code from
           | Google or StackOverflow results, if you wish.
         | amelius wrote:
         | You mean that you can override the import mechanism, which
         | means that it allows you to do just about anything, including
         | making it work with other languages.
         | That doesn't sound cursed to me, just flexible.
           | cobbal wrote:
           | What's flexible for a dynamic scripting language is often
           | cursed from a static perspective. Knowing what imports
           | resolve to statically can be nice.
         | dheera wrote:
         | I don't get it. Where do you define which Lisp-to-Python
         | translator to use? It certainly doesn't seem to know on its
         | own.                   $ touch foo.l         $ python3
         | >>> import foo         ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
         | 'foo'
           | petters wrote:
           | I'm guessing something else needs to be imported first.
           | sillysaurusx wrote:
           | Close!                 git clone
           | https://github.com/shawwn/pymen -b ml       cd pymen
           | touch foo.l       bin/pymen       (import foo)
           | It's a bit of a WIP (notice this is on the `ml` branch, not
           | mainline), but it does work. >:)
           | You need nodejs to be installed too, ha.
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