[HN Gopher] "We do not plan to publish the AWS CLI project to Py...
       "We do not plan to publish the AWS CLI project to PyPI at this
       Author : lambdadmitry
       Score  : 23 points
       Date   : 2021-07-29 20:59 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | nixpulvis wrote:
       | It's comical to me how poor packaging solutions are across
       | distributions and languages. It's all just namespace management
       | at slightly different levels.
       | Can anyone give me one good reason a programming language should
       | bother with dependency management?
       | Nix has the right idea, but the execution is spotty and poorly
       | documented IMO. Not to mention they have a serious problem with
       | package naming, which strikes me as a glaring issue.
         | nixpulvis wrote:
         | I'll start.
         | A programming language with the ability to dispatch on version
         | could be very interesting, and possibly allow for safer
         | upgrades on a per function basis.
         | Still it feels like this should be part of an interface between
         | a PL and some other set of packaging options. A convention for
         | where to place libraries (with versions) like /lib is basically
         | the solution. But I guess the various communities don't really
         | want to get into a turf war, so maybe it's /lib/ruby and
         | /lib/python in addition to the rest?
           | CamTin wrote:
           | Perl almost does this. Various CPAN packages have different
           | "use" lines where they can declare themselves to be written
           | in a particular version. These can all live together on an
           | interpreter recent enough to know all the dialects. This is
           | at the module level, rather than the function level though.
             | nixpulvis wrote:
             | I'm imagining something like `foo@v2.3.1(x)`. Of course,
             | `foo(x)` would still work, but it would probably just
             | choose the top version, like how things generally work
             | today. Integrate with signed VCS and call it a day.
       | enneff wrote:
       | The final response from the team at Amazon is incredibly gracious
       | considering how condescending and entitled almost all the other
       | comments are. Please don't be like those commenters.
       | notatoad wrote:
       | seems pretty reasonable, if you want an AWS python package that's
       | distributed through pip, boto exists. but there's no reason for
       | CLI tools that are not python libaries to be distributed through
       | pip.
       | and as one of the commenters on the bug mentions, if you really
       | want to install the aws cli through pip, that works because pip
       | will happily install the git repo url.
         | floatboth wrote:
         | How about "that's what many users want"? Why is that not a
         | reason?
           | notatoad wrote:
           | pip is not a general operating system package manager, it's a
           | python package manager. despite many users wanting it,
           | distributing random packages which may or may not be python-
           | based is not what pip is for, and clearly not what the aws-
           | cli team wants to use pip for.
           | just because a customer wants something, doesn't mean it's a
           | reasonable request. i'm sure there are plenty of people who
           | would also like to install the official aws-cli through
           | cargo, gem, or npm.
       | gurchik wrote:
       | I understand the argument that they might not want to stay on
       | Python so they want to get people used to downloading from their
       | zip instead of PyPi. But why not provide an rpm or deb? I don't
       | understand why the only two official options are PyPi or
       | downloading a zip and running the installer.
         | lazypenguin wrote:
         | The last comment from Amazon before they locked the thread
         | mentions they are putting together more packaging options.
           | notatoad wrote:
           | @joguSD's second comment, preceding most of the discussion,
           | also mentions that they're looking to get it into brew and
           | linux package managers
           | gurchik wrote:
           | You're right, I missed that, thanks.
         | [deleted]
       | nyanpasu64 wrote:
       | Could unrelated third parties republish the code (unmodified or
       | with injected malware) to PyPI without the permission of Amazon?
         | floatingatoll wrote:
         | Not without forking it under a new name, assuming its license
         | allows that.
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | 1.20.x is there: https://pypi.org/project/awscli/
       | Anyway, i can just                 pipx install
       | git+https://github.com/aws/aws-cli@2.2.24
       | and keep moving. Whatever.
       (page generated 2021-07-29 23:00 UTC)